IIQQ wn HI: 90 am .. -_ MUSIC MAUDE E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. H can: er Piano am; v.-.--I pnnn1D"1'1`Jri,b`, SOLICITORS, ET! Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. MONEYV TO LOAN } ,,, RADENHURST & HAMMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Temnle Bllilina no-w-an . UUNALD ROSS, ,LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY TO LOAN ,_, %_j__--_j._:--_-- nns. LITTLE &. `LlTTL_E icians and Surnnnnn ----- , DR. E. G. TURNBULL lte McGil1 Univm-ea+-- 1M , -O. R. RUSK, OPH.D. ramined '3'--~ DONALD R ` RRIs'rmn .qn?rSu%nal7\".9B:.~ Dr. Info --an Vy. H. {ned Glasses Fitted ze .Canadian Ophthalmic 2olleg'e, Toronto. h. St.) Rnrrln 'r- ` ` I-u \Jn ILJl`I`uUI-L [cGil1 University, Montreal. Residence-Cor. Elizabeth. rd Sts., Barrie. Phone 105. Office hours. .111 1-9 -~--~ " ~ OPTICAL MEDICAL cl uu music. Iarrie Ci_tizensLBand or of Music Christie St. D.S.C.R., bandmaster 1., bandmaster of 76th h Regt. w. A.`LL=.wIs d Diseases of Women ron-er County of Simcoe --and- Vty. WILSON D Tnrnnrn *rr..:......_:L_- . rl. VVlI.UN Toronto University Office-58 Collier St. , 12.30-2 and R 2n_s2 .. m a'-'1.l. a.m. to 5 pm Toronto, North 326 ' ----___-.-.-.--.-j , noN'1 I UIAIE p.m., .7-8 p.m. __..--j-fV----1--_:.j \4\4\.cAAI...y UL Q1u.lUUU.| nce--Corner Toronto I \ opp. Central Church til 10.30 a.m., and 1; ).m. Phone 167; i __-:n .V.l:u.l'4'1`S ~ Land Surveyor P one 629 :1-||yr\I-I- I K Sounty of Simcoe. (>___(`nr-n cm rhnnnu 4 ,uu::--00 ueuler St. 0-2 and 6.30-8 p.m. __.._.______.. or Nunsss `ON, and Vocal I rnn fn (`nun 41-..--. `St, Barrie. P.O. Box 1078 ----.----3--:-- `t., Barri Phone 80 L1, and W. D. MINNIKIN Funeral Director and Em Ambula.nc'e;Se1-vice - Mnfnr in"! 11.... 15---: 1 amnumnceervice `_Ph ' Motor and Horse Equipme [Con Mary and Elizabeth Sts., aualllltlllllcf OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 47 Elisabet]: St. : Phone 218} ,- -___. -... -- .ue pream of Quality Sold by JAMES WRIGHT & SON, holesale Ice Cream Dealers. Lakeview Dairy, 185 Dunlap St. All orders promptly attended to. Office phone 226. Res. phone 925W. Our Mason. "n--J'- " USE DAVlE S CREAM Oice: 46 Bayeld 51., Barrie. P. O. Box 1011. Q \n.rlll\I. COLLECTORS Orangeville and Owen Owen Sound Offices: 169 1 .D`FnI`n`rIna Gt---"~-- ` o Sideline. Nothing too old, srpall, large or; hard for us to tackle. 34 years experience. N0 COLLECTION--N0 CHARGE VD! I X) n A any---2 Our list affords you wide choice of a home and you can buy one on your terms. Partridge & Gilroy Exclusive Real Estate Agents ._------.-n If it is Real Estate, we have it. SEE US BEFORE V25 . '9Y.9R 55- Phones: 7O""ice 861, residences 864W or 1071.]. ' P. C. LLOYD Funeral Pifector and Some Good Houses For Rent RENTS COLLECTED We rvvcu DUUIIU UI Reference--S 52 Elizabeth St. : Guaranteed to heat. Backed by C_anada s largest i urnacebuilders. Installed on principles laid down by Canada's leading heating engineers. Z 0'!!! Hot Watr Heating and PLUMBING ,_ v_-- :12 Agent for McClai`y s Furnaces. FIRE m_1__s_U_1gANcf f`l'\IlI\ A xv V `_`\,_.-l `U Dr]. A KELLY&AIKEN f`('\T T Ifirnnnn g;oq_.m;1*1oNs Handle Collections Only-- No Sideline. 3110 4-1. .11 _..--H ` Dunlop at Mulcaster Phone 31. ,,. ----`A184 COMPANIES OF THE HIGHEST STANDING and tried to r. ;. _;2gcHARns Mtt0:~v.a.' puun Q`lnlig e 32;) y Fa... --0 uaulual` Canada. _.--- Va 5 \JLULJ 2 Sound 9th St. E -Standard Bank of Canada TRY Embalmer _.....v---u--vi 1- `Phone 431 Equipmen I.-LI_ A. - t. Phone 952W 3., Barrio ul--g (H -_it___lI rvurulll-61"? 1 A rrasp. and a quick, startled glanceli that bore the full, concentrated burden 1 of his woe: then. with his eves closed 1 and his chin resting on his bosom, I, down which his tears coursed steadily, ,1 Jim suffered himself to be led stum-1; blinz along by the unkempt hobo, whose general appearance of disrepuf- , ( ability had been increased by the inner (' and outer physical strains and wear of the night. An unimpeded view of the town.` `standing washed and uncinthed in the earlv morning` light. zuided Bob in his zreneral approach: but it took nearly an '1 hour of steady walking before thejv had a drawn close enough for him to pick out 15 .Tim's cottage from the vruzue decollect- 1; we picture he had of it in the darkness. 1; co bined witha ne instinct for dir- ecti ns `and places. Soon he had g brought the weeping. unseeing Jim to n his very front door. A thin wail lter- 1; ing out from inside repulsed Jim from the doorstep as effectuallv as a blow h from a door slammed in his face. `I No-no-" he sobbed, I m not_going a1 i.n---T don't ever want to see--to touch ___i t__'__" '7` "`But there are certain thinsrds---to be done---" Bnb paused vdublously: then, `like a gentle prod to bend the grief- mlinded in a low and humbly sympath- etic tone. "You cannot leave her--to strangers." glance that `full. concentrated Im...:.... I Lun|.--' -IIIHKV EH61` Was 0h0`.{(`( rage against the baby who had t" . 1'81! . \'u,v m ms reet, then put his hands un- "Come. let's go back! der Jim's arms and drew him erect. ll No! No!" half stagereHt19.*. half, *wrenchim2: away. I can t-I can't--~I1 don't want to go down-ther=-~to `see; thnt--" Jim's grief choked ivith_ rage babv whn mm ...........s. ucr JIIIIS FIPYTIS 3.11 ha thnt--" .Tfm'a aw-1: anew emotions: his unlnosed misery was `swift, `torrential. "I thanked you for Isaving`me for the happiest event in; My Dearest s 1ife-and--anVd--what you really did save me for--was hell-- For many minutes, while the davlisrht came, there was no sound on this lonely; arm: but -the raging grief of the one man and the labored bresthinxx of the wearied other. Presently Bob crnt hea- . vil,v to his feet, then put his un-] `arms angi drew I HfV.\.....- -Al- mun-seu was passed, for this time at} least. 1 "Why didn't you let me jump? Why` didn't you let the Limited hit that boul- der last night?" Snbs melted away the`, last barriers of the embareeon his emotions: _sWift. torrential "1' n.....1.,..a ...... n-.- au`u.ulUu EYES. ' Oh, why. why didn't you let me' jump--" Jim wept, and Bob saw in the` general relaxation that brought the p:t. relaxation that tears that the danger of his destroying himself was passed, for time at I 1 null) 11: a storm/or sobs. Bob, with a gasp of relief, let his; hands slip from Jim's body and relax- [ ed; at on his back. panting and star- ing up affectionately fnto Jim's unve- strained eyes. ' r\h uvku .1... .1.t_1__u - - ul Lne (mm mat held back Jim's gr1ef.[ for after one vicious blow which almost grazed Bob's head Jim suddenly went limp in a storm/of sobs. Bob. wlfh 1:: Guam .-.41 ....u..a 1-. . . cuiuuuns struggling to escape; Bob] was husky. but weak with the exhaus-| tion of twenty-four hours of ceaseless activity. Jim's ght, though in his frenzy he did not know it or realize at all what he was doing, was really with himself--his own stemmed agonies--- rather than with his physical adver-- snry. It [made him a more dangerous zrhter, because he was so intent upon jerking: free and carrying: out his in- tent to throw himself to destruction on the jagged crater oor below, that he: stopped at nothing. He tried to roll! OVGI` On B01). thh tn nrnuln lnlrn r\v\ 41,... - nea 1 nvnn `u \V lul` caused ... _yuul,' eyes sometimes when we've been walking and I ve caught you star- ing off to the horizon, I know they've ' got a powerful drag for you; and that's made me appreciate what it cost you to stay her-e--to help me-" Your chance." said Bob`; handing him the rusty penknife, I missed. It's `backies for you this time--you re two ahead of me!" Jim was not to be distracted. You're made for that sort of thing," he con-I _ You probably haven't forgotten, .Bob," said Jim one` day about three weeks after his wife's funeral. that I told you I was going away. with you-- *on the road. anvwhere. 1-`-.v=rvurhm~o_._: I v-urn un_u Iv. ' I ...... Irv a VA. sun A.a.I.ucl. a aguuy. I With quick, hungry tenderness he! " lifted the baby into his thin arms, then} turned and looked at Bob strea.mlngly.i Lnn1(n.._'h-m+.._llLvn I-n`.-.. nan:-I....`.. n I.-. ...... ..-.u an-u uauxxcu at DUI) au'uu.uungly. Looks-just-like his mother," hes ;sobbed proudly. I ` uuuauu. " Great shivers shook Jim as he step- } ped unsteadily to Mrs. O'Leary and, bending over the infant; tried to see its, .face, wh ch was thus baptized in the clean te s of his fafhers agony. ' ran-. .....a...1. 1............-. -_:-W J, ......... \v\a5.yV-450] uluacuy ' I Bob quickly lifted the picture from` ,the mantel and held it close to Jim,! It who made a loving but futile effort to! see it through his film of tears. Look at this pioture, Jim-then look` at that baby!" Hob counselled gently, gagain prompted somehow by an inner Ifancy that he could not understand himself. 3 flunn .-.Ll........_ ...L--1_ 71,, It was a. queer scene in that little room, hallowed by the ancient sacrice `that had been made by the one now; In-:1` au.uruu:c. ' I ;no longer warm with life--with the~ `shabby and unshaven hobo, a wander- I er on life's fringes, dominating a home- My little everyday tragedy. `D.-.k nuI..I.I.. 1104.-.: 4.1.- _..I_L__,,_ .. . -- - "-?j?--:-- I About the---kid- he be,<.;"nn humbly, in -(1 lo\v monotone, avoiding` with theg instinctive psyc:11ol0;:,'y of man to man; . Q0mfortir'1g any direct or inuencingi 1 look at Jim or any tone of sentimental-M pleading, there's this to remember, old ` ' ifhan. -He was--your wife's happiest desire. She paid a damnably big price- for him. Her esh-her b1ood-her! bones;--live on in him. There's too; much of her--in him-for you to turni him down, Jim. Taking care at him is. .the price you'll have to pay to redeem` her sacrifice." I Tf mac n nnncm unnnn I... 41...`. run. i. _.r- - ` ll Bob quickly lifted the picture,from! the mantel and held it close to'Jim. i CHAPTER IV. Dealers 44-- ROBINSONHARDWARE _.--...--U V--u -v 11111616 LULHJ Were shots scored on one end. With his last bowl Mr. McCuaig kicked out the op- posing rink s closest and when the count was made it was found that there were seven eggs in the nest. The challengers were skipped by V. L. Van- i Atter. Besides the seven-end the vic- torious rink also made two four-ends. The players were: -Mrs. J. Hewitt, F. Marr, Miss G. Walls an`d D. F. Mc- Cuaig; skip: Mrs. L. O. Vair, R. R. White, Miss I. Parrish and V. L. Van- Atter. . , .. McCUAlG AGAIN A WINNER On Wed., Sept. 9, D. F. McC1iai'g's4x-ink retained the Allan Cup won at the mix- ed tournament last week. Included among the winners total were seven hnnrl RI 'P\/TAT`----'~ `- A` ` ' " _w__ ____M__ lmaue mrect or through your dotc Bob Wilson, you've d0ne.all the --'--"-"""-'-'*-------- preaching around here for nearly a;'WELCH. CEAMPBELL &. LAWLES month, so now I claim the right. to chartd Accountants crowd in a few words. I've guessed Ph0ne Main 5374- 59 Yonge St., Torom you've been in some big trouble, but H. J. Welch, C.A. G. D Campbell, C.` I know by your manner, your speech,` W. S. Hulbig. Produetion Engineer your-everything--that you stand head; T- 13- Lawless. C.A. and `shoulders above the average citi- ` Manager Cost and Efficiency `Deg zen of this toWn-that you've been a`c- - -:--j--------------_________._.________ customed fttihthe beat and (;1ot Ito-thei L R_ 039 meanest o s Wor s goo s. don't IVII` ` know or care whyyou choose to drift, C ENGINEER . - Ontario and Dominion Surveyc l".ta,:::.:"::;* elm: ":..:2`:;::,":3:,`:.::y 133 Brake st Phone :2 plans for your own lit'e-but God, Bob, " "' in a little over three short weeks I've EXPERIENCED DREssMAKR come to love you as a brother." . o en`1'or daily engageme t (T0 be continued) . p sewing at home n 5 or ' I m thinking I want to be-on my, way. There's nothing more here I can; do. You're leave is up this week-end! and you'll begoing back to work on Monday's run. I've lived on you all this time, Jim-eaten your food, Worn your clothes. I'm a liability and I'm going to liquidate myself by becoming scarce, he nished with a short laugh. Jim got to his feet with grim deter- mination and stood ov ` Bob, frowning, like a defence advocate before a bar of last appeal. `I`I"I_L "UV" , __ _- ...,. IVS xuuac, uKe me, old man! Sudden apprehension, an anticipat- ory fear of loneliness, dimmed Jim's eyes as he grasped Bob's hand, stop- ping him in the act of throwing the knife, and stammered. You, Bob-you re not--thinking of Didn t think you'd pull out with me," said Bob laconically after a brief silence punctuated by their careless ipping of the knife into the grass. Hoped you wouldn't, too. Because, old man, when it comes right down to it,` Mrs. O'Leary might make a good foster mother for the kid, but she can't I take the place of-his mother. That's your job--mother and father, both! No, you re not leg loose, lilfe me, old man! Suddnn gnn...;1..n..~:~- --- -- ' over a lot the last few days, and it just came to me .once and for all as we sat here. It's no use, Bob, I d be leaving : -her-" .,.....c. nnynow, 1've been thinking it aul.L-` ' ' Bob looked up sharply from his dis- sembling efforts to smooth down the pricked turf, smiling over a sudden realization that Jim had unwittingly uncovered a truth: which was that there was a good deal of the protective big brother" impulse in his affection for Jim. My ve hundred mile run on the Limited Mail is vagabondage enough `for me," Jim went on, with a wry smile. Anyhow, I've been it dam. and if inc-+ 7! !tinVu4ed, I'm nbt. soft--T Dfdrx 1..-L. < Poultry, Butter and Butter, pound 4. . . . . . . . . . . . _} Eggs, dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Fowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `. . . . 4 Chickens, pound .' . . . . . . . Cream, pint . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buttermilk, qt. . . . . . oooaauo "After taking Adlerlka. _I feel better than for years. At my age (60) it is .1deal7-so different from other med- lcines." (Signed) W. W. Carter. Ad- lerlka is 9. simple mixture of buck- thorn bark, glycerine, etc.. which re- moves GAS in ten minutes and often ` brings surprlslng relief to the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling. Brings out old waste-ma.tter you, never thought was In your system. Excellent for chronic constipation. Wm. Crosland, drugglst. V 16 4 ,ur a uouar and a quarter a the rule with regards to price. `lowing prices were quoted: !Potatoes, new, per peck . . . . .. (Potatoes, per bag, I Turnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parsnips, basket . . . . . . . . . . . .. Butter beans, pint .. . . . . 10c, ` Green onions, bunch 1 Radishes, bunch Ooluoo nouooaooac - Head lettuce . . . . . . . . 5c; also ; White beans, pint . . . . . . 10c, E ~Beans, string, qt. . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Spinach, pk. Carrots, bunc'h Beets, bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I Blackberries, box . . . . . . . . . . . . g Cucumbers, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Celery . . . . . . .. 10c and 2 head: Corn, dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Apples, basket . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. [Gherklns, small basket . . . . . . Gherkins, large basket Squash Tomatoes, basket . . . . . . . . . . .. Pumpkins, each . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Beets, basket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Pears, basket one `Plums, {Some of the older birds went at` 2 ? -cents a pound. on the market brought 40 cents but on Saturday butter of good quality sold} {for 42 cents. Towards closing time it] 1' Butter was up. Last week the best ; I a basket. Corn, a luxury a few weeks` ago, was a drug: on Saturday's marketu Twenty cents brought a dozen of thel best cobs. Celery is coming in better!` but the price remains the same. Pump- kins, first harbingrers of Fall, made` their appearance. Most of. them were - comparatively small and sold for 15! and 20 cents each. It was ::enerally;. conceded that the display of this vege- table would he trreater next week, so ; , lovers of pumpkin pies should not have" I IV to wait much longer. Potatoes whichi1 took a drop last week remained un-f- ;changed in price. Thirty cents a peck` `or a dollar and bag was 1 the regards to nrinn rm... FA` . vc uvuu UH you an [HIS an shed shnrf Inna-h io'aihla' l2'i{e'aEa's' r . You're hard. I'm Lrply 1g n which was fh-2* ' '5.c.;' ;at.1so.2. .f'o.r' 1 3 for 2 Q4-`nun . . . - o . - . . . . . . -o DC` . . .. 15-2503 3 for 25c: _V K- -thinking Old Mr. Cartr `Heiea by Simple Mixture Eggs. OLUIT4 3for.` ucL3.'. \V?l3 . The fol; "40-42c. 36-38c 25-27c 33-35c .. soci .... 5c: Llll cub` I 20cI '6-35c 65c ... 90c ... 25c! 25-40c` 15-20c . 35c 50c .45-50c 900, "$1.25; 5c `.. K,`)K.-.1 nut: ' . Scl . 50 ' 15c,` 25c * 25c 15c 5c 20c . 5c ' -'13.. - -_---nun I . R.. PARTRIDGE, Plfoprietor. SIGNS PAINTED; 33 myaela St. Barrie Auto Pai1;t Shop I l . 1 `Manager Dept. 1 vv. 5:. J;.I.uu.u5, FTOGUCIIQH Engitieerf ly, on the edge 01 a crater at a point where the slope of the saucer dropped abruptly in a cleft left by some forgot- ten ('nt.sa.al_vsn1, a hundred feet or more. vvmuu BABY CLINIC mom 2 to 5 o'clock every Friday. Application for nurse's services may be made direct or your doctor. ` , _._--- V-nu In 9 lJyln CAR-S \l;AS}-;ED and POLISHED vI\Jl\Il'IlP`\lV Barrie Branch Residence, 86'Wors1ey St. Phone 751W.` WELL BABY I f!`.0m O'c]n('.1( Aiinhiv I..lS-r , . Teacher of Music. Bandmaster B ; Formerly Director Ch: I Hospital under ban `of 134th o.s. Bn., [Toronto Scottish Regt. ' 7 ?vIc'romA|g onosn FD:n D-'-- { EDMUND HARDY ' Mus. Bac., F.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Organ, Vocal, \ Musical Theory, Organist and Chnirmnatnn ..a uvvv 1:15 (lulu Home MISS WILDE, 72 Small Sh, , college, Toron 43 Elizabeth St.,` Barrie. -------.--------v----Z-- sUl}ISl_llNE FURNACE I ' U. R: R Eyes Examined Graduate .C2 I-`IIIIAA UK. I.-;. G. Graduate McGil1 U Office and Reside [and Bradford FXFFR;-..-. orri r\A... Phone 710. Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barrie. Late Surgeon Specialist with the Imperial Army, 4% years. General Surgery and Obstetrics ` especially. " Office--140 Dunlop St., 1078 I , DR. MORTIMER LYON W 122 Bloor St. West, Toronto. 0 Will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie. ,1 1st Saturday of each month. I Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation`hours-11 a.m. to 5 Barrie, phone 2. 3326 - | . Ul-(S. LITTLE LITTLE {Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie, Ont. ;Office and Residence-47 Mapfe Ave. Office hours; 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., or by appointment. Phone 213. A. T. Little, M.D. ~ W. c. Little, M.Bi :------------- ` Ill`: Wu H: W I Graduate of Toron . Phone 61 Offin ; Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30- ] } Uri. W. 1-` Surgery and Dis Associate Coron-er ______ ...uu-so I e Toronto D. C _ ampbell. C.A. W. Production I Lawless. oC.Ai ,,{___...__7._.___ ! < DR.H.T.ARNALL ,Associate Coroner County Office and Residence--Corner _ and Elizabeth Sts., _Office Hours: Until a.m |to330and6to8pnL PH -?`jj He seized a jagged rock ` skull Bob with it. - ,