490 CHEVROLET tqurlng car in good running order: bargain. Wesley Craw- Iord. Oro Station. 18c ' KNIT'I`ING-For private lessons on . the knitting machine, apply Mrs. Rose, I 52 McDonald St. 16-21p ..-- ---_--., -. ...v----~-- ya. Jvwou -v-ev- +Y_ou are invited to attend the practical demonstration. of electric cooking on the McClary electric A ranges at the Robinson Hardware on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,` May 4, 5 and 6. _ e `18p| Rev. W`. J. Watt and Mrs. Watt were called last Saturday to" Belgrave by the serious illness of Mrs. Watt s sister, Mrs. Harry Mcclenaghan, who however died before their arrival.` The funeral is being held at Belgrave on Friday. . A AC` fkn nltusn A-F 4-`an TI: vvvv v|I.1n` -un.-. V in Barrie a number of years ago. V _..- --v--cw. vvvvun u ---noun --vs ovv | A new township in Thunder Bay. District has been named Danford in memory of the late Danford Roche of Newmarket. Mr. Roche had a store `I7--- -.._ -_.__:;.-_I L- _;.L-,.,I 41., VII 1` xxuay. ` 5 At the close of the Kiwanis min-. strel show, on Tuesday night, the dir- egtor, A._E. Haynes, -announced that hls company has arranged with the to prlelduceazsthe R'3lY}1l1e m arne on ay an . is `E the-biggest production handled by at-vino-fnn Anvnu Tnn and 1InrII'I:10nc GOOD PASTURAGE, known as The Kell Pasture, con. 14, Innisl; 200 ac- res run,never-falling pring creek. 60 a month by season for all cattle over flvelhead; under that, 65c; stock salted and cared for by caretaker. F. N.- Kemp, phone 634r4, or Mrs. Wm. Kell.- phone "693. 16-'18c 3 . I -..-v __...v ---v- ...-van" --Just received, another carloadi `of Rubberoid asphalt shingles. Let us quote you prices for new roof on vnnr Hrnvan __(\-I-nu : T-Tortlurnvn 1 Qn UL LUUUUULUIU Gnyllalb lllllslUBa J-JUL prices your home.-0tton s Hardware. 18c` G UGBIJ UL GU FUUPIUI Walter Stephens, son of R. A. Ste-l phens, was one of the winners at the recent horse show at Edmonton, his entry in the novice saddle class being; rst. Referring to this class, the Ed- monton Bulletin said: The novice` saddle class brought out a large `num- ber of entries, some of the animals__ lbeing exceptionally good and of the class that would stand up well in al- most any company.` In this class W. W. Stephens of Edmonton captured first for horses not exceeding fteen hands with Bonnie Mary, a splendid specimen. 100 ACRES PATURE LAND T0 LE'I.`--Well-fenced; and lots of water. Apply to.Mrs. W. J. Cameron, 71 High St. Phone 225J. 18p` D w-- v. 5-an wuuvuc .. o--cg`-yvuvnvu Avv ` -New spring silks on sale during Sarjeant &_ King s week-end silk sale. See a_dvt. and show windows. 18c I This (Thursday) morning the tire- men were called to extinguish a rub- . bish re in the yard at the rear of: the Hub shoe store. i THREE DROP!-IEAD SINGER SEW- ING MACHINES, fully guaranteed, tor sale cheap. Apply Singer Sewing Machine Co. 18-18c I n uuc- I._u55c:u yl. UuuUI.alUIl muxuu-.'u uy .i-Iarrmgton Adams, Inc., and requxres `a cast of 75 people. ~ I Wnlfnr Q4-nnhn-nu any-n n4-' `D A Q+n PASTURE- Parties requiring, goodi pasture for horses or cattle can get_ same. by applying to Mrs. Blackmore and son, `Oro Station. . 16-18p! -'-Buy Westinghouse electric rang- l .es at 0tton s Hafdware. ~1_3tfci `AAA: ---- ------c v -v-uv--.-v-. v: on. V: : --Moir s assorted chocolates, reg. 60c, Saturday specialyat `Bryson s Tea Room,|49 cents. _ L 17-18c ,---.-Good concerttand dance in Gil- heeney s Hall, Cookstown, May 6th. See advt. now in this paper. _ 18c -New millinery shown constantly in Sarjeant & King's show rooms. See our special line `at $3.95. _ _ . _ __L._-A._'-__ -1 41, -v-- vvwp w`-vv--- _.--v -u yvuwvu . -See demonstration of the newi Coleman vapor stove, cheaper than oil or gas.--Otton s Hardware. 18c `L: ____.!_ __ ,,!II,, _ , uuuu u.unAJ.V 61:41:41) UA`1'E5 101' 88.18; I Bumper King; also barley: or would sell asthey are for feed. Apply James Byrne, con. 6, Vespra. I 18p run; unn LU u1`J1.', also gas BEOVG IO!` sale. Apply 92 Maple Ave., or phone 686 ` 18tfc '". iiat}I.'nJ'i'J67rL pure pa{{ts `-and varnishes,--Robinson Hgrdware.i GOOD CLEAN SEED OATS for sale: nIIIYII'\AI` 'I7I-na-- ulun kaulnuo III! urn;-.'lA| PASTURE TO LET, also gas stove for .nn.In. Annlv 99 'M nnIn Ava mn nlnnnn FOR SALE--Goo_d quality Ontario shingles, X, XX, XXX; cedar posts; also shingle mill, complete (without en- gine). Dan. McLean, phone 903r21. A 16-21c $im&&ia&$w&&&& LOCAL NEWS D14 D14 #14 K g 1.U.ufAI.. Nnwa g i Miscellaneous Seed pr Sale Pasture I Anvctlu uaulluu-J uvyuwa. uuuu at LIIIKUI: U UIUUK. Dr. Geo. Burns, D.C.. was in Toronto last week attending a. conference of drugless healers of the different schools. -\ v-_4. c4____1___ -_-___;._._-,, I ?1.5l1.lIlBL LIIB UUHVICIZIOII. The adjourned annual meeting of the Corporation of the Royal Victoria Hos-- ! pital will be held in` the policecourt on . Monday, May 4, at 3.30 p.m. .The pub- 3 lie are invited to attend. 18x The annual meeting of Barrie Wo-1 men's Institute will be held at Mrs. H. Eade s, 35 Louisa St,, Tuesday, May 4, at 3 p.m. All members are urged to be present. Election of officers and other business; musical programme; fees for? i I I coming year. \ DHHEIHIIV ll` r'l\l3I=HY Ariother special purchase enables you to provide your stocking needs at a. saving. Silk hosiery with reinforced heel and toe, lisle top, in Ever-Wear make, sand, grey, airdale and black, all sizes, 75c pair. Don't miss 1t.-Thel Holeproof Stocking Store - George; Vlckers Limited." . 18c| I The Bell Telephone Co. safety- rst team which went to Hamilton last week to compete in a contest with other teams in the territory, took fourth-place. The contest was won by" Oshawa and the Barrie team `was onlyea few points down. i We are Trendy. for Spring W_o:k MASSEY-HARRIS TRACTOR and three furrow plow. nearly new, a bar- gain for quick sale, also one good dray !or sale or will exchange on deal for a good set of sloop slelghs. Thos. F Swindle, Lefroy. 17-18p , .--____._ .- v-__ Awnings Sugplied end Erectecl `Carpets and Rugs Renovated and |- _ Shampooed kClIimney Flues Thoroughly Cleaned ' Try us for any Cleaning Problem IVTSKYIUTI I I t\I1I\I Iltuin 15;; -u-no-an nan-l|\v J\aId \v\II 56;;-ii Delivery p.o. Phone sssw M Oices at Collingwood and Barrie UIIUFUII I a.xuuvurua.1`y. ' ' Mayor Craig and Reeve Rusk were gin Buffalo this week looking over a. 'plece of roadway there in connection i vsirith the roadwork to be done in Ba._r- I 1' e. ' Klan AH-.- 15--..-- -n p\__.nI:_ __u,- ' FIG- ` Mrs. Olive Per y of Orillia, who is in the Barrie jalI.'hav1ng been con-; victed by Magistrate Clark of Orlllla: on a charge of arson, has appealed: against the conviction. g Thu oH nnvuuunl -u;nALl_.-- .0 5.1.. n w..-.- v---w--- vwuw I -\aI I Four boys took part in the public!` speaking contest at the B. C. I. om` Wednesday night, and all the addresses: were of a. high order. The contestants were`. -`John Weldon, Thos. Coughlin, Vincent Rivard and Harold Pearson,`- and in awarding the prizes to the two first named the judges stated that: all deserved.g{reat credit "and there5 was little to choose between them.| This (Thursday) evening six girls will. -speak. . I uuaaun-:1`, luurray nonala. It was decided` to play both base- ball and softball, and a team will be entered in the Centre Simcoe Base- ball League if that organization is re- vived. Ellsworth Crawford was ap- pointed manager of the baseball team and Alf. Armstrong will manage the softballers. m%&%&&m&&&m&&&&&| & l -L_-Marcelling,`bobbir":g and mah1ur- ` ing done at Cowie & Cots, phone 1242. James Dick of Toronto paid $13.75 git: Wednesday for speeding on -Dunlop I . . um`: uuluea. I --Go to the Excluive Hair-Dressing Parlor, Cowle & Co., for satisfaction. Lady_ operators. . 18p Chas. McMa.rtin returned home last week having completed his year at Toronto _Univers1ty. - `Rnv, Jnhn Lnnnnv nf Tnnnnbn ...n1 .LUl.'Vlll.U _ UHIVUFBIEY. Rev. John. Lennox of Toronto will preach in Presbyterian Church, Angus, { next Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. I not flan `Qua-nu TX!` Uivnnn 8.. '!....-..4._ RANGE FOR SALE-New Empress steel range. reservoir and hot water front. stove is in first-class condition. and is a good baker, also white ena- mel folding cot. Apply R. Wilson, 206 Bradford--St., phone 420. 18 : ..- ..a........ ..v......... V- ....... u....va any-avnnvvlou Next Sunday vening's service in Central Methodist church will be with- drawn on account of the Collier St. church anniversary. Mnvnr (`rain and `Donna Dual; nun... IMINESING IS TO ENTER TEAM/IN: c. S|M_cOE BALL, LEAGUE I I At- a well` attended meeting of the Minesing Athletic Club held on Tues- -day night in the rink, the following officers were elected for the year: Pres., Howard Priest; vice-pres., Al- bert Maw; secretary, Leighton Adams; treasurer, Murray `Ronald. It was dnnln' m nlcnr rm:-I. 1......., LOCAL NEWS w&&w%%&&mgmm$$mm [URI ` I St. ll` i\Irs.. Douglas `Stewart has been el- ected to the Dominion Council of the _Girl Guides. I1;-\ 6:; 61-; I.`unI..:.l-.- 11-1.. -I-\_____n., __ B.~ O. I. ORATORICALWEJONTEST BARGAIN IN Hgianv` We are cvlistricte agents for Fleming's Guaranteed Horse & Cattle Remedies |UG';z*S !2R.9<=. %ST9I3r-I GOOD MOTORCYCLE, Henderson '4', and side-bar. cheap, also 1ady'sTbicycle. . 87 Mary St. Phone 410. 181) Buy your FORMALDEHYDE where you are sure it is full strength, 40: a pint. `_ Fresh shipment of BLUESTONE (the best), 20 a lb. THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES No. 2 Fall Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.30 Oats . . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45c Barley . . . . . . . . . . . .'., . . . . . . . . . . `. &5c Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95c Qtoollotitt - I o o u-n;uo o - I o o 0031025 Buckwheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65c Butter. per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-35c Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . 22-23 Potatoes, per bag . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-40 I -I1`-1v. nar fnn ' 01! N` iwmh and Clock liepairing! - PROMPT SERVICE WORK GUARANTEED . Ann: . V---- \a\I 8 Clapperton St. NO. 2 Fall Wheat .. $i .* Peas . 32- 22- 30- Hay, per ton $15 28 geers Practicl Experience RawFurs HIDES-SKINS NE_l_l(_)%liv1I-`MYERS CHILDREN SrPATENT STRAPS -; $150 PR. (:.LEARlN(_;_l-QNTIRE srocx GLOBE SHOES Growing Girls High Shoes .s.......i.....,.s2.7;. LADIES! We have some cheap shoes. Our stock is new and up-to-date, and to `keep its so we are oering broken lots at rare bargains. , Drop in and see them. MEN !` We are oering the famous HIKER SHOE, in T all sizes, at $7.00 pair. The Genuine Hurlbut Shoes for Children - TWO REAL BARGAINS "in second- hand cook stoves. Price will sell them quickly. Otton's Hardware. . 18c T ATwo-Day Sale Friday and Saturday eoonrLLow s ron coon SHOES ' BOYS Sizes 8 to 10V: .. $1.95 Sizes 11 to 2 .. . . $2.15 Sizes 2 to 572 . . . $2.40 Oxfords, new style $4.00 '_I- 31- JEBB BARIUE MARKETST MARKET squin? pjc-o -rni TII\i Phone 75, Barrie. 17-20c Next Door to Bank of Toronto Building. - ATTEN'l`ION! Fie Points FAMILY SIZE REFRIGERATOR; $11- so Helntzman & Co. square piano with stool and cover: both lrrgood order. 69 Cumberland St.,_ Allandale. 18p UDU '.'.'.s1.25 ...`65c 32-35c 30-40:: $15.90 J.'HUGHES, practical boot maker, begs to inform the citizens of Barrie and neighborhood that he has opened the above premises as a first-class shoe repairing` department. Repair- ing in all its branches neatly and. `promptly executed. 18-20p Also at 50 Park St., west of armories 19 dollier St., just west Opera House We have a bankrupt stock of auto- mobile accessories for sale at a low rate on the dollar, consisting of springs for Overland, Buick, Maxwell and Chevrolet; hose, gas- ` kets, Hubco bolts and nuts, cotter l pins, brake lining, and other ac- lcessories. On display at QQ 3 C _Sizes 8 to 10% ..`$1.65 .Sizes`11 to2 .. $2.35 All_ pillow welts and top grade. I VI &\rw-- -__ .__ _ _ w?:r Men and Boys All New Stock and Styles WATCH OURWINDOW V TOGGERY SHOP Hotge ff Clothes . the Latest . `Opposite Capitol Theatre GURNEY GAS STOVE, 3-burner, good,slzed.oven, enamel front, fairly new and In good condition; will sell cheap. Apply 188 Dunlop `St. or phone 1076.1`. T 18p SHOE REPAIRING _WHILE YOU WAIT ""2"i'>.u'.i;..;'{.I am 'e GARAGE OWNERS `Accessories Dealers We have novx Dressing Parl curing, Manag continuing Cu Our Lady Assi -- will be in t 6 p.m.,and w appointments. Try us for sat nouc.1_._As FOR SALE--Platform spring wagon, heavy springs. capacity two tons, in first class condition, will be sold cheap. Apply Simcoe Marble Works, 20 Owen _St., Barrie. Box 94. L 18-201) BOAKE-In lo husband an who passed 2 `A Mrs. \V'm. St thank their fr? kindness and s tributes, extem cent bereavenu .l31J\Jl\L1txn|.-1A Mabel Wigg, L. VV. Bloxh away May 4. In spirit-land dwell, do We're here tnd Reunion comes. `Iv `an no .115 l JUBL IVE In that beau 18p -Sa.dly mi. BLOXI-IAM--Ix `A! n kn! `Ky ? urn- MAW--In 10\'i1 net Maw, wh Six years haw can tell The loss of on But while he 1 His `memory Q\ can, q II 1IYn..r WVORTLEY `LT;-n.-`nu: `V \JI\1.JJl,`1 Lil! Henry Vvort passed away Death cannt `AVA-v cu-urn O F .I.JU?1.Lll U'd.|llIU( Nor sever tf He is just ros Tn fhnf hon 18D STRAWBERRY PLAN.'1`S--For sale, Glen Mary, Dr. Bur:-ill, Senator Dunlap, Charles I, Dawson's Beauty. 750 per 100; $6.50 perv1000. All plants true. to name. H. A. Jarvis, Barrie. 18c FARM FOR SALE- Lot. 12, Con. 7. Flos Tp., consisting of 100 acres. all clayloam. [On premises are 10-ropoym brick house, bank barn, drive shed, pig pen. poultry house. [Half mile AC. McGlnnls. `Elmvale, Ont. 8-20 It-om, school, 3 miles from~ Elmvale. For further particulars apply to J. I\UuIIIUlI LIl1lll\'~`. ly part Until thg Resu 1813 |cAPno| Your o1d- favr 3 Tonight, And Lige Co i 2 Shows, 7.1; Matinee |l Monday, With,,$I:YE,1 A great nov even more 0 PIANO FOR SALE-Gerhard He1ntz- man, upright, in best condition. Apply 66' John St., Barrie. 18-23p A stirring st YoVu l1 enju_ Another n-I-PIE I And a uFi ` 2 Shows, w1LL1Ar| The Hom-eV ms V NOVE4 GREA Secrel.1 FOR 8ALE-~Ice cream chairs, tables, candy cases, show cases. scales, at-V top desk and chair, large Taylor safe; bicycles to be sold at $10 and up,` at Tuck's. - 16-19p LJLJJY . Horse, 7h;.| biwi WOOD FOR SALE--100 cords mixed slabs. while they last at $6 cord, deuv-' ered to any part of town; also all kinds of hard and soft wood at reasonable` prices. Atkinson's Wood Yard.` 217 Duulop Sh, phone 7321. 16-21c _ FRIDAY-SATURDAY SPECIAL-10% watt nltro electric lamps tor 49c at 0tton's Hardware. 18c MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE CHEAP-- Blg easy-riding quiet motorcycle; Ap- ply 199 Bradford St. 81) o FURNITURE FOR SALE-A few ar- ticles `of household furniture. Apply 196 nnlnlnn Qt. 18.19c one cent a word. cumeach lunar- uon (minimum charge. 250); six in- lortlona tor, the price 0! tour. 10 cents extra when charged; also 10 Anni: `AI-Irv-n urhn rnnlhul EEC dll'QBIId cents extra wnen cnurgeu; cents extra. when replies are directed to Examiner Office. . NW EMPRESS RANGEJH-Eood con- dltlon. Apply 152 Bradford St. 18c BELL PIANO, in good condition; for sale or to, rent. Apply Exa.m`lner..18-9p `TIMBER AND PASTURE FARM FOR! SALE-100 acres, situated near C0,!- weu station, west half lot 27, con. 9, Essa. Tp. Will sell whole or in 25-acre lots. This is a real snap. It contains 60 acres timber and 40 acres cleared pasture. Aply at once". James T. Ar- nold, Guelp . Ont. ' ` 13-18c BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE - In good repair, V wicker. " Apply 62 . Eoeled Ht, Harrie. 18-21p 110168 01 nuuac 125 Dunlap St. CT-nxj K000 Fijian`. BL, Barrie. "' AULLI LQULUIV =!I0I0I0I0X0I0I0X0I0X0I0I0I0I0I1 gim&amamm&&&a&$ ADLET COLUMN Property For Sale iarms F or`, Sale Automphile Forsule :FOR SALE AT MINESING--PPOD6PtYl belonging to Baptist Church: will sell en bloc or will sell separately the land, shed (63x20) and remains of solid brick church building. Lot 110 ft. by 63 ft. Tenders will be received by Lloyd Liv- ingston, Church Clerk, Minesing, up tol Saturday. May 16. Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. 18-20c 500153 18-21;) | Anny FOR SALE--1-Iatching eggs, famous Delemere stock. S. C.`Wh1te Leghorns. $1. `for setting of 13. Apply G. Robson, 74 Wellington St.. W, phone 947M. 18c ` BARRED ROCK EGGS for hatching- prlze stock at Barrie and`Danforth Poultry Shows 1924. $3.00 per setting. I. B. Musselman, Craigvale. 14-19p- `s. c. ANCONAS, headed by the 4th [Royal Aoock; winners wherever shown. Eggs $2 for 15. Edgar Thomas, Box .711,- Barrie. Phone 611r23. 16-21p "BLACK ORPINVG-TON EGGS FOR IFTATFITTTWII nal` union cl-niibv cvnn ' BARRED ROCK EGGS?-0. A. 0. mal- es; Pullets hatched May 15, commenc- ed laying 0ct.`13._' $1.00 per 15. E. R. Marlin. Phone 611r12. 14-19p OLUMBIA ROCKS, one of the best utility strains for eggs and `table, $1.50. per setting. HI-Iarry Morren, 70 `Collier i St., Barrie. 14-19p . ! I EGGS FOR I-IATCHING-Guild s bred- to-lay strain Barred Rocks, good lay- ing record. J. A. Lennox, 2 North St. Phone 387W. ' 13-18_c I WHITE TWYANDOTTE EGGS-From Den of high class `Year-round lavarn. FOR SA'LE--I-{ouse and lot with stem. bles. north side of Saurin St., Elmvale. Price $1700. Apply to Silas Locke, Elmvale. . , 18e20c vv n.u.m vv .[.J'|:LVLlU'.l"1.'.L': nauua'-r'rom pen high ~year-round layers. $1.00 per 13. A. F. A. Malcomson, Bar- rie. '. ' v I 14-22c I Wellington St. W., or phone 947M. 18c LOST--0n Saturday last, young co1l1e' _do'g,' black with white markings and` white tip on tall; 1sAchlldren s pet. Re- ward. Please return to G. Robson, 74 I WILL THE PARTY who was seen ~ taking a parcel of goods off counter in. T)nvlin'n ni-m-n Qnhmaniy -nin-he `Av-nu uuxuug a parcel UL guousoni counter In Devlln's store, Saturday night, `Apr. 25. kindly return same and save trou- ble. ' V 18p | ______.._..__._.._.____.__..__. LOS'1`-0n Apr. 20, boy's overcoat,| lovat shade, with Ever-sharp pencil in, pocket. Reward. Finder please leave` at Sutc1iffe s_ dry goods'store. . 18p HOUSE TO REN'1`--Phone 299. 12ttc;' LOS'I`--Yellow baby carriage wheel, between Barrie and`Alla.nda1e. Finder kindly leave at Post Office, Allandale, and receive reward. 18p HOUSE T0 RENT, furnlshedor un-I. furnished, with garage. Apply to 17! Wellington St._ . 18cl ! FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET. E112`- abeth St., with all conveniences. Apply Box Y" Examiner. _ 17tfc THREE ROOMS TO RENT, furnished as an apartment; all conveniences. bal- cony; central. P_.0. Box 192, Barrie. 18p a--- ` ESIDENCE--Seven beautiful `rooms and bath. hot water heated, oak floors. garage. A most -conveniently ,located' home. corner of Toronto and Park Sta. Price right. Apply A. R. Glrdwood ltfcl I LOST--M!nk choker on Tuesday. Apr. 14, between Library and 75 Toronto St. Reward. Phone 898J.o A 18p EXPERIENCED in house , to house:( selling, for new wager mixer and strainer; runs water any temperature. ` Also other household necessities. ~ Sterling Specialties Corporation, 57 Colborne St., Toronto, Ont. T 18cg ] 's1oo WEEKLY. Man wanted with em- bltion, industry and small` capital. You can make above amount or- more, `dis-i tributing Raw1e1'gh s Quality Products to steady Consumers. Several ne op- enings now available. We teach and help you do 9. big business and make more` money than you ever made be- `fore. Give age, occupation, references. W. T. Rawielgh Co, Ltd. Dept. CN 213. London. Ont. 16-20c V\' n .I. , IVGW IUIEII 213, London, Ont. GARAGE FOR RENT-Apply at 109 Bradford St_. 18p i I SMALL GARDEN FOR RENT. Apply Mrs. Fred Loth, 167 Bayeld St. 18p` HOUSE FOR RENT, six rooms, light and water. 71 Esn. Rand. Armlv at-. J.'l.\.lUDJ'J EU IVl`4l`V 1', B13 ICUUIIIS, ugnt and water. 71 Elisa Road. Apply at- 17 Innisl St. - 18p I _ , BATHROOMFLAT; furnished, to let, about May 9. Apply Mrs. Heard, 15 Ross St., phone 572. Sci HOUSE TO LET--7-room brick hot;seI with conveniences; -good garden and lawn. Apply 64 Eccles St., or Johnson s Grocery. 18p | EBUSE FOR SALE-Also upright pl- ano in Trst-class condition, reasonable prices. Apply 151 Owen St. 16-18p BOARDERS WANTED, every conven- ience of a. home. price moderate. Ap-A ply phone 1078F. 18c ROOMS TO LET. furnished, with or without board. Apply at 109 Owen St., or phone 268. P.O. Box 626. 17tfc ROOMS T0 LE'1`.Suite or 5 unfurnisl: ed rooms all conveniences. Possession May 11. Apply at the Examiner. 18pl TWO OR MORE ACRES OF LAND WANTED in -Barrie or near by with or without house, send` price and de- scription to Angus Clark. Cundleai - P GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN wanted for farm by May 12. Apply Mrs. F. Gibson. Thornton. 18pi ........_..._.._._......__.__...._.._.___. FURNISHED ROOMS ,'1`O RENT, sin- gle or double, all conveniences, central. 76 Mulcaster St. 181) NEAT CAPABLE PERSON WANTED O-A aaalnf nylfh nlnnnlna 'AnnI1r at 92 MAID WAN'1`ED-Apply at, American Hotel. Barrie. . ; 17tc V IVIHJIJJI lJl`Ll'J`Ll3Lll`l I-'QISDVJ_$V VV 111` L131} to assist with cleaning. Apply at 28 Dundonald St. Phone 134. 181) l WANTED-Whole or part load for van from Barrie to Toronto. Hamilton - or lntprmediate`po1nts about May 18th. Apply Box C". Examiner. _ - 18p Q SIX-ROOMED HOUSE FOR SALE- All conveniences. Apply 10 Small St., or phone 719. A 17-22p - MIL'K-I-Iighest. price " paid for 50 quarts of milk" a. day. A. G. Walker nhnnn 475 nr 770. ~ 18c q\l8.!'tB OI mans It \ phone 475 or_ 770. -j LIVE FOXES wAN'1"ED`-J. Dunn. v. s., 130:: 1013. Phone 811. _ 18p Eggs For Hatching Room: 3nd Bbard Propcrty To Let Lost _and F oundi. `Agents Wanted Help Wanted pm. on V16-20c` TWO LARGE GARDEN LOTS on In- nisl St. for sale or to let. Phone ev- enings to. 777.1. 16tfc FUN 5 DllUlLU1' G45 LUHUW5. 1 balcony, 3 ft. by 4 tt.,,, with a stairs down to within 6 ft. of ground, with a balcony at bottom 6 ft. o ground, with 9. drop-ladder from there to the ground to hit a. cement base. This stairs to have a. hand-rail and erected complete. Tenders should be sent to A. H. WILSON, V Chairman Co. Property Committe, 16-19c. Anten Mills P.O.. Ont. Notice to Contractors TENDERS will be received up till 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, May 14, 1925, for steel fire escape at the child- ren's Shelter as follows. 1 1....1...-....... 9 do 1.... .1 u ...u1;. .' ..a...a.... GARDENS PLOWED and ashes re- moved, charges moderate. Also good buggy-pole for sale, complete with whiffle-trees. Apply W. Tuck, 98 Wel- llngton St, ' A 18 `_REAL ESTATE, BONDS, INSUR- ANCE, also representing The Cana- dian Automobile Service Association. W. H. Sloane, Barrie, -phone 1151J ' V 14-19p l'rHos. PEARCE. painter and decorat- 'or, 73 Sanford St. Personal attention `given to all work and satisfaction `guaranteed. Phone 889W. 17-22p LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED-Saws. fnn urivintn dnnnnna ran;-In `l\ au..A.... 1.4:; w n JVLU w m1_1.b` :uurAuu:2u-a.ws filed, window screens made to order and put on; carpentry repairs. A. B. Carley, 127 Collier St. 15-20c LINDSAY PETERS GARAGE -- 56 Caroline St., Allandale. All kinds `of lrepairs. Phone 805. . 18-21p FOR `PAINTING. PAPERHANGING and general house decorating phone A.` Berry, 539W, 21 G'owa.n St., Allan- dale. 13-19p BREAD will be delivered, commncing May 4, from Midhurst post office. Phone 602r14. . 18pl .._____._..___..._..._._....._...:......_.... DAHLIA BULBS FOR SALE-Good variety. Drlce reasonable. vMrs. Jam. 8. Brown. Sprlngbank Farm, Allandale. Phone 383. 17-181) ju