Open a Union Bank Savings Account for each of them; `Let them befriends with the Bank Teller and take their own de- posits to him. ,986 The ancient road to aqccou is the savings habit . v - - V v v '~'-' . / Teach your children to save. v..- __-g \r 5II\r DJVGOIJII AUSPICES EARRIE Kl-WANIS CLUB Assisted by Best Local` Talent No. Tlie Theatrical Hit of the Seasg YIIVIEIIHIRIE Is. A -52-: ______ . l.4lJ\/l\ I ------` -~. , oru $1.00 a Couple--Extra Lady 50. SECTION 2 ' PAGES 9 TO 16 , --All sizes linoleum rugs at W. A owe & Son's. Elizabeth St. 39tfc 3 woN. = he AT THE Th11-z"s-:l;':1'y,-'Friday, Saturday He Who Gets Slapped" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday `\A Kiss in the Dark - nu, n uc vllnlluwll Monday, Tuesday, Wedneday The Price She Paid w--- 1- `In aqn\rl IIIJIJDIE Thurgc-lay, Friday, Saturday "Cheap Kisses" - CAPITOL Thursday, Friday, Saturday K, The Unknown" . N`-A__,___ vuv 1ith s V Orchestr'a LUCKY SPOT PRIZE GRAND OPERA HOUSE wnov cur ;slCI Monday and Tuesday. Kiwanis Club Minstrels Wednesday The Mailman NEW DREAMLAND of Barrie Kiwanis Club #715 pr. I6 PAGES " d'.,..;_1 `t;x:e '13 ed $1.25 "ie? and MINSTREL SHOW TICKETS Amusement tax "tickets "had not been received when the seat sale op- ened this morning._ Those who did not get them are requested -to call at.Mal- comson s before `Monday night in- stead of waiting tovget them at the opera house, .t ' It .- < A meeting of members will- be h`eld-in_ the Police Court Chambers on 'l`~hursday.ev-eni'ng', April 30, at 8 o clock. `Interesting and instructive5subjec\ts will be discussed. ~ i i ` I4 ('13 llallh) 0 ' Why n'ot buy yoiirse-e Srgiats tlirbugh the Society? Membership ticketssmay b e_,pbfaiineid from any of the following:-Mr. R. J. Homewbod,` Miss M. E. Campbell, Messrs. P._ Love,'yV. H. G. Marwood, L. P. Singer, Wm. D. Bradley, Dr. A. T.` Little, ArthurjPat-V terson, Geo, Urry, or A. 'W.` Smith. , AKiss in lhel)ark fer Sets and gs, stamped gns, have wur Fancy ;e 50: net; riced and ,y and de- ped Crepe 1 rs orchid, rice $1.59 - _._.__j- 12% D J Membership fee of ONE D'OLLA-R gives all privileges of the Society and ONE DOLLAR S worm; of.Seeds, Bulbs, Plants or Flowers at Brown & Co. s~ seedstore or ateither Powell & Ho`Ok; s or` E. Harris The '1 % `cmcuI;AnoN Two Shows `Each Night at...7.15 and 9,10. ` A J "FOURTH CHAPTERV5 RUTH OF THE RANGE Comedy`: Attraction `Regular. Prices, _ l%_0c-25c_. - .. - .(__; ' . ' From Cyril Maude s Great Success, Aren"t We All ? Starring `ADOLPH MENJOU at his_ best ' V `and supported by Aileen Pringle,' Ann Pennington, Lillian Rich and Kitty Kelly. mu- .. n-..---- - `vltfs nM9"9A!:TI!EsM!-WinnEsmw NOW Now THIIRSDAY-FRIDAY-SAIIIIIDAY v:: T C `TO BECOME MEMBERS koi-* THE1 % BARRIE HQRIICQLTURAL /`nu-- --' - Luv uwurllil Ol,lIIIlnI.nIty as does this great. motion picture. The tears, V the laughter, the joys of life are the fabrics of which Victor Sealtrom has woven a truly `immortal dramatic master- piece. The entire country is talking about this marvelous new motion picture! _ .___._-, -u-v-Q I 21 Paramount Pictur;Vm"cl the 'best show ih town- lsrpartest, Mos; D-iv;rt1ng~'_V `I TComed)f `of-I;-l:e Season`: Two Night 3; IISFIIII as u 1 us.--o-K ---- ----- ..... uc rcuummenaea to uounc11',at' a special meeting to` be held tonight. Members of Council'met four appli-` cants as'ag"reed today, It is under-I stood that Mr. Shuter taken} on approbation for a month. general town foreman at $100 month T S1`-IUTER TO BE FOREMAN `Appointment of Edward Shuter as` will be_recomn'd ended to Council',at a Rnnninl manna.-. 4,.` L- L-1.1 L-..:..1.a. I 62nd I nuuuu; rUt.el'DOl`0ll ton and Weston, I he Nemo from all . nguna-4....` .A team of five men representing the Bell Telephone Co... composed of W. J. Caston. F. B. O'Connor, G. E. Jones, R; A. B. Ritchie and `J. Hyslop went to Hamilton this (Thursday) morning to take part in the second an- nual first aid competition held by teams representing the seven districts in the central division of the eBell Telephone Co. The other six teams in .the competition which is held under the direction of St. John's Ambulance Society are St. Catharinesg Owen Sound-, Peterborough, Sudbury, {Hamil- Weston. ' V " TELEPHONE TEAM FROM BARBIE IN FlRS(T AID COMPETITION u_:.u.nun 1'aru'l08e.3 Ml stable; John Weldon. usuzuuun OI all concerned. The cast was composed of:-'Jack Montgomery. Wm.`Craig; Mabel, his wife. Miss Gladys Caldwell`: Virginia Bridges, her sifster,~Miss Wilda Cul- bert: Mrs. Barringfon Bridges, their mo ther, Miss Augusta Caldwell: Jerry Arnold, Clifford Graham: Elmer Flan- nel, Aubrey Bates: Zuleika, the Turk- ish `charmer, Miss __Mar-garet Wallace: Abou Ben Mocha, her father, Howell -(Partridge; Mary Ann O Finnerty, Miss Marion Partridge: Mr. McNutt, a con- stable; Weldon. ~ uumpumemeu on tneir excellentgwork. The troubles of Jack Montgomery and his i.'rlend,"Jerry Ar old, whose efforts to extricate their fr end, Elmer Flannel, from a love affair with a Turkish maiden earned them a sen- tence of thirty days in jail, produced mostof the comedy. \ After assaulting the constable and making their escape the two welbmeaning bunglers were. again arrested and sentenced, but to n spare his wife the humiliation of knowing that hewas in jail, Jack told her that` they were going to Florida ; a.nd_ even -went the length of booking" hi passage. Being of a "suspicious na-~ ture, she got in touch with the boat on which he was supposed. ger and learnedthat he and Jerry were not there and had been probably wash- 'ed overboard in a storm. The men re- lturned after completing their sentence to find their friends mourning them as dead and they were hard put to it to explain their re-appearance. Matters were complicatedto a considerable ex`- tent by a suspicious mother-in-law, an inquisitive maid and Abou`Ben Mocha, the father of the Turkish girl, whose periodic appearances caused the two men considerable embarrassment. Mat- ters were eventually settled to the sat- isfaction of all concerned. `The (mat man nnv-nun.-.\.: -3- - 1'- -1, to he a passen- i The 'p1a:v1et, Safetv First." present- ed by the young people or Collier St. ; Methodist Church. Thursday and Fri- day nights of `last week, was -very much appreciated by the two large audiences which witnessed the performances.- `The sketch was of a comedy nature .t`hroughout,V full of mirth-provoking lsituations, and each member of the cast gave a clever portrayal of the ;various roles, All ihe players _were complimented on their excenentgwork. The tr0uh`l4:.9. of Jar-`I: 1m.................-. aLLuJ' uca-u'uu_4 ule aevwence O1 'tne_wit-5 nesses who told of the great need fur! ,- more missionaries. `he changed "his plea? i `fence was. given by Miss Alfreda `Strange, who -gave a reporteoi whe mis- to one ofeguilty; Evidence for the de- sionary activities of `the various c`hurc'h'es `in Canada, and Mrs. E. Part-4 ridge, who g'avea similiar `report for` Central church. Rev. A. J. G. Cars;-a.dtlen -ftresided and during the evening inst:-vnnental numbers` were given `by Miss Lola Rayner -and Miss Jessie B-ryson. 1115 uni 1'rusHl0rlal'_ 'opp0rtum`t_v. [ In adqaition to the`prisoner, those who? . took parrwere: -the "judge. M. `L. Chant-4 ` ler: Crown Attorney. Peter Glennie; I `Crier, Tvm. Ballantyne: Constable, Si(l- I ney Bishop; witnesses, Miss Marion.` Carscauflen representing the `Bible. * and the "following representing various` peoples `in need of missionary effm~t:f the new `Canadian, Miss Stella` Cooper: j the Lan American, Roy `Hon,-shtonz g 1 Africa, `Miss `Gertruile Keenan; Japan,' Miss Gertrude Ball`: China, Miss Fran-I Ice 'Ba.Tlantyne; the `Red In(l'i:1.n, Rus-i I sell Keen-an; `the -Near East. Miss Nel-u lie Toolte; East lmlia,` Miss Lillian I`Hines. ` ` y-'lV1.... .....s`........... __1___n_,- - - I rxulca. I gfhe prisoner `pleailed not g'uilt_v huh a tr `hearing "the evidence 01 `the ,wit-3 T188889 `."h0 fdld nf `Who av-nuf vv-and -'---H A. L uup that greater nal mus- ves `com- {I An i'n'Leresting` entertainment was! provided on 'I`uesd:1y evening by the] Young "Peop'le s League `of Centrali Mefhoist church '`in_ the` form of 'a. mock tr`m`l, `in 'whic h the;pr'isone1', Ivan Carscaden, `representing the Christ-g ian chm-c`h, wasch-arged with neglect-' `ing `His *m`iss'iona1'; 'opportun"i`ty. 1] t 10 T'h9:nY`ihAr `fhnun Kuhn MOCK TRIAL ON CHURCH [AND rrs MISSION wonx 3 u1:5u1'u.!lL`e 'CU1D'l'lIIe9. . ~`-` ` The report` states that the `Board of; Education `statement indicates careful` control of expengliturc-sA within the es-I ?t'ima`tes. Tfkewise those of the Parks` Commiss'iUn and `Public Library Board.` ulu general [BX IQVY I0!` 1924.. I They consider `it advisable for `the! Counc'i] to ha\re'statement`presente1Zi to] them yearly showing a comparison of` . the 'es'ma`ted income and Texpeniture with the actual income and expend!- ture. and they strongfly advise that sgme action `be taken to reducw: the] street oiling arrears of $2263.24, -some: of which dates as. far back as 1915. The 1lr"fnrn'nrnin wmnnm. n....+ H..- UL wmcn ates tar back 1915. The auditors [again mention that the `insurance, seems `inadequate and sug-* gest `that the matter be referred to an Insurance 'cumm'ittee. T T119 vnn'nu+~ ntnon.-. 41-...` 41.... "r\--...1 ~t` auu Ill u1'reul's 0VeI`(ll'aIl .l `Dec. 31, 1921 $25,050.47 $27,255.64] Dec. 31. 1922 33.078.46 29,923.39; Dec. 31, 1923 13,101.86 44,122.99: Dec. 31, 1924 46,303.31 51,375.33! The auditors note that there is over' $16,000 arrears and unpaid taxes on pro ex-tiles where there has been no sett ement for three years and strongly _i recommend that the `Council call for a statement of all arrears. `The arrears of-19'23nat Dec. 31 amounted to about 11l,% of thegenera] `tax levy for that year and at Dec. '31, 1924. the unpaid - taxes for 1924 amounted `to 104% of the `levy-an increase of 3%-while the ' combined arrears and unpaid taxes re- present an `item equivalent to 26.3% "of the general tax levy for 'l.'924.. I Thev nnnnmnr 'if mh':mm.. 9.... 41...: .The report of Welch, Campbell & Lawless, who audited the books of the _.Town, was received at the meeting of Council on Monday. The auditors drew lattentlon to an vlncrease in taxes un- paid and in arrears and the corres- ponding increase in the general bank overdraft, as shown by` the following table:- . tCa1l Attention to RapidkAc- A cumulation in Last ; Few Years; Aunnoks REFER To 01-` TAX? as abrics us . wo- Space them. Tzixes unpaid Gen. bank and in arrears overdraft! I onr nrn nu an}: no- -A. Lcyty u-um me 1v1mls1'.er OI National Defence: The! matter has been un-. der consideration of the Department but no decision has been reached. -_-...--.....-.-sa Avl\JVIl.II.I \.nmr' The rumor of the removal of the ying camp from Borden to Deser- onto was brought up by W. A. Boys, M.P., in the House of Commons yes- terday. He received the following reply from the Minister of National Defence: Tho maftfnv I-you `know. u... . LIIC Ulu_V l.'clT1llly or lsaxters now\ living in Barrie declare that the dead girl does not belong_ to them. It is said, however, that at girl named May Bax- ter was once employed at the shoe fac- tor'y but moved to Toronto some time ago? The dead girl is described as be- ing ve eet, 'four inches in height and weighing 129 pounds. She had light brown hair and blue eves. The family of C . J. Donnellir, Owen St.. are feeling some anxiety for their daughter, who in some respects` ans- , were the description oi. the dead girl, ; and who has not communicated with them for some time, though they be- lieve she is in Toronto and-know no reason for her being in Buffalo. A pic- ture "of Miss Donnelly was forwarded to the Buffalo nnlim: fn an: if to nmnha was 01. m.1_ss uonneuy forwarded Buffalo police to see if it would aid in Identifyingthe dead girl. Inquiries from Buffalo concerning a nineteen-year-old girl, who died there i on Apr. 11 and who is supposed to be Mary Baxter of Barrie, have `failed to nd any trace of such a girl here. News of the death of the irl reached Barrie last Thursday and C let` of Po-, lice Stewart` was instructed by\the; Buffalo police to notify the relatives of Mary Baxter that she was dead in that city. but Chief Stewart has been un- i able to locate anyone who knows her.` The only family of Baxters living the .do'-m can-I 1. ll` CONSIDERING :MOVING` CAMP` rm... .......-.. A n: 1.50 yd, ___1F' SEEKING RELATIVIES-_|.-|ERE.6F GIRL FOUND DEAD LN BUFFALO At noon today seventy-ve registra- tions had been "received for the Older Boys and -Leaders` Conference to be held in Barrie Apr. 24, 25 and 26, and it is expected that the total registra- ! tion will run over one hundred. Con- ference sessions will be held in Cen- tral Church. a ' At 6 p.m. on Friday, supper for lead-. ers and adults will be served in Collier! St. Methodist Church and there will be an addresson Leader.-ship.".l Var-I 1 ions phases of the work will` be taken! - up -on Friday evening and on Saturday. At 2.15 on the latter day, A. R. Gird- wood will give an address on` Choos- ing a Life -Work. At 6 o'clock there,` will be a banquet for the delegates in Central S. S. The two main features of Sunday's ` -programme are a mass meeting for del- egates and all older boys of the com- . munity in St. A_ndrew s Church at 4 pm. and the closing Conference ses- sion (open to the public) in Collier St. Church at 8.15. -Taxrlnn Q6-noon... 5....-- -5 4:, , -.- .. - puu1'L'n at 5.1:). Taylor Statten, Secy. of the National Boys` Work-Board, will be the chief speaker. His Sunday addresses will be in Collier St. {Chm-ch'in the morning; and In St. Andrews in the evening. I ------u--------.-:- jEx1>Ec*r1oo DELEGATES `at COUNTY CONFERENCE , --_., ..., , aulue-IOuO\V-up sys- tem is recommended so that pupils who are absent from `classes could be in- formed of the `lesson topic that they iniissed and also the topic to be taken Ion the next evening. xumncu nnu also me on evening. -- e- ,__..u..,, `IL aannckcbcu pu]J1lS., Under the head 31 general remarks . they say that the classes in Barrie ha's'e_hoen well worth while and every` effort should be made to increase this service to the community. They say the classes are in need of vigorous pro- 3 motion and the Committee is reminded that the efficiency of the work would. not be sacriced by having the prin- cipal undertake the teaching of one `of 4 the classes in conjunction with his du- I ties as principal. Some. follow-up | that nnnila urhn -_..... -.-.....E. nun Lat. IJCIUW a.ve1` i I i ` The irmpectors recommend that I classes that drop below a xed number 3 (say six or eight) should be discontin- dued. Dealing with` coursesof studyl {and instruction, the report statesvthat `the class "in telegraphy did good work ; and ,':ave excellenttvocational training !to a group of interested pupils- ' ! 1'7.-..,z,... 41-... 1.-.": ...e ___-, , ; night when the_'re were several counter gatmctions and the weather was very. g disagzreeabk. so that the attendance on` , that `evening was far below average. I Thn inc-nl nrdrnug ....-..-..\...............1 At V A `Luv. uI.s'peL:LUl`S made their vIsit'on al AV.lUl IIHUII. _ = The summary of the report of the` inspectors, F S. Rutherford and Miss I E. 1. McK'im, who inspectedthe classes` Ion Feb. 27, `was received, and while it] contains some criticism with regardto ` the attendance, it was pointed out that [the inspectors made their visiton a I night Wh `19"f`P worn nnvnr-ol nnnnl-5.. ~ here in ngs and I of ap- - `Committee of the Board of Education was held in the Prince of Wales School , on Tuesday evening for the purpose of ; winding up`their business for the year, `the classes having closed on Mar. 31. ( A meeting: of the Industrial Classes A C. C`; Hinds, Byron King, VV; C. Walls, Sec)`. Fred Marr and Principal` J. E. Morrison. ' I 'l`ln nu.-...-.....\..-. ._.c 1.1-- , - - --' I Present were Chairman A; J. Sarjeant," `INDUSTRIAL CLASSES i I WELL WORTH WHlLE| _--....... . .\.......,u an |.u uc ucnu. Barrie will probably be without the services of Leighton Emms, their star pitcher, and Frank Armstrong, whose heavy batting kept them in `the race `last year. Emms is slated for Port McNicoll. While "Army leaves at the` 1 I [end of the` week for Huntsville, his : home town. ` ' It was decided "at a meeting of the baseball committee of the B.A:A.A. .on VVednesday evening to enter teams in the South Simcoe League and in the O.B.A. intermediate series. Holly Dye:-Agasv appointed manager of the 0. BA. team, with J. D. Milne as business manager, while A. Moffatt is manager of the South Simcoe League'team' and Harry Elston is business manager. Ed. 1 Kearns was appointed secretary-treas- urer of the committee, Sid. Shierlock |chairman `of the sub-committee on ltransportation and_ G. F. Doyle chair-_ I man of the grounds committee. Smith "Kain was appointed convener of the Church League. W; N. 1'! and H01- 1y" Dyer were" appointed delegates to the annual meeting of the South" Sim- coe Iieague and A. Moffutt and J. D. Milne were named as delegates to the - O.B.A. meeting. No word has yet been received locally as to when either of these meetings is to be held.- I 13......:.. ...:1I ____-p-u,uI u - T0 FLA? WK AND suwcon slams Y Holly Dyereand Ab. Mioffatt ` Chosen to Manage the . Barrie Teams. ` 4 Buy Advertised Things. .-uvanvu utilulla-3 Monday, Apr. 27--Ev'eral Patton, south half lot 3, con. 8, Innisl (2 lots from F C.N.R. station. Thornton), pure bred Hereford cattle,.farm stock and im- i plements. Sale at 1 p.m. H. A. Grose, Auct. cu auu me people with whom he came in contact, and, although he spoke for two hours, \he held the attention of his audience completely. Efforts are be- ing made to have -Him return next month with pictures illustrating his journey. IHUH Ln VI journey. -bred Whites Rocks. Sixth $3.00 cash, $5.00 bank f the list of 1ubI._1'i1Lt!u,-DUI lvlr. uremner stated that he felt that a talk without the aid of pictures would be more instructive. The meeting was presided over by Colin Farmer and the Young People's Leagues of Collier St.` and Central Methodist churches attended in a. body. Throughout, Mr. Bremner gave a graphic description of the places visit- ed and the people with whom and. although he smm.-.. em. ....- av Ilvl-I |-r\I1IJ A large and appreciative audience lled the Baptist Church on Monday evening, when Rev. Wm. Bremner of `Gait gave an address on his trip to Egypt and the Holy Land. It had been expected that the address would be il- lustrated,-but Mr. Bremner 3 talk rifhnnf H... nu: Ac MONDAY Am) T'UF.SDAY,% KFRIL 27 ; 23 W.n+.1'1vn nrnnnnricl I Entfre proceeds used in Child Welfare work- ATTENTION, PLEASET! Minstrel F roljc, 1925 Tut: ":1. `t I`, `AUCTION SALE av An 9'.'1:~..'......a --._u, jt IN A1901-` BARRIE COLLEGIXTE CADET BAND ODDFELLOWS TEMPLE. _FR}D_AY, MAY 1 Il.--:_ I... III I. \ Mugic by W:alt4e;_Sr-1:i;'h :r. - REFRESHMENTS __ LL}? 1101 An IV ' `TRIP. TO HOLY LAND '\|A:~u4\ .___1 A lesson _m Success things.