Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Dec 1924, p. 8

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VVILJ4 DE. A] Ladies of Barrie know there` is to buy Gloves and Hosiery, am ('7 ;`F+_tY:1r:t1rr 910:`: ".211 L- -- ies is i1o_he'tter uy and `for the .gift-giving pair will be put in a- nice Christmas box. anteed Kid, Sued-e_ and` Cape Ladies Silk Hose ' >ves in all wanted sizes . . . . . . . ent makes and qualities . . . . . . . . I o I J o o o J n o $4950 . . . . . . . . . . . . 69c to $3.00 pair Chamoisette and Wool Glove: _ ` - place than, this store Christmasseason each P[Qgri;e Shoe Store 14-16 lvlcaster St. % * Any part of the uppers or soles can be made to wear equal `to new.. Ladies Goloshes half-soled and heeled . T. .- . $1.25 W Heels repaired . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 30c Rubbers recoated with rubber enamel and made to look like newh..a._.......... . . . . . . . . . .. 15c " ' . / I - ".- Don t Throw Those Old Rubbers Away Wepan now successfully and protably repair them Wool has advanced almost 50%` during the past few months, but no advance in Wool Blankets at this store. Twin Bed, White All Wool Fa"P1id Blankets whipped singly, and Che_k are here at . . . $7.98 pair Blankets. Plain Grey, Red, Camel or White Wool Blankets in de- sirable sizes . . . . $5.50 to. :'si.'o' '54:} inspired to follow ne and abroadare ed in the giving of All Wool Crib Blankets .1 . . . . . . . $1.98, $2.25 and $2.98 each __-v One:only size, 20 Sand Georgette over silk `slip, a beautiful style and received from the maker last week, special . . $22.50 One only size 18 Moonlight Blue Georgette over silk slip, also new, stylish, $23.50 Pretty Little Flannel Dresses, sizes 16 to 40 at . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.25 ea. Get These New Party Dresses at 4- $22.50 and $23.50 I\ l'FE6?>-__1*`E'_J Page Eli!!! Children's Hose"in and wool , -- .,...vv ynlr Ladies"Silk ind Wool and the ever- practical Cashmere Hose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 to $2.25 psi; r'.1n'm......v.. -U---"-'-A FancyPlaid Check some edged - with satin. $6.25 and $9.00 each W. S: ROBB, Prop. Tluksdny, December 13, 1924. .._._- e"in silk; silk and wool .. . . 25c to $1.00 pair ":2" $5.66 'p'.'s- , \V{UURUUUWn OH LVLOHQZI lpl!_hpli_ed *hat degree. "T The inifiatory degr Tnef Lodge, I.0.0.F Iiookstown on Monda 'A`iIiiu18R-.I 51...; .I-_____ Highways bur} lje makes a to` a75burglar, resg accepted--and at the action! 51 A Race-Mad Romance ! Come Ciomedy Attr MONMW IT S SENS in a swift "From the you Old -Bleach" stamped on Linen Towel: stands for quality. . - We are sole agents for Barrie. These beautiful towels are here in assorted borders, priced at . . . . . . . . . . 75, 85:,- r$1.00, $1.25, $1.39, $1.50, $1.75, $2.25 THE W} THIIRS Jack Boy of :1 thril A story (I! ~-..-.... Va 4.:-wall uuu &' ll\i LCLI J.UWUl . . . . .........50cto${.50e'nch Individual Sets in Fancy Terry, nicely `box- ed, one towel and two face cloths, $1.15- Two Towels and One Face Cloth priced at oovuouonoocowoooovos -.._ ._.-- .-.-w vv -uvvwvwwu--J I Won('ler;u'l[Values fpr Christmas Selling. Scores of Plain and Fancy Terry Towels _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ n- 5.. (1 an -'-`L Only Towels, but How Necessary! \lI__.I-..-_I I7. I__ _ _ `soup HEAF .. , Madei`r a, Chtny and Plauen, also the ,-1924 new style of Cut Linens . . . . . . qg_ ;_ Ln -1; So great is the showing that we cannot describe therri. Ladies Handkerchiefs, with. cut work edgings, fancy embroid- - ery and Venice lace, 3 in box priced at $1.25 and $1.50 box Fancy Handkerchiefs. of var ious kinds, lawns and pure linens in the lot, `all boxed, 19c, 25c, 39c. 50. 75:, 31 box Huumu-ms or am HANDKERCHIEFS INAFANCYBOXES ~ v A-lmuvll ...` 25: to $6.50 A Beautiful Showing of `Fancy Linen 7 This department of the store never before was so well prepared to` supply you .,with quality goods." Sepagate T-gable Cloths: Ta- ble Napkins, Tray Cloths, Tea.Cloths and other plain Household Linens. ' ` ' Eiccellent Value V. "Damask Table Sets nan. .l.Ll.&lllJUl.'L, pert nuonert and` E. Bodiam motored to` Toronto last week- end. ` Mrs . Lounsburg of Toronto is visit- ing at Mrs.` Geo. Brown's. The shooting `match at James LHU pnzes . Mr. and Mrs. Clegg of Midland were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds, 10th line (Too Late for `Last Week) . , Dec. 9--Alfred Dyer, who has been ill for some time, is not any better at time of writing. Leonard Bloxham and son Reuben. Art I-]"`uhhm-f 12m~+ 'IJ'uwL......a. .....r -- uuurlaru moxnam and Reut Art `Hubbert, Bert Hubbert and` Bodiam to we and very sausractory. ' M The annual meeting of the_ Presby- terian _Women's Missionary Society was held on Thursday last.a.nd the following officers werere-elected for the ensuing year: Pres., Mrs. Jno. Copeland; Vice President. Mrs. Haig; Secretary, Mrs. C.;_'1`reasurer, Mrs. Jas. Andrews. , ~ Miss M. Bannerman and H. Banner- man attended the funeral of E. C. Martin in Toronto on Monday, the former remaining" there for a time. - __.-- -v -.7 av LvvUVUtJ`u The. young people are very busy Just now practising for their annual` Christmas tree and entertainment, Shooting matches are getting quite popular. One is being held today (Tuesday) at James I-I4aiwthorne s. Geese and chickens constitute most "of the prizes. .Mr nn 1\'vua ru........ -41 I-rs-1---- - I Dec. 15-The many friends -of Mrs; `Herb Lougheed, who has been very ill, will be glad to know she is on .3. fair way to recovery. - rphn .... ...__ _'____u- , Gents Pure Linen "Handker- chiefs, plain hemstitched or with embroidered initials, each in fancy box . .-. . . . . . . . 25, 35:, 39c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 box You will be pleued with the values we show in Chrietmee . Handkerchiefs. __HOLLY At Bqrrie s styzeS?ore' French Canton Crepe anid Georgette Beaded Blouses . . . . . 4 . . $6.50 to $13.50` Crepe Night Gowns in six best colors, nicely trimmed with lace. and -ribbon, spec- ial price `. . . . . . . . $2.50 ans uuereu as prlzes. A bazaar was held in the Rectory on Tuesday evening last andaon Fri- day one was held in the Methodist Sunday School" room. Both were well patronized and the proceds from, each very satisfactory, The annual nnnnfina A` u... n..-_-.__ hart and` `IE Ma,ke her heart glad by se- lecting a Feather Down . Comforter at . .s9.oo, `$12.06 3}` 's'1'5'.66 I Cotton-Filled Comforters are priced at . . . . . . . . . . $3.25, $5.00, $5.25 and $6.00 el:.ch_ Your wife [will appreciate one of these lovely ' CHR ISTMA S HusBANbsTz` - Comforters uuu 012 (I The 10110 installed: Carlyle 1 Mayea; ' ,, _,_._7_- Churchill L. The annual meeting of -officers" of L.O. Churchill, was held or ing, Dec . 12. After 1 mass of the Lodge, Master Bro. W. B. S] to .conduct the V electlox tion otofcers for the ?'1`he_ --following were du installed: w 15- 1:-1--- luau uume or Mr. Mayes, 9th lirfe. ~A' good time is reported.` Miss Smith of Barrie hospital spent the week-end with friends here. . Irvin Knapp. W. Coughlin and D. Manvill have been on `the sick list. Your reporter wishes The- Examiner and staff a. merry Christmas and a hrinrhf am: ----~-----~-e " I_1uu 81:: bright wquuru UI1 weanesaay. ' Shooting matches are becoming quite popular in this vicinity. Jno. Ram- say held one on Wednesday` of last week and Cecil Webb is having one this week. Geese and ducks`be- Jug offeredas prizes. A A bazaar wan ham 1.. 41.... n--a._..-- ......\.v u: nu: cemetery there. Last Saturday afternoon a heavy snow storm reached here. The storm `lasted over Sunday,: the wind blowing a perfect gale and -snow ilingl up in the level and the merry sleigh bells are heard once more. i ' - Owing _ to, the torm there was no service in the Union church last Sun- day. ' ' . `Jas. McLaughlin loaded a. car of mixed `stock last Saturday. A few-from hereattended the sun- per given by the members of the Or- , ange. Lodge held on Tuesday night at the home of Mr. Mayes, line. -Al ,go_o_d re'norted.' ` l OUR wlsn uvrulue, 1V1I`S. 1: . A. Coughlin and Mrs. A. Toner, of Phelpston; also two sis-I ters, Mrs. Ed. Shanahan; Phelpston, and Mrs. Leahy of Pittsburg, Penn.;` and one brother in the United States. made in the cemetery there.` I435`? Qafiuvuvy 4-04----~-- ' died on Dec. 8. Deceased, whose maid- en name was Mary Ann Gibbon, wid- ow of the late J. Shanahan, was in her 73rd year. Mrs. Shanahan s`par-t ents settled in Flos as. early pioneers on thelfarm she has been living on for the past thirty years. There are eight _children surviving: Lillian Shan- ahan,- Thomas and John Shanahan. at . home; Ella. Shanah-an, Gerald and Jerome. Mrs. P. A. Coughlin and Mrs. Toner, n-P `lam.-n.....4...... --_- ;;.uuI.U1', mm` une, last Week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robertson and son Bert of Barrie were Sunday vis- itors at Art .. ,Dyer s . ' Mr. -and Mrs. Frank Hill of Barrie visited at W. N. Hopkins , 10th line, on Sunday. - ..,-_- .........u.~_y vzouura `cu. U80. 1.)yer's. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Glenn of Stay- 4ner visited the` latter s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kell, on Sunday. Mrs. Fred Guest anddaughter, Mar- .io`n, spenta few days with friends in To1'ont,o last week. Most of the" members of the Grange in this vicinity attended` the oyster supper held at the Grange Hall, Pains- wick, on Monday evening. ` W. R. Hopkins and family spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Scanlon of Midhurst; -A ' T\/Tina `l1|mruI:\n.AL `Ir--r , u -. - u1. J.v.I.1uIluI`SE; ' VMiss Margaret McI)augh1in of Barrie spent a few `days with Miss Bessie Hunter, 10th` line, last ' Mr nrn-1 7|/Thu 1:-.......a- 1--1 V - - Brown's came bff sccessful although the Weather was pretty -stormy. All `the turkeys were carried off; - Mr- and -_Mrs'. Hancock of Colwell were Sunday visitors at Geo. {Dyer s. \ MI`. h R/I've 'Dn..n-> P41----~ A " -- --..... naval! uu cup lCK llst. .~ taff and prosperous New Year. ,. ..... .~`. can uusu .l.Ul' ule election, ficers" L.O.L. No.. 533, 11, on Friday even- ec Azfter the usual bus- `. Past District Sloan was asked met election mm s...+..u.. - Square on Wednesday. Rev. Wm. and Mrs. `I-Ialg visited the! latter's mother and sister near Victozjiau Sh0OtiIl2' matnhnn awn `I-unnnn-ulna. .....n... , . .. . -av unvuu Wd asxea uct election and installa.-' officers for ensuing year. lowing were duly elected and I: W.M., Eben` Todd; -D.M.. Mccullou-gh: Cha.p., George R.8.,' Byron Graze; F,S., CHl?!%.C_H!LL -Select for her one of `our Fancy Kimonas or a warm Bath Robe, $2.93 to $10.00 A warm Kimona for the "8 to 12-year girl is here priced at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.50 Ladies Silk Undies . . . . . . an- . .s.- ..- zya WHJ1 JVLISS 1585318 re, Frank `Tie `KTQFD .qI`II'|l`n1r uyh-. -13"r the election ).L. No; an _. v--- `vacuum I It is a beautiful garment and worth $200., Each day the price is being reduced $3.00. `If you delay too long someone else will get it. Price today . . . . . . $158.00 Price on Saturday .. $152.00 `Price Christmas Eve, $140.0 Who Will -Get This% New Black S-gtfnl Coat? uuuncp an 98: to $10.50 Ame Bxnkxbz zxAMm2n treasure, but `I do VI call :90 old thing." HVII-'UHTED' JOK Ca1ler--Ho.w do you like maid? . . L "English. Hostess--She's treasure`, wish 3} call ma ma +3.1... to "After the election lunch was. served`. followed by. the usual speeches, etc; 1 John Morris: Treas., Frank Beatty; D. of C.v. Walter Moore: Lecturers.` VF1fed Noble and George; `Raid-r hm- _ 5a.1 a58. `humor; Was V postponed Elmvale and vicinity was visited by a tremendous snow and wind storm on Saturday and Sunday. Commencing` on Saturday the wind blew steadily and snow vflurries were often so thick that one could scarcely see the width of the street. On account of the se- vere storm the church services were attended by only a few of the villagers on Sunday. The" services at the out- side appointments were cancelled. The 3-act farce comedy and chorus- ` es put on by the Elmvale Curling Club on Vvednesday of the past week` wasva real up-to-the-minute concert and was greatly enjoyed by the full house. The several choruses were well render- ed, with lots of pep and jazz to them, each chorus being wellreceived by -the audience. The play, full of wit and well given and several of the actors proved themselvesas being` realartists at the` job. A great deal of disappointment was felt in the vil- K lage when it was advertised that the ` play would not be repeated "on Friday nightas had beenadvertised. S `to the death of the father of'J. Cook. of the leading parts in the second presentation was until some future date. the play, _f. . . . . . .. um quauucc U1; J. COOK. Brow_n--Elliott - At~E1mva1e. on Wednesday, Dec. 10, 1924, by Rev. W. C. Stubbs, Bennett Bruce Brown of Medonte and Stella `Irene Elliott of mm. mr.....,..1.. --._u_-_,4- - .DuI'LUIl 3 I01` 3. IGW days. Miss C. Copeland has returned to Toronto after visiting with her moth- er Mrs. .E. Copeland. , Mr. Doherty of Penetang is filling the position as teller in the Standard Bank in the absence of'J. Cook. >'Rr'nurn_'l'l'I:n4-4 A A *r-- - Lue L)U'cLI;S . - Miss D; Bell, Frank Bell and Harry Nesbitt of Bradford visited at R. P. Burton's for few day. . L IiSS C. Cnnnlnn ham run`-----A-7 *- E 3. F1` .IflI.-- an-_.----- % %%E%%$%E%$%$% THE STORE STAFF 5 T I V J ` * May all 'our -frinds cus- I Q S W ` M T - tomers have a Merry Xmas. 3 { 0 V 0 `T % % M 3 wmvwavw@8@@@@@a@aw&@3@@@@w&a@@@@ w --' "_-""' % Mrs. Clemenfis visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs; A. Ortnn. Orillia. Wes1ey Callander arrived` home' week after spending `the summer on the boats " 1|/I'nn T\ 11.1: -- - - -A -- - - - gr ':"1vv` ELMVALE NEWS E lLA 4gV4.V4.V..v..w. - _ _. _ __ Carriage Robes, Crib Blan- kets, Bootees, Infantees and many other thingg for the . little folk. ` Cosy Little Wool Suifs, cap, mitts, pullover and jersey, V In grey, sand, red, white or blue, per suit . . . . . $5.50 aM"P`on'rEo' JoT -How do vnn In... - .UUll \u\ gun AJDCIII You cannot nd a more use- ful gift and every time it is worn it reects the spirit of the giver and recalls the kind thoughts which prompt- ed the gift. We show a number of differ- ent styles and qualities, reach in a fancy box, $1.19 - $4.50 Remenib/eVr'HE;_ 3 Silk Scarf ` VA`: .........L R- ` For the convenience of late shoppers we will remain on duty until 10 pan. Monday, Tuesday and '_Wednesday_ evenings of Dec. 22nd, 23rd and 24th u-at Il\JI'\ like your new i--She"s a perfect wish sh'e wouldxft YOUNG MEN 1 pl. l':5t: Latlon V date, NOTICE -Tl-IIE 'STOREMS-;`AFF 0-- - .. . --`. rose: 11 I'll LID yu Guaranteed Kid, Sued-e Gloves sizes . . . $1.00 to pain-~ Silk Wool Gloves . . . . . . . . . .` . . . . 50 to_ $2.00 pail-_ A Special Gift Glove in Perrin s make is `a fanc cuff capeskin glove, beaver sha e only, $3.50 pr. 1 Fur-Trimmed Suede Gloves $2.50 pr. / -..---V- -5--uuaga .Pearl Beads in fancy boxes Ribbon Lingeries Sets Bodice Bouquets . Bobby Combs ~ T ' Fancy Barrettes ' Vanity Purses Beaded & Leather Handbags Dnnuul `D---"4 ' " unuuany, December 18, I924.

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