' ii 62839.02 24945.90 4288.05 _--.__-q__- 3788 . 40 `V 3870.00` 11.10, I 1477.02 V4o8s.oo '2oo.oo 3045.00 720.00 ~ ! 2200.00; 550.00 20.00 .200.00 900.00, `WILSON -% GARAGE 1000.06 3030.72 an no 1261. 6198.48 489.60 916.64 84.00 974.93 791.60 36.24 293.34 351.68 '2446.56 7 364.56 35.75 119.00 8.2 ' 19.40 32.31 117.15 10.76 20.00 166.50 214.25 .,135.25 "417;15 242.73. 220.66 134.66 205.32. 501.57 229.43 348.66 2 1.13.4: 529.11 600 . 20 25 38 .oo 70. .oo 62. 39. 34. 203. 27. 31. T 362. 00 64 64 15 53 81 24 73 200.00: Have your car overhauled in the winter months SBECIAL Russ GIVEN 100.26 327.60 100 . 00 18.00 21.22 35.38 34.00 .14.99 95.11 130.00 300:00 01.12 40.00 8.00 114.47 164.16 253.88 207.1] 126.98 263.22 *126.94 172.22 283. 23.40! UOUol 6o.os| 90.00 39.68 .o1| Xmas. Evelrybody! . 7v27 T23] Baytield St. . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . Rose St. . . . . . . .. Toronto, Simcoe and High Opening Innlsfil St. . . . . . . General repairs . . . . . . . . w... .. W, ., Opgning `water tables . . . . . . Bridge on Town Line . . . . . . Catch basins Worsley and (`annerfnn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ 1111111111115 LYUU5 G11 1'U111UV ' of brush Park at Allandale . . . . . . . . . Maintenance of tools . . . . . . Maintenance of sewers . . . M;'"s'." f. Innisfil . . . . . Grove Cumberland Elizabetri Dana Ina LIGLUII WHSIIIS VV Ulf _ Clapperton .. Repairs to culverts Repairs to dock .. . . `Road Improvement with I (`nnnfv grnnf , , , , , ,, EJILLGUCLI Repairs - I\-UCJJ 1lllpl'UVUl'llC / County grant I Removal of ashes AGENT FOR . . Westinghouse Radxo Sets l.l---_ --- gm-I-II-A `Au Yin-n 5 Total rbr public works .. ;_Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSETS AND LIABILITIES , Town general account exclusive of {Sewer-s, Road Improvement and Water g.llr51d19I24i4ght Departments as of Dec. _ A manta... ;u, 1.05`! . . -Assets- ` -Taxes, 1924, oustanding . . Taxes, arrears . . . . . . . . . . . Street oiling, 1924 . . .' . . . . . . . 1 Street oiling, arrears . . . . . . Barrie _Car1 iage Co . , bal . of loan . . . . LiabiIities-- ` Bank of Toronto, overdraft Salaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Barrie Band, bal. of grant Parks Commission, bal. . of Tnvv General Expenditures- Steps at H111 on Nelson St. Septic tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Trimming trees and removal nf hrnsah . JJUUUIILUIIUS Ell LaUUlJUllH IIUL presented Payment on wood account Mayor's honorarium . . . . . . . . Accounts payable . . . . . . . . . . Surplus gwawwa@&@a@%@a@@&@a@w&awmwwawawg{ .L'ul'l\5 \uUHll11UII, uau. UL levy Debentures and Coupons not nresaenfed . _ _ _ , , A . ,, , Rqmember the Place- opposma 1>os1' OFFICE: SQUARE I J: G. KEENAN gaaaaia&@@&a&a&&a&a&@@&a&a&a&aaaaa 253 Q M Q E Q Waterways-'- \ -__x,, ,, ,_-__L_._ 1 VJ y?`-DIl&i&T - -vow--w nu wvw Huve_ one installed for Xmas. V Sidewalks-4 ngunjn:;:n_I_|u;`uxnrr:--.n-j n . .-' :-.':-';-=.';;. 5.; `.'`!`. :3:--;->._',~ ""21:-"1-M-r:= :~ `~`J:.1_?r.-` - ` |nIgg|,'!.` I !__I`,L'_'.. .- i HIS MA'STER S VOICE VICTROLAS ' fjfom $25.00 up 4 . ""I:Ajl_'.,fH`-I ' . % fgom EVERYTHING IN MIJSIC 2000 VICTOR RECORDS Terms to suit purchaser. V V _to choose from. \. N M.J. BRENNAN Suppose you re looking forward to that big Christmas dinner. And picturing yourself `gathering round that great spread, with everything looking so inviting. The kiddies, erhaps, shouting with glee as they watch father-carving knife in? ha d-ready to serve the crisp, brown, juicy Turkey. ` V e lf the Turkey s from` us, you're going to enjoy the Christnlras dinner of `a lifetime. For, we ve got one of the nest lots-of young, tender select birds we ever were able to secure. C r , Also a. Choice Array of Geese; Ducks and Chickens C Prize Baby gB_eef, Choice -Pork, Lamb, Veal, `Etc. C)ur Motto: "Quality and Service Phon5l The Christmas Turkey 19975.95" I323s321.11` [BATTERY CHARGING DONE AND REPAIRS T $60762.37 $607_62.37 29456.64 23230.26 1248.44 2286.15 49662.45 1194{67 450.00 32.91 1299.51 _/ 38.75 _7o.51l 14.70` 185.78 302.32, 1282.86! _eo5o.ss1 1676.13 3051.01 109.00 2042.62 J. 6; Wluzh, Prop., MINESING - 4540'. 88 1008 . 04 , 1281.10 2000.00 300.00 450.87 4475.24 '29o.5s 14.39. 336.17 300{68 221.52 643.98 398.67 141.70` 77.98 189.35 154.03 314.64 847. 82 95.70] 16.091 Barrie Meat Market or FUEL V at "SARJEANT'S"; NEW Low pknzs Adult; 15:, Kids '5c E SARJEANT C0. Limited $13.00 ton $11.00 ton per bag . .3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ANTI-IRACITE BOULETS, per ton $13.50 CANNEL COAL (Ebony Cube), per ton .` $12.50 For Steam and Hot Water Equipment. ` TRY IT. COAL - COKE - WOOD Yard on Mary St. Phones 88 and 94 HAVE YOUR CHOICE DRY HARD AND son` WOOD RED JACKET"? BITUMINOUS COAL n _, X gpnnioh Romance I-l lllli IIIIARII 3' IX ANT HRACITE COAL NOTE THE PRICES: DOMESTIC COKE 11 Dunlop St. vNut, Stove, Egg,'Grat $16.00 ton NUT, STOVE, EGG $12.50 ton plai -SOON. % 1u@zasua&ta&a?2a&a&maae.am& mag Nov 934 Taxes 1924 Taxes. 1923 -Taxes, arrears . . . . . . . . Taxes, dogs Taxes, poll Street oiling 1924 . . . . Street oiling 1923 . . . . Arrearse...._.......... Percentage on arrears "':{&isc'.;i1;'n'e'o};s;' ' ' Sale of building . . . . Sale of lot . .'.` . . . . . . . Miscellaneous . . . . . . -A. vvu `Police Court. fines and Licenses Plumbing permits . . . . ne'nIJ{{a'1 .;:';;ies County of Simcoe re roads . . Athletic Association, re park Printing and Advertising Town team earnings . . . . o/fuoctacuofuucusivoou Electric Light Dept. bentures . . . . .. Waterwo1`ks Dept. re tures . . . . .;_. . .".'; Bank overdraft .. Balance Bank overdraft Jan. 1st,1924 Debentures redeemed . . . . ; . Coupons paid Elction expenses Interest on loan . . q ,4 O1'__ILI_ nlvvo was v- Board of I-Iealth- .. Medical Officer of Health '. . Sanitary Inspector . . . . . . . . San. Inspector. telephone . . . Drugs and disinfectants . . . . Printing Supplies during quarantine . Care of patients during quar- a.ntine.................. moval of dead animals . . ik tests Miscellaneous gvawwa@&@a@a@@@&z@@@@@vmg A Indigents-- Fuel . . . . . . . . . . Provisions . . . . . .`. . R. .V. Hospital Muskoka Hospital for sumptives V . . . . . . . . . Public Works- Fees- In an, , IVIUIIO .arz-ears ,dogs , . . . . . . oiling ' EXPENDITURES ., oytncuuuocuoucooos --vanoucoooaaoon J38 auvouuoocu-o-on uuouvunooourooos ; ....,..... g ..........T . . .4. . . V. 1_2EcEiPfrs ;je_ deben; c-acct Conj- fees an -I---- -vow-w---vv wan. HoL'n'6ox BLINN Adapted by Edward Knoblockv Story by Norbert Falk Phofography by Chas. Rosher V ERNST Lusrrscl-1' PRODUCTION V de-_ . . .14635`4. 12155, 8:17.50: -72. 442. 575. 1162. . . . 314. 849. 51 94 00 75 48 71 96 60 l 171455.43| 189218.66 49602.45 288821L11 44122 . 99 ` 26498.18 19788.76 546286.94 376.26 2155.22 soo.oo1 2296.00 . 1oz.oo 3260.01 _ 90.00 565.89 10.90` 3199 .00 @aw@@a@@ 109.00 3051.01 100.00 3035.44 7392.03 1522.59 100.00 100.00 10.86 210. 86 375.00 825.00 24:55 75.85 10.00 1074.19 223.77 139.88 632.75 809 . 60 84.00 11.50 4.50 5.00 Mary Pickford will make you laugh. will ma_ke you thrill, will make you weep, will bring you joy in a newelove role. Also a New _ Larry Semon Comedy made for the kids. Every kid in town knows Larry` Semen, so bring them along. '22s>_4.51 Fire Alarm system" ..V._.::',.;0?.97*.45 Maintehahce of-/Eire Truck- Insurance . . . . . . . .:`-.*' ' - 45.00 Supplies 52.04 Bumpers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26. 20 J o DUWll1ll, D511. 1115116 Police Extra Constables . . . . . . . Clothing Printing and stationery Telephones Livery Silent Policemen . . . . . . Magistrate's room . . . . . . Supplies , [Fire Fighting Equipment`- Skidfor slelghs Hose Hats and Coats Lanterns Repairs PoIlceV1`;l[agi.stra.te s salary . . Chief Case, salary . . .' . . . . . .. Constable Rayner . . . ... -. . . . Constable Davis J. Bowman, San. Inspector Dnlinn `Town 'I`eam- Hay and straw Oats . . . . shoeing .* . . . . . Supplies and repairs '7 11888 ................ `R. J. Lee Help during holidays 11.. ..1--J. 1V.|.lLl .I\.Ul"' Fuel ' . . . . . Insurance nna 6&3. . . - . . . . . .-nu. Electric Light. . ; . . . Water rates . . . . . . . Repairs . . . . . . . Ins1-aection of scales Tables . . . . . .. Market Clerk . . . . . . . Printing-- Voters Lists . . . . . Financial Statements Auditors Report . . .. By-laws Taxes Blank forms . . . . . . . . Stationery . . . . . . . . . . . Stamps Assessment . . . . . . . . . Miscellaneou . . . . . . . Road maps . . . . . . . V Salaries?- Town Clerk and Treasurer Clerk's Assistant Page Auditors . . . . . ., . . . . . Assessor . . . . A Merry Chrietmas and Happy New Year to all our petrohs. Collectidn \Poo1: Tax . . . . . . . .. Refund Transient Trader's license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special Grants- Barrie Band R. V. Hospital V. 0. Nurse Agxjicultural Society . . . . . . . . Fire Brigade, Poultry .:Associa.tion .. . . . . . . . " Women's Rest Room . . . . . . Rent for Agr. Classes . . . . . . I-Iydraht 'Rental-- -87 Hydrants @ $35.00 . . . . . . 24 I-Iydrants @ $30.00 . . . . . . 10 hose connections at tan- nery sti-eet , L1ghting- 511 lights @ $3.00 Post Office-`Gorev lighting DQ801111 L1.l.'H.llLl'5`" , 1000.00; .. . . . . . 350.00 Nurse.'.............. 300.00 Agricultural 500.00 Fire Brigade_.............. -500.00 Association 100.00 . . 60.00 75.00 . 2885.00 Education Exclusive of Debentures- Public school levy . . . . . . . . 43651.75 Separate School Board levy . 3562.65 Collegiate Institute levy . . . . 15624.62 County of Simcoe levy Piirks Commission, on ac- I nnunf -`Invv , _ , , , l JTUJCISH \JU1lIllllB1Ull, U.|l_ count Alevy . . . . . . . . . . . Public Library levy . . . . . . Parks, miscgllaneous . . . Refund Water and Light .Mfgrs. Larw costs Iawccyxus QLIIUULB I tenance . . . . . . Removal of snow . Sanding streets . . . Cutting weeds . . . . Watering streets`. Street oiling . . . . . Rakingatrqets . . . . v vv....... v Miscellaneous- . Municipal World .. . . . . . . . Registry Office . . . . . . . . . . Telephone, Mayor's Office Public Library for meetim `Tina +1: on JTUUIIU .lJlUl.U;l.'J `Dog tags Refund taxes .' Help in Office Mrs. Hogan, ft ance . . .A . . H Mrs . HARVEY S - V GREATER NSTRELS The best of its kin on the _road 11-.u1ua.xe .....-.. Motor tourist camp In urance bond for t: Se ector of jurors . . Election Board. re Lists .. . . . . . . .. Canadian National rentals Electrig Lig'1i 'i5e';$t' Repairs- Vespra. St. Sophia. St. . . . . . . . Blake St. .' Collier and. Ross Codrington St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Granville St. Essa and Burton Sts. . . . . . . Grovest. . . . . Mulcaster and 'Penetang Sts. Toronto, Bayeld, Mary and Qhvnnnn .I.Ul.'Uul.U, JJGJLAUIU, ;uau.y auu , Simcoe Dunlap, Mulcaster to Blake Victoria St. James and Dundonald . . . . . . Baldwin St. Godrington St. . . . . .1. . . . . Henry St. L. . .v. .:. . . . . . . . . . ` n-`ouoonoooaloo Park; St. Florence St. and Sophia St. Gannnnnnl Hf , A _ _ _ , _ _ A _ .[`J1b'ULl'1U Lugul. sold . . Miscellaneous `Public Works-- Sweeping Streets a fnnannn _ _ _ _ A _ . Police--V -v.`. -. ..- --.., Market- `uunl IIJIUU s. Burton, landale . .0:-no lrrnunhslr for 'l`;;1:a';>-:2-8;: today. Order seats early. : .a..1low- Iooloo lots and ` p ........ ' treasurer A Uu.u.:u . . meetings '1}; '. main- X11 MaI:.ln.ee Christmas Day at 2.30 V Nights 3} 7.30 and 9 jun. n--m-1: I Anne: Iuimiliii