Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Dec 1924, p. 7

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r coke tly bal- _ tructed 'terials. A. uawsun, repairing Ience dam- ` aged by ditching, P. Marsh . . 20.00 Geo. Elrick, repairs culvert, S.R. 10 and 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 M. Hannah, repairs culvert S.R. 10 and 11 . . . . . . . . . . . ..- . . . . . . . . 1.25 D. Graham, repairing bridge 9th line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 00 Elmvale Poultry Association " . grant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25.00 rod were passed as follows: A. Jam- ieson, $12.00; Jas. Pearson, $8.80; W. Cumming, $6.00; S. Hall, $4.00; D. Drysdale, $6.00; Isaac Legacy, $20.00; Isaac Rowat, $8.00; D. Graham, $14.00; W. Speirs, $16.00; J. E. Varcoe, $8.40; T. Simkins, $8.00; J. J. Inkley, $6.00; "G. Goddard, $8.60; Jno. Reynolds, $8.00; C. McGrath, $8.00; Jas. Ritch- ie, $10.00; Walter_ Rowley, $17.60;. D. Mccuaig, $12.00; E. Smith, $14.00; F. Downey, $34.00. `hr-vun 1n:'l`H11v-'ln1Ir_l'\r-A nunn Fland- Wire fence` bonuses at 20 cents l V n. DIIHLII, W000. 101` MISSV Gray, Phelpston H. Lavery, work on road . . . . . . -A. Albert, work on road .. . . . . A. Lawson, repairing fence dam- aged hv ifnhina D 1\/I'o1-uh Uu` .|.Ul`_S[I`6e[ ugntmg). ~ ` Do_Wney-Tra,ce---Ordered that the clerk correct the taxes charged against the S1743 lot 4, Con. 7, and N175 lot 4, Con._ 6, error caused by over assess- ment. ` ` T 'l\...-n-..l..1n 7'l'II...._1..... r\...1-__-.1 LI__L uayscu U_yunu\-:1`. ' Believing that by taking the whole bottie of. medicine prescribed for the hives he would get well at once. War- ren CA. Inkrote, 22, of Sunbury, Pa... swallowed` the dose. Prompt action ~sa.ved his life.- Strangely, the . hives also left him. . A ` -~ . r . uuwxley, .po"t.UU. DrysdaIe-Thur1oW-0rdered that the taxes charged on the Collector's Roll against the property of Miss Gray, Phe1pston,. be struck off (except the charge for _ street lighting) . `Dnvvnnv-'l`rann__.nm-1m-ad +1-ml 4-ha IIICIIL. Drysdale-'1_`hur1ow - Ordered that the Ree?/'e and Clerk be a. deputation to interview the Minister of Highways relative to a/grant for the improve- ment of -the" 9th line from Elmvale west to Wasaga Beach. ,_ 'l"rnnA_...'l`In1xrnnv_nrr1nv-nri- +1191 Han IIUIULHE IJIU suule. ` On motion of Mr. Thurlow, seconded by` Mr. 1 Downey, ordered that this Council now adjourn to meet at Elm- vale, Dec. 15, at 10 a.m. 4-1 1' I'|991\-Ip\\v and - A jury 'a,wai-ded` the Philadelphia Storage Battery Co., a,_ verdict of $339.-' 939 against the Air Reduction Co. as damages from-a. fire caused by the ex- plosion of a. defective manifold on an oxygen cylinder. tlnntrino fhgf `I-nr folrh-an -Irina en-Ian!` I Flos Cduhcil met at Elmvle on Nov. 29. The following accounts were passed for payment: S. E. Campbell, iron culvert nines: `-"" \/umuyucnn, u.Uu uuxvcrl. "'piffs ....................... ..$ T. Robinson, work on Phelpston Marsh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E H. Smith, wood for Miss Gray, Phelnston . . . .' . . . . . . . . . J. { .1`??? f west to wasaga Beach. _. I Trace---Downey-0rdered that the amount charged against the property of Mrs. Willis Spring for"burned tele-. _phone be struck off. Rv-Inw urn: 1-manna fnr Hvh-mr C-kn Men s Suits $15.95 and up Men s Overoats $15.95 ALL LATEST STYLES % F L05 COUNCIL A MUFFLER Brushed wool of. the n- est textures ....I`. 39 Reg. up to $3.50. you .-.v uunnnu c. s; BURTON, Clerk. CHlLDREN S CHlLDREN S srgagycs ROMPERS SHIRTS. $1.00 Ecli- Railways U rail tickets. .$62.90 . 35,00 We have the largest and best assortment of Ties in Barrie. They make ideal Christmas gifts. Boxed and separate. Prices . . . 39c up to $1.00 -- turn: NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons hav- ' ing claims against the Estate of Han- nah Mabel Mccracken, late. of the Village of Angus, in the County of Simcoe, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of November,` 1924, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of December; 1924, after which date the executors will distribute the assets of the es- tate among _those entitled thereto. hav- ing regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and that they will not be responsible to any per- son for the assets of said estate whose claims shall not then have been re- ceived_ r.axecutors' Solic I 48-50c Barrie. __< lDATED November: 27, 1924; Uldllllii ceived . NOW WITH lafg ford};-4| NO'[I_(_2!-3 _'ro_ cmanrrons FEED YOUR PULLETS a Achlcagq judge he intended to npson. Brown & Co. TO -CLEAR 5 gt greatly reduced prices. HYA(_2_l"]\lT`l lml3iJJl:BS ._.. . - vv-.. -v- -u-any f hoice Winter Applgf including Spys, Seeks and Greenings. ` We have also for sale some t ads. 4 "'f 1'll -tI1e_-Biasket " TIES Ajiiarge Quantity of MEN SL RAINCOATS $1.00 % eater ALEXANDER COWAN. Executors Solicitor, ontario . \ KT.-.--...._I___, -an A BIG B OVER- ALLS, $1.65 SHIRTS, $1.59 All wool SHIRTS, $1.19 TRADE-MARK _69c Page Seven LINES I/ork V I : 0-ven p oven r wood le lin- ly and neces-` water spec- v&@vm@&w .. ~ V ` - , '->- , g BOYS SUITS fa E p"ir'i3'1'x' i:?r'E s' ~ 5.1P:}.?'.u`3%.'5`...'.`}.}"J3.u'.2`..`.`.'.f.`n`E WLIAN Ul.ll\l.$- AND HEALTH! Vuu Ion nu III can look Mnull GOJIKAOQIII NIGHT 6" up:-"9-run u-sup-ran URIN 3Q?&@&v;aawaayg@Qqm&3@&8rw@v@@a@a@Q3@2&@@@@@@@@ @@@@@i&@@@w2:%7a@%r%77a'3lW hop where yoil an lnvftd to shop. Partridge & Gilroy " Exclusive Real Estaie Agent s ' Phonq 3: St.. Barrio. Iieunvacownn L SE US BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL Phones: Office 861, residences 864W or 1071.1 . If it is Real Estate, we ' haveit; ` Terms Arranged to suit purchaser. A V `Ana :4: n, 0 I, n,,,,-_o, Oico: 43Bayold SK. 3aie. ' ` P. O. Box 1011. . `"- 1 A ggge nesIoe_N'rIAL`scIooL4=on GIRLS wntmg Ieholu-ship Matriculation. Solo 81118108. llualc. Art, Conyerutlonll - French emphasized. Outdoor games and sporu. T Health record excellent. ' . -A- .n4----L..- ___l-- L` ...l_-!._-I- O l__lL_. > |'___-fa. ___ .'l'l:undey, December `H, _1.924.. you naturally th_iVnk of A wuznrns, E REAL E ESTATE dau 1: you'll say heat from r radiators ur heating Is to give e coldest days you the heat `them: any Q-wt: no nvvvoin uavvslu For. Pronpootuo app}y-I_o.,Pu-inoipalo Dunlbp at Mulcasteri Phone 31.? (Em int inr Cllhriatmaz LADIES HOUSE DRESSES,` $1300 F'irnt_ qality, size 60x24 TURKISH ` -BOYS 2-PIECE BOYS CAPS TOWELS, 59 __`_tJN1_)ga1m_ry:.A._13 49 1 BROWN S MEN S WEAR BA NKRUPT sTOCKS` Sizes u,p'.toj 44 jv.en?s1~ IIe9.9 Enliie Ill I1-can Alan A READ EVERY ITEM ALL GOODS EXCHANGED UNTIL LAST DAY `THE REGULAR s1zEsARE'co1Nc FAST. THE 1.owEsr `PRICES IN BARRIE. YOU SAVE MONEY on EVERYTHING wE SELL. Sizes 27 to 35 $5.50 $7.95 $3.95 Sizes Regular 75c -f- MEN S HEAVY POLICE BRACES DQIIIIIQD _.._ MEN'S WOOL MIXTURE COMBINATIONS QC AA MEN S WOOL lJ}_`{D_ERWEAR soc1_ 41_>Rs. $1.00 94 44 %MEN S WOOL RIBBED - You wouldn't leave a bag of twenty- dollar gold pieces parked at the curb even though they were stamped In God We Trust." In fact. the person who did so wouldiimmediately be sent to the insane asylum. But nine out `of every ten motor car owners. accord- ing to statistics, are fully as careless with their machiries, which often rep- resent `a. bag. of gold pieces far too heavy to carry. ' Youthink nothing of leaving your 1 ":1 H'~:9_2a~i=:-vxu" I car for long `periods without looking it. And if you are fortunate enough in still having it, why , it is,, nothing less than sheer luck. It is little won- der that automobile thieves live off the fat of the land and find such 9. prof- -itable field for their work. -' . \ 'I"ImInyn-n un.--11-. ......_v_ 1.. .._.L... ---s fwen St. '_a.|:cuIUIU Luaxu Luz` I.l.lUJ..l.' WUI'l(o Thieves usually work in pairs, and when they see an unlocked car at the curb. they. `drive another machine alongside of the unlocked one.. It is an easy matter to_step fm one into the other. . Incase they are discovered -in the actual theft,` the other car is the means of -getting` away. Asa. rule they take the one that offers the least resistance for an "easy geteaway; Sunnose vour car in one nf Hanan l.'U5l.BLu.llUB 1.01` an easy getaaway; Suppose your car is one of those stolen. Could you identify it with a. new paint job or other -_disg'uiising features? ` Remember that the car is the thief s property until proved other- wise. Without some real proof you cannot, or course,' your property. couu) You IDENTIFY .I YOUR STOLEN CAR?! By Er;i:Greer V |(Presider 1t' Greer College of Automo-. tive Engineering) ' A"SlLK BROADCLOTH SHIRT With separate collar, the most popu- lar shirt today .._. . . . . Regular $5.00., % no YOUR VBOYS LADIES % CHRISTMAS ovancons CASHMERE SHOPPING HERE Sizes 27 to 35 A HOSE,` 25 LANDSAVE -$3.95 Black and `brown mmitoa xunibera. \ 49: , 39c Winter and Summer ' BR0wN sMEN s WEAR F IF TH AVENUE CLOTHES SHOP ALLISIBNBARGAIN STORE The opening of the new school at Severn Bridge on Friday, Nov. 28, was _a decided success. The building was ' taxed to its full capacity, even thevhali being crowded. Wm. `Black- well was chairman. The first speaker was ex-Warden Eplett of Coldwater, who warmly congratulated the village on their fine achievement of building so cod a school. He pointed out tha we-could not go too far in edu- cation and emphasized that our chil- dren are the greatest asset of the Do - minion. Warden J. E. Coombs of Bradford, who was very enthusiastic- ally received, drew a very vivid pic- ture of`the future of the county of Simcoe owing to the advancement of education. A very pleasing address was given-by School Inspector Stroth- ersof Muskoka district. J. W. Wig- gins then spoketelling why and how the-school was built and `explained the items, etc. The school as it stands. less equipment, cost $5,300 which is $_1,20,0rbelow- the lowest tender. _The until the car` is gorie. It onlv takes a. few UIILU. |..ll_U U511` 13 50118. It only takes a few seconds to lock your car. And, as a rule, the thief shadows his prospect several days be- fore he steals it. If .he sees that you are careful it is a. ten to one shot that hefll pass your machine up for one that is easier .to steal. ,So don t`put temptation in his way. uuwu: cu: av unauy auzuuaucu uiuuels. Q It is a. simple matter to put secret identification marks on your machine. Inside the hub caps and on the frame are excellent places. . Or you might loosens some part of the upholstery and insert your business card. In, this event you would catch the thief red- -handed. Suppose that these identifi- cation places were discovered--and re- moved--surely there are other means that `will suggest themselves to you. from an observation of your 0 n-par- ticular car. And` a`thief isn't super- human; he cannot locate all the ident- ification places. But do it right NOW. Don't wait With the engine numbers and frame identification removed, you cannot pos- sibly tell your car- from 'a.nother.~es- pecially on account of the fact that there are so many standard models. 1'? In o nivnvsln. vvunl-`nu 4-.` .....4. ......._..LI FINE NEVVSCHOOL OPENED AT ssvsnn amass CE. you in one $1.00 BOYS A QOMBINATIONS Sizes 24 to -34: - He certainly will like the Tie you get here, Boxed or separate . . . . .; 49 Regular up to $2. [-A TIE THE BAlRlEfBXAM'lNER_ All sizes, i 31108.. ---v_ _r-- --.---.- This new school at Severn is a mod- el of what a small school should be.. Situated on the Muskoka Road. the new school has a splendid location and is surrounded by an acre and a half of excellent playground. It is a frame structure` painted white with green-trimmings. and presents an ex- ceedingly-neat and attractive appear- _ Above the entrance is a gable surmounted by a pretty. bell. cupola, which adds to the appearance of the building. There are two large` class rooms, both bright and airy. Through- out the building is finished _in white plaster and grey wainscotting and there hardwood floors. There are two cloak rooms and above the en- trance there is a teachers room. In heating, ventilation and equipment it is most modern. Byvthe ventilation system, warm fresh air is introduced into theclass rooms, and the foul air mechanically withdrawn. For heating a wood furnace of the latest model has been installed. The basement will be used as a recreation room. One of `the notable features of the new school is the new type of seats which will be used in the senior class. They are a combination of chair and writing table, the latter of which/is attached to the chair as an arm. Beneaththe seats is a drawer for books. The seats are of oak and are not only eminently actical but attractive in appearance. ne of the?easdnsA for building the new school was to -make provision for-what is known as a fifth class in which pupils may take high school work up to the end of second form. Upon embarking o this project the trustees considered that they would `be fortunate if they secured twelve pupils, the necessary number for the Departmental grant. ut already twenty have been enro ed.i Should _conditions warrant it the trustees may engage a third" teacher; The school wouldjthen be a teacher"-and-a-half continuation school" having one teach- er giving full time `to high school work and oneteacher giving half her time to continuation class and half to public school. In the. Junior room`. which is taught by'Miss E.` B. Mat- thews. there are .over forty pupils in the classes up to and including.T ird Book. The pupils in `Miss Ruby K `lg- patrick's room, the Fourth Book and Fitthclass, number thirty. T \ next number was an exhibition of physical, exercises by our Canadian Girls in Training which was very much appreciated by all as it was new to most of the audience.- Reeve A. A. Cunningham told what his council had done and promised every possible `as-' sistance in the future. The next speech was by Rev.` Mr. Sneyd who showed that he was proud ofythe new school. Miss Wanda Bowman of Barrie in her usual able and pleasing manner de- lighted the audience with several songs and recitations during the evening. Other addresses by members ofv_th_e` township council and the trustees of neighboring schools and choruses by the children made up a splendid program. At the close the Women's Institute servedlunch to those taking part in the_ program. ' rnI.:... __-_- _-:_-- _; .~,,,, 0 - e had ooked airing y low BOYS BRACES `Buy Advertised Things 25 A PAIR or SILK` 5.1! WOOL SOCKS Different. h a `d e s . to choose from .. . .. 59 Reg. up to $1150. (Maae in Engni Val_ues ;o- MEN S FELT .*.IATS $1-.99 puuuu U1?` 5Ll'l.lUK UIL. By-law was passed for fixing the time and` place for holding the nomina- tion for the offices of Reeve, Deputy- Reeve and three Councillors, for fixing the place for holding the poll it neces- sary, and for appointing -the.deputy- returning officers and poll clerks for holding the same. i n rnnflnn nf Mn 7I`I111v-`Instr Q(\fIr\'\l1(\t: Lmuben 11, 1924.

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