--._-. u-1 vv canal rnnmla avblnl I A number of` reprsentatiires of various societies -in town gathered in the Sunday School room of Collier ` St. Methndiut nkn-v-nh 1ap4- 'II7...l..........l..-- INDIAN WELFARE so%cu_-:1? A .... ....I_'_.. ,3. , . .. Gist Yea} -....- .......... \ VVATER WITCHES-Florence Mc- Intosh, Marie Carley. Elva. Coughey. Eva.` McFarland, Doris Bricker, Pearl Campbell, Edna Urry, Sarah Levit. [Evelyn McDonald, Myrtle McLelland. _Meta Lee, Edna -Tuck. Jean Luck. Beryl Wolfenden; Mary Caston, Hilda Huxtable. - BASHFUL BEES-Laura Martin, Iris Jarvis, Dora Rowe. Mary Crew. ` Ruth Smith, Hazel McDonagh, Del- phine Robinson, Margaret Caston. Violet Darth, .'Nettie McLeod. Edna Carson, _J.ean VanAtte'r. Daisy Meek- lums, Vera Mays, Polly Corbett, Beat- rice Urry. . `I AfI'rr'r'rx-q u-u,, . o -- -..- .....v .1, ma... au.aLvc_y. The chorus was large and danced much better `than dq most amateur choruses. ' - \ -.-- . ----- ---> #- u vuc auzuaeuwxlv 01 tile aumence. A-specialty was introduced during the second act, `consisting of a comet solo by B. M. Sylvester, selections by the Barrie girls orchestra and a V0- cal'solo- by Mr. Harvey. mkn nknuuun -c--- 1------ -~ ` ` ' ` ' (Continued from bags 1) as two sailors, also contributed much to the amusement of the audience. A-nnnnihlfn Inna :..+....A..'......1 .1.-_-:__ LOCAL AMATEURS ` I? smcagppn snow f.bts' of Fun, Bright Music and Pretty Dances vin` A11_Aboard. ' CANADA, THURSDAY; DECEMBER 11, 1924. u.:. an account. . The ,plainti keeps a boarding house at Creemore and Mr. Hisey for some time previous to his death had taken meals there frequently, the meals to be charged and set off against a contra account which Mr. Hisey had against Mrs. Matchett. `When the Hisey estate was being set- tled, a difference arose as to the amount owed the plaintiff by Mr. Hisey and the matter was brought to the` Surrogate `Court for adjustment. Allan Scott of Collingwood appeared ` for the plaintiff and E. J. McEwen of Collingwood for Mrs. Hisey, the executrix. * JUDGMI-:Nrr RESERVED IN BOARDING nous!-: CLAIM =Judgme'nt was reserved by Judge Vance in acase heard by him in the Surrogate Court last Friday, in which Mrs. M. A.` Matche-tt of Creemore` sued the estate of the late Jacob Hisey of Creemore for adjustment of wa1:I account. .-. ..'l.`..'....I.:m L - Women s Skating Boots, ankle support and strap, low at heels, high cut, in black box calf- leather, sizes ,3 to 8, special, pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4_00 Men's Skating Boots, ankle support and strap, spring heels, solid leather soles, in black chrome leather, sizes 6 to 10, special,,pair . . . ._ . . . . . , , .. Boys in same style, sizes 1 to 5, Men's Lightnirig Hitch Hockey Boots, all sizes 6 to 11, special . . . _Buckskin Lace Moccasins, No. 1 grade, . fancy front, wax\sewn-_--` _ - . Men s sizes 7 [042, special, pr. $1.95 Won_1e'n s and Boys s1zes 3 -'5. $1.65 Girls and Boys sizes 14 to 2, $1.35 . ,Children s sizes 6 to 10, special 85cl All Ready for the Christmas Buyers ther sole, padded insole, -Owland Bunny designs, sizes 11 to 2, special . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. or, Owl and Bunny"-designs, sizes-4 to ,7, special . Same style, sizes 8 to 10, special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Menfs Felt Slippers, plain grey felt and plaid design, made with soft leather out soles and exible leather soles, with warm cosy padded insole, regular $2 value, sizes 6-.11 . `$7.4: I V ' .Men s Brown Kid Romeo Slippers, elastic sides, exible leather - T soles, sizes 6 to 11, special, pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boys Felt House Slippers, exible leather soles, soft chrome See our display in Indian Moccasin Slippers, fur-lined, women s and child? ren. s, `all exceptional values at . . , . . .,$l.00, $1.20` and $1.50 pair (P100 V- Misses Fancy Felt Slippers, pretty shade of blue, exible lea-- Girls Fancy Felt Slippers, leather sole, padded insole, blue col-' soles, noiseless, all sizes,. special . . . . ._ . . . 90C to , Buy dvertised Things. ,We invite you td come and see the finest display of Seas- onableFootwear to be found anywhere. No obligation to buy-V-the pleasure `is-ours. ' e snmmc BOOTS A f`lDr`l ll Avnnn 1- _ ; _ _ _ _ For gift purposes, Slippers, Shoes, Skating Boots, Mocca- sins or Goloshes are the sort of Christmas tokens that every man, woman, boy and girl will heartily welcome. In the immense variety here for your choosing, you will find it a pleasant task to make your selection, and never before have good quality shoes been priced so rmqnn- AT Moomars SHOE STORE - -...---- - - ..... nanllallvlo, wauu, DU! L, p'1UUCU IHHCT S016 and .S0tt chrome leather soles, ribbon trimmed, in red, brown and dark- navy blue colors, sizes 3 to 7, `special, pair . . Women's Fine Felt Juliet Slippers, exible leather sole and. heel, plush bound, colors red, navy blue and brown, sizes ` '3 to 8, special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-..... Ladies Evening Slippers,in patent and vici kid leathers, one- strap cut-out pattern, very smart design, exible leather sole, Cuban heel, sizes 2% to 8, special, pair . . . . M:..__ 'l:'_____ DJ; DIS, -- " " ` All men contemplating matrimony were advised to choose their mates from among those of the gentler sex having high insteps by Albert Edward Tgiis i Radio Station -TIM broadcastii1g:- A Merry Christmas, Everybody. `Get all that Christmasvand New Year s music by iwestinghouse Sets Any Set demonstrated F ADA Neutrodynes Sets btiilt to" order in your own home on request It :.v-n' I-' ~--- -- --w -- If it's Radio, see Radio 1 j- -15 Owen St., Barrie. Open every evening till ten o'clock unless No . 50. .Best Quality Dominion Rubber Brand Fit more perfect, longer wear and smarter styles. Men s 2-bucklene cashmerette over- shoe, sizes 6 to 11 . . . . . . . .. iWojmen s 4-buckle bestsquality cash- meretteeovershoes to t every shape shoe, sizes 272 to 8, special i Womei1 s 5-buckle nest quality cash- merette overshoes, perfect tting, all sizes, special . . . . . . . . . . . . Misses 3-buckle overshoes, sizes 11 to 2, special . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . .. ,Girls"-and small boys 3-buckleover- A shoes", sizes 6 to 10%, special $145 $1744`, I _. Q h: /,-, . ~ (( `L,/4 //% /I'll H? H! FOR THE FAMILY 1 20 PAGE 1, soft, padded inner sole and _sof aka... 4...:...... - .1 9.- Overshoes FOR THE FAMILY Wiggam, scientific author and lectur- er, in a Pittsburgaddress. - V I, 15 Owen St., Buy Advertised Things `nus ww; I unless demo /nstrating. SECTION 3 PAGES 17 TO 20 A` Barrie Collegiate lnstuf 3-C: -j'-- A an Ciiiii" %_ FESTIVAL 4325 comes 1