Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Dec 1924, p. 13

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took place on Wed- :11 evening with cards rhere were eighteen `and the prizes were Vhite and Miss Irene . C. Bricker taking` e hands. ' V `.1925 are: President, ; first vice-pres J. nd vice-preS., Dr. L. 1 vice-pres Mrs. W . -retar,v.vG0rdon Long- Dr. W. R. Richard- ers of the Mackenzie. vl was followed by an Give Her a Silk Knitted Scarf A gift that is always appreciated, and, besides, they are so popular this year. Dozens to choose from in ev- ery shade. Priced from . . . . 98c up LINENS GALORE ` for Christmas, Shoppers "Christmas shipment of Plauen Linen 'in centres, doylies, ovals and run- ners, prices . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 up MADEIRA LINENS make excellent Christmas gifts. On display in sets or, in separate pieces, such as doy- lies, ovals, centres and tea cloths. -"F or Dad Cushion Soled Boots, in ne kid leather and Wide toes; a pair of Black or Brown Elastic `Side Slippers, with leather soles and heels; _a one-, tWo- or four- buckle pair of our best quality Overshoes. Boys"Box.,Kip end Gun Metal - Boots, built tc wear, with heavy soles and rubber heels, all- of these shoes are Bl_u- `cher cut, giving ample - troom for the foot, and wide toes, `giving all kinds of toe room; in _sizes 11-13, $2.95 pr. Rolled Edge and Hea- vy Heel Boy Scout Rubbers to t, $1.10 And - our lighter best quality. Rubbers, 95 `Buy our Heavy Work `Rubbers for men or boys. Our customers are pleased with them WORK RUBBERS The body was brought from Toronto this morning and the funeral service was held this- afternoon in -Collier St. Methodist church where she was for so many years a. faithful member. deeply interested. in the vgrious activ- seventy-five years ago in Essa. Tp. near Ceokstown, a. daughter of the late Wm. and Christena Strong. At the age of twenty she married Mr. Donnell and went to live in Alliston where her husband had a general store. About 45 years ago, she became a. resident of Barrie and continued to reside here until she removed to Tor- lonto six months ago. Mr. Donnell ,died in 1915. They had no children. Ishe is survived by two half-brothers. Charles Coleman. of Barrie and Al- fred Coleman of Deseronto. JHIU ST MAS OSIERY F And Venus Silk Hosiery are so sat- isfactnrv in ulnar an urn nu 1\r\:v\:u '..j,. Women's Goloshes, the best quality of Cash- merette uppers and heavy sole, and the heels on our overshoes `are di'erent-- they : have a protection on the back, giving longer 'wear-it is much hard- er to break out. Five buckles $4.65 Apr. Four buckles $4.15 pr. ,Three buckles, $3.25 This is the hard one! ; But she always wears `out shoes. Make her `a gift of shoes; If she doesn't like them, she can change them after Xmas. She may need a nice Satin Evening '5 Shoe, a pair of Swanky Street Shoes. She Wi1' surely wear Goloshes this winter, or some-~ thing they wear wheth- er air is warm or cold ---a pair of nice Hose either in silk and woo] or just plain blk. silk. She Will Certainly Appreciate SILK HOSIERY For Sister ecu, xcuxau, ueaver, D1aCK, C0] esh, whlte and pearl. Prlce, per palr isfactory in wearyas well as being good-looking. The shades are sun- set, lariat, beaver, black, cordovan, nch urh-n and "\l\n'It` ~ Anuvzxuuubn, axc JHULU pupunar M1311 ever this Christmas. The colorings are elaborate and the pricesare from 50c up to $2.00 each. cranial I\IVVI-IIJLI -..'>`tl`1' `Useful and Beautiful Fancy Towels, both Turkish and huckaback, are more popular than nvnr 1-Ire (".'In-~{o+w-.n:- .uV vnoxo ALVU D1.:UUMrJ11.b' Boxed mdlvxdually or in sults `The shades are white, pink, orchid, nile, pablo and peach. The Vests are $1.75, Bloomers $2.50 Fancy Silk Vesting, tubular, white. pink and orchid $1.00 yard ND PRESIDENT ENZIE KING CLUB White jean, with }1nhe1TJ7dtZchab1e collar and B. C. crest on `sleeve. TH: New Chubby Parasol We have them. They make good Christmas gifts. `FANCY SILK UNDERWEAR IN VESTS AND BLOOMER nnva {an-11'uJn..'lI-- .... .. ..--SL- The New B.C.[. Middy ities of the congregation. Rev. H. E. Wellwood was the officiating clergy- man. Interment was made in Barrie Union. Cemetery. The pal}-bearers were W. R. King, J. D. Rodgers, D. C-. Murchison, Wm. Freek, A. J. Sar- jeant and Dr. W. Richardson. Mrs. Jas. Arnold and family wish to thank their many friends for all their kindness during their late bereave- `ment. A friend in` needv is a. friend indeed. 50!) Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson thanks her many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown to her during her recent bereavement in the loss of her husband. 50p CARDSOF THANKS For Brother Either little or big, old or young, he wears a lot of shoes. For little brother, what would tickle him more than to wake up Chrsitmas morning and nd he has a brand new pair of Chum Boots wit} Rubbers to t, or a pair of Indian Mocca- sins. Big brother, he would be pleased and satised with a pair of our Swanky Oxfords and Spats. $5-00apair SKINS runs -SKINS A MYERS Men s Overshoes-We pride ourselves with [the quality we sell and we do sell a lot of them. `It is not be- cause our price is less that we sell more, but because the quality is (there, and we stand `back of them. Four buckles $4.65 pr. Two buckles $3.50 pr. `Due buckle . $2.75 pr $1.75 P539 Thirteen ` aavzwv 50c_ pr. cube:-_ 11`. 192.4. SQUARE awwaweg > Phone 1010 `yielding from ARI L- Rn] U UK LUIS - Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Charles, who have been in Buffalo for the last few months, have returned to"town and are again occupying their house at 29 Grove St. ` 7 rn...|_u.-- -I1-v-... ..._I.. A .`._lIh.`..-u qnsul-anonu Vrilvli 1$lV?"jr u-v-_- _. A very pretty wedding took" place at the home of Mr. Thos. Bannen. Vasey, Ont., on`We_dnesday, Dec. 10. `when "their only daughter. Miss `Janet Agnes,- became the bride of Mr. Chas. W. Jamieson. son of Mr. and Mrs. David Jamieson, I-Iilsdale. Rev. J. McEwen of I-Iillsdale Presbyterian church of- ficiated. The bride, who entered the room on the arm of her father, was Bowned in fawn. satin and carried a bouquet of Sunburst roses and lily-ob the-valley. ` .Miss Gertrude Lorenson of Toronto, cousin of the bride, _w,9B bridesmaid. The groom was sup-. `ported `by his cousin, Mn. Russell Jamieson. The wedding; march was" 'played by Miss Lou Chapman and -during the signing of the `register. `Mrs. McEwen sang ".0~P-er,ft LOW-" After the wedding repeat Mr." and Mrs, Jamieson left ..for a honeymoon uouvvvus no. I: czuwvvalavuavna v Miss Dorothea. Wafterman 011- Top- onto wasthe guest of Miss Edna. Math- ieson over the week-end. - ' `II ... ;-I\.. \ 1-7 71* 1-a-|..t..'...-.. -1 1:4..- W. I-I..Kennedy has been appointed to the Executive of the Ontario Hotel Association. as representative for Sim- coe, Muskoka, Parry Sound and Hall- `button. ____1 -up..- -nt_.....I...n tVI_....I..... -kn 111138585. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Alpln. Allan- dale, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Elene, to Francis Waterfleld, son of Mr; Watertleld and" the late Mrs. Waterfleld, '1`oronto.`the marriage to take place the latter part of December. 11.. __-s ,-:1... 'l';..l~ I1IInu (If iabs.o'l- ly free VV UL BIC 3&1, VVIIU I VWIJ Illo Mr.. and Mrs. .Kenneth Strother of `Toronto spent a. couple,ot days with Mr. Creswicke this week, before tak-~ ing up residencoin Toronto. -vr ~- -- ,u,_ u,._ u_-__. ____.1...:.'-_1 KIFUVH lm ' Trinity Women's Auxiliary yesterday presented life memberships and gold crosses to Mrs. Frank Penstone and Mrs. A. W; Fletcher. The presenta- tions were accompanied by suitable ad- dresses. -an-_ -_..1. 11.... I1..- Alain Anon- or uecernner. V _ Mr. and Mrs . Louis W. Guest of `Strand wish to announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter, Hazel Zedna, to John Ross Brewster, only eonof Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brewster. Stroud, the wedding to take P18-0 quietly this month. '~ Miss N. Burrows has returned td town after a, visit in Detroit, Mrs. J. 2. T ;r."A;:3n' ;;{.i' 1:.{As- ton arrived yesterday from Alexandria. to reside in town. I`! `PV..A-..I_lII I.-- I.--._ _I__L-.I A JUDIJII \-I V VI lvllc VV V?K\"9II\uI I Mrs. (Dr.) H. H. Robinson of Spo- kane, Wash., ls spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Jno. Mackay, Worsley St., who is very ill. `Ila no.3 Ilua Tlnnnntln nnihnn AF -mu avwuuu> us uvvvue s. G. Underhill has been elected a. director of the Canadian Shoe `Man- ufacturers Association. 'vurx..... 'I\-.._LI.__ 11-r./;_....--.. .1 n1... $&&%mw&%%&&&&m&| PERSONAL mmmmma. .v'.a. .v..v..v..u " set"6F $10.00. f'8vfeet in. ex- minum e uphol- or tool. M v - -- ---a---- 5"... J g&&aaaga&aa&a&aaaaamaawaaa&aaa&aa&a&@aaaZ;@&wawawmwaaa%a%m%m%@%a%m%a%$% v&vv&@E?@3V3&83v&3?8&&wvQw&&w38a@gv@&2@aaw&@vam@a@@@z@zwawawzwawgwwg '29 JAMlESON3--BANNEN .'SOX' at .. 49, sec Quid 79 1 Gloves, Hadkerchiefs, Sweaters; Jewelry,-. Toques, Garters, Mitts,. .Wool Suits, Suspenders. All useful gifts. J IIJIV \l-l.\ lJ\Il ` TIES J. . . .. 47, 85 {$131.25 cH6os1Nc A GIFT FOR MEN 012 Boys at . . . 47:. 85c and $1.25 I1, On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wolfenden. of St. Catharines. formerly of _Barrie. celebrated` their golden wedding anniversary at the home of their son, Arthur Wolfenden. Ciapperton St. During `the afternoon and evening many` old friends `called to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Wol- fenden and they received a number of gifts in gold. Friends were present from Orillia, Whitby. Oshawa and St. Catharines. The house was attrac- tively decorated for the occasion with gold.'mums and daffodils. A _ mr- .....a Mr: wnlfenden were mar- wAnmcA-aoss Guthrie church was the scene of a very pretty -wedding on Dec. 6, when Miss Helen Ross, daughter of Mr. Thos. Boss, M.P., and Mrs. Ross, became the bride of Mr.` Burton B. Warnica, -son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warnica, Tollendal. The` church was tastefully decorated by the C.G.I.T. of Guthrie with evergreens, ferns and flowers. Rev. 0. Graham Jones of .Guthrie Presbyterian church officiat- ed. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father to the strains of the Lohengrin `wedding march play- ed by Mr. Angus Ross. Toronto. The bride's dress was -of. toast-shade gear- gette with lace and a black picture hat -trimmed with plumes which were worn by her mother" on her wedding day. She carried a shower bouquet of Sun- burst roses' and lily-of-the-valley. The bridesmaid, Miss Euphemia Lyall. was "dressed in fawn satin with `lace, and orchid hat. Her bouquet was yellow ' chrysanthemums. The groom was supported by his brother, Dr.` "J. F. .eWarnica.- During the signing of the register Miss Birdielwarnica sang Until.". ' ' s A wedding breakfast was served at the bride's `home, ,,New Hope Farm," where Mrs. Thos. Ross and Mrs. Fred Warnica received with the bride and groom. The groom's favors were: to the bride, a rope of pearls; to the bridesmaid, a bracelet: to the soloist, a. ring; to the groomsman, a tie pin, and to the organist and usher, scuff . links . n-u_- 1_..:.:).v.. unlna o-rnov nnnfI'1mn'wn.H IND SON nnms _ The bride's going away costume was of brown crepe. back satin with fur- trlmmed cloak and, hat to match. The many beautiful gifts testify to the es- teem in Which` the young couple are I. -1: 9091:: can u ...v.. -7- - _ _ _ held. , > Mr. and Mrs. Warnica. left on their honeymoon on the 6.10 train amid good wishes and showers of`:-':onfetti. On their return they will reside at `Dulce `.Domum." Toliendal. ` ` trip to Toronto and other places.` They will reside on the Second Line, was . Ont. They lived In barne I01` twenty- two years, moving five years ago to St. Catharines. Before coming to Barrie they lived for some time in Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Woltenden have three. sons, Arthur and R. J. of Barrie` and Harry_ or St. Catharinea. a. snug I Flos . MR.-AND MRS. R. I.._v75L|=ENoaN CELEBRATE eomeu, wsoomc. g0l(1.'Inuxua uuu uu. ...... .. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfenden were ried on Dec. 10. 1874,Tin Brooklyn, `Ont. They lived in Barrie for twenty- ...'... u...-. mnvlnz five years ago - 3"?@@@@@W$`@@`@3@Q3@@@@@E@@E@@@@@@E@@@@@ Sarjeant & King, Limited t styles s range give us will see g skate. Handkerchiefs of every shape and color. Really, the shades this Christ- mas are lovely and the styles so dif- ferent. that Handkerchiefs will jump `fn `H11: 4-'vnn+ -in 1\nv\I11uwN-17 A Handkerchief Booth.'Chock- ed Right Full :.cLcuu.u1ub n.uuune1'clueJ.s W111 Jump to the front, in popularity Prices from 15 up Come early for best choice. [I18 lllle eaunuen &Vl.U`\.ui!l.lll, uuu .lULllU1' of Samuel McAdam, formerly of Bar- rie, passed away early yesterday morn- ing at 22 `Parkway Ave., Toronto, after an illness of several months. The late Mrs. McAdam was in her six- ty-eighth year. She was born at Car1eton`Place, Ont., and removed to Toronto forty-eight years ago and had been a resident of that city ever since. She was a member oi; St. Jude's Ang- lican Church and is survived by two daughters, Josie G. McAdam and Eliz- abeth H. Prendergast; three sons, Samuel `of McAdam and Wagstaff; Robert L. of the Dominion Bank and Lionel `H. of the Toronto Transporta- tion Commission; three brothers, Robert L. Bond, of Ottawa, George Bond of Lanark. and Richard Bond of Seattle; and two sisters, Mrs. Mar- garet Thoburn, of Victoria, B.C., and Mrs. H. Willoughby of Thorold, Ont. Ivluvv wruunwuu u - - r u ---u------. The death occurred at her home, 121 Worley St., last Saturday, of Miss Ca.ro1ina_Beardsley after an illness of less than a Week. Miss Beardsley, who was in her eightieth year, was a daughter of the late John Beardsley and Sarah`McKernan. Her father was for many years deputy. sheriff and later caretaker of the` Court House, a position to which she succeeded on his death and which she held till her retirement about two years ago. Miss Beardsley had been in good health up to about a week prior to her death. She was a member of, St. Mary's Bo-i man Catholic Church and took a great interest in church Work, being for years a. leader in the various societies. She is survived by her sister, Miss Mary `Ann Beardsley at home. Her brother, A. W. Beardsley, who was county messenger for many years,~died last August. `The funeral took place on. Tuesday. morning from the home to St. Mary's Church and Cemetery. \The death oc'c'ur-red last Thursday at `the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. eC. Desourdie, of Hugh Biggar at the age of eighty-one years. The late Mr. Biggar was born in Ireland and came to Canada at the age of twenty. settling near. Beeton. In 1871 he was married at Rosemont to Miss Rebecca. Anderson, who died in Barrie last May. Following his marriage Mr. Biggar lived for some time at `Shel- burne and later farmed near Creemore tor a number oi. years. `While there he served for twenty years as secretary of the school board. Later, Mr. Big- gar moved to a.` farm in Innistil and retired twelve years ago. For the past five years he resided with Mrs. Desourdie, Bradford-'St. He was a man of quiet disposition with few in- terests outside his home. _, 5| 3)--` s_-___1_4_,',__ ,,,,,_ yvsuuuu uuuuguv clan) .-V.-gy- Two sons and five daughters sur- vive. They_ are: Edward and Robert of Barrie; Mrs. H. C. Desourdie. Al- landale; Mrs. M. Martin `and Mrs-. Percy Semple, Beeton; Mrs. W. Booth, P-ainswick. and Mrs. D. Fraser. Torontp. One brother, Alex. Bigger, lives in 0rlllla..- . -1.-.. __,,Q 4`_,n, _,I--_ 1-_A_ 3,1 , 'gmwww&&&%$&mww&g Figtmas '; - \JDIl\Jl`\l\Al E >X0I0I<%>I0X0X< K011 >I0X0I0I0X0X0X4 M RS. SARAH vMcADAM Mrs. Sarah R. McAdam, widow of the late Samuel McAdam, and mother nf Qcnmunl R/l'nAr1nrn fnrrnnv-Iv `nf `Rn:-- Muss CAROLINA BEARDSLEY LVCS All \.I1I|.|anan ' I The `funeral took pl?.qe la_.s,i; Satir- OBITUARY -HUAGI-I BIG-GAR Whe e Most People Do i Their Sarjeant & King, Limited `CHRISTMAS SHOPPING I Santa Claus has come down the chimney into our store and has left hundreds and hun- dreds of beautiful new Christmas Gifts that will delight anyone from your best friend to your own mother. It would be impossible to mention all we have to show you herein this paper. We want you all to be sure to comewith the crowd to the store where Xmas Shopping is made somuch easier. that Vwillgcertainly please ` KNITTED SUITS, trimmed with - brushed wool and fancy -stripes. l'\u nu-:1 Inn . A'--'11. 71532;; 1"1.E6 1}; "$1" 7'.`'6' SWEATERS from . . . . l. . . $3.00 1 migmxnnnz zxammzx in our Smallwares Department Fine Woollen Gloves, with or without cuffs, from 5. . . . 75c to $1.50 pr.- Kid Gloves, with embroidered cuffs, several shades, ._at . . . . . . .. $2.50 Fancy Chamoisette. Gloves, with cuffs and straps . . $1.75 .to $2.25 Washable Cape Gauntlet Gloves, all . sizes . . . . . . .- . . . . . $3.00 to $4.50 1 Handbags and Under-Arm Bags } make gifts't.hat certainly are very acceptable. Our stock has been increased especially for Christmas . shoppers, prices from 25 to $5.50 Pmarrir SWEATERS Gloves and Hanglbags rothers, 30nd . C., (1, BLEY me, 121 )f ness ardsley, , aardsley her [ff aded . alth y s Ro- Jr s. rs brother, led lace .ome ;ery. hursday Ira. ' `he m_d Rebecca. rie last` ge .1: reemore le acretary Er. sfil `or th rrs sur- Robert die. wd . Booth, igvwawa&@@@@w@@@@@@@@@@vQ@@@@@avzwawaavg L1. `Mas. ELIJAH DONNELL Mrs. Donnell, widow of Elijah Don'- nell, who was for a number of years Town Clerk of Barrie,` died on Tues- day, Dec. 9, at the home of her nephew, Robert Strong, 39 Glenlake Ave.. Toronto. Two years ago Mrs. Donnell suffered a partial stroke of paralysis and had since been in, failing health. On Saturday night last she had another stroke and did not regain consciousness. Since last June she had been living at the home of her nephew, .where she died. day from the home of his dughter to Thornton Union nnmnfprv any-ulna: uuy usuxu Lne nome OI I118 daughter Thornton Union cemetery, services being conducted by Rev_. W. J. Watt. .will visit our store day. We are plan- gest day's business our store. Bargains every department. 50c T---Hunter s Clothing g I N; BEA;RDS(AVu- Pl`0P- , _V ' Res. Phone 498. &&&&&@&&Q&&&&@@&&&&&@&Q&Q&&&&&&&Q&&& Mary Jane Donnell was born --...v v-uzrv`-av`-bxzxgv meg. B. sno.::sE5 ONF nnnp \lIl.`c'l` nu TL! D. nil:-I I Ixrn-1-run 'lIr\v1~I,-I `ECV E For Mother ` A pair of High Kid J. ' & I.ABe11 Boots, with a nice Cuban heel and Goodyear welt sole, just the kind most mo- thers like; a pair of nic_e Black Oxfords; a nice 'pair of Felt Slip- pers, with or Without. heels. You know what mother likes, so. to make it just so much nicer, add a pair of pur four- or ve- buckle Overshoes. Misses Box Kip and Gun Metal Blucher and Balmoral Boots that are dressy enough for -Sunday and a s lendid boot under rub ers or goloshes for _school; izes 11 to 2, $2.95 pr. Misses Girl Guide Rubbers, 11 to 2, 90 Misses Girl Guide 3- Buckle Overshoes, siz- es 11 to 2 .. $2.75 pr. Misses Girl Guide .4- Buckle Overshoes, sizs tes 13 to 2 .. $3.65 pr. > Special This Saturday OnlAyV--15-inch Leather-Top Rubbets . CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS uP" om: DOOR WEST or THE WEl'.LlNG;l`ON'HOTEL`

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