LDPKUY " Dec. 2-Mrs. T.'A. Sawyer and Mrs.` Tebo have been spending a few days in Toronto with their `sister, Mrs. I. M. Gilpin. ` A, T(lv-lznnhvlnlr guano 51... .......I. .....1 It a ovonnp 519' W GD UUIIIE U118. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Mrs. A. Ramsey of Toronto, accompanied by Mrs. VLeonard Ross, motored to` Barrie on Sunday .to see Mr. Ross, who is ill in `the R.V. `Hospital. ` fnnnmal n.-.g...'..a aI......-..u. 4.____., ...:... uuuuv a.ug. ouv vvulu'o " - Leonard Ross was taken la-st week to Barrie` Hospital where he had a critical operation performed. At -time of writing he` was doing fine. In and `Inn 1\.......I-.. -_s -- HUIIIUUH o Wm. _4Do:nnelly, whoj m4oved away from `here some months ago, is return- ing to town and is to occupy Dr. Bant- 1ng s house for the winter. - `I ..-....v._.1 1-1-..- _-, V A - _--- _........,...y,-.; unvpvncu LU `lIllBI.UIl' [last week to attend a. meeting in,t_he iizterests of the boys parliament elec- t on. ' V Geo.A Duff's family from Toronto were ca.lled_to his bedside the `end of! last week as his condition was quite serious. ' `ll?-n `l'\..'......n-- ..-I. -- -v - -' - ` I Alliston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bond Head Beeton . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . Newton-.gRobinson . . . . Thompsonville . . . . . .". . Cookstown . . . . . . . . . . RI\/'A.,S `BETTER OLE v way. up. Una`: v-am -vuu pvnunnaa uavaonuuno `- The result of the election` by polling booths was as follows: Alliston and Beeton at which both candidates ably upheld their plat- forms and asked for thevsupport of the [voters of the various polling divisions. ` mu- ........u. -0 cl... 4.I....J.l....v I.-- _-su____ `Baker Banting .. . .17 38 ,. . . .1 T 10 Q - 9 El uangratulations to Eldon G.. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Latimer, and M1ss.Let8,. daughter of Mr. Mich- Us uv.e stock on Tuesday or this week. Preparations for the unday School Christmas tree. and ententainment on the evening ot the 19th are under-`way:-.-. Keep the date open. V .(Advt.) ` A very. enjoyable,,event took place at the home of Mr. `and Mrs. Ivan Grose on Tuesday evening of this week. when the recent bride and groom, Mr; and Mrs. Browning, were entertained by the Presbyterian choir.- ' Mrs.. Browning was presented with a `mis- cellaneous shower, including many useful gifts.. About titty guests were . present . _, run 1\J\IhI Dec. 2-MissaMyrtle Campbell spent the week-end with Miss Grace Swit- zer of Beeton. Mrs. W. O. Partridge of Barrie and Laurie Warner of Smithers, B-.C., zlrisited at Mrs. Neil Shaw's on Sun- ay. V [SIM _day. English Broadcloth Shirts L. WITH sorr COLLAR" TO MATCH Colors: White,_Cream,V Mauve, Grey, Blue, and Tan. Also there are shifts of English Zephyrs, Cords, Oxfords, `Madras, Poplin, and other materials in a splendid range of color stripe patterns, V " vvucn-cnu In Toronto. Walter Tar-Bush went to Tofonto last Friday. A [ICU LVUV. ll .Mr. Longran, P.S.I., made a. visit to the Angus school this week; Mrs. Geo. Latimer and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon G. Latimer -spent the week-end in Toronto. -Wlfl` 'l`gr-`Duck urn-at Ira "N-------`-- ` upuruuun on 'rueaaay.ot. this-week. A The U.F..0. `shipped two fine cars of live stock on Tuesday of this Preparations for the Qunmm 1:..w.....: ~22.- ael Horan of Alliston, who were mar- ried Nov`. 27. "Mfr- T.t\v\rvvv\nuu 11 C1 1 -,, - Shop where you are invited :9 shop. carnal I \ll` A meeting of the ,Women s Institute- will be held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Baldwin on Wednesday, Dec; 10, at 2 o'clock. The report of the Provin- cial Convention will be given by the- delegates. also a contest and music. Mrs. Herman Osborne will give the- current events. There will be a. miscel-~ laneous shower for the Children's 'Shel-- ter. ' GIiA(`m'- pitul, 1". ' M1`.`.'m (`i n ,7 BL. . u u. 1`/1("NlI('H.-\| LI/\ni2'I] .. .:) \<'.\1 TRAL\'- l ..I 1.1.. ..,.,` HOI..\1.-\.\'| M...~ 1:. hull, In Mr. . llH N0, 10 I hurst. st TEAS-L);\I ,'!nu-.1. umuuncu 18 reported . ` * The new grain elevator, which will be managed by Will Reid, went into operation on '1`ueaday.bt.thls-week. U.F.O. `shinnm-I tum u- Anna J()}I.\'.\"I`| -m up. [II \ Illl wIC1:---< al Two 5 ' Each'N .l1U.\}ru.a to Mr. -1: '\'n4. `(um ux 1 d.'m;:htt- 13:1 rl L1; \ idem-.0 Barrie, Y (*1 J . KI. dale, 1:1 ith Mal :..;v. u 9] 4...... 1 -`(III -V I `V '.I`0r0nt 0: A 11.. .l UXUIHI of Allu noun: ulny. - ; The Methodist W.M.S. met in the church on Tuesday afternoon of this week. At the conclusion or the devo- tional and business part of the meeting tea, which was provided by Mrs. B. '1`. Bateman. was served. A lrnnil ...+_ Tlll MOI Rad Rad i1 M 565' JA4 um, wmcn was provided by Mrs. Bateman, was served. A good at- tendance is reported. The new m-nln nlmma-nu ...u..a..u.. ...m Luruutu spentgme week-end n town. Rev. `Wallace Johnston will" conclude his seri,es.ofvsermons,upon the subject] of ``Organic' Union" on Sunday next. . JOB. Mulrov left on '|"unnrInv-!nu"lVmn ax "urgamc umon" Sunday Mulroy left on Tuesday-for"1`Aom onto where he expectg to remain for some t!m. Methodist W.M,R mnf 1- -0 Lu. ulxpln. ' - A. Kirkpatrick spent thoweek-end in Toronto. ' ` ' - - Reg. Canning and Elmer Grose of Toronto spentoothe week-end in town." Rev. `Walking .1 nhm'u>nn mun--'..m...n...a-