` .' Dncouglmv 4, uuzuusunun aaturaay, NOV. 29. Miss Dunlop visited Mrs. Morrison over the week-end. K/nun "I311!-In 'l'Vu....n... ......._a. 3n--___1-__ -4 uvur ule weex-ena. Miss Ruth Turner spent Sunda.y at her home at Shanty Bay. Ernest WQ.f1(in nf Tnrnnfn uiahtn |.uu Lu!` unu 0l`0WI18(1._ Mrs. J. Shanphan has been ill and was removed to `Barrie hospital for treatment. Her many friends wish her a. speedy recovery. Miss Irene Garrettis on the sick list. l.b Colds are quite prevalent in our urg.- s cur UL SEOCK H.180. . While H. Johnston was driving two cattle along the eighth line one took fright and bolted into the lake. Be- fore lt could be rescued it swam out too far and drowned.. MFR .1 Ekonnknn Inn`. 1...... III __.s un LU . M. Coughlin and J. A. McLaughlin shipped 8. carload of stock to Toronto on Monday. L. L. Scott shipped a. car of stock also. unm. `Ll `rnlnnnh... ....... n..:--2..- A---A 1111 are visiting in the city this week. Mrs. Thos. Moore is spending a couple of weeks with friends in Tor- onto. onto `II LFIUHUH 1n'A.ll8.nG8.l9 recently. Some of those attending the Winter` Fair in Toronto were: Wm. Scott. Jas. -Muir, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maw. Mrs. E. Wllllston. Miss K. McLaugh- lin and Jim. and Leo McLaughlin . MI`. and MPH. and -Mi K (`Ana-$1.. un unu Jun 8.110 1480 Mcuaugnlm. Mr_. and Mrs. and Miss M. Cough- lln are visiting in the city Mrs. Thou. Mnnrn in unm-.m.... .. uuusuu.-.z', xvuws. -3. J. UOX. - ' The new came as a. surprise to th many friends of Miss Margaret Binnie, who was married on. Nov. ,19' in Tor- onto to Mr. Thos. Reynolds -0! Tor- onto. All `Join in" wishing Mr; and Mrs. Reynolds a. bright and prosper- ous future. Mvvn (Inn {Stun}- ..l-lA.-_1 _ --__ `I I-- -auuuu; nurse quunuty 01; Inner arucles. Terms or Sa1e--All sums_of 310.110 and under. cash: over that amount 11. months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 8% off tor cash. Allnurlll In: nnl Ilvlluhu unikuuvn UU5 LULUl'Uu Mrs. Geo. Binnie visited a weekwith I friends in Allandale recently. I Some of those attending 1-ha xxranom; DLIJJIJUIC n ' `After a lingering illness of several` years Thomas Coffey. died last Sunday evening. He was a native of Water- fordpounty, Ireland. . Forty-five years 'azo"he married Abigail Baristen of Waverley. Mr. Coffey had lived here forfifty years. Mrs. Coffey died eight years..ago. He leaves two brothers "who reside in U.S.A. For..the past thirty-five years Mr. and Mrs. Coffey kept thegeneral store here. Rev. Mr`. Herman of Craighurst ' officiated. The remains were interred at Minesing cemetery, The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to hisniece. Mrs. W. F. Richardson, with whom he has resided for a number of years. The news reached hm-n nf fhn nun. rvaluuu Luz` a.`numDer OI The news reached here of the death of Mrs. Sam. `Johnston. on the Town Line. Sympathy is extended to her daughter, Mrs. S. J. Cox. Thn rlntxra nnvnn an n nn........i.... L- 4.1.- `um murnlng. - ' I The annual beef ring supper was held at M. Coughlln s last Wednesday lovenlng, aboutVone.hundre'c1 being pre- -sent. A very pleasant vening was spent after the sumptu us chiclgen supper. - . `Affnr Q Iinannlnu uH`...A.=.v. -3 ..-_-_.._|, 1,115.` A.--pllant ume 18 reported. A few from there attended the party at Howard Priest's, tripping the tight fantastic till the wee small hours of the morning. 'I`hn nnnnnl I-uanf ml.-.~ ............-.. ----. Dec.` 1-A new recent visitors are: Mrs`. Clark and Mrs . Craighegd-~ of Midland at W. F. Richardsoxs: _Dr. L. M. and"Mx-s. 'Coughlin, of Pene- Atangulshene,` and Mrs. Long, or Phelp- ston,, at _M; C.o_ughl1n s; Mrs .. 'Bowde'n grid children, of Pafnswick, at S. J. ox s. ` 117-... b......'..'_.. -_L__L_ L A I L/UJS 5- Wm. Brennan entertained a num- ber 1of_ his friends last Monday even- i,ng.- A.-pleasant time is reported. from `here affnnn Hm .m..+.. op- HAWKl:'.S'l'O\NE T % uurntusu; BBL UFIVHIE -IIEFIIBBB. . HOUSEHOLD .EFFEC'1`S-Bedroom suite. with springs and mattress: small cupboard: extension table: sideboard: iarge glass cupboard: kitchen cabinet: `kitchen table; leathe couch. good as new: kitchen chairs, rocking chairgs: kitchen range; coal feeder; box stove: coal oil heater; Sharplescream sep- arator. good as new: wrlnger and -stand; large quantity of other articles. Warm: nf Rn1n-All mun: mi 310 no BQNDHEKD -.C':9W'r rug sung: _:xAum2n were In ISEVUIIBHUU UIIU uuy,|u.aI. WUU!S- A Lorne Davidson of Toronto made several calls here [on Monday. - ` Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawton of Aurora. spent Sunday with Mr. and 9Mrsg Frank Hindle. Iluus 'l7!Ilnn Dnklnnnn '9 rnnnh Inn- _IKl8uj pl:u_`enI.H ueru un csuuuuy.` Ohm-ios*Bd.rk,er is not improving as quickly as his friends would like to have him. Vliiui ahhnnl Qu$'ulI4Iv'-an -at-A `nun! In-an- WEEK Wllll Il'lBI1(l8v In \J'l.lI.llI'lB.' Clarence Cooper and. Ed. Payne were in Toronto 9. day last week at- tending the Royal Winter Fair. `M : 'Dgv-hon nf Aigfnn and ` `Illa: `IIEVB nun n The school childi-en "are busy prac- tising for `their Christmas concert. .l`T8JlK 1'.I.ll'l(1lU . Mrs. Eliza. Robinson is much im- proved after; her recent illness. Minn i`I'-Inlm-u` `Nnlsmn in `unending. a PTOVBU 13.11.81`, 1181` FBUEHL 11111633. Miss Helen` Nelson is `spending a. week with friends in Guthrie. (`ow-anon (Vanna: ant` mt` `Dnvnn or: tor cash. , All will be sold without reserve. Sale at 1 pm. W. A._ Mcconkey. Auct. tenumg CH8 IEUYEI VVIIILUI run`. Mr. Parker of Alliston and` Miss Mary Parker of Sharon visited with ,the '. "parents here on Sunday.`- stocx, Monuuy. Mrs. S. V. `Jones, who has been vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Seeds. in Toronto, returned home last week. TBA fnrmnrn urn shinning n carload Dc. 2--`Robert and Lloyd Eldridge were in Ravenshoe one day-.la.st week. T.nw-nn hnurlunn nf 'l`nv-nnfn rnnn l\& 3-shunts: Dec. 2-Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Uncles and family of Bradford spent Sunday with his brother, Elmer Uncles. Mrs. Poole is visiting in Barrie. Mrs. Arthur Bell and little daugh- ter Valdee spent the week-end at A. A. Bell's. flnn TT 1:` O dlninnn 1: nor nf mivn A. .I5B1l'S. The U.F.0. shipped a. car 0; mixed stock. Monday. Nfrn R V -_Tnm:-.g, whn has been vis- 111 Toronto, returneu nome Last. ween. The farmers are shipping a. carload hot buckwheat this week. `D `m Mm~1'.n11nna lnff fnr nrillh-'|__ "OI DUCKWHBEI [I115 WEEK. P. W. MacLeIla.nd left for Orillla. Saturday night. Mina wlnin (12-nhnrn nnnnt nmiav uaturuay Illgllli. Miss Flora. G1-aha spent Sunday with her mother,` '3. Graham of anvbnnfnnn - W I LII I101` ul Hawkestone .- rnelpanuu auu. V-Luun ,. M. & S. Platt Wlr to ask their many friends_who promised to pur- chase anr.Edi's9n, for the ,coming` Ch:-istmas"'t`o pIa.`<? -their orders in as early as possible, while the prices and| terms are low, and` especially to those] -'Ui1K', Ill EUUU YUUIIIIIE U!'(lUl'o IMPLEMENTSV -,- Massey-Harris hinder, nearly.new:' Mccormick disc drill. nearly new: McCormick mower, new: roller; .manure spreader: scuf- fler: spring-tooth cultivator; Cock- shutt riding plow. 2-furrow: set har- rows: root pulper: wagon. complete; set sleighs; set scales,- 2009 1135.; Chat- ham tanning-mill. new: set breaching harness: `set driving .harness. T-T(\TT'N`.'FT(\T.'I'\ 'Il".`lill`If"l`:12A-nnnnn any more. Dr. McKee, who is, looking after the practice of Dr. Kearns at pre- sent. took a business trip to Toronto on Saturday last. Latest reports re-, ceived as to Dr. Kearns' health are that he is doing fine, much to the sat- isfaction of his enquiring friends in Phelpston and vicinity. . `M x. R, Plnft Wir to ask their Bernard. \ V -I Your scribe and others wish to thank the generosity of one of the local sportsmen who so kindly dis- tributed "shares of his recent hunt among a few viuage friends and ac- quaintances . . 'l"hp dnnr-.42. at the K.C. hall on Fri- quamtances The dance at the K.C. day evening last in aid of the base-, ball club was a failure according to reports, the cause being, no doubt. too much other sport on hand at the time. It seems, according toreports, a hart; task.to get up a real good dancehere Thv 1VI'r-T(nA. whn is looking` `after here. Miss Brown of Elmvale was the guest of Miss M. Donnelly over the week-end.` . ,. _ V 1 an Tn-nu and, Thnvi Ynnnnv have lum ber,,.camps . - Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. M. Kelly on- the arrival of another son; also to Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Moran for similar good fortune. Vlnnrn in unvnn um: among a. few an-1 tor similar vgoou Iortune. There is some talk among a. few en- thusiasts as to the building of a. skat- ing rink in'this village. but I presume it will only amount to a. little talk and no more. Tlnn 1_`L'I v Tlnvnrnfnnlr and fn.milv_ and more. Dec. 1-H; Baverstock and family. who have been residing in Barrie` during` the past summer, have return- ed to this village and have mo_ved- into the residence recently `vacated by T. Bernard . I 17.... an-II-us on nfhtu-Q urigh tn week-end.` Leo Loftus and David Kenney have gone north `to spend the winter in the lumber,..c amps nnm-nhnnnnn in Mr. and Mrs. onto tor a. rew days last ween. Sorry to heaxathat Mrs. Shanahan of Anten Mills is on" the sick list. 1un.... 'I .nnian `Rnvnv-nfnnlr nf Allanda1e_ Anten M1113 is on me SICK ust. Miss Louise Baverstock of Allandale spent the week-end with her parents horn NOTICE F REGISTRATION or. a -LAW NO. 1545 A apcuu. here . `lUl 8a $ma$&&$&m&$&w& E Pl-IELPSTON FI4$$K03FX0F FFK ?X0X0X4K0X*:X03 >14 >14 >11 >3 Mrs. Kearns was a. visitor to Tor- onto for few days last week. an..-" on `hour H-mi Mr; Rhnnnhan of A050 STATION ....1 `II._.. 11.... who the past summerdecided on-noth- ing but an Edison, the phonograph with the real diamond.` Don't be deceived and rue the day you purchased an-; other kind. Act now and ill time `for Christmas. ` . (Advt.) The time ' is drawing close again_ when we will be expecting to hear some talk and whispers concerning the municipal affairs and elections. Your scribe would like to see the same men continue in the Council for an- other year and avoid the expense of another election, for. as far as I can judge from reports, the present coun- cillors are quite satisfactory and are doing as well as can be expected. Why the need for an election at all? Re-elect all by. acclamation and see vihat the coming year will prove. Prnnnu-hr ntxynnna A0 41.3.. ..:n.__. ._A-"_ .. -..~- vnov uvnnnnung .yca.l.' WILL ]Jl'UYUo Property owners of this village were surprised and almost gasped when, a few days ago, they received bills from the` township for the Hydro street lighting of Phelpston. Many have been heard to complain against such an extra charge, and were under the impression the Council had promised to pay a goodly share towards this expenditure. On enquiries from the Council nothing was known of the matter in any shape or form. It seems rather tough and unreasonable that the cost of these street lights I should come mostly on those who have `already been overloaded with the ex- pense of house lighting; for, taking the H. ELSTON Your Money Sa_ved ...---v-- """ U l|la$|U Scholarship Matriculation, olo singing. Music. Art. Conversational French emphasized. Outdoor games and sports. Henlth `record excellent. 2.. Q..-___-A___ -__._|._ A A. F.A. MALCOMSON .rur.; may mare, 4 yrs unver. ., PIG-8 pigs, '4 mos. old; brood sow. due Feb. 25. AUTOMOBILE-Chevro1et A` tourlmz car, in good running order. T'f\I'l3'I J3!1\/H'!\T'l` _. TC/I'nnnAv-'I-'I'nrv'~1n FREQUENT FIRES are forceful reminders of H the necessity of ADEQUATE INSURANCE. We wilibe glad to place an extra policy for you in one of our many RELIABLE COMPANIES. _-_..-- -..--- vuauuuuua Lvusnullul |\allWy We ;r; i>i;;se:l {so give you infor_ni ation and SELL YOU rail tickets. l1VC:l|-ll IUUUFU USCUHC Poi Procpootuu apply to Principals Uptbwn Tigket Office National Railways. We are nlansuul in viva vnn ~31-.P..m... ..+:.... ....A our ~r xrnrv -__51 .- surrs on OVERCOATS MADE TO ORDER ' From $23.00 : : High Class V}/ork . arg` RE8|DENT|_AL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Many more years of service and good `wear can be had out of your Suit,-T Overcoat or Dress if properly looked after. Our egperience. in dyeing,`cleaning and repairing will help you make use of these garments at a very low cost. - ' WE REPRESENT ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES 29 Elizabeth St., BARRIE. Phone 441W and`-`we will call. '.l'IlB 1"UllUWlIl5 CAT'1`LE-Br1ndle cow, 8 yrs.. due- March 1: red cow, 4 yrs. old, due March 4; black cow.A6 yrs.. due April 29; black cow, 5 yrs old,` due July 23; red cow, 7 yrs.. Jue July 15; red cow. 8 yrs.. due Jan. 18: brindle cow. 7 yrs., due Dec. 10; roan cow, 8 yrs.. due in May; 2 fat heifers; rat steer: ~ '3 yeurllngs: calf. `I-T'RR'N`._'Rlnnlr hnrnn '7 um: nl ouuuuu U11 U18 Z110 aay OI 1)ec.v, 1924. Any motion to quash or set aside tho same, or any part thereof, must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and can- not, be made thereafter. Dated the 2nd day of December. 1924. 49-51c J. T. SIMPSON. County Clerk. - u ~u-ruvv :19. ISFQD Notice isehereby given that a By-law ' was passed by the Council of the Cor- poration ot the County of Simcoe on the 26th day of Nov.. 1924, providing for the guaranteeing of payment by the County of Simcoe, of the deben- tures of the Town of_Midland. to the amount of $18,000, for the construction 0! sewers under the Local Improve- ment Act. and such by-law was reg- istered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County ot_ Simcoe on the 2nd day of Dec., 1924. Any motion tn nunnh nr nnf guide 91-.- 4 whole into consideration, the street lights are as much, if not more, a. benefit to all coming into the village :to do business as to the villagers `themselves. Therefore each and every- one should be asked to pay a share. and not throw this burden on tha "shoulders of a few. It is up to the few who are being assessed for this to come together and meet the Coun- cil at its next sitting here and sea it as it .is and say nothing. " what can be done or, otherwise, take" NOTICE. OF REGISTRATION OF ; BY-LAW NO. 1546 mflnn 3.. l..-.....|.-- _2_4--- . Phone 447W. 41 Dunlop St., Ba:-fin. Limited Numbu-.3. `mtarto_ - Page Sevoh ` 0 yufll _UU:llo HORSES-Bla.ck horse. 7 yrs. old, heavy; brown mare. 4 yrs. old, Gen. Pnr.: bay mare. 7 yrs., driver. . `PT(1R-R nip: '4 man n1rl- ho-isn ~ c. ~ S. Hf. Lot 2, Con. 10, lnnisl On col` kn Du`-ln Knnlvlnn run up ]nL.b Juan is J.U'1E. ;cIry nemloclc ` 7 urn er ` . `Quantity 2" 4" x 10 scantling ?` Quantity 2" x 6" x 10 scantling Quantity 2" x 14 rock elm plank Quantity 2" x 6" x 18 joist - "350 Ft. 1-in. shafting with hanger '1 Wood pulley, 16-111.. 11 Iron pulley, 12-in. 21 Extension ladder, 32-It. _ 2 Cross-cut saws 2 Wagon wheels 1 New `cream separator 1 50-Gal. oil tank . 1 Coal heater .1 Sanitary closet _ - 1 Wood` heater 20 Gallons coal oil 1 Water tank 4 Gallons cylinder, oil for steam engine 4 Gallons machine oil V 2 Iron pets 35 Barrels winter apples 3 Pails `I 60-egg incubator 1 Baking cabinet 71 Sideboard 2 Couches '1 Oak extension table ` f ` `1 Bedroom suite _ 8 Bedsteads `.1 Dresser and washstand . , I3 Washstands 2 Feather ticks 2 Veranda chairs 6 Kitchen chairs .1 Kitchen table 1 Aladdin lamb Also 8. large quantity or otherartlcles. All will be sold without reserve; Terms of, Bale-All sums not $10.00 and under. cash: over that amount 10 months credit will be given to parties furnishing` approved joint notes. ` >6 per cent. per annum off for cash, on credit sums. . 5-`- -A u ._ -4, out A u-,An, - , I=AaM"rocK_ AND -ITIIPLEMENTS The understgnaa has received instruc- - ' ` ttons from * V V - Va `nan nu-In Sa3e at 1 p.:x`.` W. A. McC_`onkey,.Auct. ~ .4ouu' rt. HIGH 3 La-LL. ury nenuocx _ lumber - . ' * 4100 F`?.t..'inchAx 10-It. ;dry hemlock Iurnhnr JUU nun. Dunner BUUU Duns, Irom reg- istered seed . 10 Cords dry maple wood, 18-111. 1800 Ft. inch x 12-ft. dry -Hemlock `lurnhnr - tiny}: - 9 jzjnvnjj` V The Following: '11 Oxford Down ewe lambs V 1 Good cow _ 25 Barred Rock hens 2150 Bus. Banner seed oats, from reg- istered need The undersigneghas received iznsvtruc-H ,, - tlons from _ - A --- _---_- .3 IHITEB u.l5BUl'|.u'.`!ul. U1. LHIU Ulllr umu common dishes -- A .. 1 Hand-painted lamp and 1 Rayo lamp .Silver` bread tray, biscuit jar, cream and sugar set -and some silver - "knives, forks and spoons an sorts of oooking'utensiIs .' 1 Step ladder . 1 Clothes rack 1 Zinc wash-tub . - 1 Wash board Brooms and wood mop and several other household articles. _All will be sold without reserve. Terms cash. - 9 $1115 U11. UHTVUQ Ullllll Ullrll V[l|ul_l ' leather seats and backs - ' ' j 1 Rocking -chair 1 Arm chair .1 Vex-andah chair , 1 Bake board 11 Kitchen table and 2 kitchen chaire- tl New Perfection coal oil heater - 71 Set fine china bedroom dishes" ~ :1 Axminster rug and V1 linoleum` rug -71 Floor hat-stand 1 Jardlnlere standj A large assortment 01 fine china and nnmmnn lnhm: I $ale at 1 W. A. Mc'Conkey, Atict Notice is hereby given, that a. `By any was nnnnnal hv H-an nnnnll nf Oh "`-`V. H -'l:h-e Following: . 1 Brass bed withmattreln and IDPIIIRI :1 Brass and iron bed w1th'ma.ttreui_6.nq . `I Thundny, December 4.` 192_4. 4 DIDBI unu IIUII uvu `VI Jul IlIuvivI_IiIpI"cIIs\3J 7 springs ~ - - V II Wooden bed with springs and hair _ * mattress _ H 1 Hospital bed with mattress j 1 Feather mattress 1 Chiftonier A number of heavy wogllen blankets 2 Heavy and '1 small quilts Hz A . 1- Large down-tilled comforter` .. ', ome bed and table linen '1 Buffet 2. Small tables , , i 1Dinner__ agon 1 Dresser ' 2 Large bedroom, axes Pillows and cushions 2 Washsmnds 4 Solid oak. carved dining chairs with : lnnthmv aunt: nd hnplrn .2 y -Ivan II o aw-av uauuunv .FR'lDA,Y,J DEcEMnIi'1i5 12 Q Wnllnurlnac irhe undersigned -his: rei': e1\Vred`.Ain st'rixc-H ~ tions,trom v ' - ._.- - ----' ---n- --L- t "V: nu; u -.:van a. uwnov rauvlvlvll E Lot 13, Can. 8, Eu: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9 "VH1: Tnllnvnvlnnuo ,;wif6iiii5KY.' flnn `I of H`(>I;s;:l;;l;I-F_I1;m"';;re, Sheep, Lumber, Etc. _ tions, from v, -. `I'1..I.I A uglulgnn 1|` Full In-U tr: 1 7?-QI QII QICIII to sell by Public Auction on 3'3 I C Kfi HKZZ 1 10 sell 0) UUDIIC JLUCIIDII Ill llth Line, Innisl*.- . (ivEAR- R. MoN'rGoMEnY"s)?* ' WONDARPFCEMBER 3 out vv I lVl&I`lIO3 to sell y Public Auction at - n A A Q __CREI_)l'_I_'_{_ ALE -1-4 1 -gn ---- IIIZVDD IV-$1-at to sell" by Public Auction at cud.` I 2..- I___.:-l~ _A_! CT_1QN_5ALE U Q u p w Q 5 van: In ' TWZCVCZ The Following: L__`RI-Inln nnuz I :_-- v-wt---u-up-- 5' VALUABLE mold % urniture nuvvwn pu-- -v-g -.- --'---- |.:ie a't_ 1' pan. W. A. Mcconkey, Aupt. 8 may ll; 0 spring CHIVUB. _ IMPLEMENTS -_- Massey-Harris binder, nearly new;_ Deering mower; sulky rake; McCormick seed` drill: stilt-tooth cultivator, Frost & Wood; set iron barrows: Cockshutt disc har- row; Hoover potato planter; two-tur- row plow, Cockshutt; single plow. Cockshutt; 2 single plows, Fleury, No. 21; set scales, .2000 lbs.; eet` slelghs. new; cutter, nearly new; set sleighs. nearly new; set trucks: set light aieighs; top buggy, nearly new; 2 lum- ber wagons; ' cream separator, Ren- trewz 2 sets double harness; `black- smith outtit; set single harness: set double driving harness; quantity of hay; quantity straw; quantity ot mangels; quantity of turnips; quantity ` of household turniture: also forks. chains, doubletrees. ` neckyokes and` many other articles; . Terms or, Sal _' All sums of $10.00 and under. cash: `over that amount 12 months credit will be given 'tc parties turnishins approyed Joint 0 notes. 16% per ann}im_o1t for cash on credit` sums. 4 All inn! kg -nhl nrlfhnnf uvnnnrun an CF80 Bumu. ' All will be sold without reservo as proprietor has sold his farm. n..u- .1 1'-.. . -ur A u'..n-..1.-.. Anna 1105; `no guuu uenu; so scene. _CA'.l`TLE-Grey coW.'due Feb; 10: red cdw, due Feb. 19; Holstein cow. due Feb. 22; grey cow. due March 14; grey` cow, due gagrch 15; red cow, due March 26; gr cow,- due April 19; black heifer, due April 19; grey heifer. d-ue May 17; 3 spring calves. 1 'lM`P`I'.I4`.M'F3N'l` .- MaLnnAv.`Fl's1rrln Vvjovjjj---I 2:-bu -C The Following: HORSES-Ba.y horse, 7 yrs. `old; Clyde; bay mare, 6 yrs. old. in` 109.1. Clyde; bay horse, 10 yrs. old. Clyde; driving mare, 11 yrs. old; bay mare, with foal at side and" in foal. DYISG A`kY'I\ Df\TYT.'P'DV.._9 a-nn Innnn Wlill .l.Ull.l EL BLUE uuu In LUGL. PIGS AND POULTRY-.-2 good brood sows, {in pig, Yorkshire; Tamworth hog; 40 good hens; 18 geese. l (`.A'l"l"T.`li`......(1rnv nnu`r,'dun Wnh: 102 The underslgnecvlnhas wgeceived instruc; _ tions from - uuu.us..- uv/9 uu. LU!` (man on creun. sums. All will be sold without reserve as. proprletorhas sold his farm. nch .-L 1 .. -_ `I17 A IR-f'1A_I---. L.._l. D 11.15 puvvn um: uvou noun Lion 55: 3 Sale at 1 W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. Q XCT FARM "STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS 4. I452}; W HIKE IITUII incubator. 'nnrv|n A0 JIIU UUUaLUl' 0 Terms of Sale-Household furniture. fowl,~ -grain, roots and all sums. of $10.00 `and under, cash; over that amount 12 months credit will .be given, parties furnishing - aiaproved joint notes.` 5% off for cash on credit sums. All will ha nl wifhnuuf rm-anrvn an UNI ; if SL011! [N53, 6 XIIOIIIHB Ola. I IMPLEMENTS . -_ V .Massey-Harris binder; .wagon: Deerlng mower; `set sleighs: Cockshutt disc drill, new; Cockshutt cultivator; Cockshutt.two- `furrow plow; set_ iron- harrows: single plow: tanning mill; set scales: bag truck: cutter, new; -scufi'ler:- `single .buggy:. wood` track; root pulper: 2 sets heavy doubletrees; cutter pole, complete: hay rack: stock rack: twin . neckyoke; set, heavy harness: "set single` harness; set harness for third horse: quantity of cute oats; quantity of mixed grain; quantity of sugar beets; quantity of threshed oats: a number of hens; 9 geese; 25 R. I. Bet! roosters, crate-fed; _ barrels, forks. chains. shovels and-, other articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS-Kitchen range, coal or wood; heater. coal or wood; dresser; sideboard; extension table; washstand;-,_ "glass ~ cupboard; . white iron bedstead; 4 kitchen chairs: I lnnuhn fnr, :QIf-WfjCZI T. 11 ` The Following: ' `I-IORSES--Grey horse, 8 yrs. old, heavy: `bay, horse, 12` yrs. old, heavy; bay horse, 14 yrs. old, heavy; brood _mare; in foal; spring colt, lly. CATTLE--Ayrshire cow.` 9 yrs.r. due in Feb.; Ayrshire cow, 8 yrs., due in Feb.: Durham heifer. 8 yrs., due in `March; Jersey cow. 6 yrs. old. due in" April: Jersey cow, 7 yrs., due in Aprilg,-;Durh'am cow. 7. yrs.. due in_ July; Durham heifer. 8 yrs.. fresh: Ayrshire heifer. 2 yrs., -due in July: spring calf, heifer; steer, 1 yr.: Hol- stein cow, due in July; _2 heifers. 2 . yrs. old. 'DT(3H.._.'I"nrnu1nnh nnny ulna Ilnnnk UKU- yrs. PIGS-Tamworth sow. due March 1: Yox-ksvhire sow, due.March 1: York- shire now, due Jan. 1; Yorkshire sow. due Dec. 28; 18 store, pigs; 10 weeks old: 9 store pigs, 3 months old. TM9T .'W!M"a'hY'FR __. 'I'nnnn1r_'I In vnnIa' The undersigned Has receiv6d'1natruc- - tlons from * ' : -`nun ..-:;_`_ - au'un'H. ` Harold Webb, Maurice Webb and Wm. Irwin visited the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto last .Wednesday. Clarence .Armatrnn' Rnnnf Rnnnv nf home. ~ ----_ , I FARM s'rocK AN3, l'MPL\EMENT8I _Dec. 2--mfr. Frizzeli of Boghor, Ont., spent the week-end with his daughter, -Miss K. Frizzell, at B. Arm~ Strong's . `F-Tar-nl urn:-.1-. `Ml'auv.hs.. 'nr..L.1. .....1 uuuwu un aunqay mormng. T "Mrs. S. J . McDonald of Thornto '1s'vls!t1ng'her daughter. Mrs. J. Hat,- tOI'l . Thos. Banting lost 9; vgluablek horse on Monday. ' - The farmers are *busy getting feed cut these times. ' . l'Ul:ly|VUH o ' Mr. and Mrs. W. E. `Banting: ante?-, A taind a. few! friends _one- evening last was . - '- ~ ~ It was good to see the smiling face of Mr. Watts here for a. few days. " Mg. and Mrs. Cunningham of Burns visited here on Sunday. Mr. Cun- ningham is the President of the South Simcoe Religious Education` Council and gave - a. ~very-interesting address for 9. few minutes in, the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning. "MPH. R. .'|'_ Mnnnnnl nf 'I`Hnv-'nn $V.ll_`l5o`\1. 11; JJIIVIB`. `V ' A number from _here `attended the ltuneralot Mrs. Cairns`a.t_Alliston on Sunday. Mrs. Cairns was the eldest Idaughterot Mrs. W. Speers and the late Wm. Speers of this place. `Be- sides a. husband and one child she leaves a mother. a. brother and a. sis- ter to xfnourn her loss. Friends here extend sympathy to the sorrowing lrelatlves. A -' . ` `Ala and 11...`. 11'! `PI -In_--1|V,,`, . 4' ,. , III II! (R111. -KFOCBQGB "$130. ` .Mlss Edyth Arnold is visiting friends in Orangeville. ' Miss Lila. Davis 6! Mono Mills spent Sunday with her ` pa.1'f_en'ts, Mr. and. Mas. G. L. Davis. vnlrnl-nan Inna.` Inn-fun at-LA-..I.uI LI... A Dec. 1-'l`l{e "O;-lairlxgmeh held al vry successful At Home on-Friday evening in" the hall. - Proceeds `$130. ,'IJ`IIII mvth Ar-nnl In vlnlna O-In-"In wan" ""ivi-3s715XirI`i5ii"."io "FHA Wnllnnvlnot nu` H1 `J.`urUn(0 18.81 . .weanesuay. Clarence -Armstrong spent Sunday at .ome. ' --vs --, `rut v `r-v `to-sell by Pibnc Aution on two-an-nnvsunvsnur I\Iw't\ an 'i H"i3k"s"1SXI BEEI` i"i 'l`I1n 'E'nIInnrInna : V D1\Vil3liEID Lot 21, Cqp. 9, Oro tn an In) `Du!-ln Aunflnn nn hereby that `By- law was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Bimcoe on the 26th day of Nov.. 1924, provid- inz for the guaranteeing of payment by the Gounty or Simcoe. of the de- bentures ot the Town of Barrie. to the amount of $54,000, for the construc- tion or a permanent avement on por- tions or Dunlop and iizabeth Streets. and such by-law was registered in the Registry office for the Registry Di- vision of the County` oi.'.Bimcoe on the 2nd day of Dec.,,1924. HIT h'If'nn' in (III-Iii` Inn g` n-Ila , --_-u -an, `yo--u up an-uunn to sell by Public-Auction on czofi EFEERS Lot 21,` Con. 8, Essa n mall H17 Dlnklln. Ann:-u6{n-u Am C3!-:Dn: mo 35? rom- CREDIT SAI_._E__ 3323 II A LI 3 I II I On Sunday evening last the congre- gation from Rugby church visited the parsonage. There was a.- large turn- , out and a. most enjoyable evening was .apent by `all. On Mnnnv nnvf `hnn Q -Hus tfn-I'd-AA BpUl|lu U] Elle` on Monday next, Dec. 8, the United Church will be visited by Rev. J. Co- burn. A round table conference in the afternoon. beginning at 2.30. followed by 8.. supper. In the " evening at 8 o'clock Mr. Coburn -will give a. lecture.` ` illustrated by splendid views, on Bet- ter `Canadians in a. Better Canada."- Come and `hear this eloq ent `speaker. in :51. most `interesting `lect e. and day or Dec..,19z4. Any motion` to quash or set aside the same, or any part thereof, must be made within thre.montha' after the- firgt publica.tion'ot this notice and can-. t b . nobntgdmiuie rm. anon pLu'1al.xnu,B concert. The Ladies Aid meets at the home of `Mrs. Thomas Cloughley on Thurs-` day, Dec. 4. Mgss Peacock spent the week-end with Mr; and Mrs. B. L. Parr`. `Mr: J Tlnluohnwfuv anal an-. 'I:V.uuI vuun u.u'. uuu Mrs. D. .14. rarr. Mrs. J. Dougherty and son Fred spent the week-end in Toronto. V. `Mr. and `M :-n Manna nf m.......u-.-. Dec. 2--Th-e-achool chlldrenbf No. 7 and No. 13 are preparing for their Christmas concert. ' fl`!-no `l ..u....I ASA ......;..a.. -4. 4.1.- 1.-...- WLLII 1.1161105: > - Mrs`. D. McKay, a former resident. is Klaiting among her old acquaintances ere! Gordon'rBrethet left on Saturday for the fat stock show in Chicago. ` -On Sundav rnnrninsr `in Hm 'D...'..x._ use nu. IEIEUVCK SHOW In unlcago. -On Sunday morning in the Presby- terian churchMrs. (Rev.) J. Goforth gave a. very interesting talk about her work in the mission fields of China. On Monday night she gave an illus- trated talk on General Feng, the Chris- tian General, to the League in the [Methodist church; ` `4Mrs. Jas. Smith of this village his gone to Toronto to spend the winter with friends. `MFG. `h 'H'nT4'nIr 0: ln- --..:._ _-~lA;._L 1.. VIELL, nuurneu Wlt mem.' Geo. Cook is making preparations for building a new house. Miss Alma. Richardson has accepted a. position in Prince of Wales School, Barrie. ' ` ` . The community was shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. Samuel Johnsonyon Saturday, Nov. 29. . Miss Dllnlnfl MIIG lfnnmlann HUI.` xxume at ananty bay Ernest Watkins of Teronto visited at his home here last week. Dec. 2-_-Miss Rix of Crown Hill. Dis- trict Representative oi?` the Women's Institute, gave a very interesting ad- dress last '1'hursday,to the women of this community atthe home of Mrs. `Geor e.Healey. At the close of her ad- _dres A a branch 01:, the Women-Es Insti- tute was organized with eleven mem- bers and the following officers: Pres.. Miss McKay; .Vice-Pres.. Mrs. John Emma: Secy.-'I'reas., Mrs. J. Oatway; `Directors, Mrs. James McLean. Mrs. Geo. Healey; Programme Committee, Mrs.- Alex. McKay, Miss Rossie Part- ridge, Miss Pearl Beardsall. The first `meeting will -be held on Dec. 17 at the'home of Mrs. J. Bertram. The roll` call is to be responded to by a thought for the Christmas season. v___._j__.--w- Dec. 1---Mr. and Mrs.` C". Hart left on -Saturday to spend some weeks with their -daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Raneig of Eden, New York. Charles Hart, who has been homefor a. month's Ivisit, returned with them.` an (`nab In vnnlrlnru ................a.:-._._ nut no mane tnereatter. - 42-510 3.. '1'. sxupfson. Cbuaty cm-1:`.