Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Dec 1924, p. 12

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01?? MEN'S AND BOYS CLO THING `AND A F :4::.. - .____/ AND LADIES HOUSE `DRESSES URNISI-IINGS~ u o qyaollll, Ijialoai , Faey Crepe Scarves, Children s Brushed Wool Suits at . . . . .0 $5.00 suit Or, separately, Leggings $2.00, Sweater Coat $2.50, Toque Soc. Colors blue, heather, brown heather. , Red Leggins and White Leggins, ages 2, 4 & 6, $1.75 1 Brown Fine Knit Leggins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 Grey Fine Knit Leggins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `$2.00 Ladies Silk and Wool Scarves . . . . . . . . $1.00 Ladies Silk Scarves at , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . $1.00, $1.95, $2.25.,$2.75, $3.25 and $4.50 Fancv Crepe Smrvpc 9:4 ca: I an o~~---- -'-- *- BOUGHT it 50% BELOW C0315 BUILDING DISPUTE HEARD - COURT Judgment was reserved by Ju Wismer in a County Court case he auuu: unnstmas gift The meeting was enjoired by all. vation Army to buy boots for a. needy family. It also was decided to visit the Ardagh Home, Louisa St., with some Christmas gifts: ' well `attended and enjoyed ' Moveable Mannequin Handkerchief Folders for the little tots at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c Boxed Handkerchiefs, good quality, 3 in box 50c Children s_Picture Handkerchiefs, 5c, 10c & 15c Ladies Boxed Handkerchiefs at . . . . . . . . 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.06 'a'n21s1'.2s' 135;} Ladies initialed Linen Handkerchiefs at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35c,or3for$1.00 Men s Initialed, Handkerchiefs, ne lawn, at 25c Men s initialed Handkerchiefs, linen, a-t . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..35c,or3for$l.0O yard Bonny Down Kimona Cloth for grown- stripe 2 _ ups, in brown navajo patterns and l ` rose, 36 in. wide . . . . . .. $1.50 yd. yard All Wool Eiderdown, S4 in. wide, $2.25 Wide. /hifn 1-Ari an;-I ...1..:L,. .....--- CHRISTMAS FLAT TO :9 nn~lnnon+ Planning: Working, Giving for the Happines of SmbdY Else - The 913-Fashioned C!n3'istr:1as- If I __ Q!-|:|o:l Q- I'\_'__. _,,, sumac -, 1 uc um-I` asnlonecl Lnnst "s'p'i?i t, So Dear and So Unforgettable. ___- . . vv. ...uwuuw_u, _)"f 111. wluc, 494.43 White, red and white, grey. Bqudoir Caps .- . . . 50c, 75c and $1.00 Broadcloth Over-Blouses at . . . . . . . . ` . . . . . . . . . . ' $3.25, $3.50: and $3.95, Neckwear at . . . . . . . . . . 50-to $2.00 . `by Judge heard .--, Ya--v uuu qp1'aiJU Lace Scarves, $3.2 Stunccesson-s to Sutcliffe & Sons. .an4x.;.4__.4._ .. IN ucwre mm on Monday in which the Barrie Planing Mill sued Mrs. E. Firth for $1106 for repairs and alter- ations to. a house owned by her nephew, John Tllley, who was added as a. third party. The defence claimed that the before him Barr-in D1....:..... @@a@wga@w% 3 FURNISHEDROOM TO RENT; or without board. nm.+...,n n c, gxcy. :, as 53.50 " L1 W. P. Corbett. <' Bob Corbett of R the Week-end with Corbett, Elizabeth l\/I ..- I1 \'I;"n|L I. IJUIIJCUD, 1'Jlll4(lll\'lII ` Mrs. D. Mv('.'m~l:: garet, of Tnrcmtn. 1' feisnenrlinxr .1 `nu ters, the Missvs `r'(-r T `Xf~"`nn]_'g nvxn 14615, but: Aunnnt` J. Willocks. of the Union formerly 'a('m> @@@W&w Tliurnday, Deceml` . _ ` Chril LOS'I`---Black. whlte and tan ` fox hound. female, on Monday, Dec. 1. Any person harboring after thgs no- tlce will be prosecuted. Information- thankfully received by Andrew Knap, Anten Mills. . 49c ` Keen] Pe11ciTC \\ 21h1 % All the Hymn Run Padded H i11c1L1din}q` 1 Flmcs. Special ml Music Checker 1 'l`he1m;1 ) Children` P:1pctx"u\ and P21 ),\1 ? St:1Um.`n;: `%3% 'f VVE 1_1;l\`.` St:lti(mc\% Zlt {rum Children FOUND~--In the bus dale and Barrie. on containing sum of 11 /may ha've same by am `iner Office. SPECIA PHONC T116 F01 ' choice n `We 11:1 Music t` We win All j 14114 ,f0r ghi 'purpnsc 30 Eliz! PLIYSCS, ALL Kl Boys ` Headc auuumu trom lot 3. Con. 1, F105. 1 red yearling white-`faced steer with ring in top and bottom of right ear, Any person knowing of it please notify John M. Johnson, Phelpston; Box 32. s . 47-49c ` LOS'!`--Between Grove St. and We!- lington St. on Bayfield St." on Satur- day evening. Oct. -25, fresh ironed linen - table cloth. Finder please leave at%Mjss.".Frawley's, 160 Bayfield St. 490 -j"j-iii--- STRAYED from lot 1 red \7AnrIin(v- nykn-.. T-T 8'I'RAYED-Into pasture, 3. On). 2 vnnrlina nnfl-In u'utAn<;u-1nto lot 19, Con. 3, Oro, 2 yearling cattle, on May 8. Owner may have same on proving ownership and paying expenses. Lid- gold Bros., Shanty Bay. _ 48-50p -- `I I I . _"v ,8TRAYED from lot 16, Con. 5, Vespra, red heifer white spot on face, rising two: Anyone, knowing of-same please notify Jack Dunn R.R. 3. Barrie. ' 48-491) ` > JVLUUEJHLV ERICK HO Allantfaie, every conve The Sarjeant C0,, Ltd. _______________ FOUND--Bl_ack, white and tan h~ near Cralghurst. Owner must 1 ownership and pay expenses. R. ter, Craighu-rst. . _ j IJ\JL`.D'.l.""' `umbrellz Inn nu`... anteea quality, whole root, vfresh-dug- to-order trees and plants. Attractive illustrated samples and full-cog-opera tlon, a, money-making opportunity. LUKE BROTHERS NURSERIES. MONTREAL. 41 '-55eow I . 8ALESMEN--We o_ffer steady em- `ploy'ment_ and pay weekly to sell our complete and exclusive lines `of gua.r- anteed quality, whole go-order nlants. Attranvn MAN OR BOY WANTED for chores and general farm work. Must be able to milk. Phone 601141. 490' MAN WAN TED to look- after furnace. Apply 68 Collier St. V 49c i VVAI\__ITED---Party would like to get use of horse for winter months for its keep. .Good'home and care. Must be good. Give telephone No. `Box T.` Examiner. . V '49:: WAN1`EU TO RENT---Field, 5 acres more or` less, near town. Suitable tor gardening. Apply to W. H. T Box 1016, Barrie P.0. . 49:3, `WANTED TO RENT---Field, more nr`lA.qn nnnr fnurn q..u..1..1.. Property Fdr Sale` .____________._`_.__ HOUSE TO RENT, 81-ooms, modern con phone 328. Property To Let Rooms and Board 61 William`St.~ conveniences. Apply 8- 0 .490 ':'_----- Farms For Sale ._mu,zx nuush` to let, in convenience. Apply ant '~ 45tfc ' Lost and F buzd` LET`-V`l`y comfortable Annlv John gun I:......:... Help Wanted )F'. *0 Owxlep ' applying to Exam- ` 490 _ , `lII|l j MODERN BRICK HOUSE to let Allan_(faLe, convenienm.-.[ Am-In between Allan- Nov. 13, purse monev. urnnr uc . UIDSG IO G, Examiner 47-49p [ uuuu.UI_`lZaDl6 Saso, Barrie ; 49c i jux-----2-1-:-p hound, ner Yhllf nvnvn -ecu U W 1181' . contractor. 44-500 __.----.__;._.. :--1-c---:.; Con . I ced steer with -$1-1-:u--2-- nn Mn" 0 _ v-wwvuvol C1980 I`, The entireihousehold Effects. includig some valuable walnut and antique furniture. ` ' ' . See next week's paper for full list. 490 W. A.` Mcconkey, Auct. The unciersigned has ; A firi-nu F. FOR SA.LE-New buff pressed brick five-roomed bungalow; a. full-sized basement and attic; all conveniences; oak floors and electric mantel, almost complete: near market. See owner. _l3_. E. Tuck. builder and l {CALL `AT 52 MQDONALD sq`. for ; hosiery, scarves, m'itts, etc.,- any size, any kind; nice line to select` from or knit to order. New stock of yarns, various colors, to match your suits. If.weehaven t the kind, [buy elsewhere MRS; 1"x`Ii`I1?s"i31RToN 105 Toronto St., Barrie tn no-`NH hv D u u k I S n A . . . 1. - -.. SAVE LAEOR AND HEALTH by hav- ing your washing done_by Barrie Do.- mestic Laundry, 101 Owen St. Special` rates for family washing. No chem- icals used. Goods called for and de- livered. Let us call and explain our method. ' - 49p ATAXIDERMY-Hunters, ship your spe- cimens to be mounted by latest moth- proof methods. .W. G. Ormsby, Tax- idermist, OrilIia..__ Phone 783r32. 47-49p (VA'I71'Iv- A __ ._(( PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING DONE. .F1rst class work. `Pricgs reasonable. Annlv at 51 CI-rnvn Q1 pvuuxu. ..r:'u'st class work. `Prices reasonable. Apply at 51 Grove St. F. Fleming. 45_-51p x HAIR DRESSING done by Mrs. D. 0. Howard.. Bring your combings and have a. good switch made. 26 Mulcas-. 'ter St. _ 34ttc PURE BRED WHITE WYANDOTTE COCK-ERELS of Fisher's best laying strain for sale at $5.00 each, `good birjds guaranteed. Thos. F. Swlndlig 463- . _ _ D troy, Ont. _ * VJ UV! `come Dnhnln . Important} % AUCTION SALE % '% of High Class % Household Furniture vuulp1eLt.'; near market. R. Tuck. and Phone 650_J C ._...___:.._....___.__._j FOR SALE-Eight young geese. D13 George Finlav. Mirihnn-ad 1 S_ALE-Eight geese. Ap- ply George `Finlay, Midhurst. PhoneA 602r31. 49p YORKSHIRE PIGS-Correct bacon type. [$5.00 each. eithnr gov ma... ; vvu n1.uuu'J.'.l:u.U INCUBATORS. 250-; egg size. Three, Cycle hatchers; 50- egg, $5.00 each. Wire show coop fronts, $1.00. Two poultry houses, at a bargain. Twelve Rocks, 80 cents each. Chas. Kelly, 18 McDonald . - p -_-_- -7 FOR SALE-If you are. considering the purchase of a. radio set, -I have something real good and the price is- moderate. Call and listen in any even- ing after 7 o'clock and be convinced. F. J. Kelcey, 8 Frances St. 49 < TWO ELECTRIC INCUBATORS. Three (".vn'ln hg+..1~......- :n ` I FOR SALE--Electr1c`heater from $5.50 up? `also the signal iron that indicates the heat. Vacuum cleaner `to rent. SutcI1ffe,.*28 William St., Allandale. `Phone 993W.` `~45-50p . `WOOD FOR SALE--4-ft. hardwood, also `some poplar, 4-ft., all dry,. and pine rails for kindling; Delivered at Barrie. Write for prices to Box 664, Barrie P.O. ~ 48-1p . vv can u_y.1.-uuuu Aucuon on Tuesday, Dec. 16 nnl-iv-.3 `nt\IvanIn;\1.l ..nn--L_ o - ` _ -_ c-C$ -arcs J-(Sill ti) sell by. Public Auction run I - - - -. ivy `-""'-"""""o""."""""""" FARM FOR SALE-W1th stock and implements, or would_consider rent- ing to responsible party who would buy stobk and implements. Apply at once to Box S, Examiner Office. 49p -"""'"""-_""" - WOOD AND LUMBER for sale. De- llvered any place in Barrie. Wbod $10.00 box load. Apply to `W. B. Quantz, Stroud telephone. .48tfc BARRIIE MARKETS` u-r1..L'. uAauL1_Nhz 0Rv COAL ENGINE for sale. In good ru: order.` Also two hound pups. D. Lidgold, Shanty Bay. ,- 4 _ V . 5-H.P. GASOLINE ORv COAL OIL, f0!` sale. Tn rrnn nnnnhnnr -HOME COMFORT -RANGE for sale. lngood condition, good fire brickg and reservoir. Apply H. Robinson. .Box 230, Cookstown. ` 46--51p ` VVOOD FOR SALE-Cut and split. Also standing timber. Apply to Mart- in Murphy, Barrie, R.M.D. 2. Tele- phone 606r3. , T49.-50p ._____._.._._______._____.. as nun. ; Barrie . Live `Stock For Sale M llimeo:; RC8 ned received instruc`-' tions from - . 50-ACRE FARM for sai Barrie. `~ Apply to Box Office. nu wk}:-LLJ U111 running rid `nuns _ N a. 1.`: . 48-53p KIA QUI. 48-490` "cum-e aoclety was held in Barrie `on Wednesday evening, _Nov. 26. Miss Jean Hickling was unanimously chosen and appointed secretar_v-treas- u'rer of the branch society. It is ex- pected that an'evening s entertain- ment will be` put on in Barrie at an earl.v date in the interests of this very . worthy cause. ,, "l`Im-ya.` vvvl-I- --1- - ---4 ' ' ' ` - uuuy weicume. 49c The First Barrie` Troop of Boy Scouts held their third"-annual sup- ner] on Tuesday, Dec. 2, in Trinity Parish "Hall, followed by a most in- teresting lecture withslides by Major Mark Robinson of Algonquin Park, who for nearly two hours held the boys spellbound with" wonderful stor- ies of the beaver and other animals ` of the wild. ` ~ . The annual meeting of the Simcoe County branch of the Ontario Indian Welfare Society was held in Barrie Wednesrlav mmninn. `M... on " for all makes of phonographs and re- - cords, put-up in fancy tin boxes of '. 'per box.---Keenan s Music Store, 30 ' Elizabeth St., Barrie. 49c .a.u1l|UVVu u_y awernoon tea. - --BrilliantoneT - phonograph nee- dles, the best needle -on the market 200 needles, _Christmas- special 20c . --We are holding a big reception 1 for Santa Claus on Saturday, and, in keeping with our annual custom, we are offering wonderful bargains in every department of our store. Come and meet Santa and share in the bar- gains at Hunter's Clothing `Store. Barrie. , 49c -A recital by pupils of Percy Hoadley will be held, Thursday, Dec. 11, at 8.15 p.m., in Collier St. Meth- odist Church.` At this recital two short piano compositions composed last summer by Mr. Hoadley will be rendered for the rst time. Every- body welcome. held their thirdlsmnnnl mm- vuc uucneb. V Last Saturday afternoon a success- ful bazaar was held in the Sunday School room of Collier St. Methodist Church, under the auspices` of the Mission Circle. a The .sale of fancy work was very well attended and was followed by afternoon tea. ._.` RrilIim.+......v ..1.... .-u--'- .LUWll- The sale of Christmas cheer parcels amounted to over twelve dollars. Ten dollars of this was donated to the Sal- JIIIC .toWn . VIII...-. rnutl LU m;.1'-very gapartment. Apply John _Fruit Market. _. ........ "um:-.n'o Ina! I I UTE The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Tor-diff, Berczy St., on Tuesday, at 3 p.m. Mrs. Sparks, wife of Capt. Sparks of the Salvation Army. gave a fine address along the line of how` to" help the needy of the town BARRIE WOMEN'S IINSTITUTE 'l"hn >7nrnnn u 1 ....4u...4.- _--4 AN.0('!I;'HE$AN\g'KnIRnwl-:'JEz:]`..1.'!tQ_gK`V SALE" wm-nu: MOST PEOPLE TRADE. Yama Cloth for -pyjamas . . 40 yard 36 in. wide,. blue and yellow stripe and mauve and green stripe. Pyjama Cloth `. . . . . `. . . . . . . 75c Blue and white stripe, 36. in. wide. Dainty Rose Patterns in Pink and Blue fwrapperette . . . -. . . . . . 35 yard Bonny Down Kimona Cloths`fo rchil'd- ren in Teddy Bear patterns. . $1.50

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