ohes for AT Pklcm you AT*` Adults 47. tax 3.3: r|.:iA.nr:f_OP To 1 A Lesson _ H 1__1g Syecess /fl , V '7 vfw p Teach `your children to save. Open a Union_.Bank Savings Account for each of them. Let them be friends with the Bank Teller and take their own de- posits to him. ' you The easiest road to success is the caving: habit No. 45. ONCE? EACH NIGHT at '8.l5 V SPECIAL MATINEE I u:a.1ut:u Luau He nas ` for hls reslgnatxon. children L41 Although Sanitary Inspector John- Bowman was not mentioned in the motion calling for the reorganization of the police force, nor in the conse- quent discussion, it has since been `learned that he has also been asked 1301` Li: 'Y`DQ;I')'1'I n+;n1r\ ._-v.. -we-a.aA:.u5 JUII5 CIIUug[ln The evidence taken by` Mr. Marsh will be taken to the'Fire Marshal's 6`ice for consideration and a report will probably be received in due- COUTSG. Thanksgi;r'i-1:1;_;_ at 2.30 the re. In his opinion the re start- ed at the rear of the building, and asked if he considered the spread of the re from rear to front quite nat- ural,_he said it was if the re had been burning long enough. Tho Ql1:I't\v1nn L..'I..._ 'L--` `.1 " SANITARY INSPECTOR, TOO ,_.-_' u\.IIl"I 23, tax 2c 1y Coat 00. % accept, with my en of my personal this gold-headed be `spared to use t Architect of the alth in which you. ll-earned rest. y yours, 1'1 rv-_.. loomers ies. See d $1.50 a resident of this a reputation for of which you may |_Ibl_e_:1nd abs: 8, 1924. in stock . H. Hornet`. e1'visor'of Track. tore _B.louses W. 19 if'riii'E' -for 25 I $15.00 Tered at A I I lmeriodui i kDrdma J ;u_: hool ~ , $5.25, $13.50 J70: BARRIE. AAirpla.nes {vill not be permitted rise or land in territory under qua I FVIIIIT . OFFICE P1-IBNE 120 FREp__ MQRRENf Westinghou;e'Dealer Eakcluoive Northern Wlectric D for Centre Simcoe l3I'E'l(`I:` l:II_lr\nvIs u..-` Set is installed in all Canadian National Transcontinental Trains. This is surely the stamp of approval. Our smallest set will reach almost over. the continent-- a real set at $47.30. - Our prices in all cases include best equipment, and must be working to entire. satisfaction. ..et us demonstrate in your own home - no obligation. Ranpe of sets: $47.30, $56.00, $69.00, $73.30, $86.65, $100.00, $101.60, $122.50, and up to $625.00. Peanut Tubes always in stock,~$4.00. The Northern Electric Radio j 1 m Rm sick : Barrie, LISTED saa|\Il.al.aJ "" f|lJ.Vla1V I UKE -"' `Back in the :role.of a real kid, after adventuring abroad in- the films asthe Prince in Long Live the" King and asthe Belgian lad in A Boy of Flanders, he*s now just plain Mickey Hogan, a ragged `kid from, Frisco,` who suddenly nds himself cast upon a desert island, a black eat his only companion-until-e-cannibals---at- tacks--the marines--t-the San Francisco police force- adventure-4romance-4-thrills--and i laughs with-.- .Boy of the Century in the Picture I of All Centuries. A Typhoon of; Laughs. .- _____+_. ADDED ATTRACTION nun Twice Emil; iiligint, t 7.1; and 9.15 ' SPECIAL MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2.30 ' Admission: Adults23c, tax`2c; Children 9c, tax lc MACK SENETTSALATEST COMEDY" . WAp_{DEl_2ll\I_( WAl_S_.Tl1.lNES BEFORE You INVEST -- INVESTIGATE! mp STQCKS mm Insukgycz 5" IV` 'El'\I! I S_i9rdn_ tgenon Supervised by JACK COOGAN, sr. Tropic Cruelties and Dangers; Bizarre adventures on desolate shores, horror and heart-gripping loneliness, --"real as only this child genius can make them. - ` rmg_np_Av-rnInAv-sArunnAv ---_-7-Ivgegule-vzr i rices at Night-.- yielding from 4% to 6% 01-` EVERY KIND WILLA 75 MACK` gun--u.l--.l L_- RUCK AGE ;ted to vantine. in Texas because Of quar- and mouth giisease. v 1 4 (Distributpr HOUSE 7 -was -nun IVII1 Supervised nnnr: A N Crusoe r : Phon 1o1o% UNLISTED n, come 61st Year the foot n.au`1_y p1en17lII.ll'8.l'0l1nd Barrie, stated Mr. Robinson. He had some pictures of a partridge on the nest and of the ` nest itself withfourteen eggs. Habits of Partridge A'I`his bird suffers a great deal throgh its own habits, said" Mr.` _ Robinson. In the winter they sleep under the snow and many of them die. They dive from the trees and burrow in the snow. where they keep perfectly warm. Sometimes a thaywg followedby a sudden frost imnrisons `the birds and great destruction is wrought among them by foxes, who kill them in the snow. ,In the spring the partridge live" _ I (Continued on page 16) _ f 2 atc cupu cup-Wl_Ill'le2`S. I`coul d talk for hours on the sub- ject that has been assigned to me, stated Mr. Robinson, and I can hardly hope to do it justice in the time.-at my disposal. The ruffed grouse or partridge, familiar to all his hearers, is the best game bird left in "this section of the country and is fairly plentiful-around Barrie, stated] Robinson. `I -To hm! ..,....... ..:..----- {SPECIAL 0RcH1;sTRA - .".o uauuucuu gust 1-riuay by Mark Robin- son, who from his great store of in- formation on bird and animal life told something of `the habits and -characteristics of partridge, wild duck and wolves. The members of the Barrie baseball team, winners of the Felt Trophy, were guests of the club, a tting circumstance, as a member remarked. since the hosts lare also cup-winners. u`l'._-__r: . n n ,- l' A talk '-of LunusTuT;l interest was given to the Kiwanis Club at their luncheon last Friday by Mark Robin- ` S011. W110 from hI'u' Gran! ad-A..- Al 1-- NATURE _s_T__unY TALK HOL_l}S__j5NQUlRY Mark Robinson Tells Hfabitsh _ .of Partridge, Duck and Wolf. I |l values BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6," 1924 _--. Nov. 10, lAl,T12.-'-_- G 3 DAYS "MONDA_Y ` "'3lEsDAY WEDNESDAY `__-.-.,...., ..._.....c w. uauct:uau0Il.' He stated that he was in the store where the fire occurred the evening before the re with a man named Brown. They were there for onlya few minutes and left about ten o - clock. He was not in the building alone after that. He _stated' that there were no lights on and that there was no coal oil, gasoline or Ianything of that nature except 9 lsmall quantity of turpentine. He V... \IL uuu uucxr value. He was `also questioned re;garding- the insurance. `He stated that the morning following the re Mr. Sloane informed him that the policy was cancelled, but denied having received previous notice of cancellation; Ho ..+.....:| 4.1.... 1. - and you ht prices r.'iYi't'y" o? w. n. sloane, local asrant. It was at the request of the insurance ad- iustor that the Deputy Fire Marshal investigated the matter. Tuck was examined closely by Mr. Marsh as to his interest in the building and the contents, what the contents consist- ed of and their value. `LT-A ---_ ~ - yuan: ucrs Although Mr. Tuck infermed the Press after the re that he had no` insurance on the contents, it has since developed that they. were in-' sured for $2500 in the Scottish_-Can- adian Insurance Co., the` policy ,hav- ins: been placed in September through W. H. Sloane, local reaupst of Hm :..l............- --I nu- ,Deputy Fire Marshal R. J. Marsh of St. Catharines has been in town since Wednesday enquiring into the re which occurred on Oct. 28 in A. J. Tuck's store, 118 Dunlop S., and this (Thursday) afternoon he held an investigation in the police court chambers. AILL..__.'L `'1 "" [Several Witnesses Called on! V Recent Fire at Store of ` A I `_ A. J. Tuck. ' ' I . Jesse; LASKY asszurs. uuao au_y blllllg Uber Una" COntent. of the buildmg was responslble forv ,,_. . ._.,.__4,,{, uy uuuseu and the deputy sheriff. He demed having ever received orders from the Ontario Fire Mar- - shal to clean up the premises at 118 Dunlop St., but Mr. Marsh produced such an order dated December, 1919. I W. H. Sloane, questioned as to the pinsiwance, stated the policy was dat- ed Se t. 8 and the premium was re- ceive on Sept. 15. On Oct. 20 he received notice to cancel the policy and hewent to Tuck about two days later and showed him the letter and asked for the policy. Tuck stated that he had not the policy in his pos- session at the time. No more was said until after the, re. ShrubS01F! Vil 'l`lT19}'\ln -I-n on" acuu uubu d.ll.4l' tne,_nI`e. I Chief Shrubsole was unable to say ` that anything other than the contents .')f hllildind nine in nnnnn ...:`L1- 7 locked the `store when he left : kpv {H Avis`-nnnn ~----4 .......c,. ouc`auu1.'e wnen ne left it and the only keys in existence were held by himself and the deputy sheriff. : orders from the nn+m.... n... u._ g Distance ah a Specialty