fLUMBING FEXEE '1-'I'J'1'wXciz' j 1.1.5pho... 130. :33 Dunlop sc. %Partri1ge_ Gilroy SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY on sm. Phones: Offie 861, residences 864W or 1071J. _ E::clusi've ' _' Real Estate Agents If it is Real `Estate, was have it. Terms arranged to suit s purchaser. l\l`l'l An II, l!,I.I Q. E_____- Office: 453 HB;ya|d s:.. Bafrie. P. O. Box 1011. REAL ESTATE Scythes & Wilson Farms bought, sold or exchanged and mort- gages arranged. 4 Everything in Real Estate -town, city or country. ? szz us AT oNz.i Phone 953. Barrie, "Ont. Public notice is hereby given that `the Municipal Council of the Township of Oro will, at a meeting of the said council to be held on Monday, the First day of December, 1924, at 1 o'- -clock in the afternoon, in the council -chamber in the Township Hall of the said Township of Oro, hear an applica- tion. for the granting of .a lease or leases of the road allowance, or any part or parts thereof, between Lots 26 and 26 in the Third and Fourth Concessions of the said Township. of Dro, and at such time and place the council will hear any and all applica- tions to lease the said read allowance, or any part thereof, and will determine the terms and conditions upon which such leases (if any) shall be granted. At the said time and place, the coun- cil will hear any person, or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be pre- Judicially affected by the By-law auth- orizing such lease or leases. and who applies to be heard. DATED October 13, A.D.,.1924.. V W. B. TUDHOPE. A_A'1n Vnnrnahin ldrh We have .a big list of waig . clients. Oice; 9 Baiyelcl St. Exclusive Agent for :: A :11 ZIIRIV A 33$ amc . HEATING? uusmnumc I." U UIIUFIH. 1 Township _Cle'rk.. ` Monday's action of the Town Council, calling for the resignations of the policemen, came unexpectedly and was, perhaps, somewhat hurried. The mover of the motionstated that {he acted at the request of -certain citizens and they would surely not i make such a request unless they were in possession of denite information that would justify asking dismissal. However, before taking such a dras- tic step Council should have held an investigation. Council should go into` the whole matter thoroughly and seek the co-operation of" any persons who haveydenite knowledge that will help` to clear up the situation. An efficient police force must have the cond- ence of the people. If the Council is satised that the dismissals decid- -ed upon'are justified by failure of the officers to do their work. it will have the support of the citizens in making a change`, provided it `can show reasonable grounds :for "doing uv It" is evirlent that "many 01: the - young farmers of Simcoe County are - taking a keen interest in the produc- tion of improved hogs. In an inter- county competition for best car _lots ofhogs, raised by members of the Boys Pig Clubs, Elmvale took first and West. Gwillimbury second, while North Simcoe was second in judging and South .Simcoe fourth. The boys not only had the honor of winning substantialprizes, but they got near- ly $3.00 per cwt. above the ordinary market `price because of the quality. If the quality` of hogs could be raised so that the great majority would bring top prices, it would add immensely to the value of "farm pro- duction in this county. Messrs. Cock- burn and Webster, the District Re- presentatives, are doing valuable work by creating a greater interest in these Boys Pig Clubs and teach- ing the members .not only what con- stitutes the best hog but how to se- cure the de'sired"quality.g V . r1;."n?i.';1'ca'a1' adagg; 7.} `the Tar- onto Globeo gives very timely advice to -investors when, he writes:-- tr_._3-___ __.I-____.-..L.. _..- `l.-..... -3 WARNING" TO INVESTORS` Ila Ul1'UUlll4Uo We have every sympathy with the St. Maurice Valley_ merchant who complains that too much good Triu- vian money annually nds its way to the mail order houses, -but we have little or none. for the retailer who does not avail himself of his indubit- able opportunities to check this eiflux. Among the_ most formidable weapons with which he may combat the competition of outside rms is local'newspaper advertising", and un- less-he makes a more consistent use of this medium he cancnever be just- ied in stating that he has taken- the necessary steps to see that local money is kept in circulation here, in- stead of being sent outside of the district. ' NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO LEASE ROAD ALLOWANCE &wwwmm&mw&&&mw& AMoNc1-:xcHANcEs g >XOX<>XOX<>X<>X<>X< K014 >X4>X<>X0X<>X<>X<>X< `Why Boys Fail London Daily Chronicle --- Statis- tics show, says the head of a great American firm, that 90 out of every 100 boys lose their first job. The reasons assigned are :--Lack of sense of responsibility; unwillingness to apply themselves and work hard; lack of thoroughness; not realizing that the real secret of promotion lies in constantly doing more than i one is paid to do; lack of principle, as shown by concealment of mis- takes, and the constant making of -excuses. What is the experience of British `firms? Carleton Place `Canadian: .11? you want to get ahead in business,_ make friends, Look back over the stretch- es of life behind you. Look back at the struggles of successful business men. The success you have had and the success of the other men is no- -thing` less than friendship. The in- uence of friends did the things you succeeded in. If you have the right kindof friends you are bound to suc- ceed. Friends never look for aws; they are the ones whorecognize the good in you. Only friendship can bring you to the pinnacle of success. F1-ienWTlTs7 Count _`__w__ (Continued from page 1) quarter. Hall; snap, Copeland; in- sides, Hayes and Hill; middles, Luck `and Clarke; outsides, McKnight and Stone; spares, Doyle, Carson and .Tribble. `l\......L.-...... n11:v\tv u1;'no' Martin: ;.'1`r1bb1e. Penetang---Flying wing, Martin; halves, Vaillancourt, Rourke, McIn- taggart; quarter, Hatton; snap, Bald; insides, Hornsby and Moran; middles Tessier and Desrochers; outsides, Fahey and Thompson; spares, Tera- pelle, Murray, Copeland, Butson, Gauthier, Gignac and Dubeau.. Referee--Lic Loftus. ' The Softball The B.C.I. girls had an uphill struggle to win the softball game. They got a three-run lead in the rst innings but Penetang came back with six in the rst half of the second. B.C.I. tied it up in the third and scored six runs in the fourth, appar- ently making the game safe, but Penetang tallied three in the, sixth and two in the seventh, tieing the _ score. -The locals went on a batting rampage again in the seventh and when the side was nally retired_they had se_ver_1'runs. across the plate. `Il').........n l'1.n..Au-an 1\`n\1-inqy an 1 had seven `runs. across we plahc. . Marjorie Gendron, playing right] eld for Penetang, made several nice catches and also hit a three-bagger. Margaret Meeking starred at the bat and at rst base for the B.C.I. The line-up:-- - B.C.I.-Vera O Dell, p; Lillian Haskett, c; Margaret Meeking, lb; Betty "Robinson, 2b; Mildred Mc- Knight, ss; Dorothy Rumble, 3b; Bert`Hall, rf; Mary McDonald, cf; Alberta Newton, rf; Marjorie Black, ss. ` T . Penetang- -Alice Kerr, p; Kathleen `Durnford, c; Jean Downer, lb; Cor- ette Robitaille, 2b; Madeleine Mar- "shall, ss; Gwen Thompson, 3b; Mar-I jorie Gendron, rf; Edna Todd, cf;j Marie Minning, lf; Edith Parker, ss. 14-47c During the month of Octoberi V there were 17 births, 2 marriages and ` 6 deaths registered in the office of 1 the Town Clerk. During` ten months] iending Oct. 30, there have been in iBarrie 155 births, 49 marriages and 1 106 deaths. ISEMET-SOLVAY COKE| ANTHRACITE COAL l;l' ton L for Barrie and District. Se-anet Solvay Cake is recognized to be positively the best. cake` on the market, so don t-accept any other. for stove, "range or furnace use. Nnivnrnknr u-shunt: hose 4~nn - Q10! EII "9 = v-'--- `"i;:.;.;;:,;;";;;;.;, `gas; if$12.5o We have Stove and Egg Coke from othersources at per! ton . . . . . . . . . . . .4 . . . . . . . . . . $12.50 and havg the'excluive sale of this DRY WOOD WE SELL Tli-IE GENUINE FAULTLESS FUEL NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all persons having claims against the Estate of William Parker Carr. late of the Town- ship of Innisfii, deceased. who died on or about the 13th day of September. 1924. are requested to send particulars oi. their claims to the'undersir-med `on or before the lthday of November, 1924, after which date the Executors will distribute the assets or the Estate. `having regard only to the claims of which they then have `notice. and will not be responsible to any others. ESTEN & ESTEN. Barrie. I3-45c Solicitors tor Executors. Charley Wiley, of Wheelin. W. Va., was killed when he tried to knock some peaches from a. tree with a loaded . gun. Nut) Stove, per ton Ian >3 D-K4 {cl T %%%%%%% 'Vlllu)-_'.t' LX115 \\l'I V Mrs. 1:. P. '1 a. few days with A nnrnlxnv fun -a. 1: uuga nun A number t'n fowl supper nll ' `at Wyevalo, l\A'v- n nrl \l :- E -ELMV1 Jillian! TOWNSHILOF ORO Robert [ vLvx'.`\` village this \\'1-u \lva 12 p I U-I. VVyU_VktlK'_ Mr. and Mr. and Miss M. I Toronto on Sun "Ill-n TYuInn.- \I ].Ul'UllLU Ull L` UH Mrs. Ush_vr, M Middleton :\TLm`w Sister on Sumln Mr. and .\h's H. Clement and ed to Me:11'm'd n T Inxy Qiunnu; LU llulll lll All` vRev. and M: E. Foster. Mi I-Iickling mm : Centennial of Toronto this ` A 4 runnl |1'u cu LU Aucuunu 11 Lloyd Simps< Welsh. (`1(`()I'}-1'!` Beardsnll I-ft. i to hunt in .\Iu. `Dnuy nun! \1.-_- J.Ul'UllLU llllh \\ A nmnthhsz : .ture and, hnusw held in F}hn\':n1 ' next. This will in Barrie lust t`1n..n-....4n1:.o :11 Ill .D'cll'1'lt` lili C0n;:rntuln made-:1 bi;.'. hogs in tlw onto. last W. taking fir: second. Pur another r-ulu `lJnHnu~.\'.... "l.l1U|.llCl I III Ha1I0wo`.~ village. .A boys and 2 lowing: nmr chants \n ~.; cry` of 1115 them tn nut A I-\n.ut PH`. LIIUIII Ll HUI.` . AbOUt fifty :1 social of th-'- Methodist u-hm `past week. (: gramme fill-.1 `lunch was s:-rx under the l(-:1aI- is hold ovm-_\' to which :11! (I vil1n;:<- nrv in` The (-\'0ni `odist chm`:- Novemlmr 1 Armistiu-w m of the fnllvr thankfulmw-.~ All ...\6..... NOTICE TO CREDITORS On V\'c-Inc-.~':l at 10 0'Clm'k. : ents of the In` of the immmli Pearl Spring, 'VVilIi:1m Sprin mony to Mr. . of Prince Imp: was conduvu-I Pugsley. The hvin \ I.lli'tlll\lH|lll'> All voter Service lwg charge of Pugs1ey_ (`. .ru;;,:nt:_v . The bride, her brother. attired in whi tiful douhlv 5 of the groom. was a most ht With hat to 1 A4-`Gnu u nu VVILII llill ll! 1 After :1 \\'r-:1 party. mnt_m-A. south for Hu- IIIIEHIIIUHI _\ circuit hold A la1`L'` mm ed out and the Allr-nwu` pie summ- busemont of Pugslc-_\' -pm. few \vm~l.< wars ,:.1\n-n 1\'Iissimi:ng\' showed :1 Nfissions i was p:1. -objective t The IJIO_Vd Home Reil for Province ` We assure you the very best quality of material Dominidn Dominion Thursday, l Province - Telgphowi cholarahil 1' In Armistice For Pro{ >`ll|H Mix Missic Harry Barron jgtw "Due semi- Due paya Duc Cana Due year Our iciga .th_e ll Lu this IY'lL I .\Ill>`| .\h'.~` `\l2 ... WNIGIIT scnoot BARRIE BUS. COLLEGE" Mon. and Thurs., _7.30-9.30