tt. Cl answer an ' ' It you hue: D.D.D. foul ..".'L!_"..` .'. .` n6I6is' 9.; my Best |l..a_ -.... -..-I __.I `_Raw F_ron_1_ Ecze; I -` v... w--t `It Zltib IR JUNIORS-Llttlols The same IR-in one-third dunes. candy-coated. For children and adults. --w Sold-By Your Druggist 1 Rfsxrve. berfs ' chaps off+he~9ITIock H ID Jlllhllajl nu- An- .-x 2.14 pm; .`.UGGIS'TSm .1 I UIILU last. week.- - Mr. and Miss Simmerson. Newmark- ot. are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Moulds. . Clifford Eavors returned to his home in Preston `on Monday after spendin two months at the home of his aunt." l_Mrs.`M. I-Iowarth. James J`am'ieson.n Hamilton. spent` the weekend under the ngzrentai roof, . ...... -... w-my vvccn.) October 28-J. Faragher `has pur- chased W. Shanahan s house. hMiss Ruth .R_umble`,is visiting friends in Toronto. W. Farfagher and daughter returned to Toronto. Monday. after a week's visit with the fo1;mer s parents, Mr. and, Mrs. J. Farragher. ' . ` Murray Miller spen't.a dgay in` Tor- onto last week.- MP ll!` Minn Q8-an-a-an---- "-- ' UL ruronto, who is at present visiting` in this village, at the home .01! Miss Norine Knowles, Miss Cain. who form- erly lived here, leaves in about three weeks for `Victoria. BC.. where she will be married to Mr. Robert _White. form- erly of the Bank of.:,'l`oronto here. The number of pretty and useful gifts tes- tified to the high esteem in which the bride-to-be is held around here. . -1--vv I-l'iI [VI-llllul . November 3-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nicholls of Richmond Hill were Sun- day visitors at J. T. Gordon's. Mr. and Mrs mourn. n,r......u_-....-.. urclule evenlmz` was spent. e V Thursday, _October 23. was a busy time at Cundles. The fine day kept at home many farmers who otherwise would have been out to vote. The re- sult of thevote was very satisfactory for the 0.'I`_.A. ' - weex wan Irlends in Toronto. ' Arthur Bedford of Cleveland. form- erly a reident of Cundles. has been vlsdting friends here recently. James Moffatt is visiting his old home.- r A , Mr. and Mrs. Cooper havevreturned to Toronto `after spending a few nice days at their summer cottage. On Fridayeevening. October 24. a shower `was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Plowman at the V home of Mrs. (Parr. A number of useful presents were given and a very so- ciable evenim: Thursdav. nnrnhm 92 mm. .. mu-- .('J.'oo Late For Last Week) October 28-Mr. and Mrs. _E. Miller spent the week-end with friends at Stayner. ` `V. G. Storey has been visiting with [friends at Elmvale. pg Wu Iinnn `Dun-u. .~..-I - V " -; urrullu). nave returned home. T Mr. and Mrs. Baker are spending a week with friends in 'I'm"onto. Arthur Rndfnr nf n:......1.....,: aw-- nixenas at Elmvale. ' `Mrs. Wallace Brown [and family. who spent a. few days with friends in -'1`or.-`onto. have returned home. V311 . and Mrs. Hahn am: unn....u...... .- U]. 11. It_VTlOl(XS,' Mrs. and Mrs. R. N. Hicklig, Miss Jean Hickling and Miss Harrison spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Verne)` Hickling at Edgar. uuuun, untario.-"1 was weak and Irregular, with pains_and headaches, and could not sleepenights. I` learned about `Lydia E. Pmkham s Vegetable Compound by reading the_ letters in the newspapers and tried it because I I wanted to get better. I have got good Ontario. results from it as I feel a lot etron r and am not troubled with such ad headaches as I used to be. and am more regular. I am gaining in` weight all`. the time and I tell in friends what kind of medicine I am lug. You may use in letter as a helgoto others."- Mrs. was RACIIO, x 12, -Dublin, .wLu1'pIly'B. ' - Mrs. Murphy's cousins, Mr. `and Mrs. Ed. Nally of Hamilton, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Murphy. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hook and Miss Kathleen visited Mr. and Mrs. Mac- Dou9.'all. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gracey. Allan- dale, were Sunday visitors at the home ' of H . Reynolds; > MP9 971!` Jun ' '3 \Y 'l T:_I_I.1., ,, I-- uuu;.:1'uLu1UOI`lS, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Vancamp and the Misse_s' VanCamp, also Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson and son Ed., motored from Wyebridge and spent Sunday with Mr._ and Mrs. H. Rey- nolds. . - n ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cavanazh. Min- .esinp:,- {visited Mrs. A. -MacDougall on Sunday. Oth`er visitors on the line were: Mr. and Miss Hogan and _/Mr. McBride of Brentwood at P. J. Murphy's. ` 1`/[PH T\Invnl-nv n .... ....-.... -IN ` ` {V1 - pny. ' . . V T 'l`heux:tork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Teasdale last Thurs-a day and brought them a little. girl.` Congrratulations, RN!` nn Tllnn LIA 1v-._n, - {V- Z - :-v- -`n- (To late for last week.) Mrs. Vint of Midland spent several days. recently with her daughtexj, Mrs. H. Reynolds, accompanied by her "grandson, Cyril Ridell, Mr. [and Mrs. John Gibbons of Gil- ford were Sunday visitors with Mrs. M. Murphy. \. ' '[`h9 ntnrl: vial!-or! fkn 1.....- .42 any " NO CHANCE NEXT TIME nugonlnnn ".1... I....1 ___.,, (Too Etc for last week.) nknu no `I 71-", u ,,;__j_____ slxr L1pn2:,vEsPRA NEW A`?'.:9"_-E _%!D1-'55 Glllll NBT SL_E_Ej NIGHTS - ___________ _, `rt liked his uniform. Judge. so I marriedhim,-esaid Mrs. May Phillips during"'the hearing of her divorce suit at Detroit. Mrs. Phillips testified she was married in 1917, in Ottawa. Can- ada. to Frederick Phillips. a Canadian soldier; F`61'n' days after the ceremony he\.left `her, and she has not `seen him siince, she said. The decree was grant- .e . _ Full! ed. unuauy uy very tar when they hear or see `such an animal as `a dog. I don't suppose `the hunters will be dis- couraged though, as they meet with more such luck than otherwise. V The shipping of potatoes here recent-, ly, when-the growers were paid 45c per bag is a fair demonstration that big profits are being made by someone in the game. for, according to the wholesale (1 lers. potatoes are selling retail on t ` St. Lawrence market at $1.00. One of the wholesale commission merchants stated in last Saturday's paper that he "expected to see potatoes selling at $2.00 per bag by February, as the dry rot was reported from many districts in Ontario.` And. although the Ontario crop was a good one, there was. a scarcity in other places. With the large amount of work connected with the potato from planting to harvest: ing. the low price of 45c would not pay for the work. but your scribe re- members seeing them sold here at 15c per bag and quite commonly at 25c and everyone apparently satisfied. u1u._v nave good luck and a safe return. In talking about hunting I forgot---or neariy forgot--to mention that the bunch of railwaymen who show up annually to chase the rabbits were here` over a week ago, but really had poor luck..`as the rabbits had a hunch they were coming and journeyed to another bush for safety. Now, I understand, the rabbits have returned to their us- ual haunts and are as bold and frisky as ever. Regarding the `hunters luck with partridge--No. they did not se- cure any birds either. for the partridge in this district "do not like dogs. and usually fly very [far when they hear `such an animal 9: >0 A-.. 1 uay. around when the sportsman hears the call of "the woods and when he takes down his trusty rifle and examines its mechanism thoroughly, goes over all things necessary in his outfit. and makesthe usual arrangements to meet the bunch at the regular meeting place. It is a call that once enjoyed can hardly be ignored when heard again. and the sound of the hound sends a thrill of longing delight'through the veins of a good spor'tsman.. A` few from here, as usual. have left for the hunting grounds and it is hoped they may have good luck and safe talkine: about hnnfinnr T rm.m.+, ,... Once again the -season has rolled` -e:~..- m?x.1:*:.a 5.1-7*m:"?3 uuu Lyuumesome, _ Up to the present writing the weathe: continues dry, with many complaining of the scarcity of water in cisterns and wells, while a few of the farmers have had to cease trying to plow. The lovely, clear and spring:-like weather enjoyed practically all through.Octob- er received a little- jolt on Saturday when the wind _vee1-ed to the north- west and blew all night and Sunday a regular gale, a decided drop in temperature taking place. `But the expected rain did. not come. only a few snow flurries arriving during Sun- day. ` L u: w : (311 ` .. .._,. vu, "cu, nauuvult`. us cutrerentz There is no doubt the committee in charge ofthe weigh cales here, would be doing an act b eficial to them- selves and to the other shippers and weighers if they would improve the driveway approaching the scales by placing agew loads of gravel and _do- ing away with a few of the large stones. At present, it is impossible to drive on, and many teams with large loads of potatoes had to back the loads on and off, making it very inconvenient and troublesome, "(Tn in flan n nnnn ,....4{ -.....u.:-_ _. .a , rrvnv - j . l_?e_fie_s Rusvt! ment which makes me `spec- lielly Proud to sell i It's the act that the st vaniz- ing thoroughly covers and co ' etely_ coats both the insil alr :.d the _3]|t_side of the stee tu mg wx pure zinc spelter. This `fhot" process makes it absolutely rust-_ defiing and proof .hgainst~ strong stable acids for the maximum riqd. This isamig ty valuable feature. me lain some of the _many othen. ' 1- net xm-np nf flan 3.-.9..-` `There's one big point about Totonto" Stable Equip- ment which makeg n_1e 's;:e_:- 1-II..`_...*--J L- .1 ' EVERY NEW SUBSCRIBER ADDS TO THE VALUE OF I I have sold as many as 32 customers in one morning by `Long Distance. There Is little difference in the cost of per- sonalletters and Long D1s- s tance messages, and the ad- vantage is all on the side of Long Distance. Competition in our line is too keen to take any chances. When good customers are not too plentiful, Why run chances by taking the time `to Write a letter that may have to be fol- lowed by another to straighten out some unexpected diffi- culty? Be master of the situation. call up your A prospects by Long _Distance and settle things immediately. ` ' ' v. I. BREWSTER, Manager YOUR TELEPHONE - It I _' I 'ufrIn5vtractaf('odlI'w1_'l`hr-I I . and BRONCHITIS . . For COUGH$.C0l.D$: THE'Pf)\4` A \'('Ii'I`: a long In the ` cum many - of and (101)--1 fort and : .story nf i `thought L hearem I tramsfm-m frozen, ix years ;I`.-'. Self-.\'U|9])o Inissinn . Quinn Ann. With unit: this rem: old lad 3 him : A `la nu. itllult`. ` His` 1 fallen thew \\ whin- dian i.~ `perion. forty _\ evirlr-In `Ln .\.-1.. 'i3.`-.1; utt_erL\` ' 'rhm'a; Just: howt pictu adve lnanh .Se Cube 232 Dublin, Ontario.-i * ' % % rrezular. with nains .33.? :.'.Z33'.l.`..3P.d mg Pains and Headaches Re? lieved by Taking" Lydig E. A Pinkhanfs Vegetable Compound ' 7 _ - v --v-- W` `um year: I Iuered. One leg raw toe: to body. No living man could lleve what I eulrered. It was D.D.D. t ulleved ne.,e_nd for three teen I Von ! had 3 sin b! eczema." lieu words an uken from the letter of Ru- aiemtt. Cheatervllle. Ontario. Mr. Garrett any questions yoneceu to uk him. IV Ill 'ttod-Oh II II Ii 0. D. !or'|.k'}n dlseue w.e 23:!!!` ' cl:d 2:` "g-:.'s7.o'3 :"o:t?|3._" '19}? 'I >'3'x>'.'I5."'35';.":'3';I -