. .. unnA1|VIl\l.|` . 1 Funeral Director and Embnlmer Ambulance Service - Phone 431. Motor and Horse Equipment Car. Mary and Elizabeth Stu. Barrie IV`!!- C.' .\I(-Lean. 1'ep:Lirin:;; wheeled s(-mpor . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alex. H, \\'i1so11. selectin;.r;-ju1'm`s (.2. \\'. (`1-awfm~cl. selecting: jurors A. B. Coutts. sele(-.tin;_: jurors J. I). A1'mst1'0n:_-.', Vespm s share of work on \V'ost 'I`nwnline .. A. Bishop, work opposite lot 19, (`nu ll mm. mm uppusue IOIS _J6 and H. ' ! The Clerk \\':1.s_' instrut-lied to write- to the Ministm' of Public \\'m'ks rm I <-nnsu-u'(~tin_:` ln'id,=:os in 1925. ' Tho l`4\1II\r-il ..,1;...........: ... -..-.. `\`Ull.\Ll'Uk'LllIj-'. I)1'l(l,-`:95 In LUZ. ` The (,`nun(-il zxdjuurnmi to 111901 rm .\'0\'. 17 at 10 :I.m. ' ' A `rm .u\rvnun.-. ... . LI-:nu Ul UH` .\\\`}HL`_\' l'l'`GK_ The f0llm\'im.:' A('.c0u11t.s`_'we1'e pass- A` ' Shdp where you are invited to shop. THE MARKETS E .v. _v. .v. .v. .v. .v. .v. .v. .v. .7. .V. .7. .7; m 2 VESPRA COUNCIL :uI . . . . . .-. . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . vws. each . . . . .A . . . . . . . . . . . 1;-:e,`l1e:x(1 5c tn nips. bu-sket . . . . rts, hzxslwt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. vts. hug . . . . . . .4 . . . . . . . . . . .. zels sprouts, box . . . . . . . . . . . Poultry, Butter and`Eggs- m Ih `2Qr- f basket \ basket . 0 __. .-\'IisceIlz1ne0bus unvuvu rs-u uuuuuu us In UUIIIIUCKIOI auuuz. om. . noun :2. .1.u|. T.-\. R. (`()["l"I`S. u1ork. . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c . . . . .. 50 to 159 10c to 20ci . . . . .;...... 60c . . . . . . . . .. $1.50 10c or 2 for 25c| . . . . . .. 2 for 5c| ..; . . . . . . . .. 10c} 35c to 40 ., . . . . .. .. 40c! .I..... 2 for 50; . . . . . . . . .. 60c! . . . . . . . . . . .. (soc-I . . . . . . . . . . .. 20c| 200 500 `III LU ` 27 to: LU to . up] 15c 35c| 20c| 65c! 100 l a. G._S_h1_l_TH_& co. 40:` ` 550 .' 50c 28(: - 250 ` 30c 30cI - \l\VI .00 nn I v. n_w-u....-- _. _.... ....-v 18 Toronto St., Toronto ER. J. Edwards. G. R. Edwards, R.A.So. I !Ne I CHIROPRACTOR. 32 Frances St. rvous disorders and women's and children's diseases a specialty. phnnn 1002] DRS. BURNS & BURNS(` - 60 Elizabeth St. Opposite Palmer's New Garage Nervous and Chronic Disorders Phone 406 or call at office fog- _information on any disease. I Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public. I - Conveyzmcers, Etc. |Money to loan at lowest rates of in- iterest. Office-13 Owen St., in Mason- ic Temple Building, Barrie. Brunch, | 0ffice~-Elmvale. A \ XY A 13...". 1 ! f R! I") I \}LLL_LJC}':l'V4llll V (LIC. g W. A. Boys, K.C., MP. iD. C. Murchison. - J. R I 7%. | ALEXANDER COWAN ;Bzu'rister, Solicitor for obtaining pro. 'bae of wills, guardizmship and ad- ministration. General -Solicitor, No- funxr r`nnuo\rnnr.o.- nrrl IllllllLlilLlUll. \JUllCld.l Ell|lUlLU[`, ;\U" tary. Conveyanc-er, etc. =Ofce~-I-Iinds Block, 8 Dunlop St., IBarrie. MONEY T0 LOAN .- I -:*-v Motor Ambulance in connection - A n H. - ,_ , g PLAXTON &. PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. ETC. Offices: 707-8 Kent Building . Toronto, Ont. EC. W. Plaxton. G. Gordon Plaxton i James O. Plaxton LJA'1.L|.1\.l.LD1.l'AL's, ou1.u\.1..LUrL, nxu.-~ M()NE'Y TO LOAN. Russ Block, Barrio 1 ` DR. H. T. ARNALL A Associate Coroner Cuuntyof Simcoe Ioffice and Residence-C0z`ner Toronto ; and Elizabeth Sts., opp. Central Church ;Office Hours: Until 10.30 a.m., and 1 ` to 3.30 and 6 to 8 p.m. Phone 167. I --dHU-- DR. w. v. JOHNSTON . ] Graduate of Toronto University `Phone 61 .Office-58 Collier St. I Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 and 6.30-8 p.m. ' { pas. LITTLE a. LITTLE {Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie. Ont. ;Office and Residence--47 Maple Ave. { Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m.. 7 to 9 p.m., or I by am)ointment_ Phnnn 912 ; uuxce nours: 1 to 3 7 1 by appointment. `Phone 213. [A. T. Little, M.D. XV. C. Little, M.B. ! j DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. VV'est. Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St.,'B:u-rie, 1st Saturday of each month. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation h0urs--11 a.m. to 5 p.m. _Barrie, phone 2. ' Toronto, North 3326 I : un. I:.. u. IUHNBULL ` {Graduate McGi1I Uni\'e{I`Si_V. ;\1`o1:trea.! {Office and Residence-C0r. Elizabeth 'and Bradford Sts.. Barrie. Phone 105. Office hours: ` I V 9-10am 1,-an...-vo---- ( WELCH. CAMPBELL &. LAWLES3 Chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874. 59 Yonge St., Toronto H. J. Welch, C.A. G. D. Campbell, C.A. W. S. I-Iulbig, Production Engineer T. E. Lawless, C.A. Manager Cost and Efficiency` Debt DR. FRED A. ROSS Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barrio. Late Surgeon Specialist with the Imperial Army, 41/; years. i | General Surgery and Obstetrics l especially. I . Oice--140 Dunlop SL, B:1rriL-Z. Phone 710. P.(). Box 1078 -..__ v---. --ova; uni: I Idll-dlJ McClary's Electric Range: and Circulqting Water Heaters _ Sold and Installed. We carry a full line of Electric Irons, :Hot` Plates, Toasters, Heaters, Lamps, Bulbs, Etc. II\ I` I L. J. SIMPSON, M.B PHYSICI.~\;\' AND S[II'.GEO.\' .Office and -P.esidenco--Collier St;.. cor- iner Clapperton St.. I3:1!'1'ie. Phone 275 - Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory of Music examinations leading up to and including A/.l`.C..\I. .de.-gree. Studio-King Block. P m-me 424 ..______._______..___:_____j_ i MAUD E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. I . . . u on way. I .l.\ J-IVI. Teacher of Piano, Ofgan, Vocal. and Musical Theory, Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Gold medalist Toronto Conservatory of Music and University of Toronto. `113 Worsley St. V Phone 683 U. H. RUSK, OPH.l Eyes Examined Glas Graduate Canadian Opht College, Toronto. 43 Elizabeth St., Barrie. } VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Barrie Branch Residelltfe. 36 \\'m's1e_v St. Phone 7.'l\V VVELT. RARV ("T 1.\'1r`~ n'15141_; BABY CLI1\'IC from 2 to 5 o'clock even lrid:-.\` Application for nurse's services may be made direct or through your doctor. ; P'i: 1.1.... . PERCY HOADLE Organist and Choir Leader Collier St. Methodist Church "Teacher of Piano, Organ, Voice and Terms reasonable. Sophia St. HILDRETH F. LENNOX. A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory examinations in Piano. 2 North Street. Phone 387W I `*"""-""`-"-- . "B. M. SYLVESTER Bandmaster Barrie Citizens Band Formerly Director of music Christie St. Hospital under D.S.C.R., bandmaster of 134th O.S. Bn., bandmaster of 75th Toronto Scottish Regt. Teacher of M--ein - v -7 no -sunny`! 950 House Phone 698. Shop 1028. L. R. ORD CIVIL ENGINEER Ontario and Dominion Land S~urveY0!' "133, Blake St, Barrie. Phone 623. ._________._____.____ HILDRETH Tnarlann at-' Dz--- RADENHUR;f& BARRISTERS SOLICITORS.` ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY TU LOAN ' DR, W. A. LEWIS Surgery and Diseases of Women Associate Coroner County of Simcoe , -and-- hD \Al \I Inuluo-r-nun Thufsday, November 6, 1924. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER Open for daily engagements, or sewing at home Mica urn an -... - .. -7 DONALD `ROSS, LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY TO LOAN LIIIUUCD-SUI. LU L4! CB\\'1UKU (2 Dell BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC.-~ rnM rF'v mm 1 r\,\ xv p....:. DI..,.1. 13.. R. J. EDWARDS &. EDWARDS` .49: -0-, ___L, EL 1' . _ _ _ L- I-l\JI`\.ll'\l` I`: IVIU\ILlI`\I\J 3-,`- Successor to Cresw1cke,& Bell C2A1l,>Dl Q'l`1.D QINT r(l"Fr\r.> `mrnrs Hom-e-n-lard`; _C;eam, Baker's qr Wholg TWheat DUNCAN F. McCUAlG, B.AT >nr-r-necnr tn (`v-oqunnlzn .9. Hon ULLICB 9-10 a._m.,-1-3 cc vv Aug ELL 1101118 MISS WILDE, 72 Small St. "DR. JEAN JOHNSTON II:.......l....o.. M.......\ `Lu-T DR. E. G. TURNBULL ` ntn 11';-(Till r7n:.-.-...r.:,. nu. (BOYS &.' MURCHISON llltf, :10 \'\ orsley St. P110 VVELL BABY CO 5 n'r`lnr'-I: x:)\'1\n`- 1.`. O. R. RUSK. 0PH.D. laminar! t`=|---- CHIROPRACTIC ...j-_::._...;_-j.___ EDMUND HARDY Mus. Bac., F.T.C.M. Of pinnn f\Zn-an Y7 0. W. R0%IN$0N~ 1- OI`-I"\I` U\ll`ll`\3 I \- (Graduate Nurse) .1-urn A lI'l'V(\T`n nn 1a.... .. urumo scottish Reg Teacher of M usic. ARCHITECTS U IJADCOI-DISD (I. : Phone 1003.1. MEDICAL OPTICAL LEGAL Music uldsses l'It1 Ophthalmic -nnfn rl'l1.IJ. Glasses Fitted nh`1f`1n1rm.. VII` DKII I\IlVI _\Jl` I-4\Il'II'c A Good Assortment of Cnkou, Pie: `and Pastry at Bnkory. 10!!` l'.`I!._-I_ _;I. QL_;-A A.Vl.l. . J. R. Boys. '_PhoneM148 V/`lien You" Ask for a `Loaf of 151-` l\II 11'l9r1 Page Ten` Gas on Stomach May T ` Cause Appggdicitisj Electrical Contractor FIXTURES AND SUPPLIES I. l open on Ann mam YOUR READING NEEDS LOOK-F-O-R-_`l"-H-B'LABEL on BOTTOM or LOAF. n ,; K---_..._-_. -2 n_|._. "'16` "E1a`z'ZI'e'c1{ `SKEE? moms 25o , are well supplied at. % SCOTT S BOOK STORE *I3'i'i5YS?1`7fS" { 1(')lfB-1;r~1'loB;: Q phnnn COD cl-A- ` W. D. MINNIKIN Published every Thursday afternoonl atthe Post Office Square.` Barrfe. Sub--` Icription Price-Canada. and Great! Britain $2.00 per year In advance'(in arrears $2250); United States, $2.50; per year in advance. Both old and new addresses should be given when chang of address is requested. CAN- CELL TIO'NS-We-find that most of- our subscribers prefer not to have M-mo. anham-inhna inn-rI1nted`in case. zQe.bi|.|mI Iuvo. A. Ma:Laren, Editor.` C. J. W. Walls. Manager. ` Settle LllUl't.'.'iLIlLl l.ill'\U up itl. Iii.-`H. LU!` profession of medicine from which he had. with so little profit. broken away. That is all his story, or so much of it~ as matters" up to `that night, six months later. when the battle of Sedge- moor was fought. T\m:nino- fhn ivnnnndinrr nnfinn nn ` t.'ll:?\'Bll )'{`2u.l'-`E 'd,'.U. Because he liked the place, in which his health was rapidly restored to-him. and because he conceived that he had passed through adventures enough. for a man's lifetime, he determined to ettle there.eand take up at last the '1`lnn+ lo: all hi: qfnrv nrv an rnnnh nf Yl'1()(,)l` VYHS .lUuE.llL. Deeming the impending. action no n.ffaii- of his. as indeed it was not. and indifferent to the activity with which Bridzewa er was that night agog, Mr. Blood Iosed his ears to the sounds `of it. and.w'ent early to bed._ Vkn nnvs-ulna nnvnn int-n nnlllainn In ztgug, nu`. Dluuu Uluacu (us turn LU LIIU bed. The armies came into collision in the neighborhood of two o'clock.in the ll2lLlVl:' sun. _ Thus. in January of that-year, 1685. he had come to Bridgewater; posses- s01_of a fortune that was approxim- ntefythe same as that withwhich he had originally set out from Dublin eleven years ago. | [ `Rnnnnnn ho Iilznd Han nlnnp in url-n'n'h| Iuuiuy lUb'L tubs Int`. ' After the Pew.-e of Nimezxuon his} movements are obscure. But we knmv| that he spent two years in :1 Spanish prison. t-hou:.7;hA we do not, know how_ due to this that upon hisreleuse he took his sword to France. and saw ser- vire with the French in their warring: upon the Spanish Netherlands. I-{av-' .ing reached. at last. the age of thirty- txyo. his appetite for adventure sur- feited, his health -having grown indif- ferent as thetresult` of a negrlecfted wound. he was suddenly overwhelmed by homesicimess. He took ship from Name with intent to cross to Ireland. But the vessel being: driven by stress of weather into Bridgewater Bay. and Blood s health having grown `worse duringthe voyzige, he decided to go ashore there, additionally urged to. it by the fact that it was his mother's native soil. 'l"Mnc4 in Tnnnnv-\r nf fhnf xvnnn `IQQK I fhe contrived to get there. It nmy be u_\ \\ l\L'.`i Iljlll [wound xnutlwrs. " .~'inr that th:-_\ '21 1<*1'H1(`e of '{cli'.:iun. Fur` I I\1\I ~ I I u .. I I '. I 5UDSC!'lDeI'S_ DTBLBF HUL LU uavw their subscriptions interruptedln case they fail to remit before expiration.` While subscriptions will not be carried` In arrears over an extended perlod,; yet. unless we are notified .'to cancel.; we assume the subscriber wishes thel service continued. . REMITTANCESI `should be made by registered letter. money order, or cheque payable at par in Barrie. . _ `I A NI -ni~T.nran, Editor. I '.\-`ll ! I`.lH'\\ ililll 1l2l(l l(lll)\\'l1 l()l' SHINE" hours. that it was :\Ionmouth's inten- tion to dc-li\'or hattlo that same ni;:ht. The Dulue \\':x:4' to l--ad :1 surpri.~:e :ntt:u-.k upon the Itoyalist army umim-l~`ever- ::h:xm that - \`.'as now i em':|n11n.- '_ on Smiueiiiom-. -.\lr. I-ilood nssmned that ' Lord l"o\'ersham would he oquaiiyl well-informed. and if in this :i.~ xsurm)-' I tion he -was wrong, at least: he was` ,iu:~`tified of it. He \va:~`. not to suppo:-u-> tho Roy.-llist (-mmmmder -so indit`t`er-l ontiy skilled in the trade he followc-(1. I Peter Blood was the son of an Irish n1e who had early resolved that the boy should follow his own hon- ourable profession, and Peter Biood,| being: qui(`:k'to learn and oddly :.:'reed_\'| of lmo\\'1v(i;','e. had satisfied his parent` by re'(-eivin,*.'; at the age of twenty the! deg'ree`o.t' 1)a(-ttalaurous m edic-inao atj 'i`rinit_v College, Dublin . , His father surrixred that satisfaotitm A by three. months only. His mother had then` lie-.m1`doa(1 some years` already. Thus Peter Blood came into an inherinmce of some" few hL1li(hfP(1 pounds, withj which he h_:1d'set.out'to see the world. A set of (`11rious'-chum-cs led him `to take sorvive with the Dutch, then at war with _i`r:m(~.o: and a pre.di1e(~tion[ for the sea made him select that this service should be upon that element. He had the adVzm ta;._re of a commission under the famous de P.u',vter. and fo11;'.:`ht in the Mediterranean en;.rage- ment in which that great Dutch ad- miral lost his life. A PH... H-..-. 1- =---l Dn..r.n A6-` \Y.-\.-............ ' _ The Messenger I }` Peter Blood, bachelor of medicine.` `and several .other things besides.T ismoked a pipe and tended the` geran-; Liums boxed on the sill of his window`. i`-above Water Lane in the town ot`_ [B1-idgewater. Mr.- B1ood's attention; was divided between his task and the stream of humanity in the narrow` street below; a stream which poured` `for the second time that day towards` acastle Field, where earlier in the af- I ternoon Fe1'g.uson, the Duke's chaplain. ihztd preached a. sermon containing| more treason than divinity. 1 rm.,...n ..+...-..,..n..n nvnnm: ~..m..... m-mm? ` ._.- .. '1 hmndislieti; 'ul)st:1in whose age and strengtii ad- mu! p1'I:ucm:u 51-:1'u1un These straggling, excited groups w'ere_. mzlinly composed of men with green. huughsi in theirhats and the most! ludicrous "of weapons in their hands.` Some, it is true. shouldered fmvling! pieces, zmd"here and there :1 sword was` but more of them were armed with clubs. and most of them! trailed the [mammoth nikes fashioned nut` 01' scythes, as formiditble to the eye as they were clumsy to the hand. There were weavers. hrewe'rs. cm'nent- ers. smiths, masons. brickiayers, cob- hlers. and 1'epresentati\'es of every other of the trades of [peace 21n1f)l1,." these improvisedhien of war. Brid;.{<=,-- water, like 'I`auntnn. has yielded so gen- erously of its manhood to the service of the l)asmrd Duke that for any to UUII La/1111115 ; mittml uf his l,>e-.1ring.:' : ~ ln':md. jmnsolf u coward ....... ._ .- .. .- i Yr.-t Peter Blood, whn was not only iuhlo to bear arms, but trained and 1 skilled in their-use`, who wzls (~e1'1:h\inl_v i no coward and :1 pnpist only when it H0 suited him, tended his greruniunls und summed his pipv on that warm July <=\'enin;: as in(Iil t'(>ront1y as if V 1m`thin;.'; \vr.-re :1fu0L.- \ X210 lzuughod and sigl1ed`in one; but the l-ru'u.:`h dmnimxtodhthe Si:.'.`h, _t`m~.\h'. Blond \\ :1s uns_\'1`up:LLh(-ti(-.. as are nmst sell"-suffit-im1t men; and he was \"e1'_v `. z1(1\'ersit_\' h.--ul t.-1u;.-,'ht him so in be. A nmro t.m1m'-11e;u'ted ; mun. [)0sH9sSil1.`,' his vision and his l\'nn_\\'l0l:.-.'v_-,, mifxht have fnuml (`:lllS(' for tours in the cm1Lempl:1tinn of those :n-dr-nt, simple, .\'unc- slleop _u;oin;.'.' fm'th- Ln t.hv-* shzunhh-s-0S<-n'tod \ l') the` 2-nl1_\.'in:.: :4`_rmn`.d nn Castle [|`i(Il,'1 `h_\' \\'i\'<.~.w. and d:u1;_,-`liters, .s\\'or>thezu'ts| H-und sL1st::im-*d_hy th<- dolu-' '. th:-_\' \\'(`l`(` to take tho field dt-1`<-mm: Hi,!:`ht, of Lilmrty. and of; l'{el_i:.:iun. Fm` he knew, as all Hrid:.:<.=-i` \.\';-Ivr l~:n<~\\` nun] hm] km)\\'n for smnc-' \ v-as \\'.'::4` mw:|n1pt.-(IL m \\'DH-inl'nv-nun} nnnl it` in vhiu -|uunrnI\_I I` Ell`! I. -IV 3 `F L Every RAFAELj$7xBATINl COP78h_t0d. 1922. by Rand SI-biltinl. CHAPTER I. ' (morning. Mi. Bloo _. .. ` v :n.....-......:.. +1.. r1;LVfr\b'I 1 Rsmaw tftlte 5pa:z}'sh]Ia:'n (|l IIIIV I\ll I or :1 mmist. still intent upon it a half-hour later when the dragoons invaded the home- stead. His lordship showed consider- able alarm. -and` the b:1ttl,e-stained Jeremy Pitt sped tocover in a clothes- press. Bayhes was uneasy. and his wife and daughter trembled. VVhy, what's to fezur?'.' Mr. Blood ' reassured them. It's a -Christian l country, this, and Christian men do not ` make war upon the wounded, nor upon , those, who harbour them." ' Ana Hnnn I-Iantv .-..~.....,. ....4n:...... ....,1 ('mst.:mt, ;:,':1s causes: inflammation` wlA1i(:h may involve the appendix. Simple gl;vv<>rh1e, buckthtwn bark, etc-., as nxud in Adlerikzx helps any case- mgs on tho stnmaohin I`lC;' minutes. Must` lll(`((`,il l(`!s' not only _nn lower bowel but Ad1e.rik:1 acts on BOTH up-., per and luwc-.1` l)nW`l and rmnoves all ;.ms and poistnm. Ext-vllont for obstin- ate mm.stip;at.inn and. Lu ;,-'u:11'd against :q)pem]i,(,-itis. -Wm; (jrussluml, Drug`- gist. 7 ' ` LllUb'U WIIU lld.l'UUUl7 LHb'H1. 7' And then they came rattling and clanking into` the stone-flagged hall --a round dozen jack-booted, lobster- coated troopers of the Tangiers Regi- .morning. Blood slept undisturbed through the distant boom _of cannon.I Not until four o'clock did he awaken from` his tranquil slumbers. He sat `up in bed, rubbed `the sleep from ihis eyes,.` and collected himself.` `Blows were thundering upon the door incoherently. He reached for bed-! lgown and slippers, went himself to! 1open. There in slanting golden light` of the` new-risen sun Mr. Blood rec-' ognized him-for the young shipmaster, Jeremiah Pitt, who had been drawn by the general enthusiasm into the -vortex, of that rebellion. The wild-, eyed lad plunged. headlong, into speech, gasping, breathless. ` It is Lord Gild0,\', he panted. He is sore wounded....a.t Og1ethorpe's Fztrm by the river. I bore him thither! , ....and. .. .and he sent me for you. ; Come a\v;.1_\'.! Come awa_v! _ - To'he sure. I'll come. But first H.:'l\'e me leave to get some clothes`an_di |0ther things I may need. 1 l A? rhn eiu-`ht nf"H1n nr-fur vraqenl 1 l i I I a I I I I ULllL`l 11111153 .1 lll(l_) ll!':t`\_l. At the sight of" the doctor, dressed and booted, the case of instruments; tucked under his arm. _the` messem:e1'} disengaged himself from those who! pressed about. Shook off his weurinessi and seizing the bridle of his horse,` he climbed to the saddle. I ..... . ` . .. . . . I C0m_e :1lni1g,_si1'," he cried, Mount behind me." `Mu. I:n.\..;: ...'...+.'.~..- .......,.1.. u-H~l~.nn+ I ` UCIIIHKI `HIE . 1 W Mr. Blnud,- without \\'ustim:,` wnrd.~.`.. .1id as he was hidden. Pitt touc-he;'i ' I the h0t`sP with his sm.1r. The limo! (~rn\\'d gave way, and thus. upon meg cru1)per of that doubly-laden horse. c-limzing` tn the belt of his cmnpunioxjx. } (--tel; Bland xet out upon his Odyssey. Fmthis Pitt. in whnm he beheld not more than the mc-ssen;:er of :1 wound- ed robe! -,:entle-man, was indued .h;- ver_\' n1os_w11g`(~1' of Fate. LIl'|P\l I Ch lI.. . Kir.'ke s Dragoons (`)_:-51-=thm'po's farm . - :1 mile or`, so to the snuth of I-5l`i(I;.`.'(`\\':lVt(,`l` nn {ht-E ` ri,:'}1t hunk of the ri\-'m`. On the ln'id:.'(,-. as they had -been riding.-; out of 1`.1-ic1;:(~- '\\'avL<.>1'. they had met :1 \'un.:11n1'd of I u:.:'il,i\'es from the field 01 battle: `lmarsv vnit-es cried :1 \\':1rnin'.L:` that nnm'(~iVles-,< pursuit was not far behind. -mt us Pitt's di1'0_r,*tinn was :1 south- \\\-'m' unjo. ln'in_-.:'in_:: them (>\'m~ m~:n'e'r 9 | In le-\'m`s11:1m s l1e:1(1qu:u'I(~1's. tho}: `\\'m*n pros<=11t1.\'.<-l0:u' ml` that human 6 1'1:-t.-:nm and jot.~`:xm nl'~lh<.* h-,xt1.10. 1 A In thn sp:u-imm, . hull. }` [Ive lm~lm' fnuml Lm' Hilfluy sn-<~1(-h- ` ml un :1 (_-,.'1m.- in cnrv mt` Mrs. \ `.:1_\"m~s and her (~mn(*l_v d:1u,'.:htm'. : 1 MI`. }`_`.l-.m, lmvll tn-his l:1.~'k.' Ho \\':1s {CHAPTER II.: (Z...I,A .~ n...-..-..-.n. The Arrest of Peter Blood HIDES, was AND ; DEER sms WANTEE}; Tl -IE BARR11-: EXAMINER ment, led by fe11u\\"wiLh :1 the "breast of stamped forwa scmvled downw fever. :5 \ ..1.........,1' . LKLTL Cl A damned rebel. and that's enough! for me. Out with him my lads." Mr. Blood got between the day-bedg and the troopers. , [ In the -name of humanity. Si1'!"g said he. on :1 note of 2111;,-'e1'. '[`his' is England, not_ 'l`:mg'ie1's. .The gentle-3 man is in sore He may not be| n10\`ed without peril to his life. x Captain Hobart was amused. 1' Do you think it's to benefit his; health \\'e're_taking him 2 'l`he1'e s gal-I lows being `planted z1l0n:.r the roadl from \Vest0n to Brid;.rew:1ter. and he'll serve for one of them as well as an- other. (`olunel Kit'ke'll learn these nonc-onfoljnxing oafs smnething the_v'lH not for;_:;et in.g`ener;1t:inns." 1 u(*.. W AL V V ` ..1.._ V_Vax`ed'm' piled cloths should be. washed in soda.s01utim1 and 1'insc~d` Pk nnnnu-I-.11 -.,.,_,-.. .... ,..-.u\..u.u.uruo. " ~ 1 You're hanging men withuut t1ji:11'.'2 Faith, then. it's mistaken I am. \\'e 1'e ' in Tzmgiers. after all, it seems, where; your regiment belongs." The Captain cox1.s:ide1'ed him with :L| kindlin:.:' eye and soldier recognized I snldim-, ' 1 _\uu1 x'I:';;llllt.`llL ; | soldier. I -4T\'la.. 1-L... wrists hnhind his back, then roughly pulled him tu his feet :1g`ain. The sol- diers t1'a,ile(l out by the door leading to the interim`. Mr. Blood was thrust by his guards into th (-nurtyard, \\'he1`=' Pitt and Baynes al1'ead_\' waited. There wm'e. sounds of rendin;:; timbers. the shouts and lau;-;hte1' of brutal men: finally above all other sounds -anw the piercing; sore-an1s of a woman in acut- est z1g0n_\'. l4'r`n (`nnfiv1IInr1\ n.uuuL'I . ! ``\\'Im the may yuu he?" he ex`- 'p10ded. 1 AI\1,\' mum.` is Blood. sir~-E ete1' Blood, at _\'>ur s01`\:'i(-e." A_\'e---n,_\`e!; Cmlsul 'I`hnL s the name. You were in ["ren(-In service I once, were you not? Five. years ;L;_.;o._ or more, you \\'er(-` in 'I`:1n_'_riers."' That is so- I lmew your colonel. ~lnith, you may be renewing; the; acquaintam-0." The C;1pt:;in l:u1.4'he(1i unpl(~.:u4:mtl_\'. '.`\\'l1-at bringzs _\-um here,- sir?" I rnL:.. -......._,1 1 ,4,,,.. V v i \ Us`. L I A dm-tm'7-_\'nu`. Sworn of that Iio-- [us he _c-om_-()1\'.orl iL--mug in 11112 l19_2u'_\',' |1wr~tnJ`1r1l;:] .\'n1m>. Mr. B]oud .< .\-mile ., :mn0_s'e um. - ' I I. am} at 1)hysi(*iun` 1)rz_u-tising my ,(-uI11ng_1n the town of B1'11;:mv:1tex'. } lm-h ynu re.-u-hed by \\'a_\ of Lyme 1 l{(`;_"lS in the 1'<)llm\'ing of Your lmst:u' i Duke." ` ' - - It \\'::.' " - - .- I V . If '.\h.' Blond turn to :~11(`1. 5 If _\nu1 \\xt. x\e1'<~';1s lng as your` vrm-<-. Hm` (lgf:`:1'. Its the :_';re:nt mun you'd hv |'*.\'__I111!~'. Y:"1l he 1`Pnw1nherin}-:`. (`up- | tam, th:xt_Lu1' `(}i1(1u_\' willvh:1`\'o friends and ml:1t1\'o.\' rm the l`or_v sidv. who'll I }}_21\'e_* sunwthxng.-; to say to (_`()]('>IlPl Ki1'l((- ,n hxs lmdsh1p-shnulg1.l)e hnmllwl liki- gu (-nnnnnn lolnn. Ynu`ll .L`u \v:n'il,\'. `(')t'xin 01' '1~1]"~ '1 "*- -It - | ml . .-- H Mm. 1t:~ .1 h.1..e: lfnr your -nv*l\' _\'v`ll ln~'\\'<":n'in;.r this Inn:-nin u~ " HUI! lllll. ("rlptztin Huh;H't swept tl1<~_\\':u'nin.l :u..~`.i_de with :1 lrlusu-r of (-cmtvnmt. but he zn-led upon it none the loss. 'I`:uk~ up the d."1_\'-1w said ho. and mm- voy him cm that In B1'id_L:o.-water. ,I.mr1;;(> him in the 3.5:-ml until I take m`(1m`!~` about him." As his 10rd:~'hip w:::~' <.-nrried out. the ('.`:1ptuin her.-:1n'19 brisk. Mr. Blond `saw no profit to himself in lin,'..-'e1'in,':.'. ul'v.. :;.v. ., _ _. I H ' AT HEGHEST PRICES. 1 White or phone _ 44-7pl H. LEVIT, phone 384 hr Box 542. \V(lBXlt7Ll lll thnrnu;-ihly. ` l'I1Q ll 3 V This wounded r.2:0ntlemun. I \\'ns fen-had to attend him. I am a medi- 7) , .. ....,..K....,... I-}_\' your l'e:1Ve. it s `(L \'('l`_\' 3.-,'nm_l :l:1v;\` I'll be \\'isl1in:.:,_vnlI. _.~:2Iitl he. "By my l<*:1\'e. you'll remn-in :1whil<=," the C-.`l]')[2Llll'l)l`(](`l`(`(fl him. Mr. Blood sln'11_-.:`;.:u and sat down. l`lw ('.n.pt:1in opened the press. tank thh hu(l(l19d' inn)-ate h_\' the collar nf his clnulrlet. :111l'111:::.*'ml him out into the` open. - And who tho sx this-`."' mmth ho. .-\nnthm' n0l,lonmn'."' M1-, P.1m)rl hnd :1 \'i:~:inn nf tlmsu mul- lnws of \\'hir_-h (Vuntnin Huh:1l`t h:ul spnlct-n. On tho sput he invented nn . only :1 title but a whole family for the _vnn1g rebel. h`uHl\ vu x-n u-.341 {I |un9-.n '1"!-u _\ HUME,` l'l`IH.'l. l":tith. _\'o \'o said it. (,`upt:tin. Tllis is \'is(-uunt Pitt. first (`dllill to Sir 'l`hmnus \'m'n0n. \\`hn .\` m:u'rie(1 tn M011 Kirke. sister to you)` own ('olm_ml. and .-.mn(>.timo. lady in \\';1itin:; upon I\'in;.-` Jmnes queen. Both the mtptztin and his ])t`i.~:(m`t` ~':-Isped. But \\'hm'9:xs therrnnftm` ynun5_r Pitt di: held his xw:u'-0. the (`up- tuin l`:t})D(`(1 out. n nu: nnth. "l"(>t.t-h `him ;t1m1:.: _tn Rl`i(1;.`.`(`\\':1[(~`l`. And m:'k(~ fast that follow also." he nninfn fun I'?.\vn.~..- \K'n H mhnuv `-\;I\1 l`\"|.('ll m:-l `pointed I jwhnt it 1` 1'(-hols. .` 1119 pniwl ` will .~:uE' ; I-rid_2'm\': `I \'nn.. I'll Hlf4k'\\. 3 our ,-_':ml. ``.\ln 1 . ll\'.'l ' |)rm'm' i mm m" I Ruth- nin,-." hih nu, " her: at rxlu h :1l(`111;."_tn 'l<(' to Rz1_\'11o.<. \`\'o ll slnnxv him 1110:1115 to l1:11-hnur :1n(l (-1.>1nt`n1`t .\m1 take this fellmv with _\'nu." `L011 11: ;\l1'. Rlrmd. l:1ith it 1111" \'`l'_\` wvll." said he. l<`n1~ .':1tv`1' is 1115' l1'1sti1`1:1tio11." llPSIll1.`lIlHll tl1<>1'<~ will "111: {hr- P. C. LLOYD F uneial Director and ? ii I Embalmer OPEN DAY AND N_|GH1- 47 Elizabeth St. Plum. :1 . .. syn ; l:1tm'." hands Ht `.1! tn lh<~ _\ .(.'f`0 Be Continued) 21 sturdy. L dezizl of gnld lac-Ve uhout :' his coat. The Captain ::11'd to the (lay-bed. and `upon the grey-f:1(*ed suf- blnrtk-1)ro\\'ed I E HUi'/md Ml`. Rltmd. Pin- h<~ mwvund. Ih(*_\.' find his I " I V` ll! :-!Im\'.< I` mvrt-l_\' llli1ll.' i:~:inn ;-;:- ntnin It . jn|<'i ("nu \'nu Vxvu 5. _\-no f111<>stir>11 01' . ,. ~ -o----'-'- -`- ;VVaterme1ons . . . . . . . . . Cantaloupes . . . . . . . . . . iPumpkins . . . . L, Onions, large basket . . 1! Onions, bag . .` . . . . . . .. I Celery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 1 Green peppers . . . . . . . . Cauliflower . ; . . . ._ f ']`0n1at0ez~:, basket . . . . Pickling beets, 6 qt. . Cucumbers . . . . . . . . . . . x |.(-.`~herkins, 6 qt. basket .' Potatoes, lmg,` .. . . . . . . ' Potzltnes. peck . . . . . .. `Tut-nips . . . . . . . . .. 9; Lettuc. head . . . . . . . . 1. Squash . -W H Marrows. C11bb1,':,`(.*, head . . . . . . . Ts`, Pursnips. . . . . . - (.`.m`rnt;s, g C2u'1'ot.~x, .. Brussels . I ._ V &&&&%%%%%&&a%&%a .m m. The Barrie Examiner amaamm%&m%aa&w$ ! SATURDAY MARKET vrulvluurruu nu. S-atui'(la.\"`s lmnrket was featured by! the quzinti t_\' of've;;et:ib1es offered for` sale. The tables were loaded with carrots. parsnips. turnips, beets, squash and pumpkins while outside there were- several buggies and wagons at each` of which pptutoes and other vegetables` were offered for sale in quantities. Apples and f...`l':1D9S were also promin- ent. Chicken. fowl and ducks were; more plentiful than usual and werel eagrerly picked up by the buyers. Eggs were still scarce and a new maximum! price of 55 cents a dozen was set. ' Quotations were as follows: a Vegetable Market ` n- 1'Uull.l')', DULLUF 21.1 .Bu.It0r, lb. . . . . . .. . . . . . . Ir]g',.:s. h.De(.-ial, dw/.e'n .. Iiggs, ung.r:1ded. dozen . Sp:-1n;.',* chlcken, dressed, _["0\vl, dressed, lb. . . . . . . Duck . . . . . . Creana. pint . . . . . . . . . . .. Buttermilk, qt. . . . . . .. .. V-1 VADDIPS C'rI`:1])S' l'\\iC\'t` ll] Lllt` L'H?lll'. Communic-:1ti:ms w(~re_ read from: 'I`1`easure1' of ()nta1`i0, enclosing ('h(+qll( | for $]:150.l)IJ part re (..`)1m1izutim1 I-in:.u1_; By-law; A. B. (?0lp'itt.s'.' re statute lab-i ur: TIIQIHHS A. Sutton, re extension. of` time" to remove timber off road allow- -nnun - ' all I-vlmmy, pail . Hcmey, :~'e(.-tion Young pigs _. . . \'esp1'-a Council met on ():tnlm'r `_ ().| with all it.~:.memhe1's present and the; `Reeve in the chair. ' I f`nvsnrunnx`r...u`..nn u-1... . ...~.,.,1 4`..,..... . (I ll\ K`. A petition was ])l'e.\'(*I]t(*(1 by Jzunes Ti`)1'1)y, si:.-;nt-(1 by I~Ie1'1)<-rt Johnston "and utlwrs, 1'equestin;:' the Council to have the water east uf the ei,<.-hth (-.nn(:es- sion line ditched tn \\"il1m\' Creek. in- st:-md of thv Swnl0_\' (`1'oek_ 'l`hn f-`nllnuvinu ' ..nn.~.u..r.. u-.\.... ........ xun. VII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3!`.UU Bishop B1'nthe1`.<, _:rrz1\'eI for 7th (`nn. line . . . . . 3.13 R. J. 'I`1'a<'}', _1rzL\'s=-I t`m' Snnnidule load 3.50 Thomas Sutton was given an exten- sion uf time to re-1no\'e tjnllwr off 2nd. Con. line opposite lots 13 and 14. 'f`hn ("luv-L` \\'-Iu {nary-u'...a-n.-`l on .....:4.. (`{1} IV UN 1)'i1:'1"z"i"A'1'E'1-: Rs MORGUE and CHAPEL