{Louis `his pi CIII< AND DAL % $1%,o 31N u.l.u:l'IlUU. The sympathies of the community are extended to Mrs. W. J. Allen on ` the death of her sister,` Mrs. Fraser, of Toronto, ' Mrs Qnvrnnnn and n-an-win.-... 1r-_;-_ .... ......_, nu... nun. ;.. n. xaauung. The regular monthly meeting of Townline W.M.S. was `held at the home of Mrs. J. A. Corbett on Thursday afternoon. man ..u.....n+1-:-.- no u-- ---~-~~-----=~ . vv. Lnompson on aunaay. _ Mr. and Mrs. Lydster, Mrs. Moore and Mr, Reed of Orillia[vis'1teVd on Sunday with Mrs. P. A. Banting. Thu uuna-ulna ounnohlu .......4..1.__ -4 .... ........ ....:. uuuuug. Luvs: agaul. I V Mr. and Mrs. Preston Thompson and family of Aurora visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson on Sunday. MI`. and MFR. T.vdnh:-.r "Mfr: Izfnnrn .v ..... nu;-, uuunv uu A.uuuua._y, James R. Jamieson looks well after his sojourn in Muskoka. and it is good to see his smiling face again. `AA ... no.3 `MI ..- 'l1_....L.... nu____.__..._, , V-I WIUI 1V1I'S. ma. UIDSOII. The Methodist; Ladies Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Norman Thomnson on Nov. 4 at 2.30 p.m. , MI` 9 nd MFR Nnrmn h "`kt\I'VI'\QI\$V Nov. 4 at 2.30 . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thompson motored to Orangeville last Sunday, returning home on Monday. To:-nun `D `I .-..~.:.-........ 1..-`-.. ____n -n4-,. uume wun ms Iamny. ' Nurse Rachel McDonald of Barra has been visiting for the past week with Mrs. Ed. Gibson. Tho /I'nf'hnIa- 1',nAn..I An: .'...In .....-a. u'u:uu:-1 Ill 140110011. Captain Lawrence has returned to Ottawa after spending a holiday \at home with his family. ~~ NIIPRQ RQDHAI 1|/I'nT\nv-unl AP 12ownI\nl GI. I1UK'lL|llgB M1118. Miss Annie McKenzieT has returned` home after spending a. week with friends in London. Fnnfoin T.o11nnn-unn `anon .....6.._ ...-.I A... um on D8.(.l.l!'(l8.y, > I Mr. and Mrs. Mason and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lennox spent the week-end at Horning s Mills. A ' I Minn A-nnio 'I\A nI(nn-uh: Inna -n6-----n-`l- see US AT ONCE. Phone Barrie, `Ont; Office: '9 Bayeld St. as Duruuu. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coutts of Tor- onto visited at the home of J. A. Pat- ton on Saturday, Mr. and `Mn: `Mnarm nn Mn anal vrcy. . - ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Agar and little daughter spent Sunday in Al- Iiston. V ' ' Mr. and Mrs. W. J . C. Boake and Misses Jean and Helen spent Sunday at Stroud. Q llu and `Inn rVI.n..!..... t1..-.aa... -1 In-.. F arrns bought, sold or exchanged and mort- gages arranged. Everything in Real Estate . -town, city qr country. `If. L--- ' uu: ween-enu Wltn. M188 Anna .l:'8.T.tOn. Mrs. Joe. Smith and son Earl of Bar- rie spent Sunday with Mrs. `J. .R.` Grey. -- ' ' Mr and NI :- (`ha-Inn Anon as-.3 REAL ESTATE f Scythes& Wilsdn . 7 _ ' """J ' We have a big list of waiting clients. Your home -is worth more to you now than ever before. Don t let it get in a run-down condition; It is `much easier to make minor repairs than it ig a.4$bigojob.V ' Don t delay too long in having"-repaxr work done. Consult Us About % A V Your Building ..-v Iuuauus ua:,y I115 11 In No reasonable offers refused on these goods,- A ' . (Advt.) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill have mov- ed across the street into the house late- lye vacated by Mr. and Mrs. W. Cun- ningham, Mr, Corbett having bought their residence. Mpg D `KYAQO I an 4- A `L - a. delegate in Alliston the Auxil- vnnnoann I-, . uururculy .mv1teu, V . H. Campbell shipped for the Ivy- Thornton Stock and Grain Co. again on Monday of last week a mixed car consisting of cattle. hogs. calves and lambs. He reports prices` particularly ` uu.u,y un\71,u| 5:14.; auu suuu WJSIIUS. The Junior Women's Institute will meet at the Orange Hall, Thornton, on Saturday afternoon,'. at 2.30. Members are requested to bring essays and posters on Public Health subjects, to be submitted for the competition. All young women of the community are cordially invited, `K7 T4 (`ow-nnknll . .'l...'.......;.: 4:... LL. 1- ' LU- u1u1a.. . I About fifteen young ladies._met at the home of Miss E. `I-Iopkring, 58 Sher- wood Avenue, Toronto. on Wednesday. October 22, at a shower given. by the hostess for Miss Ella Webster, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Webster. Thornton, she being the recipient or many useful gifts and `good wishes. The Jnninw `X7nr1nnn'n `I .-...LA.-.a._ _.--.nIl ~ _ . . ...o..- . v..\,.. u -.... UlA\t auuagv; nag a A very interesting missionary pro- gramme was given in the` Methodist Sunday School on Sunday. Edward Powell and Douglas Magee furnished readings and Miss McLaren gave a. talk on William Carey, the `great mission- ary to. India. Ahnnf Piffnnn xvn-nnn Inalh-..~ ......L -4. Alrlvuanuvn aggu--.u-v -v.v Iunnv uoavanu Polling-day was busy enough in this place and there were seven times as many votes for the O.T.A. as for Gov- ernment control, although not a. single bootlegger voted with the majority! A vvnnuv u'un6p\un;\nI-3-an-n .._1.-us-l.__._.___ ___- uuu JJU H5155 LVLUKIIIUU. L.O.L. No. 16 will-attend divine ser- vice in St. Jude's Church on Sunday afternoon. November 9. at 3 o'clock at Which Rev. T. J. Dew will preach. Special music by the choir. V *n,.1'u._... .1--- ..-._,.. 1.----- -_..`___u_ 3., .u,s,, ings by Edward -Powell, Miss McLaren and Douglas McGhee. T. (3 T. `Mn 1`: tin -nffnn iiyh-In nan- S.W- MOORE In` the ._Lustrous, Satin-Faced Canton Crepe, 38 to 404in... wide, new colors, $3.50 yd. Marabou a a vtirimming will be very effective . . . $1.00 yd. w me W.M.S. Convention Alliston on Thursday representing iary and Miss Dora Clarke, represent- ing the Mission Circle. The Minninno-v ---------~ ~ J | 7 7 . . . . - -4 - - - - - - - - - - . - . - .. - . . . . . All Prices FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN'S LINGERIE USE we show ex- ' ..ceptional value_ in 40-inqh Strathmore_English Nainsook, made from best quality Egyptlan cotton, prlce . _. . . .W. . . . . . 39c yd. DRAPEREES AN}: ct3ii71*AININGs suitable Vwindow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . V, Pretty All Wool French Delaine, _ colorings and patterns . . . . . . I\-\ . -_.__.___ -7, JUST! SEE THE `GOODS. - - DAL l(| uunxuu , auu UDIIBIS. I O Look thrbugh the Yard section and See f All ` `that is New .` - uuu sanvuanug xnuuc nusye - At this store you nd Hosiery from dependable makers: Penman s, Kayser, Venus, Perrin s,- Harvey s, Bitex, Mercury, Monarch, Circle Bar, Luxite and others. TTYQYIW ' C|'lIV`lJ1 fI'I`I"l 17i I`Il'\l\'I\t~ Table of Hosiery `Out at Special Prices and Choosing Made Easy At St0l`A vnu `nd nnainrtv -Prawn A...........l-LI- These pfetty Hats are. wonderful value, only one of a kind and ere equal in style and `quality to lines sold up to $6.00 earlier in the season. Take your choice, $4.39 `TABLE OF C!-l.lLDREN S HATS, reglar `$31.00 value, on sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.39 each FOR YOUR PARTY % mzzss V SALE or MILLINERY, $439~ uu.'. Lue lV1lSS.lOIl Circle. The Missionary programme` was taken by Miss McLaren's class last `Sunday, which consisted of three read- s, the kind you used to get, lovely .`...' . . . . ..' . . . . . . . -. $19!: ...I 1---w ct YQ CIT Just received some very beau- tiful qualities `and colorings in Eiderdown Comforters . . . . . . . . . . . .. $8.50 to $14.98 Cushion Forms 45 to $1.39 ea. Feather Pillows, 85 - $1.90 ea. Baby Pillows, 45 to 75 each Eiderclown .Corf1}orters $8.50 to $14.98_ r'.- .,.. ....-vu uv 5cu, xuvcly $1.25 yd. for any covering or All Prices , _---- -`VI V For many years this store has been considered the right place to buy Gloves. We show what isnew and our prices are kept at the lowest level. --- Cluny Lace Linens _____ - ---anally L Shipments of Fancy Linens bought.in' have just arrived. Lots to selectfrom and sonably priced. - Madeira Linens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plauen Lace Linens - o o o o u . . . . . . . . - -in u . 0 T-Tzxv\nn--:4-n`-`AA T 1.. --- " ` ` ' sax: OUR 31aBA1i'aX1NwnIDoW FRIDAYFAAAND SATURDAY Instead "of un:u' reauuence. Mrs. R. `West is to be to the W.M.S. Convention Thursn V rnnvvnunnin ~ .Au_y uacc: 111118115 Hemstltched Lmens of varlous . Buy You} Christma Linens Now nay.-....L.. , . . . . . . . . . . - uvl; Pill! PERRlN'S CHAMOISETTE GLOVES in all best colors also on sale, 50 lNTH%lA-I G_LQVE_SECl lON 7 Silk Gloves '. . . . 75 to $2.89 Chamoisette Gloves 39-$1.50 Kid Gloves . . . ._59c to $4.50 Cape Gloves . $2.75 to $3.50 `Suede Gloves, $2.00 to $2.50 SALE OF LADIES CHAM- OISETTE GLOVES 39c and 50 pair __ V nnnnnn 71- TKTL:A.- _-.'J v. v --nu vvv yuan Kayser s White and Pongee Cham- oisette Gloves at regular prices of $1.00 to $1.75 are on sale to clear at ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 pair DDDDILHQ nut in. ....... - - inens bought.in `best markets they`are rea- .. 35c to $8.! . . . . . . . . 25 to $1.1 . . 25 t_oA$6. L kinds at all prices- $8.50 $1.75 to $6.50 I1`!-l'|l\c4 ...........a yawn vavv vv nu uc Luuuwcu. uy L116 holy comm nion.. The Y.P. . was led by Mr. -Adams. Monday night. Hubert McKenzie re- viewed the book on World Histqr.v- from 1815 to 1920. Arthur Postle is able` to take quite a. share of the Work considering` his tourscore years and manages to keep up with current events as usual. *`YOU can yhuv hvfhina Ann -rvn--4 I Iuuuretls IO ($110088 fl'Oll'I. a dress at this store you may feel you are get- r your money as well as distinctive styles. ,When you buy ting full value fo Kiddies Dresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98c to $5.00 Misses Dresses, 10 to 14 years . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . $2.50 to $12.00 Ladies Dresses $5.00 to $50.00 Something di ere.1i't-f:'ro.rn.the. `dresses `is represented in the new Tunic Blouses with Slips and Skirts combined to match the Blouses. These complete may be purchased here in crepe de chenes at $14.50 and in at silk crepes at $25.00; F lannelette Gowns Priced at Cost of Material, 89c Thong nun -4--J- " - --- .. uauouunnun, 005 These are made from heavy English white annelette and in assorted styles; the sizes are 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 years, regularly priced at $1.25 to $1.50, your choice, 89 each, A Dress for the SW. MOORE the Kidd) : the `Miss or the Hundreds to choose from. A ll 9 (`wants at. 51... - _;_._, ,, For II: The Much F airored Wool Middies Are Here, $2.98 to $5.50 ` 1-Q 'or college, ' business or general wear, these Middies nd favor. The regulation, straight- line or coat styles in navy or cardinal annels and serges, sizes 14 to 20 yrs}, $2.98 to $5.50 hood Values in Ladies & Children s Ungerwgalf nnv. ouLn--- ----- up wu.u current events usual. can buy anything `you want at Fisher's, Friday and Saturday. The Thornton. Sale ends Saturday night. I/fr and Tllrnn 'I"):-I...__.s 'r-I-In I any `annual Ell S \JlII.IcI `Vent We can show you lines that will please, no matter what quality you want. 7 Splendid value is found in Turnbull s Natural Wool Vests `and Drawers, sizes 36 to 42, at . . $2.00 and $2.25 1-UP- CIRCULA1 [You'll enjoy J1 LLULFILJ I she must re She wanted which they in the woot gayer,_ riche Life rose u A TRIAL I MGM l4l.ldl.'lb'5 nenry. There will be no evening service in the Methodist church next Sunday. The "morning service will be followed by the commgnlon. _ VF}-gg VD uyne`. 1...: 1.-- In--_ A :I-.A-- in real m A SL1r}i1| I I-f'\l\ . INTERMING mmsanem Pl ' \uun_u\n\,r . AN COURA or THE M I we 60 ac ` TO THE 8 AND THE W0 ` V*JH-I3 WA! MARVELO DRAM OF Lov ADVENTU ('on!inm'i_4/ Clx H 1`: X \\' IT"S T1 1Hll| UL J.Ul'UI1l.U, . Mrs. Seymour and grandson, Vernon Seymour, and Miss Todd -01? Orillia were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry. Thnvvn will In: an num....... ........x.... .:._l