tober 23, We carry a very exclusive range of Coats for the. particular dresser. There are no two alike and you will nd the best the market has to offer in style at very reasonable prices. 6 only Coon-Collared Coats in heavy plaid- back tweed, reduced from $40.00 to $32.50 ~;g'Black Bolivia Coats with seal or sable collars, - " all sizes including 46, reduced for this week- end to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35.00 WE REPRESENT ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES In Our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT you will nd a table of Beautiful Silk Velvet Hats, matron s styles, brown, navy and black, each one a bargain, at . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 in Brown, Grey, Sand and Black and White . . $1.19 pair SILK AND WOOL HOSE COATS Dresses of Wool `Mater- ials such as Wool Crepe, Charmeen, Poiret Twill and Tricotine, in Brown, Cocoa, B1a`ck and. Navy. Reduced to . . . Real French Kid Gloves, colors Grey, Black and Brown. Very specially priced A- ___ Phone 447W. 41 Dunlop St., Barrie. Phone 326. Eks, two GLOVES $1 .50 pyai; 32 Dunlbp St. ---$18.50 Page F710 Work of extra , - plenty on An IETS. EEII 11d" Red ` vFlan9el . 23. Barrie Res. 885 `A11 or-2;Al.lBRE_ Price right; 38 Bay ld St. SOLE AGENT FOR HECLA FURNACES. Phone 531 - Offnce ,V10-12 Owen St. BARRIEA AllT0 AND CARRIAGE PAINT SHOP A.Moffatt, Plumber and Heater loholarahip Matriculation, Solo Singing`, Music, Art. (;o'1l;e'1-aertclonal French emphasized. Outdoor games andaporta. Health record excellent. A V . - Dominion - --'- . Provincial A `-1 . --g T Municipal ib Half heather :1`. 1 .00, 69c pair Ross BLOCK,-BARBTE. Thursday; Ocober_ 23, 1924. IN 5 UB AN C E -y--run -av-o-up vs-vv..-. For Prospetug `apply to KP :-incibnl: The *_!!!2,29F. Shop Growing Girls Black Calf. Oxfords, broad toe styles with low rubber heels," an "excellent shoe, in sizes 272 to7, priced--at . ; . . . . . . Growing Girls Fine_ Quality Black Calf Oxfords, made on a neat wide-fitting last, heavysoles and low rubber heels, sizes 2% to 7, priced at Ladies Fine Quality Oxfords in'black_. or brown calf leather, new French `style last with low rub- ` ber heels, priced at , . . ._ . . . . . .. $3_']5 Ladies Black Calf Walking Oxfords, with heavy Goodyear welted soles, a most serviceable shoe, made on a wide last and tted with rubber heels, , priced at ._. . . . . . . . . A. . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clearing our broken lines of. Kid and Calf Oxfords in values regularly up to-$4.50, all sizes from - 2% to7, on sale at. . . . s. . . . . . . . . Ladies Cushion Sole Oxfords in ne quality kid leathers, easy tting last, with low rubber heels, sizes 3 to 8, priced at . . . . . .. Jarrfe RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL` FOR GIRLS ntao _vsJ1P_sI3 5011.993 l_.lI\I EAR NEW OXFORDS How ABOUT THAT PAIR-OF so was _SEE GORDON 511-Manson BETTER FOOTWEAR FOR FALL WEAR 2 view sro..Q";*4 to 6% 3 0} EVERY KIND THE PLEASURE OF A BATH is spoiled. if .the bathroom equipment is not `up-to-date and in first-class condition. Let us equip your bathroom Vand_we ll promise you that you and your. family will take pride and pleasure in showing it to friends and guests. We repair all kinds of bathroom, bedroom, kit-` chen and laundry equipment Wofk guaranteed. Box 267, P.hone, 10.10. . in an I wool, ced 85c `Limited Numbers. Don't fail to read the particulars of Harry Fisher's Great Transfer Sale now going on at Thornton. S These will be found on page 6. . 43x Mrs. Powley and son Harry of Tor- onto spent Sunday with her sister. Mrs. A. Jamieson. who returned home with her on Sunday night. Next Sunday will be `Missionary Sunday in the Methodist Sunday School. The `programme will be given by Miss McLaren s class. T Wnr was var-nivpd harp nn Vvnrinma- baffle. Lvlunuay evexuug. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Tennant (nee Rilla Mcclean) called on Thornton friends. Saturday afternoon. Mr and Mr: '1` A . T.nun-nnr-A nn Congratulations to Everal Patton-on again winning the _W. A. Boys Cup, also a motor rug. at the Judzring Com- petition held in Beeton last Tuesday. 1111.- A 1I:...4..... `l'\:... .....A- (17 `II B A ... HIIUVV Ill IIUUH, .EJll51'IJlu. I LIA-.1: oynnau p...vuuzuu.,y nu gaguou--v. `An Drand Mrs. Currie and children of Elmvale spent Sunday at J. `R. Jam- ieson s . Thf-lug llama`-annf Mlvnn nf `Flor-win unnnf IGSOITS. ; . AMiss_ Margaret Nixon of Barrie spent Monday with Mrs. R. Vvest and other friends. T -`lings `I34-Inn `King! A? Tnivv-In nnnnf 1-`-In :1-xenus. 1 `Miss Edna West of Barrie spent the week-end with her uncle and aunt. ,Mr. and Mrs, R. West. . A nu:-nknv Pvnnn horn offender` flan ,LV1I'. EH11 '1V.lI'S. 11. VVUSL. A number from here attended the Dumbe1ls" in the Opera House in Barrie. Monday evening. Mn and Mru (.1-i-H Tnnnnnf (nan IPIUIIUH, D&u.u1'ua.y d.J.l.U}'llUUIl. Mr. and Mrs. T. A; Lawrence_and Mrs. J. R. Jamieson spent a few days this week with friends in Huntsville. a n A, ,1 .u_, ,,_,, 3, lmnkesz Dy AVLISS lV.lU.l4tl.I'|:!Il5 Uldtla. Word was received here on VVednes_- day morning that West Bros . honey had taken first prize at the` honey show in L,ondon, England. Congratulations to Patton-on [J\""\' ` V ` | I ` V`, V ` ` I H V V V V D 0 ' * N V O VI-P\-II-11.70 V The Alliston District \'V.M.S. con- vention will be held in Alliston on October 30, afternoon and evening. It is hoped it goodly number of the W.M.S. ladies will make an effort to be present. \ M . Wnr nnmn finnn qnnun nf the nitizens have been wishing for a horticultural society to be organized here. Last week Innisfil took steps in that direction. Surely -Essa is not going to let Innisfil beat them. The Young People's Circle this week was led by Miss -Marion McDonald. The programme consisted of a piano_ DB 1'BSl'.'Ill;. For some time some of the citizene` solo by, Miss Hildreth Lennox and `cl reading by Miss McLaren. The an- nualvcollection for the General League Fund was taken up. " ` 'l"hn Vvnv-non : ' Tnafiifnfn mnnfhlvu Rev, and Mrs. W. H. Adams spent the weekend in Toronto. .- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reid and chil- drexrspent Sunday in Bradford. 1-\....._,a mt`..- n.......:.. .....A ..I.. .'I.:...... l\F .v_'unu was L21.l\'_L_"Ii U1). ' I The Women's Instiitut monthly! meeting was held in the basement of the Methodist church on. the 15th. Addresses on the Plebiscite were given by Mrs. J. A. Lennox, Miss King, Mrs. Adams. Mrs, VVest and Mrs._ Rogers. Miss R. Miiligan contributed a very pleasing solo. Lunch was `handed round by members of the Junior Institute. This being an open meetingquite a` number of ladies not identified with the 'Women_'s Institute were present. _u.-:|__1. man. .___.:i LIIU vv unuwu n ;\. vv\A\4 p.\,.u...m , Sunday visitors included: Mr, and Mrs.` W. D. Henry of Pontypool, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Allan of Lefroy; Col. McLen'n-an of Calgary and Miss Regina. Milligan, at R. D. Henry's; Misses Eva John Cross1ey s; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Thompson and, family of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lowrie. Miss Irene and Matt. and Miss I-Iildreth Lennox of Barrie, at S. J. MacDonald's; Mr., and.Mrs. Thomas Shaw of Egbert, Miss Scott of Bethesda, Misses Helen and Grace Nelson, Mr. Nelson and Dwight Nelson of Churchill, with Mr..and Mrs. A. McKenzie; Mrs. _ArcherCMcLean. Miss Cora McLean, Will McLean and Miss Lawson with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Fell; Mrs. `Ewing. daughter Florence and son Harold of Rosemont, Mrs. . Jordon and Beatrice O Reilly, `at Mrs. Lentamy and William Arthurs of Ev-A erettat Arthur Halbert s: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Banting of Ivy with Mr. and Mrs, Agar: Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scythes and children of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Scythes, Mrs. Sam Wright of Hendrieeand Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Me-Knight of Egbert, at Tom, Lawrencefs; Mrs. McLean and Roy McLean of Tottenham and Miss Susie _ Coffey of Schomberg at Jonas Shaw's; {Miss Olive. Blackstock, Mrs. John `Grose, Mr. and Mrs. Fred King of Toronto with Mrs A. E. Ayerst; Harv_- ey Speers of Toronto at James Speers ; Mr, and Mrs. John Broley and Norman of Cookstown with James A. Lennox; Mr. and Mrs, Esten Davis of Ivy at J. "W. Henry's; Mr. andvMrs. Elmer .`Erw_in and Albert Erwin of Egbert, `r Miss Elsie Speers, Mr, and Mrs. Wi1-| , fred Hatton and Willis Smith of Ivy, at` `Norman Thompson's. ` `4!`.*.u-nn" xxrhc Han nncrxvnr fhnf was! mma$&m&$m&&$a&E| Norman `1`nUmp:~sUu s. I Grand" w."1s_ the oneword that was` used on all sides last Sunday evening to `describe the anniversary in the Methodist church. Ideal weather and two -large congregations greeted the Rev. VV. M, Chantler of.Toronto, who was the preacher for the day.` Mr. Chantler. needs no introduction to 3." Thornton audience. While it is four- teen years since he last preached an- . niversary services` here he has lost none of his old-time vigor. In the morning he spoke from the words, They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." He emphasiz- ed the fact that the people of the pre- ` sent day miss a great deal because they do not wait upon God. In the evening his sermon was particularly for the young people. being based upon one` of. St. Paul's experiences, taking for his text, They cast four anchors. The four anchors that every person needs to take them over the voyage of life, said Mr. Chantler, A are -Faith, Service, Encouragement and Responsibility. The music under the -direction of Mr. Leonard was a treat. It would be hard to say which of the four anthems was the most en- joyed or which one_of the soloists did the best. In the morning the first was I Will Extol Thee. with duet by Mrs. Stamp and-Mrs. N. Th_omp- son: in the second -anthem As~Deep As The Sea Neville Jamieson sans` the solo part and Mrs. W. Boake and Miss Patton the duet. In the evening Miss Milligan took the solo in the anthem Jesus Lover of My Soul, Miss Genevieve Jamieson singing the alto. In the last anthem, which was by no means the least. Praise the Lord, 0 My Soul, R. D. Henry took the bass solo, Mrs, LeRoy Jamieson the contralto and Willis Smith the tenor. Mrs. Stamp also delighted the audience with her solo Abide With Me." While the evening offering was being received Mr. Leonard played very `sweetly The Melody of Love," and as ea postlude .The. Hallelujah Chorus." The officials of the church wish to thank the members of the other choirs who so kindly helped with the music: also they wish to thank Mrs. Mason, Mrs. N. Thompson and Miss Doane for the` banks -of owers which they so generously provided_ for decorating the church. ' 7 `October 2o'-1vI_r. md Mrs. W._'H. Hat1t{on visitedfriends in Toronto last wee . ' A lava-A nv-ntrr fr-run"-'hn1~n nffnnrin eport a goon tune. .. F; R. Arnold and W. J. McLean attended the provincial plowing match in Brampton last week. Mr and Mr: `R .T4 T-Tainna. and Mr. 21 partic- wearing` 5, priced .. $2.25 ln nramptun luau. ween. . Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hanna and Mr. and`Mrs. Mason of Toronto visited at Reggie Arnold's last week. ._.(1v-nn mnnn11nrndA`hn.1l in Cooks- rteggle A.I`nO|u's last. ween. ---Grand masqueradeball in Cooks- town on October 31. 15 valuable prizes given. Six-piece orchestra. Admis-- sion 23 c'entso_`p1us 2 cent tax. 43c -Mr and Mrs. W. A. Thomnson of week. 1 A large crowd from '-here attended the fowl _ supper at Utopia Union church last Wednesday evening and report a good time. 141 12 Arnnld and W. .1 . McLean 10!! `6 Cenl.s__p1ua 4 ucup ma. -mu and Mfs. W. A. Thdmpson of THORNTON THE BARRIE EXAMINER Jsarne cauea on Irlenus Here la.Sl. ween. Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Jay, Miss June and Master Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Singer and little daughter `Kathleen from Barrie snent Sunday afternoon and evening with Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Lennox. ..,..-1.1 ..._....4. .. A.-...' I... Barrie called on friends here last week; `Mr... .-....-1 I/run Dnu T. T-av Mica Inna, AVJ.l.b3n cl-0 .5 . an-4|-Innnavnnu Mrs. F. R. Arnold ; Orangeville. last week Thompson Jennett ` horse last week. 1 A nnvnlnnn Fuvnrn `horn e (im-' with and | IIOPSB last WEEK. I A number. from here took in the an- niversary service at Thornton Meth- odist church last Sunday. Inn o\'fnhHu cvrnnafhxr fn Arnhin Mn-` omst. cnurcn last, Duuuay. ' Ivy extends sympathy. to Archie Mc_-l Arthur,..who was called to Toronto last {week to the funeral of his father. Dnu 'I" T vhour annnf 1\/Tnnav wifh. 'weeK to tne Iuneral 01. 111:3 1.uu1u1'. I Rev, T. J. `Dew spent Monday Wlth I Alliston friends. Read The Examiner and get all the local and district news. $2.00 a year ANNOUNCE FOR THIS WEEKS-END A Very Special Sale of Ladies Ready-to-Wear Dresses and Coats S AND THE PRINCIPAL ITEMS: . A H T DRESSES I | DRESSES A` Very Attractive Collec- tion of Dresses of about 25 styles, including Canton Crepe, Trico-Plaid and Silk-A Knitmaterials, sizes 36 to 44, colors` Brown, Black, Grey and Navsr. Reduced to . . . . . . Powell 6% C 0. . It is nce in refore Lg _. POWELL & CO. spent a day inl ; visiting friends. l lost a._ valuable A Beautiful -Display of i "I_ "'J V Afternoon Frocks including all the newer` materials such as Cut Velvet and combinations of Georgette. Very attracti_vVel_v priced. FREQUENT FIRES are forceful reminders of the necessity of ADEQUATE INSURANCE. We will be glad to place an extra policy for you in one of our many, RELIABLE COMPANIES. A. F.A. MALCOMSON We `are pleased to give ydu inform ation and SELL `YOU rail ticllets. Uptown Ticket O`ie` Canadian National Railways 1 (N11? 1' 1rr\1'1' til you Jchance