Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Oct 1924, p. 5

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1. wxuuu Luey Lnen snail nave nouce. The Toronto General Trusts Corpora- tion, 253 Bay Street, Toronto, Execu- tors. 1|/l'u`Inv.n lnlnnn D. Ill .-.v.L;....\.~.-_-. nu... IN THE ESTATE of .Wi11iam Aird, late of the Town of Barrie, deceased. xrnrnrnrn .1.. 1....__I._- ..:_--._ --A~_4- A Hlily UUHUII l.'l1l.UlUDo The above furniture is all nearly new, having been in use less than one year. All will be sold without reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. xxr A 1\/l n(`_n1\T1'('mV A....+:,......... PLUDUICUB, CDC: KITCHEN--Range (new), kitchen table, 6 chairs, glass cupboard, elec- tric iron, electric washing machine (only in use one month), 100 jars of fruit, 25 jars of pickles, pa` large quantity kitchen utensils, 3-_burner coal oil stove, stair carpet. T/IIIYI1 VVIAIIYOVV l'lDV'l"II`I +l\l\` 0'1!` UUCH. U11 -`JLUVC, EHIKLI-' Ul-'pU|n Lawn mower, garden tools and many other articles. Tho nknun -I-'1-I1nn1'l-1119a :4: 1:1` nanwiu uuu. apuuga, uuucu ac, pxuuurca, cw. BEDRO M NO. 3-Bedroom suite of three pieces, toilet set, carpet, pictures, etc. '|(Y"I"(`.T-[`.7\T:'|3onnn lnnur\ 'IrH-nkan lJ.I!JlJI\v\J\JLVl. LV\Jn a---1:uIuuu=1t:u UUU stead, dresser and stand, mattress and springs, toilet set, pictures, etc. `R`li`.`n'DnnM Mn Qjnnrhnrn an-n NOTICE _CRE.DITORS' [\-.-.\..-- ures, bed linen, qui-Its, etc. BEDROOM NO. 2--Enameled bed-I A.-...`l A ______ . .....l ..L....J ...-LA...-_.. VEXECUTORS NOTICE Laborers Wanted .Cl.lll3 uaau. 531115 (ll: 1 P. 1 . w. A. McCONKEY, Aulcltioneer. .-- ..., ..._- - 4.-.1. uussnv. Sicitors for Executors. The Town Council has declined to vote the $10,000 asked by the Royal Victoria Hospital Board "but will sub- mit a by-law to the ratepayers in January to authorize such an expend- iture. It is easy to_ understand the attitude of the municipal legislators, as no council .wishes'to be saddled with an extra expenditure of such a large amount, especially when, a great por- tion of it really belongs to previous years. little doubt that the Town is indebted to the hospital, on the basis of ser-` vices rendered to indigent patients, to _a sum even greater than the grant While this is so, there seems i asked." How. to meet the present sit- 1 uation'will be the difficult problem to be considered -by the annual meet- ing of the Hospital next Tuesdy. It is possible. that some arrangements may be ;made to nance the "deficit until the end of the year. Should the grant asked not be approved by the ratepayers, the only course for the directors would seem to be to-resign and turn over the institution to the municipality. ' ' ` The Collingwood Enterprise` says: In North Simcoe, W. A. Boy_s, oK.C., of Barriewillj undoubtedly. be ten-' dcred the nomination, and it is1con- ceded that he will accept. In South Simcoe-Du"erin, there are several aspirants, but at present it looks as if W. M. Dinwoodyi of Cookstown will be `the choice. Mr. Dinwoody-' hasmany claims on South-Simcoe and his election would do honor to the riding and the Liberal-Conserva- tive party. The nomination of Mr. Boys will occasion no surprise. When Barrie was put back into its old Fed- eral constituency it was pretty much I taken for granted 'that Mr. Boys would be picked as the strongest can- didate to oppose the present member I for North Simcoe. There is much to `be said for thel plea advanced byresidents of Collier` St. that if a pavement is to be laid the propertyowners concerned `should not be asked to pay fora width great- er than"on other residential streets. If the heavy traffic on this street re- quires 'a -roadway of" greater width, building the wider pavement would be for the benet of the general pub- lic rather than for the residents on the street. Collier is one of the main thoroughfares of the_town and isused a great deal; more than the average residential street, so it should have a wider roadway to accommodate the traffic. But it is only fair that` the M cost of the [extra width should be borne by the-general rate. Hobnobbing is thentitle of an attractive booklet just issued by `J. M. Denholm of the Blenheim News- -Tribune, describing the overseas trip made by the Canadian Weekly News- papers -Association this year. The story, which is `told in a very readable style, is contained in a series of let- ters sent home by Mr. Denholm while on tour. A number of excellent photos from the author's camera_il- lustrate the story. These travel let- ters have already given pleasure to many through the columns of the News-Tribune and it was ahappy idea. of Mr. Denholm to reproduce .them in this convenient form, thus making them available to a still wider circle. ' - Referring to the visit of weekly newspapermen to; London, last Fri- day, the Daily Advertiser said, edit-. orially: These men .represent pa- pets that are playing a distinct part in the building, of their several com- `munities, in the creationof a healthy pride in their own local achievements and in assisting their own business men to retain as far as possible the trade that rightly belongs to their district. a ` . auu uau Hub gone '50 DTTEUIOTU at 8.. Senator Bennett told a number of stories illustrating Davin s wit `and- gift of repartee. Dr. Landerkin, on the other side of _the `House, was an- other witty- man. ' Qnnoi-nm nm.....u. ..1.: ..2I.u.- um cquauy weu 111 nugusn." The speaker made brief reference to two former members for Simcoe, D Alton McCarthy and Col. Tyrwhit, who represented South Simcoe for many years, and to Sir `Sam Hughes. A; Picturesque Figure One of the most picturesque g- ures in the House, the equal of whom Senator Bennett believed will never be seen again, was Nicholas Flood Davin, Irishman, reporter and law- yer, who represented a western con- stituency. He -had all the character- istics and tricks of a witty Irishman and he was a marvellous orator. On one occasion an Ottawa paper pub- lished a verbatim report of, a speech made by Davin at Stratford, even to the inclusion of the interruptions and the speaker's .retorts., It later developed that Davin for some rea- son had not-gone to Stratford at all. Snnatmv +.-.1.1 .. .......1__.. -a .|.uc Lauhcl` was but: vest. rrenc-n speak- er I `have ever heard and he spoke equally well in Enghsh. ` Tho ennnlzovv `mom. 1...:..c ....c....-....- uuxaca wen.-: asneu E0 resign. - The great men are not always leaders, ; . stated Senator Bennett. There must be lieutenants, and in my opinion there have been none bet- ter than Sir Richard Cartwright. He was not personally popular. His tend of mind made people think, he was not sociable, but if the Liberals had" not had Cartwright they would have cut a sorry gure. Cartwright had been a Conservative ' but left them when, Sir Francis Hincks was appointed Minister of Finance. Al- vency to another, he was always able to get a seat, He was a living en-_ cyclopedia, a fact which was recog- nized by Laurier, who trusted Cart- wright witha great deal of work. 'l`l~m prnhnk nun all nan...-I unal- thoughhounded from one constitu-I vv:.AE,uu wu.u.a gl.`e`cxb ueal OI VVOPK. The French are all good speak- e'rs, said Senator Bennett, but I have never seen any of outstanding ability except Laurier and Bourassa. The latter was the best French speak- er I `have, DVP-`P 1'ID9I`A' and 11a ennlvn `_ (Continued from page 1) nett. "He related instances in which .both Laurier and Borden showed the llron hand. Inthe former case when Laurier was sick in England and ex-` pected to die, Tarte, who had been one ofjhis.chief lieutenants and of great service to his leader, planned to assume the leadership on the death of his chief. Laurier, however, re- covered and on -his return to Canada other prominent-supporters de_mr.w.nd- ed Tarte s, head andhe had to go; l "During the war `hxrn of .12m.......u. c\_.I Lax ac 3' ueau uuu ne new to go. During the war two of -Borden s followers who were engaged in sell- ing Government supplies and buying horses were asked to resign. Th? Qrf YYILIYI ova van` l\`IIvl\Iv.- -Those` Five-Cent Pieces - Renfrew Mercury: The new ve- cent piece does not grow in popular-' ity. The Canadian Government never issued a more unpopular piece of cur- rency,-unless it was the o1d-four-dol- lar bill which often used to be mis- taken for a bill of another denomin`-`R ation. Everybody will hope that no more of those large-"sized nickels may issue from the mint. Not only _are they often mistakenlfor a quarter, especially in makingchange after nightfall,_ but they are too bulky The Government can scarcely fail to notice that the new ve-cent piece is disliked on all sides. SOME sun: LIGHTS V | ON PARTY LEADERS] AMONG EXCHANGES An opportunity fof i rvunu-A L1-gnu. ..-.\LnL1- v____ .__._--u an` anaaaa DJIIJIJQJ An "for you to get thesepbetter qualities at the present low price. moreuthan probable from present indications that there will be a stiff advar the near future in the price of this useful addition to one s comfort. We the: advise buying now. Three prices for full -sized blankets, $2.69, `$2.98 and r All ,,Woo1 Scotch Blan- kets, a ne cloth and wonderful wearing qual- ities, "whipped singly, at $10.00 and $12.00 The.prices quoted for 0ur_ _____________________ Men's" Sweaters of all wool, in a variety of com- binations, fawns, brown and other colors; this `is an excellent sweater and is priced at . .~ . .. $4.95 Men s F leeced Under- wear in shirts and draw- ers, all sizes, priced at. ., Men's Heavier Weight Shirts and Drawers, 100 ` per cent. wool, all sizes, 21 perfect winter garment, priced at . . . ; . ; . $2.50-~. This branch of our store iswell tted `to supply the wants of all. A careful study has been made to 'give.what we know by experience to be the goods wanted for warmth, wear, and last b`ut'-not least, cost. e ` e Men's . Medium `Weight Shirts and Drawers, "100 per cent. wool, all sizes, excellent value at $1.65 ` Men s Winter Underwear Men who will qualify for positions paying: from $25.00 to $60.00 weekly. No experience- necessary. VVeteach you in a few short weeks. as electrical ipxnition, expert `auto mechanics. driv- ing, welding and batterywork. ?Be 3. success. Don't be idle. Annly Hemp- hill Trade Schools. 163 King: St. VV.. Toronto, _ _ A 43cstW . . - u ` n n I I on 193; ;;;i.{ No. 2 No; 3 `It A LE 11% t A W- 1 A Heavy Yorkshire (im- nth Cu d).(Ce end" B1 km-E ported) Blanket, with lg am `a'm3 _e V an 3* heavy nap, soft and rgly, th0T0Ugh1)'T113b1. iii - - warm, priced at . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.95 and $3.95 . . . . . . $7.95 and $8.95 AFLANNELETTE BLA NKETS IN ALL SIZES ` -\ II `-1-; Anal. LL--- 1 STORE FOR SE RVICE AND VALUE- Blankets will be found wonderful value, in three makes: | A No. | No; 3 wifl sfiff ill; ne therefore 3, and $3.25 Men's Broad Rib Half Hose, all wool, heather mixtures, worth $1.00, priced at . . . . . 69c pair Men s Work Socks, two good values at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c and 50 pair Men s Half Hose in an extra quality, all wool, worth `$1.25, priced 85c NOTICE is hereby 5-,'iven,ipursuant- `to. the Trustee Act, that all persons having claims against the Estate of William Parker Carr. late of the Town- ship of Innisfil. deceased. who died on or about the 13th day of September, 1924. are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersizzned on or before the 15th day of November. 1924, after -which date the Executors will distribute the assets of the Estate. having regarcl only to the claims of which they then have notice. and will not be responsible to any others. ES'l`EN & ESTEN. Barrie. I`) Al`... c1.-u_xA-_,-, a. v` Men s Flannel Work Shirts, in grey, of extra `quality material, plenty of size, priced at .. $2.00 Men s Khaki Flannel Work Shirts of a partic- ularly good hard wearing material, all sizes, priced l'\L an or- R. nu.-n yauwu It_is' __-Ylzor-15 22caI.sho Iongtie 25caI.sho long rim: Price Alf '43-45 Gm `-st in Cum m IT.1_lLU /phoi Clc: scum] `UIILU, DUIIUILUFN, ` Dated at Toronto this 30th day of September, 1924, - . 40-43c IUL'Bo Malone. Malone & Montgomery,_Tor- onto, Solicitors, T\n#n3n-I nC- m........a.,. 41.4.. onn. .a..... ".4 ......v ._ ...... _...n .. \r- --.~..-V, unvvvuuuvuu NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf that all persons having any claims against or- entitled to share `in the Estate of William Aird, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County. of Simcoe, Gent- leman, who died on or about the '10th day of September, 1924, are required to tile same with the undersigned,` the Executors of the Estate of the De- ceased, duly verified by affidavit, to- gether with particulars of the secur- ities, if any, held by them, on or be- fore the 8th day of November, 1924, and that after said last named date the Executors will proceed to distrib- ute the assets. of the said Estate among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims or interests ofwhich they then shall have notice. 'l`hn Tnrnnfn nnnrnl 'l`v-nah: (`ny-nnm:_

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