QVGDIIIB, E. A. Cox, husband of Miss Mar- jorie McMillan, formerly ofnAlla.ndale, died in Winnipeg on Wednesday, Oct. 22. in his 30th year. Minn 1.`. mzden or Hull. England. ar- ' can be expected, ` . < Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Mitchell of Toronto were week-end visitors at the hume of Mrs. Mitchell's parents,.Mr. and Mrs. Luke Spearn. . mu. and WIN: .1, M. Mitchell and 22. in his Bum Miss F. Ogden of Hull, England, j rived on Saturday last to pay anT ex- tended visit to her brother. E. Ogden. Essa St. . - Flnvvn fn MI` and Mrs. WI. Arm- Essa st. - Born. to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Arm-l strong (nee Florence May McDonnell), 34 Centre St. Allandale. 9. son (Jack Watson). T A Qfnnln, who was injured in a Watson). V J. A. Steele, who was injured motor accident on October .11. is re- ported to be progressing as well a be expected, ' T\1h- nn Mrs. Clarence Mitchell and Mrs. Luke Spearn. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mitchell and daughter and Clarence S. Mitchell, of Stayner, -visited their mother.'Mrs.A J. Mitchell, and uncle, W. `Srigley, on `Sunday. ~ ......`|'}nn f, 1 nI'Q'et the old-time `dance asunaay. " - - ---Don t forget the old-time dance `to be held in the Orange I-Ial1._Al1an- dale. Thursday. October 30. Dancing from 8 to 12. Admission. gents 60c, ladies 150. A ' ' 43c l`he G.A.C. of Allandale will hold `their semi-monthly meeting on` Mon- day, October 27. A good attendance is requested as important business` will be discussed. ' Tho 1|/Hanna 1\/lnT.a'nnnn have m: fhnirl wxtn ur. wmreu uremei, Mrs. D. J. McDougall has a beauti- ful example of recurring bloom in an Easter lily. After hearing severallarge blooms at Easter the lily was put out in" the garden during the summer and liked the trez1tment.:'-10 well that it showed its appreciation by giving forth full bloom. It was removed from the garden some weeks ago and. hear- ing three beautiful flowers, `now adorns Mr. Mc-Dougall's ward in-the . hospital. Will 06 0180118880. The Misses McLenna.n have as their guest this week Miss E. Nicol of '1`illey s T Bay, Newfoundland; _Mlss Nicol is engaged in a. hospitalat T11- ley's Bay and in the course of her work has been at different times associated with Dr. \Vilfx'ed Grenfel, lllun TN 1' 'l|lnT\nncrn`H hnla n hQQH- `This is to certify that I have no connection with the matter "referred to in a. '.l`o1'ont0 paper of October 9. Proof of this fact is in my possession if anyone desires to see it. - (Signed) J. LITTLE. ' We mute you the ery best quality of materia] and worlnmnship. Harry Barron Telephone 180. I33 Dunlap St. PLUMBING "';r'isMI'rH11iE: Exclusive Agent for PEASE FURNACES R EPORT DENIED ' Hsnmc WILLIAM-NEILLY`? . Bradford. Witness-r-The. death of Wm. Neilly, a.` well-known resident of West Gwillimbury. occurred on Fri- day, October '10. The deceased had suffered 111-health for a number of years but neverthelesswas always ac- tive. After being bedfast for two weeks he entered the homes where there is neither pain nor sorrow. He was in his 78th year. He left his wife and daughter, Mrs. J. W. Latimer of Stroud, and sister, Mrs. L. Roberts, to mourn` his loss. .His daughter, lMargaret Catharine, died in 1914 at ' the age of elevenbyears. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon to Coulson s Hill, Rev. Mr. Stevenson `conducting the service. . 1 l WINS. Nl:.II. l"lAr\r\I|V . .Mrs.. Ollie Kavanagh Harkin,- `wife of Neil, I-Iarkin of New Lowell, died on Sunday night-in the Royal Victoria Hospital. The funeral. took place on Wednesday morning` from the home of her mother, Mrs. James Kavanagh, .77 . Owen St., to St. Mary's,Church and the Roman Catholic cemetery, The late Mrs. I-Iarkin was born in Barrie but` lived hervyoung life at Minesing Station. She was married 18 years ago, since which time she lived at New Lowell. Mrs. I-Iarkln had `been in failing health for two years andwas in the hospital for seven weeks prior to her death. Besides her husband she is survived by her mother and six `brothers: John. Kimberley, B.C.; Leo, Quill Lake, Sask.; and Edward, Minesing, at home. ~ I Patrick, Charles and J ames, wlth friends In umcago. - ,Mrs. A. Brunton arrived home on TFrida.y after spending a week with `her daughter in Peterboro. ' M... m mmh nf Schrelbez? is visit- MRS. NEIL HARKIN I-Iarkin,-` Ann Gun-unur niahf-in Han Pnvnl V191 ` RT. REV. BISHOP DuVERNET Rt. Rev. F. H. Duvernet, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Caledonia, and Archbishop of British Columbia, died at his home in `Prince Rupert, B.C.. Wednesday morning, October 22. -He had been ill for some months. Dluhnn huaifnvnnf urdnf fn 'PrinnA. 1'18 naa Deen In 101' uulue uxuuuus. Bishop DuVernet went to Prince|i Rupert when the port was but a sur- veyors camp, and had resided there ever since. Prior to going West he was a professor at Wycliffe. He was born in 1-Iemmingford, Que., in 1860. A wid- iow and daughter,.resident in Pince Rupert, And a son in North Carolina, survive him. A ` . Fhn Indra Diuhnn Inn I-unnn hand ni S1ll`VlVe HUI]. The late Bishop had been head of the Diocese of Caledoniafor twenty years and-head of the-Anglican Church in .B1~itish- Columbia for nearly ten years. He was ordained in 1884, spending some years as rector, of a Toronto church. - 1'X7H1n{n I-`ha non! -Pnny 11nnvva"hn hn 'l'0I'()[U UH UI'UHo ' Within the pastfew yearsihe had [conducted interesting experiments in thought transference, and during visits to places" in his diocese claimed he. was able to communicate words-sand mes- sages to hisdaughter in Prince Rupert. `Riahnn 'hn'Vnmhnf urn: n hrnflrinr nf . IJHVIIJ UIVEIV An old_ resident of Allanda1e'pass- ed away on Monday, in the person of David Given, who lived in Innisfil and Allandale for the past 42 years. Born in Derry County,-Ireland, over-74 years ago, the -late Mr; Given came` to Canada at the age of 32 years, coming directly to Innisfil where he farmed for 21 years. Retiring from the farm he came to Allandale where he was employed in the C.N.R. roundhouse until _ his. superannuation two years a:ro.- e was married in -Ireland to Miss rgaret Foster. who. su rvives him along with four sonsand three daughters. They are John, at home; Thomas and William, Port Arthur; James.` Edmonton: Mrs.` John Weth- erup and Mrs. Wm. Arnott, Allandale, and Miss Christena `Given, Toronto. There is.a brother, `James Given, in Ireland and another. Thomas. in Scot- land. Only- one other member of. the .familyvcame to Canada, that onebeing `John Given, who lived for a number of years at Georgetown. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon from the home, 78,'I`iffin St., to Barrie Unioncemetery. Rev. W. J .'Watt of Allandale Presbyterian ` church, of which Mr. Given..was `a `member,.of- flciated. ' uuwr-_u..U u. JUHNSUN V The death occurred on Saturda._v. October 18. at his home in Toronto. of Dona,ld,George Johnson. a former res- ident, of Allandale andbrother of R. A, Johnson` of Barrie. The late Mr. Johnson was in his sixty-.-first year. He was a son of the late Georrze John- son. of Guthrie and was born _at Vine. He lived in Allandale for a number of years. going to Toronto about fif- teen years ago. He was a carpenter and worked at his trade In) to a short time.before his death. He was "a member of the Presbyterian church. \/Tr. -Jo nson married Miss Jennie -Hunter 0 Vine. She survives him with three daughters, Mrs, George McLeod. Mrs. _Bert. Chambers and Miss Mildred Johnson. all of Toronto. Thereare also two brothers. R. A. Johnson. Bar- rie, and John Johnson. Toronto, and two sisters. Mrs. Thomas Arthur`, Tor- onto; and Mrs. Cole. North Bay. The funeral took placeon` Monday from the home, ~92nPacific Ave.. to Park Mount cemetery- Among_those from Barrie and Allandale who attended the funeral were; Mrs. R. A. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter. Mrpand `Mrs. Vvm. Rusk. Miss Mar-jorie Johnson. Mrs. Alex. Brown. Mrs. D. Cameron. the Misses Catcher. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Snem-n and Mr: 1xrmA..11' r1....x........ I Bktd LU uu~I.uuu;,'._uu-:1 Ill L'l'1llUU I\!.l[.|!:l'L. Bishop DuVernet was a. brother of iMrs. Alexander Leslie, Barrie. Iuc mu-s.-es uawner. Mr. ana?Mrs. W. A. Spearn and Mrs. Wendell Graham of Shanty Bay. . 1 DONALD G. JOHNSON an I'M` nnnnvw-13:1 An End on Saturday. _ ~ | Mrs. Johnston, president of the Tor-` ionto.Presbyter1al W.M.S.. will speak in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening, In A, (".nX. husband bf Mar- REV. _1_);}v1'_1_) _wm-:N Anniversafy Ser`mons at Burton Ave.` `Meth- odist Church, Nov. 2, - l_1_a.'m. and 7 DAVID GIVEN` nnu{Anvu+ n~P A Man who 4will VpAreach ' the or MIDLAND` of Commerce has no dubt nlayd an important part. ~ `cellar and wrapped in paper. M:. Douglas says this `is an evidence of the keeping qualities of Georgian Bay apples. . `V663/K'eTlU Wllll AV1I'.`uuu suuu. uuvs. Mrs, George uowxe, wno was injured last week by a fall on the stairs.` is re- ported to be progressing favorably. Mr and Mrs. C. W. Poucher. [Miss daughter In reterooro. Mrs. '1`. Birch of Schrelbef visit- ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Boynton, Cumberland St. Minn nhrlntena Given of Toronto] Boynton. Uumnenana at. V Miss Christena. Given of Toronto was called to her home hereby the death of her father. David Given. ___.-n 11.... Y:\I5l\ and `lm nnl ueuun In. ucr Lnuups, uuv-u uuv... V ' Mr. and Mrs.-Leith and Mr. and Mrs. Muir of -Hamilton snent [the week-end with Mr.`9.nd Mrs.` Baer. -1.... n .... .... .-nunn nvnn wan 'ln'|nrnd ported t0 be progreasmg 1a.vUru.my. Mr, and Mrs. Priscilla. Puncher and Percy Holman motored to Bracebridge on Sunday. M... Tnhn Marshall sustained. a. motored to uracennuge on auuuuy. Mrs. John Marshall sustained. `broken collar bone as a. result of a fall from the back verandah at her home Saturday. Elva Jnhnstfnn, nreident of the TOI'- I