Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Oct 1924, p. 8

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- . .. ....u an L Upcctlcu-. (-)n account `niversary next Sunday" there will not be any Sunday School in `the Methodist church. Starting on Sunday of the church an- October 26, Sunday School will meet . Rev. R. P. [Byers of Toronto ggve a ` very earnest address on temperance in Townline Church "on Sunday. He strongly `urged people to jlupport, the 'O.T.A. and gown n 93...... ------- ----.-:.-_.:---. How long should the wave in a permanent wave stay permanent? The ; question is to be decided in Milwaukee. Wis., civil court as a result of a; suit filed by Miss Vera Emmet`. who said .her wave disappeared two days after ishe paid $20 for it in a. beauty parlor. V & quc~U\':U_: _ BOOTLEGGING EQUAL- TO GOVERNMENT SALES IN ONE PROVINCE. W NEARLY [HALF THE BOOT- `LEGGING OF THE WHOLE DOM- HINION IN THE OTHER. ,. ----____A , U Gravenhurst,. Ont 1.v.LJ.1.JLl1.\J.LV lV1UIf.1`4Z Quoting from a published letter of Cardinal Begin, Roman Catholic primate of Quebec: Alas! there is spreading everywhere the intolerable abuse which we denounce. Of one thousand illicit stills seized in Can- adav last year. FOUR HUNDRED AND, TWENTY-EIGHT -were in Quebec! n.n1J J Quebiec !` `Dl'\I\"l' _ __._ -- - -- ---nnvlls want; LJIUIJ 1 Bootlegging? The same law-breakers- will be here and selling will still be protable. But some facts. In British Columbia, with population almost equal to Tor- gonto, Attorney-General Manson and Ipapers friendly to government and brewers declare: - THE GOVERN- MENT SOLD LASTYEAR TWELVE MILLION DOLLARS` WORTH AND THE BOOTLEGGERS TWELVE MIAJLION MORE! ,' 1I\';I-`nu ..-..- - ----` " ` Government Sale Stop] c._ifIVf1'~IGsT0NE. t. (Advt.) 42 nu`, 1vu'. lsauc aennett. . '. _ Miss Marguerite Grose of Toronto Normal School recently visited for a .few days at her, home here. .T2.9A T-Tnnrv and 1|/ran r.m....:n M... Y--vv ulna lpicllil We got a great concession in price on 18 Misses Hats this week and these are now on sale. Reg. $2.98. to $3.98 values. A` anon I A- -` A Bargain in Misses Hats $1.93 and $2.39_ 8 90+ 9 nwvnn nAu..........__. __ ,,,,, Dunlop at Mulcaster an: 111 LLCD- our office. We have 200 homes in TORONTO, all prices. Photos and particulars at office. 100 houses--'-alI prices, sizes and locatlons. ` Sevral splendid` buys M around ` $3500. 4 - Several snappy li_ttl_e houses at `$1000, $1400, $1600 and $1800. IHEUBY. & 00W ua._y.s in net`, nome nere. Jas. Henry and Matt. Lowrie are both home again after their trip to the harvest fields of Saskatchewan. R92: MOWnnwin nf 1:.;mn+.... .......... `EVERYTHING IN` REAL ESTATE HENRY & COWAN We pay the following prices: Go'od Green Butcher Hides, 9c Cured . . . . . 10c to l0V2c Calf ' . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . 14: Kip . . . . . . . . . . . . llc to 12 u vcuucs. ` --Sale, $1.98 and $2"39 each Barrie Tanning Co., Limited, Barrie. HIDES Phone 31 .u'u:nu.s IIBFB. ` Miss Hilda Denney of Baxter spent the week-end at the home of her sis- `ter, Mrs. Isaac Jennett. ' Mine T\/I"nrrncn~H>n llmnap. no! Fri`.-.....'...4... JV1. 1V1U.lJUd.I1.. Dr. and Mrs. Simpson and children of Barrie spent Sunday afternoon with friends here. 1|/[fee Tlilo hnmmncv 1\`En--L-.. __-..A 1 llUl'llLUIl. Mr. and Mrs. Stoneman of Shel- "burne spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs; M.nMcLean.. nail Klan G............._ ..__J -I-:1:I,,;,, V- -......... .. \I\fCD n-..-- -. .u....-.u an: `anon:-puvlna Mrs. James Sproule is visiting her daughter, Mrs. 'Wilson, at Parry Sound. Rev. R. B. Beynon and Mrs. Beynon of Beeton visited Miss Doane last week. 'I`hos. Lawrence is spending a hol-V 4day_with his wife and children here. Mr and R/l v-ea `KT 1 IV DnnIrn n.-.A .l Ul'UI1 LU. Mr. and Mrs. Willard` Stewarlt and daughter are visiting relatives in Thornton. mil ... nn `IA ...-. Cu..~.........._ -3 r~n_-u `ill a. .wu.u 111:5 wue unu cuuuren nere. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. C. Boake and Miss Helen spent the week-end in Toronto. T ` - 11.. .~.....a Mr..- 11r.'n....r.:`cu_-__-__L L...-nl ...y -....... -.. -v -.--..v uur~uon\nvIr.y -Junnvvao Mrs. A. McI`{'enzie spent a few days of last week with friends in Alliston. 11.... -r-,,, ,_, "7, -7 V`! %&&m$&&&&&mw&m&] -.-veumg In vuookstown. " The fact that a municipality had Iocal option before the O.T.A.'cam' force will not preventa government liquor store in that municipality it the 0.T.A.t is repealed.. ' _ On the _church niversary Sunday T$`und :e_L y School `!mn+'L1...u... ..L... g&m&$&&m$&&m&m$ FI'|I It\I\I'FI1l'\`l Next Sunday Rally Day service W111 be held in Townline Sunday School; `I'l..... A 'n;r-77-.._:- _..-..4. - 4-..- g____ soc ullu Jtllll UQIGI _If you are fortunate-enough to be [able to design and make, your own `Bath Robe=or Kimona, you will nd a splendid lot of colorings from. Or,'if you prefer one ready to pug: on, it- is here also, By the yard . . .' . . . 65 to $2.00 Ready made . . . . . . _$4.25 to $11.50 THORNTON, Iur Iaprlcs. . -. _ ' ` --sso.oo, _s5i .5o and;ss5.oo SPECIAL SHOWING .of Ladies; Black Marvelli and Beaver Cloth Coats, styles `and sizes suitable for the matron.) -$32.50' and $35.00 BEAUTIFUL COATSV designed ii: Paris and made, from Salts farnous fur fabrics. ' "I I --850.00. $51'.5o nnrl -snsnn Cosy Kimon Cloth`: and Kimonn fg _____ ____ .o-,,;., `AND is IT NOT A SIOURCE V01-L SATISFACTION To KNOW `THAT YOU ARE BUYING CLEAN,. WELL-MADE GARMENTS? nzmonsmmnc` THE SUPREM.:\CY_;(_)_l_7 THlS ("'lII\I'\i'I II! AI\l\A`I-u- ...... ...--_.___ vcry euecuve and beautiful. . ' The Young Ladies Mission Circle are preparing two missionary pa- -geants for their annual concert, which they hope to hold at an early date. David Perrie, who has spent the summer months on a. Mission Field in the West, visited for a few days at the manse with his sister, Mrs. Rintoul. A number of delnprnfnu em... mu--- - --Z lI- G T6RE]NTAPPAREL OF EVERY KIND nluuvll I9 I `II I 5-,u1e, fied. Q4: I his U111 .'I ...A ._. , upuuv uu vtu xuuu matters on:i'c:'a' vvith the approach- ing plebiscite. At the anniversary services in the Methodist church next Sunday, the Rev. W. N. Chantler of Toronto will preach, an augmented choir will lead the service of praise and Mr. Leonard, Manager of the Union Bank, will be at the organ. Morning anthems: `,`I Will Extol. Thee, My God, 0 4.-King"! `(Adams); As Deep As The Sea." (E. S. Lorenz). Evening Anthems:-Jes- us Lover of My Soul" (Lorenz); Praise the Lord, 0 My Soul" (Wat- son); . _At the `evening service Mrs. Stamp will also render'Lidd1e s setting of Abide With Me.'_ Hubert McKen- `zie, Vearl Coutts`. 'Plvin- pa.......... .....= u; "A0108 with Me."'_ McKeri: zie, Coutts`, Elvin: Pearson and George Lennox are. the ushers for the day. Services will .be at 10.80 and 7 o'clock. "Fl-unnn .1..- ...---- 'VV- ' ' "` .I.l..IC_ upeumg stuayor this book will be taken next Monday night by Hubert McKenzie. Besides this the League Rally Service will be held and an ad- dress on Racial Gootlwill"_ will be 'p given by Miss McLaren. The annual collectionfor the General League Fund will be taken. Miss Marian McDonald : is the leader. . It was a disappointment` to everyone that Mrs. W. Grose could not be pre- sent at the W.M.S. meeting last week, being kept athome on account of the accident to her little son Elmer. How- ever, the life member's certificate and gold pin with which she was to have been presented-are being duly forward- ed. In spite ofyher absence the meet-. ing` was both interesting and profit- able. .Mrs. Johnlngham read the de- ` votional leaflet, Mrs. Lennox took up the initial chapter of the study book, "China's Real 'Revolution, ' and the president, Mrs. West, spoke on various connected with At LL- -.A,-!r \4UWa.H. This week's meeting `of the Young _People's Circle was led by Albert Hen- ry. Mervyn Corbett contributed .a. piano solo,', George Spencer a reading, and Mrs. Adams gavepa brief summing- up of the new C.L.S.C. Study Book, World .History From 1815 to, 1920." The opening studyof this book Mondav night hv I.r......... Patton, Hubert McKenzie, Elwoddg Bone, Ward Goodfellnw nn nu---n ruuun, nunert .McKenzie, Elwood Goodfellqw and Bruce Cowan. rmmr... .-...---9- - V I - V - - ----v nrrvwltll T Cape Gloires, $3.50 For the lady" who would wish a real distinctive glove we offer this beau- tiful line `with fancy points and cuffs. Every pair guaranteed. -$3.50 pr. A .|u'`e wun ms slsger, Mrs. number of delegates from Thorn- ton Sunday School attended the South Simcoe Union Sunday` School Con- vention held on Tuesday afternoon and `evening in Cookstown. fanf fhnf as -nu....!...l._-124-- I, ` Pertin 7 f`-_, s Guaranted Special INI " L: -a4 - -515.50 `A SIXJLRT IV.I'I-`"1-`._LE s"i_-?Y_LEsvin Coats: w h and without fur co`llars for children 4 to 14. --$4.25 to $13.50 -.-.-awv 131.1141 auurV_Ul;U1' HEW pue I30- ric coats, some have _fur trimmings, others plain. ` -.-$14.50 to.$65.00 Heavy English Burberry Style Coats, exceptional value at this price. i . . .. ' '-315.750" SMART LI'l-"l.`T.F! 'I~` n,....-. MARVELEI and, other new pile fab- coats- some Hnvn 1-`nu +m'mm:........ uay. On Friday evening the young people of thecommunity gatheredat the home of Mr. and Mrs; NV. J. Lelnnox and gave a miscellaneous shower for Mrs. 'Mayes (Edna Lennox). The presents were placed in a 'clothes,basket decor- ated with asters, placed on a kiddie car and presented to the bride by her little nephew, Mervin , Martin. . The` presents were many and useful; show- ing the thigh`, esteem in which for all in music, dancing and singing. The Presbyterians intend holding a hot fowl supper on October 29, when `will also be given the playlet, Martha Made Over." . `mum-um... 8.. aL:...__ - - - ~ - uuzue uver." Everyone is `-`busy at getting tatoes. The tubers are an A1 I ing large and plentiful: Reggie and Harold" Arnold s the jury last week in Barrie. from' Guelph and with friends` here. --T-Tnini-owuon - 9- wuu u'leIlC|S_ nere. -Heintzman L& Co. 1 Patterson, Allandale, dis` `A number from here anniversary service. at Ut day. A (In 'D`mA'nu --.....1.- ~- 4' u.1..A., UCE. Z3. 7 V A very quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lennox, Oct. 8, at 7 o'clock in the even- ing when their second daughter. Edna, was united in marriage to Mr. Chalmer Mayes, third son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Mayes-of Innisfil. Only the near rela-. qtives attended. The bride looked charming in a gown of sand crepe de chene and carried a bouquet of roses. She was unattended.- After the wed- ding` repast the happy couple motored to `their new home. All wish them `every happiness and prosperity. 5 MI`. and MP9 Q (`our-`:4-`Inn.--- ----A- ` 42c| Rev. Mr. Byers of Toronto preach- ed in the-Presbyterian church on temp- O.T.A., Oct. 23. erance, choosing for his text, Genesis 4: 9, Am I` my brother s keeper?"| The speaker pointed out very plainly that none of us live unto ourselves, that God expects thestronger brother to help the weaker; that the life we live is either a help or a hindrance to someone else. He -urged very strongly the need for every vote for the A worn !i!iI'nO~ .....'.a.-|_-._ ,, , ua.u5uLeI`. ' , - _ A Sectional Meeting consisting of a number of Auxiliaries of Barrie Pres- `byterial will be held at Stroud on Fri- day afternoon. Ml` an:-I `Mfvuu 15.1.... 77-14.-` 1-10 A ;u1`uuI.U 1z3._st weeK.~ " v--VVe have better prices on ` house_ RadioIas.-Patte1-son, A .. --.. vuu. vvLI.l1 .|._l.`1I Rev. T..J. Dew s Toronto last week. have hnffor .........u u; uuuunuzue. and Mrs. R. -Davis and M Myrtle Coxworth of'Toronto spent week-end with friends here. `now '1` 1 -`n.....- _._-.,A n A OctoberA13--Mrs. J. Holt visi1 onto friends _last week. The teachers attended the tion at Stayner last week. G. H. Sneern hm: nnlil ma uuu ,-at atayner last H. Speers has sold his Mr. `Bates of Sunnidale. H .-....Al \t-.- `H Bid BAY Pom _--- -_......,u.a .1561 c. spent few days ; ' \Vesting- -Patterson, Allandalew A0,. "-If `yen are interested in what [new and authentic,_ watch 0 big windows. uuy auernoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Holt "or All_iston visited Mr. and Mrs. Ingham over the week-end and accompanied them to Holly anniversary. A The nfrihinnfinn n? Roan -I-A-3 -3-`-""~ getting up are an A1 nrn-n `--Our price, 69 in`. Pen[man s Cashmere Hose at --59c, $1.00, $1.19 and $1.25 pr. The famous Indiana Cashmere Hose from England at , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2.00 pr. OUR ENDEAVOR pianos-A. E. e, distributor. 420 I I-noun" -`#4.-.. .1 _ ,u,- . __ ..._, --.5 . \JI\lVIi an! I lp3lel'y at - Store. - Let us prove it. Ladies Pure Thread Silk Hose, double soles; heels and toes, mercerized rib tons. ..,fresh from t A Ibvtfl New models each week and all different. Newest creations from Hstyledom are -shown he largest manufacturers. No workroom expense andwaste, making it possible to show hats that would appear aqtiite expensive ` at very [low prices. Lovely Hats here at . . . . . . $2.50 to $6.00 At the Millinery Counter you will get regular $2.00 to $3.00 SILK VELVETS " at $1.00 yard. There is a Distinct Advantage in Buying.Gloves and Hosiery at this gfnrn 4 I -1. .-- ----- ya: ululierl. 'o izonvince our customers that priced goodvare invariably, the w priced in the end. .._~..- ....p-.-nun. `lab ` re" attended" the Utopia on `Sun-` . visited ' Ink cum, .l.V.l.l'. anu -Mrs. A. McKenzie. Thorntonians were glad to see Joseph Donnelly again after his visit to his daughter, Mrs.eEaston, in the `Vest. Congratulations should have been extended last wank fn haw Qua ml ..- HAVE wz FAILED TO Do sotr uca rure 1'nreaa_ silk Hose, s; mercerlzed tops. I `--Our 69:: pr. "nun n4- served on p. . grop, be- _ farm conven- Miss It the . Tor- in nuxly umuversary. The combination of deep red dahlias and yellow helianthus which decorated ' `the Methodist church on Sunday was very effective and beautiful. The Young T.m-Hon 1un.. ...... ru--x,~ uu iuesuay 01 this Week. Large audiences attended the an- lniversary services in the Methodist church on Sunday last and enjoyed the two able addresses delivered by Rev. Dr. Lorne Pierce of Toronto. Ex- cellent music was rendered at both ser- vices by Miss' E. Ross and H. Barron of Barrie. ' A temperance meeting will be held in-the Methodist church on Monday night at 8 o'clock at which every per- son in the community will` be made we1come.- This will be a snlendid op- portunityto hear Rev. J. S. Shortt. pastor of- St. Andrew's Church. Bar- rie. who so recently came from Alberta where Government control is in force today, tell of the conditions in that province under the present law. rm... n.._-L~-Ar UL UULH 8eI'VlCeS. ` Mrs. C. S. Burton. Mrs-. W. A. Mal- colm, Mrs. Wm. Andrew and Mrs. C. E. Dutcher attended the Presbyterian W.M.S. convention in Victoria Harbor on Tuesday of this week. LaI`2`e aninnr-nu -:4-+m..a,..: n.-.. -.A ._.............u..y au. .11 21.111. anu "I p.m. The Allenwood Methodist church will hold their anniversary services on Sunday next at` 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. E. E._ Pugsley will be in charge of both services. Mr: (` Q `Duno.-... `It--~ iv - " - . _ _ . . . -..., \1 Q-gkz 1.11 auaul and Verne_Beardsall spent the week- end with friends in Bradford. RobertRitchie returned to Toronto! after spending the summer with his, daughter, Mrs. Jas. E. Beardsall. ` On Sunday, October 26. Rev. L. Mc-} Lean of Bradford will be the special speaker at the Presbyterian church anniversary at 11 a.m. and 7 ` l The Allnnwnnd 1|/r1I.n..2.-.. ..n_....--- wcch-ellu at A. U. bishop's. Miss Belle Ritchie, George G1 Verne_Beardsall R0bert"Rifnhin rnfirrnn On In. vv 1 L11 u'1!-.'Il(lS nere. Mr. and Mrs. s. G. Nanier` aha` daughter Jean of Tottenham spent_the week-end at A. C. Bishop's. Miss Belle Rifnhin rlnnvwvn f`-n1-n-- Lu 1 Ul'UIl LU. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beardsall andl family of Stayner spent `the week-end with friends here. ` 7 R/fr urn-1 M..- as (1 xv- ,. - UUlulHUlllLy. AMr. and Mrs. VV. Bunt anti dau.`.*.'hter' Laura spent a few, days with friends in Toronto. Kn 1-and `IA ..- 117.-. `Is - -- .1 uruu LU. ' ' Mrs. Elrick and Miss H.E1rick of Toronto. are visiting friends in this community. ~ `;\/Ir and TM :-cu 117 13..-; .-__-1 5- - - I James McDermott spent a few days this week in Toronto. - H ` Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bishop are spend-3 ing a week at Tottenham. i Mrs. W. D. Minnikin of Barrie vis- ited at W. L. Ritchie's recently. J. L. Brown is spending a couple of _weeks with his son af -Erin. `e Misses B. Ritchie and Pearl Train were visitors inrToronto this week. Mrs. Lower and Charles Lower of Barrie spent Sunday at R. M. Black's. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hiltz of Tor- [onto visited at R. Callander's_over Sun- day. N/[re `lonnnn I3 `l3......_.1__n I -uaI'v\::H. utuus 01 aasxatcnewan. Reg. McKenzie of Hamilton spent *-the week-end at the home "of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. McKenzie. Th0I`nfnninnn warn nrlo n can 1-,.........:.. uay. Mrs. James E. Beardsall ha s return- ed home after a visit with friends in Toronto. ' '- 1\1'...~ 'm1...L1- _._.-. -... -- --A - vwww1`K*K4K`*3*X"X`Kf$*g g ELMVALE NEWS g &%i&&m$&wwm$$mmm >X< customers lowest highest IIUU 5. Graham Qnnnf 4-kn un~...1. IPQQQIJ The glove I refer to` is made from heavy silk and lined with chamois- ette,'has fancy cuffs and trimmed in contrasting colors, Kayser s guaran- tee with every pair. --$2.25' pr. A Glove for Particular Peple $2.25 _ Tho nnun T ..-'3--- 1~ DRESSES FOR LADIES, made ffom all the desirable- materials" used this season, are `here. Individual styles and styles that are sold in Barrie only by us. -$5.00 to $50.00 /_ _._ v- ._ -`aqua; 1 ||l\'II-DJ Every Dress we show is clean, manufactured by old and a well l Canadian manufacturers under absolutelv sanitary conditions. ltis true that many garments being oered to the public have -been made in laces where the average person would not care to go, but `such goods will not be sold by us. ' DRESSES _ DAINTY LITTLE DRESSES for in- II materials fants as well as larger children may aason, be selected here. Pretty styles that nd _ will be sure to please, and the prices nly' are very moderate. --$1.00 up A BEWILDERING ARRAY OF, SW -AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES: uaughter, Mrs.eEaston, extended last week to Dr. and Mrs. Horton on the arrival of ~t_heir baby daughter. ' A Qnnfinnol 1\A g'ndI......`.........:_4:..__ -A -

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