Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1924, p. 12

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tlhlalldl.` Falr. H 1]. van: pussessiun on ucn. 1S1'.. J. W; Goss1ing s exhibit` of silver black foxes, red foxes, muskrats, coo'ns and stuffed animals will -be an attractive feature of Barrie s Big Fair. auuw you now. . --J. G. Keenan, instead of exhibit- ing at Barrie Fair, is making a spec- ial display athis store, opposite Post Office Square. a 38c . -Wall aper, latest designs, all prices. `xclusive agency for Staun- ton s semi-trimmed.--W. A. `Lowe & Son. Elizabeth St. ` - 18tfc The Misses Armstrong, Dunlop St., have purchased the fancy goods bus- iness of Miss Craig, Bayeld St., and `will take possession on Oct. 1st. f f. (1,,,,1:,.,..v... ....'|..:.L.u.. -13 _:1___,_ vv ccn, Dvph. (U- show you how. *,,,`I' (1 TIA--. cuaugt-:5 UL prugraxxl every week `at Dreamland, starting Sept. 22-23. ' 38c _ The Barrie Veterinary Hospital is putting an addition to its stabling in order to accommodate its growing clientele. \I.;.:.. 11!. _.1__,,,I - `I I --NoticeV--For plumbing and `heat- ing, ring 214, J. J. Neelands, 48 Blake St. Repairs for. all stoves and furnaces. - 33tfc Save money by buying in Barrie during B rrie s Better Business Week, S . 20-27. The advts. will I nlvnnv (run lnnnu : ule surrounding country. Miss M. E. Stevenson, Ontario in- - spector for the Victorian Order of : Nurses, was in town this week on one her periodical visits to see how I. the work is progressing here. . Barrie s Big The grand stand attractions at Fair next week come particularly well recommended and ' promise to furnish great amusement . and entertainment for the crowd. ` Stayner, _ Mrs. Henry Allen, formerly of died in Toronto on Monday, aged 80 years. She was known to a number of Barrie people. having vis- ited with her daughter, the late `Mrs. Cowan. ` `Rev. Ben H. Spence of Toronto will occupy the Collier St. Methodist 3 pulpit in the morning and Central Methodist pulpit in the evening next ~ Sunday and will, `speak on behalf of the 0.T.A. R. F. Garrett has torn down the re-wrecked building "at the corner of Elizabeth St. and will erect a two-story solid brick structure for Frank Cancilla. It will be divided into two stores. ~ ..__- --.- \ uoxxcu DU UUI present at the greenuhy seven o'clock sharp Tuesday evening. There promises to be a very large exhibit in the classes for Wicker- work at Barrie Fair, many adults and children having attended the classes taught by H. A. Jarvis. Tho _QI1nn1nv.l-....J..._L -1` 41, 1-I - uauguu uy .11. 11. da1'VlS. The Superintendent of the Royal Victoria Hospital would be glad to receive donations of jam, preserves, etc., from the ladies of Barrie and the surrounding country. M. gftnvnnann f\nl-n-3- --- / -of old 18-inch. Fo_r- sale by W. A. Lowe & Son, Elizabeth St. 18tfc The lady bowlers will hold a local tournament next Tuesday. All lady members who can "are asked to be at green by o clocki nrTn;D +n Ln :1 ivnunvv `------ A1"A1{'.l`MENT T0 RENT; unfurnish- ed; 83 Toronto` St. Apply `on prem- lses. L 88 l A.W.(1oodfellow' - W.S.Cooper coon SHOES GO0DFELLOW S BAGGAGE NEXT DOOR 130 BANK or-' TORONTO T FOR sALE-`2oo acres, lot No. 2. on Con. 14. Township of. Irmisfil. `This "property contains over 100 acres `of good pasturage, never` `failing spring creek, 65.acres of good standing bush, 10 acres good cedar bush and a`quan't- `ity of standing pine. Wi11'be sold `reasonable. Apply to Mrs. Wm. Kell, `R. R. 2, Barrie. 38-40p `FOR and at `u. A I V! present. IJHLU. nut.` 11 The body train. Hnml: ied by n 111 friends xvus tery. Thrxr .1VII'.~L \\'rm(l. vu-no .-...4 'nI Mrs. JI`>h a rosidom _ night, S(*])t. onto. She 11 Tho }\n.'l.- ... r.\;u, nrxw `two r1:nr.:ln P2u 11s\\'i<`k, "I`oronto. APARTMENT unfurnish- Gd! 83 Tornnfrr Hf Ann?" An *5-n -`vnluod mi -I Chu1jc"h. '1 nulp, JIIHII 1863." She doniu Iii: her m:'u'-rx:; IPheIpsl>n. :she bu:-.:un-, `Inp; cm Du: Ave.) fan` 11 by a 1::-::o the est:-mu `The f_um-r:u' -ed. took plu .`Survi\'inL:' : II{`(.`ni1 ` I .|.u1 UH.` ])2I '-taken tn h` W)``C'-ztsml \ Shir), Jl:IM TRR" 3 nun) l`.! 'he1't J-ludui ronln. 1).-I.~`: 713' at hm- .`-Sept. s 'L`u ll_lt`('1'. `Their (>n|_\' and Mrs. golden we- The `fm Centrje Sty` 'Gzu'tner, I interment JVIHLQIH. Hume '\/`ILL! '1'] .A1fI`<-I .'Mu-.:ilI. "LTc..`. .~ After rr five nmm :.aWay at L in his st-\= vived by h n.-1 .\:..,.. -:tl. f'll'llHll `-"the a;:<-. 0 vice at U: :sequ(,nlIy 'b0ur;:, `H; "where he,` :sur\'i\'4-(191 "-who lives Mnrtim jyeurs :1 .'.'Barrio w "local hm died in .- 23. l(m_'_;` ill: :in En,*.:`l:u ::'tt }'[(*Hl1ll v-[>1-un a\ ... FOR SALEr-Beautiful brick reidence, corner Bradford and John .Streets. hardwood floorethroughout, hot water heating, all modern conveniences, gar- age; real value, see and be convinced. No reasonable offer refused. _T.erms if necessary. 152 Bradford St., phone 818. - 34-39 - Five nan J_l(lIll 'p0Sitinn. "I`0rnntu_ `til {Wu " .failin:.; .11 `her l'n'nH fing imm 'Fhe 0 dres spea 'Fhe 01 "eet kM2 Th? (1! 15. at th fred, 3|. '.Miss Ha Vborn in I .nn-n .,... VV (LB I)": :She is 5 'Cm.uc'h. -'Ste:uns)' one dnu: .~r`...-.....1.' "L41 Uulfll -of 188!) there w Char eof Bar '1 I. 117 . VV zafternu dead. ref Job) :ster hr .".De(-ens: sided i ".1-Ie mm ~Grent`vl "W110 su ~er, thre- `I: .41. .q-...r. IXLIF. llhl Vvush. . ~dau:_:ht<- :and Mr: -uurnu 1.. . FOR SALE OR RENT---4 to 5 acres of good land at Craigvale. Good house, .-stable, garage. poultry house and well. some small fruit. Immediate posses- sion. Apply A. W. Green, Craigvglse. e . c I l\1rs. ` llast w. [1VIrs. R] A.` u . r . . .. ~bX<>B>`B :1 AIM M a .- ' `FOR, `SALE--A beautiful, [centrally lo-' .cated bungalow" on Maple Ave. with six rooms and all modern conveniences, `two garages. Amily on premises. 78 "Maple Ave,` 7 . 38-39p * j- lhoy when you Are invited to` 01:03,} .FOR SALE--11/_. acres of good garden land with brick cottage, small barn .-and hen-house. Apply to Mrs. Jas. `Horton, Rose St., Barrie. \37-38p jl FOR SALE--8-roomed Brick House, all conveniences, on Burton Ave. Price $2600. Apply Mrs. A. M. DeGeer, 79 Blake St. or phone 98414`. - . 38c_ . BRICK HOUSE for sale on Tiffin St,` Double lot, good locality, in good con dltion. Apply Mrs. Wm.'G_i1ks, 245} Bradford St. . 37_-391) BOARD AND ROOMS can be had in private home. 183 Elizabeth St. TI-Iot air heated, electric grates upstairs and down. One of most comfortable homes in Barrie. Only 10-minutes walk from Post Office. All modern conven- iences. Phone 532W. 38-39p LARGE FRONT ROOM for rent. Light housekeeping v privileges. School or `business girls. 33 Owen St. 36-41p . COMFORTABLE ROOM AND BOARD for student. Apply at this Office. 37-40p BOARDERS WANTED-Room arid board by day or week. Apply 44 Wors- `ley Sp, Barrie.` A 34-39p` `TO LET---Good "rooms, centrally locat- ed, all conveniences, hardwood floors. Apply at Barrie Examiner. 738p -j ROOMS 7 TO . LET; two minutes walk from Collegiate. Al1`convenienc- es. Phone 707, orv76 Small St- 33-38p -- Baulpluu Lruc. .Dl`ltlBIl K Richmond West, Toronto. FURNISHED ROOM to rent, with or without board... Central. Phone 704W. 38-43p, "ONE 03 TWO MEN WANTED to dig out cellar and lay concrete floor `by the job only.` Apply after 5 p.m. .-at `59 McDonald St. 38p `PERSONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS. Imperial Art." Best known selection. `Want men and women in every town `to solicit orders in spare time. Repre- .sentatives,n1aking $2 per hour up.` Newest designs.. Lowest prices. Samples free. British Canadian,_122 Rinhnlnnd Wnnf Tnrnnfn . !!Q-Annb FARM FOR REN'1`_1mmed1ately. 100 acres, 10!: 4. Con. 8, Inntsl; brick house, bank barn, pig house, two wells and spring. Apply to J . D. Smith, `Thornton. 86-41 BOARD AND ROOM inzprivate home. Apply 2 Jane St. ' , 38p `WANTED--A -woman capuableof do- ring general housework at once. Apply .A. R. Girdwood, 86 Toronto St. 38c `GOOD MAID WANTED-Apply at R. V. Hospital. - 389 'WAN'1`ED---Girl for general house- work. 'Apply Mrs. Vernon Plummer, 21 Charlotte St. Phone.708. , 38c WANTED-Neat girl `to assist with housework, to go home at nights. Ap- ply by letter to Drawer` 767, Barrie. 38c 'WAN'I`ED--A` small house, central lo- cation, around $2000.00. Must be worth `the money. Box 595', Barrie. 38c HORSERADISH WAN'1`ED.-Larg or small quantities. Apply to W. F`, Sheppard. R. R. 1, Allandale. 37-,-12;} _ tu:u:4.u' ununu, un suuu uuuuxuuu, wanted, either to buy or hire. Box 486, P.O . , Barrie . 38p REED- ORGAN, in good condition, urnnfnd, Aifhnr fn hnv nr him: Rnv Property To Let` - `TO LET--7-roomed brick house. all conveniences. newly decorated. 7 `Thompson St. Phone 1079W. . 87-38c Property For `Sale Help Wanted ` Wantd mu, 1.56 38-400'}; Read . prografnme or V Barrie : _Blg Fa1r_ on page 16; r, PROBLEMS IN RAISING POULTRY and producing, eggs every month in the year. are all overcome by the practical methods taught in Shaw's Coldbelt Poultry Course. Hundreds of testimonials prove this. `Write. .for them to-day and learn how to make plenty of easy money. Address Shaw Schools. Poultry Dept., Section 0., 46 Bloor West, Toronto. . , -;- HAIR DRESSING done by. Mrs. D. 0. Howard. Bring your combings and have we. good switch made. 26 Mu1cas- ter St. 7 34ttc , ` LADIES '1`AILORING-Ma.terial made up into coats, suits and skirts. Rp- modelling done. Charges moderate. '1`. A. Corlett, 88 Essa. St., Allandale. Qvu `T0 LE'1`--7-roomed. brick house, all -convenience. Allandale. Give posses- sion Oct. 16. Enquire, The Sarjeant ?co.. Ltd. . . 88c _ DON'T MISS THE OLD-TIME DANCE in I.0.0.F. _Temple, Friday, Sept. 26.. 37-380 u FOR PAINTING, paper hanging, and general hou'se decorating phone A. Berry, 539W. 21 Gowan St., Allan- dale. . ' -~ ` ' 37-42p -j DRESSMAKING and furs remodelled. Mrs. W. Agnew. Angus. 38-43p - ACCOMMODATION` for exhibitors of took at Bn.rriA- Vn+m-Inmm t:rm'.~..u..x :1.\.aLzUAV.l1V1U1J1-t'J.'1Ul\l~ I0!` exhibitors 01' took . at Barrie" Veterinary Hospital Stables. 48 Bayfield St- 37-38p *:"'?' FARM FOR SALE-Consisting of fifty acres, adjoining village of Hills- dale; 30 acres working" land; 20 acres bush and pasture. Large or- chard; On the premises are two barns, one 40x60, lbankbarn and one 35x50; a roughcast house, greenhouse, etc.` This farm will be ;sold with stock, crop and implements; Reason for sell- ing proprietor is returning to his old home in England. For further partic- ulars and terms apply to Joseph Lea, I-Iillsdale. Ont. - 38-39p 7 _ FARM FOR SALE--A choice 50-acre farm, close to Provincial Highway, 2 miles. from .a. good live village, store, church and continuation school. Close` to .market. Buildings good, never- falling water supply. All under cul- tivation-except about 2 acres Vwoodand pasture. .One of the best 50-acre farms in Innisfil. For particulars apply to P.0. Box 1, Stroud. 38-40c - FARMS" FOR SALE or rent-100 acres, West V; Lot 29, Con. 2, Oro; also 50 acres East 1/9 Lot 29, Con. 2, Oro. For all particulars apply at 151 Owen St., Barrie. . 38p ` -Z1--j'-'Z FOR SALE-One*bay driving, mare, weighing 1025 lbs; 8 years old, sound in every Way, well broken `to drive single or double, fine looking and good~ natured. Apply _to J. A. H gins, .C1`a1gh1;rst. Ont." ' 8-39p -----:-- ._.__..__._..____.._._._.____.__. HORSE FOR SALE--Bay gelding, 7 years old, weight 1450, price $75. Also 10 early thoroughbred Barred Rock pullets. ` Apply Hy. Ottaway, phone 605r6.- ` 2% wmwr, wm rent nouse tor` six months from November 1. Apply 225 Elizabeth St. Telephone 784W. A 87tfc -2 IJUIIULI 605:6. y FOR SALE CHEAP-An Airedale! hound, 3.years old, good hunter. Ap- ply 17 Ross St. _ 38pl ...____________.._..___.._____ , ,FOR SALE--T-Young grade Shorthorn cow, with calf at foot. A. Cameron, Cundles. _Phone 605r3'. ~ 38p I FOR SALE--Pux-ebred Jersey cow, 5 years old, due to _freshen Sept. 26. Phone 634r2. - ,3?-38p ` PUPS. AND DOGS for quick sale, to clear. 48 Bayfield St., or phone 811: . 37-38p V . FOR SALE---16 pure bred Leghorn pullets. AApply at 31 `McDonald St. ,,_ 37-38c , L'0S'l`-A. very small black` and white female Terrier. Long, pointed ears and long tail. Kindly refer to Mrs. Wm. Rolling, 60 Small St. Anyone holding this dog after this notice will be prosecuted. - 38c -:- ' L DY'S BROWN COAT LOST in Bax;-. rie, or. near Midhurst. on Saturday, Sept. 13. Finder `please return to Greene Music Store. Reward. - 38p LADY S HAT FOUND near Crown Hill about four weeks ago. Owner may have same by proving property and paylngfor advt. Apply at Examiner Office. V [ 38c_ LOST-ASma1l boy's greyx, overcoat, in or around -Stroud, at school fair, or on road towards eAllanda1e. Finder please communicate with phone 63411314. , ` Qn V FOR REN'1`--Leaving tow for the winter, will rent house for` 5' x November 1. Anniv 22: 1:-.u....u.-n. FOUND-Rim and tire for auto. Own- er may have same by proving [property and paying expenses. Apply 17 Ross St., Barrie. , , 38 " - LOST--'Gent1eman's watch, Regina" make,` thin model, initials engraved on back Reward on leaving at Examiner Office. T 380 j OUR STORE, 52 McDONALD ,ST., is again in working order. Season is. near for heavier hosiery, etc. Call and find articles ` needed` or have them made to order.` We specialize in yarns and hosiery made-to-order, would be sold practically at cost price. J. Platt Rose. Phone 1072. ` . ' 37-42p LOST--2 trip levers off dump wagon on Mary or Dunlop St. Reward. War- ren Bituminous Paving Co. 38p -:- JEWEL COM-BINATION COAL AND WOOD RANGE for sale, in good con~ dition. -Apply to .50 William St. or phone 492. 37-38c AFOR SALE-Chiffonier,- White enamel- ed bed with coil spring, mattress, 2. tables and other articles. Apply 17 Poyntz St. 38p, PNEUMATIC TIRE BUGGY for gale, good `as new. Suitable for show ring. Apply to B, D. O'Neill. M 38p] ' FOR SALE-Rice King potato" digger, nearly new, large-size. For particulars apply to O. D. Partridge, Shanty Bay, RR. 2. 36-38c Live stock` For sax: F arms; For Sale l HOUSE 'l'O'REN'1`. 61 William St. 8 rooms, modern conveniences. Apply phone 328. A 38c - ' Miscllaheous j Lost and Found Us Ll 38p I IUIIU 380 2l.'J.`2. 38cl WILL THE PARTY on. Perry St. please stop talking about y son, Geo. Garner. having a. still -in t e house and stop further trouble? . Mrs. Garner. -_..-- --'--v--__v.._ ..__v`.`. _.._- --Try one of serge suit specials at $45.00 -per suit.-B. D. O'Neill, '~ladie_s" and gents tailor. 38c V... .-v-_- --- V--- v-'-.---.,- Barrifs Better Business Bargains to be found in the advts. should at- tract - economical shoppers. ..-...-- V... ...y.... 7"Grand stand attractions at Barrie Fair this yearpromise to `be the best ever seen in the county. "I_,,,,,, T` , TI ,',,,,' \J_Ulu :1 uuu'J.v. The re brigade had a run to 34 High St., Monday, to a chimney re. No damage was done. , n 'I\ VALUABLE FARM FOR, SALE-150 nacres, choice land, in high state of cul- tivation, consisting of East, 1,4 lot 20, Con. 10, also part lot 20, Con. 11, of Essa, County of Simcoe; 10 acres hard- wood bush; brick house with furnace; barn with underground lstabllng: abundant water supply. rural mail de- livery; 21/, miles from Thornton R.R_. Station. Apply. to1Jas. A. Jamieson. Thornton. 85-400 m- "c$."K' is putting on `a speeial sale of pianos, Sept. 20 to 27. -All sizes in linoleum rugs at W. A. Lowe & Son's, Elizabeth St. 18tfc --Don t miss the Old Time Dance in the I.0.0.F. Temple, Friday, Sept. 26. . . ' 37-38c . --`Three hanges of program every week at Dreamland, starting Sept. 22-23. _ - 38c Softball tournament on Friday at Barrie s Big Fair. See programme, page .|.u. The South Simcoe teachers con- vention will be held at Stayner on ` Oct. 9 and-10. ' 'l`I'|L.. A..- L..:......I.. 1.-.! 1` cause: 1... DA u.-- .--5 vow -w-- Shop in Barrie'Sept. 20 to 27 and a}l the year round. 7 I` 1"'_,,--: \ A- ..__.LJ_`Z_... -_. _ Barris Big "Fair, Sept.` 24-26. _ Friday, Sept. 19,-is the date of the big Oro Fair I ,_ 1;. T'I___,,', lV___L' L'\A`\ 1.. (`F7 -_.J LOCAL NEW m$&$mm&mmw&&%m$a F1161`. 88 yuzyulg an $611001. '4 If the citizens wislf to see for themielves the kind of material of which the paving curb is composed, they can see,a sample in A. F. A. Malcomson s window. - \ l l J.u.aLy OI: . es`:-:5 c Jack Coyne, a lad from Phelpston, was treated at the R. V. Hospital` this week for. a broken arm, the ac- cident occurring .while the boy was playing at school. " Y` 1-`an n:`-`nuns ...:..`l./' L- ..- - I I 1-` I10 will have a rummage table in connec- tion with theirbooth at the Fall Fair. Donations of articles may be left It 77 Mary St. ' 37-38c Ian`; nvvnn as In}! -9..-... `l1`L-1__-L___ -The W. -A. of the R. V. Hospital] HOUSE TO LET from October 1. Enquire of J. B. Dougall, phone 3391.

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