A Great'Roma_xice or Irresistible chahn 9&3 A Mmerpiecg of 'ram World. WITH .u.uw oz name last week. I The friends of Charles Bellwood will be sorry to know that he is seriously ill. I Mr. and Mrs. McConnell `are moving this week to the small azrm at the corner of the` wwn line -and -the Stayner Road. A very quiet wedding took place a.t.the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Pritlham at 7.30 on the evening of Mvardh 27 when his ` brother, James Pridhanl, of `Avening, and Miss Hamel tFoater,. of Glenoairn, J were 1 united in marriage by Rev. F. J. Lehman. No oneseemsl to be enjoying the cold 1 snap which has come to wind up the i 3 month. All are `hoping April will bring better west . 1 Mrs. D. G. Bdl, who underwent an 1 opengon for removal of tonsils, is im- g proving. _ 1 Dr. Bel-l -an('l,,,Mus. D. G. Bell spent a few days in ham -and Fledherlzon last week. 1 -c0l1"Nn&tl0n aervmnn ~hn'lA u. 4.1.... nL-._-L = .v--u-QIQIII Mamh 31.--Mra. Norm-an West and daughter, Norma, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Holt of Barrie last week. Thu G.-inmt. -4` nL....I-- 1-7-- unquueu Into the -tragedy. V ' At .a. meeting of the executive of the C.N.R. A-tzliletic Asociution on Wedtnwday iitwasdecidedttoca-rryonimt2ec_oun'ing season as Just year. The asociation his a `field dayninaightt-amdtihere are a number heid towayd the end of -the month`. of baseball teams -who want to take part. There were noedefi:_nime plans made. It is intended to `hold a social eventing sometime soon and an orgtamiwtion meeting will be I Negligence of the -gatekeeper, G1-ayton Johnston, one-anmed war vertenan, was re- apovneible for the deavh of Roy `Paterson. brother of Mrs. W. J. Peck, All-anddle, and his companion, W. G. Wilson. `who were killed on 9. level cmaing in Toronto. by a_ I an uwupung won me occasion. I ,_.-.. ...v ...m.. ocvunau m unem are heads of families. 'IThe oammunwqn service which followed was who 'Bamgest in -the history of the dhurah. -While oo1nmun'i'0n was being administered Mrs. J. A. Stpowm sang a solo in keeping wi`h"tihe oocasibn. NQ1hnAn A` 44-4 -- ` -'-- -- ` * ' ' `Last Sunday 'twen)ty-six united with the Button Ave. Mevhlddtist dh-urrc.'h on confes- sion of- fai`t1h. Several of ltiheun heads _servic`e . f...ll.....-.1 _;-_, us . - " [awn uwu xur -ms recovery. . - . ind Man. A. mgamn. Mrs.` Waiter Snead and Mr. and ms. Geo. -Wibon -taook _ 'm_~tzhe 'Omn~gemems dance at Onilia on Dance 111 Orange Haoll, Aal.l:a.nda1e,v Tues- day, April 8, under We auspices or! the Hall 'Booard. Gewtlemen, 75 cents; ladies, refredunemts. Dancing east 8 p.m. `Me A dhmney re at -he -'h*ovme of John Greensidies, 111 Gow-an St.. ladt Fniday Vat - tiernblon. called for teeffote af the fire blnigaade `but no damage was done. The ` fine was put out by the use of ohexniws. ` The inamt son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wice. Toronto, -fmmewhy of Aandiaile. fell off the balcony of itihdir house last week. He `duropped seventeen feet and is now in the Sick Ohildtren-`s Slight hopes are` held out for his - Sundmv Itumnu-u_=iv ....-:4....I ._.:AL A sjg'Av;_vER Johmeh by Rev. w. c.'_smu;;s uurvwe W88 -commuted` i V.-....-5 5u:vu Mus summer. v.&"}fu:{ter'-Jr oon1bimaIti.on lock boxes `have been added at the post ofce this week. 0. E. Dutclfer and family have moved to huir new home, purchased from Mrs. Mont-' gomerry. Mr. Dutcher will comttinu_e the grocery and ice cream business -as well as his instzrangaebbtzsiznees. 'IThe renmiua of Mrs. Plait, who died at Phedpewn, on March 27, were kid to test in -the Elmvale cemetery on Sataunixa vlast. oe wah mad: m`hM- in ---1" 51- vulu ~vvl-uu lull `J A movement as nanging for a how `E. an Chair }`11.m1e,_p1 `r'z; :'ex-r`1`e`;.v`.tuis`:`fo2a-t 'to see -about. ar- bowlimg green ithih summer. 1` mvunnkgn -4.! -.._.I_:_ -.A` .,.-.uu. upccuu 1.01` we sale, pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Women ; Fine Cotton Hose in black, Penman s make, seamless foot, full sizes 8%, 9, 91,5 and 10, regular -selling price 95c. For the sale, pair . . . . 65 2 pain fo_r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.25 . u - v U I I I U I O I I O I O 0 I I Women : Fine Fibre Silk Hose, with lisle top, spliced heel and toe, per- fect tting and good wearing, in silver, pongee; white -and black, sizes 8% to 1'0. ` _Extra, pair . . . . . . . . . . Women : Highly Finished Lisle Hose in_blac,k only, ne quality, seam- less foot, spliced toe, sole and heel, narrow rib top, elastic and com- fort giving, sizes 81;, 9, 9% and 10, all Holeproof make, regular $1.00. Special for the Wn-n.-'. F3..- f`-AA-- 1' ' ' _auu macx, SIZES 83 10, regular $1.50, for . . . . . . Fil_)r_e ` I Hal- L-.. ---`I` QIOCL IIIII. I C I I I I C I /1"-.. I Fine` Filire Silk Hose, Luxite, rein`-l forced in heel, toe, sole and top, in black only, sizes 9, 9% and 10, ` f'tiZZ1i;f5. f`. ?T?` $1.25, V Women : Fine Pure Splin Silk Hose, with narrow- rib and welted top, reinforced heel, toe and sole, extra ne and perfect tting, black and white only, sizes 81,{;, 9, 9% and 10, regular $2.50, < for the sale . . . . . . . .. Women ; Union Silk. _Hose, with seamless foot and`spliced heel, in two-toned e"ects,. gold, grey, green . _and black, sizes 8%, 9, 9% and 10, regular $1.50. 1"` 1'ue aeBlm or Mrs. `Sunday makes -a dou Mn`. and Mrs. "D. Luck ldaughter of Mr. cum. -. V DI` An imexeati of 'ed will lb WUIVIEIWS INSTITUTE ng report of this week's meet- Barrie Women's I-ndtitntte was re- `too lame for'insert.ion in this issue; "appear next week. vurc VIE! W DOD reaved onus` is end the nendhbohood. 'm.....a......1. .: I I _ Mim Perraut of Elmvasle is, visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. Crawford`. Dba`th dlaimed one of our oldest and well m-espeatied msidbnts last Sunday in dhe -person of James Ohnte. Deceased had been in fairing .hea)Inth for some 'time,-' -and uhe end was not. unexpected. To the be- I 0n'$'i8 eX.'t&nId'l`l Ih11|n ovvv\-\-="-- A` 7 Cu 98c BARRIE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Tn ontexestim rannrf A: -+|.;.. .....-:-v- w Buy Advertised Things. . The vu ise wnvapuubtfo zctenaded ytihae sympaitby of mod. of 10 we be- Mm. Luck in Bamie on es .3 double bereavement to . [LC] Luck, ufbe. the -I-atzter being a_ undersigned has received instruetions from Kjjj - ------* -urn-u vucncvu, IIVHQ Tegfd dlaims of wlhiohusthey sham` mice and hham dihey will noit. be any person for the newts of whose claims shazl unoit than Iha oved. `Rx-up-u `n-3 DUNCAN F. McCUAIG, hen havl: no- rwponsi eto said wate ve been Q.JI1_.4._._ ID- l4~l6c ,, .7 _. . v-un.auaal\J_|)I NOTICE is `hereby given pursuant to the Tnstee Act that an peusans -having claims against -the Estiwte ocf `Jumps nmmu-- THE PRODUCTION YOU'VE "Bk!-`LN WAlTiNG. ~ ;'l'O`Sl_L-'.l-2.; % % % "S 1o -- LOCAL BOYS - 1o A Riot of F un. An Avalanche of Jokes, Songe, Dancing. Something New and Novel. S . No Change in Prices. Thursday and Friday, One Show Only, at 7.30` _ Saturday, Two Shows, - 7.15 and 9.15. , Cairili 7if_i_1"?1_l`i:c::'::`jlV1"i'1'|l`i`i'els ALSO AS A SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION