Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1923, p. 6

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.._, -.... ....u. veanuv uuuca auu puaaeu. On motion of Mr. Ansley, seconded by Mr. Coughlin. ordered, that leave be grant- ed to introduce by-law to authorize the improvement of Phelpston Marsh drain to the extent intended by the award made by John J. Newman, dated Oct. 6, 1921. By- law read three times and passed. r`.nnnn" nrICn...._-J -- - "` ' ` ..__ ..r`.-.---.......u. vunnnuu. I On motion of Mr. Ansley, seconded by M17. Langman, ordered, that leave be grant- ed"to introduce by-law No} 913 to appoint J. T. Agnew Collector of taxes for 1923. By-law read three times and passed 0 nu Iunnn I`: ll - A__I,, I .--- ..r.rv.-.-..u. .uuuvu Auau. I Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr.` Langman, ordered,.that J. T. Agnew be appointed Collector of taxes for 1923, and`- that the Clerk prepare a by-law confirmingl the appointment. Carried. I I` p-- lbIaCo I I Moved by Mr. Train, seconded by Mr. Coughlin, that William H. Drysdale be ap-l pointed Collector of taxes for 1923, and: that the Clerk prepare a. by-law confirming the appointment. Motion lost. I II II uvu. uncpucuauu, aClVlUCs3 HE DHIIP tary Inspector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., T. Shanahan, work on T.L. F105 and Vespra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; Albert Wood, work on 1C!-Eh lin'e from S.R. 20 west . . . . . . . . . .. Jas. Kenwell, for repairs bridge, 7-H1 lino Alf. Cumming, gravel . . . . . . . . . . .. 14.40! . V . . ..-3...... unaubv : . _ `i{1I'"1'iI{' ............. 16.00 Albert Elliott, work on road . . . . .. 23.50} By-laws were passed authorizing the; levying of Township, School and Village Rates. ,1 I '1: run iuvv. uauu, WUll\ UH glaucx , \w_1U.UU oil, etc., $1.15 Pet-er Hayes, work on road .. . . . . Geo. `Stephenson, services as Sani- fuu-Iy Inonnnfnvu I The following accounts were passed for: payment: ` w. Kennedy, 2 sheep killed by dogs .$12.0oi ' Arthur Jainieson, tor gravel . . . . .. 2.50 ; W. Jamieson, for gravel . . . . . . . . .; 2.5UI` E. McQuarrie, repairing culvert on I ' ! T I. Flnu unrl Tins '1' Knii 31- Au\.\gua|A1C, uquuulus UUIVCIL U11 T. L. F103 and Tiny . . . . . .. Buckley & O'Neill. for lumber, I 339 Q nnnf: 1? `)0 |lJuhl\lC \L VLICIAI, LUI ILIJIIUCI`, $39.90, posts, $3.20 . . . . . . . .. Hiram Snider, for 55 loads gravel . Geo. Muir, work on grader, $16.05, I nil ufn g1 IR anuuuun, Juullsuuy, \JUlUUt.'l` 11. Mrs. W111 Ross of Hamxlton 1s vismn her many old friends here. Flos Council met at Elmvale, September; 15, with all the members present. 1 7l \L, l`,Il ,,' WE HAVE ON HAND about 25,000 feet of Birch, Ash, Elm and Basswood Lumber af, , . per thousand, delivered Just` the thing for rough work, barn oors, etc. /,.___ ;--j.j--- j-jj for delivery about Sept. 20th; Consequently, if the public will be good enough to exercise a little patience, be satisedlwith a ton or two until severe weather sets in, there will be su-icient fuel for everyone.` ' ~ w. c. BOADWA"Y` YARDS FOOT OF VICTORIA ST. % A V One Block Nor [ELI-ZPHONE 999 F LOS COUNCIL Cement, Lime, Plaster of Paris, SHIPMENTS OE FRESH MINED HARD COAL EXPECTED mam.-.5, JVJIB. Iv. 0. ounce, Wm) 15 very 111. The weather being everything one could desire for this time of year, large crowds attended the Anglican jubilee and anniver- sary services on Sunday and were delighted to have a pastor of over twenty years ago, Rev. G. G. Dreyer, with` his helpful ser- mons. ` tl II Y)-II ,,.,,,; ,,__,, D , I '-.1 I - Coal Miners Strike Settled }'w'OoD__ TRY OURHARD AND son woon SLABS make the TOOUT (`-hPPI`\/ nn (`mid I-l\rpn;nn'c lll b. 's. BU-RT_ON. Clerk. % T in Pea, Nut; Stove and Egg sizes sol"-`r COAL 01-` THE HIGHEST GRADE - Oct'ober_ 6 BUILDERS SUPPLIES . 153.50 ` mun. vv ILIBUII, Ill uunuwuwl. Mr. and Mrs. Thbs. Jack and Mia` Annie mpent Sunday with Mns. D. J. Miller. Iinln week. 1...... L ........ .....n 2..-... 7.30 ` __-- ccsjnallll They ll the Table linen sholild be henuned by hand.i !Not only does it look better and daintierf [but there is never 2: streak of dirt under the tedge after being laundered. as with machine -sewing. I_i_ARD COAL Barrie? Ont. - - v j j 1 - When a customer writes such a testimonial low, and does it voluntarily, it proves that the Pe Furnace is a quality product throughout. This I Mr. J. F. McCullagh of Cobourg, Ontario. ECONOMY ! " FUNAc|3 `K/']1nn 9 one!-r.wu-... u ....'s.... -__ ,1, f Mortar Colors, Plasterer s Hair, Etc.` Sand and Gravel CJUIICM M. M. Bell spent over Sunday with his son. Willson, in Coldwater. Mr unyl Mn. l`k.'u. l....I. .....I In... A_._:- _. nan-IA: room cheery on cold evenings. HEATING -CONTRACTOR Telephone no _HAR_RY BARRON North of Carriage Factory Nights and Holidays, Telephone 313 Are you interested? May your own heating needs? ` will-be appreciated. We are so pleased with the Pease Economy Furnace that we want you to know about it. We have lived where we are for twelve years and till now we simply froze to death all winter and every winter; but things are changed, thanks to your excellent furnace. The house has now a uniform temperature that is simply delightful and for once we are all cozy and comfortable. I do not believe we use as much coal as we used to in the days of the unsightly old Feeder. ' ;.-..-..... as given be- t m-nvne +}m+ +1". 13...... m-- e n pulcu m oamng soda ad( `ed syrup will keep it from the pitcher or can into which September 25.--Mr.. and Mrs. Richard Bell spent a few days with their son, Ernest, in Milton, last week. My and Mn Xllnnlnu Qo......L.....-. ...... L..I: THURSDAY, SERTEMBER 27, 1923 A pinch of baking soda 1 d svrun will I.-mm :4 cu. Buy _Advertised` 'F1;ing's. special, $22.00` _ ,._ vu any DUN` ep crystallizing in 1 it is poured. .;...;_ ..-an an snvcll UC` Pease Economy xis letter is from ' we `figure on Your enquiry added `to any boa- om (-,rvatall:..'.... :. III UIIILUII, IKE Wccnu Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Stoneham are holi- daying with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dobson. Miss Jane Gugins of Beeton is with her sister, (Mrs. W. J. Jones, who is very ill. Thu ulnofknr koinn nu-nu-utL;nn I\ - u n n A nlpl THURSDA 109 D Clei Goods ` IHA WIT sEcu| See Saf, Gowan St. : Phone 202 @ii[nT:': i 0.11 IA!` in \ Tri Solicits the patrdnage of the people of Allandale and vicinity Town Fires -- Farm Fires Village.Fires -- Mercantile Fi;-es remind usaof the advisability of being adequately insured.` We have the companies that will cover, your risk. "I'-_.___ I\_,_II' 1 I` - '- I ` ' 1'... Six THE ALLANDALE uvm STABLE Saddle Horses Carting and General ieamin at reasonable rates R. C. DICKEY Place Your Subscriptions to the New Loan through The Bank of Nova Scotia ` -'l'HE - "5nk of Nova Scotia %.f`..G`_J.5 . UTOPIA We will attend to the details in connection with the conver-. sion or exchange of 1923 Victory Bonds for this issue. No charge will be made for this service nor for delivery of Bonds ordered through any of our Branches._ vvrcn uu Ul1Nll!fb'li. Miss Myrtle Campbell, teacher, Angus, has the sympathy of the community in the death of her mother, Mrs. Jas. Campbell, of Brentwood. ' I- ......J II__, `II I I : I - - - | \I `.1 Iubulu\a J&&Vl.b&\D 5`! 1JabI.\v\u J\l\C& s_ul_>scriptions to the new" Domlmon Loan througih any branch of The Bank 0 Nova Scotia. YOU to place your _ subscrlptlons Ato the new rI39Urj_'_l' FIRES WUSLI llll uuu-upueu. There will be no service in the Union, church here next Sunday. The Sunday School Rally has also ,been cancelled awing to the anniversary services at Midhurst. l uc oycuv Duuuuy vv_wu M155 twee UOHIIIS. `Nelson Chappel arrived home fron. the West last Friday. He has been engaged in Methodist Mission work for the Dust two years on the prairies. He occupied the Union pulpit on Sunday evening and gave an inspiring discourse, taking his text fron- Acts 9, and 6: Lord. what wilt thou have me to do?" He emphasized the duty of every believer to be `ready and willing to do the will of the Heavenly F a.ther,`as wu~ the`Apostle Paul.` Nelson left yesterday for Victoria College, Toronto. where he purposes studying for the ministry. His friends here wish him God-speed. 'l`-hm-A will Kn nn an:-dying; in Hun `IT-`Inn L7 I-llltl 0 Mrs. Doherty and Miss`McWilto`n of Bar- rie spent Sunday with Miss Rose Collins. swnlcnn (`J-manna] -nu-inn.-l I-nun- Cu... I-L.\ nu. nuu tune. 0. IV. uwuuru Ull ouuuuy. Mr. and Mrs. George Crawford motored to Coldwater on Sunday to visit the latter'e. brother ' I 11.. _,, I 11,, It I u u 1-: u at vv uuugu vwwcu l`UNll:|VC new 011 ouuuay. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dibben of Barrie were guests of Mr and Mrs. H. Pearson on` Sunday. ' ' ' Mun hnl-.m.4.. ....A M:....`u..ur:u,.`.. .: n..- us: Auucuc zuaw La wmuug Ill Duuu10.| Miss Ruth Gra'n't left yesterday to at-I tend Norma-l School at North Bay. V ', Miss Ferris of B'arrie was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Orchard on Sunday.` Mr and Mr: (`.nrn-an (`.2-an-Fun-I I'\\nCrn|-up` u; u vucu I Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and children of! Washago visited relatives here on Sunday. IMF. and J nlhhon A` nurrln AJx.cIl('WUUUu ' 'Mr. and Mrs._`Herb Mapes have rented the {arm belonging to Mrs. Jos. McMaster/of Utopia. - uu ulcuuo ucu: Luau Wt`Cl\. Mr. and Mrs. John Story` entertained a number of young people to a corn roast last Friday evening, A very enjoyable time was spent in games. etc.. after the com roast. I Septem-ber 25.-Miss Dorothy Fletcher of lToronto visited Mrs. J. w. Orchard during the past week. Miss Phoebe Maw is visiting in Buffalo. Mina pIIfH'(?.rdn: `AC6 unah.-ulnu on no . I5 Hmuug llullufb IIIUIIIIH. `Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jary and children of Toronto are the guests of Mr. and. Mr.s.l James Craig. I lI-I_.:II_ \Y:___., r n, MI 1 `v 1' n I IIGIIIUG \JI al v Melville ilixon of Buffalo, N.Y., called` on friends here last week. ` `II. ..._J u__ 1_1__, cu,,,-_ .,,.,,,.,- u umuua us .l.Ul'Ulll'U uuu numuIrun_ George Montelth, Sr.. of Weyburn, Sask.. is visiting Midhurst friends. .M.- mu! Mm r`I......I.... 1...... ..._.1 ..L:u_-_. II V cu uuulc. Mrs. Martha Wellhead (formerly Miss Brooks) and Miss Retta Brooks of Elyria, Ohio, and Mrs; Austin Bollock of Lorain, Ohio. spent a few `days with Midhursl friends and visited the former's old home. now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Boyce. M. mm! urn ... A r1......:.. .....1 u..- 1:- and Mrs. A. Garvin` and Mrs. F. J. Frankcom spent the weekend with friends in Toronto and Hamilton I".\......... ll..._1.-:LL 0.. _t T`l7_,,I_,,',. n 1 I __........... ..... I...-4.-V... .-a uuw vvvavvulvu Miss Elsie Carson of Barrie spent a week with Midhurst friends. 11.. \!Y n run -,,; ,l,!I1 , u u vnvu mnunnunev aucuub. I -Mrs. W. P. Gill and children, who have been visiting friends in Toronto, have ar- rived home. ' ll..- \l....;L_ IIY,lIl , I 11- 1 un- The `anniversary services will be held in the church on Sunday, September 30, at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Rev. G. H. Knighton of Dalston will preach. All are welcome. II!,_ '.`I,E, II, 9 Ti anuuc us umuug up Ivcv. A. IUIIIOUI S. Quite a number from here attended the hnniversary services in St. George's Church, Utopia, on Sunday, Sept. 16. . I`he anniversary of the Angus Union Church will be held on Sunday. September 30, at 11 a.n1. and.7 p.m. Rally at 2.30 pm. Mr. Ferris of Toronto is the minister `H [Mk I) ran AL. IVJIIICI B UVC1 IJUIIUII u Mr. and Mrs. W. W? Boyce and Mrs. A. Robins spent Sunday with friends at Gren- fel. ' ` '1-V, ._ a - -n I __..J.., .--_-.-._...v... ... -.u. you Jvn.yn F and "Mrs. Turner and daughter of Toronto spent the weekend with Midhuist friends. ~ - ll ..- 'l'\..__!.l V'l\_,,I,,, ,I' (`I4 I . II! ll Icnua. Mrs. David Taylor of Stroud was gr, W H. Mi1ler s over Sunday. Mr ant. Mr:- W I nnivnn nnal II... A I September 24.--Mr. and Mrs. James Mc~ Cvacken have returned home after spending a few days withrelatives in North Bay. IK__ __, I II__ 7, MINESING % MIDHURST VVlI ll. Auden uauac UUHIIPS. xn twoe dries. iunday man hall-ina his nwo Conn. .1116. II VI. QLRBUIIS. The Femdale Fur Farming Company put three pairs of extra fine foxes in their new 1`-anch last week. When J. W. Gossling. the manager of the Company. was asked where his ranch was located. his reply` was: W-here foxes prefer to live; that is. where `hey can hear :3 Collie dog bark and a most 91' crow." `W. J. Cr-awfrordrwras busy lling his silo on Tuesdiay. 18th inst. < Mr curl Iva inn `Inc... an... ..I,..Z4.:_.. ll- .1uu Luna. 1. rnccunuu. I Miss Vera Fleetham is vnsxtfmg ffiends m Burlington this week. 1M1-a W 11.7.... ,....J 11:..- m....1-- _: -n__ ul uumgc. L. Lee and D. '_Tuft were in Toronto last week on businass. Ill..- |l.._4.I- n-__,,I_,n ., I A I I) U1 (Ills DUI! DIHB VVCCI\- Mrs. W. McIvor and Miss Clarklof Tor- unto spent Sunday with the former s sister. Mrs. J. W. Gossling. rm... p.....,z.|. 1.`... w......:.... n- ........ .-. uu Luusuuy. LOU] Inst. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Page are visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. Fleetham. T II:.... `I... DI..LL_.__ :, _,:,,:.v.:,,, r- u Lilly. 4'` JULIUS EUH Miss MdMinn of om Station `called on friends here this week. f..L... D t..:..I. :_ I..:.l __,, ,,,z.L u vuuvasc tut ll IUW llyn I Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Banner and Mr. and Mns. Young and son of North Bay visited :he farmer's aunt. Mrs. Metcalf. last week on their way to Toronto and Montreal. On their return they expect to stay over anq Mr. Young, who is choir leader in the Presbyterian church in North Bay. will sing at the Methodist church on Sunday. ' Cnnvratnlntinna tn Row R mu-I M... M..- our nu: nwmuuusu uuurcn on ounaay. Congratulations to Rev. S. and Mrs. Mar- tin._ A young son. .Mina Mamm. -4` n... m...s:.... -..n-.I -_ September 25.--=Mr._ and Mrs. Hurlburt and family of Toronto are here at iheir cottage for a few days. _, Mr unr` pa Ian. D nnnnn ---J \I-- ~--` rvau Luuny uuuuuuyy. - Miss E. T. Bagshaw and Miss Davey of Westminster Military Hospital. London. vis- 'ited the farmer's father, Mr. Bagshaw, and Mrs. McMinn. T ' Corn cutting is the order of the day. It has been quite a surprise to see a par- rot in the orchards for the last couple of weeks. Between the parrot and squirrels they are destroying much of our fruit. \llI |/\I- Mr`. `and Mrs. Elmer Uncles and family .npent Sunday in Toronto.` { OII;tA u nluaknr oi-nnnloul I-Ln FL... Q..L....l -awpcuv oulluuyjll LOFOIIEO. i Quite a number attended the Oro School [Fair today (Monday); mac T Runaknuuy our! `[1,... T\......-. -1 uy ncv. Alex. mntoux OI Angus. The Stayner Branch of the Women s In- stitute visited Sunnidale Branch on Thurs- day, Sept. 20`. and gave the programme. A paper by Mrs. Swallow on -`'The Woman as a School Trustee, Do We Need Her?" brought home -the fact that we do need her for the moral uplift of our young people in the school. | vmuym, Uu ouuuuy, and-` of`? in charge. . I L... ......I n "lV..t g R. J. Mczltfe ha; nished loading thre ,cars of lumber. . I III... II... Il__1 ,n I - - -M - - bl Ul IUHIUCI`. Miss Mary MacLell'_and is visiting in Tor- onto. II... A ,I II I-11 vv . - - -- vvutvu wcu: wcu uwcnuc_u. I `Sunnidale` church has been redecorated and will be `opened on Sunday, Sept. 30. when anniversary services will be conducted by Rev. Alex. Rintoul of Angus. The Stavnar Rrnnnh nf. flwn Wnn.nn - 1.. Sept. 25.---The Church of the Good Shep- herd was very prettily decorated with flow- -ers and fruit for their Harvest Home ser-I vices on Sunday. Ven. Archdeacon Wvar-i ren of Toronto preached at; both services] which were well attended. I ~Q......1.J..I..` D_.._L__L-__:-,, I, 2 .....u m uuc uxuun cuuwu on ounaay. UcI..! I. a 11 am. and 7 p.m. The Rev. Mr. Gibson of Toronto will conduct the services. Special music by'the ch_oir. 39-40c uuuu \ ucycculuer O. The Edgar anniversary services will be: held in the Union church on Sunday. Oct. 7. 8. n_m, and 7 nvn Thu pan Mu I uc, cuun uauug u puree weexs nouaay. The regular monthly meeting of the W0- men's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Charles Hodges on Wednesday after- noon. September 3. . FINE ~pA"m_ n__`;__,___,_____ _______:__, ,,;n I I CKIVCIIICIIIH ` . Miss Helen Shanahan has returned to re- sume her work at the R.V. Hospital, Bar- rie, after having a three weeks` holiday. The rnomlar mnntlnlu nmminn no` 41... 117.. Icvv uayarux bulb WEEK I'(.`. Miss Robinson of Crown Hill was with her sister, Mrs. Hewitt, for a week recently. Mise Pnttprsnn Anon? 0 fan: Aotrvn I... IJGIIIU IKIDL W665. Deepest sympathy is extended Mrs. Beard- sall and family of Clowgs in their sad be- reavement. lit-.. L!'_l-_ DL_,,,I I cues, zuwu., uu Lucauay. I Ever-ybody's waiting for the fowl supper to be held on the Utopia Union Church grounds, Thursday, Octoberll. ' Mm Wu] Rn. Ac u .....:n.... :. ..:..:a:...._ euucn, xvua. llcwllb, 101' 8 WEEK TOCCDIVX) . I Mme E. Patterson spent a few days In- Ba me last week. I I` T\......_..L __._._,.,,4.l _, ' . I u no -a - ucu uuuluy Day. I MISS Llzzle Shanahan of Barrie spent a few dayseof this week here. .\/Hm D..k:........ .: n.......... uzn ...-., ..-uL I . Mrs. Livingstone is spending a few weeks in Orillia. -,Mrs. Earnhardt is visiting her daughter at Shanty Bay. ' ' I l.;'ll;A -6` D.......2.. ,_.._..L - mu unc \.I'JllUll wvuoc. : At a recently held public meeting the of- fer of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson was accepted by the villagersas fulfilling the wishes of thelate Col. W. E. O'Brien. ' By this gift the village of Shanty Bay secures the continued use of aefine bathing beach and also some adjoining land which can easily be transformed into a" beautiful park as it is _well wooded. ru-.uua mare lrul WEEK. John R. Leigh is laid up with a sore knee. CIIIIVCLI Clo This is o y one of the many benefactions tothe public at Shanty Bay that have come! from the`0'Brien estate. The founder of l the O'Brien estate. Col. E. G. O'Brien, pro- vided gifts as follows: church. and rectory grounds. Glebe lands as an endowment to the church. a large village green; he also reserved for the public use a certain amount of shoreline property. The late Col. W. E. AO7Brien gave a deed in trust to the public of the shore line beach and some adjoining park land. A readjustment of area whereby the public secure more bathing beach and somewhat less park ground was proposed by Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. the present owners] of the O'Brien estate. IL I I .. ._--__LI-. L_I_l ,,,,I I` .' -I 1- l - ouuuua. ' ' I Shanty Bay was well represented at thei [Om School Fair on Monday. James Hart is busy again `filling silos. i Rosey Point, Shanty Bay ' The misunderstanding regarding Rosey` `Point bathing beach. which at one time led | to some dissention, has all been cleared up, 1 and an amicable and satisfactory settlement-' arrived at. "I\LZ_ 2- -_.I_. -___ ,t `L, ,,,,,', I 9 Next Sunday being Rally Sunday at the` Methodist church, all--adults as well as children-are expected at church. _Sunday School as usual, followed by the Rally Ser- vice. The address is to be 'ven by A. G. Muir, Superintendent of Gut rie Sabbath. `School. V - _ } L\I_.,___AA_ I')___ ____ .-,,II W, , A I ASe_pt. 24.-`-4Miss Letltie Hm of Orilliag Hospital spent Sunday with her parents` here. ' I |:_ ,, J 11,, A`,|,,,, , I :- Mr. and Mrs. Adams and family spent over Sunday in Toronto.` . llclco ! `D.-.....l.~._~ D....|. :.............1.. .: v'r.......... 3-1 0-n1\O September 25.-Miss Marjorie Bymes of Barrie is visiting at Rev. A. Rintoul s. 0II;OA u nnvnlnnp Can. 1.....- ..L.L......!-.l AL- Vlll/Ills lv IJUIIICO I Mr. and Mrs. Taylor have completed their house and are returning to Toronto for the winter. - ' " .\7,_4 Q___J.__ L_!._,, "I,II,, 5,, I UVCI BJULIUUJ Ill LUIUHLU. Douglas Pugh, formerly of Toronto, is`! visiting at home. - II out` "It: Tnurlnr Ln!-A nnn-nu-Jntn.I A-L..Z..i THAWKESTONE 9R0 snmon CROWN HILL F ERNDALE SHANTY BAY _STAYNER THE BARRIE EXAMINER _-.... ........ uuwu auu pane WCouncil adjourned to meet at Phelpston at 10 a.m. [V (I hrvr l'r}lCLll. ouuuuy Wu-u mm. U. J. MIIIBT. Little Esther Jennett has recovered from her recent operation and was able to ac- company her mother home to Mount Clem- ens, Mich., on Tuesday. m\InruknHh`n `unite:-up `nun OLA `nu-cl 1-.n..\...n_I

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