Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1923, p. 8

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JAz , HI` lid I`>rjL1r1c .\ l1:1dn\\'.~ ctii :m.i zufhc at when _\" con/2511 !=;'fTRA (gr Th} H111! 1)!)-~.'\ L 66% TH( Buyeld Street HT ALEX. CLELAND I wish to thfiqk STRICTLY CASH "Buy Adfvertised Things. NEWS FROM NEIGHBHORING TOWNSHIPS QUTHRIE r thank my customers for past _patronage and ask for a cont-inuzmce in_ the future. ` GENERAL BLACKSMITI-kl Pleasure in the home is increas'ed wonder- fully by the prqsence of a. perfect piano, There is a charm about the - ';ul. mm mm. W. J. meld, Uraigvale. Mrs, Carley, Mrs. Hamid Jakes (formerly Miss Elaine Lennox) `and her children, Len- nox and Shirley, of` Mei-rickville, Lan-ark County`, who have been visiting Mrs. Jakes m uuuuuyulg In mronco anq rnckering. ` Miss Margaret Reid, Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reid, Craigvale. Mrs. CarIev_ Mna, Hm-am J31... I:...........1.. mun ocuuun, narrie, tor September. -Miss Agnes Marquis has been visiting friends in Collingwood and Charles Marquis is holidaying in Toronto and Pickering. Margaret Reid; 'l`m-m.+n :. ..:.:.:.... auuu wemny an-anger be to do and dare. To keep our minds uneullied. pure and free That truth and beauty May abide with us, . T . To be a friend and prove from day to day. Sincere "and kindest home, at work, at play. To follow ever upward Life's high quest, And find thou knowing God. our very best. Signed. Reta Beasley, Sec., Mae Emma, Pres. ' 7 _. _._-V_ w `sptenxber 10.--J: Hunter. Toronto, spent V the'week-end with his aunt, Mrs. Jessie Patterson. L u_. L, n I HIE l lL'ClllUIl [1. West and Elsio Alpin haw./e returned home after spending a fortnight at Toronto and Niagara Falls. , vuawlug lu JOTOIIIO. The friends of J. Patterson will be pleased to know he is able to [be around again after his accident. - . IX7....4 ......I I.1I_:, AI - us uzuuu vumeu at w. nursvs last week. Mr. and `Mrs. Eldon Wice and family visited Toronto Exhibition last week. Mrs. Hamilton Young is. visiting with her brother. J. Patterson. . Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wice and Miss Ver- ` ha Wice spent the week-end at Bracebridge. T. A. Reynolds. Harvard and Harry Kelsey and son, Parker, were among those` who took in Toronto Exhibition, last week. Mrs. `Geo. Alpin and daughter Addie are visiting in Toronto. 'l"1'n Titian;-L. Al` Y Dal-A-----~ "` ` uyvuu uuuuuy at nenry '1'nompson's, Eg- bert. ' ` ' Mrs. Isabel IO Im_ary of Toronto is spend ingher vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson. Mrs. Thos. Hurst and Mrs. Geo.AAdame of Barrie visited at W.` Hurst's last week. ' Mr. and `Mn, mldnn um... .....-I L-=I- ._..-..~. an - gavacuy B llv WUUIC W}. and M.-.`.. J. Reynolds, Mrs. .Robt Reynolds, Fred and Miss Alvin Reynolds [gpent Sunday at Henry Thompson's, Eg- ert. . V w-- v-- September -10.---Mrs. Goring and son and Mr. and Mrs. Aloock. Newmarket, agiem last, Sunday at Eldon Wice s. .. .-.....u my oauylvu Vv IUU Bu ans Mrs. Willianla, of Bracebridge, and Mrs. Rusk and Mrs. Spearn, of Allan- dale, visited at H. Kelsey's last week. M. .....a u..- o v n, -- - - FULL LINE or BRUNSWICK & McLAGAN ..,.... ,.... auu your uuenvea and has-ever been in evidence in connection with all ac- tivities here. We believe that from the training received each "girl is trying more fully to cherish health, seek truth. know God and serve others. From our ranks have risen nurses, school teachers, homemakers, Sunday School teachers and wozkersfand most of the girls now taking their Entrance enter high school making a recordiwhich is 8 credit to our copmniunity. We ask you to accept this gold piece, not for its value, fax services such as you have rendered can never be valued." As we go on through life . we ever hope to have this purpose:-~ To guard our health and keep our bodies fair. `That wemay stronger be to do and l((`.(`D our mlnrln Immulliml .. .... .._.| t--- oo PHONOGRAPHS EASY TERMS 11%` YOU WISH % s1jRouT VINE rm-.5 care (or a few days. ` Among those from the vieinity who at~ *.nded the Exhibition were (Erna Smith, Wm.'McMaster. Emmerson Hillock. George Squibb,FYkH ,Chas.'Pker 6 Mr. and M: mmwmn. at V 1;. and um. Albert mam amended on, uay wu-u xrn.-nus In nverett. Irene ~MdMaster has been under tlie doc~ t-on-.'s for few days. Alvin!-an `na\n -s f_.._4 AL- ' ' " ' Sept !O.--'Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson of Hockley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Rod. Gallagher spent Sun- day with friends in Fhverett. . T:-Ann .IlnI`lK.-.4..- I.-- L--_ -- 5 V vvnusl wlu pl`CC.. Mr. and Mrs. B. Dorsey, of Becton, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Reynolds of Thompson- ville. and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrison of Pajnswick were Sunday v sitors with Mr. and -Mrs. D. McWate1-s, of Holly. week wnth her_father._`ALeonard Bloxllam. ` . The anniversary services of the Holly Methodist Church will be held on Sunday. October 14. Rev. Manley Partridge of Cold- water will pr`each.. Mr afar` "me D 7`l------ -1' h` " w cut! ,Wlll preacn . The Sunday School will held 9. Rally ser- vice on Sunday. Sept. 30, at 3 `p.m.. at which Rev. H. E. Wellwoodof Barrie `will speak. _ . e Mrs. Roy "Ferguson and little son. of Barrie, were visiting for 9.. few days last. weeklwith her_father._ _Leonard Bloxham. Tho smni\~n'u-cm-u m.-u-:...... .: u.- n-IL uuw U15 uuurwa: Deer Mrs. Muir: It was `with 14 great deal of sorrow we learned that your- homeduties would this year take up your time so fully that you could no longer. act as leader of our C.G.I.T. Group. The eer- V viee you have rendered the `teen age girls of this -community during the four years of leadership will `ever be remembered. Your friendliness and good feeling have never ' failed in all your_ relationships with those 1 about you and your talented aid has-ever in evidenm in nmm....o:.... ...:4.L .1! -~ \luLVuL`Js Anniversary services will be held in Holly Methodist Church on Sunday,. Oct. 14, at 2.30 and 7 pm. Rev. M. Part-ridge of Cold? water will preach. "Nan Rmnluu Q..l......I ...:u |__'1_n _ ~n -- Iu-3 auuv, nus. Aurea uyer, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dyer and children and Mr. and Mrs. T. Wiley and children vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robinsoniof Stiroud, one day this week. . A luv-no an-L-.. ---- L~- AIlI'u V7. LI. Dflgley. Cecil.Thompson of Montreal, called his aunt,` Mrs. Alfred Dyer, recently. and Mrs. ArMnn- nu... .1 ..I.:u. _yvwu ma mater, Mrs. Arthur Uyer. Mr. and `Mrs. A. C. Harker and children of Painswick spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs; W. L. Srigley. C90" Thnmnunn AC` \l.\...L_'....I .,.IL I ucu uycr l'UCUllUy.` ` Miss Lizzie Gibson and Miss'vLott.-ie Dunn are visiting'with friends in Toronto. Bert` Robinson of Barrie spen-t Sunday with his'sister, Mrs. Arthur Dyer. and `Mm. A n. no.1"... ....A ..L:u--- uyuuu uuuuu_\( wun lV1I`S. U90. HPOWD. Mrs. Sam Brown of Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. Evans of Fort Erie called on Mrs. A1- fred Dyer recently.- Misa Li-1-yin (`til-`M... .....J u:_ "I vs avu. uu. vvuaun. nere. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and datight-e.r of Tor- , onto. Lot Webb and daughter of Craigvale spent Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Brown. ' MFR, QRYH RIVn1Iyn !\` "I"L.._-LA-A "- " mmicr. 1.1118. 1. UOPDCII-. The Presbyterian W.M.S. met in the church on Tuesday last to pack the Pres- byterian bale, which goes this year to; File Hill Indian School, Northe_rn. Alberta. rvucac uu nus EIIKQXI 8 p0SlUOD. Miss Eva Spring has been ill for several weeks. Her friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Mrs; Haasard, Windsor, has been with her sister. Mrs. T. Corbett. Tim D......I....4....:.... ur urn nun nun. rreu IVODOXTSOH. Delmore Adams has gone where he has taken a position. Mim Evxi Sm-inn `non km... :11 _presente.d -Mrs. A. G. Muir with a nu; um` vuuuuou at 110!` 1101118 11819. The C.G.I.T. group met at the home of Miss `Martha Bartholomew on Saturday, Sept. 8. After the usual programme. they gold piece, Florence Hastimzs mndimr Hun fnI_ puu, rupxur uouage. . _ G. E. Scudamore motored to_ his home in Hamilton for Labor Day. His mother re- turned with him and is spending the week with Mrs. Fred Robertson. I hnlmm... A.)......_ I.-- A - uuu, vuc guwl 0l'Ml'S. 1'.l8!'0l(l JBKES. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Quantz, Mrs. Max- well and Miss Jean spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Lott Webb at their cottage. ,Green Gables", Big Bay Point. Mr. and Mrs. Jeane Nichols and Master George, Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Maclntosh. of Chicago, Mrs. Scott and family of Allandale and Miss Ella Robertson of Barrie spent thel week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Matt Robert- sox(1~, Poplar Cottage. _ E gnIId'H'Y\!\Pn mno.......a 4- L:- L`__,, - nu uay D1115 WCCK. A. large number from. here` LNTF`. ' mother, Mrs. D. W. Lennox, Barrie, and; friends in this "vicinity, have returned to Merrickville. Ill..- I'.`....._L!, `rs I A - - -- AIIUKI IVE VII 3 u M188 Frankie Robertson is in Men ville, the guast of'Mrs. Harold Jakes. MI`. R11!` MFR Ffonlr (`non-6- `I--V ` I-3-ETHESDX HOLLY * wt vusmug In `mromo. Laura Lyall commenced her duties in the General Hospital. Toronto, after spend- ing her vacation at her home here. no-Ann rant .4. LL- L-..., I These `models are direct from T oronto.;Exhibition, two ;of. which were the choice of and sold to Mr. W. Sarjeant `of Barrie and Mr. Frank Hughes of Churchill. ' TWO BK} SNAPS IN SLIGHTLY-USED PIANOS attended the E to Toronto Merrick- .l 1.1.... -m.`u me case w.-thou: co=?s. I [ 'I'}~e offence was alleged-to have been com- ` _ mitted on Tuesday. September 4.,but its was shown that the two borsrs [had run, away and that Alexander had done his bmt I to recapture them. In the process the} equinesjhad run .across the lawn of a lady: who resides next door and had cut it up to a considerable extent. Alexander aware` that he was taking the horses to give them a drink when they were frightened by a truck in his lane and ran away. They had worn halters. He was defended by Donald .1305. ' HORSES AT L;|lGE: OWNER SAID = THEY RAN AWAY, S0 ESCAPED FINE Morris Alexander, Bra St.. appeared in Police Court. Monday moru7ng to an! nver a charge of allowing his ho:'se=. to run at large. It. was laid by Chief of Police} Case under a town by-L-`aw. Magietratef Jeffs said it was perfectly clear that the de- , _fendant had tried to capture the animalg, `rind d'smis+ed"the without owls. ` 0ffPm~n mac ..n......,: 4. L---- L ,-__.___ -29` l The Dalston anniversary services will he held in the Union Church on 16. at 11 11.111. and 7 p.m. preacher for the occasion net of -Minesing. An` invitation is extended to all the friends in Barrie and district who have been associated with the church to be present at these services. There will be ap- propriate music by the choir. The annual thank offering will be taken at the services and a liberal response is solicited. VVilliam E. Lile with his son and daugh- ter. of Flint, Mich., and Mrs. E. Lile and her son. George. and daughter . May and Eve, of Toronto; naid a visit to W. N. Ne-;e s. "Sunnv Rlthnn Pa.-. n..'I.-4-A The special Sunday. Sept. J. T. Fort- 1 m`OnE0_'. _r>a'd \'i:ri` e s, Sunny Slope Farm, , , ___... `IL .wu..u5, uuuulllg taper and Tar Paper which we are going to clear at cost prices. _, .__. -... Friends and neighbors gathered at the. _ _ home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wingrove on . The supply ls limited and will no_t last long. Wednesday evening. `Sept. 0, to present : Mrs. Jay Patterson, formerly Miss Irene G. I 0 V McKinnon. niece of Mrs. Wing:-oven. with :33 miscellaneous shower. A very pleasant our Specla] Shoe sale has beensuch a Suc` ; evenjng`-\~;as spent with gannesgmd i_n socialj cess that we have decided to continue it for- comersatlon. Two young friends of E I B h 'the bride, Misses Verna Stone and Olive.` a W 1el0ngT- - 11)! ere and S3.VC m0l1Cy. Wallwin. presented the basket c0ntai1)ingiv the gifts. Mr. Patterson made a suitable ` reply. thanking the people on behalf of his! wife and himself. "after which lunch was served by the ladies. . The evening was ; 000000000000 brought to a close by wishing the young` couple a prosperous and happy wedded life. ' ii _ ' ' They will reside at 277 Wolverly Blvd.. er 3 03 o l . DALSTON l I Dalston . ` _ ' ` V [net the friend: in Run-in um: .I:...;:..; ...L.. September `1l.-4Mrs. Alex. Mcuaig and children have returned to Barrie` after vis- iting with relatives here. . ` Geo. Basse spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. At- kins and daughter, Verna, of Ravenna, went the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. -R. Hall. .II_. II II n uuu\ a 1` LIILS. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beardsall are visiting 3 in Walkerville at the home of the former`: `I aist-er, Mrs. S. Gardiner. M-rs. Wm. Jamiegoxi of Guelph is the guest of Miss N. Thompson this week. Rgv W Mllufurtl At` DE....L_|:1-t, rn un-uua urn: HIS! WEEK. ' Miss Edith Currie has returned from; London. I uuulsc. , The recent rains have greatly improved the condicion of the root crop. The threshing machine is operating in the vicinity this week. John Bertram has a new Ford car. Mrs. Wm. Bligh is visiting friends in Burk's Falls. ll- ,_ ., J II uw -- u. avuaa u. mompson tms week. 1 Rev. W. Mustard of Birchcliffe. Toronto. who is holidaying in Muskoka, called on 3 friends here last week. ` In 1.21:. n..-_:- L A - ` au uuu VJKUVC 011 l.U8SO8y. Wesley Hmdle is under the doctor s care, .the result of an accident, he being pitched off a stone-boat when the horses he was driving ran away. Lnrnnn Dania.-... 3.. ..A:..._ ;- 1-1:: n 1 vjtyvjuuu _ I `Sepi; _ l0.--No. 15 school opened on `Sept. 4 with Miss Walker of Orilliao in lcharge. ` rm... ....-..... _..:_-. L u: I v lug run away. Lorene Davidson is going to High School in Aurora. 1 1 funeral of the late Mrs. `Wilfred Thompson` at Elm Grove on` Tuesday. WPSIFV Hindi. Ce nu-uh... cl... .-L...L-- - - - SIXTH LINE. VESPRA _:LowI:s llvlv Mrs. Hy. McCuaig has returned home af-| oer visiting in Toronto. _ [ [Ann-n I unll ..........-..-_J L. ` -' I. ll} Dalston. We carry and install ' MARCONI AND WESTING- HOUSE SETS A Results guaranteed THURSDAY, szprzmnian 13, 1923 ciiicuu nus wz THE C} `-`ENEMIE With T114 You've nev novelty, mi and childrc the battle : 4 ,..w.-...r.u mm. :1. u. Muir With gold Hastings reading the fol- lowing address: noun `ll... Il..K-- `A A- - "'

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