E C0. mited FLANNELETTE IBLANKETS ESPECIAL INTEREST T0 MEN AND BOYS E W00! UN'2!3RW!'3AR VISIT BARRIE'S BIG FAIR SWEATER COATS BOYS KNICKF-Rs WU LC llUVVl.ll8 an "$3.95 and $5. %5FR%F SUITS. `ma stuuuz axmmn MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY OF NEXT WEEK -__ __-- _-__, 7 -- ___ __ _ The Missionary objectives for the two d15- tricts were given by Rev. A. P. Brace for Collingwood and Rev. E. E. Pugslev for Barrie. ' -`-rnL, 1___,:__ v_-____ u7__1QH _____ -1_1-_ Dulifl. . The Junior League Work was ably given by Rev. A. P. Brace. `If, `Y, , L, f\_I!,,f,_;, `I'.V,I,,,_Lf-__ . 5 "- J ""` `- - `-""' -'NIissYeoma-n 3: time Religious Education.- al Council of Canada, Toronto, Girls Work Specialist, gave a most interesting talk on The Teen-Age Girl's Problem. This ad- dress was concluded at_the afternoon session. < The Nominating Committee for Barrie District met in the afternoon and the elec- tion of officers for the District resulted as follows :- Hon.-Pres., Rev. J ..R. Patterson, Orillia; Pres., Rev. E. E.` Pugsley, Elm- vale; '1st Vice-Pres, Miss I. Brown, Orillia; 2nd Vice-Pre.s., Miss Duffett, Midland; 3rd Vice-Pre.s., Dr. H. Hunter, Orillia; 4th Vice-Pres., Rev. S. M. Beach, Barrie; 5th Vice-Pres., E. R. Thurlow, Midland; '6th Vice-lPres., Miss E. Foster, Elmvaio; Sec., E. G. Miller, Elmvsle; T1'eas., H. Arm- strong. Barrie. Ex-Officers:-Sec. R.E., Rev. E. T. Douglas, Barrie; Sec. S.E., Rev. M. Partridge, Coldwater; Past Pres., F. T. Grafton. ] AL AL- -1--- -2 LL- ..-__2 A _ _ _ . . ...L.._ ..l 1' a L - \Xll|IUI.| At the clos of the session a_ number of delegates enjoyed a trip up the river in a launch. ` o-;_.__1___ .... _:____ ___.._ I._-_...-_9.. _:..L4. Saturday evening was laymen ~s night and the following gave short addresses: (A. E. Culham, Stayner, on Spiritual Forces in| Y.P. Work"; E. G. Miller, Elmvale, on Christian Fellowship"; Miss Yeoman, Tor-l ll IEUIICLI . ` onto, on The Christian Adventure" and` l W. B. Cowgn, Toronto, on Vision, Vim and Victory. Ah}-uxnn-L 6|-nu Invnnfllnu sung nu-u rune:-vInn_l nuu vnuvuly. V Although the weather `was very disagree- Vable on Sunday a large number attended the lCommunion service which was conducted 'by Rev. Jae. Buchanan. The following men ' assisted in the dispensing of the Lord's Sup- per: Mes.~'rs._ Dcvitt, Cowan, Culhamo and Grafton. About 100 people partook of the Sacrament. This was the first time it had been administered in the Community Church. F. '1`. Grafton delivered an ad-` dress, taking for his text Is thine heart right? (II Kings, 10: 15). .1 I ' ,E.,' "$-"' "- -_"'5'7 " ' " At the final session on Sunday afternoon an inspirational address was given by Rev. A. P. Brace at the close of which a large number acknowledged their willingness to be leaders and workers in their own com- munities. 1-.u_L4 -__I_-_4____ t__ 12:- -_._-.:-- A....L:::-;! HIUIHHHS. . Eight volunteers for life service testified as to how they came to offer their lives to God s cause. Before the. meeting closed others surrendered their lives to God s cause. vvuv.-a us--.v_-v.v.y\. --...- ...v., .v ..-_- _....._- The meetings throughout the convention were wonderfully helped by the presence of Mr. Lindsay of Toronto, who led the sing- ing and also rendered several solos: ` rm, ,n,,,. ___-____--.I;4!-__ ..--.. _-.._'5__-.I v' dz) - ulna uuu Ion:-r\a avnauavrnvng -av.--`-- ...v.~v- Excellent accommodation was rendered all the delegates _and visitors by the people at Wasaga Beach. ` -New attraction, new midw$y, big live stock exhibits--Barrie s Big Fair. 36c I` III. uvv Read The Examiner and get all the local and district news. $2.90 a year and worth more. _~` DEVLIN'S Black Canton Crepe, 36 inches wide, splen- did quality. Exhibition Price, yd. $2.98 Alltyme Crepe, yard wide, `colors grey, black, navy, 'ben'y, almond and fallow. Exhibition Special, yard . . . . .. $2.95 Fancy Crepes for trimmings, blouses, etc., sand, grey, navy and king s blue with pretty combination colorings, 36 inches, _wide. Yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32.00 Duchesse Satin, black only, full yard wide, in a splendid dress weight. -Extra`spec- ial value, per yard . . . . . . . . . . .. $2.00 Fancy Plaid Silks, yard wide, especially ....\...I 1.`.-... ..`l.:..L.. .......'..I.... .... ,. (-9 PM: -..I Ladies Fine Silk and Wool I-`lose, ribbed, heather mixtures, hemmed tops, very moderately priced at, pair . . . . . $1.25 Cashmere Clox Hose--Fine Black Cash- mere Hose with white clox, pure all wool, Penman s make, per pair .. $1.25 Chnmoisette Gloves, fresh, new stock, col- ors black, white, beaver, grey and brown, two dome fasteners, per pair .. 85 Clox Hose--Fine Art Silk Clox Hose, with hemmed tops, colors black, brown and pongee. Exhibition Special, pair 89c Silk Hoae--Pure Thread Silk Hose, colors black, white, brown and beige. A big Exhibition Special, pair `. .. . . . . . .. 98 Cashmere Hose--Women's Fine Black Cashmere Hose, Penman s make, sizes 8% to 10, exceptional value, pair 75c French Chamoisette Gloves, imported by ourselves direct from France", colors mode and grey with fancy diamond cuff, very popular for fall and winter wear. Dar nnav Q1 :4` ' 1755a}$?";ki}?}eir'{; 5o E3".7zEli'. . Exhibition. Special, per yard . . . . $1.00 GLOVES AND Hosualiv a year and worth miez day. xnother, Mm. Boake. _ Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scythea motored to Toronto one day last week. (`up r\4\r\II`nI- am-nanmnn, MCOIIIV. Mrs. R. J. D. Simpson is {Visiting her` coma EVERYBODY AND SING QUEEN S PARK MONDAY, SEPT. 17 K1WAN15 SING-SONG POWELL&CO. We have just placed in stock the most complete line of Coats evgr shown in Barrie. It will give us great pleasure to display to you our goods. ` COATS 1 COATS 1 COATS! VVCGLQ $1.50 Jumper Flannel, full 54 incheswide, made from ne pure wool yarns in a. nice range of colors including navy and sand. Special value, per yard . . . . . . $1.95 Plaid Dreu Goods, just the thing for school > dresses, red,-brown, green and blue col- orings, worth 50c. Special, per yd. 29c Corded Velvets, 27 inches wide, colors green, grey and rose, worth $1.25. Ex- hibition Special, per yard ., . . . . .. 69 Heavy Coatings, plaids and checks, 54 in. wide, suitable for children or grown-ups, worth $2.50 yd. Exhibition Special $1.50 A Clearance Lot of Dress Goods, regular values up to "$1.00, colors brown, grey, blue and black. Your choice, yard 50c Bath Towels--Colored Stripe Bath Towels, size 17x3 inches, fringed or hemmed ends. Exhibition Special, each . . 25c Roller Towelling, all pure linen, 16 inches wide, white with red or blue border. - Exhibition Special, yard . . . . . . . . 20 Flannelette-Stripe Flannelette, 35 inches wide, lightand dark colors, splendid weight. Special value, yard . . . . 30 Table Linen, all pure linen unbleached . damask, 60 inches wide, leaf pattern, regular $1.75. Exhibition Special $1.48 Shirtings--'HeaVy Weight Shirtings, about 34 inches wide, grey and brown color- ings, stripe patterns. Exhibition Spec- ial, per yard . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . 25c White Cotton-Snow White Bleached Cot- ton, 35 inches wide, ne even weave. Exhibition Special, per_yard . . . . . . 19c Red Fla'nnel--Heavy Union Red Flannel, 27 inches wide, regular 40c. Exhibition Special, per yard . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . 29c muasoav. szrrzunan 13.1923 No CHARGE AT 8 P.M. TDRESS GOODS STAPLES MEN S AND BOYS FURNISHINGS AND CLOTHING Page _FivI Toronto any last weer. Our popular garageman. Arth_u_r McQuay, has installed a new gas tank. uz..- \Y:..l..o In... .-.6` Pnnatsmn in vinitimr Miss Violet King of Penetang is visiting her cousin, Miss Irene Barlow. n- .....i M: W Rnumt nf Sudhurv are: {H18 IKIIIICQ 3 HEW gnu Inna. ` i wearing in J. W. Lnumpouu 5. ~ Mrs. W. Grose is temporarily supplying as organist in the Methodist church. _ Mrs. Barclayvand daughters of Strbudz called on Mrs. Brown on Sunday. Mrs. J. T. Corbett and son, Elwood, are visiting Thos. Corbett of Stroud. 11: Mom! Nivnn nnnnf Fridav nvninnz in mung 11105. \'JUI'|Jl.4b un wu'u,uu. ' . z A Miss Mabel Nxxon spe_nt F rxday exvetpng In !'ook1-xtown with her f_nend, Mrs. W) Ay- erst. V .lI1,... \I`..I-`Al "Ann" R on v-atuurrinr` `snvna Del 000811), MISS Irene Dunuw. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. Rowat of Sudbury are-; visiting at J. W_. Thompsogfs. I um w mm-. m t,enmorar1lv sunnlymz am (`TEL . `Miss Mabel Herell has returned home after holidaying in New Lowell and Mid- )and.- - - ' \I_.. I`ll.......... VIIILIU unn `nub knurn 1-nhn'In_i Mgr. IAIIO. Mrs. Warner md.son Jack have retuI`n- ed to London after visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. McKenzie. ' - - 11.. __.n .u_,. `Ir... n7:I...... ....A .l......`l..4... N175. l`JpTUUlUn Mr. Crossley and `Mr. Stewart -have `fe- Trurned home after spending a week in Tor- nnto and Malton. u.:,....... Al..... .....I A.....:.. Dan..- km... .... TTIUHUH HI LUTUIIMJ. Torrance Hunter, who has been driving` Vne "Hurry-up Bus" to and from Newmark- 2 reports business brisk; ' ' Mrs. John Hicks and her daughter, Mrs. Bntsford. of Toronto, were renewing old ,3Cqllilil'|i8I\G(`. in this viliageron Monday. ` finnururuniutinne tn -nnivvunra Ariana: urhn `\. NICBCIIZIU. ` ' - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson and daughter` have returned to Parry Sound after visiting` Mrs. Sproule. ` I Mr (`.1-nsmlnv and `Mr Qfnwnrt -hnvn `ML? 3") HHU UIHILUII. -- Misscxs Alma and Annie Patton have re- mrned home after spending some days with] friends in `Toronto. r'lV-.._-...... !!....L.... ...L.. L... 1.-.... .-l..ln....a .3C({lIUJ||L{II|L'Il' Ill llll VIIIHEU Ull $VLUlIl|a u ' Congratulations to Delmore Adams who. naassetl his matriculation and has accepted,` 7.`) position with Moore's Drug C0,, Toron_to. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. King and Mr. andl Mr`.-;. Oliver King and families of Penetangl mid a visit recently to Mr. and Mrs, T. Bzrrlmv. . A . 111-: .... .-- l,. ...... ..:u....... u- A....... ...L..| gl'l'4`| l'll4`l VVl'?|'\ l`U JUIIEC lllllfn ` The Town Line Church anniversary ser-lv wees will- be conducted on the 23rd, inst.,i ')y Rev. S. W. Dyde. D.D.. LL.D.,'prin-i cipul 9f Queen's Theological College, King- 3t0 ~' A .._--:_.. .-_..-.:.._ _: .L- t...::....` `A:.I` :..l YJZIIIIPVV. I Welcome" to our village Mr. Agar, who *1 :u_ puirchasetl the harness business; also Mr. Mair and family. who have moved into Mrs.E Rnssitefs house`. , r.-_...1 Iu:...... |..:L .... "l`........l.... ..:...1..4 4'....l I"UH'"l.CI` 5 llllUDU- _ Fred Nixon left -on Tuesday night -for! .\'orthern Ontario where he is to judge poul-E `.'X`_V at Fall fairs. Harcourt Blackstock also? 1 grucv. this week to judge horses. * Tho "`nu:n lino l`.iun-nh nnnivnrunrv mu-.i .'5lUl| ~ 1, A special meeting of the Ladies` Aid is[ called for Friday evening. Sept. 14, at 81 [clock in the basement of the Methodist shurch. Very important business will. be, wrought up` and a full` attendance _is re- 9 ,1 quested. ' . 1 Mr unrl Mm Y R ,Ynm'|na`nn and 1"... I $5.50 $6.75 $6.75 $6.25 13.50 mps ) ,` 75c 'lll7_V GIL VJBHHIE llll`l|\lBv liighert anniversary services will be held . next Sunday, Rev. Mr. Hone of Bond Head wing the preacher. Service and Suudav .-ichool as usual m the Methodist church at Thornton on Sunday morning. but the even- mg service will be withdrawn." (`nnrnvuI*nluHnn|: On tho l'\n1n: nnnn flxnlv `.{LI|VLCll c Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jamisi`on andibapt ' and Mrs. Lawrence, accompanied by J A Lennox. left on Saturday for a motor trip :0 Youngstown in the Niagara district where vhoy are visiting friends. `-I`nl\n!I" nun-nivnnanru nnvlrinnc uii" kn `(chi `Hg HUKVIUI7 W1 LIB WlllI\lI'WlIu Yongratulationa to the boys upon their ~ucce4% at the judging contest at the Exhi- ntion. Elwood Bone and Hubert McKen zio gained second and tenth places 'respect- wely in the cattle judging, and Neville Jam- -mnn twelfth in poultry judging. _ Mu Dnxunu uni` k:u n:nfnII Mug "nAn:nn f"UU L\'v l'll`.ll Ill |lUllll-l_V Jllllslllsn _ Mr. Power and his sister. Mrs. I-Iodgina, went to Stouffville last wek to be with Mr; and Mrs. J. R. Hodgins' children while whey are on a visit. to the -coast. Their friends hope Mr. Power and Mrs. Hodgins will both return much improved in health. Mnnk manna} :u nvnrnuant` of ikn nnnfnvu- Wlll UULII KUI-Hill IIILIULI IIIHIIUVIJIL Ill llcallrlle Much regret is expressed at the contem-. _,`leted departure of Mrs. James Boake from this village. where she has lived so long, and is so highly respected. She and her iaughter, Miss Tillie, have taken an apart- ment at 80 Jackman _Ave., Toronto. for the winter. It is near the home of Mrs. (Rev. Dr.) Simpson. 'I`}\n`Vnuunn Pannier`: nirnln I-unrl a unru An. LIT.) UIIHPGUII 'I`he`Young People's Circle had a very en- goyuble re-opening meeting on Monday night. Piano and vocal solos were given by Misses Clarice McKenzie and_Maymie Hen- ':-y. The Circle has decided to take up the Chautauqua Home Reading Course. Games and lunch followed. It has been decided -.hat- the Circle meeton Monday night in `future. ' ' fl'\L- ,.___.I-__ __._._LLl-. __-_1..!__ -1 LL- `I7- DCPL. `U. at UUU IIUIIIC Ul `Jill. V_V p I : lll\llll}l' son. A paper on Storing and Serving Winter Vegetables" will be given by Mrs. W. H. Adams; also one on Bulbs and mEIJl:'regular monthfy meeting of the Wo-N men's Institute will be held on Thursday, Sept. 20. at the home of Mrs`. W. J. Thomp- ann A nnnnlv nn gin:-`nu and Qnrvinn """l'l`ll.LV LIIIVU [SL111 .IJlU\J\I~lVlSlI$V\.l"' Very reasonable prices. `Work guaranteed. Also selling paints and -wa1lpaper.'Gut prices. FRASER, Belle Ewart, Ont. Phone I-4 BELLE EWART WALLPAPER G PAINT --PAINTING AND DECORATING- v.._. _.-_-_..u- __.-.. .n1-..I. ......-...a..A , 13, 1923 Emu Council met in Thornoon `on Tues- DOMlNl0N sromas. Limited CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS Seeclless Raiins 15-_oz. 16 Seedless . 11-oi. 12`/2c Seedless Raising, bulk, 16 RAISIN WEEK Eagle Salmon . . `A : _l 3c Cloirer Leaf `Salmon 22 Sunower Salmon ". llc Cocoa ..... .. 2 15.. 25c Fresh Sodas`. . . 15 15c DOMINION s'rom-:s[ com FLAKI-:As . . . . . . 25 ? nnnlzhdnn _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0, THORNTON THIS IS 1013 Thomamattlenspent Sunday with ftiends` in Stelburne. ` ~ Jack Wilson spent the week-end with friends in Toronto. ' T . 1'\_lL..... Il_I._.. ........A. AL. .......I. ..-..l _.36L` `ITIUIILB III lUI'Ul|MJv ' `Dalton -Meher spent the weekend ` friends` in Toronto. - . MMimndA;:`demoGx;oofMO_rillia is visiting ` r. 3 rs. . on-. } Elwood Spindloe spent` Saturday last ` iiriends in Niagara Falls, N.Y. 11 (`Allan n`|:|-uuarl fnvn F`f\(IA A` W 'Il [CllUB Ill LVIUSUKH FHIIB, LV.l o -, H. Cause shipped two carloads of {bushels of alsike last Thursday. : IT Eli!` Ila V ingot-fu vnnfnv-All in ]U|l|II7B Ul IIIBIAU IUBII Luuzuuny. ' 1 M1 . and Mrs. V. Beatty motored to To:'-? `onto Exhibition on Wednesday last. ; Mrs. Wes. McNaught and family are via- ` iting in town with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jebb.; Leeson McGowan of Toronto is visiting` 'this week with his sister, Mrs. Ed: Arnold. i in; `(in Mama at Inn`II\nII :3 I/IIIB WCCR WILII GIBDCI , NIKE. I'll. fI'I'lIUI|-In Miss Ida McKee of Lockport is keeping house for her brother-in-law. Alfred Cole-V 1"-"Xf$'i Cous_e Bf the General Electric! 'works,Schenectady, ~N.Y., is home on a}; `short visit. ' = ' n___ 2_ n__I _____ __ -__' n_'-__I___. 5__; I Minnievfludson `has rturned home after spemfmg her vacation with friends in i.Toronto. - x AI.._'__ l'1-.-__- `:1 LL- l'1______I 1".\l--;_.- ' lw-I}}3`cL:rx:.milr'1 Cookatownfon Sunday, 5opt `9, 1923,10 Mr. and Mrs. David 8. Mc- Fadden", a son. . ` 11.. ....A `ll... Dnlno` Q-..u.4L and 1...... :1.` human, a. nun. Mr. and `Mrs. Roht.` ;Sneath and sons, `Robt. and Will..of_ Toron'to,.spent Sunday gwith Mr; and Mrs. V. Beatty; ' v nun: Cu-Av km nrbnnlhu-I lktr unnhyni-_I IVVII/ll ll. llllll I-Vll. V. IJU|Il.V- Many from here attended the" annivers- Vlary services of ,the' Methodist church- in iNewton Robinsdh on*Sunday last. 3 ' `Mn uni` Mr: W I1:-nIun'n`N;onnrn Faun hes- ]$VCWlUIl l.\U|JlI.I_U_ll UII ouuuuy Ullu ' `Mr. and Mrs. F.. Brown "of Niagara Falls.` N.Y.. and Mr. and Mrs; J. 1!. Mitchell of .Alliston visited with Mr. and Mrs. C0use last week ! u__ rI~._..__ ~__'__|*.I_.._`I..-_ -2 13--.--- I - uouse nasr WEEK . 5 Mrs. Tutor "ahd'daughter of Portage La Prairie are spgnding a m"onth s`holidays with ` ;he'r hrot-her-in-law. Fred Tutor`, before sail- ` ing for a `visit to England. I Mr am-l Mru P T. Ry-imic and Ilnuahrfnr ' Ills III!` E `VUSH. I.-U P11155111]!!- ! Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Briggs and daughter [Wilma left on Monday for a motor gip to Bandon. Oregon, where they will remain for Vthewinter. the latter being theoldest daughter of. F. W. Clarkson. ` ' I ifflowering Plants" by Mrs. J. A. Lennox. ; Roll call to beanswered `by as recipe for lsalad. A good attendance is requested. 3 ~ The funeral of the late Mrs.- Wilfred `Thompson was held from the residence of `the family at-Egbert on Tuesday afternoon. llt is only a few `months since she came here ias a bride. A week ago she was attacked {by pleurisy, which was followed by pneu- emonia and the end came on Sunday morn- iing. Her mother. Mrs.'Wilson, of Mark- Idale, together with a trained nurse did all- lthat was possible under medical supervision [but it seemed from the first that the case ,was hopeless. The funeral was attended by Alla great number of friends and relatives. A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Webster. Thorn- ton. on Thursday. August 30. when the choir of .St. Jude_ s Anglican Church met together to spend an evening with their organist, Miss Doris Webster.- who is leav- ing shortlygto attend Normal School at North Bay. The evening was spent in games and music, after which Rev. T. J. Dew called those assembled to order, while` Mrs. Harry Lynn read the following ad-* members of the choir of St. Jude s Church, Thornton, very deeply regret that the ties that have bound us together for a number of years are now about to be severed. at least for a time, but we have the great sat- isfaction that you are going away to fit yourself for your life's work. For a con- siderable time Thornton Anglican Church . has had the advantage of your services as 3 organist. The importance of well sustained , , service of praise as a part of jubilee wor- ` , ship is recognized by all, itrenders the , worship brighter and more helpful. because sacred song has a message and an influence dress. I To. Miss Doris Webster . I Respected and Dear Friend: We. the distinctively its own. In the maintenance . of our service of praise you have had a . large` share. You have placed your talents r at the service of the congregation and giv- en of your time freely. We are well aware of the feebleness of words to express our senseof gratitude. the'refore'we would ask your `acceptance of this combined Prayer- and Hymn Book as a slight token of our` deep regard for you and we hope that dur-l , ing your studies this small gift may often` bring back to you many happy memories of the times` we have spent together. We wish you God-speed and pray that His rich- est blessings may rest upon you in all your undertakings. Signed on behalf of the choir. Mabel L. Nixon, Ella M. Lynn, Nev- ille Jamieson, `Maurice Martin. . II... 1.1.... Yuan nmrl Hun orh-in-am: `an me aamxeson, MBUTICB xuuruu. Mrs. Harry Lynn read the address `an Miss Mabel Nixon made the presentation. A dainty lunch was served after which all joined in singing Auld Lang Sync and` the rector pronounced -the Benediction. Seded Raising, 15-oz. 16` Seeed Raisins, blk, .l5c Vale'ncia Raisins . ; 17 Shirris Mu'm de, `4 s 67 Magic Bkg. Powder I5 34 MR'ichmello Tea . . . 15 75c_ Select Coge 15 55c Chipso, hre pad-:age,'25c Prewtation to Miss D. Webster A313 with ? with ; with E Bofn, on Saturday. Sept. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Barnes, a son. Born. (in Friday, Sept. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Graham. 9. daughter. ' _ Miss I; Coburn of Massey is visiting her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Corcoran. IE. .......I ll-.. "4-\`\d\ 3.4` Tnunnn nu-n vlsn-mg at A. u. Dcuuwuu :9. -Mrs. Geo. Higgins of Severn Bridge is visiting with Mrs. Usher`, Sr- `LT oaumll nf Qianl-tln ITS A nnnnf the VIBIHHS WHO lV.ll'S. _UllCl', Df.. H. Caswell of Seattle. U.S.A._. spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. S. E. Camp- bell.. T - u. ....x u_. n_-..n. \r......:'..1.u.. ..c 1um,...` sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Uorcoran. - -Mr. and Mrs. Hahn of Toronto are- visiting at A. G. Beardsall's. NI`.-g (inn `I-ooring nf Rmvnrn Rridae iA DH.- . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vansickle of Milton _are visiting with the former's mother, Mrs. `M. Vansickle. 11.. __.I II... D f1,.......-l..... -6 {`|.umln-ul i M. V EIIBICKIB. Mr. and Mrs. P. Grayden of Cleveland, nOhio, and Mr and -Mrs. Geo. Ling of Tor- !onto are visiting at Mrs. Sarah Beardsa=ll e. A... Mann. urns: nuulo in rnnnrtina Hm 11- OHIO HIE vusluug ill: LVIIB. Duluu ucnxuunnn a. . An error was made in reporting the a- mount of insurance carried by Geo. L. Usher on his cottage that was burned at Wasaga Beach. The total amount of in- isurance was $1150.00. Jugh Asets Voting" People : League Convention The joint Young People`s League` conven- tion of the Barrie and Collingwood Districts held _a_t Wasaga Beach on September 7, 8 and 9 drew a fair representation from the various societies and proved very, helpful and inspiring to those present. Although the weather was, unfavorable the sessions throughout were well attended and keen interest shown. f\...2..... L- LL- Int- nnnn:uo-\` A` blue Anlno-nfna UIEBYBSD SIIOWII. Owing to the late arrival of the delegates on Friday the addresses billed for the mom- ing sesion were held over until the after- noon. ` . D-.. E II Dnnnk AC nnnn:n nnnrlnnfnll noon. Rev. S. M. Beach of Barrie conductedl thedevotional exercises for the after:-con". `session. Friday, followed by the keynote ad-' dress by Rev. E. E. Pugsley of Elmvale. DA Inn nnnhnnun nf Wannan Ranch areas by _rwv. :3. 1:4. rugauey 01 lmunvmc. Rev. Jas. Buchanan, of Wasaga Beach, who helped greatly in the e arrangements for the church and delegates, gave the ad- dress of welcome. In a few_well chosen words the delegates were welcomed to Wa- saga Beach to this, the first convention of its kind ever held there. In the absence of Rev. J. R. Patterson of Orillia, Rev. H. E. Wellwood of Bargie responded. A. E. Cul- ham, president` of Collingwood District Young People's Leagues, gave a short ad- Anna: (@5- Officers of the Barrie District executive who were presentgave the report. of the work of- their departments.` Dan" (V. W Vnnnnu nf ('.n":n1nynn(` DIV!`-|_| WDIK 01' men" (lUplII"l;lllUlll.' Rev." C. E. Kenney of Collingwood gave an excellent address on The Constitution and Purpose of the Young People s; League," explaining in detail the changes made in the constitution by the General Conference. `D131: A D ` run; A` ghavvuar nnnrhlnfnrl n C0115!-IUUIIIUXI Dy DUB UUIIUIUI UUHICIUIIUCI. `Rev. A. P.` Brace of Stayner conducted a round table conference on` programme and methods in young people's work. nafnrn O}-us dunnrna nnnninn urn: nnnnn` ".}'|A memouu Ill yuuug puupxcu worn. Before the evening session was opene.l the lantern slides of the Toronto Conference Young People's League summer school at Elgin House were shown. 'l"lm Anlnanhan nf Hm nvnnina annninn warn rdlglll IIUUBU WCIC llUW|lu The delegates at the evening session were favored by two excellent addresses. Rev. D. Wren of Midland speaking on The Be- discovery of Clirist, and Rev. G. A. Brown _of Barrie on The Abundant Life`." A. --1 on .. .... e......-.:.... D-.. `D D` \!7..Il `I Darrle on LLIU RUUIIUBUD .lJllU- I At g.m., S'aturlay. Rev. H. E} Well- Special Exbibitionmings Att-ractive }Values for Friday and Saturday and all Next V\`/Eek OF `Men's High~G:;.(ie2v1TIa\:y'l3]1:1: Serge Suit, three-gufton mode(lls, well made, with the best 0 inings an trimmings. Very espeqial value at _ . . . . . . FINE DRY GOODS LINOLEUMS T AND RUGS We are indeed well xed to supply your needs in Sweater Coats, in plain or fancy colors; truly, we have some wonderful values. ;We would especially invite you to see the lines we are showing at i don Al! _ .I II! An Men s i-I'ez;v3: 7eivgi1t:E;tfS';i;i'(:` iizizbgbieid Pure Wool Underwear, shirts and drawers, Buy them now, as we cannot promise any more at thxs exceptlonally low prlce when our `23-se`.r.`?1 e Z1`1. T"'T.`f*'.` ...... . . $1.55 Boys Blgcl; (;1dm (Whiize Striiae Heavy vWeigVht Cottlonace Bloomer Pants, sizes 26 .to 33, regu ar 1.50. Exhibition Special, pair . . . . . Best'Q1;;3.1`it$r La;ge 12/4 Size Flannelette Blankets,_ white or grey with pink or blue 1I:3`:$li$>Ii`:ion Special, per pair . . . . We -invite you to rlnakei this store your shopping headquarters when attending the Fair.` We have gathered together a splendid lot of seasonable merchandise at very special prices. Come in and look around, whether you want to buy or not. .You will be delighted with our offerings. ias