Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Sep 1923, p. 13

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own, Bond ewmarket, gust 30, 1923. TIME any . Bradford Cam pbell 'l`nH-nnhnn Agar ` 1 Vair my . . Bradford Campbell `Barrie Kennedy Barrie McNiven - Allandale Wisdom Collingwooci (`Sikh Clad: AI` (`llulllllvll Wisdom Barrie TY--. V NU` Orillia ' ~McConkey Gibb H8) UJIIIUE Orillia McConke_v Orillia II _\T ,.LL DIAL Gib; KICIIIIIJ Barrie Bucket l`..lll..... UIUU . Newmarket Mcaffrey Orillia II`--. _.. IVIHUUUII A Newmarket Binns l\..llln LII Ill '1`-aylor wl:llandale -.l_._. Barrio ysjxfillia .l_I__ UKUT kCollingwood lKE'l'S { 1` Bame _.I_ vu Barrxe IIIUCOI Tottenham UIIUI Barrie Creemore l Creemqre THE COMEDY HIT OF THE SEASON ALSO, ` 21 10 lER 19 17 19 18 19 .12 13 13 10 23 22_ Arrive Tomnto 10.05 am. 8.15 .p.m. Thornton 11.45 a.m. 9.00'p.m. 18 14 21 14 16 24 13 19V 11 15 .. $1.40-1.45 . . . . . . 75-800 L . $1.50-2.00 $l0.00-ll.00 . . . .. '30-356 .. . . . 23-250 02-. 22, -21 13 11 15 14 16 17 10 .12 11 26 '10 U`6I-H) . . . . .. 35` . . $11.25 . 30-45c ' OE- 11 '10 16 I Inithe passing of William Biggar Mar- shall, at his home in Wnrsley St._. early `Sunday morning. September 2, Barrie lost -....n Lhoklu navnnvnor` lI:.':UlII\ Nil` Mar. lBllll(ll:l`\' Iuurmug. Dcpuuuucl a, uaum um la very highly esteemed citizen, Mr. Mar- shall was in his 65th year and had been a resident of Barrie 36 years. He was born near Galt, the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marshall. In fraternal circles he lwa: a nen1b`el' of the I.O.F. .. `\:n IIv::A "nnvnnn`\y M;ua marry ? % SPEEDINGIN THE RING coon BAND MUSIC W38 :1 lumuucr` Ul uuc 1.u.:.'. ' V Surviving him are his wife, formerly Miss Rubena Mutts of Glen Huron; one daugh- ter, Miss Hazel Mamhall, of the Victoria] School staff ; two sisters, Mrs. Brett _of | Stratford and Mrs. Alex. Ward of Dauphin. Man._; five brothers, Anton. James and An- drew of Gait, Henry and Thomas of Dauph- in. Man. 7 . 1 _. ___L .-...._ ._,....l.. 2... LI... 1'T'...1.... (`rm Ill. N111". Interment was made in the Union Cem- etery. Tuesday afternoon, Rev. .Geo. A. Brown of St. Andrew's Church taking the services. The pallbearers were: J. . E. Emma. R. M.nCax-son, J. G. Scott, Alfred Rayner, Jr., Thos. Sewrey and A. H, West. year. must uu luutssu U1 uwu wcqna. The late Mr. Bellwas born in Aberdeen-l shire. Scotland, and came to Canada `in? 1874, settling two years laterin the Town- l ship of Rama. In`1878 he married Janetl Locke`, who died `last January. Eight sons; are left: George, of Orillia; Thomas N. and Andrew J. of Hughton, Saskatchewan; J. L., W. C.,`and Archie S., of Allandale; Bruce and Rosalyn at home. There are four daughters: Mrs. R. W. P. Rennie`, of; Stratford. Mrs. W. Liscombe of Torrance.! Ruth and Keturah -at home. Mr. Bell is` also survived by one sister and two broth- ers: Miss Ruth Bell and Andrew of Aber- r deenshire. Scotland, and Alex. in South Af- rica. Mr. Bell was a member of the Pres- byterian Church and of the S.0.S. No. 25, : Orillia. rnL_ 1`......`..'..| HIGH`; L..l..I -.. 'l"....;.Anu Cunm lulu WILLIAM BELL Williaxh.Bell, father of Archie; J. L. and W. C. Bell of Allandale. passed away at his home at Washago, on Sunday, in- his 75th year. aim` an illness of two weeks. 'l`hn lutn Mr Rn||'wns hnrn in Aherdeen- ruua. _ . The funeral was held on Tuesday from his _family residence. The pail-bearers werez, Arch. Montgomery, William Craw, John! McArthur. V William Campbell and James. Dunn. Flowers were sent from the Oril-i lie Fire Brigade, the staff of the Soldiers ; Memorial Hospital. and the graduate nurses. '; _?__:_...._.___ ' | September 4.--Quite a few from here are! visiting the Toronto Exhibition this week!` A Can: unH*nr: fnr Han nnsxf wan]: wm-9:. V181!-lug we Luruulu L'4Juum.uuu uua vvuun.-l A few vlsxtors, for the past week warez` Miss Margaret McBride of Gr`enfel-, fo ra few days with Miss-Kae McLaughlin; `Hugh McAvoy of Parry Sound at M. Coughlin`s; Mr. Barron and Miss Clark of Toronto over the week-end with Mrs. D. Scythes. , E `II... Y..L....G..-. 1.3 Dhmnin anon} on Ililll! we week-enu Wlm mra.bu. csuyuwa. i Wm. Johnston of Barrie spent 8. week; with her daughter, Mrs. Fleming. I Mn.`-. Mnmnurnf Rinnh: nnnvn!` n \AA`: .a lwltn net naugncer. Mrs. rneuuug. Miss Margaret Binnie enjoyed a Week s; visit with friends in New Lowell. Ill-.. \l...I..I:.... l`nn:u`\n nnrl ma: Mnnv ,VlS|D Wllll Irleuua ul LVUW uuwctu. I D . Miss Made1ine`Coughlin and Miss Mae Kean were guests of Midland friends over` the holiday. . [ Man and Mia: (`lay-mH annnf`. n wt-pl: inn .Muskoka. we nouuay. ` Mrs. and Miss Garrett spent a week in: , 1 \ `u ` . A -.-........ u\$A\ An I\\l\l\ nun nvnn nvununnro MUSKOK3. A young people`s meeting was organizedi to be held in the Union Churchevery Fri-[ day at 7.30 pm. All interested are invited! to come and bring their friends. Wednesday. September l2.--Mrs. P1unkett,i 32 Bradford St.. household furniture.` Sale at.l.30 p.m. W. A. McConkey, Auct. Saturday, September 15..~-W. H. Martin, at Martin's yards, Barrie, 19 high class rnilch cows and springers. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, auctioneer. ' Thursday, September 20.---Robert A. Craig, lot 44, con. 1, Medonte (at mile north of C.P.`R. station) farm stock and imple- T` ments. Sale at 1 p. I11. I . A. Coughlin, auctioneer. . o ` Tuesday, September 25.---Lorn_e L. David- son, lot 10, con. '4, Innisfil, farm stock, implements. and household furniture. Sale hat 1 p.m. W. A. -McConkey, auctioneer. Albert Bishop of Grenfel lost a horse and buggy last Friday night but it was not long before he had recovered them. On Sat- urday morning they were found at Phelp- ston, and a clue to the perpetrator of the deed was found when it was known that the hired rn-an, Francis, employed by Bishop. had vamoosed. He was later known to have _taken the train at Phelpston for Pen- etang, but as the matter was of such little import. the case willnot bepressed. Bish- op notified the local authorities. v;3--95c ` 50-550 60-650 LE- HIRED MEN "SUPPOSED TO HAVE T TAKEN VESPRA FARMER S HORSE` Illnnlllllllllli WM. 3. MARSHALL CDIT AMEN MILLS A quiet wedding took place at- Holy Trin- ity Church. Tororito, on Tuesday, Sept. 4, when Marion Dorothy, elder daughter of Mr. S. Blackmore and the late Mrs. Black-1 more. wasunited in marriage to Mr. Frank` Maxwell Belcher. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Geo. Roe. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a tail- ored suit of nigger brown duvetyn with hat and shoes to match and carried a corsage bouquet of Ophelia roses and lily of the I valley. After the ceremony -the happy couple }left by boat for Rochester and other points. .._..... __._.. I A quiet but pretty wedding took place at` All Saints Church, London. on Monday` morning at 11.15 am. when Marjorie,[ eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R.` Leigh. Wharncliffe Rd.. London. became` the bride of Dr. I. 0. Berry, of Chatham.| The Rev. A. A. Bice officiated. T ` TL- L._!'.l4 l'_..I-_.l _L.._........_ ._ .. ..._-..._ -3 IJIC l\UV.`l 1. flu JJIUU UlllUlllCUv ` The bride looked charming in a. gown of . brown Egyptian crepe and carried Ophelia roses and valley lilies. Her only attendant was Mrs. Harry May, while Mr. May sup- iported the groom. - Thu nuf-nf-l>nun\ n-nnnfa urn!-A Mr: H Ru-i [[lU|`lCu IIIU 5I'UU|lla I The out-of-town guests were Mrs. H. Bas-i tin, Philadelphia, Pa., aunt -of the bride. `and also her cousin, Miss Eileen Lewis of iBarrie. Ont. , 1 'l`Ln1y `AC6 :.u..u..-lint-nlu ncfnr fkn I\'|AI`V\f\I`\\.Y IJIIFIIC` Lllll - They left immediately after the ceremony iiork Dunnville, Niagara, Buffalo and Mus- o a. 7 "\.l|lU 650 IA}! Burton Avenue Methodist Church, Al-I ilandale. was the scene of a very beautiful wedding Wednesday afternoon, September '5. when Beatrice Katherine, second youn,,- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brun- ton. Allandale, became the bride of Clar- ence Jackson, Collingwood, only. son of Mr.` and Mrs. A. Jackson, Toronto. Rev. S. M.` Beach officiating. The church was taste- fully decorated for the event with a profu- sion of gladioli and ferns. VB]. _ L__! .1- __.L.. -_.....' ...-..... ......... '1... L..- in AAAA ua Blulunuu uuu nvnlauv Q A ,father, looked very charming in a gown of ;ivory French georgette heavily beaded, and 18. cape veil of hand-embroidered Brussels gnet with a coronet of orange blossoms. 'She carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses and lily of the valley. On account of the illness of the bride's sister, her niece, Miss Drucilla Poucher, acted as bridesmaid. I-Her gown was of Frenchsunset georgette -with trimmings of lace and ribbon flowers, iand she wore a black velvet and lace hat. She carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses. Mr. Archie Fraser was groomsman. and the ushers were Messrs. C. W. Poucher and W. 1 ILLI- ` The bride, who was given away by~her:A {!L\g.`LL'J.`LA~`Q3lJL/J[1.`!iJll4Killl \ WEDDINGS Iu._ uwuc. The Wedding March from Lohengrin was ;played very softly by Mr. F. J. D. Norman land, during the signing of the register, Mrs. fGraydon Kohl, of Collingwood, sang Un- ltil" very sweetly. ` . _ 3 The groom s gift to the bride was a hand- 'some cheque, to the bridesmaid a sterling [silver vanity mirror, to the groomsman a `gold tie pin, to the soloist a gold pin, to the organist a gold piece, and to the ushers gold tie pins. l Afton tl-an nnrnrnnnv n rnhnnfinn \xm.:'l1(=-llll I-IAVIIUIG W Ul . D._ Little. FIVL - `I7- sgoul tie plus. I After the ceremony a reception was "held {at the home of the bride's parents. 39 Bur- ton Ave. Receiving were the bride's moth- er, Mrs. J. S. Brunton, and the gr_oom s sister, Mrs. S. May. The former wore a `gown of black Canton crepe with "black hat and a corsage bouquet of Richmond ros- es, while the latter was gowned in cocoa. brown georgette and carried a bouquet of Sunset roses. The house was nicely decor- _ ated with roses and smilax. ' rm__ L _ _ _ . . . . . ...L. I..n. ..... 4.1.... E 1: &....:.. Laouungwuuu. -The bride, who was very popular in A1- iandale, was the recipient of many beauti- ful and useful gifts, among them 9. table lamp from Burton Ave. choir and League of which she was a member. A 7|... Ant 1.` `AI-01-` n.nnol-..- :-unlnpinp` II . nut` WHICH 511$ WK 8 IHUIIIUCIH The out-of-town guests` included Mr.- and Mrs. S.` May and daughter of Buffalo, N.Y.; Mrs. H. A.` Rosevear and daughter of Niles, Mich.; Mrs. L. W. Moore oflLethbridge_. A1ta.; Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Cole, of Col- } lingwood; the Misses C. Poucher and Nettie Hook, Toronto, Allan Brunton, London. ale WU ICUEUS auu Blllllllho The. happy couple left on the 5.15 train for a honeymoon trip to New York, Wash- ington, and Atlantic City. the bride tra- .velling'in a navy blue blue Poiret twill suit with gray hat and shoes and gray squir- rel fur. On their return they `will reside in Collingwood. -"l"|-an kw-bin mhn mu: var-v nnnnlnf in AL l ENTON-In proud and loving memely; Pte. Stanley Penton. killed. in action. September 4, 1918, 75th Battalion. Qkn ._M'n Hur . UV 6c et .... $3 rket .... ewmamm rket .... et ...... I3 051 6? BELCHER-BLACKMORE JACKSON-BRUNTON IN MEMORIAM BERRY--LE.'lGAl-I THE BARRIE EXAMINER. IHUII a -Mother. A. B. Carley visited friends at N ewmarket iand Aurora recently. . Mk. I` 'I`nu|.-u- .-J I'TvI-u-h-Inn in 1y;c;f;nnI Wltll I-`LIB. VV. Us LUURC. Arthur Allward of Toronto is visiting bk cousin. Mis F. N. Warren. ' :35 In..- En.-u-u Ilnnln Avg Lag. no Ill 1511" OUUIIU UVCI LIIC UUHUBJ. ! Mrs. Moerchfelder of Toronto is the iguesi-of Mrs. Forsyth, Berczy St. "'::\a "I" l`_nil6`.uvh. A: I1`.-ln.nnnu" Alia / 41' 5'ucaQu1".vu. ruI'a_yI.u_. ucn:'l._)- CL. `Miss T. Guilfoyle of Edmonton. A1ta., is visiting her mother in Bayfield St. FE IOIIDB Ofl FE nQI'lD`7 II; MQ?";I`1'_ Clllll I'll-Illll Acucutly. ` Miss C. Taylor of Uxbridge is visiting with Mrs. W. G. Tooke. A__;.L__._ A1L_._.__| -1.` "l!-____;- 2- -_2_2.Z__ L2- IUUUSHI. UIIX 1`. L`. VV 2un:u.v Ms Laura Ferry. Maple Ave., has re- !turned after a visit in Tdronto. Il__I-__ `IT_1I;_ .____ _ -.!_:A._.. -4 L2- 1.-...- 13 VIBLLIUS LICK IHULIICL Ill IJGJIICLU Ul- Mrs. Jakes and Mrs. Carley of Merrick- ville are visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Len- nox. `I17 '\ I.l'1____II-Z- 2- 3.. V`I'V.._...__L_ ALI- -.._..l- UILICU duct :1 `BIN III IUlUllGUu I I. I Manley _Wellr was a visitor at his home in Parry Sound over the holiday. K`:-5 lanai-n`\`n`r`nr II` `Tnrnnfn ;a fkn IIUA. `W. D. Minnikin is in Toronto this week attending the convention} of funeral direc- tors. II ..- `X7 T\ Ilf__,.2I_i.. L- _-L..___-_l f.____ Vlliu } `Mrs. T. N. Hobley and sons, Harry and Clarence. are visiting her _mother` in_Tor- onto. Il2__ D-_LL ____I III... II YT\ lV__-__L-II -1. Scott and Miss M. E, Campbell at- _tended the flower show at Creemore last Frida'y. lA`Z__ Y ._._._._-__ L__ L _ _ _ , _ _ -:__L-J 1. LL. 1' . Miss Longman has been appointed to the occasional teaching staff of Toronto public schools. ' 1::,___ n... .__| 1.1v__'--__, rr___I_,_ -1: n_L lUlDo Mrs. W. Minnikin has returnedfrom a two weeks visit with friends at Craig- valc. ` ' * III , 7'!` `Y Y? I,I_,, ,,,_I ,____ 'I"l`,____,_ -...] (Continued from page 1) V The results by games were as fol- 1ows:- In: III... (3____,_,_ BUllUUb3c Misses Rose and Florence Hawkes of Osh- iawa were visiting their cousin, Miss Mary llrlawkes. recent-ly. III..- I.I'_..... I\___.'... TI__.!I-__l G; 1... _. `IIHWRUS. lCUUlIl'I.Vo Mix Mona Drey'er_. Bradford St.. haste- lturned home after spending several weeks lin Toronto. I \l _._ `in n "l'\__,L -_._I L-I__. t._..__. ..r 14. lV1ill4ll1CBUa Dr. E. MdMaster visited friends in Tor- -onto over the week-end, returning Wednes- iday morning. Tho M::Qna I.-Inf`-1 plnnlnefnn urn nnnnr`. | I'll I.\Il| |XlUu Mrs. "W. C. Tosh and baby Joanne of` Pakenham are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mathieson. I TX. I?` ll..|\l....L..._ ..!-2L...]. f_Z....J.. 3... Tan uny IIIUI mug. , The Misses Huth of Phelpston are spend- ing their holidays with Mrs. A. B. Carley, 127 Collier St. Edger J. Mathieson of Renfrew spent two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.` J. L. Mathieson. ` Douglas Hart. Flint, Mich., spent the hol-I iday with his mother, Mrs. Lavina Hart, 70 Worsley St. ` ` M... -M..... t(:.... .....: ..x.......1.o.... Muse` IU VV UlBlT.\' Ola I Mrs. Mary King and daughter, Mrs. Johnston. of Santa Rosa. Calif., are visit- ing Mrs. Fred Loth. Mrs. Lloyd Rollins, has returned to Win- nipeg, Man}, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Goring. Brock St. Mrs. Wm. Crossland and children have returned from their summer home at Ar- den Camp. Bass Lake. Mr: I A .RKonI.uv-an ant` cnn' I-nhn-nnrl HI 1Jl'uUX\ICy IJCUUH. I. .l`Jul. S. C. Rowe, who is a foreman i Big "Dome Mine at South Porcupine, idaying at his home in town. Mine Arnv Fnnnnr n` Tnrnnfn in anon `E WUCl\ HI LUVVH wwu lCll..lVCn Mr. and Mrs. Wm. John Peach of Rock; wood spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. ,B. W. Rhinehart. Bradford St. I Y1_..__._ ..___l I'\._ T.`I_f_ 13.-..-- UCII \JlIlll[J. .].)llb 1.lL`l\C Mrs. J. A. MacLa1-en. and son returned home on Monday after spending a month at Brackley Beach. P.E.I. ` Q I` Dntivn uvkn :1: n fnrnn-xon :11 OLA KKIUJIII5 ul lll HUIIIC III IUWII. ! Miss Amy Cooper of Toronto IS spending a` icouple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and |Mrs. Jas. Cooper. Sanford St. I lliii I I\II7l\ c wQf\l'II`\(\`O 0'1!` DI\'\ p JIIU Anus: sou Avw I Plus scores were as follows :--A. C. Brick-I car 44, C. McConkey 33. C. W. Poucher 27, E. McLean 19, J. Gibbs 17, J. Taylor 16, G. Madden 16, J. D. Wisdom 15, J. McCai- frey 14, L. Sparrow 12, G. A. Binns 12, A. E. Patterson 10, W. McFadden 10, H. M. Lay 10, D. McNabb 10, H. Kennedy 10, A. Hay 9, A. G. Walker 8, P. T. Clark 7, G. Mills`4, J. F. McLean 4, H. Marshall 3, D. A.._McNiven 2, W. Bryce 1, W. R. Fergusl. n_..-_ I |LVll'u`. 011;`. \.`UU}lCl, LJIHIIULU DI/o ` Charles Lowe of Espanola and son Ross ` went to Toronto this morning after spending` ia week in town with relatives. . | \l_. .....I II'.._` 111.... `I-L._ I )_.._L -1` 'I3-_1_ I iLJ. VV. l\llllICIIKIll./. JJIKILIIUIIJ LJL - ! Dr. G. R. Burns and Dr. Elsie Burns: spent the holiday in Collingwood, the lat- ter remaining until Friday next. R/ca Nnv-o `Wot-turf url-sn I-nahrncsrl For nne:_ UUI Iculuuuus UIILII Jlllly uczuz. Muss Nora DeHart.. who resigned her pos1- ation as teacher in Victoria School. W111 take la course at Queen s University. Mr our` Mun unruly I-Iorhnnfnn rnlnrnnr` Kl UUUIBC db VQUCCIIB Ull1VUlDlb_y. ` Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hamilton returned Friday after a fortnight s vacation spentv in Montreal. Quebec andTPortland. Maine. IM:nn nmnxn D.-unnn nnA' Mina D Wlnnxlnn 1VllIIIllUBll. VUCUCU KIHU l.UlI'lKI:llll` LVlOlllCc 'Miss Orma Porter and" Mis B. Fleming of Toronto returned home on Monday after spending a week with Mrs. Percy Lloyd. Don:no`A nut` TAnv-Anna DA:-I-Ir onnnrnnnn, lapculuug ll VVCCR VVIILI A7110. LCIUJ lJIUJ\Iu Reginald and Florence Perry. accompan- ied by Wesley Dunn, spent a few days at .Toronto Exhibition and in Niagara Falls. I M. u....1. u........n ....,x .1.......1.4... 'm...1..... ' LUTUXHU CJJKIIIUII/IUH RIIILI Ill LVIHSUIH 1'ZIHDo Mrs. Herb Harrell and daughter, Thelma. and Miae. Ella Mapes are attending Toronto Exhibition and will also visit in Buffalo. II..- 0 (`ill ...-4.-.....! _ 'l1-._-_L- ...:LL 1] . l`JI\Ill`UlllUll uuu Wlll GIDU \/IBM. HI lJl_llllIlU- Mrs. S. Gill motored to Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Hubbert and son Ross of Stroud .to visit friends and attend the Exhibition. I A II? 1)- -3 \T2.._...... `E`..II.. l\.-.1. l`.._... [EU V1511 IIICIIUB GNU CIDLCIIU I/IIU .l_'l4'Ll.ll|JllIl\)lln A. W. Bell of Niagara Falls, 0nt., fortn- erly of Barne, was m town on Saturday on ibis way to visit his brother at Oro Station. Mr nimr` Mr: Ian`! nnrrnn mo: (II-non [115 Why (U VIBIIJ (I15 UIUIIIIUI Ill \JlU L7lIlI|IlULlo Mr. and Mrs. Jack Got-mg. MISS Grace :-and Master Vxctor have returned` after hol- `idaying in Muskoka, Toronto and Detroit. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. 1923. luuylllg Ill 1VlUKlJI\u, 1UI'UlllU llllu JUl'I UlIIo' Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ramsay and famlly of Owen Sound returned home last Friday af- ter spending a'month s vacation in Barrie. Mm: Tn: IR!-fnv-`halt! on)-I nrnvu-`nan luv- [CI BPCIHIIII5 CI IIIUIIIJII B VGUGPIUII III I-JGIIICU Mrs. Wm. Butterfield and grandson, Bur- gess Butterfield. of Orillia. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Rhinehart, on Mon- day. . I M. 5...: M... A W vm"... unr` ann at Iuay. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Young and son of Cobourg motored here and spent the holi-V day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Brown. `lllm Il2|.L__I BL . . . _ _ _ -.. -_.L- L..- L--- DIVUW Mildred Stevenson. who has been visiting .at the home" of Mrs. Herrell for the past four weeks, is returning to her home in California. . . 'Il1__ l'V_....!- QL_._L-..... ..._.'I L..- -3--- `Inn \Jl1lllUl'Ill.. Miss Carrie Stephens and her niece, Mrs. Aikens. of Hamilton.,left last week for a six weeks visit with the former's brother in Edmonton. A I A.-L_..-. 'I'T...... 1-1.- -4` LL- `D.....1. l\: Tn`. ' Ill EAUHIUII IIUH. Aubrey Urry, late of the Bank of Tor- onto smff, has taken" a position with the Sterling Bank in Toronto, leaving Barrie on Tuesday for Toronto. Dvnnn nnuunolu-' nc nnknuv-nu nnv Mnfunn UH l.UC"."UlIy IUF LUFUIIIU. Bruce Boundy of Cobourg. Roy Matson, |Mrs. Hal. Petman, Thomas and Miss M. A". Ludlow, of Toronto, were holiday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ludlow. Mrs. Edgar Dayboll, who has spent the summer with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lang, has returned to her home in Ot- tawa. accompanied b'y Mia Grace Lang. MIL: {Iv-non Vishnu Inf} vncfnv-riuu `nu-.'rnr- . wvvu. ucuumpuuxcu uy mm: urucc uaus. I Miss Grace Fisher left yesterday for,-Tor onto en route for Prince Albert, Sask.. where she will teach in St. Alban s College. fter spending the vacation at her home ere. . I1, _,,_I 'u'_;_ T! 17 111:1--- ..__I ..L:I.l....... uere. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Wilson and children of Shanty Bay left this week for Victoria, B.C., where they will spend the winter. They will make the trip by` motor and camp by the way. hnnnl T-Tnuylrna A` 'M'nnh-nnl mntnrnrl fn camp uy we way. Donald Hawkes of Montreal motored to Oshawa picking up his father and brother, than. coming on to Barrie to visit his aunt, Mrs. -George Hawkes, and cousin, `Mary, over the holiday. V `(hm Wnnn nnnivnnn 1-Alvruu-nnr` `Manda `Pia- Barrie A. Hay - 19 Barrie 1 . T. Clark 12 Bradford L. H. Campbell`15 "Barrie `W. H. Kmmodyll Barrie A. C. Bricke} 14 , `Barrie . L. Vair _ 10 Creemore W. `Bryce 14 Allandale C. W. Poucher 13 Creexuore G. Mills 9 A ll.....l..I.. UVCT [IHU uuuuuy. .M1ss Wanda Bowman returned home Fm- day after spending two months at Elgin House. Lake Joseph, Muskoka. She left again Tuesday morning to resume her du- ties as teacher at S.S. No. 2, Atherley. II . .....I II _... ('14.. auunnvnnrnnu A` Tlnnr` mes as ceacner at on. no. 4, nmeney. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gummerson of Bond Head, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stone of Au- rota and Silas Stone of Buffalo, formerly `of Columbus, Montana, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Turner andrW. F. Stone on Sunday. Ila 1:4. Lulucl ulna Iva 4.: -zyvuu uu Iullannuau-.7: Mrs. S. R. Warren and two sons arrived this week` from Woodstock to join Mr. War- ren who has been in town some time in connection with the business of the Warren Organ Co._. Ltd., of which he is a director. Rev. J. A. McQuarrie of Port Credit spent ;Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. PERSONAL in the l . is hol- R. Cameron, Owen St. Rev Mr McQuarrie,| Rev Geo. A. Brown and Rev. W. J. Watt`. attended Queen s University together in: their college days. T E `Y f\'lI II , ,1 ,__, r1______ _ [1|___,_ . uvllvau -A. N. Sibbald and son George of Cleve-! land. accompanied by his nieces and neph-I ew, Misses Helen and Elva and Jack Sib-| bald, of Conneaut, 0., motored to town and spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sibbald, Bradford St.` Th: 'c>;';}1-e'V`l3'ar.1'i`2-\-?\_fc;1';1teVn7 s _In- stitute.was held on Tuesday at the home! of Mrs. W. E. Tordiff. ____~1_ L-..._:_._ In..- `r......,...1. ..II ...I.... UK I.V1l'5. VV. I14. .lUl'ulH. `Through hearing Miss Laycock all who}. were present have a more enlightened view! of the work of the Victorian Order of! Nurses and see the need of such a good' work in Barrie. AE;..'_. AL. I_...:....... 1.-.: 1..--.. ..u.....!...l i. 1 IIUKIIIIHIIC J. D. Wisdom -13 WUIK Ill I3lII'IlCo : After the business had been attended to.] Mrs. H. Eade read a paper on "Cheerful-` ness which was greatly epjoyed. i """" `And 1 hght my plpe m silence, save a sign The September meeting_of the W.C.T.U. - th * _, k was held at the hm f the Preside! Mm {Its fateawisteifnrfrv tt(:)b)a(r):ct: and to vanish witli Jas. Lennox. on Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 4. i the smoke: I-I-II 1 .- _| __,__ _ _ ____`___ ____]__'_A___] K van. :4 u . . . - V . . . u . . . uuuug.-J ....-..--...v.-, ....r-. _. i The devotional exercises were conducted* by Mrs.` D. Cameron and Wm. Standcn,l the venerable father of the hostess, led in! prayer. After the transaction of businessl an excellent programme was given. Mia King gave a review of her report of the] district convention. Mrs. Heath rendered a` beautiful vocal solo. Mrs. Noble gave an instructive paper on the life of St. Paul. The New Fall Hats are Here ! OUR MAILLINERY DEPARTMENT re-opened for the Fall Season last Tuesday, September 4. Our many patrons will be pleased to know that our efficient stall` is back again, eager to serve you, with Miss Gamble in charge and Miss McKnight, head trimmer. _ THE MILLINERY SALON is all agog with exclusive originals and faithful copies of importations, as well as manysmart ready-mades. Specials is a Feature in our Millinery Department We are anxious to serve. V SEE THE CLOCHE . the smartest-hat of the season, and other new models. I of Exceptional Distinction NUMBERED AMONG THE RECENT ARRIVALS They allvhave that individuality of style w-hich is the` ...._.....1. A1: . . . A _ . . _ _ . .......... AI LAAL... Creemore Mills ' \Y_...... _ ..I-.. 'q11e'i'6{EJ{y"{}$i{{an"bfiie."' THE MATERIALS show a larger variety of weaves than ever, including Marvellas, Velours, Duvetyns, Geronas. PLENTY OF VARIETY`.IN COLORINGS, too. One `se"e'i3}(3wE{ siS1,`i2`ei:31`ee"r,'1?:1'v'y"'535 iik, zaa most of the `coats are richly collared in fur. _A dandy heavytcoat in green and fawn shades, with in- verted pleat down back, leather buttons and belt, sizes 16, 18 and 20, a real snap for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20.00 Sarjeant & King Limited BARRI E WOMEN'S INSTITUTE jfirst jformal Showing . of the Elutumn Illbobes of (Boats, Suits, Eresses, oats _`We will show you garments of interest to the buyer of greatest discrimination, to the buyer with a bend for thrift and economy. POWELL & co. WOMEN S COATS LVIIIIB N ewmarket Fergus Alliston McLean Orillia Curran ' f\..:II1 .. Weiinvite you to be present at our store on A BURBERRY SPECIAL ` W.C.T.U. lbovdell & (Io. September tom anb _11tb 82 DUNLOP STREET ANNOUNCE Miss `Marion `Partridge recited "The End 3 of the Game by Nellie McLung. Azu-nnnn fan you earner nn flan lnnvn n5 U1 l|lC \Ji1lllC U LVCIHC AV1bL.I\lll6. . Afternoon tea was served on the lawn at the conclusion of the meeting. There were over forty members and visitors. present and several new members were added to the society. i i i "c'>`.?fx'aa McFadden V Orillia [Sparrow N ewmarket Marshall Alliston McLean . Allandale l . 3 (From James Whitcomb Riley 5 Famous I ' Poem) R As one -who cons at evening o`er an album all alone. And muses on the `faces of the friends that - he has known _ lSo I turn the leaves of fancy till, in shad- li owy design `II find the smiling features of an old sweet- ` heart of mine. 1 {The lamplight seems to glimmer with n | flicker of surprise. . M | As I turn it low to rest me of the dazzle in u my eyes, ` lAnd I light pipe in silence, save a sigh fl-`of annvua In vnlzn l Tis a fragrant retrospection~-for the living l thoughts that start |Into being are like perfume from the bloa- I som of the heart; lAud to dream the old dreams over is 3 | luxury divine-- L . When my truant fancy wanders with that 1 old sweetheart of mine. AN OLD SWEETHEART OF MINE" [age Thirteen` VV LUNUI Barrie Hav Tnlfnnh ary. Alta, in re- rit9s:- orbp in the West for many years, having excellent going along with t is still short of slay Tottenham Agar Allandale Patterson 11---.-- ...... 1 DIVVCI llll Creemore ulybu Barrie Vair l"-<;; _`_ V (Ill Allandale Poucher Orillia McFadden Orillia Taylor Tottenham Evans \Y._..._. ....I-...|. w}::vn1arket Mccaffrey Nnunvnx nulrnf `W1:IJ:\ls'n1z3rket M arsh all \Y......_. A ..1--I. Ail RICH!-Ill New,m arket Fergus ' Alliston McLean A II!_L___ Alliston McLean Orlllia Sparrow ' Orillia T McNabb Allandale ' [ Walker A Barrie MoNiven Newm arket Binns ' Ordlia -Curran .nI..._.1.'.I- 'UU|TlIlI Allandzile Patterson kibition - T leave orders WILLOWS-At Barrios, Ontario. Sunday. September 2, to Mr. :and_;Mrq. C. E. W11- Inma `n rlonakhu-` `. Allandald K. E. Patterson Barrie ` I A l.f..\Yl...... JJHIIIU ). A. McNiven Tottexnhanl 3. Agar Barrie I. M. Lay Collingwood ' . Gibbs T) .__.._Z- 7: Ullllo` Allandale l\ II7l,....I.. L7U}Jl'UlIIUUI' E, I-U {VI lows, `a daughter; Monday, '1'11esday`, Wednesday, Sept. 1 7, 1 3, 1 9 ma LIVE srocx I-'.XHlBlT BIG NEW MIDWAY AND OTHER ATTRACTIONS AND EXHIBITS SPECIAL ATTENTION IS BEING PAID BY THE MANAGEMENT TO THE EVENING CONCERT ON THE NIGHT OF SEPT. DON T `MISS THIS. IN WONDERFUL ACROBATIC FEATS PERFORMED 50 FEET IN THE AIR pm: Pmcgs Barrie%'S Big Fair "THE GREAT MEREDITH The Plus Scores Get together, folks, and come along and see the Best Fair of the Year. SEE "POODLES & DOTTIE" Second Game 'l`..L< V Exhibits solicited and prize list sent to any address oh application. iv v .-.`,~_ -, First Game l\.. ll! ll 14 McNabb Third Game 13---! mask 6. 1923. 16 26 22 17 18 10, BORN 13 TORONTO 15 14 11 15 16 I1 10 11 19 12 10 15 11 16 10 10 13 19 1'1: LVIU 1413011 Newmarket H. Marshall` Orillia D. McNubb Alliston J. F. McLean Orillia J. Taylor . Newmarket J .` McCaffrey Newmarket W. R. Fergus Orillia . J. E. G. Curran Allandale A. G. Walker Tottenham W. Evans Orillia L. Sparrow Orillia G. Madden Orillia C. McConkey I ` URINE oruiia W. McFadden . Newmarket G. A. Binns - Alliston 1.1 ll_'l _..._ IN WEST FXIIIG DU` E. McLean KT- .... ... \J Bryce I) J UCIIIIU Tottenham Evans 'l)......!.. La) ucu XIV Kennedy Orillia Il__I,.l_._ Lay Mills \II II Madden LII- "I HUGH Allandale -Poucher I)...._!.. JJI IUAUI Barrie Clark J) ...._l.. STEAM Morons LIMITED

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