Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1923, p. 12

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BOA'R:DER':S WA'N'I`ED-A few students preferred, in a private home. near the Col- lngiate. Apply Box 59 or 104 Elizabeth St-..* b Barrie. I 35p / FOR SALE-2-i"nchV dry hemlock. Apply 35 Dundonald St. or phone 650J. 30-35p STOCK OF FIRST-CLASS BRICK for sale at Midland, Penetang Brick Works, Pene- tang. For information telephone.J. Quig- ley. ` V 30-35`p FUR.NISHED HOUSE to let--A'll modern convveuiencesv centrally located. Apply Mrs. Purkhouse. 80 Owen St. 31-36c] I I l\J\J`O)lr'A I. Ll J 88 Sophia St. ` HOUSE T0 RENT. Apply to Miss Bird. HQ Qnnkh: Q0 ` Live Stogk For Sale Lost and Found Property To Let Farms For Sale Miscellaneous FURNISHED BEDROOMS T0 IJET; all nnn\mn;nnnnu- enifnkln fnr nnllAn:n#n nunilu For Sale SE JJIILII i 30-35p UIUKC [unt Dflp Luunuuy, DUPLUIIIUCI 0. Tram leavmg Toronto 1.40 p.m. Satur- days only, will make last trip Saturday, lseptember 1. ` M" 'l".-gin loan`!-in Tnrnnfn 0 1Y\ fni` DUVUUHIUCY lo Train leaving Toronto 10.30 a.m. for Barrie (12.48) and Muskoka. Wharf will make last trip Saturday, September 1, and train leaving Muskoka Wharf 12.45 p.m., and Barrie 2.30, arriving Toronto 4.45 p. m., will make last trip Monday, September 9 O. * V Train. leaving Allandale 12.15 p.m. for Penetang and Midland, will make last trip Saturday, September 8, and from Midland Dock`12.25 p.m., arriving Allandale 2.10 pm, last trip Monday, September 10. nmmnnninu M'nn4-lav Spnfnmhar 10, N0.- I In) uwvauvo The present standing (Aug. 30) of the League is as fol1ows:- - Won Lost To Play P.C. Ivy .. .. .. 9 2 1 .818 Ba1'rie .. . .. 9 3 0 .750 Alliston .. .. 7 ' 3 2 .700 ,Thornton .. .. 5 6 1 .455 [Beeton .. 3 7 2 .300 i.Knock .. 3 9 O .250 |Cookstown .. 2 8 2 .200 Lrlp Dkuuruay. DUIHICHIUUI` 1. ' Tram leavmg Toronto` 11.4 p.m. for Barrie (2.08 a.m.)., Orillia, Muskoka Wharf, Huntsville Dock and South River, will make, last trip Sunday; September 2 'l`-rn `nn11:nn- Qnufln phynr 2 AK n 111 or. xuunu nun vup ouuuay, ucpuzmucn a Train leaving South River 3.45 p.m., ar- 'make last trip Monday, September 3. Train Inuuinn Tnrnnfn 1 An nnx gal-nr- riving Barrie 9.12, Toronto 11.25 p.m., will ,...,..,,...., V.-. .... .,W.. ..., tl\I\)L7ll..Il\4u, Ivy still hasa match to play at_ Alliston, and Alliston_ also has one _at Thornton. Both these games are replays of tie matches and will com- plete the regular schedule, but they are absolutely essential for that. Alliston must win both games to stay in the running and, in that event, |.Ivy, Barrie and Alliston would be l"tied for first place. . A1l..L..... ......J 7'l'1L-..Q.L..... J....!...] J... ..... vuuu JUL IILDIJ ynuvvu Alliston and Thornton tried to `ar- range their game this week but they could not agree on gate receipts and it was left to the League Executive to decide. " 10 [A (\r\\ l ruunusuxuu uuuxuuuutu Lu 1.41141; uu conveniences; suitable for Collegiarte pupils, T few minutes` walk to school. Phone 707 or callat 76 Small St. 34-36p |Ivy' . . . . .. .. . |Cookstown CHANGES IN TRAIN SERVICE Canadian National Railways. Sunday," Sep- - tember 2nd, I923. Train leaving Toronto 12.30 p.m. Satur- days only for Barrie (2.55), Orillia, Gra- venhurst and Huntsville, will make last trip Saturday. September 1. Train lnuninn Tnrnnfn' 11 nvn fnr `Monday next" is Labor Day. Schools re-open, Tuesday,` Sept. '4. .-Get your school supplies at Keenan & Kennedy s. 35c "Copies of .the Barrie Fair prize list are pow ready for distribution. n.....:; m...._ n.`..._..:1 ...._..____ 1.--- claw Una. gnvvv &\aIh\lJ Ava. lav; lvulalvlla Ba_rri Town Council tjesumes bus- iness after the holidays, nextsTues- day night. II}... `I'l....L....9.. 11-2.... O_._L....-L-_. uu; uguu --;His iVIa<.s_ter s Voice September records on sale next Saturday at J. J. Keenan's. - - 35c- Thousands of beautiful owers in the Town Hall next Tuesday. Ad- mission, 25 cents. ` I rn...._ .: 4.1.- o:..--..- l'I-.-..L-- n-_.L-_- J.IBQLLI\r vuanualuvu Unlan Jvubo I` Work has commenced on the sewer on Wellington St. `near Mary, and also on Mary north of that inter- section. 1! nl mu (-1 I :- uuvvnva o --Hurlburt s Shoe Sale continues to be the centre of attraction .in Bar- rie these days. ' 35c Anyone having articles. for rum- mage sale at Barrie Fair, kindly leave same at Mrs. A. Carson s,. 92 `Small St.. ,L), ,,V,,_1 ,I._,, _._ ,,,_j wnuual Luv: . ` -~Hur1burt s school shoes are made [to stand the hardest wear. Now is `the time to `secure them before their `sale closes. a 35c -Notice+For plumbing and heat- ing, ring 214, J. J. Neelands, 48 Blake St. Repairs for all stoves and furnaces. . 33tfc 1 . Ba`rrie s annual ower show is con- ceded to be one of the best in On- tario. 'Don t miss it-next Tuesday, {in Town Hal}. -I10 ;: n"l`'l'1 IIIIQGIVII, at V wyaa vac Two of the Simcoe County Carter -`scholarships are likely to come to Barrie Collegiate this year. 1lT.....l.'L . _ A . ` u - . A n ......l ..... 1.1.... ..... .... All .1. UV! ll Llullu -Schoo1 kiddies, attentio'n! Free walking dolls and blotters with your `scribblers and school 7 supplies at! iKeenan & Kennedy's. .350 11.1.... L. LL- `l'..LLL,.'..` $1.3- ........") One cent 3 word, cash, each insertion (minimum charge, 25c); six insertions for the price of tour. 10 cents extra when charged; also 10 cents extrs when replies Ire directed to Examiner Oice. ........ .,... \lV\L LVLUJ ,,...... (asu- l The opening autumn meeting of: the W.C.T.U. will be held at the? `home of the `president, Mrs. Jamesi Lennox, on Tuesday, Sept. 4, at 3.30, p.m. A good program is being pre-' pared and afternoon tea will be ;served. All members are urged to `be present, also any ladies interested iin temperance or social service work. I The Executive of the League meets! `at Thornton tonight to arrange thef :1'emaining games and the play-off; Iseries. Harvesting operations have Idelayed the xtures somewhat-, but 3an_e'ort will be made to get thee !League over as soon as possible, Tvvvu at-11 1...... a\ ...&..L J... ...`l.... ..& - ......... ., ....,. uvanvvn .,..,.,...-- ..., iKeenan Going to the Exhibition this year? 'Acco'mrnodation for Exhibition visit- .ors at 12 Orde St. and 87 Harbord `St, Toronto. Prices reasonable. `l J ....t.1. 01-1.-.. `l\'..J.\1 t`I..`.....1.. ..u.J ` --Hartt, later, Model, Classic and }Taplin Natural Tread Shoes are all included in Hurlburt s Semi-Annual Shoe Sale` at considerable reductions. ] Innisl council is building its ibridges this year by day labor under |the supervision of Deputy-Reeve Al- lan. The largest is on the No. 5 isideroad betwee_nLcons. 4 and 5. I ' No games have been played since` Aug. 22 in the South Simcoe Base-. iball League, when Alliston took Cookstown into camp by a score. of I24-4, but the fans may expect sev- geral in the next week. T :1 Iuaun an: vnav uvnv uvvnnu 5 In excavating for the sewer on the !uppere nd- of Mary St., a quantity of` ibroken bricks are being dug up. Thisi recalls the fact. that Freek s brick yard operated on the block boundedl by Wellington, Toronto, Dalton and` [John Sts. over forty years ago. '11]... ............... ....4......... ...-,...L:...... -2 SOUTH SIMCOE LEAGUE `LOCAL NEWS ran mama EXAMINER (_lIRIl4 ()R LADY ROUMERS WANTED! $1.00 wm-.kly. all conveniences. Apply at: this office. " 34-35p| No. 2 Fall Wheat (new) Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Barley . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buckwheat -..;. . . . . . . . . . .. Potatoes, per bag . . . . . .. Hay,_per ton . . . . . . . . . .. Butter, per pound . . . . .. Eggs, per dozen . . . . . ..'. Chickens, spring . . . . . . . Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lamb skins . . . . . . . . . . .. Horse hides . . . . . . . . . . . . . Horse hair . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` Beef hides < . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Princess Lixioff Parlagh, ill in New! York. with priceless furnishings of her house: guarded by a `sheriff, is being sued for $213,000. 1 l :\l\2l\--ul e\ 151 Iuvulg un:iuu1_y Lu ; nu. Parr, who was shot while hunting, August 31, 1921. T We. who-loved you. sadly miss/you, ! `As it dawns another year ` i In our lonely hours of thinking. Thoughts of you are ever,near. 35;). --Ever remembered by Mother and ` Si_sters.j i DONALD~--In loving memory of my dear` husband, James Donald, who fell asieepi August 22, 1922. - ? Oh for the touch of a vanished hand, ` And the sound of a voice that is still. a 35p ' --Wifel -:: PARR--In ever loving memory of Fred` n---- ---L- ....... ..L..d. ...LCl.. l\IIr\.*:v\lv Annnaf . ."'T, ' ! Mrs. Mansbridge, 66 Innisfil St., wishes: to thank the firemen, also other friends, for` their kind services in -saving her house dur-. ing theifire at Mrs. Ke1sey s. . 35p I THURSDAY WHOLESALEAPRICES BARRIE MARKETS CARD OF THANKS = }MmLhr;a.m an 1.m;gri1 St... 1; Mvn`.~' Allwrican Vivi I\'.i(l. Bluclwx` cut. liH'm-n1; this boot is gum! valuo al. $|().00. Spvcial prime .. $8.75 uguauoouuagu u\r\JLuu l.\I unit"-Vvlul U1` wwuuub UUdl'll. [near High School. High School pupils pre- ferred. Write Box 377. Barrie. X 34;) Mm1`.s' Amm' Firm hrmgolu Bals. with 1'u1)hm' lmvls. si7.(-,.-: 6 in {)1/_; this hm! is (`..\'ll`E1 \ illll(5 $10.00 Special price ............ $6.75 Mr-n .< T-Hack Box I\'_ids, Bluchm` cut. ruhhnr 110+-l.~:. .~:I'/.05 6 in 10. mudv by the (z'1'<-,1):-. Show (`}umpany;` llnis hunt. is splvmlicl vulun at . . .8`.-\'l`l. RI`).-\\' (').\ l.Y-~~-R. Ralstrm & tlnmpany \\ hit- Rvauly. in hottlvs and in tins`. fur while. slucn-s, 1'02- ulm` `I50. for . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5c `I 1|I1`1' 5.. :\`I\1x I`|In'I\.-4*:-\ MONDAY, LABOR DAY, THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY All-the suits have thesbest of. linings and are made by the best makers. Do not miss `them; they will not last long at these small prices. L IN MEMORIAM lI)l`Il l ug--oooouu--u r J nnlv In (H10 `)("1`.~'m1. . I 90.93cj 50-55c` 60-650! .... .. e0-05c .. $1.30-1.40 .... .. 75-8001. .. 32.00.2501 310.00-11.00: u a - - pa UUU .. 311.25 I . 30-406 ; '$1.oo.2.5o g V 02.2 NI(`/I'J_-B[<)DR1()0M `TO LET. ' Suitable forl n..... ...._.'.I.. .... ._.l.. ...,.....Ll.. A. ..A. 1(!'Il1__.. VEUU ' 35c ` 1nr| :BONNEY-At Barrie, at the home of her 3 daughter, Mrs; P. Glennie, on Monday,l August 27, Mrs. M. A. Bonney, widow | of the late W. H. Bonney, `formerly off Midland, in her 79th year. . }CONLIN-On Lot-68,' Con. 1, Medontel 1 Township, on Saturday, August 25, Mary i Conlin. aged 75 years. Interment took 3 place at Mount St. Louis, August 29. l McKNIGHT--At Elmvale, August 30, 1923, a George McKnight (`brother of R.. J.I McKnight, Barrie) in his 56th year. The! = funeral will be heldlon Saturday after; `noon to Thornton Cemetery. , BROWN--In the R.V. Hospital, `on Tues] ` day, August 28,. 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. , L. R. Brown, Midhurst, a son (stiIlborn).} DEMPSTER-~-On August 23, 1923, to Mr. ! and Mrs. Geo. Dempster, Barrie, 9. daugh-H I ter (Velma Iris"). HART---In the R.V. Hospital, on Monday. August 27. 1923, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Parker Hart, Ross St. iPA1RR--In the R.V. Hospital, on Sunday, I August 26, 1923, a-son to Mr. and Mrs.[ V. L; Parr, Grenfel. I !SOULES-In the R..V. Hospital, on Mon-! day, August 27. 1923; a son to Mr`. and! I Mrs. T." W. Sdules, Barrie. } E No matter what form Cinderella is me `sented in, however, it always fascinates. TYoun and old like it, and both willhavel inn opportunity of seeing a musical phantasyl jversion here shortly. when it is presented] ;at the Grand Opera House on Tuesday,; Sept; 11, the opening attraction of the local; theatrical season. I l '1"L:.. 1.` ...,' ,l,L_ . I -- - - 1 1 uncnuuzan acaauu. I ` This is an elaborate production, with special scenic and lighting equipment, car- iried with the showio ensure effective pic- toriul presentation. The company is a thor- oughly competent. one, and contains several artists of exceptional merit. (Advt.) 2 I A --Get your suppLv'of school hose Ifor the boys and girls at Hur1burt s Big' Semi-Annual Shoe Sale now on. l\/Inn s Calf J.a(je Bals. silo.-: 6 In 10.; lhi.5- bout: IS extra .\'allw $9.00. Spo-mal 1)L'lC(`, $6.00 M0n .~' Black Dongnla Dr. Ga1't.m"s (11xsl1i0nVSul_r-, with rubber heels, sizes 6 to 91/_. Special value . . .. . . . . ..-...V$10.00 sA?ruikI)AY ()NI.Y--R. Ramon & (lompany Black and Tan \V'ater- proof Dubbin, rPg`ul_a1' 150; large tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c L` l\/L14 _ `L'L'lL'l\I\. \J'kVI. IL lJl.'A.I. n I.`uIl`i'Ii l\` l\1IV two pupili~:, rea.~'onable. Apply at l6'Wm`s~ ley St. ' 35-36p 1\'I(-,C'nll Bros. & Cu. Englisll H001 ()intmnnl.. special . . . . . . .. 20c Nlmfs Black and Brown Tip Hlll(.'lH`.I` <-ul wm'kin g bouts. sizes 6 in ID. made by the Grebe Shoe llumpany. Special price .. $4.50 ucl NDERELLA BORN THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1923. lUSE MAGIC GAS, the new gas intensifier, more miles, no more carbon troubles. makes the engine run smoothly and more power. A one dollar box 0 magic Gas equals 33 lgallons of gasoline. A one dollar box treats ]100 gallons of gasoline. Use in the home gas well as in the garage. For automobiles, `motorcycles. motor boats. gas and kerosene farm engines, tractors, etc., etc., in the home, in oil stoves. heaters. oil lamps. etc. `Guaranteed to increase milage and give lmgre powerN2I1nd eliminate carbon or mloney re unded. ' anufactured y P. A. .epe- ibure & Bros. Alexandria. Ont. W. D. "Lidgold__. general agent, Shanty Bay P.0., Ont. Sample sent post paid for $1.00. Agents wanted. ` 33-34;) I `Saturday, September 1.--Mrs. J. C. Mc- Innes. 21 Collier St, Barrie. household furniture, garden tools, hardwood, etc. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. W. A. Ile- ' _Conkey, Auct. N. M.MYERS JOS. MARRIN AUCTION SALE TO LET-Five or six rooms, partly fur- nished, if desired, in house pleasantly sit- uated. with conveniences, large garden . moderate rent. Apply 23 Theresa St. 30-35p MEN,L99K! Sizes 037, 38, 39, `40 and. 42 ; F0x s Irish Blue Serge and Tweeds; with- out doubt the greatest value ever oered; these suits sold at $545.00 and $40.00 0 Clearing Out Price $17.95 Don t' miss one of these suits at this small price. $9---v All Wool Tweed, some are 3-piece and some ?.-piece suits, sizes 34 to 38; the prices of these suits were $32 and $30; `Clearing Price $3.95 MARKET SQUARE 18 `ONLY MEN S suns "is ONLY YOUNG MEN S A 5.U!T. WOOL HIDES Successor to 1-`l.TRNIS`H!')D ROOM to let. with all con-I \'oni_enct-A4, Phone 113. 35c" THURSD B0) 31. 31 Q Bl:{;: l.: .1. I . -Hrm)k< II .361}- `Ill; lIl\.K `number of soft ball m Orillia g-irL {I Dr. '1;1:.`.- R()t)Ms`~` AND HO/\ltD~-Students wanted to [ward at 110 Brauiforrl St.` Phone 305M.` 34-35p BOA'R:l)ER>S WAN'l`ED---A few students preferred, in a private home, near the Col- legiate. Apply -Box 655 or 183 Elizabeth St., Barrie. A ' _- 35-40p IIC ht dye p.;;1a;= ' uu . Dr. <')`Bric- J. 117.. A. Lo. pS5}{c 1.; I II. In - Dr. M: Tait (phi I) vim.` "Y: Wm lrI'V('.|I| l The In` COD The HELP WA`N I'ED-Girl for general house- work. Mrs. Smith, 18 Mulcaster St. 34tfc sP`El TH! almmt actimg, (`I HER thri HQ Hu the 'Wah:}_I` GIRL on WOMAN. WANTED for lightl housework. Apply to Mrs. M. F. Bolger, Aiaton. ' b31.3spT| 1|r\ . . -'W-ll: He I l:I :R( ) actua in Th.- H. ullu WANTED-Guod general maid, immediate- ly. Apply either to Mr. Dignam, Curry'a- Cashand Carry or 101 Clapperton St. 35c W-ANTED---An experienced saleslady for a ready-ts-wear store, The Grand Leader, 54 Elizabeth St. She must be able to keep books. Apply to Saw-no and Stransman. 35c FARM HELP WA-N I'ED--Married man to act as foreman on farm. Wages $60.00 a month, free house, milk, potatoes and gard_r~n and telephone. Apply at once to Harold Dyment, Barrie. 35tfc SAFE WANTED. Send description` andl price to Box ``.I, ' Examiner offvice. T 350 IXIJIJ l\LLVl.JC| l'\lVV_L4 FILVIJ IlULVl\- VV{\Vl.' FED. Write`l .(). Box.542 or phone 384. H. Levit, Burrie. 34~39p WAN I`f)[)--Driving horse for a couple of months, fur feed. Best of care taken. Ap- ply Box Y." Examiner; 35p TWO STUDENTS WANTED to board, 80 cents u day. 55 Elizabeth St. 35p| EXPERIENCED MABDA wanted at once Apply to Mrs. Morten, 70 Collier St. 35tfc 1`URN3ISH~ED on UNFURNISHED ROOMS wanted with board, for business man with small family, or rooms for light house- keeping. Box`R." Examiner office. 35p \2UU1\\1I!llV mztnu vv an I. Luv, uuuuur ugcu, two in family, no washing or ironing. Ap- ply between 7 and 8 p.m. 72 High St. 29tfc ALL KINDS l<`0W_L NAND JUNK. WANT- lIf_.!n._ I] ll 1).... KAI) r... ..L,..... 001 LIVE HENS and young chickens wanted. Highest prices paid. Phone 322 or write to M. Alexander, 142 Bradford St. 33-38p SITUATION WA:NTED---Po.sition as secre- tary. stenugrapher, companion or nursery governcws in or near Barrie. Apply Post Office Box 775.` - . 35p FOR SAlxE--9-roome(l brick house with all conveniexlcea. Small cash payment. balance on easy term:-1,. Excellent home. Apply to W. H. Sloane. Allandale. -33-38;)` IIIVVII d ale. 'R()0MERS or bnurdenxs wanted. Apply at! 77 Maple Ave. ' 35p Al \I.'\ l\'lJ'l'-l||\` VV FNLV red. 1_ lmne ,667W. '_I`WQ ROOMS TO LET. furnished .' - II7` ` 13-- I V` \.I l\\1\J'lVlk7 `Kl - furnisahetl. `ceutml. 0fl'ic.e. W AN I'ED--Roomers or boarders. Apply I '10 Mrs. Judith Malcolm. 99v Sophia St.. or phone. 597M. 34-35p HOUSE GFBEAP , FOR T CA-SH-Eight- rnnrnml hminlr hnnun udth Iluruan unA' H-n-no ll\lLl\.Tl_`l \ll.IJl'll'| .l'\.Il\ ` \JII'k7I.I:'-l3ll.5Il|4'R roamed brick house with garage and three acres good land. large lawn.- Just outside town limits. Apply 130 Tiffin St., Allan- Huln 9: Ann 1 GROCERY STORE and dwelling for sale.l on Robinson Street in town of Collingwood.l Store and dwelling combined. contents and garage. For particulars apply to Mrs. Grant Blaney, Goldwater, R.'R. 2, or. Box '39. Collingwood. 32-37c B()A'R.D'l4`.'RH WAIN l`_EI)T---Students prefer- vml phnha HH7/ 'Q,K.QRn HEATED APAR'I1MI.}N'I`S TO LET--Apply at Hannnnu-`u nhrur Qfnv-A Qitfn 1 IJ'A{\ L LDLJ (II {\.l\al.'UI1l.'lLV I. L`! at. Ha_nmer's Cigar Store. COOK-GENERAL WANTED, `middlemged 4...- :r\ lnnnlln -\1 n-nnlninn nu Cu-nninn An. lt` PIC!` pbia St. ADLET COLUMN gj FX0X0I0I<>I0I<>I0X0X0I0X0I0I!>I< WAN l'ED~-Two high schobl girls to board at 59 Park SL, five minutes walk from ~`c}mol.' Mrs. F. Barker. 35.-36p HOUSE AND ST-ABLE~for sale. Apply on 1h!` premises. '1`. H. Holdsworth, 110 So- n`\;u gt - Qn Qn Page Twelve g&a&&&&&&%&&&&m Property For Sale- Rooms and Board Help Wanted Wanted |JI'4.l._ lurulsneu U!" "H" Box "W" Exammer 30-35;: I 3 F`lIlall' 35-401) 5 `6.%"; WANTl*)l)~~Buard". light. housekeeping` mtnus and places Ln work for board. Phone 445. Barrie Business Col-fege, 350 Vrxpply 31tfc | J-IIILILI-'-CK FXLVIJ \JLJ$V LL) L'.lLlJ\I1\rlL`\J. } iliave your suits and overcoats tailor made ' at our low prices. 328. $30. -$35. $40.- They look better, they fit better. they wear better; also pressing, repairing and altera- tionsdone reasonably. W. C. Crawford, Ladies & Gems Tailor. 37 Dunlop St.V, over.Sinnnon;-1 &. Co. Store. 35p |7L}lI\llIl|.lCIs l\aLllI Axusuam ll\lq K1 VVKIIIU IUA ` fur. Reward on returning to Ex-aminer. 35p LOST---G6ld necklace set. with pearls. on` Ross St., Thursday night. August 23. Find- er please notify A. W. Whitby. Reward. 35p LOS'I`--In the New Dreamland theatre` on Saturday evening. August 25, 9. brown mink choker fur. Finder please return to Box office of the New Dreamland theatre. LOST--Necklace. three gold chains fastened with clasp of gold with one pearl. and two torquoise stones, sometime in July or. Aug- ust. Apply to Box 381, Barrie Post Office. Reward. - 35p STRAYED fxjom lot 27, con. 11, Essa, twol ewes with lam-bs, also four ewes. Any in- formation leading to recovery of same would be_appreciated.' Allan Johnston, R.R. 2, Thornton. . _ 32-37p] LOST--By tourist, suitcase between Orillia and Barrie. Monday afternoon. Finder ex- press collect to C.'F.' Helm. 4229 Rockwood Avc., Indianapolis, Indiana, along with name and secure reward. . . 35p r FOUN'D--Bicyc1e, 407195, color grey, Her- cules brake, black rubber handle grips, new mud-guard. new Imperial studded tire, `Dun- Iop. Apply to Chief Case. Owner may have same by paying expenses. A 35c T0 IIETW~I<`umished- rooms for students. with huuee-keeping privileges. Apply `at .32 Wnr.~`le_v St;., phone 855-W. V 35c FOR SALE---~Sil\'er-plated b flat solo corn-l ct. Besson model, in first-class condition.i for $40. ' Also a violin for $15. Apply to` Frank Dutcher, Hunter's Clothing Store. I 34-39p !`T0 LET--aRomu, suitable for office or! gcmnmittee room. 48 Bayfield St. 34tfci `REWARD for return of wb'i~fe castruyed! from 74 Mary St._ Phone-408. , 35p; LOST~-'Between, Barrie` `and Toronto, Schnmberg Road, August 30. a white fox} fun Dniuvnxvr` an .mhnnin.- I-n II`v.n.~aZu,m 9: 1 GREY WICKER G0-CART for sale. Apply 9.-`nu at K`) purl! Rf ll"AR:M FOR SALE---West half lot 18. Cou.l 12. Vespfa. 87 ucres; all cleared but 10 acres l1a1`dwo'o(l bush; 20 acres pasture; 2' 'acres orchard; soil` clay` loam; good well;; fair buildings. Will sell with or withoutl stock and implements. James Brumby,| R.R. 2, Barrie. Phone 609r2.T 35-40p} FOR PAINTING. paper hanging and gen- eral` house decorating; phone A. Berry. No. ' 539W, 21 Gowan St, Allandale. 32~37p]- \Il.\vL'J L VV 'L\ll\.l.`ll.Io lat 52 Park St. OVERLNND [GA-R for sale, in good condi- tion. Bdx 493. Barrie. _ 35p" GAS STOVE FOR SALE, good as new.-- Apply at Haumer's Cigar Store. 3ltfc ROOMS '1`O LE'l`---With or without boa1_'d. .\,..... u:..I. Q,.L.,...| u:..L Q..L..-I ....__:1- _._- FOR SALE-One plank silo 12 ft by 26 ft. Also one stumping machine gear. W. Brennan, Midhurst. - 35p `SEED WHEAT for sale. variety Dawson` Golden Chaff.` Apply to 'W. G. Kennedy, Allandale. Phone 8114-. 35-37p FOR SALE--l8-ft. motor boat. in fair con- dition. cheap, owner leaving town. Apply F. Lawrence, Box 878 or 26 Charlotte St., Barr'ie.-"V T - 35p . WEL_RANG_E FOR SALE; in good con- Ah n Kan`! kilrnc nnal nr SEED WHEAT FOR SALE:-f().A.C. 104. L!..L_;.1. __!-I.l_._ .1.` ..H _.......L!..._ 1.. LL- s7l'JC4`lJ VVILFJFXL IVKJID tJ.'1LJL'J"'-\J-o1-\J- IV`: Thefhighest yielder of all varieties in the! 6th year test at theTO.~A.`C. farm. Price! $1.25 a bushel. L R. A. Sutherland. Str0u(l.I IILJJ KJKILIIJD Ll\=\ILVl 1.1112 LVIIILV \JL'I1\JL\J1\/' ER---I have been appointed by the Maple Leaf Shoe C0.`tO solicit orders and appoint agents. Hope to call on you som1...G. Beatt-y Moore." Lefroy. 34tfc! FOR SAL-E-85 ice cream chairs , 1 large! Taylor safe. 1 `twin Indian motorcycle, 1 cremn separator. 1 auto trailer. 90 bags In-A ternational Stock Food at 31.00; also a cash carrier system for store, cheap. - At A. J. Tuck's. - . ~ 34-36p FOR SAI.E--Pure-"bred Airedale pubpies.l Apply at -48 Bayfield St. 34-35ci HAIR DRESSING done by Mfs, D. C. Howard. Bring your combings and have a good switc"| made. 26 Mulcaster St. 27tfc ONE OR. Two FURNISHED ROOMS to ' In ......L....| P2..- ..` lnr ..m....4.\ 'n...l --I-s--La LADIES` AN_D G`EN'IS TAILf_JRING.---ii 4.- -...I ....____ L L I FALL WHEAT FOR SALE, No. 1 seed. Edward Carr, Painswick. 34-36p PANDORA COAL RANGE and gas water knnfnn `nu nnln niacin A1! ``\I`' DO. r-an IJURZI UUQLJ I\J7o1V\Jl`J uuu SKIS Will/Cl heater for sale. Bargain. Box V", Ex- annner offnce. - . 35. IIIDVV I`JI.J.l\I\'l`\4"l'l I.`\ll\ CJIIIJICJ, III SUULI \iUll' dition, reservoir on. back, burns coal or wood. Mrs; C. ~McNiven, C-otter Awe. Phone 836W. ' A A35p[ I rim Goons FROM THE MANUFACTUR- r\n T L`... L . . _ . _ . ..:_L_.l L-. LI... ll.....l.. `HOUSE 'l`0 RENT'-*Se\'en rooms, all coma! vvniences. Furnished or unfurnished. Ap- ply John Dickey, 107 Bayfield St., after. isix o'clock. 351)` I100-ACRE FAR.'M FOR SALE OR RENT--! East half lol` 24, Con. 9, Essa. Apply to; Mrs. We.~'le_v Brooks, R.R. No. 3, Thorn-I t-on. - . ' . 34-39111 001.1.-IE PUP`f0r sale. Albert Bishop, Bar- rie`. R.R. 2. . 350i [WELL BRED CALF for sale. T Apply Jag! A. Leunox, 2 North St. `Phone 387W.-j3r5p; LUV 1.1] \II\. I. VV$.l 1`lJ.l\LV l\3lfllUIJ I\a\J\JlVlC LU . . . . let, pnvate fuuuly. central, five xmnutes -walk from High School. Apply at this office. - 35p

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