FALL wmnxr FOR SALE, No. 1 seed.` Edward Carr, Painswick. .. . '34-36p] FOR SAL'E--7000 white brick. Apply Hor- ton & Smith, Stroud School. _ 34p` -:::: GAS STOVE FOR SALE, good as new.- Annlu nf. I-Innnnnu-`a nan. Elana 91585.! PNEUMATIC mam BUGGY for sale. Suit- nkln 6'..- ..L..... -...... A....I-. 4- n n A! CORN BINDER FOR SALE. Apply to! J, D ` Rirnia Rm-1-in Pn '24.-.3 u:.uu.n Ur L'u.u3L'uuns)`.v nruvn 101' 52118 | at Midland, Penetang Brick Works, Pene- tang. For information telephone J. Quig-. ley. 30:35p FOR SALE-'-2-inch dry hemlock`. Apply 85 Dundonald St. or phone 650.1. 30-35pi uno DLUVD rvn Dnuna, 3000 Apply at Hanmer's Cigar Store. STOCK OF` FIRSTJCLASS BRICK for sale at 'IllAl.....-I D......L...._ D-:-!- 1-._I__ n__, Live Stogk For Sal . .....uu-nu-uv urn-uuumn LU U131 ;r an mnvt-.nim1cos:; .~'uif.:Ihl0 for Cnllegiante pupils, {I-w minut-cs walk to school. Phone 707 or call at 76 Small St. ~ 34-36p V V , Property ` To Let E arms For Sale lisceaneous sale as Bird, I 30-35;) I IEIIIIIII l\lU|'\I`f\|'lEI`I ' The handicap tennis tournament of the Ba.rrie`Te'nnis Club got away to a start this week with twenty entries in the men s singles. By the end of the week the com- petition will be well on the way to the. finals. The poor weather conditions re- tarded "the progress of the tournament to a considerable extent. The winner will re-I ceiye a very suitable prize. In the August issue of The Blue Bell, which is published monthly in the interests of the employees of the Bell Telephone Co., there appears a photo of the Barrie plant school of the system. The following are in `the group : R. G. E. Johnston, A. N. Day, A. D. Morton, J. F. Gardner, E. Dillman, W. N. Stephenson, E. D. Smith, J. G. Tinegate, A. J. Birch- ard, G. J. Alpin, R. Robinson, A. iHogan, F. B. O'Connor, W. J. Castom! . 1" U-R.-NINHED ROOMS TO LET. with house- _kN-.;.u'ng privileges; also Happy Thought rmlgo for sale. price $8.00. Apply 52 Wors: My SI. or qvhnne 855 W._ . 34p The Fire Brigade was called out Friday noon last to quench a small grass re which threatened to burn down a frame barn on the property `of Mrs. J. M. Ness, James and Ber- .czy Sts. The dry grass east of Ber- gczy St. on James St. had caught re from matches in the hands of child- ren playing around, but a few pails of water prevented it burning down the barn, although it had spread as far as that building.- U Percy F. Hoadley, organist and choirleader of Collier St. Methodist lChurch, expects to render, early in `September, his beautiful organ ar- rangement entitled Around the iWorld, which he will present in Barrie for the first time, and later in Wallaceburg, Hamilton, etc. As its {title indicates, selections typical of v "the various countries of the worldl will be rendered. w 5 - --Hurlburt s shoe sale is in full swing. See their men's all-solid work 'boots for $2.98 pair. -vvlnlb uusslvuo It is a very rare occurrence to have threegenerations of one family `in the hospital at one time, yet such is now the case in_the R. V. Hospital, Barrie. On the ground oor is An- ggvus McDouga1l, Sr.; his son, D. J. !McDougall, on the second floor, while on the third oor is the latest arrival in the family, a son of Angus Mc- gDo uga.ll, Jr., born this week.` 1 ..... .. ' _ _ -H1s Master's Voice Vlctrolas and Victor records at J. G. Keenan s, `opposite P. 0. Square. 34c The gravel pit in the north east- iern portion of the town was the scene [of a re Monday morning. The dry igrass about the pit caught re, pre- isumably from boys playing with matches,` and about ten acres were burned over. The Fire Brigade was `called out by telephone. A house ,and outbuilding were in danger of ibeing burned." n. :_ _ -.-.,-- `vv uuvvuvu llllll HCLC. In the last issue of The Examiner, ,the impression was unfortunately left 5in connection with some work that =the town scavenger had done thatit was not his duty to do such work. `Mr. Rollingacts under a town by-law and the fees collected are paid to s . ihlm. uw-. __ . - -- _vv u. ICQLSV \aUll5LCsGUlUIlo Harold Fisher, local manager for the Canadian National Telegra-p|hs, has taken a position as railroad tel- eg:raphe.r on the C.N.R. and is now relieving on the Capreol division. Mrs. Jack Vair has been appointed to succeed him here. """'" :>IZ'.35c ' Walter Urry'has sold to A. J. Sar- jeant the east house of the pair of ' _brick houses formerly owned by Dr. IB. Patterson, adjoining Mr. Sar- 3 jeant s residence. 1 7111.- _1-_.__ - 41, u I 1 1- u vs. I --See the wonderful values in wo- men's and children's black, brown and white `hose at 19c pair at Hurl- ;burt s shoe sale. `I'D--- ('1 Y\ III I u- . o . - IIVU ounc- Rev. G. R. Turk, President of the Toronto Conference, occupied the ,pulpit of Collier St. Methodist {Church `Sunday evening and preach- `ed an eloquent and inspiring sermon to a large congregation. T-Yo-innit] D:tVLnun `nsna-` --------~~ "- .,.-..... ,...... --High grade pianos--everything' ;in music at J. G. Keenan's, opposite` |P. 0. Square. 34c ' -Notice-For plumbing and heat- ing, ring 214, J.'J. Neelands, 48 Blake St. Repairs for all stoves and furnaces. 33tfc (EAL... L- 4.1.... I'.`..L2`L2L2-._ 11,- I-`URN 1sm*:1 Bl)DRO()MS T0 um`; an} x-un\rI-ninnmm- _-n6..l\l.. 6`..- l`V..lI.....:..;- -u...u\.\.u. OOCIC Going `to the Exhibition this year? Accommodation for Exhibition visit- iors at 12 Orde St. and 87 Harbord iSt., Toronto. Prices reasonable. as- ;J\4uol|v u -1, uvltlclllacv ' i The glory of the glads is seen in `many local gardens these days. Harry Hook brought to The Examiner of- ce this week three -as ne spikes of `Le Marschal Foch as one could`wish Ito see. -See the $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 .shoes at Hurlburtfs shoe sale for `$1.98 pair. ' ` ' LT:...L .....-.l_ ..2--- --r N. M.MYERS . JOS. MARRINL O :;,\V/J, 9/` ,\V/, LL91. `A!/.' '.\!J.".`~'/.`{\.'/ ' ' \' { A /.`L\'J . . _ . ` _ _ _-~n--_-_~ LOCAL TENNIS ToURNAMENT_ L- l.'.....l2...:... L . _ _ . . . . . _ _ . 3 ....4. .. MARKET SQUARE WOOL HIDES T0 LE'I'~---~l"i\'e or six rooms. partly fur- nislmd. if desired, in house pleasantly sit- uvatml. with conveniences. large garden. moderate rent. Apply 23 Theresa St. 30-35p ---::-- Successor to THE BAKRIE EXAMINER COLLECTOR. OR0 Applications will be received by the un- dersigned up to and including Monday, September 3, for the position of Collector :for the Township of Oro for the year .1923. `W. B. Tudhope, Clerk, Hawkestone. 34-35c `U111! 1JlUl\ QHU u C1-aigvale:---H. Jacks lst; C. Richardson p; LM. Reid s; R. Richardson 3rd; M. Sutherland If ; M. Meredith 2nd ; M. Leonard rf; I. Goodfellow cf; E. Rich c. 6 O 1 U U `Strand . . . . . . . . . . ..0 2 O 2 0 2 Craigfale . . . . . . . . ..4 2 5 2 3 1 Line-up:-- -Stroud:--H. Ferris p; Jean Sutherland ss; Mrs. N_ess 1st; N. Robertson 3rd; A. Marquis rf; E. Stevenson cf; V. Smyth lf;' Mary Black 2nd. nro:nIyo1n -7 J2! Inn`rn 1.-4 u (V D:..L.._.L-A-. ....- .., _.-v--u Craigvale girls team gave Stroud girls a sound walloping in girls baseball previous to the men s game. The winners marked the scoreboard in every inning. C. Rich- ardson twirled for Craigvale and H. Ferris [for Stmud. _ _ Q__,,_ L- [ rf. wvunx, IJJ uuuusc 3'" _ 12345678 Total !Barrie 30000032 8 "Knock 00001031 5 Barrie--Dobson lst; Livingston cf; D. Emms 2nd; Clark rf; L. Emms p;. Gilchrist .ss; Twiss lf; Cooper c; Carson 3rd. Knock-Wright es; Boyd lst; Martin 2nd; p; W. Sutherland 3rd; Adams c; Lockhart p; Connell lf; Allen cf; Bowrnan Knock hurl a gomeegg until the fifth when Allen scored after he had got safe on error. In the seventh the home-te:un added a trio. and finished it up by snatching another via Wright. in the eighth. The final score was 8-5 for Barrie. (Continued from page 9) Barrie started off by snatching three runs in the first frame, Livingston, Clark. and L. Emms crossing the pan. They ad- ded three more in the seventh, Gilchrist. Cooper and Carson marking the scoreboard. The locals secured a par in the eighth, L. Emms and Gilchrist scoring after they had hit safely. . I(nnnlr Run} in linnbtl nun until LL- [SELL l\uL` Ill `IJIIIIH7 WEI! a. Ul'UlaUl'. `The funeral was held on Wdnesday af- ternoon to Minesing Cemetery. Rev. S. J. Former officiating. ' ._._._.___....__..__......._..._.._._.........._.. BOAvR:D})R.S WA'N I'B)D-A few students prefnrrecl. in" a private home. near the Col- legiate. Apply Box 59 or 104 Elizabeth St Harri:-. _ _ ' 34p A1 GARDEN PARTY! `(7f\nn The late Mrs. MacDonald was born in Inverness, Scotland, seventy years ago, and had resided there during the early part of ~ her life. In 1871 she was married to James MacDonald of Inverness and in 1882 emi- grated to Canada. settling at Edenvale where she had lived ever since. Deceased was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Besides her sorrowing husband, nine chil- dren survive. They are David -MacDonald. Vancouver. B.C.; John MacDonald. Mon- tuna; `James H. MacDonald, North- Dakota; P. E. MacDonald. Orillia; iDan MacDonald. Edenvale; Kenneth MacDonald. New York State; Mrs. W. W. Jones. Barrie; Mrs. Ed. Culham. Purple Springs. Alta..; Mrs. Robert Davidson. Saskatchewan. One daughter. Mrs. David Davidson. Brentwood, died two months ago. One brother, Donald McR.ae. -St. Marys. also survives. The late Alex. Mc- = Rae of `Barrie was a brother. I ~'l\L- 1' .... ._..I ..___ L4,! ,_ 111:: I Mary Anne McRae. beloved wife of James MacDonald. passed away at her home in Edenvale, on Monday afternoon. She had suffered a paralytic stroke two months ago and had been very ill for the past two vvoeks. I`lIl, I . II ' II v\ 1 n Ul K31/I UU\lo Score by innings :- 1 Score by innings:- ' 1 -) MRS. JAMES MacDONALD Little Clirls Wool Pullover Sweaters, tan, cardinal, red and white, cardinal and tan, sizes 24 and 26, special value at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 Sutcliffe s Special Large Plain Papr Scribblers, price . . . . . . . . 5c each Ladies Brown and `Black Cotton Hose, sizes 81/g'to 10, regular 39c, special price . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c pr. Ladies" ure Wool Jacquette `and Tuxedo Sweater Coats, newest style, colors white, black and white, tan and white, henna `and white, regular $5.00 value, special price . $4.00 "`** ROOMS T0 [JET----With or without board. near High School. High School pupils pre- ferred. W rite Box 377, `Barrie. 34;) Craigvale I7; nstroud 6. Boys Blackrand Brown 1x1 Ribbed Heavy Cotton Hose, sizes 8 to -- 7 special value at . . . . . . . 50c pr._ _...__._________.________ Men's Black and White Fine Cotton and Grey Merino Socks, sizes _10, 101/_, 11 gmd 11%, regular 60c pr., special . . . ._ 39 pr, or 3 prs. $1.00 Boys and Girls 1x1 Ribbed Black Cotton Hose, sizes 6 -to 10, regular 40c line, special . . . . . . . . .. 25 pr. OBITUARY Tdtal ' uuullltll. 1118 H`lIOI'IYl8tl0l'l Col. Barker of Camp Borden. - . . . _ _. vrivh. n|.IvVUl`|lILU Friday morning in Police Court. a man named Campbell from Camp Borden will be tried on a charge of cruelty and` neglect to children. The information was laid by Camn Borden. r \r|w.I'I'-.V1|:I`tll u-uum wul) l)0llI'(`l. .SU!t8Dl for Iwn school girls. 111 Collier St. or P, 0, Box 1039. 34;)` ..__._._.._.__._.__..._..._..._..._._._. . BOWHEY--At the Royal Victoria Hospi- tal. Barrie, on August 21. 1923. to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bowhey.` a (laughter (still- born). - 18, 1923. a daughter to Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Currie. A Iu'S'l`l the R.V. Hospital. on Thurs- day. August 23. 1923. a daughter to Mr. I . l CURRIE~--In Winnipeg, on Saturday, Aug.l l l i 9 and Mrs. Maurice H. Esten. KNUPP--On Monday, August 13, 1923. to; - Mr. and Mrs. George Knupp, Minesingu a daughter (Vona Moretta)- i Mc.-\iRTHUR--On August 22; at the Royal Victoria Hospital. to`Mr. and Mrs. C. McArthur. Allandale. a son. | McDOUGALL---At Royal Victoria Hospital.. on August 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mc- Dnuzall. a son- SULLIVAN-On August 21, at Royal Vic-I toria Hospital, to Mr. and L. Sul-4 livan. Regina. :1 son. SWITZER-~At the Royal Victoria Hospi- tal, on`.-Xugust 17, to Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Switzer, Phelpston. a daughter. WEST-At the Royal Victoria Hospital, on August 21, to Dr. and -Mrs. West, Angus, a daughter. ' l"ELL-~McLEAN-At the Collier St. Meth- odist `parsonage, Barrie, on Weclnesday. August 22, 1923, by the Rev. H. E, Wellwood. Miss Ellen McLean, of Bar: rie, to Mr. Frank Fell, of Innisfil Tp. I A ' Weary mothers who are tired of darning will find our Children s Hosiery most welcome. We do not guar- antee them to be hole-proof, because they are not made of iron, but we do say that they are sturdy and strong and will resist wear much longer than an ordinary brand. Heavy, ribbed, plain-nish hose for boys. STUR DY STOCKINGS CRUELTY CASE ADJOURNED `..:,z.. ' - H" " BORN Sutc1ie s Special ` Laundry Soap, special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 for 25 Tay1or sV Tooth Paste and Tooth Powder, special price . . . . . . .. 25c Excelsior Scissors Sharpener, will sharpen 100 to 200 pairs for 25c, every home should have one, price only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 each u-cum: uu u:\l1l l\I,l\JlVl'1`Jl\xD V\"[\lV'13I5JU. $1.00 wt-ekly, all conveniences. Apply at this offict-. 34-35p 'Long Strings Black Beads, 49c Choice of styles of bead shapes, 54 and 56-in. strings, a manufacturer s `clearing `line, per string . . . . . . 49 -v 7TI[T77r$cribb1er, special value. at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 each La France Cast'ileT Toilet Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 bars for 25c_ Black and Tan Leather School Bags, 10x13, special price . . . . $1.25 each Ladies Mercury Lisle Hose, full-fa- shioned and seamless, colors navy, taupe, canteloupe, brown, black and white, sizes 8% to 10, extra value at 90c, clearing price . . 50 pr. -uunuuu'u'11`I:Ul-"-In novmg memory of out I dear father, John M. Cunningham, who died August 19, 1922. ' We who loved you sadly miss you As it dawns another year. In the lonely hours of thinking Th0U2htS Of vnn urn nlrunuya Annu- .11: Ill: lUCly Il0ul'S OI tnlnklng Thoughts of you are always dear. 34c ' --F lcUNN1;NHAM-1n loving I dear father Jnhn -M 0... , u1l.~ zulu mm. nu bngley and family, iAIlandale, desire to express their apprecia- =tion of the many kindnesses of their friends sand neighbors during their recent sad be~ greavement. in the death of their youngest `son, Charles. 34: I ,, -j ( IN i In ever loving memory of dear dad, P. R. Nunes, who died in Hamilton Hospital, August 24, 1920. 1 I 1..-; :_ I5: 1 . . WA-N'l`EI)---Roomers or boarders. Applyl tr) Mrs . Judith Malcolm. 99 Sophia `St.. or phone 597M. 34-35;)` I Mrs. J. `Mullen and family of Lefroy wish !to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kindness in their recent sad be- reavement. I Mr- and Mrs. Eli Srigley and family, :A3ndale. t0 GXDTPKQ thoir Qnnv-nn.'n i CREASE--:At cal -.1 THURSDAY, Aucusr 23, 1923. ,.....nuu--m one Loronto General Hospi~ tal, "on August 14, 1923, Edward Albert Crease, barrister, in his (5151:. year, old- est son. of the late Captain C. B. Crease and Mrs. Crease of North Vancouver, B.C.. beloved husband of Marion Crease, 163 Balsam Avenue. Toronto. Funeral (private) 2 p.m.. Friday, 17th inat., from the home of his brother, Barrie. Interment in Union Cemetery. `You 's1;old see "them. cums OFTHANKS , ,,_.__,- --, `wave in life but to memory dear. f\ I . - the Toronto General Hospi- [USt 14. plhxrnrrl All-ug-h DIED -_--- I'UR.N~I-SH;l`.'I) ROOM with board. .s'uitab1e for [non unhnnl mi.-lg III l`..lI:.... Q; -_ n ,__.._...._V V --Daughter Elsie of 1nnnn1n..-n _.L.. ICGI u -Fanily` cu|_\ ,_-u.:u I Some of country at 2- Market Gard(=n.s---`1 Farms Our list afV.'m'_l.< _\`u a home and you mu` U H I Town Properti._- ally 53 1"! (N Phones: Office 86! !. A.RTR".3G_1 i:EfJs'i$'1ieZf `way lll_'l . Bernhurall inn 2:111:05 mu! hm! respmztiw--!_\'. \\ and` lost unv will nf Tout-nhznn f1 'l'went_\` -four Allistnn. }:srru-. . , I 1: n (1-1-R1. 0:: mm (RO0Mvl)R.S WANTED. `I 0!! dlIt|l) ,'.Ir all nn---n--------~ lllIHllIIl. I) venham, Staynnr an Barrio um! SEE US 1312`; BUY 01 Steve GHT.fiIlP recoml Inmmy :1` .-`L. AII?.. II 7'CbUIIl| lllllll the Allistun M W. H. I\'_c-11111: ._.._ll,_ .',.,, I, `V . ll. I\"llI4 IrundIer.< nms ament `v;a.~ v *tayng~r. h I I `.1. VI lIII'\\'l . \'. . 'B8I'l'i('.~ J. Silltthi Turner, W. H KI-nn Torm1tn nrday. POUCHER W NEWMARK ' UIJDIICI "Z a"IIKlll'|:l ~`f 65. T11(*.s`t` (ht games. Hunter Kc `-:)urth place` with four games and In I"|u. D......Lnp mnl Juun sauna null I The Pouchrr rmL;x iyogany Hnl0kf`T.~`- M`f_~ quartetfo gm r-HUM}.-I nu .______._._.._.._._..._._._____.._._.._ Bf_)AuRlHIi)I{S W:\N'l"ED~-Central location. two .~r(urir,-nI.~s preferred. Apply Exzuniner office. 34p i (7ha'rli<- l nl1cl3m - :run(llor.~ got thin! Rowling Tmnrnunw Hunter Kounr*r1_vA.~ -ourth place. Thi wred. 3 large um - nointa south. l'm~ part. and two {run ' ll.....l.. ..{ l)..l LIIC Wllllllllg Ill 'Allandal(--L -.<. t`. G. Wa!k(`r.' (`..W. 1. DUIIIIAV Dillhll. A l\l IIZBN. from: Moody, of Rivhz trize with 3 pllL\ ~. Toronto was .~(-mm} Voucher n.` .~\llunrl::}r , Al , I ll!` '1'!` , Office: 46 Baye` D f\ T).\:l A nice o If ,it is Real Esta THURSDAY,` AL Also GLORI1 MON., AT! 66Tl_ wmzz! 1{ as Bi" Bart-tr. the production '1" -(I ROOMS TO LET. furnished or un- furnished. (zentrnl. Box W Examiner 0f'ficv. . 30.35; son, D01 MOTF The romanca beauty of :3: country down Grande, whcr its setting. Wm. Ste.-(-lo. known heavl lm plays, wh add a breath 0 production. in I')'II '1 . A typical try, in a stor life that he k portray so we THURS., H all-around cow Garsido Jack Hoxic. ._______________ nu-;A'm;D AP2\R.'l1MENTS 'I`() LET-Apply 3: Hunxm`.r'.'.~ Cigar Rtnm 2144`... Thri F.irst_timc in his ne{ . nun : H mm} and ()ril if 53;; I.Iv w 1;h.il`?j " K0 ROOMS A-ND RONR'D-6tudent3 wanted to Emmi tit 110 Bradford St. Phone 305M. _ 34-35p ...____..._....__._._..__.._.______._.._ I urul I I'll nl. n.-uy IJKVIJIVLV In Huuxm`.r'.'s Cigar Store. :1-j-:-:: ' FIOR SAl1!'I~--L9-roonued brick house with! M! cuxnvcnicuce;-s." Small cash payment. hulance on ea.~'_v tcrnus. Excellent. home} Apply Io_W. H. Sloane, Allandale. 33-38p. , GRGCFGRY S'I`()R.E and dwelling for sale, un R.ohin;~:un Street in town of Collingwood. .\'.t.uro and dwelling combined. contents and garage. Foi" particulars apply an Mrs. Grant Bluney. (`oldwatx'r. RR. 2. or Box 39. Uolliugwuod. 32-370 l"(X{ SALE~ Six-roonwd brick-clz:vl house. all conveniences. in good locality; also garage and lmnhouse; close to Collegiate. Apply at. Examiner office. 29-34p nnuuuu nu U u:I|u'uun lU|' Halt`. Apply (Nil the prmnxises. T. H. Holdsworth. 110 So- phia St. _ 30-35p FOR S'ALE~ Choice building lot. nne hun- dred dollar.-'. wm \ 9.~apra St. Address care of Box H" Barrie Examiner. 29-340' APl hIOA'I`I0`NS will ;be received up to Friday, August. 31, "for the position of Col- lector of Luxes for the Township of Innis- fil for the your 1923. Applications to be .~e.nt (.0 the Clcrrk. R. `M. McConkey, Clerk, St mud. 7 33-34:: LIVE I-H')N%.% and young chickens wanted. Highest. prices paid. Phone 32`2 or write to M. Al(_'.xand(-.r. 142 Bradford St. .33-38p HOUSE AND S'l`A~BLE for sale. Apply on I !!! nrmnixne 1` n`lIc||rnrfL 11" Qn, 3?. H0UH'E AND LOT FOR. SALE at 69 Vid- fI\n:n Q1 A....I.. .. ' .. Ll... ......... .. nnnn, x_n.ru\n-A nun uun run Dnum at. 0:1 VIC- roria 31. Apply on the premises. 29-34c ..._..._...__.._.__.._._._.._______._._..... ALI. KiN-ns`1\owL ANDT.iT6Nt: WANT- L\T\ KXf..Z|_ X)f\ I)--. (2.441 -._ .`I___,, I101 - \l..ll.t ILIJVIIK! l"l)VVLl (`It'll IIULVIX VVIIXVIN 1-10. Write v.0. Box 542 or phone 384.} II Ln:-H Jlu.--in `)4 `)0... jnnuuncnuuuuo YOUNG WOMAN wants work by day. Washing not objected to. "Apply to Box "S," Exaxniner. 34p SIRAYED from lot 27, con. 11, Essa, two ewes with lambs, also four ewes. Any in- formation leading to recovery of same would be appreciated. Allan Johnston, R.R.. 2, mum-mu. . 32471.] W~AlN l`F.D MORE SALESMEN (whole orl spare time) to sell our high-grade Trees, Shrubs and Plants. Over 1000 varieties to select from. Lowest prices, excellent com- n1i.s'sion.=x weekly. Free outfits and instruc- tions, _4t._cady. respectable employment. T Wlland Nursery Cm, ~Welland. 334340 One cent a word, cash, eucii insertion (minimum charge, 25c); six insertions for'_ the price of four. 10 cents extra` when charged; also 10 cents extra when `replies Are directed to Examiner Office. GOOD GENERAL WANTED, family of two. Apply at Examiner office. 34;) \/Q'.II\'Ll'lIlI`I'Jl.\v"IIf VV I'll` LL31}, lJllLlILlI7'C6I'I\l, two in family. no washing or ironing. Ap- ply between 7 and 8 pm. 72 High St. 29tfc `HELP WAsNI'ED--T(}iT:-1 `for general house-1 work. Mrs. Smith, 18 Mulcaster St. 34tfc VGIRL OR WOMAN WANTED for light housework. Apply to Mrs. M. F. Bolger, Aliston. . 3l~36p . WANTED-A reliable middle-aged house- keeper for elderly couple at Alliston. Ont. Apply G. S. Edmonds, Alliston, Ont. 29-34p wwvnngwww wwwwwwww "`.-`U . o`'~"` "` 1 . - ADLET COLUMN COOKGENERAL WANTED, middle-aged,| {sun :1: Fnnnnu nn uyucl-|:nn nr ;rnn;nt! An.l g**%%a%ar%%****g IJ(B'l`-On detour between Barrie and 01'- illia, spare tire on rim. size 33x41/_-. Finder kindly notify Mrs. R. Fae, Arden Camp, Bass Lake, R.R. No. 2,. Orillia. 34p n-2:- T W %&m$%&m&&%&$a&w&| Page Twelye M 7. VVIIIC I .\J- Lrevit, Barrie. NU UUU'l' LIA-MBJRA LOST, on 16, between Barrie and Big Bay Finder please enquire at Examiner Reward. 34p i Lost afnd Found Rooms jand Board Property For Sale- Help Wanted Wanted -\.r|.. . Ul 34-35;) I20S I`~-Bay horse strayed from lot 13, con. 9. Vespra, on Tuesday, July 31., white streak across chest, abort tail. John Pat- terson, Barrie P.O. 32-34p . IIC llL"Xo 34.39;) l PHOTOGRAPHY at your home, groups, portraits. weddings, atc., church decora- tions; also no iea made and enlarged oi your old valu photos. Mail orders have careful attoutim.- W. S. Martin, 17 El`- enia St. I . 0 Box 418. 20-849 AGENTS we :20 a day selling auto specialty, new invention sells to every ca! owner on sight. It's a winner. Particul- ars free. Mac's Mail Order Service, Peter- boro, Ont. . 33-349 MATRICULATION-Pupils requiring assist- ance in mathematics for Junior Matricula- tion Supplemental Examination. apply P. O. Box 37 or No. 2, Penetang St. 34p FOR PAINTING. paper hanging and gen- eral house decorating, phone A. Berry, No. 539W, 21 Gowan St., Allandale. 32~37p HING LEE is opening a restaurant in the Classic Hotel, Allandale, Saturday, August 18. Good meals served. 33-34p .._____.__...____.___..._____._.. HAIR DRESSING done by Mrs. D. C. Howard. Bring your combings and -have a good switc`1 made. 26 Mulcaster St. 27tfc r'AwM FUR 1u9N'I`--200 acres, lot 10. con. 4. Innisfil. about 160 acres under cultiva- [tion; good dairy and` stock farm; never; failing stream; stanchions in barn; furnace in home; possession any time. .Cou1d sell stock and implements. For particulars ap- ply Lorne '1`. Davidson, Gookstown. R.R. 1. Phone 32r6. 33-340 - uuunuo nnu uuuun'n:a---muxcaster street Tea Rooms. Best of homemade cooking, City Dairy ice cream. T T 29-34 Ixuit Point. Office. :- 100-ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR RJ`E'NT'-:-I East half lot 24, Con. 9. Essa. Apply to Mrs. Wesley Brooks, R.R. No. 3, Thorn- ton. ` V35-40p` - _ l MEALS AND LUNOI-EES--Mulcaster Street Ton nnnma Dani A: L.....-.......I.. -..-|-!._- -:::j-_--. FARM `FOR RENT--200 acres,` lot A 'un:uf:` ..L....a. um n . . . . . ._.I-_ -..n:-.- _____._._...._____.._.__.._.. ITO LE'I`-Seven-room duplex house, all conveniences. Apply at 48 Collier St., I Barrie. 34c FURNISHED HOUSE to let---A`ll modern conveniences. centrally located. Apply Mrs. Parkhouse. 80 Owen St. 31-36c ITO LE'I`--4Room. suitable for office org lcoxnnxim-Me room. 48 Bayfield St. 34tfc; l FOR SALE--Good butter cow. part Jersey, four years old. Price 3455; Apply in the evenings at 74 Wellington St.. west corner, of Ross St. -% _ 34pl _..._._.._..__._.___..________.___ GOOD HORSE} `FOR SALE.` ree. to LI ....l.. t)_:.J .._.._ Y 111,` nknnm. F-um lI\JU'l`|l`4 LU .` R 88 Sophia St. | FOR SAL-E-~~Ba_v horse. sound, 1500 -lbs. jflkn r'.uln|uvn" Ann 0 FL... QL..._-. 1)..-. MOST- -Walrus handbag. between Toronto and Oakview Beach. Return` owner, Dr. Touch, Oakview .-Rewar 34p run b`Al.-h~~'Bay horse. sound, -lbs.I Jhhn Caldwell. cou.. 2, Oro, Shanty Bay.i Ont. ` ' 34p _._..__.__......__..-.j....._...:._....._.. A I uuu uuL\U.Lu run `Dunn, mree [OI choose from. Apply Herb Reid, near Little? Lake. 895M. - . 32-34p I a-- :-:-:1- |HoUsE T0 RENT. Apply to Miss Bird, I 88 Qnnhin Rf ' '30 9:- FOR SALE--~0ne Jersey cow, fresh. 6 years` old. I . Cavanagh, Anten Mills, Ont. R.l R I . 90 0'7. ' {FOR SAvLE---Black and tan hound pup, 3 months old. Apply 250 Bradford St. ! . 34-34p [ l ___..____-..__...-...:-_Z__-_--.--__- i |F'0R SALE-~-Pure-bred Airedale fwuppies: Apply at 48 Bayfield St. 34-35c . FOR SALE-~Some real good cars---Chevro-I let baby grand coupe. model F.B.; Overland? sedan, model 4; Overland Country Club,` model 90; Overland, model 83B. These cars are equipped with goodtires and spare, and can be bought on easy terms with very llittle cash down. F. W. Livingston, Rea` : dealer. ` 34c I ***' fi; "LOWERING BUIBS for full planting for sale+-Pheasant4-eye Narcissus or Daffodils fragrant, 25 cts. doz.; mixd_ Narcissus or; Daffodils single. 50 cts. doz.; Darwins and mixed Tulips. 40 cts. doz. Address, Fred- win Thompson. R.4R.2_. Stroud, Ont. 33-344) i FOR SALE---85 ice cream chairs, 1 largeg Taylor safe, 1 twin Indian motorcycle, .1 cream separator. 1 auto trailer, 90`bags In-" ternational Stock Food at $1.00; also a cash carrier system for store, cheap. At` A. J. Tuck's. _ 34-36_p ` l.OS'1`--4Aug'ust. 12. between Barrie and Orillia, black club bag containing clothing. ore. Reward. Finder please return to this_ nffice. . 33-34c FOR SALE-Columbia. grafonola, 2 dres- sets. pictures. china cabinet, lawn hose, small table, Morris chair, kitchen cabinet; reading lamp, 5 and 3 gallon crooks. For quick sale will sell cheap; 50 John St., or phone 654J. 34c FOR SALE--0ne Pandora Range, slightly! used. with or without water front; also stove pipes, and set of bed springs, almost . new. For quick sale as the owner is leav- ing town. Apply 68 Small St. 34p BUY GOODS FROM THE MANUFACTUR-. `MD ,_Y 1.....- I. . . _ . . n ..:..4....I L-. n... n'....1- uux u-uuuo L"l.\.\)lV1 Ann Lvu`uV U1`AL2.I. UIV-1 ER--I haveo been appointed by the Maple Leaf Shoe Co. to solicit orders and appoint agents. Hope.tov call on you soon. G. Beatty Moore, Lefroy. 34tfc ' FOR SALE--Good Athree-piece parlor suite,! to be sold very cheap; also bed sprmg,i rocking chair and window blinds. 229: Dunlop St. Phone 4; 34p `FOR SALE--Silver-plated bi flat solo corn- AI , Rnannn I-nrulnl :11 not II`nnn nA'v.J:L1,... gruu. unuLr`\Juvc1-guausu U Hub ESUIU curu- ` et, Besson model, in first-class condition. for 840. Also a violin for $15. Apply to Frank Dutcher, Hunter s. Clothing Store. . 34-39p` JJLLVIJIJJLV .l`\J.l.\ $31 `J .w1"5. imie, Barrie 1>.o. 1. uuuuu-xxxu a.L1u:4 Duuux LU!` saw. C |able for show ring. Apply to B. D. {Neill., , - 32` Imp. SALE-~Edison diamond-disc cabinet} phonograph and records. Box` "H" Exam-i iner office. ' 349i FOLDING scum" YEA-MERA LOST,` .!...m.=-+ u: l...L......... I)..___'- - .1 n 4