Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1923, p. 2

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Singer -tine is blessing: any nth apparat. especial sidm'ahl( lief. W joy ck-' tomctr` waknes the alas. your sig. erately .; Edi. con Barrie ESTATE USE Sold` (1 A GR K megs L\T 1: ' COS gtq This great Cuckoo classic is still knockin- 'em off their seats. And the higher the brow the harder the fall. The Apex Recordof this wonderful fox trot is truly sensational. Get it on Record 8049. You can also get the vocal selection on Apex Record 8044: 'PT()I\ APEX we . 8084 Wonderful Child 623. my You'll Cry Over _ I'll Be Here When You one 8084 - Come Back (Dance 624) ` (Vocal 62 7) POPULAR VOCAL NUMBERS KEEHAN & msmuanv 65 3082 Stella T (Dance 80.77) ` T (Vocal 8062) Wet Yo Thumlg 8070 Beale Street Mamma .8071 . Down by the River _ An!` 17---` n/`I\ v-o -vi w--v ---v ance 425,vVoEal 8063) plrrie, Ont. ' _$7"oTTWo A curious situation has developed! in England over the supply of insulin for the treatment of diabetes. Pro- vision has been made for the supply of the serum to the poor, and it is,_ of course, available to the rich. The middle classes are, however, almost debarred from using it, as they can- not be provided for at the clinics and. the law forbids it being admin- istered by any.but certied -medicall -men and hospitals. This makes it prohibitive to- the average user. The London Press`is discussing the mat- ter and advocating `that certicates be issued to those who have been trained in the administering of thel insulin so that patients need not at-I tend doctors and hospitals for the. l daily administration of insulin. pRe- , search workers are also hard at work] in an yeiort to perfect a method by] which insulin" can be taken through the mouth. In Ontario, the insulin situation seems somewhat similar to l`that in England. Ontario's Minister of Health has announced. that pro- vision will be made for a-supply to diabetics who are unable to pay. Asl for the others,ithe man of wealth always has the advantage in having his wants supplied. So the man of- lsmall or moderate means is the one who has most difficulty in securing the treatment. Although most of the serum is still given at the clinics in Toronto, some medical men who have taken the special cpurse of instruc- tion at these clinics are now admin- istering it in their home towns, which reduces the cost considerably. Writing on` Advertising in the `Local Paper, the "Hardware and Metal Magazine "gives the following sou nd'advice not only to hardware merchants but also to every man in the retail trade: For a hardware dealer to omit the employment of-his local newspaper is just as sensible as his non-use of the railway train to travella journey of twenty-five .or more miles. ;The fact is that a news- papergoesg into a thousand or two thousand or. ve thousand homes without a particle of effort on the part of the man who advertises in it. The merchant must pay for the space he uses and write the advertisement that lls the space, but having done `this, all the rest of the matter . of getting this message of the hardware dealer?s `distributed is the business of Ex-Premier Drury is not the only one who thinks that a clique is in charge of the U.F.O. organizations. John C. Ross, who was editor of the. Farmers Sun for a considerable time` and was thus in a position to see what was going on, supports Mr. Drury s. contention. Writing in the Oshawa` Reformer, of which he is now editor, he says: .Mr. Drury is absolutely! right, and had he possessed the cour-{ age to have made those statements three months ago he would probably be Premier of the Province. today. Undoubtedly there were many minor` factors which.contributed to the de-I feat of his government, but the one Ioutstanding cause was his willingness to accept dictation from the U.F.O. Secretary _and submit to J. J. Mor- rison's narrow class government?! idea. The U.F.O. Secretary and the little clique surrounding him defeat-l I ed the Drury Government, and/unless they are checked they will wreck the whole Farmer movement. It is up to" the farmers themselves to look` into matters and clean house before J it`"is too late." *' * * * The men; at the head of the movement are not making good. They have failed to T-provide the vision, the leadership andi the constructive policies so necessary} for growth. They have devoted theiri time to holding onto office; intri_gue,l plotting and side-stepping have meant more than co-operation.- . Five thousand ,harvesters from! Great Britain are now en` route to the Canadian West to assist in the haijvesting of a crop `which is estim- ated to be one of the greatest in the history of the Dominion. It was at one time announced that the yield would exceed anything yet known, but excess of moisture in some areas, rust and_ various pests have to a slight extent limited the hopes for the reg cord crop. Alberta, however, willl time a crop that will rexcel even the] per crop of 19.1.), and, while: `probably ! conclitions in some Western! areas aie serious, yet the West is of- `too vast proportions to suffer exten-' isively `from any one or two damaging i::::;`::;lS szitaisesesfetit *1:?V:= iwhich aregreported fromysoige 1g is I f M _ par s lo amtoba and Saskatchewan. . The value of` fur pelts taken int Canada in 1921-22 was $16,500,000. J. W. Gkissling expects to add con- siderable to the sum total when he gets his muskrat farm _properly de- veloped; ' . s - Few people would think farming `a more hazardous occupation than coal mining, yet statistics on Work- men s Compensation in the United States show this to be the case. In- creasing use of ` power machinery probably has much to do with the growing number of accidents, \. amfro RIAAL % co MM ENT I New saoa FIRM Barrie is to have another shoe? store. The store formerly occupied `by S. W._Moore has been divided in-' "to two and A.vW. Goodfellow has" rented the half next the Bank of} Toronto, where he will open a shoe store, carrying a full `line of goods. Associated. with him in the business? will be Walter S. Cooper. Both are: well and favorably known to the people of Barrie. For seven years! Mr. Goodfellow successfully conduct- ' ed a grocery store in Owen St., nd, Mr. Cooper has _been with.. Neil's} shoe store for several years. The` new rm expect to open up in a cou-I ple of weeks. I - 50: I3: ,_ uuu uzun xxau, Llucnpul. U) ' fN.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Truesdale andf Mrs. Clavsattle and son.` Niagara: Falls, N.Y.; Misses L. McConkey and; `Ruth McConkey and Rev. H. A. Ber-w. ]is, Tonawanda, N.Y. ' M f 1 I yIl\Iu yxucuuv. i 1 v . ' The quota from the Unit_ed Statesi included Mrs. McConkey and Miss; {Mildred McConkey, Buffalo. N.Y.;' |Mrs. Rich, Youngstown. N.Y.;' Mr.` .and Mrs. Parker and Miss Hazel} lParker_ and Clark Hall, Lockport.j {NV ' Min and Minn "I"mnn..A..'l.. .._.l' 3 ~ DISTRIBUTORS FOR BARRIE .30 Elizabeth St. 1 Phone 1013 _B val Av A. W. Wright, editor of the Mounti Forest Confederate nd Representa-i tive, and Miss Wright, and Mr. Clark i of the Pickering News were among; those present. ' I I TL- ........L.. 13..-.-- LL, 1'1--4,`: n. . I .- . 5 The seventh annual reunion of the` I uMcConkey families took place Thurs- `day afternoon last, St. Vincent's iPark being an ideal spot for the ga- lthering. One hundred and fty peo- :ple were present from all over Can- |ada and the United States. ' "l1L_ _____ luuu uuu uuc uxuucu DIICEUUE. [ ' The reunion is held each year on?- lthe second Thursday in August, Bar- irie and Niaara Falls being alternate. ymeeting.-places. Next yearitais ex-i 'pected that Queenston Heights of} illustri us name will be the scene of the gathering. T I "l`L.:.. .......J- .4 ` I ynnv 80Vll\./J. 1.115. A This year's reunion was a greater success than ever before. ' The crowd started to gather in the morning. At noon a sumptuous repast was served] ;and also again at the supper hour.{ `Sports were indulged in during the` afternoon. A I |u.u`.;-avuu. I . From 95 years to 21 n1onths is; quite a jump', but these were the ages `of the oldest and the youngest per- {sons present at the reunion. Mrs. 'Clapsatt1e of Niagara Falls, N.Y;. who is 95, attends every reunion and intends to; Donald McConkey, not yet two years of age, on the other `hand hasn't seen many reunions but` `he has a large number to which to` `look forward. * 11w `'9 u u . q.. - .- -- { I `Cu; I have i IENJOYABLE REUNION I T BY I/VlcCONKEY FAMlLY_ The dainty, economical soap M /7 for dainty fabfics Made in Canada 32 7 n=s- wnmasmn FLOUR 24 Ibs- 89 Tlmt Sweet Somellody 0' Mine ` 425 Annabelle T 8084 Some Day Cry Someone MACHINE-SLICED BACON 4 ----- ~- ENGLISH BREAKFA5TTE,`? EAGLE, COHOE SALMON, D{l7&II2I )1I b1I rzoznxnzcu DOMlNION STORESf Lifnitea L ~gwE SELL To S_ATISFY DUNDEE FRUIT CAKE . . . . . . . .;. .% 10 lbs, L 3L-05 s1`. CHARLES or CARNATIQN MILK, 1-15 tins FANCY Kraft Cheese _ Choice Ricev jp Crab Meat 39 *5 T 3 159- 25 L359 Ff?` AITHE PALMOLIVE COMPANY OF CANADA, Limited W_.;_F~ - A Montreal. Que. Toronto, Ont. ` Winnipeg, Man. ` I YES! WE HAVE NOBANANAS PIRII%N%CIESS SA\|P 190$ IFIIAIKIES Tl1ousan(1s of careful women manage it ea.<-ily, sin_1p.l_v, by using the pure white, Curl_\' PRINCESS` SOAP FLAKES-`ma_de by PAL.\[OLI\'E. Crepes,- satins, silks-shee'r voiles, ne batistes .and gmghams - expenswe cretonnes; they come from washing wlthv renewed brilliance and beauty. V: Fulziiics N e\'et):' home, in _e\'er_\' l:u1n(lering, there are deli- a n D Cate fahncs, damty garments to be xvztshed, Now they can be beautifully ~cle:med without injuxfy to material or harm to lovely Coloring. PRINCESS FLAKEVSA are economical in t\x:o ways: They give life to fabrics; and, -being p_ure, unadulterated soap, they saveon soap cost. They give quick, cgeainy suds that dissolves dirt quickly and thoroughly. Splendid for the washing machine; splendid, in fact, for every laundry and househqld use. In`.ha.ndy one-pound packages or bags. Order some today. Save by using them. A Booster in Barrie E for the PURE CANE SUGAR? Cut Yourself a Puieceuof A. Cake "7' 8089 Wildower` T ~ 8070 Bebe T . 8071 mc1;M WEI :m m, m 75 HEATING CONTRACTOR Barrie, Ont. . _Telephone May we tell you something den- ite about your heating needs? We specialize in work that stands up." Your enquiries will be appreciated. Last year we installed a Pease Pipeless -Furnace fox-`Mr. R. J. Fin- lay. After thoroughly testing the outt, he reports as follows :-- P11521355 ' I like the Peace Economy Pipe- Ieu `Furnace very much. _ Heats two shops and upstairs; easy to operate and saves coal. I can re- commend it in every way." ' % SAVE YOUR FUEL THE BARRIE GAS C0. ' Limited ` I H_Ul.1_spAY. AUGUST 16,; 1923. HARRY BARRON Cook with Gas 1o.m. DOUBLE SIDED PHONOGRAPH i-zcokns J. W. McCutcheon, `Mgr. O ice and Showroom: A Wells Block, Owen St. Telephgne No. 78 71 1-lb tins _ Telephone 1 80 %$`ii).1i 199% 35 THE SUN RECORD 90., 210 ADELAIDE sf. w., TORONTO 25 35: 29 13: Mate are ex] further delay. .nuthorized tn. give receipts. : IACMFR W IF IT IS 4 This is ; $}200~--BI` ?el'm.~` ('2 $1400-- ('4- groumls. '$1500-~so ('hon.s'(- f $2500---Si. largo gr: best V2111 Clarkson Many utho Several Afte Ever Mea to `Fame? Sealed in its Purity Package All pers(m.~' .onO:. urn n\.' ".iZu'u1:"x1`. THURSE / . 43 Eliza OTHER POPULAR DANCE NUMBERS

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