Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1923, p. 5

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INC TO B ROOM 1 DAILY. ODS AT ` IJIVIS UUUDKG WIIHC U H Vlllv [U vuuuua. Mr. and Mrs. _ Wood and daughters, Beatrice and Minerva. of Toronto, spent- `Sunday with1Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker. 1 M`: EHJMII W" (1 nnbnu nf Tnnnnfn UVUIIIIIE 5Ul'V|CCu . A miscellaneous shower was given by the young ladies? of Cookstown to Miss Alma Neilly at the home of her parents, Mr. and `Mrs. George Neilly. on Thursday evening. last. A number of useful gifts were pre- sented to the bride-to`-he and everyone spent [a very enjoyable evening. V I IUKUIIIU IXII ruuy. Clifford Fisher called on his parents in town, =Fx-iday evening. - ' _ ` `Miss Jean Matte is holidaying. with hot aunt, Mrs. V. Beatty. "stain: anon `ning: in uinibinn :17 A L`u WW9 IIUIIII Ill wuuanvnu. ' Mr. and'Mrs. Ch:-isTLoVng of Bond Read moved to town this week. I]... I'.VIl!.. -8 lI!...'._L. :. ..:..!4l__ _.lL Ln.- IIUUSHDCT, UI`I"5o "Ills xxcuauu. J. J Monkman of Toronto 18 vxsmng his sas er. Mrs. J. R. Cause. .1]... Q..L..!I .._..l .I...._L.... Al VIVA..--.0- a- [H5 313 VI`. Ulfo I!` IV. \JU|lHVn ; Mrs. Schell, and daughter of Toronto are holidaying with Mrs. Jon. Martin. ` l:u "oral `HRH: nf fin:-A nu anon} than uuuuuyulg Wllll MIKE. HUB. Ullflollh Miss Hazel Witty of Gore Bay spent the` week-end with Mrs. Dick Coutta. 11.. .....I ll... \Y...... ..E QL-.....l ........L Q..- ' nuuuuy WIN] 'LVll'o uuu Juuic VV Illa VVl$Il\I7Ig Mr. andAIMrs. W`. G. Mackay of Toronto attended the funeral of Mrs. Mackay`:-1 .father. the late D. K. Ross, here on Thurs- ! I` III! ` ' uuy. 1 As Alliston vahted to take part `in a` , tournament-. the South Simcoe League game iwns not played here. Mox_1d~ay_.._. The dam `has not yet. been fixed . * Q...`-:..m. 71 Q It-J\n`u (nun-nk an Run:-`av ` IRIS HUD yum UUUII lh\!'Uo : Q Servicas in St. John's Church on Sunday ;_were conducted by Rt. Rev. Bishop Sweeney {of Toronto. "Rev. Mr. Johnston, the rec- tor, was induc`te'd into the parish at the evening service. A nmiannllnnnnna uhnurnw uvnu ahvnn kn thin I13; - lllllu Aura. I\UU|J\ llJ||'lUl\ uuu MIIBB .lBDIJ|'.7l' UU ' `well; Cliff Elrick, Barrie; Mr. and MS. Farley Ritchie, Collingwood; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beardsall and family.. Stayner; Robt. Elliott, Yenetang. ' i ' ' About 5.30 a sumptuous dinner was serv- ed, after which a sing-song was heartily joined in by young and old, the songs of !long ago predorninating,- the little girls of |the- party singing The Maple Leaf" by themselves very pleasingly. Harry Baker, violinist, furnished the music. An inter` er.-sting feature of the afternoon was group- `ing for a picture taken by Mr. Osborne. Penetang. Before retiring to the sports, three hearty cheers and~ a tiger were given for Miner Bill, the oldest Ritchie of the Clan now living, -born in 1842. He was the first Ritchie born in Canada and still retains all the faculties of hisyouth. A Chan nuunnn `Kn nnnuul n-of`-uuunriunn fhn. and Mrs. Robt. mick any Miss Isabel. Col- .....l|. (`lift Dl.:-l. D nnnn lhl `I1- and In sun reluuw nu luc lawulucb UL um _yuuLu. ! After supper the crowd gatheretlwn the- beach, where the following sports were held, for which prizes were given: I Ila-up-Inyl IIvnIv\nn`n. rang; Inf Mm Ina lwr wlucu prxzca were glvcu. _ Married women's` rage'-~lst, Mrs. Jos, Adagns; 2nd, Mrs. Hogg. ; Girls under 12---1st., Laura Bum, 2nd. [Ellen Stone. ru._I_ -_._._ In 1.; II...... \l1..a....... 0...! DIICII .Dl:UllUu Girls over 12----lst, Mary Watson; ` Jean "Arnold. '\1__9.. _..-.. .1... (1.... t1....L....... W Ill . 51601118. `Boys over 12---lst, Walter Ems; 2nd,_ ' Reg. Drysdale. Boys` race, under l2-lst, Jack Ritchie; 2nd. Jack Adams. I oI...._..,I ........ 1-4 (1.... I1...lm..~.` and dslll :1,rnu1u. -Mens race--4lst, Geo. Gnjaham; Win. Ritchie. 1)--.- ......_ an I..L Ilfnla-.. nn:.. | `nu. aucx nupuua. 3-legged race-lst, Geo. Graham and Les. Ritchie; 2nd, H. Ritchie and Win. Ritchie, T 13-; _.-..`.. ....-.. 1.5. II Ii` 11..-nknnlpgo nlwnle. V Fat men's 1-ace~-lst`, H. E. Hornbacke; 2nd, Andy Beardsall. l`un_n_umv- knhnmnn vnsu-rind and ninuln TRAIN HITS FORD ON CROSSING . ! AT ELMVALE: TWO WOMEN .HURT| I _-_ E LUSH A party- of six narrowly escaped death` at Elmvale station on Saturday at 1.45 when the Ford sedan in which they were riding was hit by the Midland boat train at the crossing. The party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Bonnell of Owen Sound, Mrs. Earl Bonnell and two small sonseof Beloeil, Que., and Fkvart Tucker of Millbrook, son of Rev. and Mrs. 'l`ucker,g Mr. and Mrs. Bonnell were returning to Owen Sound from Port -McNicoll where they had got their passengers. A. In nan:-nu-1mrlthA tr-nnlt their view 4 '11 y mm 50!; luau" paaaougcre. As they approached the track their view was obscured by treesso they did not see the train till almost on the rails. Mr. Bonnell went to stop, intendinggto reverse. and his motor stalled with the front wheels on the track. `The locomotive struck the Ford. swung it around and turned it over. Bonnell, Tucker and` one child jumped clear, but the others went over with the car: Mrs. H. G. Bonnell suffereda frac- tured collar bone and three broken ribs besides being badly shaken up. Mrs. Earl Bonnell had her back hurt and was cut on face, shoulder and hips. One` child re- ceived some scratches, but nothing serious. First aid was rendered by Dr. Tyrer who took the injuredgladies to his house where they are yet. I1.-miAm-nhlo rlnmmus rinmt. tn the `Ina, Anuy Duunwunl. Tug-of-war between mamed and smgle lmen, won" by married men. 'l`na_n_unn- hnhunnn mm-rim-I and ginnlo `nan, W0" Uy IIIHTTIUU llllla Tug-of-war between A married and single ! women, a draw. may are you - v - Considerable damage was done to the Ford. The engine was displaced, two. wheels broken and the frame badly bent. cooxsrowu 2nd, 2nd. - Hr. andlirs. A`. Mclienlie speht'Suhday in Alliston. ' ` `I12..- Il-...!-_2- I\-I._.. -2 I)__.l II-__I 1- uu. uuu uua. u.-unuauujy. Jno. Adams of.EImva1e and Mrs. J. Mor- rison and daughter Verna of Lougheed, Alberta. are visiting at the home of `Mrs. D. A. Adams. ` 1112.. 13.11 _: viI-__..;- :_ _`.:-:.:_._ 11.... 131' 9, 1923; `_ VIII VllIIKVu The regular monthly meeting of the_Wo- . men s Institute wl be held at the home of aMra. D. A. Adam: onwednesday. August 15. at the usual `hour. A good attendance is requested as a report of the District An- nual meeting is to be given. I. r1\n'n1unu `I-Inna-la A` Dan `n. KL-unmnn vuly apclu uuuuuy an an; any rwuv. . I` , . Kirk and his daughter, Mrs. Smith, spent the weekend with friends in Beeton. Miss Marion Thompson of Indian Head, 8ask.. is visiting relatives in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. -Manning and family of `Elmvale visited Mrs. D. A. Adams, Sunday. Mina nu r`.nnHn.nrul I`-.l:.~ ljnnninnl-nan` or, Mrs. aproule. Mr. and Mrs.TMi1ligau of Toronto spent the week-end with Mrs. Milligan`s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J..Crossly. Inn ` `Hanna hf 'i`.In-much: until Mr: T Ar- "7"ia}".ii'a'u'one coucy of Bond Head is` visiting 1'. G. Scythes. - . Mg. II RAmnu.'A `nu Tnonnbn an `Inn; VIDIVIIIE In `It SUUJEI-l$o Mrs. M. Stewart for Toronto on Mon-' day on an extended visit. - I.-Jig. Dnffnn nnanf 'O`\n iuaA'.r,AnA IIf:I Illy 9!! 811 EX!-CD000. YISIW. ' /' I John Patton spent" `the weekend with friends at -Richmond Hill. ' II- .\Y:_-_ ......I ....... -2 l`I......I......I AL}- II` VIHIWIIIE WI`: 5- I\u __IJI'UWIl~ _ Rev. Mr. Barclay .of Hamilton preached in St. Jude s church. lgstasunday. `Ila our`: "in nk \nn\hann and Lana I!) `DI. JUQCS 0l1llI'0I1- lSF .DlllI(lIy. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thompson and son Billy spent Sinday at Big Bay Point. I `Rh-lr and `n Anulnhfnp ."I-u Rlifh BIIIIVIIIE. VISIIULI UII3. I-Io I1: IIUUUIH, Duuuuy. Miss May Coutts-and Leslie` Cunningham of Toronto called on Miss Alma Patton! last Saturday; ` Al. hut` Du nan Ilftlmu. and n'I\:Iu-an ' I10 IUIUUIUIIJ a Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson and children lof Allisbon spent the week-end with`Mr. nd II-a I D nun`! IFINE mm. a. 1 . uuay. Mrs. Eayu-1 Boyd" and little son of aginaw. Mich., arefvisiting with Mrs. Boyd's moth- er, Mrs. Sproule. Mr ant` "I-a Ilnunnn A` Tnnnnbn onnnl nl`3:iiw`of Toronto is Visiting Mrs. Jas. Gilpin. -Mr. Patterson. Geo. Gilpin and his three sons of Aurora also spent Sun~. `day with` Mr. and Mrs. Gilpin. I lnniln n`nn`r n` Inraklurn Que`: MO Wllll Ulla llllll LVIIB. Klllplllu . I and Queens SW31`?! of Jamieson Ave.. Tor- onto. are visiting Miss Genevieve Jamieson. `Miss Swartz sang a solo most acceptably in i _ St. Jude's Church on Sunday. . A1! A 1;` ant` Mr: nnvnn urn` Jenn-`utnr uses Lucile Black of Loreburn. Sask.,* ' L7lu IIUUU B VIIUIVU llll Duuuay. Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Owen and daughter Gladys. of Shelburne. accompanied by the farmer's mother. Mrs. Sarah Owen. spent :Sunday with friends here. ,We are always pleased to welcome these old friends back to our village. 'I"L.. .u.....In.. ...--41.1.. .......L:.._ -4` 41.. III. IIIVIIMIS III 'l\nl\5lllllUllu llllu N1-.'Nixon and son of Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting Mrs. S. R. "Brown. "A1? ,I nnrnlnu l'\` uumiltnn Vnnnnnhnrl HUG! IIIEVHIIE L3 LU DC 5lVCHo - The "many friends of Rev. Dr. Norman from Japan will be pleased to hear that he intends spending a Sunday on the Thornton and Cookstown circuits this month. "Dr. Norman is supported by the ' Epworth I.eague on the Bradford and Alliston dis- tricts. 11- ._.I II ... t',1-_i_ 1\:_1-: _ _ . _ _ . . -:____I |alIUl3o Mr. and Mrs. Herb Dickinson received the sad news on Friday morning that Mr. Dickinson s father had died in Creemore during the night. Mr. Dickinson visited his son here a few weeks ago and his death came as Va shock to his many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson left the same day for Creemore. . . I)... I\.. I) I l'\ 51...--- L_.l _L-._..... UCTVVIUC Wlll UC RIB USUUI llC4\Iz Ollllllyo ~ The Ladies Aid metat the home of Mrs. J. W. Henry on Wednesday afternoon. August 1. All bills in connection with the garden party were reported paid and a handsome sum in the bank. The ladies wish to thank the Band for their kindness in having their new platform built in time for the garden party; the Town Fathers" for rearranging the lights, also Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stewart for the use of their grounds and kitchen. all of which helped to make the garden party a success. .0... 'Fna-_-plus: rnfl-an-nnnn at Okn wunnlrklu \.'l CCIIIUI 9 C Rev. Dr. R. J. D. Simpson had charge` of the services in the Methodist church here on` Sunday. `It was announced last week that there" would be no services but unexpectedly Mr. Simpson was secured. Rev. A. E. Owen, another former Thorn- ton boy, assisted with the evening services. Service will be as usual next Sunday. I . Tho I nrnna Air` run} of fkn knrnn A` re l|llll\U IJIC EHILICII }IlIll'.V II S\lV\JC-`Du On Tuesday afternoon at the monthly meeting of St. Jude's W.A. held at the home'of Mrs. Sproule, Mrs. (Re-v.) Bar- clay of Hamilton gave a lengthy and inter- esting description of her journey from Tor- onto to the Hay River District in 1913, to engage in missionary work. Many miles were travelletl on a large scow propelled by Indians, with no covering excepting a can- vas, when the sudden heavy showers came l\I\ Tkn .na:~;~AnnAIIa yawn rnnldvnr` 5n n 3 for 29 . ib 40 V WIIUH QIU auuuru Ht`/uvy SIIUWCIU UZIIIIU on. The passengers were required to lie flat on the bottom of the scow when going. down the many rapids, which precaution! however hindered them seeing the wonderful; and dangerous course through which they lwere being safely `conducted. Durrle. ~ Besides her sor-rowing husband, three bro- thers and three sisters survive. They are James Crawford, Toronto; Andrew Craw- ford. Sixth Line, Innisl; -Robert Crawford, Tooth. Barrie. GIL- I .... ....| ....... LAIJ ._ Q..A.....l.... -56..- Havelock; Mrs. Richard Perry, Toronto; Mrs. Chas. Derivers. Toronto; Mrs. W. H.- re: L`: xuuvu. paint. The funeralwas held on Saturday after- noon .from her late residence to Barrie [Union Cemetery. Rev. E. '1'. Douglas of-' ficiated in the absence of Rev. W. J. Watt, who is absent on his vacation. The pall bearers were: Geo. Pringle, Chas. Lowe, Chas. Derivers, W. H. Tooth. Albert Pad- dison. Jack Rogers. -. Mas. mmv ANN SWAN A great sufferer for `years, Mary Ann Hart, widow of the late Joseph Swan. pamed away on Sunday evening at her lhome.` 28 McDonald St. HVLA -Iauuunnnpl nun: `\AnI\ HQ `nun-3 nu-A :1` nouns. so 'alu:L-uuulu wt. The deceased was born 78 years ago in Oro Township near Clowes. a daughter of the late Abraham and Mrs. Hart, and in that district she spent her early life. In December. 1863, she was ,married to Joseph Swan. who predeceased her by nearly eight years- The family resided at Craighurat vihere Mr. Swan . kept a general store for years before moving to Barrie fifteen years ago. Until. four years ago_the family re- sided on Bayfield St-. . nil... Int- ll... Roman kin} I-Mann a crank an`- on Duyuunu on-. . Q0 The late Mrs. Swan had been a great suf-I THORNTON OBITUARY pomers in wn, pink grice only, 01 ill rug haluutnxamusn ucl ucull/II uau IGIAUU Iupruly. V Aafamily of one son, J. A. Swan, Beeton, and one daughter, Miss Margaret Swan, at home, survives. Two brothers, J. .Hurt, Elmvale, and J. A. Hart, Port Credit, and one sister. Mrs. Richardson, Craighurst, also survive. I ferer for many years from rheumatism and leakage of the heart, particularly during the past three or .four months. Of late her health had failed rapidly. A5t-__-:|__ .1 vs The :{fe'a1 took place yesterday `after-' noon from the late residence, McDonald .St., to Craighurst Cemetery. -Rev. A. R. Beverley of Trinity Church and Rev. Her- man, of St. John's Anglican Church, Craig- hurst, of which deceased was a member he fore removing tn Barrie, conducted the ser- vices. T VISITING BANDSMAN HAD HAT SHOT `BY BAND]-TS Tohave had the top of his straw. hat grazed by a bullet red by one of the bandits was the experience of Sergt.-Major Peter Bradley, who was in charge ofthe Riverdale, Toronto, Corps of the Salvation Army Band during its week-end stay in Barrie. Qav-of _Mnnv Dunollpuv ........ --.- -I gnu-5 Ava vvccn-cuu away In D8l.'l'lE. Sergit.-Major Bradley was one of the three messengersof the Bank of Nova Scotia who, with others, were held up in Toronto's downtown sec- tion on July 24. Mr; Bradley es- caped into the office of A. E. Osler & Co. with a bag containing $72,000 which he was taking from the clear- ing house to his bank. ((7 A-.. _ L--4-`L'A 1` Ladies Pure Thread" Silk Hose, `colors bldck, brown, white, nude and beige, not a com-` plete " range of sizes in all colors, but all sizes 8% to 10 in` the lot, a" big week-end T special at, per pair It-1osIERYsPE cIALs Now Is The Time To Take Advantage Of The Big Price Cuts Our Mid-Summer Clearance Sale - OFFERS - $2.98 Sale at . The Hub Boot Shop excellent A quality, good value at $4.50, now on Niaggra Mgidisakt Gio:o;, @01- ors black and white only, wrist length, fastening with two_ domes, regular $1.0`0, special, pair 59 PURETHREAD SILK HOSE 5"!` GLOVES ALL CLASSES OF _ MERCHANDISE GREATLY REDUCED `Watch ohr Window; Come to our Store during this Big Sale. 98c. SIMILAR. REDUCTIONS IN ALL LINES ~ ~ ~ $3.45 You ARE ASSURED OF EVERY SATISFACTION See how your ciollars have increased in buying power. for FRIDAY. A?N:*SATURDAY' This may be the last time for these prices. DI:`.VLIN'S of thankful that he is alive today, ,be-_ cause `he considers he had a very mir- rowescape from death. I hope they get the bandits, he concluded. It pays to read `The Examiner Ad-5 let Column. Page 12. K Ladies Fibre `Silk Hose, colors ' grey and brown, hemmed tops, high spliced heels and: toes, clearing at only, SR COAT ;e from women . Patent and Kid Strap Slippers, a further cut brings them down to, Pair` . ma UNITEDFFARMERS co-or. co., LTD. 139 Dunlap SL, Barrie, . Ont. Del` pair ., ,. SILK HOSE Pts. $1.09. doz. QEQEI19 doz-. I-Ia'lf-Gals., $1.59 doz. Rubber Rings. 3 doz. 19. Zinc Ring,`19c doz. - .7---u :- Peabody 0;e`r2_zI'ls vTufco Overalls regular $2.50 regular $2.25- Specinl $1 .98 Special 8! .89 . . . . . . . . . $235 GE SIZE D NAVY. F!*9IT.wssJ :-% munf iii? ADR_Y_ _c9pnssn:c1ALs 29` A BARGAIN FESTIVAL CREATED FORYOU Children's Half Lerigth C`:o;i':)n Sox, white or white with col- ored tops, sizes 4% , 5, 6, 6% and 7, regular'35c. Friday and Saturday 25 *QH.DREN S sox Ladies r'ii."r7hi;` Fibfe Silk Hose, white only, _sizes 8%, 9, 91,5 and 10, hemmed tops, cotton lisle heels and toes, a splendid wearing hose and big" value at 50c, week-end special, per pair "only ucuuluu, uuur VVCIIIDEDOII. Central heating apparatus used in 3 Bo- man villa about 1,700 years ago, has been unearthed at Kempsham Cemetery, Sour ersetehire. Opening of the Otira tunnel, largest in the British Empire was celebrated in New Zealand, near Wellington. flnnh-nl Han!-inn onnu-nbnu. .....J 2. - `I- White and Black Com- bination Strap Slippers for Women, $3.50 values for . . . . . . . . . $235 FIBRE SILK: NSKIEHOSE Buy Advertised Things. 39c. Men's Cottonade Pants Reg. up Qt $4.50 Special, 31 .85 . Men's President Boys Overalls regular $1 .75 Special 81 .29 &V\vl (ya Special, noun 9 A Lvvauvl Suspenders Reg. $1 .00 2.. - -2 _ I 3235 Page Fivo` )wen ' St. iiled ' Lime Mrs. C. VFraserT is in Torbnio this week. Miss B. Collins of Toronto is the guest . of Mrs. Lamereau. ` IP......I. I` n..o.L-. A` nan-:1: :3 un:G=nn _|HW6l|'y uuuuu.-as Dr. and Mrs. Scott and Miss Coresoqtti nre enjoying a few holidays at their cot-5 Iznge at Wasaga Beach. Mn `and Mr: Ward null nnn Wiilinm Ant`! 01 MW. I-JIIl||l'Ul8Uc Frank E. Dutcher of Barrie is visiting with friends here. ' J11..- Qgnbt anoint OLA n1An`p.AI|l' n RAH WI!-n lrwuus nut. -Miss Scot-t spent the week-end, at her home at Creemoro. T ' Ill...` :Ah In` 'l".....-.9.-. :1: n nunnnf 415 `RA inc _and s, regular to clear 23: Fater Goarin of Phelywon celebrat- ed mass at the Elmvale church on Sunday, August 5. M. ...a M... I: mm mm nham.-.'n nf Tm-.1 LVWCH llllc ' Mrs. R. Bannerman and son Delbert of '1`hornton_are visiting with Mr. and Mts. (2. E. Dumber. . ` 1(_,. nn..:- n:.-1.:.. .....: ..1.:m...;.. -4 n...a.:.` HITS. J38.` 51108. I Mr. [and Mrs. F. C Stephenson have feft.` int Toronto where they will conduct a; _mwelry business , , D. and Mlle Rnntf and (IPA Snntt! M038 8! Ws D9800. Mr. and Mrs. Ward and son William and`; Miss Wallace of Walter`: Falls spent Sun-E tmyat S. E. C-ampbell`s. M. and Mr: J I. .'R:-mam F.rnnet._ Lind. (u at 3. . vumpuc by . Mr. andlsrs. J. l;.`rown. Ernest, Lind- lmy and Glad_va'Brown were witAh_-i_'riends at Meaford for the week-end. I II. ....I MI... I flu:-A n-`J Anunkfni IIIQBIOTG 101' HID VVEUIPVIIU. I Mr. and Mrs. J. Baird and daughter Margaret. of Washington. D.C., spent a! maple of days last week with friends `here. Mn and In flan!-an "I`|-sn and rum. "(lulu U] L : In VV UIIGUUI "John and Harold Lawson of Toronto visiting at theit home -here. .- `Rmm nn 'Nmruhv link: 19. tn Mr. and V33/Ill` I5 FHUII` LIUIIIV `H7517: Born, on Thuuday, July 19, to M1- . and Mrs. Elisha Srigley, 3 son. . Illa. Ilnrlnlinn nnnnnllu A` Whnlnnijnn nnnnt It IUW DYE WWII IIIBIIUI H9113. ( Robert Wilson of Toronto pent the week-J end with friends in Elmvale. 1 Mn anti Mm` nv nf 'l`n-u-mm wnnrumnlr. mg I! UN!!!` uuuuge at vvuaagn ucwu. Mrs. (Dr.) McEaohern and daughter of `Calgary are visiting at A. `T. Cooper's'. . A I. .ln!manm' anal rlnnnhtar. Mm-v nmint. [7-"$iL`1" VI"?! WUK'UllU WIIH IFIUI-IUD HI IIIUIIH-Ulla Mrs. James Simpson of Thornton is visit-A `mg with her daughter. Mrs. (Dr.) Currie. (Mn Ii`.\-ohm Fnrhntt nf Tnrnnfn win with lg WIN] "BF uuuguwr. JVIFB. \lJ[oI VI-|I'l'lUo `Mrs. Evelyn Corbett of Toronto was with` Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Black over Sunday; LII- nnr| II... Ymnnn ll` Rrnnmnrg nnnnf. Ill`. anu Mrs. 11.. M. Dluun uvur wuuuuy.- Mr. and Mrs. Jardine of Creemore spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Houghton. Minn 'Amnu:tn RI-nrwn nf. Vlliindarmara. bunuaywun Mr. uuu aura. n. nuuguwu. Miss Augusta Brown of. Windormere, Muskoka, is home nursing a sprained ankle. Miss Harris and Miss Hazel Scott of Tor- onto spent over Sunday at. D. T. Wallace's. uMm Ya` I Lmmsr and Howard C1-nil: oh onto spent` over Dummy u(_u. L. vvuuuw a. Mrs. F. J. Lower .and_ Howard Craig 01' Barrie are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. M.` Black. 7 ll- ......l \.l-;. `Nun: ll .-unahbnn ant` fonlul zacx. V TMr. and Mrs. Elgar Houghron and family mended the Houghton picnic on Monday in Barrie. DAV Wntknr (lam:-In nf pknlnrnn nnlnhv-at. llglll 0. ` I - Mr. and Mrs, P. Gill and children oi Tor- onto are at Wasaga Beach` with Dr. and M13. Scott. A An-.. \lr.....l 1;` Anna unnnb-| nnl"(`.`|':'nAI|lI MP8. DOOM. 1 Percy Ward of Owen Sound und',C1:i'rence Duff of C-reemore are at S. E. Campbell's} int 8 visit. _ ' .1II- A-`J "no A W QnI:na out. In X0? 8 V1.8;- -Mr. and Mrs.A. E. Spring and Mrs`. Ulemence of Detroit spent the weekend at Owen Sound. II`... I) nu-`o.A-cu-nu nu-A an-n nknu I\` it. In IIUICIIUIR - Mrs. Blain-Ritchie and cniimren ofnmie me with Mrs. Ritchie's parents` Mr. `and Mrs. Jas.-Knox; .u.. .._.a 11-- I.` n a.....L....n.... Ln..- Ian! unupw UK uuya mat wucn WIDII` snulluu ucnu. Mr. and Mrs. George Tram and son, Allan, Muse Harrop and Miss Maude Tram! of Toronto were at Wm.Tram s over Sun-- duy. . ha (urn `NH: nf 'l`nrnn9n in hnlidnvinr IOUIG BF UTUUIIIUTU. . .Miss Michell of Toronto is a guest atthe home of D. '1`. Wallace. 7 ' -1-1.- 4...: u......u 1 .... .. .: vr......... ...- nuauu uugwy, is wu. -f'lal'iaa Madeline Donnolly of Pholps_to_.nV spent a. few dayawith friends here. Dal-:4-0 Yilnnn nf Tnrnnfn ainnnl Ohn umhh. Ill! WI"! ll'lUlll Ill RIIIVIIIL Mr. and Mrs. Cox of Toronto wore`wook- and visitors -at F. Houghton s. .111..- I\n-nno In-znn urn: `uni: `Ari `uulgury an: vuuung av 41.. L. vuupvu a. _ A. L. Johnston and daughter, Mary, spent the weekend with friends at 'l`homt.on. 11.... 1....-- Q:............ -6 'I"I......s.... :. "ink uuiiiss Clara Ellis of Toronto holidaying` with friends here. _ u_. .....1.u.... nL.... !.l|-..\l.. M...) um I Vllul H'|(?l'l(l5 LII?l'C- I Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hiltz.-Mr. and Mrs. .'-uhn Hiltz and Masier Murray Hilta of Toronto spent a few days of the past week. M. R. Calander`s. ' I u:_- v mL.._..L..._ ...4..........l .. Q..c...,lnu IN: I1. URIHIIIIVT 5. Miss J. Shanahnn returned on Saturday! irdm visiting friends at Niagara Falls` and` Toronto. Her niece. Miss Mary Shanahan- ru Toronto. accompanied her home. ' \I Y flullia-luau Ron I-nnvn Hun knilalinoi 3 WEEK. I'UIUl'll(l WILD ll-lh Miss Vera Clute of Wyevale visited with Miss Helen Malcolm last week. u... m In m............ ..c n.o...:i :. vigil. H1133 XIUIUII UIIICUUII IISL W965. Mrs. w. w. Clemence of Detroit is visit- ing with her brother. A. E. Spring. wrung? Rrnmn nf fh Rfnnaafli Raul: staff in lines ")8 Wu" -ncr UTOWIIUY, (Ia 1'4: Dpllo Ernest Brown of the Standard Bank staff at. Strathroy is hoine for his holidays. _ Dan am! Mun W M nhnn nu-A hnlh-luv. ul. Dll'8U|l'0)' Ia noun: nu" ma nuuuuya. Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Hanna are holiday- ing at their cottage at Wasaga Beach. Mm lnv\ .MnF'nnhnrn and dnnohhar nf lll IUTUIIIU. l1Ul7UlllplIlllI:ll HUI uuluv. M. .1. Galligher has remed.the building. which has beenevacated by A. H. Byers, rirom D. T. Wallace and expects to move his tailoring business there about the first of September. . Qoo` nnno:n Rum-Ina and dnnvhtmv Chris- U] Def)!-CIIIDCT. Staff Captain Sparks and daughter Chris- wna of Toronto passed the week-end at Mrs. M. Andrew`s. Miss Grace Sparks. who has been visiting here for some weeks, re- 4: urned with her father. 1.`... AL- ..II.....!.... LL--- G...-..lnun GL1: HlI'I\`(l Wllall XIV!` 1301101`: v For the following three Sundays thel 3*./Iethodist and Presbyterian congregations` will hold union services in the Presbyterian xhurch, Rev. E. Pugsley, pastor of the Methodist church, in charge. DA nun! Iva flan I `Kn:-\1('nu Mimi:-n: UUQ VIHHIUTB '39 J`. IlUUlllU1l Bo Miss Dorothy Jardine, who was he; a week. returned with them. 11:... nun mm- -6 W..-..nI. u{a:nA I e for mifh ll`-LLIUUISD UIIUTUII, I11 uuurgc. Rev. and Mrs. Geo. J. MaoKa_v. Mimico! Bench. formerly of Elmvale. have announc- ed the engagement of their only daughter, Mary Evelyn, to Mr. J. Vernon Knox, the tmarriegeto take `place September 5. .Mr [anti re A Kntnll `aft F1-idav morn- ,uuarrm`gc.-.00 wuw pmuc ocywuwcs u. -Mr. and Mrs. A. Katoll left. Friday morn~ ing by motor for their home in Buffalo. N.- `t ., after spending a week with the latter's sister and brother. Mrs. W. K. Ritchie and Walter Jamieson. Mrs. Katoll is returning from .21 three months visit with relatives at North Bay. Winnipeg and Vancouver. UUDII DOOUI. H1 [H5 OI HI ylilif. Mr. `Booth was born in London. Eng-V lzmcl. coming to Barrieatv the age of eight- :-4.-n. where he worked as a pattern maker an the Barrie Foundry. He was long a maiden: of Barrimcomg to Elmvdle to live with his daughter. `Mrs. A. Boyce. wbout seventeen years ago; Thnrn nnnunhn On I-nnnrn hen Inn tum urnuguwxa uuu um: um luau pn:uuuunec_u unu- The funeral was held on Tuesday, service being conducted at the home of his son- .n-lnw. A. Boyce, by Rev. E. Pugaley, after which interment took -place in Barrie Cem- +`er,v. ` maintained ul working 11 the best; can get in n,Tlaundry, top there-- p it in first- itary equip- ary if look- - .-.L:I .. IIVU IIIIUIIIU Ivvuvv The second annual picnic of the Ritchie Ilan was held at Waaaga Beach on Monday, August 6. About 200 gathered together Mark: in rim nmrnnnn lnnvinn Fnmvnla. nuglhu 0. 5000!: 00 guoueruu DU5VUllUI yearly in the _afternoon, leaving Elmvale. by bus and cars. `I71... ....a ..l s.._... ..:..h...... 2.--I...IA;Iu Tnnnn -W ULI3 and 0333. The out-of-town visitors included: Isaac Ritchie (Hon. Pres.)'; Mr. and Mrs. Jan. Drysdale, Peter Drysdalo, -Mr. and Mrs. Ifas. MoMullen and daughter Eva, Mr. and -Mrs. J. Mercer and daughter.Da.phne, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. Lyon and daughter Dorothy 'Robt. Ritchie and daughter Sadie, all oi Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Harve Ritchie, Mia. I(.n.I...... .......k..ll u- ..'..I M... I? uurunw` (MT. and Mrs. l1lIl'V6 rutcmu, Vise Kathleen Cam-pbell, Mr. and Mrs. F. Eh-ick and dauzhter Margaret.` Midland; Mrs. John `Irwin and daughter Kathleen, }-`Its. Jos King, Mr. and Mrs. Hollister. Venetang; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Walls, Miss Mildred and Masfer Kenneth, Barrie; Mr. .-mum. auvcuwvn yuan: agn- Tbere remain to mourn his loss two daughters and two sons-, Mrs. Cole of _'l`or- nnto and Mrs. Boyce of Elmvale, Vlctor ca Parry Sound and Robert of Elmvale `His wife predeceased him,18 years. Two Eaughters and one son also predeceased him. l"lm `I\nAnn` nuns Ln`)! an Tllnall hilli Lute John Booth ' On Sunday, August 5. death summoned S-zrhn Booth. in his 87th year. I ' D.-moi. nvnn knrn sin I .l|I\(`l\I\ Rh -' munsnav. AUGUST s,`ma. TM Ritchie Picnic NEWS Geo"rge Robinson of Linden is home for a few daya.- . Edwin Mills visited his parents at Shel- burne on Sunday. . `Mt Ill!` MOI xnnhxfnnn nun uhnu at -an `y as nvvnn" a while. ortunity to t sanitary means to FIJI: Ilia IJUIIHVIIU _ Charles Nixon took a business trip to Toronto last Friday. fgilfnv-A `Nahum nnllnrl an L3: nnvnnhz his uuya.wH.u ITIUIIUH Ill IUWII RIB! WI- Mr. `and Mrs. Scoffield of North Bay spent A Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parks. ' Mn. and Man nnl an!` fnn\'\! nnm. Illllly IUIS VW-The . Mr. and Mrs. David Hopper and family ,are home utter camping `some weeks at `Killarney Beach. ' V ` III... \I....!.._ I).._!.... .._.I IE3..- ll .... -46 IJIIIIIU Ull Ivuuuly. ' `Mr. and Mrs. Bat-stone are visntiug at Wm. Dinwoody'a. Ila`! n:n\n\n n` ""l\il\Il.l| ::- Ivhhinn vv xu. uauwuuuy a. Jack Simmso! Toronto is visiting with Mrs. Jhs. Donnell. 1"I.-..l-.. \Y2-.-_ L--I- .. .l...-Z_-...' 5.2.. L- PIIUIIDG, III. &_llu Uclic 1HlB.,'ll_l.JllllClI- Mus Langmau of Onllna spent a few days with frinda in town last week. Mu `nnol Mun .Q1u\'nll` nf Nnrfk Ran anon! uuuuuy WIUI ELVIS`. III -KVlfu IIIIUIS turns. A r. and Mrs. Gould and family-spent Sunday with friends near Thornbury. ` . I nnunn Drum nf rlnh-nh nffnnths Hun Iauuuuy WIIII IIICIIUB IIUIIIV I-llUI`llU|ll Russell Ross of Detroit 9.ttendeii' th funeral of his father here on Thursday. `Alan Mn` nnnnn A` Tnrnnn unnn kn IUIIUTIII UK III5 IHUIIUI: XIUIU UII llIUIDllu v | John McLennan of Toronto spent the holiday with his sister, Mrs. Archie McLean," ":9: M nrnnnr CHI. no-nnnr vl HUNG, WITH HIS BIEICF, [5: ILIUIIIU &Vl|iIElI|l_o g Miss Annie M. Dra er and H. Draper of Toronto arevisiting t e farmer's aunt. Mrs. Frank Evans. ' l.l:I:..._ I ..-...... -2 ilV-..-..L- L....I. ....-........:....l ing train after lections on the Cflllll l.'lV'lulllBn | I Hilton Leeson of Toronto took possession `of the jewelry business of- this place on; iwodneaday last. . M | I'\..4` 'l`.L . * . . . . . . . .._a '. 6'...-. AA... ".101. spent "a rfw days with! his grandparents, -Mr. and Mrs. George Duff. this week. ` 1 .u_ .._.n u..- n--.:.| u._L._.... .....n r.....:1'..| I 'l\lll{Il'|lU_Y l3U(lL'llo ' Miss Marion Banting and Miss -Margaret`! Banting are spending .a few days witlv friends in Alliston. ] II___. .._.I II... Y.`I...__ IIRL _ @ . _ -.. .l \.?__I. mi:l"o:'H.' 6:11;!` |i;rls`:"-Elmer Thompson of York! ton, Saak., are visiting his mother, Mrs.- Richard Thompson. J`:-a Manna AC ' Ahunalvnv England in! nlrtu Leicester. England, is` spending a few weeks with. Mt, and Mrs. _ Dick Coutta while on a visit to Canada. .\l- .._.I ll... \IH......I .._.I .I.......L4....-.. IHWIIC day. llllg Ultlo V: J3CIU,c Master Roger -Fisher is visiting Rev. A. N. St. John in Muskoka. II- ....A`!ll.... l1L_'... Y--- -1.` II....aI 11--.! IIIIUVUQ IV IUWII yum WXBo , Mrs. -Ellis of Torbnto is visiting with hurl 5da\!nghter, Mrs. Wm. Henson. i I M :-ulrmnn nf Tnrnntn in visitinn WEUIVCIIII WWII Ilia IJIUIS \JU|IlrI.6- Mr. and Mrs. Ness of Stroud spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parks. `Mina Din-uln Ilunno in uiina hnr an-nail. |lI_V Wllll 'J.I|I' uuu WITH: IIHVIS Ifo ` ins Rhoda Banting is visiting her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.,-Donnell. man I'.nnanr'\nn nf rillin annnf n fnwl [eater

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