Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1923, p. 4

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J SOLE Phone -531 SANITAR Y PLUMBING is time com: EARLY ANns:~:1.Ec'r YOUR wnrmk con Our stock has begun to arrive. Prices range from 4 $16.50 to $145.00 Very special Silk Hose in black, white, navy and brown, some -broken lines, all to clear for JUST nzcswm _. SHIPMENT or LARGE s1z CANTON Teams. muzssns IN BLACK AND NAVY. All our Dresses in Crepe, Linen, R-atine and Voile, regardless of 3 former price, all to clear at the one price . PAl!T'!DGF.6iIIiR0Y `OUR SMALL SPACE, WE HAVE TO MAKE ROOM FOR OURNEW FALL GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. SOWE MARK THESE FOLLOWING GOODS AT 1 . ~ A CLEAR-AWAY PRICE. . * Hosnsmr POWELL & co. F.A*;:.':3Eg.;y mm 296- } $3.55 garuull, u'o1_1c am back lawn, musti be` sold as owner is leaving town; _: . don't miss it; no reasonable offer ~ = refused. ' Eiglit-1~bb m .c_ament block house, `con- venien_ce., large veranda, stable. large4;!o1;_,`.f6r quick salp .. $2000: 32 DUNLOP smear -__.._... .u. unauwulned in clean, careful working condition. Install the best equipment you can get in ~ bathroom, kitchen, laundry, etc., but don t stop there-- employ us to keep it in rst- class order. Sanitary equip- ment is only. sanitary if look- ed after once in a while. Give us the opportunity to show you what sanitary plumbing service means to you. . \ e Sedan Saiin El-o_<;n-nets in Copenhagen, brown, pink and navy,` sale price only, pair .. .. .. ]_]9 Gingham, Ratine _and Cretonne Dresses, regular up to $6.00, to` clear for . . . .[ . . . . . . 32.93 \ But it must be maintained in rllnuvl .._._'_. ` THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1923. Seven-room brick house, all mociern conveniences, double cellar, ver- anda and balcony, garage, good garden, front and back lawn, must bl!` sold an nnnnnm 8. l.:....:.... A------ Lne out-ot-row: Ritchie (Hon. P~ Drysdale. Peter .783. McMulIen an Mrs. J. Mercer an and Mrs. R. I._vu Robt. Ritchie an The second an Clan was held at August 6. Ab()': early in the air by bus and cars "Ms 1. 1...: _I -- -.vnu5uu:l'8 EHO UH The funeral w. iveing conducted m-law. A. Boycc-4 which interment ` efery. auuul. se\'Pm(*m~. There rmnum daughters and U onto and Mrs. of Parry Sound His wife prodvco riaughcers and 'l'*l... r....-_.r wtlllll uuuul. in! MI`. Booth w` land. Coming nu` :4.-n. where hv ';n the Barrie maiden! of Bar: live with his 4 about seventeen 'n......- _-.. - uuuungt` [U NIH Mr. and Mrs.` ing by motor in Y., after .~`po~mI sister and brmh Walter Jnn1iv. from a three ml North Bay. Wi On Sululuy. C!-tvbu Booth. in \l.. !)__.I nnctulllllhl CH um Rev. and M Bench. forum-rl `ed the engagon Mary Evelyn. ` marriage to tvah Mr nlxtl \I._. nun uuul UIIIUI phurch. Rm: Methodist chm 'D.\.. ..._ i \' 1 nu utu WHH For the Methodist -...'Il L LI A`-`cl IIUUISI will hold . L.._-L l u.- ucpu-n1n_< r. `Staff Captui 14.-na of Tnrm Mrs. M. Andre has bw-n visin named with he DA- .1. ., I .1. \v:uH wI;ic'h haw hm from D. T. \ his milorin,-_r I M Sept9mb.<~r.` `Run 0...`. ..: no 1\. \.:u:lH(l' J. Sh: irom visiting Toronto. H4- nf 'I'omnm. :u I! v I` an rdlbll IIIPIHL` Ki _ Mr. and M! uuhn Hiltz : `Toronto spmvr I-9. R. Culzmdt \l:.... I am, ll:- Miss (fluru with fric-n(L~` h \I_ _ 1 \u` uuuplr U1 (l1I_V Mr. and Allan, .i\~ of Toronto w` day. 1 u. .. Clan-Inou Home Block Pit`!-Dill 31W ll-ICiIlUfll [Ur 1 Mr. and Margaret of couple of dzul` M. ....,x UN] D! P . L `Mr. and ;\. my and Glad Meaford to \I._ n 0115!? an nus Mr. and . Miss W'3ll:a(` may at S. E. .11.. .....I u _ll`-VVl7Il_V IIIISI Dr. and . are enjuyint wage at V\'u.- ll. .....J 1 U. 1;. I 'lll(? Blni me with )1 Mrs. Jan. Mr. and . ior Tormm _u-.welr_v hn. l\_ _,, ) | .1113. . Thornton :1 C. hum `If. n I AUI D V L`ll `Mr. and Ulemence 0 Owen Snun 11'... in ucuzg n` Duff-of Cr for a visit flU`|U'\l U. Mr. and onto ar(- 3 Mrs. Scott. Percy W Thu A6` I`. l|(`\ . .I' K1 ed mass an August 5. ll. .....1 IF IT IS REAL ESTATE, SEE ME. J I`\l\- Mr. and uttended I Barrio. fl. [1 "All In`. Barrm Black. \I,, `"1130 I`;\ Mr. and . Mr. and _ Sunday W1 `Miss A Muskoku . II-I uanulul Miss Ha onto span aMu\- I.` AIIICI u as 1n"withph 11. 14. all the week: 'I.I __ I u uuu yum. out-of-tow: 5 111-- I ! .[|lf`. 11 mg with l.`.....` .. engli '1 i{.1 Mrs. H '1)ulgar_v :1 Al I. l00-B:-ick house. a ano,p*. 31400--Nic'e cottage,` well located.` 81500--Goo'd' home, barn, orohard, -etc. ' - 82250--oGood home, conveniences,` iarge lot. " go'- II}! III'. Rt`\ .I":< Lu nu`! I Struthzw I')__ I-LA. HENRY (')l`e;a_:w_'i-i<::;ne of hotieea, `farms % and ` market gerdene to the . prospective purchaeer. . A Very Aehioygle picnic was held at what's P i t t ' by the Conn'n?eat?:ue:n?g?.Atg2??? . Pun . I-`our ` sAvEW6RRv T .Use French Ice Cream r ' `for dessert ' iCowaI1;s_ (_}e:1;:i`t;e"1;`l-3:1-};le Buds and Medallions, reg. price 60c, Saturday 49 `r:-ie's A1" homes, stricy -`modem, choice location, must be Packed in NO RETURN ` packaifes` is _idel for WEEK-END _CAND SPECIAL '"fSSag`e `to the employees or rmdum Nmimmv p..n.......- m_. SPECIAL . FRENCH Ice? CREAM. .........w. u: some employee has made _ as `.`booster" or a passenger for life and brought us consider:-bie business. "this is ne. Keep it up. It shows `int we have team work and that we ' are pulling together. you and I and an of us. Now we see the fruits of what we are `doing, `let -us `hit the `ball all the harder ." - . I 2-quar't"?3}' $1.20 4-quurtkfgr $1.60 Allu/it/Iale ...e. All sa uuu0uDl7e(1l_V the case that 1 on this continent light punishments I for serious crimes or absolute im- munity from punishment has result: ed in a list of crimes whose aggre- gate is a blot upon civilization. One I result is that there is a growing ob-` 7 jection to the exercise of the ticket- * I of-leave and parole systems in this 2 country and in the United . States, ' the claim being made that in many 1 cases hardened criminals are relee- 1 ed from penal institutions after serv- ingebut a very short period on their sentences. - t t ......,... H43 uuuuuaries. For thirteen of these sixteen arrests were made and thirteen persons sentenced to be, hanged. Of these, three were found- insane, the other ten were hanged. In thirteen other cases the murderers. committed suicide, thus toiling jus- tice. It is undoubtedly the that this continanl-, light .......1_L..----L on-news!` I can and European cities are piling up appalling totals of undetected murders and ` crimes of` violence, London repbrts that in its police year twenty-six murders. were committed within its boundaries. For thirteen these iaiartnrm n---=-*- ---`M ` ......uuu cuuunues to set an exam- ple to the `world in the matter of dealing with. crime. While Ameri- are ll!) nish: Al -__. .1 1. . I \-ovI4\-'lI WIIU COUCH 50 811,103? mu` : sic. Nothing` is more delightful than children's play and laughter in the right place; but these should not be indulged in to such an extent as to interfere with the enjoyment of the band concerts, which are paid for by the citizens and put on for their ben- efit. If the parents will not take the i children `in hand themselves. the ' police should step in and put astop to the nuisance. 4 .------- I Colling'wood s Band Committee has deemed it necessary to make com- plaint through the public press of the boisterous and unruly conduct. of children aroundthe bandstand dur- ing the weekly concerts. `This con- _ dition of affairs obtains in Barrie as well as in Collingwood, to the great ,~ annoyance of both the bandsmen and` ` citizens who attend to enjoy the w 'SiC. Nnthino in Vhnhn .l..l:...LA..o.-| 41. . Some gures given by the United States ex-service men's anti-bonus , league give an illuminating idea" of 1- the tremendous burden saddled on a country in the shape of pensions. , The reckoning made, and guaranteed accurate, states that withoutthe bon- ;gus provision for sick and incapacitat-V ed members of the American expedi- tionary forces would require -the ex- i penditure of some '$125,000,000,000 i within 57 years. That thescomputa-V tion is well within the mark is in- 1 ' stanced by gures related to the Civil 1 War--admittedly of much `minor pro- 1 portion to the World War--which 1 show that in 1921, more than half a century after its termination, $258,- 1 715,842 was distributed in pensions 1 to 566,053 persons. -2 4 c r T London continues to set '9 "I! `ha - `Ivan-`A -'- `L ; cords with inherited or acquired pre- judices. `No one is tted to properly A Simcoe County U.F.W.0. Club having formally protested against the Farmers Sun carrying __Co_nserv- ative advertising inthe recent pro- vincial election, the U.F.O. organ re- plies in this fashion: That is a poor school of citizenship in which the on- ly instruction heard is such as ace perform the duties of a citizen, or those larger . duties as part of the 1 world's `family of nations, when eyes and ears are deliberately shut to all save what one is predisposed to ac- cept, and a public journal wholly fails in its duty to the public when it re- fuses an open forum to opinions other than those voiced in its editor- ial columns. V U.S.A., should `snot have brought convicted murderers, servinglife sen- . tences, into Canada on his holiday ' trip, much lessshouldhe have taken umbrage at `the suggestion that by . so doing he might be contravening the laws of this country. Ohio's ex- periments in respect to its prisoners should becsrried out exclusively on Ohio soil. This countryshould not be expected to share in them or be- come responsible for them, or be sub-` E The governor, Donahey of Ohio, D jected to criticism for looking after 1 its own interests. It is about time the Road Foreman paid_ a little attention to the condi- tion in which streets are left "after being opened for the installation of water services. In nine cases out of ten the relling leaves either a hump or a hole. V The man who uses his hands to ll his trousers pockets will seldom have much else to ll his pockets with. ll: a1.vzu' ucllllvll 13 U3 SUIDIIK on politics as he is on picnics, he. s,a long` way yet from being politically dead. A person need never be without something to do if. he does all that people ere willing to let him do. I If ignorance is bvliss, ii: s-- fupny` there aren't more happy people in the world. L _ ~ - "1`orVonto4Ex?l`zibition[wilAl soon be here,, a sign that summer is on the wane. If Herb Lenno;: is as Strong oh liti `In in AH I\:nn:nn Ln ; In I`... 7 mssage, which has been bul- Iaatined to al} employees, reads as 1?ollows:-.~ IAc-J.L_.. -5 ` M_ _"v vvuc` _ _ -.. W -..v -5.556 uuulUCl.' present. :6. officers are Band S . . ' T _ V . Scott. The mem.;successful service, the house being an bers range in age all the way fmm.packed to capacity. Band Sergt. Mills de fifteen to sixty-three years. In the :0Dehd the me6tin8`- Capt E-Veritt be , absence of Commandant Osborne of; of the local corps spoke a few words ld'the _Riverdale Corps, sergt.-Majorfexpressins the pleasure of the citi- d- Peter Bradley was in charge of the_'zens of Barrie on having such a line rs. various services. Sergt.-Major Brad-50l`8`8niZ8ti0h 88 the Riverdale Band 3- ley was one of the_ messengersof they present with them. Bandmaster Jno. It Bank of Nova Scotia in the big hold- W00`! replied in VGYY h8PPY termsv 178 up in Toronto two weeks ago, He f telling how glad the band was to visit a. escaped with his life and $72,000. Barrie and expressing appreciation t- The three days the band 01 the Splendid W85 in Which the he were joyous. days, Capt.` and Mi-s.imembers had been treated. The band 0 H. Everitt of the Barrie Corps we;-e,'rendered several selections. Com- ' i-` in` charge. It `is interesting to note mandant Wiseinan made a forceful ' t at apt. Everltt was a member of address} s Riverdale Band for sev an year3,`is`i At the close of the service a sacred , ncert was given by the band, to v members and is an uncle of Cyrilgwhich members of the churcheswere , finvited. Selections by the band and . `The _band rendered as very fine {male choir featured; cornet solos V , `were given by C. Everitt and H. John- tonal qualities of the various instru-,8t0h and a trombone solo by P. "Bar- ments blended in absolute ha:-n_io`ny; `ton. . lit was ajinusical feast. The chorus] Allandale was visited on Monday `work was also exceptionally good.._rnorning. three open-air. stands being ' The Riverdale Band `was vrst,made. At twelve o'clock 1 rich was heard on Saturday evening in a provided in St. Vincent's ark h.V grand concert _in the .Town; Hall. the Barrie CorpS- D`-inethe after- Reeves. J.` Fisher acted as chairman noon sports were indulged in. to the 'and_Mayor.Littlc in a few` words wel- enjo,vment'of all. From` four to five `conied, the members of the `band to thevband played and at ve supper fifteen sixty- Com ' the Riverdale Corp i . them Scoti n :* ant of;* s, Sergt.-Major :1 2; the,I Brad- 3* essem_rers.of the, I a ;` three` years: I mand He3 t I1 'n... n..... -I---- A-- ' ' V section thoroughly appreciates its ef-4` - forts. In the hand there are forty-9? 3 eight pieces--ten cornets, eight, 9 horns, seven saxophones, six trom-at I bones, three baritones, three euph-ft` oniums, three drums, two ugeltly Bandmaster John Woods, although " 7 now`only 26 years of age, has occu-~9` pied that position for three "years. * and before that time w officers Sergt. Geo. Mills, Chorus Leader F. mem-{St age fromipl fteen the,0l a`hsence of_ Qomgxandant of=oi _alit,v of Barrie and Barrie citizens. ulc wean corps is grateful. Bandmaster John Wood of the Ri-,1 verdale Silver Band was very en-5: thusiastic in speaking of the hospit-j` I We' have had a splendid time here?` with you people," he said to The Ex- 3] aminer. The members of the bandit appreciate your hospitality. ~ The Rivewiala Qnm... D----` L ..ve1'dale Silvnv Rnn ....... ..-..-- _. .._. .. nun uuu VVILIIUHU tne co-operation of the-townspeople that the trip could have been possible. The citizens` loyally opened l their - homes to billet the members oftheg` hand during their stay` here, ,for~;I` which the local corps is grateful. I` Ri-,5 bri: c------: The citizens of Barrie were given a real musical treat over the week-; end when the '- Riverdale Salvation- Army Silver` Band -of Toronto paid a Visit to the town, 1'}... 1...; ._ I s. A. BAND S VISIT HERE - WAS VERY ENJOYABLE 1 lie by all members of the organiza- ,the organization will do all they can _ tion to the public at large to forward Railways. ... .. uuz.-wage to we employees of the .Canadian National Railways, 311` Henry W. Thornton, chairman and president. stresses the importance of the courteous treatment of the` pub- tion in whatever capacity they may be employed. He expresses his ap-y preciation of the voluntary recogni- `tion which many cutomers of the sys- . tem have made known to him in per- sonal communication, and in `his mes- sage he hopes that all. -members of `by courteous treatment and atten- the interest of the'Canadian National For Reckless Materials ' Milverton Sun.--In some locali-I - ties constables have been taking the - drivers of cars who have been guilty of. driving furiously and returning license and the number plates from! them to the department. It is really a more salutary` lesson than a norm inal ne. If magistrates, when ag- gravated cases are brought before them, would mete out punishment like this, there would be fewer motor- ing accidents, as fast driving is vninety-five per cent. cause of_ all}. trouble. A furious driver is a men- ace and dangerto everyone on the` road. I 1 An Excalibur: Record ' _Orillia Packet: Only one divorce ' has been gra xted in the Province of Prince Edward iIsla'nd since Confed- eration. . -L'w'L0L0P'l4 ww&$$&&%%` AMONG EXCHANGES '1`, . "'gl &$$&mw&*&m&w$&$ .... .......u.,y queung greater attraction ;1 to the `motorist. There's no nelnl county in Ontario, and the car ownerl I who is not availing himself of hist opportunities to see its wide expanse *1 is missing something very much'3 worth while. . I --- y- -u vuuv UIIU . opponumues to expanse ? Northwest Te:-14itery.was acquired in much ` 1869, but his greatest political monu- w_o1-th ment is found in Confederation, when _ he joined with the one other man-- ___...._.______________._.__._ - - . [ g in John A.v Macdona1d--who could , ,3 '1` '1` x` K` , K` x` `F '3 '3 3 `F K` 3` bring to pass. Like Thomas D'Arcy AilI\|n4u snug--- - __ AA , 'M,.n-- , - V V - - "1 "' `"5"" I of land northwest of Edgar, whereg" . a magnicent sweep in every direc-g` : tion spreads before the eye; Bass` Lake and the drive westward from "1 it; the hill north of Creemore, af-U fording a` charming `view; the road J near Minesing, looking .over the;8 beautiful valley to the north -and. northwest. Motorists, with an eye `f for the beautiful, can picture manygll more. `A gentleman from Montreal after enjoying some of the ne motor .1 '1 drives, hereabouts said he had. seen;l1 no county offering greater attraction 3 to the 'mn+_m-;.+ 'r1..---u -- L `A u in the province and this is all avail- : able to the man with a car_.- The route of the Provincial Highway af-v fords many beautiful views, but there 1 are scores of others. Just to `men-i tion a few: Second line of Innisl,' looking out over Lake `Simcoe;' V Sharp's hill, between Cookstown and= Alliston; the fourteenth V concession, south of Allandale, looking down the? bay; Little's Hill, overlooking Barrie: and surrounding district; the heightj.` Edgar, where;` a direc-;' Bass,:` _Lake an_d___the drive "4 . u-uuuu5`u1_y appreclates ` the pieces--ten baritones, I, thrnn Aulnnan I--~ - um--wvc I seven with `all the present,` is uncle Cyril: the comet soloists. I IEAQIQAA 3 """ R ! an I >hn as occu-~` an was deputy- 1 me year, The other" 1 1 Geo. Mills.! Hutton `and -Males '. mem-$5 e fromil hI`A'n Irnonnn 7- *`~" um nuns txaumu vctualei .-`I110: g Se_rg't.-Major Peter Bradley was in _fo,.ty_gcharge of Sunday morning. s service eight in the Salvation Army Citadel in the t,.om.!absence of Commandant Osborne of eup},.:' the Riverdale a-Corps. Commandant uge] Wiseman of New York. an old Bar- rie boy and brother of Frank Wise- thougyfman, also spoke a few wordsaat this ' L ccu_ I ser`viee. 3 unuu I Gain 5; concert Lwhich gfmale _ `were and .,ston solo :'ton.' _'.p.\1I4\II7VI ul Db. vulcenlfs Park by` During the indulged Fromfour ve the band nlnmul nus!` M. An. ---~~~ \.|IJ\r_VIllUlI\l U1. an. ['11. the V band UV lillandale visited `Monday ,morning, _made. by, the Rm-rip nnvna 1'\....:..... an- -4-A -- guys vuvc. A sacred concert in Queen's Park on Sunday afternoon was greatly en- joyed by the large number present. Thu anon} r\-r--- '7~`*" " ,-`Barrie and gave them the freedomi of the town. The hall was_ fairly well lled. The programme`, which` lwas an exceptionally fine one, con- lsisted of selections by the band, -a ., cornet solo by Cyril Everitt entitled Floctonia, vocal solos by G. Mac- ,Garrigle. and B. Hotchkiss, vocal sel- zcctions by the male chorus led by ! Leader F. Scott, saxophoneselections {by W. Bloss and the saxophone sec- 'tion of the band, a piano solo by Mrs. .Wood', a trombone solo by P. `Barton gand a Bible reading by Band Sergt. Mills.' I `up. - . , ___-- _-. -.-u~uvuaIu--WHO (101110. 3'1` D'Arcy. : McGee. George Brown was the se-E `F ,cond Father of_ Confederation to b,Idie at the hand of an assassin, but. `the good he did lives after him, and he has an mm"-...-I -1--- .-.. AL. I- meonmwca or `COURTESY .us smassao av sm HENRY _ _..---i I :3 It would be ditficult to mention a my name more widely known or for a_ -' longer period of time than that of; F; Massey. The senior member of the`; It famous house "is Mr. Chester Daniel, F_- Massey of Toronto, the Honorary! is President of the Massey-Harris Com-It m pany which has the reputation of l_'being the largest establishment for e the manufacture of agricultural im- plements in the British Empire em- _ ploying many thousand men and don ' ing business with many British and - foreign countries. Mr. Massey is _- not only noted as the head of a great ` industrial enterprise but his fame and popularity rests on an even rmer basis as one of Canada's lead- '?ing philanthropists. As the present " custodian and distributer of the Mas- llsey wealth the benefactions would ' make a surprisingly long and varied ' list in churches, schools, hospitals, '|mission stations and homes. In ad- I I { dition the Massey Music Hall in Tor- I =3 , , cuasrsn n. MASSEY l `onto is a much appreciated monu- ,ment to the practical `generosity of `; Mr. Masse'y ,s father, the late Hart 5A. Massey who founded the business. !Mr. Massey is also a prominent fac- `tor in the nancial life of the coun- itry. Enough has been written to ,'mak_e good the assertion that C. D. {Massey is a "Canadian citizen of the ff highest type a_nd greatest value. `cult: 5UU\.l IIC ulu ll\'8S he has an assured place in the Cana- idian Hall of Fame. . olfllqz-E111-vXi`>V.1`AN wHo's WHO $$$*%g?vE$**** E I I I kl Fg&ww&$%&&&m&&w&g` e csosca shown ;. George Brown was Scottish-born, 9 like so many other national leaders-, \.iv181.8 being his. birth year and Alloa 1, I his birthplace. His ` Scotch school- ; master said of him, This young jxgentlernan is not only endowed with ,, I high enthusiasm, but he possesses the gffaculty `of creating enthusiasm. in 3 others, and after his long tenure of 1;; public service in the land of his adop-` tion, it could be said of him that he .:was as earnest as a crusader, as` ucouriigenns. an o 1...:..La. -L --.~ - .. ....s :19 earnest as crusader, as icourageous as a knight-at-arms, and `g . . `to forego his most precious posses-_ \fsion--T-* party solidarity--and join a; `coalition government to remove the `first obstacle to Confederation. A ; ;political leader, a_ righter of wro_ngs,l fa ghter for principle was this Alloa _'lad; the founder of a great news-_` _ paper,, a farmer and stock breeder,, fa good citizen; unselsh, forward-g Hooking, and unmoved7by. defeat or jdisappointment. It was largely: Ethrough Brown's efforts that the" -`Northwest Territorywas hnf his nouno.4.....L _-I2;2 I Brief naogrgphial sheen... '.s : of the Dominion : Big Man Have Passed Away. ' u-u LVUI (U [IVE] at` supper See`our list before you decide; Town Property, Market Gardens 0 . Farms ~-- We have it. L of sou; M[xED%p[CKL[.;5 . .% . . . . ..- 33.52 bottle 40 c ` u:MoNAm_: Mupcgggg ........ 95?-Tsif v ---- CU iili I I Omen; Bayqld Sh. Karrie Pllonof: Oice 881.` Reoidance_84w ' ` P. O. Box 1011 '

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