Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jul 1923, p. 8

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I July 17--Miss Florence Dyer" of the nurs. ing staff of the Victoria Hospital, London, is home for 3 fortnight .s holidays. ` Misses Winnie and Evelyn Mollin of Tor- 1 Ulluuo I Leslie Kissick is visiting friends around} here. ' n a a 0 I Victor Johnson of Toronto 18 Visiting! {relatives in this vicinity. ' wuwu was very much apprecla She has a wonderful voice for . child. ' I _,I:, Ir- - I I - ' I which was Q}... L. _ _ `ASSORTED LOT of SOAPS regular 5-cent lines, on sale at 3for 10c sun as nuruugnL.s nouuays. -. very much appreciated by all. Wondflll \.'(\;l` fnr an vrnnnnu :- ~- ~- v- .---u- `gnu be giVi'l 8" cases when one consid _!II\,I SPECIAL Aj;frNT1oN HOLLY snow 5. V 1' Congratulations to all who were success-` in! in their Entrance exams; also to Barrett I Muir who passed his music exam as well as the Entrance. ' lB....... l"..I.I...-lI E. .,,, ' ` ' I -..., ,...,....u uuoxuxuna ouxra m trlcolet are pnced at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Tricolette STEP-INS and VESTS . . . BLOOMERS in tricolette, pongee and h; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2.39, $1 Silk and Satin NIGHTGOWNS, some of vs embroidered and French importations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $7.50, $7.1 Other needful garments in silk are here an reasonably priced. Seldom Do You ind a Better Variety of Silk Undergarments in Any Town Store . The popular COSTUME SLIPS in tricolette and habutai priced $5.25 and $6.25 . . . . . . . . . .. $3.25 tricolette. nomzee and hnhnfni .,m,.. .. so young a Special value in Satin-nished Double Damask Pure Linen TABLE CLOTHS. size 72x90, beautiful quality, $7.00 ea. 23-inch Pure Linen TEA TOWELLING reduced to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 yard the savings inltlresefguods; Satin-faced Drills, Cotton Repps, L Seer-Suckers. etc., regularly priced up to 35c . . . . Sale 19c Table of Ratines, Voiles, Muslins, Crepes and other lines for sum- mer use, all cut in price for quick clearance. ' Where color range is incomplete and further supplies unprocurable, we db not hesitate to use the price- cutting plan unspzlringly, hence LL- -A, MID-SUMMER mucus REDUCTIONS INTHE ' YARD GOODS SECTIONS Pyices thn-`oughout' this store are cut { hlower. than they should be in some nuulz, Aulb. lbUUl'. Reynolds, On Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Reynolds and fun ily of Big -Bay Point spent Sunday at Fred Guest's. ' July 17-Mrs. John Lambie of New Lis- keard is visiting at. George Ly-all's._ Y8. R. W9}? and nhnrlrnn nf 'I`n-A-On 3 null Auto.` uunuel-8 angle)`. Congratulations to -Marion R4-HI, Clara Srxgley and Helen Crane, who wt-re 1 successful in their Entrance exams. I Mia: Trhnlrnn f`_In:-V.- .-J .ll:.lI...._l __:,t. x - - auvucavxux Au 111811` nnnrance Miss Thelma Clegg of Midland visited her aunt, Mrs. Robt-. Reynolds, Sunday. Mrs. Sammzl Pnmmma ".4 ch... i . onto are spending the week with Misc ("-5111 I Brown. xn:__ u - vv - - I nun auur, mus. IV In. nunter. i -`Miss Parkhouso of Barrio spent Sunday I with Miss Carmen Srigley. Cnnvrntn!m}m..- 9.. '11:, .... ,. un_'-., -n, .lJIUVVlIo I Miss Marion Ynung of Toronto is I her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Hunter. .-Mic.. D.,..I.1......_ .: n-_.:, - ~ `.yUl.lH.alUb' . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.98 and $11.98 and all are very nrinazl ' .. . ; 'ee habutai silks at $2.98 and $4.25 E01110 nf urh;n]n nun I........J You will benet by `it. considers the quality awnru us vum-mg at. ueorge by-au's._ I Mrs. R. Weir and children of Toronto` are spending their vacation at A. Bartholo-, m`!`w's. ` ...__-L..l_4' , qaavo anu $4.23 whlch are hand- ! G 45; yuvrg vuuruuuu. HI ururn-Duty, aunaay, July 16.! The dece;x.: lefit. this vicinity last spring and was residing near London. His death was very sudden, due to heart failure. De- ceased was an older in the Preabyiterian church at Stayner. ' cuurgc us an present vacant. 1 A number from Stayner and vicinity at-` tended the funeral of the late Alex. Mc- Caualand. in Thornbury, Sunday, July 16.` The dBce:1.'~`9d `Pf? thin vininu Ina! ..'nu-inn `ID51110- Mr. `Holt of Muskoka was in Barrie over- seeing the construction of his new house on Bayfield Sx~., and spent a few days in Stay. net before returning. REV "'1' Ydaunff nrnnnknrl :l\ LL.` 'D-...-J...- act uclurc I'6la|.lX'lllIlg. Rev. Mr. Leggott preached in the Presby- terian church last Sunday, Rev. K.`Mac- Lean taking the service at-Creemore, which charge is at present vacant. I A HIIl`knr Fnnm Q}-nivnnu. nnpl -n:-.14-. -1. i -uaya av um ynruuuu 1101116. Mr. and Mrs; Amtley of Rocklyn and Mr. and Mrs, Falls paid a short visit in Stay- net last week on their return trip from Barrie. ' 11.. .1r-u _t m:_,,,u_.L - -n Juli; Miss Mary Watson of Toronto spent a few days at theparental home. ` I On!` MIn- Ailfhuv AI Dnnlpluu. .-.-..I ll. was uaawuuw W 111'. uewu.' . Miss Ethel Philips and `Mr. Wea_ks_ of Tor- onto were visitors at Loran J ackm`an s over 1he week-nd, Miss Eva Jack-man returning .bo1Ane Igvith them. 'lV......-.. .....I l_.._:I__ |_-,,, ,,-,. I MIDI!-MI. -dainty tea. uauunu wuu ouvul. _ A. Turner and family have gone on a motor trip` to Toronto, Buffalo and Cleve- land. ' ' Ill..- vIl.._.- I`I1..A...._. - VII-___,,; , - 3 unuguwr m uuumg Dr. Dobson has out his practice` to Dr. R. E. Ives of Barrie. who formerly -was assistant to Dr. Lewis. " ` u:... Imlml 'DL:I:.._ .....l -11. 1l7-..l-_ -1: m-.. July -'17.-Mr. Randolph is vising his datuhter in Michigan. - nnknnn `ton nnlzl nub Lin n-n-L....` L- soc QUALITY IN WOMEN'S usm "`. 5'?3{?9."5.'-'5 339"R- , GLOVE SILK HOSIERY for ladies. in two different weights of silk, $3.98 and $4.50 VENUS PUREATHREAD SILK HOSIERY in black, white, lcordovan, Russian calf, dove and navy, the hose we do not hes- . itate to recommend, price . . . . . . $1.98 HIGH GRADE, another pure silk hone in -black, white, brown and navy, in a pop- ular price and a splendid wearing line, pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.59 LADIES FIBRE SILK HOSE in perfect ' tting shape, colors black, white. camel and sand, sub-standards," `a. regular ' $1.25 quality . . . . . . . . Special 98 Excellent e value in CHILDREN'S SILK STOCKINGS, sizes 6% to 8%", black and white only, pair , . . . . . . . . . $1.00 CHILDREN'S 96.-LENGTH PLAIN AND FANCY TOP SILK SOCKS, 85: and 85: You take no risk in selecting Silk Hosiery here. We `sell qualities that have been tried iand_tested. NEWS FROM NEIGI-MIBORING TOWNSHIPS The wondorful volues given for $1.00 during last week : solo wore only ` N0 oxunples of what Athis `store will do . Goods . spot of oil, or perhapssa dropped stitch, , s` mae it necessary for the manufacturer to clear his lot of Hosiery as seconds. {We bought them direct from the maker and pass them along to you at the low price. Black, white, brown, grey and sand, sizes 8% to 10. G_I--. ac- ._ - 2-. K a1": snm.'*" the King` and then the hoataaa lowed .. Jlcnfv OAR. FEATURING sn.x HOSE FOR woman AND CHILDREN curunn-: _$T_"N5R , , I _ .. v v`V"J 3' `V ""`C BIKIIK, `U. - _ -- 9 _ pair -Buy your Hose at this Store-7 - for yo. Sunday, July 15. Quite a number from around here at-` tended the. `barn raising at Basil Quinn _s. He entertained a number df the young people to an enjoyable time in the evening. The Misses Elsie and Jean Howntd are spending their holidays in Alliston with their aunt, Mrs. Hunt. 4 ' T very won with theiriexams. - In cunnection with the report of the pres- entation to Miss Matthews, there, was a 1 slight inaccuracy `describing the. gift receiv. led, which wag an ivory mantel clock. I 5, uacv. u. Derry vxsweu menus around here] 1 this last week. . Wm. Pratt and family visited_ in Hamil- ; t-on this week. . . - 3 Herb Johnston and family and Roy Tracy I spent the week-end in Dalston. RI-.m-Ii-m I(.......\ ...:t..' -;..I .I-..,l- ` m5 at manner Ems week. 1 I The Sunday School` intend `having a gard- ` en party in the near` future. Congratulations to the Entrance class this 'year. Irene Kavanagh, let Class Honours; Harold Tracy, -2nd Class Honours, and Jim. ~ mie Torpey, recommended, all being suc- cessful in their examinations. Oongratula. tions are also due. to Miss Matthews, the teacher, the otherypupils of the school` doing very well with 'theii-exams. in lInnnnnf:n-. c-:61.` AL- ._-..A-L ~ A` spenn me week-end in Dalston. V Sterling Knapp, wife` and daughter, and D. Watkinson of MaoTier visited at Mrs. Beatiice and Enid Knapp are yieit- 'ing at -Mac'1`ier this week. u The Sunday: Qn}mnl`:..a.....I 'L....:.... - - A-J `VT Eden-v-A-I: Women : lnstitete "This branch of the Women e Inetitutef held their regular mon meeting on Wed- aesday, July .11, at the ome of Mrs. Har- yey Beeton. There were 20 members and two visitors present. After the rol1,call, which was anewered by -My Pet -Prover _. the usual busxnese was attended to. Mr: A lMnw I-nmrl n xunnv ..a......-L2-- A-~- `July 17--'1';e_'V rnnnkml :_ L- r uvgfr yulllbss` Ill 'S0llFWOSt8l'l'l Untario, L-. anfi_ :Mr.~:. Bert Eoys?on and 50,, of glt`>I1)1d'`>`I} usnted the formers pa;-ems over ' I Mr:;nd Mrs Fred Eldon of ' . ' - ' Alhston d I on Suslda 0 . 1'. an Mrs. James Courtney y. . . : were guests ` I Sunday. 7 ` mu ween-euu. V Rev. S`. `J . '1`. Farmer and family /tarted F this morning on a motor trip to London and I other points in southwestern Ontario. MP. and IMP; :Rnr} n`l\IIaI.n-n --J --- - U360 JVCCK but` as th .I.......... . July l7;_--Lei'ghton Chappel is laid up with an injured foot those _days, the result `of a fall from a telephone pole. Miss Normii Mnkinlmr nf M:AI.....I :.. L..I Buy` Advertised mugs. Use 'Tlephone No. 74 :ent pl`0mPtlY- WNESFNG nmuy mung gxven. [of Mrs. Wm. Jermey. Mrs. J. D. Gil- I The next meeting will be held at the homei christ, Miss Phemie `Lyell and Mrs. Love will have charge of the programme. The` meeting closed with the national anthem after whichlall adjourned to -the lawn where!" 8 very daintv lunnhnnn` um: an--ml n..}&1vg.% smma renfel Union Church `on These Are Days of Great Savings at the LADIES SPECIALTY STORE V370- 'WEAR DEPT. The'_ New Plain" and Plettted F Iannel Skirts from size 16 to 35 waist are here. These are all wool and one of the season s best garments for outing wear . . . . . . . . - U I I C 0 `An no am. Ann I A-- -- Special Merchandise for Mid-Summer Selling Goes llut at Big Reductions SANITARY % qoqos rarments for . -. ' $8.98, $11.98 and $13.50 each 0 O 0 - v 1 0'0 _ `L READY-T0 WEARQARMENTS oun SPECIALTY 'Ax1dther '10. : of sorted kinds, at $1.00, for this week s selling. , S. W. MOORE iuvwl uuuiu an lll.lJUU_l'Il8a '50 `W19 18W] _a very dainty luncheon was served. I over, the visiting ladies provided the pro- n gramme whiehwas greatly enjoyed by all ` present. Ladies taking part in the flour J. nus ll UUII v The July meeting of the W. I. was held at the home of Mrs. Gilbert MoArthu`r when the Guthrie W.I. paid the Edgar branch a visit. The business part of the meeting a sack dress contest were asked to parade and three of the Guthrie ladies acted as judges. The ;dresses were very pretty indeed. The hostess awarded dainty prizes. Refreshments were served and all enjoyed a social hour. Arrangements wereimade to hold a? garden 5 part at the home of. Joseph Kiasick, I on ednesday, July 25. A good` time is ` looked for. ' V ayuuuuug as law monms xn Muskoka. John Patterson and the Misses E. and A. Patterson spent Sunday with relatives in Thomton. ,'n__ I.__,__ __V `n - .. -- - uuq .u--uul`. anu uurs. black and faxnily visited relatives at Stoney Lake over the week-end. ` run- 11,, - 1- ~ 7 - - nun. uesue 11006011.. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred -Elphick spent Sunday with Egbert friends. Mrs. Henry Ellis has returned to Hamil~ ` ton after spending a couple of months with her son. George Ellis. Miss Jane Gugins of -Beeton visited her sister, Mrs. J.'H. McCann, recently. wlvu ucr urovner, alien M11181`. Congratulations to Verna `McCann and Clarence Smith. they having passed the En- trance examination. ' Quite a number of young people from here spent "Sunday at Wasaga Beach. GBOPQA nn'hnnn -R A ...:4L L: .4, I apcue Duuuuy at wasaga Beach. George Ddhson, 'B.A._. with his wife and baby have beemholidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Do'bson.. Mr no-In-I II..- A|l_-.I 1-n.1,I - I - uay wuu Mr. and Mrs. Arthur _Dobson. 1 Mrs. Bellwood of Staynervisited Mrs.` R.-Bell one day last week. Miss Bella Miller spent th week-end with her brother, Allen Miller. Cnngrntunlnnn. on v........ -u-n uulu, Azuuvlla J. A. Bell and wife left for their home in Sudbury by motor, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bell. A car load. of Creeznore friends spent Sun. 1 day with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dobson. 1 Mrs. Bellwnnd vnf Run-m... " ..:..:....a -u.. u ouuuuy pay 111 me near Iuture. Mrs. Wm. Campbell gave a very inter- esting paper on Citiaenship". One thought worth reinembering was that once entering public life people should see to it that they don't fall down. Mrs. Hall gave a reading entitled Rubber Boots Astray." Miss Katie Sinclair took the Current. Events" which was very interesting to all present. Several _ selections on the victrola were given. Roll 03!! was responded to by recipes for salads,` many being given. _ 4 Tlm nnvt m..+.`.... ...:n L- L41 ,- -- w_:--o July 17v.-Dr. 1'. Lorne Dobson of Dods- land, Sula, is visiting his brother. Leslie Ddbson. nu-u IKIUIIUS nere. ' Ivy L.o.-L. N6. 450 had the honor of `tak- ing the prize for the largest lodge in Allan- dag: 0:: the Twelfth. ` ' I-I nmisn `I >"l!-..-..A. - " day t ll. 11 \o51l\ July'17--Mr; and Mrs. Slack initnrl rnlnunn n+ Qo......--. `nuns music opeers and Muss hate Hicks of Beamsville are spending two weeks of holi. days at Parry Sound. ' ` Rnv Wilann nf 'lL~.....-.`L- _-I`I. I I - ..-_- --....vvv -U: W 43711 uaya`. ` - -Five of Miss Speers pupils wrote on the Entrance and four passed; Miss Flossie Collins of Toronto spent a week}; holidays with Mr. and Mrs. G. Wilson. _ , Miss Elsie . peers and Miss Kate Hicks of] Beamsville am knnnrlina om. mu)... -: L-I2 nus nucuuxa` ut'l`e. 5 Mrs. Wilfred Hutton spent a week with: Alliston friends. V `Mrs. Wallwin and daughter Mary of Bar- rie were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'l'homp- R son Jennett for 9. few days. I Juvn II: 113,... 6..---- " ' ` - July l7---Mrs. Clark of Toronfo is visit. ing friends here. Mm. ur:I:-....I tLu- DEPARTMI-`RT Every Ladies Home Journal Pattern * in the store goes on `sale at half price. Get all you -will need for some time at these prices. ulu uouuu. uuuucau was 813501100 30. Mrs. A. Maw read a very interesting paper iving different ways and means of keeping g on the farm. Amusements were one of features. Following this paper lira. 8 read y. report of the convention at 3.41;, A ; Sinclair was elso a delegate. * The meetinx closed bV lnmno nrl --tn A. .sMAsH1Nc BLOW? IS . DEALT THE PATTERN 321 A lnuuun --n---- } T9? {IVY % and fgnriily m nviuv lua I.-ul D van: WIMI pneumonia. - . I Flora McDonald of Hamilton sang a solo in St. Andrew}; Church Sunday night_, unaunuu, uuzulby Du_v._ ` Miss Katie Campbell is visiting Miss Mary Mz1cLellHnd. A Earle Leigh, second son of James Leigh. has been operated on in the Orillia Hospital I I for appendicitis. . . . i .Qn'nr Y..n.m.. I.."l..A.-L-_ , V I ` nu uppt.-muclms. I -Maszer Jimmy Fletcher is under the doc.- t.or s care with pneumoia. I Mid: Fl.-u-n M..n......I..I .: u-_-:n- - ! Miss Lorna Graham spent the weekend [ with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.'Wm. Graham, Shanty Bay. nnrnnlrinll in ..:..:4`..... Il.'-_l This half price cut will con-_ tinue inde,nitely-o\_r_e_r "8000 patterns to seleci from. . -_--.w --........, _ Sunday. _ Guthrne Women ; Institute _ The monthly meeting of the W.I. was` ' held at the home of Mrs. Win. Sinclair on July 12, with 20 ladies present. It was] i Mi`i'i3iii:'Mi55 Mar) Martin and Miss decided to hold the flower show at the next Nino Moi-1981'! motored to Toronto for the meeting. Being in need of funds the Branch Week -end. ' intends holding a sale of homemade baking REV H- B01`?! Visited irieiifis 3i'iiii(ii1iii'e. at Shanty Bay in the near future. Mm Win omnknll ...-..... .. ........ 3__L_ 117... n._, 1 A --v -v- `lie for . . We have too many BUNGALOW APRONS and to reduce our stock we have on sale about 50 of this regular 85c line, 59 on. Never before have we shown such,a wide var- iety of Gingham Dresses and at such small - prices. Every one from $1.00 up repre- sents a big saving to you. ` . O OR9 STATION _,.. ,i' .... .. 7:/zcl ,..ii3I ; : '1`z/;; windpw display. use uuuruuue. `; Ewen Caldwell as recovering in the R1 V. Hospital after an operation for appendi-l citia `last Sunday. . .

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