F; SON has been rs it has grown rs. Quality has f their success. _ A :01-tact protection` to every surface 8.8. NO. 9, ESSA 1 Ir. _ -_.,,, S.S. N0. 7, ESSA ._ I11 I, ulna: THIS STORE SELLS PROTECTION peers, teacher. -So says this , sign it: appears} below. And i fl-IE BARRIB EXA|IlNBI\ Irlsl.-Ill`, Iul-Ii? IJCBF Inllllv Iran X 111806 AT]1fCfOfC-this store sells the highest r8,dc of ptotction fog: ` V0"? money. your property and Your time. , 45 cup -3. _..s4.`_-. Btccause.--_.the cost of paint or varnish is triing in comparison to the cost of spreading it and the value of the 9 property it protects; t Because_..go`od paint and varnish go on` protecting property long after poor products have aked and crumbled away; and . n Because-chis store--a.fter invetigation-has chosen to sell Names in ;);-d'e'r, of merit. I Jr. IV to Sr. IV--1st Class Honours- Gladys Shaughuessy, Hilda Beardsall; 2nd Class I~IoTnours--Lornie Gilhooly. Jr. III to Sr. I.II._.1m ma... tr------ uuaa nunuurs--1.eorme uunooly. III to Sr. IvII-1st Class Honours- Frank Beardsall, Pearl Henley, Ernest Bid- well. Q_ 11 . v 9': -- -- - ; aean M-cnrmur, Manon Crane. ~ I Jr. III to Sr. III--Honoum--Dorothy 4 Little, Rowland Glandfiold, Ray Lougheed; IPaas--Roas Kennedy, Jean Srigley. Wilhel- mine Stovel; Recoxnmended---Cy1'il Guest, I Gordon Srizhv. Ganron RI-ialnu `Rillu I zul- .uu1n: DI-UVEI; mecommended--Cy1'il GLl$t,U Srigby, George Srigley, Billy Little. Sr. II to A Jr. III-Pau5--Violet King, Gladys Pearson, Herbert Glandfield,.Kath- leen Reed, Dorothy Holbrook.- In uususy, lJ.lf&C Millie. Jr. I to Sr. I--Pass-Stanley King, Wil- son Lougheed, Stephen Johnston, Lottie lllummefield. 2 13.2.... L. w ' o -- ---A V zwuxllxllcllvlll. 5 Primer to Jr. I--Honours~-JMi'ldred Little; Pass--Dick Pearson, Thelma. Jago, Ina Knnccly; Recommende-d--Freddie Stig- ~ley. w . nv. IL, IlIlIll'Il-. v Sr, ill to Jr. IV--let Class Honours- Gordon Johns; Honours--4Mary' Marrow, _ Dorothea King; PzL9s--John Glandfield, ] Jean McArthur, Marlon Crane. I Jr In fn Q- In u------- an -' gess. Sr. Primer to Jr. IQ-KathIee;1 Beyers, Bertha Betteridgc, `Gordon Sturgess, Jim Courts. Jr. Primer to Sr. P-rimer--Willie" McFad- den. T - 1 I013. ' Sr. II to Jr. III-Johnny Randail. Olive Courts (Hon.), Annie Johnston. Jr. II to Sr. II `Vera Nelson, Edith Grevitt. Freda Beyers. ~- ` St. I to Jr. II--Jennie McFadden. Ronald McFadden, Wesley Wonch, Clifford S;ur- E888. s.s. no. 6, iumsm 81- III to Jr. IV--aRuasell Beyers (Hon.)_ Jr. III to St. 111--`Melv-ille`Ayerst, Maud Sturgess, Florence Greensideg (Hon.), Ines Mayes. - I Q`: II .. I- 111' 1.1, In - -- A-- S.S. NO. I2, INNISFIL. '1 5.. I`. 711 1 S.S. NO. I5, OR0. MONTREAL simply the best that can be made irrespective of A. MacAlpine, teagher. IOUGALL `7lrllwo\lfI_5" a box gs _. A _,,, Associated with this Murphy" Varnish Company. U. S. A. vs: V; cs. 5 . are .4. {Inc -...n Page cvG|IIrI`l I 3 unrival- nnn \l- KOID jmited RIC on Bird's 1zi_gh- other so-called mean good citizens of A the future. When mothen- s milk fails . V _ dun Llllll-I 1' Ann 1"UWUl'Jl$, WWII me new cold cream base, `blends with the complexion perfectly and as so soft and clinging you will love it. Let us show you your favorite shade. AI-tllur E. Pattoroony Allandalo Monlunufo Drug Store; Barrio ' J-JHIIIJ UUJVLDILVJII IUIV UIVIAHLVL :9.` r it: wbnderful softening and NV itoning eect on the skin. This cream is also an ideal base for face jyowder. Ask tb. see it in the new, zaonvenient screw-cap ar. ' JONTEEL FA-CE P0 DER, with the law amlcl mmnm hams `klnnaa _]\lbV L |.`4.I.`41.4. The most `complete line of toilet M-quisites sold in America. and one 3:! the moat expensively perfumed time: ever sold at popularprices. `allow-v nngvnnn nhnlshi nun ]'f\RT_- WOXIIIIII IIIDUIII ID dULV." EJYUTJ _ -TEEL COMBINATION CREAM `him `In: -.'A-Jpn`;-I `AIL--.3- .. -_ .I Face powder, face cream, tbilet water, extract, manicure requis- Sitea, rouge or face powder vanity, l ip-stick, eyebrow. pencil, talcum :;you will find them all .in vnnunv -5- on (will JUKJTEEL. m:';;'.i`!`r`1 z|sI::y Rucliment.~--lTst Class Honons~- "Jamie Cloughle,v._Grenfel; Mabel Keeuan;{ wo and :1 half % uare, surfaced mice $7.25 sq. H20 usyauu. I Primary Harmony -~~ Honours -~ Frank.` Shannon. ` :n_:._._._._ n,_,u- .. .-. ... _.. .Iu.ylIUl\|B. Junior Historywlst Class Honou1~ara'Mur-` Ste: Bryson. \ _1 ppiynnuuuy `Lin-m.,..... [Ya------- 7-` ' ` .1 vnugvu . _ lemcntury Piano---Honours-4Mary John-I awn; Eileen Armstrong and Neil McKenzie, oigual; Stewart Brown, Mona Beatty; Pass {High Standing)--Annie Wallwin. I Tnl'rnthIM.m-n D:nnn_.:ll .... ...... ,Il..._......-L| -uuruu. uuruuly pryson. ` Introcluctory Schobl _Piuno--~Paai~--Elliott Iicynolda. ' luuznn u:xuOnmuw `..L lVI__ II_, II ' pugu uwuumgt--Annie wauwm. Introductory P1ano~5-Honoum---Margareti Martin. Dorothy Bryson. ' `Inn-nrlnM.m-u Qn)m. .I n:...... n...... I:uI:-ul v v - v v - v vvryvvvvv hI\VVIVlU All the pupils of Miss Bryaon who tried ; e recent examinations of the Toronto ` _'on.servatory of Music in Piano and Theory, Miwure.suocessful. The results are as follows: Junior Piano--.-Honours-,-Mabel . Keenan; .Tam mm. s.:.m1a....i__x........ 'Ir..n.' . ,, _r!.l.;u; run: .v.nIgu manning) .Nlil(lI`cd S . Primary School Piano--Honours--aHazel lfhgtlridge. nlnnninvu Diana I.`l-......_..' l-___. 1-1, i$$'}$L}L;'mLLE;;_'Jrfet;as society win` he hold at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Stewart I I `on Tuesday, July 24, at 2.30dp.m_. A good :'programme is 1)eing.p_reparod.v A hearty invitation is extended to all the ladies of the community. . . , > may ever sun: at popularpnces. Every woman should use JON-- "MWW. (`.l\Il`lI7'kY A 'l`I'l'\\T hl` A M oumur wmlru-r-n0nouriI".'1M1lD6l 3 Aeenan ; "ans (High Standing)--Kenneth Walla. Primary Piano--Honoura--Marjorie Byw- u, and Audrey Clifton, aqua}; Margaret Me. Iirtin; Pm .(-High Standing) Mildred lhlla. ` f JULY 19. ms. Sour cherries give nest evo Pit and crush well about 2% lbs. Cherries. Measure 4 level cups (2 lbs.) crushed cherries into large ket- tle and add ';6. cup water. Tie three tablespoons pits in cloth and crush with hammer. Place wlthcherries to increase avor, stir until boiling, cover `kettle. J simmer 10 minutes, CHURCHILL WOMEN'S INSTITUTE HVL- ..______l___ A, J` 3 `f.. %'.:?::.';`' 2 jlowens THURSDAY, JULY .19. I923. IN WOMEN'S REALM 1 _ons:nvAfoTIi9MEAMs How to Make D_eliciot u Chefry Junv Ityour grocer does not have Certo, send his name and 40-and we will-mail you a bottle. Write today {or revised Certo Book- let of 73 recipes ( too). - L Aumo 1 Beside! you get 50% MORE from the r_u{t-only one minutofl boiling ro- qnired-!ull avor and color fruit retained -perfect hxturo--certainty f auccesg with any fruit. Complete booklotof recipes with ovqry bottle. o ' _ ' lls--from start ' few roougs. year; ago are A v ~ 7 The delicieuu, Iiiperior quality of the inns` . and jellies you can make so easily with cute would alone nuke -a trial well worth while. , --,------, rynuna; annual, `V8.1 lJl'lUWo _ I to Jr. II--Delbent'Bannerman, Harvey Coehrane, wmond Eastqn, Lillian Thomp- son, Morris Cochrane, Galvin Jennett._ . To Jr. I `(b) .---Rhonald `smfnm, Fred G:-eenha'lagh,V Elma; Dungby, Nelson Moore. '7 Av con. 1 \u(v-'-n.l.I0n!O BWWIH, F191! _Elmbr ' means Honours; `I "means" lat Claus Honours; R, means Recommended. \JUVlll'IIUo Jr. II to 81-. II-Mary Ward ('1), Da- 9_thy;M9ore ("), Jean Gochrane (`'1 Clara Ward ("), Horace Adams, Edna Jennett. Joe. Lennox, Dorothy Made], Tom Barlow. 1' HA 1.. n, .n-u..._xn---~{ - A w:;wI'i;1;o Jr.jIV---Vernon` Jehbtt i`) Gordon Cochrane (") Helen Bonke, Luella Cochrane. T Jr. In cosy. m--Hm1ey Barlow ($1.). Sr. II to Jr. III-Agnes Grose (*1), Jim Gxfeenhnlagh (*), Franklin Stewart, Ethel Cochrane. ' - . Y- fl 1.- n_' Ir -no no I AA--- - V s.s. no.6, ass}; To} Sr. IV-A--Bet-iaice Jennett (*1), Thel- ma Jennett. ~ Q; fl! 4- I. 117 II'...._._` V, '1-M nu, nngua uunn.-run. Jr. 11-01mm Fjord, Russell ~Robinson,| Agnes McKernan_. Violet Donnelly, Flora Young. Elsie Howard, Lillian Ford. Sr. I~-Jean Howard. Jr. 'I--Billie Maw, Lucy Cameron, Patrik MBride.- - - * Pr_im"ex~--Billie Johnston, ' Hlen Donnel- 1y, Mary McKernan, David Cameron, Louis Robinqon. 1 l\I!__, `I In uuuuv a.uuu', nmuuue DUUZOII. Jr. Primer--Garnet Walt. Henry. Suttoh, ' Sam Sutton. ' v 'II,, I Ir wv _ s.s. No. 7, vabsmi. .Sr. IV--Maude -Ford, Merlin.Coupland, Mary Greenfield. , Jr. IV--Alex. Cameron, Janet Cameron.- ASr. II-I-05:-I Kolofsky (H.). Ethel Har- ris, Howard McKe1-nan, T. W. Donnelly, Emma Ford. ` ' Jr. III-Brian'McKernan. - ' ~ Sr. II--Miriam Coupland, Mick -McKern- an, Angus Cameron. . Jan Yl _|:&t;....l 1.`......! 'n......-n .n-|_:____ Vvu IV?! I V V &WI I""I -. : sr. IV--Wa1ter Coutts, Willie, Muir. Jr. IV--Hmy Muir, Vernon Walt. Sr. II:I-Stanley Walt, Gladys Walt, Fred Doran. 1 . Jr. III---Thelma Muir, Howard Muir, _ Noble Barber, Willie Sutton, Jack Doran, . Loy-Walt, Edward Bertram. Ross Bertram. Q- 1.! .I\-.._'n.-. lll____ my . - of watertight, 1.25 per gal. red or green) $4.25 per sq. wwrvr .. ...., -awvvunu ulavnflouu, nun uvluluu. Sr. I}!--`Doro_thy Muir, Watson Bonney, Marghret Ddran. ' `Jr. II--Josephine Muir. Jr. I5-vShirl_ey Bonney, Murray Bonney, Lorine Muir, Minnie Sutton. _ Jr .Dphn:.u-_.__l!nu-u.t `I7..la 11-..... .-LA-- I I1 ling. . 8.8; NO I2, VESPRA. . Jr. IV to Sr. I'V---L.` Baylise. D. Gossling. Jr. H-I to Sr. III---C. Marlin (H.), L. Watson. ' . A Sr. II to Jr. III~-_4M. Marlin (H.), N. Hurdaker. < Jr. II to Sr. II-W. Crawford. Jr. I to Sr. I--B. Gossling, B. Woods. [Primer to Jr. 1-0. Fleetham. J. Goss- ling. PROMOTION EXAMSf IN RURAL SCHOOLS The above despntch refers to a young lady very well known in Barrie tindveapra. She is a daughter of Mrs. E. A. Russell of Toronto, formerly of Barrie. and a niece of Mrs. Gauley. McDonald St; . a nu uuuulu at a W uanlnglon IlOSplII.` ; Dr. Russell, after doing duty at emer- ` genoy hospital here, in` the wards, was re. ` cently_transfer'ed to ambulance servxoe, and Hips ru_lde_n wnth. the am-bulan_co day aqd fmgdhg _as xghus gone to the and of the 111 ,an xmuro . . . I i Washington. July m.---Dr. M. Pearl Rus- sol, a Canadian, who received her degree in {medicine at the University of Toronto, is '5 the first woman to be assigned to duty as i an interne at a Washington hospital.- DI`. Hftl` dill dllfll nf nuanc- FORMER BARRIE LADY IS APPOINTED ITO POST IN WASHINGTON HOSPITAL I -`IN \llUllUl""Uo Introductory School Grade--Isobel Db. via (Honours), Sterling Carr (Honours); Lorne Grey, Muriel Reid (Honours), Reg- lgie Reid (Honours). - CID! IO: llonxentaiy School Grade-/-Florence Knupp. Introductory Gradomwinnifred McDon- ald (Honours). " v'l'IIl\Ann`:n-n- n..|.--l 0--.}- I__L_I I v v - v v v u I U 1 I $1.35 roll )f 500 sq. ft. i _. $4.25 T roll Piano, Pupils of Miss Regina Mllligan Elementary Grade--Isobel Carr (Hon- oura), Orvul Carr (Honours), Kenneth Bnmi-ug. Jean Lyons (Honours), `Helen Davis. / 53%| II I I'll Davxs. I`! .. IIQIIIHVFB U1]! , U "M pour auto 3' asses, ....w mauve pits. Add 7% level cups (3% lbs.) sugar and mixiwell. Use hottest re, and stir constantly fore and while boiling.` Boil bards 1-0 for one minute remove m re and stir in_1 bottle (scant cup) Certo. From time jam is taken of! re allow to stand, with occasional stirrin , -6 minutes on! by the clock, skim, t en nour intn av nanna ` Luau nuuuauca. . V M398 Victoria Strange, pupil of Miss Mar. jorie Brush of the Torontoonservatory of Music. has passed the Junior Singing ex- amination with high standing. n ulwr uruwu, nuroiu nryson. 9 Miss Jessie Bryson, pupil of Dr. Henley} Willan. F.R.C.0., has obtained with honors the final examination of the Toronto Conser- vatory of Music in Harmony. Orchestrationf and Acoustics. I Min:. \I!..A....!.. QA......_.._ , II n 11- an 1 'H_onours---Victoria; Strange, Stella Coopen-.1 I Elementary Theory--lst Class Honours-- : Walter Brown, Harold Bryson. `I `Minn Jnuin Rl*v:nI\ nun" A0 n. u-..|..... then remove pita. Add cubs nnnvnun nu-3 _...____._._.,_....,.-. Buy Advettisd Things. s.s. "No. I7, VESPRA. IIP-1L__ II. _-_.A, - `VIII? wander er-ending tlea. ounuunn, cm; the numer- beautiful wall-- Hazel I. Henderson; teachf. Olive 1!. Peacock, teacher. R. A. Gibson.- feacher. 7% level mix `well. an-nab- -.51-- ...... -. ., H M Jr. IV to Sr. IV--- Constable, _ Doreue Stephens. Gordon Browning. SI`. to Jr. Iv--PRES--..'n5 Murllllu nu- IIIIIIVI II-o I Klvkulcllan I Sr. H to Jr.` III-Honours--Clan-nee Stewart, Baune Sharpe; Paax-2-Mac Stew- art; Recommended-~Phyllia Marquis, Jack Constable. `I. II 4- 13-. I7 1:: v I -- I I ICICII DI 5 Stephens. I Run II : uuxruc ntcpllclls. uoruon bl'()\Vlllllg. ,' Sr. III Jr. IV--Pass--Joe M3('l.]Uls`, Roy ; Taylor. 9 Jr. III to Sr. III---Honoura--`Jou Lucas, i Kat-hleen Allan, Tom Reive; P-.w\-3--Melven Brnwninnr Willin n.-m....:...s- sun n...._...u. mu-umcu mum, mm ;8lVe; I -.u'\-3--.\r!el\'en `Brownmg. Wxllze Browning. Bili Con.-'tabic, iHelen Browning; Recommended-Gleume \ Stenhmm_ , connes min; for is as the are many big game on who have all g nun -I .-v v -uulvl Ih Jr. IV to Sr. IV--Bruce -McDonald. Sr. III to Jr. IV--Au.brey Scythes (H.). Sr. III to Jr`. IV-`-xEva Meredith. "Jr. III to Sr. III---Eleanor McKenzie, Ernest Wice. Sr. II to Jr. II:I-Gertrude Beamont, Lorne Grey. Ellsworth Coulter. Jr. -11 to Sr. I~I-Nora Scythes. Recommended---Edith Eison to Jr. IV; Garvin Burns. Jr. III; Jennie Henry Sr. II. `.Il|.`.I4|||"-V; l."8&--'l`J,Wll Master. Charlie Milk, V. V I-vvn T ` To Sr. IV-:I'{'on;>urs--.Harold Swartman; Pa.ss--Vivian McCann. A To Jr; [IV-?-4Pam---Irene Griffin. j To Sr. III---Honoura--Luella Symes, Frank Elphick; Pas9--Gladys Denney, Haz- el Racher; Recommended-Lottie Denney, Leonard Racher. _ To Jr. H-I--=Honours--Vernnon Griffin. Frances Berfhelotte; Pasa-Jack McCann. Dora _Tiffin, Li-la Pew 0 fr" Q "7 `uA_A_____ 'y__"_ n 1;I -1.: .' uuw uuul, Lvllll raw. I To `Sr, II--~J-Ionours_--~Ruth Smith, Ethel Mcliaster; Pass--Ewart Jennet, Victor Mc.l Master. Charlie Milk. ' ...-... `coil, vvc-u ll UllD`\lIla,'- 3:: ii: to Sr. III---Lambert Lennox. Bert Carruthexs, Lottie Wilson, Roy Linn, Helen Davis (R), Fred Ixinn (R). - ' `Ill- Sr. III.to Jr. IV--,Ethe!wyn Arnold (Hm! Boyd Arnold ('11.), Jean Lyons--(J'I.). ' I. H! .. Q. 171' v.__,1_, - 1- - vu-q u C: I, n-Inn-1 , ` Jr. IV to Sr. I\;--Lorne Moclennon. Er- z`I}: Elliott, Jack Mcclennon, Percy Wilson ). IIIC I (R). s.s. N0. 7, mulsm. _ II! I\ 8.8. NO 9, INNISFIL ._ a_ nu --- up-yu LIIIIL _ No less species 0! ecognized. nnnn-..