Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jul 1923, p. 3

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xces of uickly nrocess ;+go0d = thern lull I HID, U UIIUl7u ! Cookstown-McMillan ied out to left; Foran ied out to centre; Baker out, pitcher to 1st. 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors. Sixth Inning - Barrie-Del Emms out, pitcher to 1st; ;Clarkrto 1s't on error by short, stole 2nd; ' Gilchrist out, pitcher to 1st; L. Emms out, : 2nd to 1st. 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors. (`.nn`tnfn1nn_'I' ADIIIJA-' (AA and La ...:L..L tuna. '8 ulna, u cuunag - I Cookstown-L. Arnold out, pitcher to I lst; Le*Bar singled to- right; Kidd tripled, `scoring LdBar although Clarke made a `great throw home; I-Iounsome singled mi ;left.. scoring Kidd; Hounsome to 2nd on ;Emms' wild throw to catch him at 1st; :_ Pat. Arnold walked; Hopper fanned, out at 1st; McMillan out, pitcher to 1st. 2 runs, i3 hits, 1 error. - e.........u r....:.. ... BARRIE scours 9. I IN TWO mmncsl I .. Play by-:.innings :- First Inning Barrie-Dobson singled; Copeland singl- ed; Lynch took 2nd on Hopper-`s wild throw to 1st; Dobson home and Copeland to 3rd; Armstrong singled, scoring Copeland; Lynch out stealing home, 3rd to `catcher; Del Emms out, pitcher to 1st; Clarke singled, , scoring Armstrong; Gilchrist to 1st on er- `rot by 2nd baseman; Clarke scored and ,Gilchrist to 2nd on right fielder s wild throw to 3rd; L. Emms out to pitcher. 4 runs. 4 hits, 3 errors, l`nnln.6nnvn I Ann;-`IA nu? rfnlugun in` Beats Cookstowtl by 13 to. 5; Fine Catches Feature ' Match. u u, unncr mo. Umpires--Banting and Jennett, Ify. Frank Armstrong I-';icI-(s Up a Hot Ono. (QoiRinued from page 1) PROMOTION Exams s.s. No. I17, lnnisfil __.__- .v--..., - ~_.._ Ailegn Sa1_xn""rl:-rs, teaeimr. uqpu UvI:I' ocqedingl Lg. jut III - `A. Moffatt,Plumber` and Heater 39 ELIZJABETI-I _s1: sous AGENTFOR HECLA FURNACES. V Phone 531 1 Office,-10-12 Owen St. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Electric'Stoves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.75 to $5.50 Electric Toasters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.50 to $6.76 Electric Irons '. . . . . .`.- . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 to $6.75 Electric Curling Irons . . . . . . .` . . . . . . $4.00 to $6.25 `Electric Fans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $13.50 A full line of Electric Supplies -- Edison-Mazda Lamps Spe'cia1--Vacuum Bottles, pt. (keeps cold 24 hrs.), 75c W. URRY REMINDS YOU that Public Liability and Property Damage Auto- mobi1e InsuranAce protects you against loss when the accident happens. Safe Companies -- Moderate Premiums -- Satisfactory Settlements. Enjoy Every Summer Day with a McLaughlin-Buick ~ And the McLaughlin-Buick Touring `Car is more than a play-time motor car. It is suited to business and other every-day motoring because it ` is a McLaughlin-Buick-with all the tradi- tional McLaughlin-Buick dependable performance, ability and stamina. B1816 There are 15 McLaughlin-Buick Models to Choose From Agent Canadian National `Railways, the People : Own Road Foiyour holiday 1-ail'way tickets, call at the uptown oice. H ST. 441W Care-free vacation time has a perfect companion in a McLaughlin--Buick Touring Car. Every line of its beauti- ful appearance, every sparkle of its luxurious ttings, reect the spirit of summer days with their many social enjoyments. _C: H. BEELBY, BARRIE VT I\IWFI'II I (VIII A. F..A. MALCOMSON THE INSURANCE MAN A. F. A. MALCOMSON Children quickly learn last- ing health habits in the home provided with proper sanitary plumbing. Cleanliness protects health, lengthens life and increases bodily vigor. There should be a bath in every home; large households need two or more. See our display of modern bathroom: fixtures. Teaching Healthy Habits Bayeld " BARRIE PHONE 730 Page T!n-co .1010 ' i"nnab 2%."; rintnls to .-- ._.lLIa -II THURSDAY, JULY 5`, 1-923. ()onsider the Makers . _ % of the Can- , Ltd... have - without any actically no `on in col- L-_ I_--_ _ r'i1"2-kALL rLAN1N MILL co., LIMITED EvERYTHng_c _1y LU}_WER_ _ _ _ 4QQ ` lm _Clean_er, Presser and Dyer 1o9,num.oP S1`. op... a...a. 1;. PHONI-Z229` Goods` called for and delivered. PRICES REASONABLE Ra1DLr I have the only `dry-crgning plant within your ret. ' -T-outside the city. Ca%refpu%l%P` EL Saved .Ten Per Cent` is a. rule unexpected building costs creep in as a result of poor planning or careless guring of materials. That's where our years ofpractio cal experience will help you. . V We re prepared to suggest plans and give you estimates on Inateals that will be right. In fact, that kind of work is part of our regular service. There's no charge `for it-no obli- 4 gation--we simply-want to make it protable for you to buy from us. `Be sure to give us 8 chance the next time you are going to build or repair. A call will bring us any time. nu-ununcn wlul I POIIIWG I`-||'U'" ;. ;.".r'.`si.:2';.,.?;`:..i':..;:.': ..: summer of mivfncon. ' vllucn uwy go! ulrcnolast woods. Thai: we model: of upto- upinvorlpooplc. Tkqmnhgho Bnuuiickmmpludy, Inotonumd hog mud bohindoory Btuniwick with n pocitiwk gunman `no amount Y... .... L...\ - Phone-l'()-. com: .11: AND HEAR ms BEUNSWICK The J. M. GREENE Music Co. cor. Mary and Elizabeth 515. `ARTHUR '5. PATTERSON Rcxall Drug Store, A!la_ndaie. I AM A PRACTICAL TAILOR AND READYTO `ATTEND TO REPAIRS `ON ALL CLOTHES 7.7`? W. FIRTH :5" ' ' '"'1'2Z.i2in3e'ki2".{a 390 We close[ Satuldays at noon `V suns $1.75 Cook with. Gas rm: BARRIE GAS C0: BIC IFU U.-' has been - n cg" tliezt 8; 9! - beliefs Pzcnl ---- .._ LL- ! o ! Kenneth: Fmher, what are ancestors? Futhextz "Well. my son. I'm one of yours, Your". graxxtifather is another.f' Y(nvuuuiIh' 'l`}mn whv In DEODIE hl'2 SO IOU gr3Ul(lIli`I'll('-I" IE IIIIUIIIIUIS.` Kenm-1`*h: "Then why do people brag so g much about them?" ' ' 1 ' BC] IUUB VIUIJICIII n i If ever there was a need for taking care| of the pullets and bringing them to matun-. ti itv at the earlies` date, it is right `now. . I ilnfact Prof. Elf_ord_ goes so far as` to ad-i [vise securing expert advice and assistance! : in order that thelmaxinium of eggs may be Lsccurecl. Under the _circumstances the! noultry-keeper and the man or woman who has a few chickens in the oack_vard_should -do everything possible to take advantage inf these conditions; and secure such in- ! formation and knowledge as will en- iable them to get the best results from Itheir hens. He expressed himself as be- Iing of the opinion that great good would ,"he ac-compl"'shed `by having: reliable in- formation on=the care of poultry broad- 'casted in every possible way. .'Otherwise.. {he says. the Canadian people will not bei i able to eat `heir egg a day, owing to scar-l , city` and high prices. I Canadians are-10-day cdnsunning more eggs per capital that: ever `before. and so. wi h the. combination of circumstances. the lat_e-hatched chicks th'm year present a serious problem. . ~ I` A1-nu flnnlln tune a nnnl` `Ar fn`!i'I\lr ncn-n ';LA'r spams cnicxs ace. SCABCITY i l The 'delayed'spr_ing this year was re- sponsible for many poor batches and a large . proportion of latespring chicks; this will lmean far fgwer pullets than usual, says (Prof. F. Elford 'at the BoultryDivision I \ of the Experimental F any at i0t`awa. A ; serious situation has thus developed, accord- ling to Canada's chief poultry authority. 3 St the present there are practically no eggs` lin cold s`orage. Usually eggs are coming 5 forward in heavy shipments at this season 3 and the storage houses become well lled. ;'l`h'.e year their floors are practically bare I and supplies in sight are more limited than they have been for-_some' considerable time. - Oice and Showroom: Wells Block, Owen St. ` Telephone No. 78 J; W._ McCutl-neon, Mgr. Ike: "See.-any change in nie?" .Mike: N0. why?" Ike: I jus: swallowed a cent," SAVE YOUR; FUEL B`?` 1 LIFE U'ULl-ll. I LIUU l CV Wily ll I5 SU 1151, IUK you to get up in the morning. Why do you sleep so late?" T x7n nnnnnvnn. T -14..-. .u. nil... {L La`... Knocklwright ss; Boyd lat; C. Lock-' hart p; G. Sutherland 2nd; Connell lf; `Adams-c; Dyer cf; W. Sutherland 3111., c; Ferrier rf._. p; Allen If; R. Lotgkhart 3rd. `I1 C! ` TIvy--W. Smith If; E. Jennett Lennox ss;`B. Jenhezt lst; B. McQu A. Coxworth 2nd; H. Jennett p; I. nebt 3rd; Madill cf; W. Banting 3rd. 5166}! EU IGLCS Well, mamma-,- I sleep [so slow it takes me}: long time to get all rested." ` Edn-a who had read the advertisement, Say it with flowers, was recently bumped into and bowled over by her uncle. 19 n}: Hour 1 am nan-u 1:1-mutiny In-. nnnln uwu a-nu uuwlcu uvcr uy 1161' uncle. Oh, dear, I am.very sorry, he apolo- `gized, to which Edna picking herself up, replied: Say it. with candy. NCYPICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all iiersons having claims against the Estate of Anna B. Ardagh, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcii`, deceased, who died on or about the 30th day of December, 1922, are re- quested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 16th" day of July, 1923, after which date the Executor will distribute" the assets of the Estate, having regard only to the claims (it which they then have notice, and will not be.` an to th . . - '`7 ""'rm'i..+.~.."X"n.:-.- .`f~.. 1.-..-- ...B.. woo an-none I Knock--.Boyd out to short; C. Lockhart out short to let; G. Sutherland singled;. "C. Allen forced Sutherland at 2nd, shorts` "Knock 002000 4100 to 2nd. 0 runs", 1 hit, 0 errors. A Ivy--Madill fanned; Smith walked; E. Jenneit singIed;'F. Lennox forced Jennett at 2nd, shout to 2nd; B. Jennett fanned. 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors. Ninth Inning b Knock--R. Lockhart (batting for Adams) out 2nd to 1st; Dyer hit by pitcher; W. Sutherland to let on fielder s choice; Wright `singled; Boyd fanned; C. Lockhart out 2nd "to 1st. 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors. li23456789RHE 100 3 6 3 Ivy 1020x 8153 vs: mi-eons. 26-28 Iple no any owners. & , Barrie, Solicitom for the. Executor. uu.~:. 1 t:u_uI. I . I .I.vy-Lennox, out short. to` 1st; B_. Jeng net to 1st on error by 3rd baseman, stole, >31-d_; McQu9.y walked, out `short to lst;' Coxworth singled, scoring B. Jennett; H. Jennett singled. scoring Coxworth; W. Banting out 2nd to let, 2 runs, 2 hits, lerror. ' ` n:_L.L v_'_:__ I rush, card- 75c 9 you year. qu nuns. 1 H1 . U rrrurr. [ Iv_v--4Madill fanned; Smith waiked. out" short to kit; E. Jennett out 2nd to -lst. 0 runs, 0 h3ts. 0 errors. Fifth Inning Knock---Ferrier out _ catcher to 1st; Wright. fanned. out at lat; Boyd fanned. 0 u runs. 0 hits. 0 errors. ` I 1..-. I . _ _ _ -. ' i I % I C I 4._.__l-.)_ I'D Y . A , , , AA ! ,, I ` Knock--C. G. Suther-f land out 3rd to let; G. Allen (batting for Connell} singled; Adams fanned. 0'runs, -1 hit. 0 errors. 1..-. I11 I'|___4:,,_, II,_..- P I. I ~: nu. U cuula. [ I -Ivy--W. Banting (batting for L. Jen-' nett} singled; Madill walked; Smith forced Madill at 2nd, 2nd to short; Smith out pit-: cher to 1st; E. Jenndtt out to pitcher. 0- runs, 1 hit, 0- errors. o --.-..... -......., Knock--Dyer hit by pitcher; W. Suther-E land to 1st on error by 2nd "baseman; Fer-' tier Ollit 2nd to 1st -scoring `Dyer; Wright fanned; Boyd out 2nd to 1st. 1 run, 0 "hits. 1 error. ` 7.... 1-..--- ---A 4.-..` ;_- 1-`, n 1- NOTICE TO cnamroas nun. u uu-3. v cuurb. ! I\'_v--Lennox tripled; B. Jennett fanned; McQua_v fanned; Coxwor h singled. scoring` Lt-unox; H. Jennett out to left. 1 run, 2` hits. 0 errors. - I n:__u_ 1___:__ -, i Third Inning _ Knock---W. Sutherland fanned; Ferrier, fanned. out at let; Wright doubled; Boyd? to 1st on error by short. scoring Wright.;` I(`. Lockhart singled, scoring Boyd; G. I Sutberla'nd,fanned. :2 runs, Znhits. 1 error.` 111: -(`nu-nu-nndln 1.!` `nu.-usot ....J Y T..- i Fourth Inning ' ` Knock---ConnelI fanned; Adams out 2nd to.1st; Dyer singled; W. Sutherland fanned. Oruns. 1 hi`. 0 "errors. I 1-.-- .::-_1:n 1-_____L a,_,e.L ,u, a uuuurxlauu`Jauucu. 6 Luna, a_uua'. 1 Ul'l'Ul'.j _I\*y7-C-oxworth. H.` Jennett and L. Jen-` new all went out 2nd to 1st. Ovruns, 0 hits. 0 errors. . I1, .1 1 v .- 7 N E y ` `First Inning ` i I _I\nock-~Wr1gh` fanned; Boyd out to gpxtcher; C. I.-ockhart to 1st on error by `fLenn:;x. Stole 2ng nd 31rd; G. Sutherland anne . runs. v.t.<,_ error. g ' Ivy--Smith singled, out at 1st; E. Jen-M nett to 1st on error by 3rd baseman; F. i lfenlnoix do'ul_3led.Is.coring sang); B.'kJenr]1`etdt' .-`mg er, scormg - .ennox; =1 c uay noc e illinne run, tallying B. Jennettiahead of l him: Coxwort-h singled; H. Jennett hit` into I doble play. short to 2nd to 1st. 4 runs, 5 its. 1 error. _, I Y ,, Llocked l(lllIlK.'lIv V IUIIB. U LIIIQ. U Cllulo Ivy---L. Jenuett singled. out short to 2nd; l Madill [to 1st on error by pitcher;vSmith singled; E. Jenner.` singled. scoring Madill;' F. Le-mmx out to csntre; B. Jennett sing!-I led; M('.Ql1&_V out to left. 1 run. 4 hits. 1` ierror. _ - I Inl-I I Second Inning L Kn0ck--Connell out. pitcher to 1st; Adams walked, out stealing 3rd; Dyer `fanned. 0 runs. 0 hits. 0 erroi~s. 0 Y-.-- `I `_____AL ._:__.I__I _._;_ _L__4 L- 0., .I _ : lo nun. I CIIUA. I Ullll Ill; IWU IIICII. In Cliff Lockhurt started off in the box for I Knock but he was taken out in the second _ l after four runs had been scored, to makel ` `way for Ferrier who towed `em over forl the remaining seven innings. Ivy got .1 three singles. a double. and a homer offw` Lockhart and in addition `the visitors made} 1 an error to help out Ix-'y s total of four markers. Ferrier allowed -ten hits in seven ' frames. fanned five and passed a quartette of batsmen. 'McQua_v s four-sacker in they first inning scored Bert. Jennett ahead of} him. Dyer of Knock seemed to be running in tough luck, he being hit in the seventh; l and ninth by Jennett. - Ivy won its sixth st1`aigh't "victory in the South Simcoe League at the expense of the Knock nine at Ivy on Thursday; la.st_,* the final "score rbeing 8-3 in favor of the leaders. Both teams played good baseball, and al- though last year's champions pounded the ball harder than the visitors yet. it was a : faitly close maitch throughout. _unrn\on `Anna?! fkn n n n n n uknnu. I\` LGIIIJ MILE`: IIICUIVII ILIIUUSIIUULI ' -Herman Jennett. the ace southpaw o the League. let Knock down with six safe h ts. One of Wrighfs two hits was` a, double. Fourteen batsmen fell before his` shoots. and he gave one free pass to lsti and hit two men. V ' n|:nr'1,,I_L,,,. ,., . I or - .1 u six STRAIGHT 1-`on % lVY S. BALL TEAM on Own GrOunds~-Wins frdm " Khockvby Score of _ * 8 to 3.` Line-up :- 17 I 117 J-bi) : I don t see wy it is so hard for An fn `an! nn ;n #15:: wanna:-no 7Ru An nu Play by imiin . :--` 11- . `Y trial -V Inning -___, LE4 .L,, S. Eighth Iyining Sixth Inhing I _.I_I_,,,; (0 ,_- E .-.I'3fI-Iv1;;-t` LTF. ~ McQuay rf; L. Jen- `laud-`nu Q:-1' tux xuuuua EXAIIINBR I UIICI IIU llo U IUIIQ, U LINE , U Ul.IUlD- I Cookstown-Foran singled; Baker _doubl- -f ed, scoring Foran, to 3rd on error by left 1' fielder, safe when Copeland missed his fly, , Baker scoring; LeBar singled; Kidd walked; l Hounsome fanned; Pat Arnold ied out to - 2nd; Hopper fanned. 2 runs, 3 hits, 2 er- "I-Arc. Cookstown--Kidd walked;' Hounsome fanned; Pat Arnold fanned; Kidd stole {2nd and 3rd and` scored when Armstrong ; `fumbled Hopper s` roller; Hopper took 2nd 3 `on Dobeon s 'error; McMillan flied out to ! Lynch. 1 run, 0 hits, 2 errors. ` Fourth Inning Barrie-Gilchrist ied out to centre; L. .Emms fanned; Cooper` grounded out, pit- cher to lat. 0 runs,` 0 hits, 0 errors. .I\(\lf`I\`lYI`\:_`1`I\'0'I l`l\IIl'\'_ "r"." '1 tb JR. II--Ale_x. Bowman, Billy Knowles, Goldie Rix, Gordon Rix. E. D. on T. L_`r...1...n n............. - t1.._..u tuna, 1 lllla. L UIIUIV. Cookstown-Pat Arnold safe on L. Emms error; Hopper fanned;' McMillan out, -pitcher to 1st; Foran out, pitcher to 1st. 0` runs, 0 hits, 1 error. 56 78 9, R H Ei Barrie 45.100 0030 1313 9| Cookstown20l20000 0 5 812 Line-up:'-- Barrie.--`Dobson lst; Copeland ss; Lynch If; F. `Armstrong 3rd; D. Emma 2nd; Clark cf; Gilchrist If; L. Emma p; Cooper c. COOktOW--T; Arnnhi nfu `Anon Q:-A Vss; Kidd 2nd.. 3rd;pHounaome ss., 2nd; 3 UlBl`K ct; uncnrzst If; L. Emma Cooper Cookstown--L. Arnold cf; LeBar .3rd., P. Arnold c; Hopper p; McMillan rf; For`_:-I an If; Baker lst. ITmn:....._n....4.:.... .....I 1-....- 7-1- 'nes. vu nuiuxu. u ruua, A LLIDS, 4 errors. Cookstown--L. Arnold and LeBar fanned; Kidd to 1st on missed 3rd strike; Kidd to 2nd on wild pitch; Hounsome fanned. 0 runs. 0 hits, 1 error. ' Ninth Inning _ Barrie---Lynch safe on an error by 1st;I F. Armstrong forced Lynch at 2nd; Clarkl fanned; Gilchrist out, pitcher to 1st. 0 runs, 1 hit. 1 error. l`.nnlrc'nnyv\_,`)n6 A an l\`A ....... -_ `I V (LID U LIIUQ I UIIUI. V Coolistown-MeMillan out, pitcher to 1st`; Foran fanned, out at 1st; Baker _out, pitch-' er to 1st. 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors. Eighth Inning Barrie-Del Emma flied out to 2nd; Clark flied out to short; Gilchrist to 2nd when Kidd threw wild to 1st; L. Emms to 1st on error at short, Gilchrist scoring; Cooper tripled, scoring L. Emma; Dobson singled scoring Cooper; Copeland flied out to Arnold. 3 runs, 2 hits, 2 errors. nnnbefnnynjl. A Itnn`r` ......l 7 JD -.. I III: I .DUWl1lllIo uJ`R; III to IV---Campbell Hughes, Edith Pratt (-Rec.). Q: IT 6.. `I'- `II ! `Dian--- Q....:A.L `D-_.|.-I Jxuuwlca, \.lUKllC nus, \JUlUl.I ILIJK. Sr. Pr. to Jr. I-Isabell Bowman; Gerald Knowles, Harold Knowles, -Ruth Smith. Sr. III to (hon.), Jean Bowman. `tn rn .- rn "1-tr n__,-L_n 1-7,, 1 , -uruuau .|.1uw \'.I.\cI:.]. Sr. II to Jr. IH-Eleanor Smith, Berta] Booth. 5.. T L- TY! YT AI-.. `II, ,, _ "I'll ; . Second Innings H Barr1e--Cooper walked {and took 2nd on E error by Baker; Dobson flied out to right; ,.Copeland singled to left, Cooper going to 1 3rd; Cooper scored on wild throw by catch- `er; Lynch out to 1st when his fly was l dropped at third; Copeland scored on Arm-' ls-trong s single; Del Emms to 1st on an, error at,3rd, Lynch scoring; Clarke walked; 1 ' Gilchrist singled, `scoring Armstrong; L. 1, Emms fanned; Cooper hit by pitched ball. furcing in Del Emms; Dobson fanned. 5 '. runs, 3 hits, 4 errors. '3 Third Inning ' ff Bar-rie-Copeland fanned; Lynch singled, _. through 2nd; Armstrong doubled, scoring Lynch; Del Emms fanned; Clarke fanned. " 1 run, 2 hits, 0 errors. ` Ulllu U ILIIIB, I LIII, nUI'lUIo , Barrie--Cooper fanned; Dobson hit by pitched ball, Cooper running for him; Cope- liand flied out to 1st; Lynch to 1st on miss- ed 3rd strike; Armstrong flied out to left. 0 runs, 0 hits, l_error. 4 ` _ I nnnbnfnxxvn nM:nn nut n:4..1u.... L- 1-1.. auu nu Luv. U Luna, 1 Lula, U cl l`Ul` Cookstown-T. Arnold ied out. to pitch- er; LeBar to 1st on error by 3rd; Kidd singled through 2nd; Hounsome to let on 3rd baseman's error, bases loaded; Pat Arnold fanned; `Hopper forced Kidd at I 3rd. 0 runs, 1 hit, 2.errors. nnrr:nJnnnnh Cancun}. `I'\.-.L........ LIL L.. 2 V Fifth Inning . - Barrie--Dobson out 2nd to let, Copeland out 2nd to 1st; Lynch singled through short; `Armstrong flied out to short. 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors. I f`....buo....... \l..ll:lI.... n:...I ....4. 4- Ln. IICII I-CID I tea with 11'! "Agni A`LI;

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