Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jul 1923, p. 12

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FOR SAIJE IN BARRIIE--oBrick cottage, ' fumished. with two lots fully cmpped, stable and driving shed fully equipped, and full set of market gardener's implements. Suitable for retired farmer, business man. lock up summer cottage or market garden- er, from which tomake his living. Apply to owner, 8. L. Fleming, 211- -Blake St., Bar- rie; Ont. V . 27p . PIIIIIIBU The out~of-town guests included Mr. ant` Mrs. Robert Chalmers and son James. Mid- land; Mr. and `Mrs. C. W. McDonald. Tor onto; Mr. Howard Plewes, Toronto; Mis: Molly Smith, sister of the groom. Sudbury Mrs. (Rev.) Cousins. Ixgnisfil} rm..- |....:.a.. .....- .1... _--:_.-_ Luna. \llC\'.} Uulllll. 11111151. The bride was the recxpnent of many beau tiful and `useful gifts including severaN handsome cheques. ulnusc uluaaujus anu P0885. 1 u The happy couple left by the 5.15 trair on a honeymoon trip to several Easter: 1... ....a -1 4-..... ---~Lr ' ' ` ' " Iululcx -uculg gnven away Dy-Del',_I8I3h8l'. After the wedding ceremony 21 receptior was held at the home of `the bride s patent: which was prettily decorated with peonies orangeeblossoems and roses. ' ` Thu `lnnlv Annual` `.34. J.-- ml " '5 ` uuu - u u--vv I-99 The marriage was quietly solemnized yesterday afternoon, July 4, at 2.30 o - clock, at the home of the .bride s: parents. 15 Collier St._. of Eunice Jessie Webb. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Webb, and Charles James Smith. _son of the late Capt. Frank Smith and Mrs. Smith. -Mid- land. Rev. Mr. Cousins of St. Paul's, In~ nisfil, performed the ceremony in the pre sence of a number of relatives and friends? The bride and groom were unattended, thc former being given away by-her, father. '` Aft!!!` Ililldlilna nnrnvnnn-u I` ------L'- e JOHNSTON-TAYLOR (Collingwood Saturday News) - The home of Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor. of Sixth Street, was the scene of 9.` very pretty wedding on the, afternoon of Wed- 'l nesda_V. June 27?when their daughter, Mm - Ruth Taylor, was united in marriage with X -Mr. George Johnston of Sunnidale. the son ' ; of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Johnston. Ste. Marie '; Street, Collingwoodt The bride wore a '3 gown of crepe de chene with a maline veil and orange blosoms and carried a beau: [. ful bouquet of `lilies of the valley. white .` roses and bridal-wreath. The parlor was I prettily decorated with the same kind of flowers. .. IV). 1 27 uuuluuulc xuwuaulp. . Among`-the guests were Dr. and Mrs. Burns. of Barrie. Mrs. Burns, who is a sister of the bride, will remain with her U mother for 21 cou'ple of weeks. xvi. rlllll , Chm]:-s St . un om: uuuulgwoou bmpvoumnng U0. The brideLand groom left for Toronto on the afternoon train and will visit Niagara- Falls. Welland and Hamilton. After the trip they will reside on the groom s farm in Sunnidale Township. Amnnotthn mums-9 ......... n. _._I uh The bride wasgiven away by her father and the ceremony was performed by the Rev. J.` -Bolwell. Atbout fifty guests. were present and the hgappy couple received num- erous presente,` am`o_ng them a beautiful set of silverware presented by the office Staff of" the Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. The hridefnnd In-nnm Inf} bu. 'lV..-....;.. .... xwv . urllnsal DIHCK COI1(lll0E8(1 me ceremony- After the `ceremony, a buffet luncheon ; was served at the home of the bride's par-` ' enfs. The hapny couple left midst. showers I of confetti and good wishes for 2: mdtor , _tx>-in. the bride travelling in a navylblue Poiret twill suit. '1' n_. LL_2__,_,L .. . ... . .__ t f _=Additional weddings on page fifteen. ; xuuuo owm sun. On their return they `will resiiie in Water- down. '11:} U1 I-uc vauey. 5 Miss Elder. cousin of the `. bride, was bridesmaid, `and wore a peach-colored French gown with hat to matchand carried pink Columbia roses. The groom was as- sisted b_v his brother. Mr. Clarence Brown. and the ushers were the bride's brother of Buffalo and Mr. Fielde of Waterdown. Rev. Ernest Slack conducted the the neremnnv n hrrffnf lnnnluu... uuu ulal gucn R75. ' The charming bride. who was given away I by her father. entered the church tostrains of the bridal chorus from Lohengrin played by Miss Bennets. The bride looked sweet in a draped gown of Prince of Wales crepe. Her embroidered tulle veilwas caught with a wreath of orange blosaoms and she car- ried a shower bouquet. of Ophelia roses and lily of the valley. Mlaa nllrlnr In-\IIn:r\ I`: J-`L..\L_`.I_ __,,l -u-uvnnnivvli Grace Church, iWaterdown'. was the scene of a very inreresting wedding. Saturday. June 30, when Beatrice Georgina. eldest` daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Higzinson. became the wife of James Ewart.Brown. .B.S.A., of Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. .Wesley Brown of Dalston. The church was beautifully decorated with peonies, Arosesl I andmarguerites. . . H 'l"l-... .1-........:..... .|..-:,n.. ...I.- _:m, * .............,vuc uclua uwu ouuuuys. -Always something new" in the I music line at-Keenan & Kennedy's. Hear Old King Tut and Barney Google on the Apex double-sided records at 65c each. 27c Rev. A. R. Beverley is supp1,vin,_ the pulpit of the Church of the Re- deemer, Toronto, for a month. Last Sunday Rev. Canon Vernon was the, nreacher in Trinity Churchand Rev- Harold Willis of New York will of- ciatethe next two Sundavs. .. `al AIu....... ...........u.:.... ..-__--. A S'I`~RAY.ED---Frmn lot. 36. con. 2, Ves-pra, two red and white oalvesj Finder please notify Waiter Forbes, Barrie. RJR. 1," phone 601r3. 27ptfc __.__________.______________..__. LOST -*`BHiby`s ESi{illl() robe, blue, on July 2. between Agricultural Park and Charles St. Finder please notify C. Kett. 16 Chm]:-s Rt """ '1W1r7.i1r71r75i1r71rhi1r%?1.`1:73\1.` nuvaauvll, \JJlUill\lo .\ --A few used phonographs, suit- able for summer cottages, etc., snaps for quick sale; 20 selections free with each of these instruments. Keenan & Kennedy`, our new stand, 30 Eliz-1 abeth St.,_`phone 1013. 27c The trial of Jas. Henry and Geo. Hollingsworth of Collingwood. charg- ed with setting re to the Tremont Hotel in that town, began before Judge Vance and jury this morning and will not be concluded before to- morrow. I on C` I --. -- _..--_..-.'vv-- uu-u any: Miss i\leve', Victorian Order Nurse, has resigned to accept an institution- al position at Champagne, Ill. She V is succeeded. by Miss Nellie M. Lay- cock` of Vancouver, B.C., recently of London, Ontario. .0--. _-__ , I -Aek Keenathi 82 Kennedy for the latest hits in sheet music and records. Phone 1013. 30 Elizabeth St. V2`7cg .. _V- --_- ......--.v-4-u n.v\v\uUl\lllu Rev. W. M. Rochester, represent- ing the Lord s Day Alliance, will preach in St. Andrew s Church next Sunday morning. our - -- _ - i ` The first local tube`rcular clinic; will be held on Ju_ly 12 at 2 p.m. in; `the R. V. Hospital. . ' 9 _- V -r- ----- I u I --Wek-end speci$l-Brand new[ Columbia records, 3 for $1.00. Keen-i an & Kennedy, the Music Men. 27} _- ..., , ---' -.-.-..-av Aicsollo an I V I AAn estimate of $37,000 has been! {received by the W. &.L. Commission 1for putting the ele_ctric light wires `under ground in the business section. T` was s - .` Buy Advertised Thin"gs. .--._ 'S.'i`-RvA\ .'I:`.D---l"rox11 fuyn vvnm nun! .....LlL- -,.Lr-- BROWN-H|GG|NSON SMlTH-WEBB 5 me story or uavld Graham. who ministers] to the poorgand the girl he loves, Leila` Vlorton. Leila is the daughter of a mil-I `ionaire mine owner who refuses to improve he condition of the workers. A great trike. and a mob in an ugly mood. bring m a .drama_tic climax ; so does an odd co- 'nci_dence. by which David is arrestedfor the .murder of a man who was Leila's suitor. ||\ _ nu I ; ,......c u. uutuc_V. n nune was speciallycon-I m-ucted at a cost of $25,000, an exact re-| gvrnduction of a Pennsylvania mine. The Little Church Around the Corner `s the story of David Graham. ministers nnnrnnd thn. air] I... 1....-- r-:I-- CORNER "The Little Church Around the Corner, coming to New Dreamland. Monday and Tuesday . is a screen adaptation from. the well-known stageiplay of Charles Blaney. Clare Windsor has the feature role and heads_an all-star cast. The making of this! picture by Warner Brothers was done on a atunendous scale and involved a great ex- pense of money. A mine specially_con- a cost of 325000 un nvnnd .. . LITTLE CHURCH AROUND THE I , I Q I uuu; uuugc, DLFOUG. U The funeral was held yesterday afternoon; from his late residence, 27 Maple Avenue,` Barrie, to St. Pa_ul's cemetery, Con. 12.` Innisfil. Rev. J. s. Stevenson, ssmud. an old friend of Mr. Ooulter. had charge of - the last sad rites. ~ I an Ulll Incuu OI 1| rites. The deceased was born in Innisfil Town- ship and had carried on the occupation of farming there until five years ago when he ' removed to Barrie. Thirteen yeags ago he was married to Clara McDonald of Chesley. who survive: to mourn his loss with one son Goldwin. His father, John Coulter, al- so survives. and in addition three sisters.. Mrs. Fred Warnica, Tollendal; Mrs. Asa Warnica. Painswick; Mrs. W. D. Riach.| Edmonton, Alta. The late Mr. Coulter` was a member of St. Paul's Anglican Churc-h. Innisfil. and also of Minerva Mas- onic Lodge, Stroud. Thu `nun-ul Irina L..l.l -.-_A-_~J - '- I WILLIAM ALFRED COULTER A well-known resident of Barrie and Innisfil Township passed away on Mondayi morning at his home here in the person of William Alfred Coulter. after a ngering illness from diabetes with which he had suffered for a year and a -half. His condi- .tion had been serious for a week preceding his death. L ...,.-.~.~~uam grey \aunr;sL mack) choker. on Saturday, June 30. Finder please leave at Examiner office. . 27p` ' ii vv uullala, (CH, AIVCIICT Men s Fine White, Tan and and Other SW65, SiZS 13% [Black and Vt/hite Stripe to 18, special . . . 25 each Shirts, with collar attached, Arrow Soft Collars, Bard made by the Arrow Shirt and Grant. price 25: Company, Ltd., sizes 14?/2 Bruce and 'Rockville Soft to '17 V2, special value $2.00 Collars, price . . . . . . . 35c Reinforced " " Where the `Play Strain Comes OBITUARY _ ,, ,,,_.<, ..-.....-. nu. onus ucca, cuulu IBIICES and slide down bannisters without quickly reaching mother's Circ e-Bar Hosiery for boys and girls is made strongest where the wear is hardest. They are .:nit in seamless elastic weave of soft, rm, strong, fast color yams; Tops,'heels, toes and soles are stoutly reinforced. Circle-Bar Stockings are full size in leg and foot--wise stockings to buy, for children grow so quickly. - ` Ask for Circle,-Bar, the longer lasting hosiery. Made for men and women. too. as well as little folks. - . ' ___._- `J-`.p-.n\J It's a sturdy stocking-Circle-Bat` is just "chat-which will stand the rough-and-tumble play of youngsters. It s a staunchly-knit stocking which will shin trees, climb fences [G AD I Iltecnmmended--Hazel Burns. Robert |Huse. On account of illness these candi- dates were prevented from writing. Term work excellent. M , SR. I TO JR. II-- . * I Honorsa-ElizHbeth Huse, Erma Rowe, J. D. Birnie. Jack Armstrong. ' SR. II TO;J:R. III- Pass-41Mabel Robertson . FJR. III TO SR. III--` ' .._.-. - vuv. 1` [i.{onors-;}eorgVe Robertson. Pass--Har1'y Marks. Mary E SR. PR. TO JR. I---A , . J I EPROMOTION EXAMS. IN I KING GEORGE SCHOOL ! .._-.___....___._.-_._____.-___.-_-...'_ LOST--4Botvve{en Bame and Ivy. auto mark- er N0. I83-072. Finder please leave at` this ()ffinn, ""-`- ` " I BOWMA-N----In Lefroy, on June 24, l923.l Margaret Jane Dowling, widow of the late John Bowman of Severn Bridge. COULTER--In Barrie, on Monday, July 2,; 1923. William Alfred Coulter. ' l IJIIVA `Dlil 1 117 . n- Honors---James Weldon, Paas--Dora Rowe. ]1u0R:ms-0n Sunday, July 1. 1923, a son i to Mr. and Mrs. George Morris, Vesprall Street. ` | THOMPSON--'IY) Mr. and Mos. Percyi Thompson, Lefroy, on June 22, 1923,! ' twin daughters. k W-ISEMAIN--~In Toronto, July I, 1923, a! daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wise-I man. T . , Arrow Collars, Pell, Archer 5c .--------____---_--.__.-___ Boys Fine Shirts, with sep- arate collar to match, sizes 12 to '14, nice clear patterns, easy priced at . . . . . . $1.50 - - Men s Blue Stripe. Print Shirts, with collar attached, sizes 14, 15%, 16, 161/3, 17, 17%, easy priced, $1.25 Men _S Grey and Blue Stripe Gingham Shirts, with collar attached, sizes 14 /_> to 16V; extra special at . . . . $1.7 } BORN 11, Maurice Pearce. ` LOS'l`~~-Pair of gold rimmed. pmce glasses. Reward Box Y" Examiner. _..__.__.____.____j__- "'Bin-nie, Nellie ,-_-.. ........, / And innddence slept sweetly on his pale white brow so fair. He was too pure for this cold world, too beautiful to stay, And so God's holy angels bore our darling Leslie away. _ 27pcA --Sadly missed by Mother and Daddy dear little boy, Leslie, who was so sud- denly called from earth to "heaven on July 7, 1922, aged 3 years and 21 days. He, like a waxen ower, was lying quiet -and still, His sweet blue eyes were closing, and his little hands werechilled, When on that day the Saviour came and {LUCAS-`--In ever loving memory of our `1 No stain was. on his little heart, sin had not entered there, / And innocence And SO and ; hnlur an-4-'~ I---` "' I wnu'_and loving memory of W. J. Madill. son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. i l Madill, Humber Ba _. who entered into .' rest July 4. 1922. ;'-The midnight stars` are gleaming i On 9. lone and silent. grave Where our little one is sleeping, One whom we could not save. No one knowsthe silent heartache, iAOnl_v those who have lost can tell {Of the grief that s borne in silence For the one we loved so -well. 9 27c --Grandma Alpin and Aunts ! Rest in peace. ;27p. --Never forgotten by his sorrowing wife, Waterloo, Liverpool, England. I _-:-:_'-* 1' lMADILL--In I11 I ll, I-u V ,;;.-..__.__.. rHEARD-In memory of my dear daughter, i Tressa Viola Heard. wife of Harry Yeat~ : er, who died in Los Angeles. C111,. July I 5. 1922. [ `We little thought when we said goodxhye l That dwe were parted forever. and she should` ie; Grief that we feel words cannot tell, 3 For we were not near her to say furewell. I 27c ~-Mother, Brothers and Sisters. { V Men si Black Cotton Sox, sizes '10, 410% and 1 1, spec- ial price . . . . . . . 25c Men s Black, Brown and White Cotton Sox, sizes '10 to 11, regular 60c, special. . . . . . . 35 or 3 prs. $1. Ladies iVenus Silk Hose, black, beaver, dove, white, special value at . . . . $1.75 _ nu. Lnd office. Ladies White Fahioned Cotton Hose, Penmah s, in sizes 8% to 10, special, 39 Ladies Black and Bfown Fine Cotton Hose, sizes 8% to '10, special price . 50c Ladies Black and Brown Plain Cotton Hose. sizes 8% to `10, special price, 25c Girls White `Thu Ribbed Hose, sizes 6% to 10,` were 50c and 65c, special price . . 35c pr. or 3 prs. $1.00 Boys .~IB1ack Cotton "Ribbed Hose, sizes 8 to 10, special value . . . . . . . . 50c Boys and Girls Fine Ribbed Cotton Hose, sizes 6 to '10, special . . ; . . . . . . . . . . 35 pr. or 3 prs. $1.00 IN MEMORIAM _._______T._..___;__ fondjzmd lovmg 11. Mr. and Mn 1: I V LO~&`T-Dark grey (ahncst black) choker. on Sn,t.| Inna Q0 l.`:...J..- ..l...._- I-~ vv LIIIL-llll (1 Miss Amy Cm) Stokes and Mr. H snent the holiday parents. Mr. and er. Sanford Sta 1 -up -- uuL\l1 \l k)L- '07-. and Mrs.` K- son Ralph and My Gilson, all of Tm Calta motm'(-d frt a week with the 1 W'm.'Stow:1rt. W1 them to spend a \.l':.... A..A.. rt... M1`. and Mrs. Mrs. Bret /. and t '1`. Gilbert. all of iday visitors at 1 Atkinson. Blake 5 Mrs. P`. W. I u- -r:\nu_v 0 .\fr. and .\Ir.<. son motored frm spent a few da_v:M parents, Mr. am`: _well. Owen St. -up ii?-:ie."}{f"if{{{.1o'.{ G._ McBride. H I hnliday. vvl -\ yum v nun Tviiss M(_'(.`:1Iluu signed from the a position in St. iate at a (' ' .\h'. and Mrs. Mic: Mt-Bride. 'I` ; -n.u, uuunu u Arthur M. Pu. and son, mot/m'r~ Friday to .s-pend his parents at 3 .\'h's. Hvmgv St. and hm` (1:12 to join Mr. Jnhl -w)`(-re they will 11- 1 r. ._..__.__....__.._..-._._..-_.-___..._.'_ 5 LOS'I`~-A blue tie with. tie pin on Mary or Sophia St. Reward at 73 Mary St. 27p .______....________________. Ann's Churrh. Mrs. Willis uni ' i:L`}?i"'ii_..-}',i.:` French, mothvr Miss Mar W and Mi.\'.< I.zun';. ton have prom- thc`-T summer \':u- Dr.. Rnllit (`:1 taking spot-izxl hv burs.-: for the pa :1 \`a(-ation of 1} 1-` -v 11(1).` vVI|Il 'Rhineh:1rt.. Mr. and M" daughter l.ntti- 'a Wu-0k'.~' \'i.~i1 .V `v-.- imer. ..-.. uuu .un.~. Street. Mr. and Mrs. Gt-m"gL- Pznrlu-r over and . friends. Wm. Horn 1'}- Mnmlz1_v :1t't<-r .4 Mr. and ;\Ir.<. .`fm'/1 St. Mr. and .\lr.<. C}:`:dy.< P(`2u'hV u fl-`\\' luy.< with vs`- ` Mrs. been \`is E3n1e1'.mx1 is' spending parents, Mr. Mr. and Mn-J .Owcn Sound s; Mr. and Mrs. . Mrs. \\"m.v F and Miss Tr(-ru[- are hnli`d1|_\'in;,: `Th'.<. J. L. R .-... .1. .- sonv. of \".-mm her part-nt.~', M: u. .."r - -1-...-... FURNISHED FRONT ROOM stiitinb two Irirlsywieh II!` ...:n...... |:..L. 1.-.. Buy advertised things. It "pays. hr,3`}da_\' with M1`. and 3 smwdim: tlwiu -Mrs. Jzunvs (' ?.ol)(-rt u have In`-on 0.'!'..:n`iu. mi ;`\.\`S hul`i.\` sp-.-nt fhu hm vHzn'nM `A VS _ frz AIu.n-\ ?`v`h's. Cw. Lo: .1\m:(-la-.<, and Mrs. Gm n\vu bah V . 1r,<. H(-I`|i>' awsmda. NY. harm: in Kom \n A pan-nt.< `R... A.`-. um-. Tornntn \\'<*! and Mrs. F. `f`altm1 (2 FRONT stiitinble for two girlsgwith or without. light house- keeping; oentral. Phone 349W. _ 27p ------- {$.- .4`~.ll:m da;wn1: an ,- ix?! hi, x \ the MO. is \' F()1';~`_\'th. M1`. at .5 `DA n... V M1'.__ _and turned frr week. near P months. Mrs. . 'da'_`v for Sun Park. I - M1`. and ;V ited frivnds . BOARDERS WANTED by day or Apply at 77 McDonald St; . 2 Miss Isa! VTox'ont0. Miss Hul"i. Day I .`\-51:. H. THURSDA4 Mrs. zitillg` \\' rkt-r. M1: Dag hulid inbt. "~'i.\'t(-I . ~ . r .- tin` 7 thi: . FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms to rent, with housekeeping privvilegw if desired. Apply 111 Collier St; _ V 27p .___.....__..._______._____`__._ 1).. Jun sitinxt I) ;;.`1"x1.. Mg- _\'i{. hi El WI" --_._. .......... ___.__._____._.._..__..__.. WANTED for S.S. No. 12,` Innisfil, an ex- perienced. qualified. Protestant teacher. School 21%,; miles from Barrie, convenient boarding house. rural mail and telephone. `C. M. Srigley, Allandale, R.R.2_. phone 3r3. ` 26-27c ` SALESGIRL WANTED----I August 1` for sulesgirl who ience in general Adrygoods 'Moore. A GIRL WANTED for light housework at summer cottage at Sandy Cove. Apply Mrs. Dowling, RR. 1, Craigvale. 271: _-._-.--_--..__-.--.-_.--.Z-. ________..__.._._...__ `(WOMAN WANTED for general houaework tin Doctor's home in country for summer` months. Apply Box A" Examiner Of- ce. 27~p `GIRL WANTED for general housework.` Apply 141 Du_nlop St., or phone 938. 27p] ' MAID WA.N'I`ED--Arpply to Devlin's Store. . 27tfc ' GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK WANTED. Ap- ply Mrs. Smith, 18 Mulcaster St. 26tfc j PROPERTY FOR SALE--House at 74 Tif- fin St., price 81600. Farm. 100 acres, west half lot 34, con. 1, Vespra,, 82500. Also west half lot 12, con. 13, Vespra. ('l`res_~ passers on latter `property will be prosecut- ed.) Above properties will be sold on easy terms. Apply S. E. Turner, 70 Toronto Sh. Barrie. 23-28p WANTED--Three furnished mums and board for four or six people. either last two weeks _of July or first weeks of August. Within reasonable distance of lake. Reply by letter stating terms, to Box 119, Barrie. 26-27c ---- .___...__.___.___.___..._....__.. HOUSE WINTED--Six or seven-roomed house wanted, central location, modern conveniences. Apply at Examiner Office. - 0'In'I ;uu; vvn.'u L'I.`4Ll as guuunu 111810 Dy woman V with chxld qf seven years. Beat references. Box Z Exammer ofice. 27c DPBIVIJIJUUU UUJ I'UUI&I ply P.O. Box 1031. .uu:. rt, wanna Lawns bu. Lune care 01 01' work of any kmd during holidays. Jack Brunnnell. 7 Elizgbeth St. ` 27p , PIBITION WANTED as general maid by wnman with nhnd nf nnvnn vnnm' `Rani APARTMENT WANTED-A'two' or three- room apartment conveniently located. Ap- V nlv Pf). Rm: 1031, 97:- BOY. 14, wants lawns to. take care of or mm-lr A` M... l.:...I .l....:...... L..|:.:...... - l..-l- One cent a viord, cash, each insertion (minimuni charge, 25c); six insertions for . the price of four. 10 cents extra when charged; also 10 cents extra when replies are directed to Examiner` Oice. T - WAN'I'ED---Double furnished rooms, house- keeping privileges if possible; central. Tel- ephone 742. 27c A VERY DESIRABLE HOME, 44 Char- lntte St., for sake. Large lot, 94 feet front- age-, nice lawn; nine rooms andbath; balls. from ,and back stairs; electric light and furnace. Apply Mrs. Shtubeole, 125 Coliier St. . V 25-30p YOUNG GIRL wishes light housework or care of children by, the week. Box 654, Barrie. W 27p nuunu uuvu "an M3 r\JDl.1LU L0 IUOK after children or help in house. Apply to this office. 27p YOUNG GIRL WANTS POSITION to look -69.... ..l.:l..I....... .. L..I.. :. L,...,... A....l.. .. Property For Sale uuaIIv_y nay; RN50 properly on . .{\pply to owner, John McGill, Barrie P.0. ~26-31p Rooms and Bo;l- 'E.{Z'.EI_i='J;I}'T Help W;u 1ted Wanted --Position ready ) has had exper- '5 store. S. W. FOR SALE~ -Eight-roomed brick house; hardwood floors downstairs. furnace, `elec- tric lights and water, 54 acre good land. small fruits and fruit trees, garage and hen house. Apply at this offic. 27-28p - r week. 25-30p ' 2'}; C an. 26p uez 27p 5%.; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Reid wish to` thank the many -friends and neighbors for the many thoughtful kindnesaes and expressions of sympathy shown in their recent be -' reavezpent. 270 UC!"r'U\ls All tenders to be sent to Alex. Wil- son. Anten Mills, Ont.., on or before'July 6.; 1923. . ' ' 26-27c IZj,,j2t For painting all woodwork on outside of Shelter. shutters to be medium green; floors of verandah, grey; balance of -wood- work cream trimmed with brown; all to have `two coats of paint except the new ver- andahs which will have one coat. Four room inside to be` stripped, prepared for papering, also paper and burlap to be put on; paper and burlap to be supplied. by the County; Tenders for each to be separate. The lowest or any tender not necessarily`ac- A" in-`Ann. L- L- _-_L L- ll --u Tenders for Children : Sheltru FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN---7-room brick house. central location. immediate posses- sion. Write Box C" Examiner, _25tfc fly` 27p DR. JEAN JOHNSTON. chiropracticape- cialist, announces the opening of an office at 32 Francis St..Barrie. Telephone 1003. Office hours 2-5 and 6.30-8 p.m. by ap- pointment. . 22-27p SMALL ORCHESTRA open for garden part- l lea or dances." Apply Lorne Arnold, Dream- land Theatre, Barrie; or phone Cookstown, Ont. _ , . 25-30c j -- -~-v HAIR DRESSING. done by Mrs, D. C. Howard. Bring your combings and have a good switch made. 26 Mulcaster St. ,27tfc o FOR SAIJE--Two cows. will freshen short-I ly; good` milkers. and good cream cows. Also young mare, good to_work or drive. Also Ma`gnet cream separator. `5 months' credit given. Apply [John Moth, lot` 38. Shanty Bay Road. ` ' 27-28p A FEW GOOD MILK COWS fo_r sale. Ap-; ply to Mrs. Alex. Richardson, Phelpston. Ont. 26-27p i 11ZZ-2 FOR SA-LE--Team of light horses, and? harness; cheap for cash. Apply Examiner office. 27c _ ' COW FOR SALE--6 years old, milking. Apply 144 Essa Rd., Allandale. 27p. ...___..._...__.__..__.___.______... . FOR RENT--Bright. commodious. steam: heated offices. One large room suitable for light housekeeping. Apply H. .E. Jory, I KingeBlock. T V 25-27] - TO RENT--From July 15, fi\'e~roomed cot- tage at Bass Lake. Half of cvwner s double ' cottage. fully furnished, $50 for the.season. Apply BoxT754, Barrie. Phone 92. 27c _______._._.._____.___....____. . PROPERTY FOR SAIJE---14 acres on `lake shore at Shanty Bay; also property "Blake St. Apply [9 McGill, D--. A1 A n_`W ; mu nuxuz. rtuuu rut: SALE lot 16. con. ' _ land in good state of 5, Vespra. One" of the best larms in the! township; good buildings; never-failing well; _A cultivation; well fenced; one mile from Barrie. Apply Geo. Shannon, R.R. 3, Barrie. Phone 605r31. 23 -23p, ' -; FARM FOR SALF---50 acres; 25 acres in crop and hay, balance in bush'and pasture; good buildings, plenty" water, fuel. fruit, near to town, and `on cream route, phone, daily mail. well -located. Will also sell stock and implements reasongble. `Apply owner. Box `.`~B" Examiner office. 23~28p _ r u1uV1oul'ul. DlA*I$lJlJ1Vl!`1U UU`l'l'.`\U1`J' at iBig, Buy Point for rent for the month of August. Fred Ot-ton, Barrie. 27c I 1 FURNISHED. SIX-ROOMED OO'I'I`AGE Hip Rm: Pniht Imp .-mu tn- .1... .-...-. FARJM FOR SALE---West half lot 19. con. 9, Essa, one"huf1dred acres, Will sell as a going concern or separate. 24 acres fall wheat, 14 alsike, ll alfalfa. 23 barley, 15 oats, balance pasture [and summer fal-low, Apply to T. H. Banting. R.R. 3, Thornton.` ~ V 26-3-lp- _....______..______..__...._` 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. lot 16. 5. Vpsnrn nd at H... A... :......~ ._ mu-nuns. r.~m.M run p'ALh;---19ast half of lot 30, con. 1. Oro. Apply to Hugh Mc- Cuaig. Shanty Bay, R.R. No. 2. 25-30p - 100-ACRE FARM FOR SALE--E.-H. Lot 24. Con. 9, Essa. Apply to Mrs. Wesley Brooks. R.'R. No. 3. Thornton. 23-28p - 100-ACRE FARM FOR SALE---East half of Int 30 nnn I n... A-v-1-~ L- .-.4L `ll , """"""""A .""':"""-""" 100-ACRE FARM for sale. clay-loam, good buildings, near town of Barrie, Apply Examiner Office. 23-28p ______..___.._._________..___. S'l`rR.'AYIED--Onto lot 17. Con 2. Oro, about May 20, three head of cattle; and about May 25. we head of cattle. Owners may }rav_e same by proving property and paying expenses. G. W. L. Hickling, Box 1096. Barrie. . 27-28p -:_ _ FOR SALE-We finish amateur work; films developed any size to 4 x 5, 10 cents. prints 5 cents, post cards 5 cents, enlargements 5 x 7, 35 cents, 8 x 10, 50 cents. Mail orders, returned within a week `or sooner w. s. Martin,` 17 Eugenia St. 9.0; Box' 415, Barrie. T L -- 25-30c ---- _.___..__....._______..__...___.__ `FOR SALE--l4-ft motor boat, mahogany seats. whits oak ribs. `copper rivetted, two cylinder Waterman Detroit motor, excel- lent condition clutch and reverse. Fine for camping or summer cottage. Apply Box 344, Barrie. Phone 4. V 27p -'-f-'------'--'-'-`---"- CARDS" oi: THANKS FOR SA-LE---Oliver corn cult.ivatoi";' also young pigs and brood sow, due July 12. A. B Colpitts; 7th line,_Vespra, phone 61214] - _ . 26-27c FORD LIGHT DELIVERY for sale, thor-' o_u.ghly overhauled and repain`ted. Mc- Lean's Garage, Bayfield St. ' 27p CUT FLOWERS FOR SALE-Peony Farm, .10: 19, Con. 8, Innisfil. Fredwin Thomp- son, RR. 2, Strand, 26-27p g FOR SALE-New horse-power potato spray-. er, sprays four rows._ Apply to Harry Ot- taway, Barrie. Phone 6051-6. . 27-31p urxux u:u\u.\ l.`|JI\ DAME, ugnn grey wlcker, .111 first-class condition. Cheap. P-hone 332M. 9 27c __.j_________ BABY CARRIAGE ma SALE, light grey Wiker. in nnnd-Winn (anon `BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE. Apply 13 Mulcaster St. -Barrie. - _ 26tfc JJIURC `DU "Box. 414,. PONY, BUGGY AN-D I:IARNI& for sale. Bargain. J. F. Craig,,Barrie. - 27p. ' BICYCLE FOR SALE- l`w0 Cleveland! bicycles for sale. Apply Sterling Bank. ` FOR SALE-Pump jack, {wait shaft hang- ers, shafting. 3 small pulleys. Phone 997.1. ' ` 27-28p I SECOND-HAND BINDER for, sale.` Apply] 24 Muicaster St. 97.00.. . IJIUUULV lJ'IJl'IlV II N Muicaster St. Live Stock F qnj Sale` Miscellapeous Farm; For Sale To Let s, 2. ?a. fallow. D 9 "`L;.__L-._ ....__.._..._.._._.._._._.___.._...._...__ LOST -~Eyeglasses. in case. around Dream- land Theatre. about June 22. O. R. Rusk" engraved inside case. Finder please leave at_Exaxgniner office. 27p -

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