DWARDS FOINM wards. B.A.8& URNS ' Garage DISORDERS or information ON ary Public c. of interelt. onic Temple ice--Elmvalb. AN ng probate of istration, and 9 sT gElR;5|GN~|FlCANiQL `A - Facisti Not.Easily untied `Strong For cum` Policy "`~.~ Premier Poincare of France secured tre- P'1_iF M59i Of Im_Ysi5_b8i"7 {inendous majorities in alseries of votes, 3 Wm` P9319 b33l5 ,1 h 3'9` for expenditures involved by the Govern-` 9` `", 83!5"18 .919 _F8`315"- _ T139 "1 ment_'s policy in the Ruhr. It is not.yet P!'5t'8e-Blned by this 0!`83n_113 9 clear whether France` is receiving from Ger- 5" 0` the bi,dl55 1'Vl" .f 1' many adequate return for her effort to|g3""d t "5 `'`*k5 , .`` ,`3' db compel compliance with the reparations "` "5 9` h't{" "` "55. memb agreement and its subsequent developments. A78 "5 9" "`"`b"5.-. W : the 'l'he mass of the French people, however, 'E"b" "h _h`_ b3 Mrned 8!` are strongly supporting their government "`?`'V and '11 `3'd"'` }"h in this matter, and a succession of _ recent "3d"?3l .`?5`! 5 Pb?" M95i" 9` political occurrences seems to have streng- ,Mt's b`~'l`" , ld be f"' the 8 thened Poincare and his Cabinet, leaving th"'v!`"'5 - WM` the, bldf * `I, no doubt that France wil continue. her chawctemed ,m5t f ms, `,"t!"-`*1 present policyvtoward Germany until the b` P"""'." ,M,391" ?5 13` latter comes to her senses. There is talk the b"dS -f S5,`Pi and '5 Flak in Britain to the effect that Premier Stan- much "`" dfmc-It f"-~ _d9 _"3bl icy Baldwin is not at all satisfied with the ments to set u{t0,.the organization relationship between his own country and h`""]"I Th `*5 " bemg a" France in the matter of the reparationsiefi '3' ,`*5'ly ``",d' the'` are 5.0" issue_ and that he Wm ty to promote 3' lungs which may .-ater develop into I much better understanding between the]t"bi' two. It is to be hoped that he will. be _ _ ' (successful. Britain and France have drifted UWUO P935_|m|3`| VG EXWUS too far apart for the good of both or either. I There seems to be more pes_simi3 I` UK EU decree. Phone 424. h9~ TIACIMI ocal onservatory a nun n kdon Plaxton. . _Mont[r-eul. izabeth and ne 105. ., 7-8 pm. Templn C. Murchisop. Fl;i`l d';eu; DPBELL 7, 2913. ~ .. Torohto. bell, C. A. F_5PA;fu:n liq L`Jl\J: Block, Barrio. u a p.u1., U: 213. _ _ Little M.B.. AN T veyancer. ow, p sc., Barrio. M. x_I (.71 HI I. 3 Collier _St. 6.30-8 p.rn. ----jj ginear. apartment. m:I5lW. as may be ctor. 1380 r.1'.c.i.` :1i:{x 1075. JRSES_ Baud. a, 1:410. Barrio ; l.'JI.\J,n BEING LIAJ Jill uilding This is the season -of forest fires. West of Fort William it-is said that timber areas. aggregating nearly two hundred square miles were destroyed in a little over ten days. This is but one example of the enormous damage to a Canadian natural resource. This country should long ago have adopted a forestry conservation pol- icy that would have made it quite certain of being the timber reservoir of this con- tinent for generations to come. `Much has been accomplished of late years, but Canada has still a great deal to learn about the preservation of her timber wealth. News- print experts of the United States are of the opinion that within the next few years . their country will be absolutely dependent upon this for their supply of raw mater- ial. "Even now many newsprint mills i_n the United States would have to be closed if they could not get raw material from} Canada. Here is another warning to all Canadians. Unless more care is taken of our. pulpwood areas than was "shown in past years in respect to the forests of larger commercial timber, another great .'l,dustry will be jeopardized and eventually I `lost. ' , `u-mu ruauu uuru Jar rouur "E" The Metolllc `Roofing co. A Llmltod A 4 I194 Klng st. W., Toronto 04 I-`In. Ll htnln . Hunt and `Storm Proof - otallo Roofs chad clun Ruin Water _Snd Postal Card for Folder "5" TL- ll-.;-In_ ----n A Galvanized Coppu-.buI-lug Metallic Shingles Flinn. llnlulnnlnn D...` -_.n n4___ I'll`!-IURSDAY, Jun: 1. 1923. FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF` CANADA. LIMITED. FORD. ONTARIO )7 Simcoa ` Toronto and 1 Church. PROOF that the Ford is recognized as ~ a farm necessity, is shown by the fact that when the Committee on Agri- cultural Conditions investigated the prices of things entering into farm production, they investigated the price of Ford Cars to ' the exclusion of every other make of car. mums M0191: 94; %co., BARRIE Forest Fires Have Started Do it Friday. `Drive it Stmjgy. "Folks will sure enough think you have a. new car. Costs so little or.the much it does. . Come in andlook at the beautiful colors you an .L--_- .0.-.- T\;vo Hours And _rrWo %Quart`s % %Make It Li1<,e%:New \ %uBbard s Hardware Barrie, Ont. wggewfg , .A\` 3ari'ie,' On. ..-....- . . . v - . ` . - . - - u u vu --u----an--navy A new and a.very grave element; of danger has made its appearance in the Ger, man situation; It takes shape in the e turbances, caused by Communists, not only[ in the Ruhr district but in Saxony and other sections of the country. It has already been f marked by some fierce rioting in which a number of lives have been lost. In some respects it is reminiscent of the Communist disturbanceswhich occurred soon ,after the Peace Treaty was signed.. It has often` [been said that the real cause of the world 1 ` -..--v - vvvnunuu UV Inuit`!!! I 0 There to more pessimism in: Canada over the exodus to the Unitedl States than the actual conditions warrant.l t The public memory is short, and not in-I clined to take proper cognizance of bless-l "ings when misfortunes are more apparent.l Canada has emerged triumphantly from ' many periods during which it appeared= ' that there was no hope of eventual reeov-l ery. In the Province of Quebec, Romanl '.Catholic Church dignitaries have issued an ' appeal urging their people.~to remain in ` the land of their birth. Many newspapers C are also calling upon the governments and ` others to take some action to stop the: ' trek. Economic conditions are the decisive; factors "in these movemems. When theft L needle of good times now beginning to sway `- in this direction, points straight northward, we shall have immigration from the Unit- 3 ed States; For the moment the prosperity ` of many industries on that side of the_boun- ! ` dary line, has caught the manufacturers 1 with ashortage of labor due in no small 1 `degree to the barriers erected against im- 3 migration from `European countries. A gen- 1 eration is not a long time in the life of a I` nation. Those who come after us in this ` country are more, than likely to smile as 1 they read of the pessimistic outlook a good ` many of our own people would have us to f take at this time. ` 4 . Premier Italy is beginning to . meet some obstacles in his great task I V: of `reorganizing the Facisti. The immense ; prestige :gained organization as a re: sult bloodless revolution last fall attracted to its many doubtful `ele- ments not heretoiore in its membership. its own members, too, there are a `number who have "carried away by victory "who advocate mucli more` radical measures than Mumolini and his confidante believe would good of! their. country. the boldness that has I 7 most of his actions_since he became Premier. Mussolini is `increasing bonds,of discipline is making it much more difficult undesirable ele- into the organization which heacontrols. This is not accomplish- ged very easily and. there some rumb- 'lings later into serious Itrouble. i l l l I F/omen f Simcoe v German Co'mmupist Disturbans` #- OOUNTY Y.M.C.A. CAMP OFFERS FINE PROGRAMMEVTHIS SEASON A goodly number of Barrie and Allandale boys attended Camp Kitchikewana at Beans- oliel Island last summer and they and their parents, as well as the general public, will be glad to know that an espeqially capable staff of instructors has beensecured for this season.: *E. R. Thurlow, 'B.A., County Seoy. of the` Y.M.C.A. is Camp Director; A;,E. Allin, M.A., of Jarvis St. Collegiate, Toronto, in charge -of the Bird and Plant Life -work; V. A. Ellis of the Technical School, Collingwood, instructor in `Rustic Handicraft; `W. S. O Dell of the Central Experimental Farms, Ottawa, and Domin- ion Mycologist, is in charge of Mushroom Studies`; L. A. Harper of Honey Harbor, instructor on Elementary Taxidermy; H. Moreton of `Midland, in charge of Life Sav- ing Work and Swimming; V. Nicholson of ` Midland, business secretary. "With a mtg as :...+..-m.on.. in... +1.- .v........ The case" of Leo Rogers, the young des- categoryof crimes which are the subject of never-ending discussions. That he killed -and wounded ~several provincial policemen does not alienate from him a certain sym- pathy on the part of some sections of the population. By the majority who regard such a culmination of his crime career with the horror it should call forth, there will still he a feeling of pity over the manner in which his case was handled from the start. When at fifteen years .of age he was sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary for robbery with threats to kill, the way was paved for the sensational events that followed his release. His,sanity'has always been in question also. Between the severity of the sentence and the -place selected for his incarceration on the occasion of his first crime, and the unconvincing manner of this treatment when one alienist declared him insane, there is a row of questions dif- ficult to answer. Our punitive and restric- tive systems both seem to have failed mis- ` erably`. For murderers there can be little - mercy; for conditions that lead to the `mak- ing of murderers the whole community has someresponsibility. The case of Leo Rogers ' `should lead to" some reforms in Ontario. at any rate." and stand as an example for other provinces. . - perado of `North Bay, Ont., belongs to the Turkey and Greece Turkey and Greece appear to have squel- ched their fire-eaters for the present, and a more -peaceful outlook of the Near East situation pleases all. The firmness of the great powers in dealing with this situation has been productive of results. CV51 clllll JIILUICBD UJIU. WUl'l\ lUl' III uuu it alone. The whole British Empire would rejoice at the spectacle of an Ireland free irom internecine strife and busily engaged in the development of itsiesourpes. -..-.. rvwr ....... cw wvv-uu-3 was It was a foregone conclusion a year ago that the Irish Republicans would be coin- - pelled -by physical force to abandon active warfare on any scale above that of sheer murder and rapine. Eamon de Valera, the last of the irreconcilables, may -be wor- shipped by a larger number of Irishmen than the world imagines. His life and ac- tions in the last few years, however, have not been such as to impress others who have been able to control their partizanship well enough to be able to take a "dispas- sionate view of the whole situation. It may . not be too late for de Valera and some of his advisers `and sugporters to show by precept. and example that they love their country well enough` to forget or forego every selfish interest and work for it and it nlnng "l"'Ln ...Lnl.. 'D_!6.-.L I3`...\...: _ . . . . ..l.J uuuuuu, uuuuws acurcwry. ith 8 staff of instructors like the above AProgress"of Medical science" 5 . - . . 1 Medical science` marches on to new dis- B : coveries for the cure of the ills that afflict e;humanity. Humanity itself is impatient E: ..nd gives little heed to the painful and ex- ,`haustive.work and -labor involved in the production of treatment to conquer or ar-| I rest the progress of dreaded diseases. Gen- , eral paralysis and locomotor ataxia are in _ a fair way to be conquered according to Jpronouncenient made as a" result of exper- [ iments in -Chicagowith early cases of these . and affiliated diseases. A drug is the med- , ium for the cure. From Britain come words i of-hope" in relation to the battle against `cancer, Liverpool University being their home. The words are cautious and the warning is given that, the successfully treat- ed cases are very few. The treatment has its dangers and this is also true of the treafment for paralysis mentioned. Can-' ad`a s eontribution to the recent aids in the fight for health of the `people, namely the insulin treatment for diabetes, seems to [have passed the experimental stage. [being applied in almost every civilized coun- try in the world and its success is reported .to be constantly widening. With these ;authenticated announcements of progress, which may be but the stepping-stone, to It is. marvels of curative science, there comes . ,from responsible quarters renewed warn- 'ings against claims that haveno foundation whatever and can only add to the agony `of mind and physical suffering of people `who are misled by them. a ( o a -uuuvIIu IIIC Illi IIIIIIIIIVI Britain's new Premier. Stanley Baldwin. "has opened the way for a good deal of pol- itical discussion which maybe continued in- definitely without reaching any conclusion satisfactory to all participants. He has in- cluded in his new Cabinet some of the members ofthe Cabinet which was headed by Lloyd George, and who declined to serve with Mr. Bonar Law though of his political faith. There are indications that Premier Baldwin was sincerely desirous of healing the `breach between the factions of the `J V Iis doubtful whether there can be a real reconciliation until the situation is more {clearly defined. That may come if Liber- gals and Labor combined should seriously `threaten the dominance of the Con vative 'Government in the. House of Com ons. l But there are sufficient men of Austin progress . prominence still on the outside. There are a number of questions now under consideration and on the horizon which may bring all the opposition groups together in 5 an 8f.f.8(`.k H19? ' wnnlrl HA it-I-nninkln Tn party and that he did make considerable- Chamberlain may be mentioned as one. A It nuns an ulc uppusuuun groups togemer '11 ! ;an attack tharwould be Irresistible. In `the words of an _old song, Mr. Baldwin i "has troubls of his own." _ I LE` T arrie Ont. nple Ave. 0 9 p.m., or 912 war was the former Kaiser s fear of the spread of Socialism. Conditions since Ger- many was defeated `have helped to bring to the fore a brand of Socialism which be- lieves in violence. ' Germany isjndeed pay- ing the price for the arrogance which led her to embark upon an effort for world conquest, no matter what the underlying cause. It will be difficult for the French forces in disturbed sections of the country to refrain from interference in what, on the face of it, appears to be a domestic row of first-class calibre, but which` may at any time develop into an awkward interna- tional complication; - Irish` Republicans Wearing Out Pmmieri Baldwin Has His Troubles The Leo Rogers Case Fm: siuuu; EXAMINER These .':liants for service are strikingly handsome. Their surface is of everlasting mineral in artistic shades of red, green or blue-black. Because of I this mineral surface thei are highly re-resistant--never need _painting or staining. - Come in. f See these modern roongs. Get our estimate on a cpmplete roof of Barrett Everlastic Giant /Shingles. Prices are extremely moderate. . _ ' You can rely on these shingles to stand staunch and tight against storm and blizzard throughout the years. Their base is of extra-heavy, best grade roong-felt, saturated with high grae waterproong material. These sturdy shingles are made and laid 3 to `a strip. Thanks to their extra weight, thickness, and rigidity, they, can be laid right over the old roog (Use 1%" galvanized roong nails). This means big savings in money, labor and trouble. , Barrie.) 'th the BPS. s gspecially. ame. YI__ annu- Barrett Evrlastic Giant Shingles ` Lay Them Right Over the Old Roof and Hardware, Lumber and Builders - j-v--uvuunur TAIIO Suply Dealers everywhere Now, for the first time in years, you can buy the finest sun-ripened tobacco Virginia produces for 10c. a package, The kind you likexto smok&-the price you` like to pay. Get a package of LONG TOM and celebrate. an} ardware, 4 I-lUBBAI'{D S . .I_. . l_3RUNTON . - I - Barrie,u:n _;-`- Ahandale, _0nt. 7 ....-- r. .r-. in`: a vvnu, I.Up3 ICHKB. Plastic Eluutigum Pitching Cement. Stops leaks in roofs; re- pairs aahings, gutters, cisterns, - etc. Sticks to wet or dry surfaces. [i__,,,I,I I-I l\OI - v--. _..-_.. -v vvusvn uu_y auunauca. Creonoid Fly-Oil and Cow Spray-- An eective y-oil. lice- `dcstroycr and cow spray. Barrett Products are made in Canada by Canadian; )3 . . - __ V. ..~\.u. Everlaetic Liquid Roofing meat. Gives new durable sur- face to worn-out "rubber and other prepared roofs, stops leaks. D'--A!_I_`I_,.~ In A -- ,, -_.-_.. gab`! 1-vujo :55] Total width of 1'0" 32 inches. lsiofthe width ofroia minetal- surfaced. 17' of the width is plain aurfaced to inaurc rm oftheoverlpp. Atoof of S I. . is double thickness throughout with weather-proof, n:-resisting mineral surface in red or green. a. 1. a. non Rooting (S4-wntem I Ml: Szloagt-Edgtkoong) "I`.L-I _.!.I.L ,p .. __ . s. 1. s. Roll Roofing Mun Iou-L .Q.l....._ 1.21-- 2:... Page 3 ::J:t`)`rner of one 275.