Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Apr 1923, p. 14

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TA|:KERS A Quaint old W'i|liam ( LIVOIIIJBDI in the tin) U188 11. (Not Lav simboine in Manitoba. the Stour in Suffolk). Ilienuse of epigrzuns. ' great talkers of n-ligim doers." When hr mi American slang, an on IA IIIIDJ olcyw R.ooently- mu-.LgA n " THURSDAY, `VII _GllGlI UCIIVIII made from Mo INVINCIBLE ders. Absolutel wholesome. D scribe them for Costs only 1 com One nncknuo ~:~ pt,-()DIv At AH Ur Don`! say Mr Sprrif McLARE:V'.9 IN Made by M:-LARE? Hamilton and _I s Gooziufji Nloihizfgv t;eVt'te-r ten than delicin un:..l.. 0..-... R1,. Those and flu Jupans It is grecj c -I I -'~ - - ll. Children 1 d an O I" Woodbrid e, Ont.-- I took Lydia E. :n1!`|n'I\ u' Amnfnkla nnvnnnllnt` `(IE A._ of that Cold ! ' uh thn '4-I-and %r4qri/iaairii-tow An-Igm Qbffefi 337995 .131-I i I HAVE MADE. m :-:N<.A<.EMENT Fo val TO HAVE. ;.uNc4_-AEQN N` THE Et-`TE. % 125-STAURANT wm-\ M|$`b DEBATE.- V SHE \_mL.\. EXPLAIN wHAT\ ou ARE /fro 00 IN REGARD To THE cHAR\~r e>AL.n. we ARE <.ET`nN<, up Rub the chest - and throat with _yuul' uwu xvulu. | The man led the way -with many apologiesv into the interior of his shed. To 'ra1ham's surprise, there was an interior room which had few of the objectionable features which Chinese caravsnsaries frequently present. It was tolerably clean, and free from the: disagreeable odour of opium smoke. ! A Inna Inn! lrnno nanny-\3'm-I +1.4: Cull `lnnnbl. ,of one wall, and when an hour later the aguccaulu uuuur UI uplum SHIUKC. A long low kang occupied the full length ll 1 mule train came up, and rugs were spreadil upon the Chinese equivalent for bedstead, 5 . and a brazier of glowing charcoal waszl `brought in, the travellers had good reason 1 for congratulating. themselves upon the com-` I fort of their lodging. `I Thai flan new-:unI A`. `f|IIn:tlnnhn 3.. .. L1-.. I3. I llllllll B VUECEDHPIU \JUL|l!I)l:l.l.lU Ill the_treatment of allments pecuhar go thexr . sex, and they take pleasure m the good word along to other. women. Therefore, if you are troulgled in this way,wh not giye Lydia. E. Pmk-T hum : Vnnnfnh n (`nmnnnn a fair 1-rig}, ` JIUIII UI IILIUII luuglug. That the arrival of foreigners in a- tiny village would attract the entire population,, goes without saying, but a word from Tal-; ham dismissedthe rabble, and the landlord} was placed outside the door with two of the escort to see that _the foreign lords were not disturbed. H\7___ ______ ____ H ,,2 1 n1 II H-I lull. ` That same button. had carried ,t_hem 2 hrough miiiiy seemingly impossible situa- tians. ~ sin _..:n L- _-:_:-_ .__..:_ :_- .. ...:_..;.- H llll QUE}! III IJIIDIFQ uluu. V ' ` He drew rein before a dwelling which might have been; 1'n`~a western" clime, a respectable cattle shed. There were two big windows_. one of which was half filled "up with loose flat bricks. and the other denudel of any covefmg. The door gave entrance to the uninviting. interior, but` before hel could reach-the door the proprietor came out. o $511-... 1-.. ___ _, l._.__ L___ GLZOV9 J- UUIIIPUEICU UUIIJ IUUIIUU. - It is the honourable Society of the Ban- nerman of Heaven," he said humbl-y. As your Excellency knows, the city of Taipan. one hundred [is south, is having much trouble. There is a. rebellion," and His Ex- cellency. the Governor. has been killed. `It is said. too, that his honourable son has returned from the `land of the `foreign-I devils. " I Tal-ham interrupted him sharply. ' You shall not say." he said. .Iang n I kueitsi, but Iang-ren, for I am a foreigner,` and your speech is offensive to me." _ Tho rnn-n lrxnmvnrl `An! 1'1 - Iuvnn `..:..J\A-;.-....I ' uuu yuul. ayccull xa uucumvc laU HIE`. t H ' The man bowed low. He was fr1ghtened' the? K3,`: hfggdnov almost to death, and `was shaking In every the grave, of its treasm Alimb. fpr the stories of the foreigner, endgame wonderful mecha, the events whlch had followed the tak1ng,dead years held; that` of Pekm, had been exaggerated up and down| nction for wo,ds_ the country. Moreover, as he knew, Iang- He had sent messeng ren_ filled the _Ch1nese ax-my,_ holdmg. high fore to couect as mam posxtxons as the great one evzdently dld. `had ' served in his re Lnwl H` IIVDB n nr\ nf nntr -I-nnnua " Ln vlaucna Ill uuv uuyls Us 1 110 cu,uuu. f He gave the Boxers their full title, and; Talham nodded. ' "'I"...`... `L- L.._..-.. __.l `_L A`.___ L- _I_,-,_l top of his little cap` he wore a qky-blue but- The landlord hesitated. He was evidently iafraid to speak openly, yet the authority of jTalham's tone, the undenia-blerank which he held, and moreover, the familiarity of the stranger with the dialect of the district, compelled confidence. v T; L. 41... 1..-...m.....kl.. Q....:..+.. ..C H... `D-.. pumuuua an yum 51178.1. um: evxueuuy (nu. ` Lord, It was a slip of my tongue," he said nawely, as we used to speak of for- eigners in the days of I `ho chfuan." i no anun fl-In now... {Janina Cull 4:4]. and: 1. muaux uuuucu. I "Take the horses and let them be cleaned, and fed," he said. My friend and I desire vnnr knob an:-an l [THEY TELL THEIR NEIGHBORS I nun uusuurueu. I ' You -may say," sald Talham, that we- have now reached the most critical portion.` of our-journey." ' urn: n\!nrfV\:v\:l\lD n nan-. Lu A-Ln I:...LL ux uu1-;u,u|`ucy. ' . Tillizini was examining a map by the light of a Chinese lamp. If your surmises are right," he said, the Mount Li, described in the second Emperor's account, is that somewhat insig- nificant hill that we saw as we came over the rise to the village." 7 `*1 am satisfied that it is," he said. He seemed less inclined to orate than Til- iizini ever remembered him, indeed, so marked was his depression that presently the detective` referred to it. H1 1..'...... U ....:.1 1.1.- _n.-._ _;_-___,I__L-1,I_, WISUIIIII-")\l3l'IIPIlo , . I He cantered down the -slope. his sure- footed pony making light of the natural obstacles in the path, and trotteg through the one grimy street of the grimy village, ankle deep in black mud. "as (`raw Jain hnfnrn 41 u-inina "|;1`Iin`a wrzow far are we from mapded Talham.` LEI ___l, _._.. ___ I1L_- I: mapuea. uunam. Lord; you are fifty li." said the man with a profound bow. I would advise your, exceliencies to stay here for the night, for` the road is very difficult,- and is moreover; "patrolled by bad characters." no n`nv\nnl' I`\nI|I7f\IIl!`IV IIIf\ 05 Frninhovn an. tlklll UK {CHI lll1II5CIa He spoke in English, then turned to the fawning landlord. Mu `D:nI\ll " Ln nn;fl kAhIVn`AflIv fn IFWHIIIS IHIHJIUTKL My friend," he said benevolently. tell me the name of-the men who patrol this road." . ' A IIII__ I_,,_lI_Aj1__,!A,4,_I `IV, ,,A, ,,,!,I, L'_, IJLIU ,uC_5Cl/IVE relerreu to It. . I know," said the other uncomfortably, -but the fact is I am not too satisfied with the progress we have_made, and less satis-` fied--'-did you hear what he-said? 11.. :....1....a L:- L...._I :_ u_-- J:_-_A_3- ,4-I ucu"'uu_1 _vuu uc-`ax wual. ne-uu1uz ' He jerked his head in the direction of the landlord. ' 651 _|:,.| `T _..!_l 'I!:II!_L_1 G6L__4 ,,_! llllc lulllllufuo I did. said Tillizini, but unfortunate- ly my knowledge of the dialect isn't as good as yours. I find that a conversance with `Mandarin Chinese isn t always as useful as it might be." T14. un:I` Lac 41.... 1...: I. ...... ...n 2; 'emen"l'e'll Each Other How They Were Helped by Lydia E. Pink-' ham : Vegetable "Compound K II! uugul. UC- He said that there had been revolt ih Taipan." said Talham, and that His Ex- cellency, the Governor.'- had been killed, and that his son occupied what amounted. to the kingshi\p of this district. Do you re- alise who that man is?" *w$%%$***%&&$%$%%%%$%w&*i% ~=aid Talham with a glance at the sky, let us see what Chak eo offers in the way of accommodation." ' l ll! Wu: IE Tllnllls lull Ill ll ILIIIIIIUU. IIU-UIUIICU 11: unu U_llDl D|HaI7IDn He glanced inervously up at Talham as he spoke` for, for ail he knew, this might be one of those bad characters against whom he felt it `his duty -to warn the unwary. ' $6f!!I,_I , rn,LI-I1- 1- .- C .v.- -. -.... sou-v.1 nu... ya`. 3... u -4- The advice of the `chink in his native habitation," orated Talham. as he dis- mounted `slowly, is liable to be self-inter- eated. On this occasion; however`, I think his natural desire to rob us of our cash runs hand in hand with a proper apprecia- tion of real danger." V `I1 . annlrn :n n`nt|-ck ul-`kn-\ "IIlII\l1Il in 41:13 *&**&%$&%i%%&%**%$%&&$*%% A nmnsn oruau 5; E: 5* `DI! llo It will be raining again in` a minute." 11:!` Tnlknnn 112:5`: n nlnnnn at 6'13 uh-u ln Shan Shi ?" de- -(Continued Vfro-m ._Page 10)` Illllkllllnlll 5 VUEULHUIU \JUlll!JUl.ll4l.|.l LUIS 13" male troubles. I would have headaches, backaches, gains between my shoul- ders and un er my shoulder-blades and dragging down feelings on each side. . I was sometimes unable to do my work and felt very badly. M mother- in-law told me about the egetable Compound and _I got some right away. It has done me more good than any other medicine I ever took and I rec- ommend itto my neighbors. You are quite welcome,to use this letter as a testimonial if you think it willhelp some sufferer. -- Mrs. `EDGAR SIMMONS, R. 2, Woodbridge, on. I'_ _......'l_ ....-_.....':_LI._.I.-...I 2.. An-.- mo sea I: A rm Dom` YOU CAN'T ENOUGH BY OFFER M--aw c.o\N THERE- UqQE$TiONb - ' ycupnc. ' I ! '- however, and Tillizini woke to find the day They were not to be disturbed that night, Tibroken and rain still falling heavily. Break-` I 3 t 1 fast was prepared by the servant whom Tal-i ham had engaged at.Shanghai, but in spite, of the wretched surroundings. and the un-I pleasant prophecy of the day, the two men made a good meal. Our immediate danger. said Talham, lies in the fact that we are going straight. to Hoo Sin, a city which is in some way allied to our friend's s`1'0nghold. What makes it rather awkward is the fact that Hoo Sin must be our base for a week or two. until we can locate the tomb." Tillizini nodded. I know the Mandarin personally," Tal- ham ~went on, an oriental of exceeding affability, and it would "seem to me that the possibility of the oriental mind-- lightful stay in St. Petersburg. --...... ~...v-- vu v--vu. LVI1nvuv|Ll \JllUuIl\J _uuAuc. V We don t want to leave St.'Petersburg," said Mr. Grasett. We would much prefer to.stay another month; but owing to al cust-ome regulation which limits the period we are permitted to keep our automobiles in the United States to six months withoutl paying duty on the value of the machine. we are obligated to be at the international border not later than -April 27., Judging from reports of the weather conditions in our Barrie home we will be getting back] in time to experience some of the severe" weather we have missed by our long, de- Il._ l`l_____A; I no _-c__--_._ ...-.._, ...- -v. - wwv-..--.....-. Mr. Grasett is a retired banker, and this winter spent his second season in the Sun-I shine City. The family have enjoyed their stay very much and expect to return again next winter. `- H1)__._ ____ 1_____ __A__ ____ :,, 1,, - 41,, --u vv -.- -.-u-w... wnnvvnuu-u u... 7..., vnouruno-VI _He l1 heat to-mon-ow that` we're in the dia.trict,: he _went on, and then the fun is going to begin." H... .. `..,..-..-. v.-`.--,~.--.u- ' I The two leaders of the expedition could 'not afford to leave their escort, they were in an enemy's country, and although the fifty soldiers with which the First Man- darin of the Empire had supplied them was I a formidable body, Talham knew the China- lmen well enough to know that they could [not be depended upon if they were convinc- ,-ed that the object of his trip_was a desecra- `tion of a grave. no nynnlrl tUn:v\ i|l\`1\:w\a- Lu. ...-..\I..:`..:.._ L. ULUII U1 0 sIGVCu ll He would ain nothing by explaining to them that he `had no intention of robbing] _ treasure, or that he sought some mechanical secret which the .A..n.l u........ l....l.l. 41..-; -...... L..- ....._._1- _ _1_'_ IUIIIUIJIIJLI IUIV WUl'UU- messengers ahead a week be- many of the soldiers who had regiment as could be found, -to meet him at Hoo Sin. Soo might ;send a story flamingethrough the bazaar ?that would set the city of H00 Sin in a ,5ferment--if he dared. That reservation [was 'l`alham's only hope. 1pgA,.|__0,,,IlII I I a l .11` S00 himself had designs upont-he tomb, desired exact knowledge` as to its location, land wished for himself to unravel the mys- 'tery and `to take the/treasures of the dead lking, he would be silent. Once he set the city in a. ferment he might spoil what- ever chnnce Talham `had of achieving his] .object, but he would just as assuredly de- lfeat `his own ends, -and . might, moreover, lcall down upon the city of H00 Sin a de- itachment of Imperial troops, to say noth- `ing of commissions of inquiry. i rm_:, u_-.._L. __, r . . mu . - l _-.c -_ _.,----,--_.......... V. ..u1uu_y. I Q This thought comforted _Tal'ha'm as he ijogged along, the rain falling. in sheets! M above his head, the pony under him stumb- gling across rocks and through pools of iliquid mud, towards the blurred horizon. III! I J`: -noun: u v vavvo-new vvnuzqquoou 1-.-I-nu. v----u_ This famous remedy, the, medicinal ingredients of which are derived from roots and herbs, has for fo years proved its value in such cases. omen everywhere bear willin testimony to the wonderful virtue of ydia E. Pink- lnm s Vegetable Compound. 0 U ,._-V_.-.__--.._..-, ...,-. -v\rn>~'nr\.|lB, . nu.` says. -1.] A plea on behalf of Canadian motorists iwho come to St. Petersburg to spend the `winter was voiced this morning by H. J. Grasett, of Barrie; Ontario, who with Mrs. Grasett and their daughter, Miss Mary Grasett`, left the Sunshine City by auto on the first leg of the journey that will take them back to their Northern Ontario home. `L111 I 1. BIJUIID I VUlIIIU- The thought that Sod might be within six or seven days journey had not troubled . Ium suing W ucglu. .Before he went; to sleep that night, Til- lizini saw that his revolver was loaded and lolaced it under his pillow within reach of lhis hand. News travels fast in a country which does not depend so much upon the new-fa'n gled telegraph. as upon some mys- terious, means of communication which is peculiarly the secret of a semi-barbarian! people. ' 'm..... ......... ....4 4... L- .-l:-4....l.....l ii...` ..:...1.. I LIUJLL wluwr. But we hope you can induce, the cus-.3 toms authorities` to change this regulation? about the time limit on automobiles," -Mr. ! Grasett went .on. The two countries have an agreement which provides that motor Not 800?" asked the detective. ' Talhgm nodded. - . 'nt 8 `just who---it` inf .-lie..,s,gi_.!,' ,nd he has tricked 15." He was silent"fo: a moment, thqsn, Anyway, I'm glad he : here," he aaid._ I've been getting jumpy about Yvonne." ' IIIL- ..L---..|.4 .l._;. 5-; __:__L. L- __-u_:._ us-\. ..rvpauu1|Lu'v ul uuu \Illl/llllll-I AHIIHAT He miglit have developed his speech into a discourse, on Chinese metaphysics, but Tillizini interrupted him--. _ `.`Wn `nouns in an `V Ln 511:1` nu\A 6`... Vllllllllll lIllaUl'K'Upl.!UU UH We have to go," roads are pretty bad." DIV IIYAIIVA 1IIl'\I|l3lx (Jun: Luann nu: ptcwy uuu. V They were worse than the men anticipat- ed, and the progress along the wild and tortuous path, whichwas dignified by the name of road. was a ppinful experience. 7l'!I__ L.__- I_-_I__._ _ I - II EH. J. GRASETT AND PWAFY ARE ;-_ NOW on HOMEWARD JOURNEY. X (Independent, St.l;etersbui'g, Fla... Apr. 9.) A ...I._._ __ L_L_Il' I I` _i'{a"ii'sI'va{,'v'v1a'f?B2"ye' Iii} if i='i{1- ham s Vegetab e Comgpun a trial.) 'L::n `octagonal! -1..-pa]-"v G-In wanna`-:n-:o\nI mi: was almost cheerful at the thdught. LLVILOII I ,,` . "gigs better7he shduna be heme than L-.. ' (E3 Ee}:;}}EaJ.}Z{i.3" lllllI""` . >,' be said, and the II` slllllacll BUVIUU VVIJIVJLI uu: ; was too supple a dis- I Icars of tourists from either side the line` travelling in the country across the border; shall register their cars on entry, with the` -.provision they must leave the` country with: Iin a period of six mon-ths or be taxed duty `on the value of the car. It would be a; lgreat inducement to Canadians who wantl to make the trip by automobile to stay longer in Florida if this regulationwerel changed to permit an extension of time -to: |tourists who want to remain the entire` {winter here. : Mr. Grasett urged that the St. `I*1]l`l`l*`l`]`I`l`l"J `l%`lI.`l`I1]lJ1l`l`l`l`l qqq'1qqqqq1rq`qqqqqq1:cxHI YT A182 Pinkham s' egetable Compound for fe- lnnla h-nnhlnn I uvnnl have hnnonhnn Conn and FABRIC :712:Bz;agstVaIu}Ggr All styles - All Sizes . Petersburg I !chamber of dmmrce and the `Motor clul gtake up the matter with the proper author ;I~:nc an. I T-heoGrasett automobile crossedthe border ;line into the;-United States on the way to iSt. Petersburg on Oct. 27 last, which makes it necessary for the party to be back at the boundary by April 27. They expect to `reach their home in Barrie by May 1- :just hbout the time the ice, will break up [in Kempenfeldt Bay. the beautiful sheet of ;water on which the -pretty little summeri _ resort town is located. / 77:01 you'll smoke nothing but Eistanf Full Havana filler. Sumatra wrapped Mild. fi`agrant. Regardless of` price- you can't get more. `73:y one and see./ %DwNLoP --v -u- -, vv vv-qua--u-bu, `C-Cr! In nearly every ngighborhood in every town and cit in this there a1_'e women who ave beenrhel 4 d by Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Iripound in flux fr-not-rnanf nf nrvinnfn Ihonliar fn Coiist - to - Coast Papa.-any is Due tog The' Mileage That Result; The %Ser;ice That Goes The Tire. `_ Subscribe.for The Barrie Examiner md get all the news. $2.00 a year. ( Take 7 BEECHAMS P|llS 7 3 He had never been to th was all talk. Anrrhcr a rcturned . o salary of 82000 a you penses from the pork and made more noise Canada than all the \'.( war. Then it slowly st mldierswho were supp ervice had been very u II IIIU llllu `Ill IIDlIl', That is :1 xnistuke-. '2 opoiy of this nu-. ' around you. Ex-nry gm. from talker: who lu- doels. Connftlvr such n of the country in th<- . lew years ago. h:-ro hodied pat-riots who I. they were purple in tho- there. They took our talk, and while othurs they slept in peace an nnnanflu an up \ II-WUIJ' "II NIKKI) marched on Ottawa den ties for their hard Qhttlr return 1.0 Tnrnntn wrices amongst them w 'I"l-.... Z0 ..., .':........ .. 1 Ever since Je.~4u.~ pll beacuse of their much doillg, this h::~a born :1 one of the great roprm People seem to thnk it of religion to haw :n:m_ a lot and do 1' tie. Ik_L 1- _ _,', " `I * :af#:o1{f:'4ctaf(odliwrt Er'I , forr'.CQ.UGH.$.COl.DS : v -] au_1.i .RObNCHlTlS' A.

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