an keeping store from mercantilo ~ycum 2:50. - : i Walter Gray of Orillia announces the engagement of his sister, Margaret Ellen! `Gray; to Mr. Fred LL honney of Shantyi {Bay, the wedding to take place the latter`, ; pug of March; ' A nmnlr rn\vnl`nn L... Y.n....m.-. `Iv; i H. A. Orok, _traveller for Lawson 8:` _Jones, London, has been successful-for thel ;third year in winning a. prize in a sales~5 gmanfs competition in which fifty competed. :This `year he won first, a beautifuhoil paint- , ';_ing. ""51: nU;Aun'AIInnn at L`\A -A-u-amazon:-=nI 3|--ml` P! I` U} IVIl1IUlln . A quiet. inarriage was solemnized on Mon- lday, Ma1`c11'l9, at Boner Presbyterian Church. Toronto, when Marjorie M. R.,i *elder daughter" of Mr: and Mrs. R. 3 Love of Barrie, was united in matrimony to ' Mr. Edward. H.. Zeihr, son of Mr. and Mrs I . ,A.A Zeihr,_ also of Barrie. The ceremony; lwas performed by Rev. N. A. McEachern. 51 }They were attended by Mr. `and Mrs. Gm ` :Zeihr of Toronto. A wedding dinner was} held at the King Edward Hotel, after which. the happy couple left for a. trip to Hamilton i and Buffalo, the bride travelling in a navy` ;blue tricotine suit with spring hat. to match. 3 ' They will reside at 133A Roncesvalles Ave..% l I 1 Toronto. A I l l ?%%%%$%%%&%&%%%E '_uIg. _ _ The employees of the commercial plant -. ,and traffic departments of the Bell'Tele- 1 gphoue Co. spent 9. very enjoyable evening,` ;Setur(lay, March 10, when theygathered at ;; {the lmmeof the plant ehipf, J. F. Gard-. ner, 28 Wellington street, for a progressive `euchre party. At the close of the evening i irefreshments were served, and ahearty vote; lof thanks tendered Mr. Gardner for his}! i hospitality. V E i At 2 o clock on March 21, in~ Dalston} Union, a quiet wedding was sol-5 emnized when Charlotte Ann, youngest} ~daug_hter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 'Bonney,l iof Edg_ar,rbecame the bride of Edward Ker-; gridge, Edgar. Rev. G. H. Knighton con-! idu`c`ed`the ceremony. The bride was be- ,' comingly gowned in a suit of navy blue tric- F otine, with hat to match. After the sign-; iing of the register. Mr. and Mrs. Kerridge' {left for :1 short honeymoon and on their: `return will reside on the groom s farm at. iEdgar. ' - 1 Brysun's hot. crow Vbuns for Good Friday, 25. a dozen. Order early. Brys0n.Bros. 12 ,__,,,L__. -1 -._.I-_._ I `&&&&&%&&$&&&&&&mL J4 .mI! ' sun. on uvuvu. \la\.I\4n vu---J. ...J......---..... .._- i - --~AWillVaccept a limited numbe_r of order` for coal for present deliveryfat $16.50 per. gtun.---J. G. Scott. ' . l2cg : u'-:-__ n n D._..I......... L..- .l....'..4....l .. ..:l I-IUV. u uuuuan. vnuun uun-J. .4. Java. .....~. --.. , 1 A Barrie` citizen _re<;eived last week two? 'small catalogues` from Vienna, Austria, oni 1 !which the postage was 3000 kronen, which? `at. normal currency rates would be equal `to $630. ' ` ` u- m............ ..c .1... n..4....:.. 12-...` "\xr....1.; .5d.}}I` hioned 1k and .25 pr. 417199 Z1116 puuuc 15 Iuvucu. I I Bryson's hot cross buns for Good Friday, 25c. a dozen. Order early. Bryson Bros. 12ci 1 I A I'\ - - ,1 `,,,L _..__I_ L__.._. to 5630. ' __ | ! Mr. Plewman~ of the Ontario Boys Workil 9Board will be in town Tuesday to confer} `with Boys` Work leaders in reference toll `the summer camp. "The conference will bei held along with a luncheon at Vair s Rest-f 4 aurant, followed by a meeting of the Bar` l arie Boys Work Board. - . .l `d`unnI7 Dnannfnlf .n|nvna with flan Nnrfh l 1 !I'lC DUy VV Ufh DUHILI. Fanny Rosenfelt, `playing with the North: Toronto ladies` hockey team, has been win-I Lning great praise, some sporting writers` idescribing her as the fastest woman hock-3 eyist in Canada to-day. In the play-off" for the honors of the O.L.H.A. cham-1 i ionship, when her team lost to Ottawa `by; `6-2 on the round, she is, reported as playingf `practically the whole game for North Tor-f Ionto. A / " _ A E IIOUYUI cuuuusauuu, ruuuy mguu. I Fred Pratt has purchased a house and lot} .from Wm. Carson at Cundles and will be` S is resident here in thenear future. I f1.._....... 1).... ....Ln 3.. :r\ Han Iuunxkku Hug}, I March 2o.--71~h} U.F.0. Club and frinds of this community spent a very pleasant: l 1 ttime at the `home of W. G. How on the. `fourth concession, Friday night. T Dun}! Dani} I-um: nun-nknnori 1: Hanan ant` Inf.` !8 resxuem. ucru 111 UIIUJIUKSI :.uuu1c.< 9 ` -George Roe, who is in the lumber busi- ness near Haliburton, is at present visiting "his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Roe. - i Mm 11.-ulria I-ma annn fnr an inrlofinifei Hus parents, Mr. unu mm, nuc. 1 Mrs. Dodds has gone for an indefinite` time to visit her daughter and other Afriends at Scottsville in the United States"? 1- `n I)..- ....d.n.....uI5Lnnn.. n `1'\IIv`t`nIrn canny ([18 In C U. Unul. an, at Dbaysxun. i W. 0. How of Bame 15 making some fast cutting as usual here wit}; his sawing | machine. He cut eight cords of` hardwood,` three cuts in each stick, in a short after- noon. - V'I'!L- .. .....I.-I-....:- ..Ju:nL km. `noun nn;I>n Irleuua uh Duuw:s\'u.|= an uu: Uuucu uuac-cm. R. .Roe returned` home 9. fewidays ago` after attending the funeral of his nephew,` the la"e G. Cain. Jr., at Stayner. `I7 I` 11-... A` nnpn :3 1-nn'(;nI'r unmn \ u OOH. - The flu epidemic which has been quite! serious here appears to have passed. ` . .% is 0 150, or 15c March 19.-51:3: w&s`in Barrie] attending the funeral of her sister, Miss Mina Craven, last week. .\l:....'Y.u.n Tnnbn-nan Run knnnk {kn Innunn. Mina pruveu, luau worn. ' Miss Lena Jackman has bought the house 5 and lot owned by Mr. McAllister on Cedar.` I `St. but will not get possession for some 4:... - IRE . he has been carrying on 9. very successful grocery business for the past year, to Richard Baycroft of Sunnidale. I understand he takes possession the first of April, Dm-6 fl)-Ann nf Qnulrnfnhnunan nnnnltyn Alex. Moore has sold his store where, 6 Dane: pubauabxuu HIV luau Ul tlplll-_ Bert Gordon of Saskatchewan spent a few days in town last week visiting some of his old acquaintances. 'DLI:n nil}: AF gov-ruin unnni a fan: Hora. IIS mu` uuquzuuuuiwca. Philip Hilts of Sarnia spent a few days- [PERSONAL KER RIDG E-BON.NEY LOCAL NEWS AZEIAHR--L0VE cunnuasj knes in salve THE BARRIE `EXAMINER Pagg Thirteen 22, I933. . 73,` 0c yd. . wide, 0c yd." liresses, "in Canada, i ale. Over 17 75 for 25 milies in Can- nter for cold mdition being results. The these Aenthusi- H I prices Colors manufactur- ouo 1 /`___ `$1.55 VICKS 25c l0c_ For erection of a school building in Union School Sections Nos. 10 and 12, West Gwillimbury and Tecum- seth, will be received up ,to the 20th day of April, 1923, by Secretary of School Board, Robt. Leeson, Brad- ford, R. R. 2. 'Plans"-and specica- tions may be seen at home of Secre- tary, north half lot 24, con. 10, Te- cumseth. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. - 12-14c uaRMm"M;Tj"abMpso~ l'5ED'l'll.'IA'I'El\ , e Relief, to Lady. 5 McGill St., st fall I had ronchitis. 1. vertised and irections. I out your Val- 21 most p1eas~ for_any kind keep it in the "'""" (':ElR-'F'Ic;1"'E"IJv"- "}" Embalmer & Funeral Director` THORNTON, ONT. FOR SALFr~'Boudoir lamps, old ivory fin- ' ish, reg. $8.00, for $6.00; Sovereign irons, reg, $6.00, for $5.20; Hotpoint irons, reg. ' $7.00, for $6.25; toaster stoves, reg. $2.00, for $1.50; 2-burner Hot plate, nickel-plated finish, reg. $24.80, for $19.95; No. 7614- 2475 3-rod semi-indirect unit, gold finish, made of best qualities Monax glass, tinted brown with etched design around top of section, reg. $24.25,`for $15.95; No, 10530 three-light shower, in. bronze and gold fin- ish. fancy embossed body, with canopy to match, 14-in., spread drops 35-in., rich goldenirridescent glass `shades. reg, $21.50, for $15.25; No. 130430 three-light shower, brush brass finish, 4}-in. canopy. 12-in. spread, drop 32-in., with pressed crystal glass shades, reg. $8.00, for 85.95; No. '6 6076," length 16 in., spread 12 `in., four lights. old gold finish, with shades, reg. } $28.25, for $19.95; Gripall Beaver .iron plugs, reg. 75c for 39c; attached iron plugs, ` reg. 50c. for 28c; attachment plugs, reg. 35c, for 19c; fuse plugs, any size -up to 30' ` amps... 4 for 25c; double sockets, reg. 75c, for 49c.; 2% in. shade holders,4 for 30c; Westinghouse fan, 6-in. blade, reg. $14.00, for $9.99: Polar Cub fan, 6 in. blade, reg. `$10, for $7.95; Little Ben Cadillac vacu um cleanerlwith standard set of attach- ments, reg. $69.50. for $59.95; fixtures and lamps delivered on approval, and free demonstration will be given in your home with vacuum cleaner. __Many of the above articles have been marked down to below cost. After present stock is "disposed of there will be no` more at above prices, so get your order in quick and avoid disap-' pointment; also anyone wanting an elec- tric range or washing machine, better see me before you buy, as I have a very inter- esting proposition to make you. Anything you may want that is not listed above: if. 5 it is in the electric line I, can get it for you. Telephone orders received between 12.30 and 1.30 noon -and Letween 6.30 and 7.45 p.m. J. W. Bishop, Electrical Deal- er 6: Contractor, phone 285. _P.0. Box~633. Barrie, Ont.` . i _ 8-10c. THURSDAY, V MARCH 22, i923. TU -CU tn-C Opp. Wellington I-Etc! Healthiest place in `town. Absolutely best ventilation. Choicestfood. Best `cooking. Come and t;'y_ it. 51-_26pA iiriii bvr; General Merchant GRAIN . SEED .. c_oAL lien! Estate - Mbney to Loan . _ 1.24).- -j 181 Torontd St., Barrie Estimates furnished F Good work at reasonable prices r ' Sugar ~. . . C. . .. main; Soap, 13 cakes, 6 Castile, $1.00 Nails, keg of 100 lbs. . ._ $5.90 For A HAPPY HOME USE FlSHER S GOLD MEDAL, T STAR, AND WHITE FLAKE FLOUR-- "CD Ill DCIIVV ' chest colds. warm flannel leases vapors ght long into enthol, Cam- us and Tur- lso absorbed the skin,-aid- e congestion. e night and lieved in 15 r throat and L A. KIRKPATRICK HORSE OR MOTOR EQUIPMENT Phone: Ivy-Thornton ` THE F ISHERLFLOUR MILLS, LIMITED SEALED moans ELECTRICAL GOODS .,... lV__ _.-_. c. w.L ROBINSON 75% of the people in town today are using it. Why not the rest? Ask your grocer to supply `you with Fish- er s Flour. _lf he has none in stocl<,- phone our retail department and it will be promptly delivered. _ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Phone No. 155" 1g, 35 . . 25c )r April . 15c Established I849 Bhme 698 March 20.--'l`he Women's Institute met at `the home of Mrs. Metcalfeon Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Todd, Dominion President, gave a fine address on Builders." Every woman and girl `a builder, of character, rms and community life andof national ie. ~ A_ nm-1 _ - .- n . .' -. vuuwu, run: usulca wruuuig Dy u_ new pomw. - Next'Friday evening, March 23, the President of the Club,. the `Rev. G. H. Knighton, will give a lecture Sky Pilot- " ing on the Prairie." There will also be music and other program. Do not fail to come. Every one welcome at 8 p.m. (From Another Correspondent) Your correspondent is sorry "to report that H; Partridgeis again bedfast with an attack of pleuriay. A lnv-an nlnnknw oi-fnnnhul Irlus mnnu:nau an`n C ISM W917: ` The bright, warm weather of Sunday` brought; many out to church where Rev. G. H.`Kp1ghton delivered an eloquent ser~ lmon, Inspired by the day_ I M;IlR vnru rlnrnnrn uieitntl 'n0- nnbnfnx.-n. {I150 , On Friday evening the debate, Resolved That nwomen have more sense than men," was given in the school room of the church, the ladies winning by av few points. Nnxt ' Frirlnv nvnnino Mnrnh `)2 Hm an/vulva In In nu . I A large rlIJux;bexy' attended the Fleming sale ` last week. T rm._ L..:__LL W. , .. . .-. . IIIUII, lPlll`l| U LUU U . I M135 Vera Gilmore visited at Cookstowni recently. _'I I hm:..l-u Alana at {`Lu.....1..:Il ..:..:4....l l.'..:.....I.. ' lllcblyvltllilllllt Nelson of Churchill visited friendll here. - V _ 1 \K:....D..L n........ .......a. Q-.._J..-- _.:.L Il:__ .7"i'11u'sl 15, 25c --between school and home. \1ul/Ill-7 l`|lII\- 5 . Miss Florence Hastings favored the meet- ing with several instrumental selections. Mrs, Ansdell s ap_er' on Fostering a Com- munity Spirit" was well worth hearing. Mrs. Ansdell thought the greatest need of ` the farxiiert wife is to realize that she is; the chief actor in the rural comrnunity;| that as mother, companion and home maker! her influence. comradeshipand the atmos-! phere she carries with her are of more im-`, portaace than the cooking of meals and the`; darning "of stockings. Mrs. J. D. Gilchristi gave]awell prepared paper on Resolved: that one member of each rural Board of School Trustees should be a Woman.`-' A} few of Mrs. Gilchrist s reasons are: A wo-} man has keener intellect and a better de-s veloped insight into character than have} men`. A woman trustee would understandi home conditions and work for eo-ope1-ation ` 4 D. ...II .....- ..-......_..I_.I L- L_. L.....-.. Wi'ss i3eth Drury pent Sunday with Tessie McLean. . ` A l......_ ._......L__. _-.___' .-_--,_; 4.; AL, 17. ' L veal: llillullc I A large number were present at the You-.' `Go-I-Go Club on Thursday evening to hear, the very interesting. debate on Resolved; that-women have more sense than men."I The disjcussion proved very -amusing`, the! audience being kept in continual laughter,= as each side endeavoured to show the non-5 sense prevalent in the opposite sex, there-E by proving a lack of sense in the one that ; he or. she was not championing. The de- ; haters on the -affirmativesside were Misses the negative side, Messrs. Drury, Partridge, Dunsmore and Chapelle, The judges, Mr-L; lantelon, Mrs. Cantelon, and Miss V, Gil-3 lmore. brought in a decision in favour of; the affirmative. - . ! l'Rix, Chapelle. McLean and Caldwell. On TheA March me'eting of the 'Won1eh s In-E stitute was held at the home of Mrs. Wm.f Campbell on Thursday. 15th, with seventeen _ladies present.- It was unanimously decided` that the Institute buy two shares in thej Guthrie rink. ' IE1..- L`l..-.__...- Y!'....L!_..__ L._.-._,'_l LL- ._.,-L I March 20.-vWedding bells are ringing. ' Mrs. S. Corbett is home after spending? the winter in Toronto. A'- T I vNewton Besse also is home again. _ ' Mrs_ T. E. Ross, who has spent the" lastx two weeks in Ottawa. returned on Sntur-| ' i r1......o Av\ul`A" :.\+.....L. ....:.... \xr.._.+ ....: uaj 0 ' Wgdncsday. l\_.4|__!, Grant Ansdell intends going [West |...-. J, "IJUDVVUCII BUIIUUI auu IIUIIIC, Roll call was responded to by "a humor; ous story. - - Mnvf n1nnI':r\n'ny' kn Holt` air Moo I 1'} UUB LSUUIJ n Next meetingwill he held at Mrs. J. D. 1 Gilchrist's on April 12 when a. debate will` be given by six of the younger members, if - the` girls to choose their own subject. 3 l 'rl\n n1nnf:nn nlnanI' 117:9 `fhn nnf;nnul an, I LIIU 51115 UU UIIUUPU IIIULI UWII 5uUJCU" 1 The meeting closed with the national an- `V them after` which dainty refreshments were? :~`er\'ed. _ _ v,Ma1'(;h l9.--Mr. -McKezi'e of Aylmcr has; been visiting "at the home of Thus. Stokes during the past. few days. 'I`l-no knrpn unuy ' kna nl-nvvfnrl Qkn nI\I'|lInl . i I OS. 35, `VUUIIII3 qgaul. _ I About`sixt.y persons attended the-W, I.` parlor social at the home of Ge-.o.'John-Q ston last Friday evening. A good _time is; reported. _ - - , Wrap` MnauIrn I-um annnrnri tho u.:nn\1 nf. uuuug DHC PCIEII ICW UI_VL`- The buzz saw'has started` the annual! rounds again. | AknI1f`n:vfI1 nnrannn utfnv.-|r`nrl I-"In `X1 1 1 lVc}i"xfgt`i1`ll'\4aguire has secured `the aency of the E. D. Smith Co. pf Winona. - ` 7 I 1' `II? A....._A.__..__. _.. _..__.J:__ ,. I..." ,J,_-.,.l IIIIU "I L . Dlllllul-I \.lUo Ul VV JLIUIIII. 1 L. W_ Armstzrong` IS spending a few days in Toronto this week. ' mL_ I___I-.-.. L..-.,. ..J..-....l LL- t`Il........:..... HI LUIUIILU LUIS WUUl\u The hockey boys played the Clearviewl team at Stayner last Tuesday night. The. result was a tie, 3-3. The boys `speak very. highly of the courtesy. of Mr. Seymour, the: hotel proprietor, and also of the rink man-< ager, who `gave the boys first-class accom-T` I modation. ' I\.-:L_ .. _-._.L.... -l .........l... ...................:...J 4.1-... I HIULRIHUII. ' l Quite a number of sports accompanied the - team to the game with 01-0 Station at Bar-i rie last Friday night and -"report a good` game. The Ora boys play a clean game and prove" themselves able to take defeat like` men; . . M 'l'.`|-.LL....! .... . 1.. L....I..... -3-..I.... Ln..- 3:. klI,| HIGH. \ . Enthusiasm in hockey circles here is be-' coming strong for the building of -a new! -rink, the present structure being too small,` The ice space is only 40xI20 and too small` for good hockey. The proposition is to: build a" steel rink about 6(lx160 ft, This would allow our club to go into the O.H.A. . for which there appears to be plenty of i material at present.` ` March 20.----Miss Erland Watson hash re~ turned home after spending a. fortnight with her sister, A1-dell, whovis teaching at West` Gravenhurst. ` ' ' D. McLean spent Sunday, at Jarrat,t.C Miss Bertha Jory has gone to Barrie for a while. - ' '15.... ll Ll TlI..lI...... A4` Y1.....,.lu Aknnnbo L a H. Walker of. Lincoln, Nebraska, l U.S., spent .a few days last week with llu.-1` -sister-in-law, Mrs. A. Watson. H Bertram is ill with pneumonia. - ` Font Watson is not recovering from his` recent illness as well as his friends would wish. . V ` 11.... `It... ....s.........l L........ C.-. ..:ao:m- WISH. Mrs. Kay returned home from visiting `with her daughter, Mrs. J. Spence. Dc 3 jar. Fot :e._write Vick Paul St. West, Match 19.---Oro Hockey.t;aTn.;;layed Min- esiug team at Barrie Friday night. The score was_six to one in favor of Minesing. I ? DA ..l.:.......I - ......l.....l ..l".mIwnA a4-nab Score WISH SIX DU UIIC JH HIVUF Ul llllxlllgn U.F.O. Shipped a carload _of mixed stock, Saturday.` . A M. curl Mm Jnvnoa T.nin}|'.u hnhv who numuy. Mr, and Mrs. James Leigh's baby, who has -been under the doctor's care, is im- proving nicely. Miss Jean MacLelland returned to Oril- lia last week. Il2_- IVLILIJL 1.` 'l`......-`Ln :n 1y:n:6:nn man us last, weex. Miss Chibbit of Toronto is visiting Miss V Mae Ellson. ' -.. `(:i`:at'hrie Women's Institute _`R_O:N 5111- " PR9 T.A"."N., MINESING GUTHRIE 1?..A|-.$.T Y. `reg. ` $1.93 I f urn.--a. u. Duuu. _ nu: - . I Major G. R. Rodgers has donated a sil-i gver cup to the B._C.I. cadets, to be awarded} -Rannually to the commander of the best 3 ;_'drilled platoon. 1 Mnvb Rlnnrluu anti \K7ntlnncrIuv nrufnrinnlv 7 I urlueu IJIHLUUII, _ g j Next Monday and Wednesday orutoricali `contests will be held in the B.C.I. assembly`, ;hall, seven"sI;udents, speaking each night? !The public is invited. R. `D-manna knf nrnca knna fnr nnnd prill\' o_Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gallie are visiting in Toronto. m 15 In n|--I_ 1.-- .L--_. -|_-;_.: _,__:J__;5 AU, In 0116 `(ICED Ul LVllo UV. ('1: JJUVVC. i Mm. Albert Lennox of Szratford has beef1' spendixig a week wi h Barrie friends. 1 W F gfnnn man in Rnn nod nu` liar... V W. F. Stone was in Bond Head on` Mon-- day, attending the funeral of his sister, M1-s. Geo. Brooks. 1 u....... n...;...... 1...... ..............u .. -_..:.:....` .3 Clllllll D WCCR WI ll IJHl'llUVll'|Cl.lUD. ` I . 8 . I Ill l.UIUul4Uo T. R. W. Black has `been elected presidentf of the Oakwood Club,TTo1-onto. - MI-a nan Qnolua A` Mnnfaibh nun (Int-an `All UNIV UGAWUUU \Jl\IU" LUlUll|vUn Mrs. Geo. Scace of Monteith, New Ontar- io, ia the guest of Mrs. W. A. Lowe. _ M11: Alhnrf Ynnnnv nf Qtpnffnrtl Hua Iuuan ucu. u; U . 1 Harry 5rson has accepted a position? atjthe head office of the Canada Life As-; surance C0,, Toronto. ' 5 More I` D T 111...}. AC 'I`n.-nun. mn- IBLIIIIIIUC UV. I-Ul'UlIl'Uo : Mrs. T. R. W. Black of Toronto was; the guest of Mrs. Oliver Cameron, Collir `St., during thepast week. M . 1 Mi ant` Mun Trlunudn W:Il:nm. Lanai '96:, Vllallllls UIIU 1.1531! WCV!\q 1 Mr. and Mrs. Truman Williams have; come to reside in Barrie. Mr. Williams has` -sold his drug -business at Powassan. l_ ` The marriage of Mrs. A, R. Braden, Wor-.` sley St-., to Mr. Matthew Robertson, Jane .St._. took place in Toronto, yesterday. , J. L. Kennedy of Sault Ste. Marie w:1s= a visitor in town for a few days last week.) ,Mr. Kennedy was a resident of Barrie 15` years ago. ` i `lion-nil (191117 A` (`rung nnnnnnnnu {Jun of