Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Feb 1923, p. 4

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sale. `1'z}}{i{u [Marko '.f}-'hrt .`\'(en-1'( iights. 1m]; : zellzu ood Brill `m:;.`..f ';1ll IS nice ]( FULL LINE or FEEDS ALWAYS on L HAND Uh modi: xvii] be vollzxr Am` , ,'W' ' IR. 514 I . -full fruited, generously gifilied loaf "with a_ real ` ~ raisin avor. V Every Bite :1 Delight F 24-tb bag,_$1.20. Tl 49-rb bag,f$2.20 V 98-tb bag, $4.20 E Barrel . . . $8.20 Delivered 'j,t) our wagons and at all ; 7 stores. A. HENRY mm; MAN FIVE ROSES FLOUR 3-c.p. Carbon; to 300 watt Nitrogen Lamps . hubturj your-`run -wan --wt-cw geveral Houses for Rent comma mass mess on Rent-An A-1 "F arm - If _S_tores fgr The Executors of the estate of the late I Hiram Conn are offering for sale the East hall` of Lot. Number Eight, in the Fifth Con- cession, Township of Essa, and will receive tenders for same up to Fimt of March. 1923, such tenders to be sent to their Solicitors, Bell & McLean. Alliston, Ontario. The i'9.nn contains 100 acres more or less of which 7 or 8 acres is good mixed bush. About 45 acres is under cultivation and is nice, loamy soil. This farm is well watered and is an ideal farm for cattle as well as for ctiltivaf-ion. A A .I.`l..-.,.,.. ...,__..__l_.. L- FEED STORE BRETT S FARM FOR SALE BAYFIELD Si`. H. A. HENRY SOLD A1` 10 [BELL & McLEAN. . Alliston, Ontario. it Renfrew Council has been wrest-V ` ling with the problem of garbage re- moval. After a lengthy discussion at its last meeting, the co.uncilap- pointed a committee to go into the question with the Board `of Health. Action alongthis line should be taken by the Barrie council. The very de- cided negative given to the `proposi- tion _submitted at the municipal el- ections was not a verdict as to the desirability of having a system of garbage removal. It was an expres- sion. of opinion against paying the price that last year's council saw't to attach to the proposal. Public 4 health demands a proper system of . garbage collection and disposal. Last;i year the matter was taken up `too 1 late in-theyear for the subject to 2 receive proper consideration.` With 1 a view to placing, exact information 1 before the ratepayers, the council ;: should without further delay proceed i to collect data fromother towns, de- c cide on what is the best method of t F It is well that the Town Council } has seen fit to consider the jitney \|regulations, and the proper time to. do this is beforethe licenses are re- newed. Whether they are justified or not, many complaints are heard as to the service and the manner in which the jitneys are driven, `though recently there have been fewer on the latter score. .Before dealing with _ the matter it might be well for the I: Council to invite all persons having!` complaints to lay them before the ' committee. In thisway they would 3 ascertain what the complaints a- ` mount to. Any person who would not take the trouble to voice his complaint when called upon deserves I very little consideration. Whatever 1 be the outcome of the [Council's en- ` quiry those operating jitneys should!` bear in mind that unsatisfactory ser-I` V 1 i ( E 4: vice might veryeasily cause an agi- tation, for the Town to go into the iitney business and run it as a public utility. - ... .,,,....,,,-.... ..-.._...,....., w.._, -....~ venience; large `grounds. . At '$3500--Six choice homes. At $3700-One of the best located `homes in Barrie; garage, barn and large garden. ` Remember, these are oply a few; I have over 100 town pioperties and -as many farms, Come in and talk over your Real Estate problems ...:i.|.. ..... `The amendment to the Municipal! > Act giving votes to'wives of owners g and tenants, besides placing upon the "municipalities extra costs for prepar- e ation and printing of the lists, im- poses a further expense in the way of additional polls. In the towns, where the names `on the list in _any sub- division exceeded 200 an additional poll must be provided; in the rural parts the same applies where the voters listed number over 300 in a ` subdivision. With a list nearly doub- led. the extra expense for additional . polls will be no smallitem. ` In 1922 poll taxes paid" in the town of Barrie amounted to only `about $500. It does not seem possible that there are in Barrie only 100 men be- tween the ages of 21 and 60 who are not assessed'for general taxes. If the} assessor, going his rounds, reportedl once a month the names of persons liable for pol1"tax, and immediate use of this information were made by the police, the tax` receipts should show more `money from this source. 1 Treasurer Quinlan s -- statement shows an expenditure, of $5455 in connection with the county jail` in 1922, This being the case,. why] should the county council pay $50. to engage extra help for clearing; away snow and ice around the court} house when there were a dozen able-' bodied prisoners in the jail? If the `County Property committee is an- lxious to economize, it should use jail `labor for all such extra work. . ` .In the opinion of the Torontoll Globe, it is inconsistent that -at young woman who is qualied to vote in parliamentary elections should be held ineligible to take part in local! affairs. Why so? Why should thosei who have no interest in property and`. pay no_ taxes be entitled to have a` share in electing municipal bodies that control expenditures? ` U If the Attorney-General bythe! bill, now before the Legislature, to prohibit the publishing of. informa- tion"calcu1ated to assist handbook- ing, can accomplish what is aimed` at he will give a death blow to :1! method of gambling more -banefuli !than the betting done at race tracks.` The total cost of the Gregory Co'm- I mission to date is given as $205,- 076.89 in salaries and $23,814.33 in disbursements. The total'staff is four. Judging by the reports in the newspapers, the province is getting` very small returns for the expendi- ture. ` .---e _0ne Irishsenator has resigned his seat in preference to having his house burned over his head. He can hardly be` blamed for thus proving his desire for a quiet life. | ' Cushioned seats for school chil- dren, advancd as a preventive for spine curvature, are properly ridic- uled by doctors other than thoe of the osteopathic creed. It is an age of fads that appear to have no reas- onable `bounds. A (Continued from page one) The excitement, among the fans was intense when the players stepped on the ice for the final period, but git soon died away when it was seen that Collingjwood had the upper hand and began to score without any trouble. Clark sustained a bleeding nose when he and Emma figured in ;a collision. `He, however, remained in the game. Armstrong took the disc from one end of the ice to th other unassisted, but iailed to get 'BARRIE ouwscomso { BY coumcwooo Clnrluoil House Block." Phone 31W 1}i'3'o1 `Q ; a3{I3}23F"1e"$x}. Court of Canada, together with the gift of Knighthood from the Sov- V ereign, came as a well-earned recog- nition of along and honorable ser- vice in public'- life, unstained, as Parkman said of Champlain, by the slightest abuse of his trus . Sir Louis is also`, as may be imagined, a man of many talents, adorning the bench as he once did the bar and a `Cabinet portfolio.- Ayuuyn vu yuunlv DUI Il\-WE: no IIIUIIIIJCJ. U1. la legislature and the House of Com- mons. His advancement, thexfefore, in 1001 an n s'u.l..... -4.` `L- 0.............. The name of Louis Henry Davies will be recalled by most readers, of an older generation, as a member of Sir Wi1fred Laurier s Cabinet in 1896, as Ministervof Marine and Fisheries, and as a prominent and active member of that somewhat famous group of statesmen, or pol- itical leaders, if the lesser title is preferred. While serving in that capacity, Mr; Davies undertook many , diplomatic and political missions for M his country and government that are mere echoes now of past controver- sies, such as the Behring Sea seal 'dispute and discussions at Washing- ton concerning the perennial ques- T tions of sheries and reciprocal trade. But he had achievedsdistinction ere `this in `the narrower but equally im- portant position of Premier of Can- ada s smallest province, Prince Ed- ward Island, where he was born in 1845 and which he_still regards as his real home--especially in the sum- mer. " For nearly thirty years, this distinguished son of The Island [rendered public service. as member of .. 'l......'..1..a....... ......l 4.1.- 11---..- -2 r1-_.- / I 1 i i 1 H A Walkerton Telescope: They say tis an ill wind, etc. Last week we were a day _late `in publishing the paper, owing to the grippe epidemic. As a result quite a number of readers came in and paid their subscriptions, thinking we had chopped their names off our list. The non-appearance of `the paper also served as agentle r'e-_ `minder to others and asa result the; isubscriptionsrenewals for the week were double those of the correspond- ing` week last year. ' Back tome Spelling Match Toronto Telegram: Spelling match- es would help the Toronto public school pupils more than almost any other variety of contest, Toronto's leading citizens include many a man who can trace his accuracy as a spell- er back to the match inwhich he iwentto his seat after the display of] la condent belief that Camphor iwas spelled c-a-m-f-i-r-e. l Give the. News Uncolofed .` Welland Telegraph: No paper is` lbig enough or strong enough to play `ducks and` drakes with the news of the day. The chief asset of a news-. `paper is reliability. If , it barters {that for personal , party or political lreavsoris, it has bartered everything. is thesubject of sharp criticism by the Walkerton Telescope, which a points out numerous glaring] inaccur- acies. Of the men who compiled this text book, the Telescope says: One of the`; authors acquiredhis familiar- ity with the teaching of public school geography by serving` as Greek Mas- ter in. a High School. So far as we can learn, he has never seen the in- side of a Public School since his ear- T ly youth. His collaborator prepared himself for the authorship of the geography. book by teaching English in a Winnipeg High School thirty- ve years ago. That these `gentle- men made a-few hundred mistakes in their book is surely not to be won- dered at. They have produced the kind ofbook youwould expect them to produce. These gentlemen are no _ doubt nice fellows and close friends of the officials who had the handing` out of the contract.` And they werel `no doubt paid a snug,sum for their work. And now their book is the geographical authority for the child- ren -of the Province. Heaven help ithe children ! - |- The. new Public SchoolGeography' gmmmwmwwmmmmmmmgg ig AMONG EXCHANGES M M f3ammw$mw&a$maam$: One Case Where Flu I-Ivelped III \i\IIl>| V ClrI'lUII . Address inquiries to '7`:-II ouk CANADIAN WHO'S wuo sm LOUIS .1-I. mvuzs DEVLIN S- --q ' ' A false alarm gave the re depart- ment a run to_ the residence of Nd Myers, 83 Collier St., Saturday af- ternoon. On Sunday the department Iresponded to two chimney res, the rst at nine o clock to 41 `Charlotte St., and at 12.05 o clock to 60 Mul- caster St. The damage was small tn. both cases. - lv Bz;rrie--C?oal, Tuck; defence; Keeley and Bertram; centre, Arm- strong; wings, Powell and Cooper; subs.. Vair and Emma. I `D...|.`.__.-- x7 :1 IV 1 n A .n. suns. Ian; allu xuluua. Referee, N. C. Cook of Orillia. A SALE THAT Hrrs THE Buws ms or THE BIGGEST VALUES Friday, Saturday and Monday DEV'-'N 5"`"' 3 Bargain Days At $2000--A real good house on a large lot. V At $2600-Good brick house with conveniences; a `real good buy. Terms to suit. ' I At $150(L-Comfortable cottage, A-1 condition; easy terms. At $3600-A'n A-1.`home; every con- .......-A...... . I......... ............I.. FOR THE SMALLEST PRICES hates, ,3-p-lgts. ' Lemons, dozen . .. 30 Clark : Tomato Soup. llcb Clatk s Chicken Soup 19c l)0MlNION STORES, Limited Ei3`3.5s. . . . . wuma SATIN FLOUR -2411. 39c PURE CANE SUGAR -1o lbi. 39 Soa Biscuits, . 15c Sirtx jnurvwunvvy --v 0 u n nurw Fresh and crisp. ' Arrowroot: Biscuits . 29 Ginger Crisp . . 15 D. S. L. Powder I-L 1l\ All our lamps are fully guaranteed. We will re- place any lamps that are not satisfactory.. wra DELIVER ORDERS OF $10.00 OR OVER CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS . nvv vuwn -- '19.: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1923 Back Bacon, Tb . . . . Breakfast Bacon, Tb . Spratt s Dog Biscuit, Perfection Flow :- A ;Pure Strawberry orRap- [ blTYJa.m, 4-lb. tin74c ; BREAD . . 15c LOAF Soap.FIakes . . . 2 lbs. 27 Princess Soap Flakes, 19 Seal Brand Coffee Tb 55c Eulk Coffee, 15 . . . _39c OIIII III! -I-I-I-0!-. .;;iari;:i;;a =r'ea; `us ;-.3; l!l\__ W. URRY ?li-$1-1.1.ello T;a,_ E, 47c 37c Tn 1.I~:'i PAR7 EDISON Mazda Lamps -A; 4;] St `."(-n-H Exclusl N01 PAR1 THU! shed, cardv locath `rent. Offi Phofxes. ELIZABETH s1`. Phone 65w, Eve. 885

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