Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Feb 1923, p. 12

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333$ f'rown`slocldnga` should never be ironed as the heat of the iron spoils the color, cousin; In ugly yellow tint. The ofcers expressed deep regret over the deaths of Col, McPhee and Col. Ward which occurred last year, and instructions were "given the Commanding Officer and Majors Benoliel and McLean to draft a letter of condolence to the relatives of the deceased officers. VVWUBO 4-9p nuvuuwge 01 um; training. ; i The Commanding Officer is hereby authorized to communicate with headquart- ers with 3 View to having the camp of 1923`such a time, having in view the days of the departmental examinations, as will give thtisa young men an opportunity to attondth annual training." A rnL._ `_:n._u- ,_I I vuc uuuuxu ynzuuug camp. a And whereas the officers here assembled deem itaof great importance both to the cadet corps connected with these institutions and also to the local militia come that every opportunity be `given them to take advantage of this training. `'l"`lm r'4-non nntun nu` f`C`Lu;- :n Lgggl... l--- ...... -.:.\.... nu... urrvuullua. uuu. If_ it is found expedient the members lutged that the Regiment hold a military ball during the spring. The resident of- ficers of Barrie were appointed as a com- mittee to discuss plans for the event. , The following resolution was adopted: `. Whereas in past years a number of the Senior High School boys throughout the County have expressed a desire to attend [the annual training camp. And urhm-one u: nffinm-a lung ..m.....l.I...I ----- I The annual meeting of the. officers of the 9 Simcoe Foresters was heid in the rooms [-`of the Barrie Club, last Friday, with thir- fven present. Following the business ses- sion the members adjourned to Vair`s restaurant where the remainder of the even- ing was spent with speeches. etc. I I n ! I | i I 7 TE :4 1., I,.,,, I 7 I` I IANNUAL MEETING OF 1 g SIMCOE FORESTERS} u-. ' FOR SALE`r~-~Ba_v driving mare. weightl about 1050. TM: is a realbdriver. Price] reasonable. Phone Stroud 6r21. 2-5p v I W. C. Senior, aii earnest and elo-l quent layman` from Toronto. will` preach in the Barrie Baptist Church next Sunday. Morning subject, The Seed Corn of the Spiritual Revival; i evening subject, Profit and Loss! 1 He will also conduct special meetings, on Monday and Tuesday, beginning; `at 8 p.m. - ` I ~ '-- - I Fire starting from gasoline spilled} `on the oor gave the re department; a runcto Marshall's garage, Essa St.,] at eleven o'clock, Friday morning.` Garage employeesremoved the motor; `cars to safety. The re department! extinguished the blaze with chemi-i cals. -The damage was slight. _ `In appreciation of the work of their rector, Canon H. J. Cody, D.D.,l St. Paul's Church, Bloor St. E., 'ro-| ronto, at its eighty-rst annual`ves~ gtry meeting,-' held this week, unan-i |imously resolved to express their es-E {teem by the installation of an eastern 'transept or rose window in the church. A ' [ vvv A on r 1JvvvuLo ' 1 `Provincial Officer W. Rich was in` Midland on Wednesday assistingl (Chief of Police Wright in an attempt: {to locate the unknown man who har-I 'bors designs on the life of J. P. Wat-i_ son, a wealthy Toronto mining man.i jTheir search of the swamps proved: .fruitl'ess, however. - 5 I .. The first of `the telephone demon- `strations being given locally was held! `in St. Mary's Parish Hall last night`; [and proved of Very great interest,` "Those interested in the telephone shoultlnot fail to see some of them. v -g . -5... u \JlAuIA\.llo Harvey Barnes,'charged with ob- taining groceries fraudulently from} vBarrie merchants_.. was allowed his! `freedom on suspended sentence lasti Saturday. Restitution to the amount, of $85 was made by his mother. i n . JIIJO ZUUII J ---Don t vt<`>1'.get the tea and sale of i `homemade baking,` Trinity Parish [Hal], 3 to 6, Saturday, Feb. 3. 5c' ! The funeral of the late Malcolm} ]MacLean, son of Rev. L.-MacLean,' lwill be held on Friday from his fa-E Ither s residence in Bradford, at 1, p.m., for Sixth Line Cemetery, In-' inisl. V` . u i -_ Frank Dutcher presided at St. An-.! `drew s organ last Sunday in the ab- !sence, of Mr. Hardy,`who was laid_ `up with tonsilitis. Miss Maydee Mc-`i AAuley took the organ in Central fChurch.V 5 _ i rs , ,, -_~- v..- -..-....._u Va. uJ|llI\a\l\r .\J\Iu[ I The funeral` was held this after-E [noon of Miss Lulu A. Partridge, whog died at Dalston on Jan. 30, after a gbrief illness. Miss Partridge was in lher 28th year. ] n); -B........L LL- 1__, N 1 , _..--- '-_5v 1 um-nvvc I The additional chafge of $1.00 on the cost of 1923 automobile markers` will take over $6000 `out of the poc-I kets of the car-owners of Simcoe Co. III` 10 ' AT 7n{:n1;;";f eases are scheduied. to come before the Division Court, which opens in the Court House on Feb. 6 before Judge Vance. (`()W, 5 years old. for sale, due _Feb. 10. Apply at Examiner Office. 5p[ I ' Ill. vsolll-Ila ELI G1 Illa -Tea andsale of homemade bak-I ing from 3 to 6 in Trinity Parish Hall, Saturday, Feb. _3. _ Sci --Enjoy merry dancing at Aquat- ic Club s'_winter regatta on St. Val-l entine s night, Wednesday, Feb. 14. ISee posters. 5c I The Hon. E. C. Drury has donated a silver cup to be won in competition `in debate by the various Farmers lClubs of Halton County. a E 10. ' V "7"" ` "51 "Mrs. A. Kelland, Sanford St., fell on the street, Wednesday afternoon, breaking an arm. WV ... .....`l .._1- _B `V ` ' ` I -A fancy dress carnival will be lheld at Guthrie rink, Saturday, Feb. I m. - -T '- -vv--- I--III: ' * W . . E E -Ads. m the oolum . 3c.,V per word wmmmmmmmm mmmmmm pg -nun. xu uuu IUll.lIlll]_. oc__. per word &&&&&&mm&%&m&&m& gmwiwwxwggiwxwwgj THE BARRIE EXAMINER , A, , COXWORTH---In loving memo:-y'of John Ooxworth, who died Jan. 27. 1915. You are not forgotten, dear father, Nor ever will you be. As long as life` and niejnoty last We will _remember thee. M. Brown and family to express` their sincere thanks to the many friends .who_ so kindly offered assistance. and for the many expressions of sympathy during their recent`~sad bereavement. 5p I 1-----2- ___. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALEr--For infor- mation apply at 170 Elizabeth St. 3-8c - --- - - ---' I HUDSON~-MARLIN--In Barrie, on Wed-E nesday, Jan. 24. 1923, by Rev. A. R. Bev- j , erly, Mrs. Alice Emily Marlin, Barrie, to ' I 1 Robert Edward Hudson, of Toronto. l WORSNOP--TUCK---At Collier St, Meth- f\("lc D.u..-:.. .._ 1....---~_-- 01 - BELL---At lot 15, con. 8. Oro, Caroline Bell. widow of the late Neil Bell, aged seven- ty-eight years. Funeral on Friday at 1 o'clock to Knox Cemetery. CONSTABLE---Suddenly at the home of his niece, Mrs. Frank C, Robinson. Stroud. *. Jan. 20; 1923, John Constable, in his 70th year. ' . JOHNSTON--At Thornton, on Feb, 1, 1923, Flora Madeline, youngest daughter I F of Mrs. M. E. Dut-cher, Barrie, and be- loved wife of `A. L. Johnston. Funeral Saturday. Feb. 3, at 2 pm. to Union Cemetery, Thornton. T32` ' U CRIPPS-~Ip Barrie, on Sunday. January` I 28, 1923, a. son, to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. I Cripps, Penetang St-. ` I FIRMAN~Ih the R.V. Hospital, on Sun-I I day, January 28, 1923; a son (William I Russell) to Mr. and Mrs. George Fir- ; man, Jr.. Allandale. I I I PLAN'I`---In Cookstomi, on Tuesday. Jan. ' 16. 1923. a son to Mr. a nd Mrs. John Plant, Charles St., Barrie, , Anon. I l On the bulletin board of the women'sl [section of the college the lnstructress in I astronomy had posted this notice regarding ; i the evening star: Anyone wishing _to look 3 I I gat Venus. please see me." 3. l , I I !The student `body em~braces n men. I\._. AL, L,,II,;' I I P A recently issued circular of V tional college contained this . 1 '1 \.uuJu \Jl -"J. U uxx-`-`.1L` UUHICIS DI , LVlt`TD- I odiet Parsonage. Barrio, on January 31.` 1923, Miss Olive R. Tuck to Eli Worsnop..`both of Essa, by the Re\`. H. E. Wellwood. B.D. cmqs or-' THANKS THE sruozufs wan: TICKLED Sc_eptic'Best Brass Pins, 200 in paper, reg. . ` price 10c, special . . . . . . . 5c paper Mending Wool in skeihg, black, brown, grey, white and heather, regular price _ 10C, special .' . . . . . . . . . . . 5c skein HOUSE FOR RENT--On Elizabet (hula. M-ahln lmnl......_-.. : ........- 1:-.. Bird s Best Factor): Yam, 2 and 3 ply, r colors black, white, grey and grey and white, price . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 lb. Scotch F ingleringe Yam, ne quzllity, Colors black, grey, cardinal, white and camel, A reg. $1.50, special . . . . . . .. $1.35 lb. You should see it; it s extra value. Dress Goods, brown and green serge,` 52 inches wide, $3.25, special price, $1.00 Plaid Dress Goods, nice assortment colors, 34 ingwide, price was $1.50, clearing` price . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . ; . . . 50 yd. You should not miss seeing these two lines at these small prices. mmMokum? ECONOMY SALE IN HOSIERY SECTION 3 a co-educa- statement: young wo- Interesting news trickles out from all comers of the Hosie/_ry Section. . Wool, Cashmere, Silk and Cotton "Hose are being featured this month {at `reductions that suggest buying ahead for all the family's hosiery requirements. _ _ . Ladies Black, Heather, Brown, Green and Putty Hose, reg. $1.25 and $1.50; sizes 8% to 10, special . .. 98 pr. Girls and Boys Black and Heather Hose, sizes 8V; to 10; this hose is special value at ....` . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 pr. SMALL HOUSE to rent. Apply at Oftice. sub its. r.,, '13. ` 1%. `K 11:. `I; cmmuk aw _ 82` \ N. ` 1 Iv unup B uu`I*ClUWn. H9 dlV'ed in, t] traffic after it, was run _over. and killed. The coroner returned a verdict of "Dean from natural causes." ` - " The'difference1bet-ween an Englishman and vs Scotsman has been dwcribed as fol-; lows: An Englishman loves telling a story a Scotsman t A sco-17.7 NATU nAf3:ATu about some other fellow, and loves` telling` a story about himself. It' is not surprising, therefore, to find Sir Auckland Geddes relating an incident _in which one of his own countrymen figures I as the somewhat doubtful hero. "A Scotsman in the Strand saw a passer- by drop a half-a-cnown. He (lived into the ' it. was run nvnr mg !.:n..: -: , ,,._.._.., ....--uvnnalnlic. LLIU LI-'.|`.':[l` urn 9, sun. 11, innzsru, sale 01 his herd list;-y Division of the E ' . xpenmental Farms of pure-bred and grade H0l3tm COWS at Ottawa, which examines well waters l and dairy equipment _S8l8 3V1 P-m- lfrom farm homesteads, reports that about '3 W. A. McConkey, Auctioneer.` I35 per cent, are found to be unsafe for y jwednesday, February l4.---Erwin Storey. Q;-inking pmp at lot 15, con. 9, Vespf. 587111 83001` and ed. however, that only suspected samples implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mc- are sent in. Of 119 samples dealt with in ,.l Conkey. Auctioneer. 1922, 24 per cent. were found to be pure ,1 Wednesday, Feb.-l4.-John, Campbell, east and wholesome, while the remainder were half lot 8, con. 4, Essa, farm stock and either suspicious or positively dangerous. implements. Sale at 12.30 sharp. H. A. lCare should therefore be exercised. first in Grose. Auctioneer. 9locating the well and, secondly, in seeing Thursday, Feb. l5.'--A-bner Ball, at - lot lthat it is properly protected from contam- l6. con. 1. Vespra. Crown Hill. farmlination. The Dominion Chemist in his an- i stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. inunl report recommends a, spring or pure 1 W. A. cConkey. Auctioneer. `stream `as perhaps the best source of water iFriday. ebruary l6.--Harry Davis, at lot .supply. Water from such a source may be -l 18. con. 9. Essa. farm stock and imple- lnfped to the house and farm buildings mcnts. Sale `at 1 p.m. W. A, McConk- ; by gravitation, if a proper fall can be we- ey, Auctioneen. lcurcd, but otherwise by the aid of a wind- Tuesday, February 20.--G. V. Hickli ' . ' ' ' at lot 22, con. 2, 0m, farm stock and well to be r implements. Sa'e at 1 p.m. W. A. Mc- least fifty yards from the barnyard or other Conkey. Auctioneer. , . Ipossible contaminating source. It is further Tuesday. Feb. 20.--W. H. Meredith. north recommended that`a radius of fifty yards be "\half lot 2. con, 8, Innisfil, farm stock _kept entirely free from all manure and other I and implements. Sale at] p.m. H. A lfiltlland preferably maintained in sod. It Grose. Auctioneer. :will be found of very cous`de"abl> value WednSda.\'.- Fb1'U8r.V 21--J88. F. Ayerst, to line the well to a depth of 10-12 feet north w} of lot 4, con. 4. Innisfil. farm ; am! to a .h?c.kne-as of say 6 inches with con- stock and-implements. Sale at 1 p.m.._crete or puddledcla _ y continuing this wall W.` A. McConkey, Auctioneer. fr-' `W n for a font nbme ground A ~`::fe Thursday, February 22.----D. J. Knapp. at WUDPIY can 11811811) be depended UP lot 1, con. 8. Vespra. high-class pure-bred th_W" l5 b"ed 0? drilled tllwugh 3 la}/`*1 Hereford cattle. registered Clydesdale -0` 1mP`l'Vl3 7001`: t3PPlD8 8 d0P'993t*'d horses, implements, etc. Sale at 1 p.m. 9"l'0 Of W838"?- P. A. Coughlin and w. A. McConlrey, Water that issuspec l Auctioneers. ` _ ' in`!-\~ :2r._-`made safe lur ..:.u..... ..n ..-. l oses. It should be rememberw A YES! I have a job at the 4 99' ' r 8. What do you do?" Milk chocolates/'-_--Missouri 1 Saturday, February l0.~-Robert Addison ` of Strasburg Sask is holding an auction E sale of 19 gbod horses in Marrirfs yards, . Barrie. See ad. for particulars. Sale} I at 1 p.m. W. A. McConkey, auctioneer. I ;:Monday, February 12.---Frank Fawcctt-, at} ; lot 2, con. 14, Innisfil, sale of his herd` i of nun-_.hrpd nml m-ea- n-|....:.. _-., CREDIT SALES _, ,..,....., uuc vest of 16.--l-larry Dans, at lot mav a. imple- builciixngs ~ ' icurcd, otherwise hu Hm ..:.I At - ` ' ... nn f1 1- u.. . _. Men s Home-Knit Wool Mitts, special price .. . . . . . . . .. $1.00 pair Hanson All Sox, special value . . . . ;..;...5_0c, 65, or2pairsfor$1.25 cmz. FARM LANDS. You caninowl own your own farm home in Western Cana- ] da'H rich open prairies. fertile park belts.; or irrignterl land;-s that are} yielding new wenhh to men who. not so long ago. mayl have been your unsatisfied. toiling neigh-I burs. Good soil. good climate. good schools, t churchc-'. and varied amuseinents make farm life there desirable and attractive. Terms 10?/r. cash, the balance in twenty years. Special terms to actual settlers. For infornmtion and literature, apply to C. L, Notwood, Land Agent. Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Windsor Station, Mon-l treat. - ` V5-13 l Excelsior Scissors Sharpeners, sharp, 100 t0v20() scissors sharpened for` . . . . 25c Black Linen Thread,Js(c::1rce goods, special . . . . . . . . . . . ..3skeinsfor5c Castile Soap, speciT. . . 5c, or 7 for 25 Darning Needles, sizes 12, 14, 16, reg. 10c, special price . . . . . . . . . 5c paper Coates .-Thread, Nos. 10 to 150 white and N05 . 10 to 60-black, 200 yds., special . . . . . . .5............_8c,2for 15 Sharpe s Best Ecc.-Eyed Neeciles, size 6 only, reg.A10c, special price . 5c confection- Showme. ""$:n `I .....-u p 3, Shopwhere you're invited to Show FRUIT FARM FOR SALE. three miles from Barrie, N.l'I_ part Essa, No`. 28 and 30,` nvenl.y-[five acres, good water and wood, 14 acre of strawberries, 1: acre of raspberries and good apple arulpear trees. Just the place for acrmple looking for a start in this line nfbuslness. Wagon, cutter and farm _ implemenls also for" sale. This farm can! be honzhl. right. if sold at once. Apply toi Mrs? James Lambert, 202 Elizabeth St.. i Bame. - 5p; / ONE TO PRACTISE ON Young Wife: `The trained nurse is going- to teach me how to give trhebaby its bath." ' Young Husband (anxiously) 1 Don't. you think we'd better send out and hire another all dsease germs present will be destroyed. Farmers desirous of an analysis should write to the Divlsfion of Chemistry. Bipar- imental Form. Ottawa, for the n directions for the collection and shipment of It-he sample. I , ,..--v-. `sum: - IIIIANEXI 111111111 Water is suspected of contamination n*z.\* '22:.- madc safe by faith-.-.:' of two simple w:-vs. One is to boil it for ten or fteen- ` minutes; the other is to treat by chlorina- tion. Rub up a level teaspoonful of chlor- ,i~de of `lime in water `.0 the -onsistency of a creamy paste. This may be diluted with . a pint of water and kept for some days" -bottled and corked as a stock solution. A teaspoonful of this solution should be added with stirrinrto each two gallons of the water to be treated. Afterfifteen minutes (all :\______- Water 4 '!2r._-`made 4 Opf for ` -- --v nuunytre UUIUE `WIN ll] `I922, gthat protected ilnation. xsummly. Water from ......L. ...... _- ' - __--rv..u-uuvcu 1'l1l'lJ.lU jar, from per purposes. that `and `either positively danzemus- ,,d_ . .. . - ---.:-- Water from the {arm well may be clear and sparkling and pleasant to the taste and yet polluted, and in consequence a source .of danger to health. If it comes from 3 lshallow well that is located too close to a lsource of contamination, it is certain sooner tor later to become nnwholcsome. The C!.:-:n- istry Experimental Farms `at to_l;e |.4..;..i.:.... -..__-M THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1923. .__.__.___;_- DANGER IN FARM WELLWATER NU! THE BBLROBI! . V-.. nu.-4... gnu. 4un.*u a.";UU.aUlU. nu UIURII". I Rot 6. con. 9, `Pp. Essa. Bank burn; frame house; 50 rods from school and church: Apply Mrs. J. R. `I-Iubhert. 159 Mary st..' Barrie. 2-7n nut . 3.00 p.m.-A B 7.00 p.m.---- wifh some of n `master Sykes` ` the musical serj Welcome! ` (`Tamer SJ av.-v, D.Au."'. 11.00 am. -~ of our Lord's 1:-ft as ye shall 4 Local MP. `.-ope you liked .~'po=ech \rfH'. " Mr." Mm-Gm tory. Dad, `heard it 1 non -.rad`e," I HAT llllll \ `Hllll rrgzanizml in lime and offnr` nxh.-I('!'ihr-rs" .-`In .~crvicea by rr-I `G.-ithnut nmmsi? \ uuun|`.<. 1-: -n(-. will mrn Tolelbhlnnn RV has begm (`om will be paid. 1-0 the Systvnx yearly r:m- tr- TCD l(`h`[`Ihn xfipall Tolophu other s_vmexn.~: inoss of tho 1"! rv.~ononnim_ll_v r --are below. r:u.. , . A A` ' FOR SALE OR REN'1'--l00.acres. all. clear. KI-yuan. (`ll .n..L. 5-..... ..._L-..l ,.-.. I .`l VIlI WU` ".|I r-ludes the p: `-` `(P71 1}. 'I'J III 7' _V|3l|lXl' Tho-rm" urn: carding {hr 4': year and tho- ;-.umr- reduvtim GPlll'H1I ~':n.'.i of the n_v.\'tmn being givnn cw; 1*-perutors for E-T\ i(`C `rt-nvlnrn The 3`cr4-In A, I I I Akll u.u|u f_wear, making I`, , ' ` I '1'HUil% ORIGIN MAY GE (}':o'_- pe1'.<(m 1 1-.:'('n)n"\:V1ni~< and thvy I -'3 '51 mm ix-In --- ~Huntm' -fie-rful barg- iheir .=`.tm'4*. $1.00 pulir fa`:':9 shirts I '1:`,<:.< \\'m"h' wits worth- fur *8 1x` ` nuw svn V.|'VIl :33 in u.',-.-.nn`. hm 0 he or YOUNG WOMEN wanted to train for mirs- es. The Laf:Iyefte General Hospital," a 50 bed hospital, `offexsa two-year and three- nxonth "culture in medical,_ surgical and obstetrical nllrsingto youfng women desir- ing a pmf9s. An allowance of $20.00 per month is offered , board and laundry in- cluded. For further information apply to K. Baxter. Supt. Lafayette General Hos- pital,` H3 l.afa_\'t.te Ave..` Buffalo, N.Y. 7 ' 4-9c I 10.00 3.m..- `I fin , `111. zmnm their e-Mt-.~ to Mr. Gm p -. nu. A wwk on Freak, wi PAH the l`(',` 3 fall .\()I') Lac )? take ...... ;. 4';`.L,}'1mi:'.. of H i ghv for Shut for the 1 severe at proving. `ll.'_, , -I )1! v v nupg. Wznl-dc .}:;_Inph-'1` :1 are in 'I` `meetim: . Associutic \l\ nu ` vilrs. ' ff)! ..___...._...___...._......_____..___._...____.. FARM FOR SAIJE-'N.lC. 1/4 lot 14. con.` 9.~i1k'sa, 50 m-res, good soil. Apply D, H. C-m'hotl;, Thornton. 5-7c onto and I \- M1 . :11 spent Su ents, Mr. stun. been Uh` for :1 fuv Bruce wek-und I'un1linsu Mrs. spentling Mich. v{'. 'R0bt. is \"-'-ftin M}-. >1`<>I>I<-j vT.)1'V.' >X4>X0X MAN WANTF.`D-~An experienced farm la- horve.1~_..(,1_11b:xrrir~.(H free house and garden. State age and nationality. Yearly engage- meat, must board himself. State wages. `Apply to Box -150, Cookstown, Ont. ` 5-6c I Xv} nu:-,',I|\'.. Oshawa '1] V(.V>1>` .1.t-ndin;:_ unu-1` I '.\\'h- M :7. . . . < : n : nu HI!` Rh, -~I'I.11nt unn 1l'llr nux U1`|lJ}`.n`nVl.l`41V up u'd.Vel. rer- manent position. Apply after. 6 pm. to the Clarkson Hotel. 5p \i'AN'mn~*srx-SALESMEN to travel. Per- cnnnnnt C\t\n:`:n-n `....I-. -51.-.. E ._ ._ TENDERS FUR TREES---Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and in- cluding Monday. Feb. 12. for trees on cross- road between lots 1 and 2, con. 1, Oro;. also on" line between con. '2 and 131: range, west side John Sutton'.s lot, north of G.T.R. l All small maple trees 6 inches and under `musl: not be cut. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Brush andother refuse must be piled and burned by July 1, 1923. W. Thompson, reeve, Shanty Bay. No. I. -5-6c` SMART leaving school wanted as `apprentice at Sarjeant & King's. ' 5c WANTED TO RENT, small house or flat; [furnished or unfurnished, all conveniences, for March 1st. Full particulars. 0. H. Ffsmok. Box 28, Oshawa. 5p WANTE'D-Graduate nurse wishes room and board with private family; very central locality preferred. Apply Box `fR"`Exem- . , -- ':.. inpzr rm _ LIVE POULTRY WAN l'ED--Highest pric- es paid. Phone calls paid from local party lines. M. Alexander, 142 Bradford St; Phone 322. - . V3-8p loclzli? T re} inst Qlce. FOR SALE`:-Good 7-room house and 1 acre. of garden land in the village of Mid- hutst. -`Good stable. pig pm, hen hodse. cut...-` good walla: and.'9". u-go _wotk- shop would -make a blacksmith shop, cement cistern, pump in btehen and. sink. 8pl'in`R 'Wlte1` near at hand. near school.. church, post office and store. App W. W. Boyce. Iidhunt. . I-In jj-j WANTEI}-Good demand for live poultry. Highmt prices paid, phone 384 or write H. Lovit, Barrie. . 3-8p __....___.._____.__._....____.._ WAN I`ED---Half grown hog and feed bar- ley. R. D. Coutts, Midhuvst, phone 60lr4l. =v\ One cent a word, cash, each insertion e(~minin}um"charg`e, 25c); six insertions for the pace of four. 10 cents extra when charged; also 10 cents extra when replies are directed to Examiner Oice. vADLE'l` COLUMN 9; $&$&&$$&m&m&$| kgamm&&$&im&&&w$7 Property or Sale `Pace Twelve? Live Stck F Sale Property To, Let run. urvnuu---nruu-no-lay wurw vvyanaowm and white" Rock cockerel direct from R. Fishe! Hope, Indianna, 83.00. Full sisters to thgse birds have `been laying since Oct. 27 . ' 1922. - Apply w-. H. Tooth. 59 Henry sc.. Barrie, Phone 795W. I-7p Farms or Sale Help Wanted Wanted 5!`-1"! 4-5? all Opp. Wellingt6n' `Hotel l Healthiest place in town. Absolutely; best ventilation. v Choicest food. Best cooking. Chine and try it. . 51-26p1 I113 nu. 1 1' an VV (R311! (HEY `Oats . . . . . . .. Barley . . . . . . . . . . . . Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buckwheat Potatoes per bag ` Butter. per pound . . I Eggs. per dozen . . . . . Chickens, spring .. .. . `Hogs .. Lamb skins . . . . . . . . Horse hides . . . . . . . . Horse hair . . . . . . . . . uuuuus uumc Ora Station. No. 2 Fall Wheat (new) . . . nnfc ...________._...._._........._._.__.... i DANCING---Miss Barchard, from Miss Ste-rnberg's school, Toronto. will, be in towneach Monday for ,3. limited number of weeks. Will be pleased to give informa- i tion concerning private or class lessons in ' dancing for children or adixlts.` Apnly I before Feb. 5, in care of Examiner. 5p !NOTICE-22 Mulcapter St. knittir mum! moving to 52 Macdonald St. opposite Good- ]fellow s` store. Contract work nearlyfinished. t gReady to fill orders "promptly. nice line of! `sweater. -stocking, e'c.. yarns in. stock. ; Phone 981. 1-61)` I PRACTICAL NURSING. yisiting style; also [ironing done at home; terms reasonable. ]Mrs. G. Hewitt. 51 Dunlop St., over Sar~. ijeant's Coal Office. . 5-10p| `HAIR DRESSING" done bv Mrs. D. c.-; 9 Howard. Bring your combing: and have a good switch ,_made. 138 Peel St. or 24 Mulcaster St. * ' . ' ltfc ILFILILI vv uuu l`14LI\JI\D 141111.). an I alterations and repairs done. J. `carpenter, 84 Mary St.. phone 944. Buy advertizd things. --- ununnu ruu. o.1.un4--U118 -3 l'l0l`S-p0Wl`] gasoline engine, Fairbanks-Morse, brand" new. never turned a wheel. Cheap for quick sale. Easy terms. Charles F. Rob- ertson, Craigvale. 5c _.:...________...____..._.._..___._ FOR GLE"--'l'-wo choice young Shot-thorn! bulk, sired by a grandson of the 83.600i bull Right Sort (Imp) and from heavy milking dams. Geo. W Crawford and Son, Om Stnnn, .44.. Raw Furs macs I ` `GAS RANGE, cabinet style. four burners,l upper and lower oven. warming shelf. white . enamel splash. used for one year. in perfect condition. Gheap for quick sale. Phone`, 568, or apply at 9 Albert St. '1-7pi __._____.__._._.___.___._.___ _.._.._.._._._.____......_____.._ FOR SALE---Fumed oak living room suite, I combination bookcase and writing desk, morris chair, electric heater and Quebeci heater`. Apply 80 Wellington St., East.I Phone 989W. 3-5p ' ENGINE FOR SALE-FOne 3 horse-poweyr gasoline engine Fuirhunlm-`.\l.~..-a.. L......,Ii run aAm9-`--'1'nree -baby cutters. new,| slightlydamaged. very special bargains to: clear; also one single-horse cutter, $5.00 if. taken at once. G, G. Smith & Co. 5c` I j FOR SALE-'--Thre -baby new . . I llhflv r`nn1uan:i vnu-u on.-minl 1...;.......Z_.- 1.- --.-----------------| FOR SALE walnut sideboard, Graphonola, ! Pandora range, lawn mower, electric dmnei and electric heater, reading lamp. Robert, `Jack, 50 John street. T , - 5c ________________________ . [HOCKEY BOOTS AND SKATES for boy lfonsale; skate No, 9; in good condition. ` Price $2.50. Apply at The Examiner. 4tfc I . I -:--- HOCKEY BOOTS AND tog _ `flu <:n|n- alroh. Mn 0. I... ......J _____,.____.___._._.___ POTATOES FOR SALE (Delawares). 4-ff nnnlnr uynn Y T ll.......\...1 "*"-""""-'--'--------1-------:---.- FOR 8ALE~--Bred-to-lay white Wyandonm 3 ant! w\"n' Rn:-Ir nnnlennnl rI-no.5 lg... ; u;.n;u1:4-3 1.` un. onun xuelawares). . dry 4-ft. poplar wood. J. L. Marrow 14, Innisl, phone 63422. ' , 4 A FHURSDAY WHOLESALE _ PRiCES FOR SALE hockey boots, number 9,,` skates, nearly new, $4.00. Apply W. * ton, Brown s Bakery. - -WOOD FOR SALE--Green wood,-four feet, at $4.50 per card on east half lot" 26, con. 9. E9321. K R syn onun---:1 quunuty OI aweae turnips; also mangels. Apply Harry Ottaway, phone 605r6. 3-8p QUANTITY OF GOOD FENCE POSTS for I sale. ` Apply A. W, Morris, Thornton. 5p,| FOR SALE--A quantity of Swede turnips; also mamzels. Annlv Hm-ru nmumm .-am..- T0 RENT:-Suite of rooms over the office of the Union Bank of Canada. A001) to the `manager. ` 3tfc FRAME BARN zoxso FOR SALE. Apply! E. Wilson, Anten Mills. 56p I . uvnuuuxvo vu-an 111:1) D) any I pply at 77 McDonald .St., Barrie. ~'*< WHITE WY-ANDO l'I'E COCKERELS for sale, from Crompton's prizegwixining pens at Barrie Poultry Show. Apply to E. B. Reylioids`, 79 Mary St... Barrie. ` 5p - BOARDERS WANTED by day or week. Amlv at 77 Mnnnnnl Q; n......:. .4 n.. WANTED--Roomers or boarders. Apply at ' 126 Elizabeth St., phone 119E. 5c nARRm_y_[ARms uunLuuL21\D 1! (LL! LIEU I Apply to 44 Worsley St. ....__..__:-----.I--_ BOARDERS WANTED by day or week. Amlv m 44 Wnrnlnv so run- ' |RooMs T0 RENT, 23 -' Owen s:., phone 186- :_c:.. IE6. ms. MARRIN MARKET sauna O. K.LCAI-`E Houst; FOR` Ri:NT-.on Elizabeth, Fern: .dule, st-able, henhouse, 5 acres, first-class garden land. Apply J. F. Nelles, Blake. and Vancouver Sis. `Phone 725W. Spl - z Succuup Io Miscellaneous . F0 . .s1.1o`:1.13 .. . . 40-450 an an- n o u a nUU'UVU 75-80c` $1.25-1.40 75 40-50c 35-38c 40-50c 20 22c , $11.25 50-85c 82.00-3.00 40- I. RIIIUB U` I Smith. 1 5-10p i ---n--: I .` con_ 4-9;) 5 ma; . Clif- I i3'LAcK'PoNY MARE for sale, rising four years.` '14 hands, has been driven by lady; also harness and cutter. Apply to Mrs. Robins. Cundle _ 5p 77 V 7 "`

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