Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Dec 1922, p. 5

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TH ~BARlE3* EXAMINER I2 PAGES & Real Comedy`-Drama Wednesday-Thursday--FREE AIR `5n!ili!1f%_Ih.!9!1gh Smilin Through 1923 NORMA T ALMADGE N stcuou 2 % mass 5 TO 12 FRIDAY---SATURDAY Usual-Prices, 1s...a 25 Matinee $aturday, 2.15 LET S GO WILL KEEP YOU SMILIN THROUGH -MANY A MONT!-lAFTERYOU VESEENlT ..-av..- -.- ..............a VG`: u... v--.. The Board has hadonly three or; four cases of a similar nature to deal 3 with since the legislation was put in- f !to effect, and only in one case was it; found necessary to refuse judgment` in favor of the petitioners. That! was in Cayuga, where practically half the town wished to be detached, due, it was found, to a desire to es- cape the cost of high school deben-I tures which the town_ was about to. issue. . _ V I ` II I II I 1 1| For` several years partial exemp- tion has been granted `on certain lands, varying from two to six mills, according to location. The total as-i sessment of the properties for which` '1 transfer is granted is approximate- 1.. one :0: ...|.:..1.. -4. u.;.. ..... ....4. ......l L Ul.KO.|ls3L\L ID Enulavvu no uyyLvA|l|Iuuv`1 Iv $ ~?6.585. which at the present rat 1 yields $1401.66 in taxes. I Aanuvu ' ' In_ handing; down his judgment. Chairman McIntyre remarked that] .he was well pleased with the har- 'monius relations which existed be- `tween the petitioners and the Town s representatives. HAN-I..,......L Y ........nL.\,l .. NLLI- .L'.... :wyLp.:unlvuUavuou I Although I expected a little fric- tion, a favorable settlement has been I made without any. contentious; wrangling, stated the chairman. Mr. Stewart was appointed by the Board to draft the nal order and to forward it to'the Board for the offic-3 ial stamp. . Mr. McIntyre and A- B. Ingram comprised the Board. ya; 515141: was `.`The object of this legislation is to relieve cases of this kind, stated D. N. McIntyre, K.C., chairman of the Board, in sgmming up the case. 1-- o. Iu\ -. q umuncu. 1 An amicable settlement was reach-' ed between the Township and the] Barrie representative, that in case the Board handed down judgment in favor of the petitioners neither pir- ty required to make any- lpayments. ` I FBI... ..L-3...`. -0 LLS- I...-2..l..L..... 1.. L- l D. M. Stewart, for the petitioners, declared that though being attached to the Town they received few direct benets. There was no lighting, sewerage, water or sidewalks, and as far as the schools were concerned, xi number of the petitioners would be nearer schools in Vespra than they` wouldyin Barrie, and if any desired to send their children to Barrie schools they could by paying 50 cents a month, as long as the Barrie schools were n_ot overcrowded. I Llcl V7 IIIII It [is `purely a question of the! policy of the Board, Mr. Boy; re- marked. ' I II n.1, _,,_._ _,__,, _____1_ I IIU I_lll!)l'UVClllClIlo3o '- Mr. Boys, speaking on behalf of the Town, stated that he did not want to take any vigorous stand and left the matter for the Board to ,deal with. ,1 ._--,L!-.. -5 LL-` der the hndicap of higher taxes and no improvements. ' My "Rana nnanlrhna nu Hnlnnlf nf SPECIAL MUSIC L 59... * _ BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 23,1922. - No.52 'R'-""0" TPIISWEEK "7.-W-I-... PROUD--Yes, proud we are to pre- sent the conaummating dramatic achievement of the truest of all screen artists -- Norma, Talmadge. ': _The World hails her as the first to reach perfection in her art; acclaims Smilin Through" as the wonderful symbol of that ascension. She o ers you- Love that is an" ecstacy of the soul -the awakening of ' the child- heart. ` Love that is a t`ervent'transport~- . the heart-flame of Moonyeen, the" Woman. Then Tragedy! A ruthless rival s I bullet. Love unfullled. Years! Years of forgetfulness--" years that reincarnate the loveof Moonyeen, the Woman, in the . heart of Kathleen, the Girl. And -4- once more - the spectral 7 threat of the olden spoliation. Elusive, tender, dynamic, overwhelm- ing,_ her drama knows no bounds but those of the human heartstrings. One artisteonlycould bring Smilin .Through" majestically to the screen. You'll love her in. it. - EIGHT REELS or STORM AND SUNSHINE .I\,. IV. .uLv. uvuu u uuuu \rl The Officers installed for 19`:3.& 'were:- Wm. F. Ronald, W.M.; .' B. Coutts, I.P.M.; F. c. Lower, .I9{..\V.;' `A. G. M L ll , J.W.; R bt. inga !,Chap1ain?cH? Sims, Tre:s.; A. H. `Felt, Secy.; Edward Shear, S.D.; H. }A. Henry, J.D.; H. G. Robertson, I. G.: O. R. Rusk, S.S.; E. L. Brereton,: J.S.; Sidney Sherlock, Tyler; Ed-i imund Hardy, Organist. L1... W. Bro. Little, who presided `proposed the toast to the King, which {was honored in the usual way. The` ltoast to the. Grand Lodge and to the Grand Lodge officers was proposed! by W. Bro. W. A." Lewis and R. W. Bro. John. Little responded. Can- A ada was proposed by R. W. Bro. Cowan and responded to by Bro; H. E.` Wellwood. vvv vs 1 If , -5] ;____'L_-L_ J... Harmonious relations existed be-" tween the parties. The only sign of i friction that appeared was when the question of where the petitioners! would vote arose. That was smooth- ed away when it was pointed out that many important questions were to be decided at the "Barrie elections in which the petitioners would have no further interest, and that Vespra: Township Council >had been returned to office by acclamation. us up pa 1 W. Bro. Fred Marr paid tribute tn I the fraternal dead. It was observed by "one minute's silent-standing of the members. -In a short address, W. :Bro. Marr referred to the work that [had been accomplished in the inter-l A The owners of xproprty included" in the` detachment order are: H. D. Atherfnn, H. Reid. Ed. Barrett, Mrs. ]Wm. `Peacock, J. M. Hickling, A. H.` 'Tuck, Jqhn McGill, John Spearin, Geo. Mizen, Robt. Lightfoot, Jas. E. `Hughes, E. M.'Freek, Wm. C. How `and Fred Smith. ' |llv|aA\A `Ann. J , v-b....-_-. _ I Following the installation, thel members adjourned to Vair s ban-l iquet hall, where supper was served.. --. . 1 ,,___:.fl...l U The installation of officers for! Corinthian Lodge, No. 96, A. F. &f A. M., was held in the Masonic Tem-I 'ple on Wednesday evening- The 1m-5 pressive ceremony was conducted by! R. W. Bro. Alex. Cowan, assisted by} R.` W. Bro. John Little. A n , 1(n`)`J1 msm. omcxzns j FOR CORINTHIAN; W. F. Ronald and Staff Are; Placed, in Charge; 7 Banquet Held. ; a \ V Tem-1' im-, h - ~-5-L-A Ln! for, ucu. :1. ,1)1iuwn, I Service each evening at 8 o clock. `The minister in each church in which the service is held will have charge of the service. ~-Huy1er s. special New_ Year s chocolates, Buchanan's Grocery. v-~ ---- v-/ - -----._-- Tuesday, Jan. 2.-Congregationa1 Church, Rev. Roy Melville. Essa St. Presbyterian Church, Rev. A. R_. Bev- ierley. > ` I 117...) `v,,, n 15 .- . 1-11 I I TVStew`9:1'vt_( Vhdlrlted out to the Board that the Town was growing to the south and the west, and if at any time the petitioners desired to sell their property they would be un- -- ~v -.-v----- -------v i The schedule for the junior hockey league will be drawn up` within a few days. St. Mary s juniors and Trinity, juniors have already been on the ice and are in good form. C. R. Ken- dall, manager of the Trinity squad, etates that there is lots of good stuff 2n the junior league this year, and things look promising for one of the best leagues in many years. ' `l n vs A -- ~- `wuu 4). VJ. lVLL'..lJCllU.1lo . . t j Bro. Treend delighted h1S fe110W glodge members by a humber of solos _ . . . 1 gas did Bro. R. D. Coutts wlth h1s re-~ gcitations. Simmons orchestra W83 ] in attendance. 3 wV`\S. Ye.2d., Jan.` 3-Baptist Church,` Rev. S. M. Beach. St. George's |Church, Rev. E. T. Douglas. ` 1 - . ._ ... .... . - rt 1 i Thu1'V`.%(izVa:v`,- Q;-Collier Street Methodist Church. Rev. W. J. Watt. Burton Ave. Methodist Church, Rev. 3` Geo. A. ,Br,ov_m, p`_____o ......I E. J. Byrne',.manager of the St. .\Iary s team, has put his team through some good workouts. ' ;_ -.\.A. guullt. proposed by W. Bro. A. B." Coutts, `was acknowledged by W. Brq. J. W- iMe1'rick of Kerr Lodge: Barmev Bro` Craven of Stayner, Bro. C. A. Mullen of Detroit and Bro. Ives of C01b1`n9- { The toast to the visiting/brethren- -_--.. .-..u AIAIII .sv\.u \IA \/vsluvsanun W. Bro. D. H. intro-I iduged the toast to 'the newly installed iofflcers, tting responses being made ,5? Bros- W. F. Ronald, F. C. Lower {and A. G. MacLellan. `D..- 119 `CI I gests of the Lodge by the late W` Bro` JF1-ed Montgomery. B1'- R J` Flat` cher, W. Bro. J. B". McPhee and Bro. Alex. Milne. TL` A ` _ _, . ... /- Usual Prices, 15-25. The Prisoner oi Zenda Little opposition {was offered the residents who wished to withdraw their lands from the Town by W. A. Boys, K C., counsel for Barrie. TL . /Ind-nnln-suns-:4 AP I-kn lnv (nun, V ONE EACH NIGHT _ ONEVNEW YEAR'S STARTING AT 8.15 AFTERNOON AT 2.15 ` TSPECIAL MUSIC SCORE BY AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA ` No Reserves * All Rush Seats NIGHTS: 35-50 -- MATINEE: 25-350 UNION WEEK OE PRAYER 'l`nn...l.`.-- 1.... n n______-,_;.:-- S. S. HOCKEY LEAGUE MONDAY--TUESDAY, JAN. 1 and 2 n PERFORMANCES ONLY :3 One of Many Exciting Scenes From THE museum: 01$ zmma The Rex Ingram l TRINITY CHRISTMAS TREE | ! One of the most enjoyable events of the season was the Christmas tree for the children of the primary de-I I~pa1-tment at Trinity Anglican Church} `on Dec. 19. More than two hundred l sat down to supper, which was fol-i lowed by a concert presented by the; children. I . The distribution of gifts by Santa; Claus was, however, the greatest at-l traction. The large tree was loadedl with presents, including toys and. lbooks. The event was the most suc-' lcessful of its. kind in the history of `the church. `per was held in the Parish Hall for members of the main school. More than one hundred were in- attend- ance. Following the suppr, a comic lantern lecture was furnished. On the evening of Dec. 21, a sup-I Q `ruin, -- \/I, v V - - . _ . . -.v- -_----. The detachment of the lands own- ed by the petitioners will take place on Dec. 31, owing to the Barrie el-3 ections being on Jan. 1. 4 1 I Rev. A. R. Beverley presided ati bothehtertainments. ' John Fraser, caretaker of the P. 0. building, received word on Dec 25, that his son Tom was very ser- iously ill with pneumonia. Tom and his brother are employed in the Ford factory in Detroit. ` BY ANTHONY HOPE J. C. Keenan's Music Store New Year s Day, There are days fof sending merchandise, And days to send a bill, But thisone day of all the year We send you just GOOD WILL. PRODUCTION or By the Author of.Main` Street CONGREGATIONAL XMAS TREE Aboutv600 acres of farm lands within the Town limits will be allow- ed to rvert to the Township of Ves- pra. Judgment to this effect was given -. by the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board at theisitting in the Court House, this afternoon. - an 1 .1 No one was forgotten at the Con- gregational Church Christmas tree. ,Thursday, Dec. 21. Following a pro- fgram of songs, dialogues and recita- ltions, Santa Claus put in an appear- ]ance and distributed gifts to all the gchildren. The teachers, Miss Jean iGibson, Miss M. Hipkin and Mr. Robb, were also recipients of gifts. ET. T. Young, Sunday School Super- intendent, was presented with a `beautiful plant. M ' The chimes are being installed this week in St. Andrew s organ and next Sunday the choir will repeat some of the Christmas numbers in which it had been expected to use the chimes. A fire in the express ware house in Chicago held up the car in Iwhich the chimes were loaded, so that they did not reach Barrie till Monday. The new I.0.0.F. Temple will be dedicated en Jan. 16. A -Nasmith s Vermalipe bread, 15c loaf. Buchanan's Grocery. 52c cuumas NEXT SUNDAY 4225 WPIES I923 BAR` R [E LOSES eoo ACRES FARM mus, `Board Grahts Petition. for} Detachment; Takes `- ' E'f fe'ct, Dec. 31.

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