573.41 122.56 529.70 I I V 486.29 258.7.) 151.00 27.80 Efll 375.00 325.00 130.96 17.00 67.50_ 56.50 27.12 12 50 . 13.75 The Canadian Fence Co.,` of which Col. Jno. A.vCurrie is one of the chief promo- ters, is asking the town of Whitby for fixed assessment, free site and a guarantee of $50,000 bonds. 80 tK100,men is the. pro- mised pay-roli, - ' Bank Overdraft .. Salaries . . . . . . .. Accounts payable .. . Payment on wood Coupons no1:))resented Surplus Assets-- Taxes. 1922, outstanding Taxes, arrears . . . . . . . Street oiling, 1922 unpaid nu:-ucuaucuua I cpuus . . . . . . . . . . 0! Road` Work With County Grant--- Bayfield St. . . . . . . . 505 u rm... 13...; Mr Removal of ` ashes for private parties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loans paid to Bank of Toronto with proceeds of debentures sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Refund street oiling, 1921' . . . .. Refund.dog tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. --Just four $uites-- '- R'(mnL1 . of : oval table"; buet with or 'with6ut r_ni r_ror;, reg. price $250 an_d_$275. ' BRIO Dlulclcna . . . . . . , ""O O I Barrie Band . . . . . . . . . . . , , _ , |_Communit-y Assocn., advtg tog` l_'5u LJU. on I u 3 Burton Ave. Culverts and bridges, etc., idewalks and repairs Miscellaneous repairs `pun:-3' 7nrb T351. lIII-\4 LIB) I ICIU D l 3 F353 Road 4 Spcial Grants`-- __ Royal \Viclori_a. Hospital Orange -Lodge . . . . . . . . . . Agricultural Society . .A , _ Bugle Band . . . . . . . . . . . . Town N ume . . . . . . . . . . Poultry Association . . . . Fire 'Sufferers . . . n___:.. 11-.."! i uuuuly us), vauuuu.UU 11:53 um- ; count $659.12 for prepayment Parks Commission Public Library . , g Barrie Tanning Co., refund wat- ....~....,a n..1.+ - - Mslbll \.lIllUCo ' I41 KKIIDIUIVD lulu searches Trea.s\irer s Bond . . . . . . . . . ! Post Office, rent of box . . . . . . Dog tugs Selectors of jurom !Deputation'< Q Insurance on bods . . . . . . . . ; . . Pz{ir.ring fence at Queen s Hotel [Grand Trunk, rentals . . . . . . .Tetephsone Printing. tenders re pavemen .. Miscnllaneous items . . . . . . . . . Siveeiiing, streets & maintenance 1610.16 i Sanding streets . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 84.90; Cutting weeds . . . . .. 165.93; Removal of snow , . . . . . . . . . .. 695.38% Raking streets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` 319.50; Street cleaning. . . . . . . . . . .. 909.53 [Street oiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2388.97: lStx'e3t watering . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . .. 148.40% `.Underbrushiug}Keniiienfeldt St . ` 37.96? Misceilaneous ............ . . _. . ~ 171.52 2 Repairs-- Clapperton St? . . . . . . . . |E1izabeth & Dunlop Sts. Buyfield Sf. '. . '.~. . ._ . . . . .. James St. Blake St. Henry St. . . . . . . . . . . . . Eccles and Perry Sts. .. Small St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . _ . - . . < . o u Essa St. . . . . . . . .. I 'I1._..A, , A Clerk Treasurqr . . . , _ Clerk's Assistant -. . . . . , . _ The Hub 300* $1199 E%w; >l_Extra he 1;? T767831 Educational-_Exclusive of debentures-' Public School . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 43085.21 Collegiate Institute . . . . . . . . . . 1329.83 5 IR. c. Separate School 3665.61)! E County Lexy, 826365.00 less dis- nnlin` 19 `Ar nvnnnuunun-so I DUYIIU alllllllls \JU, erangl light . . . ' License rebates Law Costs . . . . . . . . ; Receptions . . . . . . . ` Soldiers Memorial *Aznusement Tax . {Gov} re tax sales . |""' ' " ""` '""` ] Miscellaneous-- , J. Emms, Re Dlvxsion Court` .. Public Library, use of hall . ; . . ._ Registry Office. ' transfers and no ufk I" Li abvilitiesv-- Public `Works-- uuvu ASSETS AND LIABIUTIES You1canb1;1ythis Genuine His Masier"s `/Voice Victrolavm $37.50 0JPCCIGIj Men's Moccasin /I-,1- o/use, Slip-V pers, real Indian work, with beaded toe. -$3.00 pr. It is the smallest of the Victrola family, but plays any His Master's Voice"- Victor record with a beauty of tone which only a genuine Victxjola can give. Ether models up t9. $615.00. 327194.94 1027.33 1400.00 2000.00 355.14 5187.64 4' 337165.55 i 319095.73 15721.94 2347.88 537155.55 370566.22 ' V60.-'>80.64 f Men I Grey Felt House Slip- per! in Hy-lo style, soft lea-' 'ther sole` with spring heel. --$2.00 pair 25705.88 1956.85 2271.36 _8;S8l.09 UTVJU ; 165.93 1 695.38 i 319.50 ' f 2388.97 ; 148.40 37.96 7 } 2200.00` 2`): 3597.00 : 96.34 93.50 127.97 I . 59.55 8511.59 33.05 ~ 30.00 | 65325.; . 1629.58 31536 1244.88 3 588.77 Men : Spats in drab, fawn and grey shades, `leather bound`, genuine Engsh make. `$3.00 176.81 ' 19.49 106.28 171.96 543.55 . 163.89 ~ 18.33 1 170.49 5 182.12 E 76.66 g 158.50 i "ESE nnnnn. 36.00 36.00 , 4.55i 13.13. 17.83} 27.20 40.00 1.00 ` 11 .02 onn 6 S|becial+ Ila-.1 Ill.` IIUV OW 40.00 I g...-,3; I 2 Lucy L., a. mare o\\*nezl_by Mayor Payette 1 of Penetanguishne, made zpwonderful re- cord in :he U. S. races during the pasti ,.~`ummer. winning the great majority in; [which she "started. Lucy L. paced a mile l iin 2.00%. She is expected to, do better than 9. rn;nnt`na nnvt ununnn n.. Lu]? min. I ;:uuuucx. wuuuug me great. IIla]0l'lEy ln - mile: Combination fire truck stryck a atfeet . `in car in,Edmonton while travelling 40 than 2 minutes next season. On half-mile an hour, Edward Wilson, a reman, being tracks she was beaten only once. though ' killed." at any His Mater S Voice dealers gum delights ` `It melts in your candy-coated mouth ? and the gum in the center. remains to aid digestion, brighten teeth and soothe mouth and throat. V . "There are the other WRIGLEY friends to choose from, too: ** THE STERLING BANK Berli;r Gram-o_-iphone Company Linuted, Montreal Men : Chocluie Kid Romeos, _idalT house shoes, can by worn under overshoes. $3.50. During the winter months, the.privi- lage of Banking by-Mail-ojfered by tlie4Sterling Bank-is especially con- wenient. It. gives you the security, profit and advantages of a Savings ac- count--including the convenience of paying accounts by- cheque. ' Write our lgcal Manager for full details. `.4 denzomtration will be gladly given Winter Banking Thursday, December 21 , , 1922 ,, .! 1 competing aagajxhsffthe ;best horses in the United States: Lucy L. will be wintered at Sanduskg_K`Ohio. Next to Crosslahd s Drug Store. LL\ re I raise tubal \Ill YA M.P.P., se. suites have guar- e. stamped inside and solid, wa1n`ut_ (not cnoxmbuz ..... ....l.....-..:l..__ \ 2o s"r. [ ll DKIUID CDO. LVIHIIC JC|.UI'u o Five-month-old baby of yMr. and Mrs.- George MacKay died in a fire that destroy- 'ed their home at River John, Pictou Cqung tyn Nuso _ . \ ` K vunlnuug uuiu All Allllluvll. a5C\L {Ulla . Choice turkeys were sold in Han'1ilton* Saturday at 50 and 55 cenis per pound. l QA__.._-._.. Il ,'A.LL_"I_ I'I-___;__ ,_.I .11." ~.- ._-..-J .-. V w vv v\4aaI\I `J11. rau--no Steamers. M-z'a.tthelB, Berryton and `Ben- maple, whic heleared at noon Saturday; succeeded in getting through the lower rive at Sault Ste. Marie yesterday. ` I w;\1n_n\nnGk_nIJ I-unkuv AC Mu mm-l spa .Germany s fioating debt increased ing the first. 10 days of December l23,000,- ' 000.000, to a mm of 962,oo0,o0o,000' marks. "ui ?<:}'1n Shei'ritt,_ oidest Orangeman in! Canada. died in London. aged 103. nL-:,, ._._`I____, _, 1- ',-n, ,, I UUUJJUU marks. T!Y,L. Women : Felt House V slippm -in red_ and black, nicely: A made, ribbon around top, soft leather sole. - --$1.35 *Special-- ` . Women's Moccasin House Slip- pers, something different, same as men s. -$2.so_ Won'Ien s Boudoir Slippn in rose, blue, purple, chocolate and black, very finest qual- ity. -32.50 pr. Women : Boudoir Slippers in ...-...A A.-...l. 1.1.... ......l L.......... V IJIIIVII I I-IVIIIIVII Illglflljzl D I rde, dark blue and brown, rubbelgaeel. . --$l.35.pr. PHONE 435 Hydrant Rental- 87 hydrants @ $35.00 . . . . . . . . 24 hydrants,@ s3`0._oo ...... .. Rb Tannery:-10 hose connectioaq Re Yorkshire Wanted 00., one ' hose connegtion . . . . . . . . . . .1 . Municipal World . Cheques . . . . . . . . . Maxis . . . . . . . '. . . . [Blank for-ms Stamps . . . . . . . Misceilanaous . . OUICUII ulguuug-- I472 lights @ Lss. In,l:-I... :..a'4..II..'.: .1... xaa uguw L1: .o.UU . . . . . .. - lolights intalld during year` Post`Offiee Gore lighting . . . . . Printing- Voters Lists . . . . . . . Financial statements Auditors report` . . . . By-laws marina ' Illa.` l\Cl-" Fuel . . . . . Insurance I` (Iyapairs . Electric Light Water rates . . ._. . . . Inspector of Scales . NewVScaAIes . . . . . .. License for hall . .. Market Clerk IUCIUEICU IIIIUU ly'I.IUlI' urguxuzuuuu HI 13761: ` A team representing Bagrie was defeated by an: gragnt-ion ofplayers from Minesing and Mi `uml; assisted by `two members of the Four by a score of 18 to 9, but the B'a.rri/'e.'tea1n on _this7occasion was com- posed of imly two of the Big Four assisted by some other players. ` _ A - 31119 Rio Fhuli` {c uH" nan:-Iv in moot n" R. `J. Lee and extra help in Fire Hall . . . . . . . . . . Marketi`-' - I I'.`.-_I Hay"and straw Oats Shoeing and repairs to wagon Insurance. Harness and repairs `Miscellaneous IUWU uuu Bup IIIUB' _ u . o - - - - o u a l Police Department-- G. H. Clark. Police Magistrate V Compton Jeffs . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 R. King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. J . Case . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. Rayner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Davis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J.Bowman....; . . . . . Extra Constables . . . . . . . . . . .. Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telephones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Livery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1384.97 Fire Alarm System maintenance 160.74 Fire Truck maintenance . . . . . . . 72.56 Insurance . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 _ __ - _. -6---... Hose and supplies . P.-Jinn nnndnfnmn ; . P0 . i Street oiling, 1922 . . . . . . .. 1 Street oiling, 1921 . . . . . . .. ` Street oiling, arrears ` . . . . .. Percentages on arrears . . .. Police Court fines and fees . Licenses , . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . .. Plumbing Permits L . . . . . . QB KYHC o - - n - o o u Electric Light Water rates .. Insurance . . . Repairs . . . . . . ]n{.;}"'f'.I".7I. Supplies . Caretakers . Telephones I 0.... YOWNFINANCES Edi? 1922 m SHAPE, I Fi, ., - - o o . - - . . . - - - o - - u . . . - o Rmov-al of ashes` . . . . . . . . . . . County of.Simcoe r_e good roads . Town Team earnings . . . . . . . . . . Printing re maps sold . . . . . . . Rent. of Town Hall . . . . . . . . :. Innisfil and Vcsma, re memorial Amusement Taxv . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lots redeemed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . School Debentures sold. includ- ........ ....l :..+.......-_.4 I lIlf'.Ev?.ll.llIlg'. ' . . ` "l`he'_Big Eour" have not as yet been '`}defeated since their organization in 1921. A lnnm I-nnvnnnnl-innv Rn!-10:1) nun r`n`nu6 g Fire Brigade `Attending fires .. Fire Chief s salary Insurance . . . . . .. Telephong . . . . . .. Fire Hall and Council Chamber Mo:h.Annmnn \\lKIlla LUGIQI . . u - Debentures redeemed Coupons paid . . , . . . "Elections . . . . V . . . . . . W llnterest on loans . . Board of Health- Medical Officer of Health .. Sanitary Inspector . .` . . . . .. Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, . . . Supplies during quarimtine Uniform . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . Telephone . . Q . . . . . . . . . . . . Livery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KA. Johnston . . . . . . . . . .. I . Provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . \ Royal Victoria Hospital Toronto Gteneral Hospital Railway fare . . . . . . . . . |C3bS.....'....: . . . . . . .. Municipal %_Fa efs Hold` Fina] Session of ear to Clear , . up Business. I QUUUUI `IJUUUIIIIUIUS DUI. LLIUIUV-1' ing accrued interest . . . . . . . . Electric Light Department re de- bentures . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . L . Water Wgrks Department re de- KS1 I-nouns Dec. 15, Taxles,-1922 "gaxes, 1921 . . . UUIIIIUICD - -" Miscellaneous Total `Receipts .. . Balance Bank `Overdraft ` ` UNURINULK Tha Minesing subscriber of last week evidently did "not" unefrstand the true state` of affairs ashis ar_t_icIe is somewhat 1 miateading. "n...'n:'.'.. I:-A..- 1. .... ....Q 1):` ..... ....... ' ' EXEENDITURES Ja_n. 1, Balance Bank Overdraft (Jan. 1922) . . . . . . . . .. l \..L.....L.`....... ......I..........l Street Light1'ng~ .7`) I:.x+. an en nn Town Team-- Fire Fighting Equipments.- I_.... ._ .1 _._.._.I2.,, u c_ lldll llllu M_&1ntenargce Indigent V 81351` W boniurex I !__-II_A- ` (ntinud frogs; page 1) RECEIPTS THE BARR:1:L.'ExA$5\IN! V_V BUHIIT Ulv!ll'rl' pluyur. `The Big Four` is still ready to meet all 0311' - -.- 315493.129 9:99 In: 37066.2 T 343371.28 27194.94 3792.90 4041.29 . 1503.46 27255.04 29330.94 5 22615.58.` 206.00 I 1473.86 1 4955.04 V A. E. SMITH '5?6I& 23.40 451 .60 766;67 1 100.00 990.00 990.00 245.00 81.00 21.00 _ 199.75 10.00 21.67 74.10 4.25 876297 .3. 372 .90` ~ "2350 I UJUU 32.25 -94.50 25.50 50.50 ! 03.02 ' 125.55 417.50 72.46` - 115.81 0 35 .87 ".::3a% 153.50 1788.96 ' China Cabinet, Extensio/n "Tablg,' Bpffet `and `six . Diners. 944.31 } 3476.93 : 1525.33 3 T 1458.54 1417.00 150.00 200.00 0 21.96 434.65 7392. 1 123.86 181.94 68.30 16.00 32.55 12 .00 '-`Q5 $195 Just the price of imitation ` - suites. ` `-Tvh-ese. suites guar`- antee. . i are; solid . walnut veneer). i '