Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Dec 1922, p. 2

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BIIVWS WIIFIC LIIIF 911]] II UI \4|IIlI-IIIGB IIIB -LIE IIFUUCQO ` On the very next street she found_a h3iiie where `she_thoug_ht s_helmight_ be again i needed. It was a beautiful home, with greaiiirooms` aglitter-dnd 5'g legfn'_;,b'bu1E_ ;'i';._ nd`; ' children's voices broke the brooding silene'.` Soft rugs" cu'shioned..the-floor,gand . - 7 .1 2 sat a man and a woman nearto each-other,?.yet+p'a;rt. ` lifted the rose $13 19kd. 5.13:3 WW3 Wdef 111 costly paintings adorned the walls, while the.folds'jgif'richf-silken tapestries be a shone masterpieces in white marble. And in the midst of aiI*tlie' beauty and luxury a big ' `- 5` - ket it A -party of carol singers weiit.up the" street singing. '- -V The man looked up when` hezherdathe `mu's:c_. _ ` -' ' . _. _ ` '1`o-morrow is Christmas Da1y,'f_',lie.said,1;as_ if_ lie:had riot thought of it ~"` ` "Yes, to-morrow ischristmas Day,T'Athe'-woman_answered -listle's sly., . . '1 I must write you a check, as _usual, "said the;=man, jibsentl _ ` _.`;,w..,..-.i.... i . , I... . ` _ .l.,`-'_--..y,V";'.>~,.\7 .c r. ---.`.'3..`- I Yes, write !n9_a check: as usual; 'sai`cl.vthe woman, w1__tho_ii`t_i'ter_st'; _ b. V The man reached out his hand_.m.tke up: .3,-pen; V. But.fwhe`ASpit\.f .Ch,.;,mja, tings` took a crimson.ro_se f.ror_n._a vase ~nearby__and p'`between-the._raa s He ` itable y .wha;,auA;_1`ao rope?" he siiii.` Roses are vta,yaua:?- " ` want. `i .` 34.0,`. {for those with the memories of youth," whispered the woman wistfully.-A ifortui THE FAIREST VFLOWER THAT GROWS The iJ|'0Viding Of Christmas Cheel; for those whose Cihristmasvwould otherwise beootping on1:_9f_.t11? .fl.I!99t. ..0f .-Ca'I,1adia`n.ha`bits. It is _done,.in .rn_any . 'sf`- ;$.`_:-"t`iay;s;1g1z_~:;_c`,1_ii:rc11'e s, through Sunday Scho61`elasses,through `ch"ai'it"a`ble"oi"g`ahiza`-V tions, through "other organizations 'whii:h"are"no't"izonstitufed primarily f``a_1-.'. itable. purposes. Nowaday V1 Y.n takes a hand in this work. Canada is fortun- ately situated in hayirfg a relatiV_1Y smfll proportion of its population in actual want. -_ The average of prosperity 18 sohxgh that there is no reason why any un- fortunate one-should` be overlooked at the Christmas season. (fuu 5;: such way, yvu wuss, uh WV"-' ""' "."-i. VI-_.|-AIS IIJIBLICLUCJ ~ - ~ That -little seed will sinkinto the.,bai'1<. hoot obt -tdots, and/by Znezit year there ll a littlersprout of mistletoe. "A_5 the Years go on, that little sprqut will become bunch, and then-v`ve'll, then, I expect, it'll be cut down to be sent to the mar. for_' people to buyiuid hang up in their houses~at Christmas-time. l\vI:\I\u GVUIJ Wlulelo Just as you like chocolates and aci.diro_ps. so do the birds love mistletoe berries, and especially the thrushes. ' \r_._t__- 1_-__; -1 _ _.:--..l 4.L.....l~. 111-11 I.-I- _ n . ..' _ . . . . no-nu vuyuylully Iullii lull: uwluvuo You've heard of a missel-thrush. Well, he's called that because he ; so fond of these berrjiesi--Vr`nistle-thrush. See? - _,I___I I . -__ _ \lI Iplllrb IJUI I lCUjlIllUBIIr`5lll uwllo -vi?" Well. when Mr. Dicky has necked a berry he l1 fly on and rub his beak up against the bark bf a tree to wipe off 3Y.little bit that may gtin rggnaig pp big b_aIg, '_.x_1d" in'"1:h`at way; you see, `the>sed.of_____t_h' `)7. I'm..`.. 12;. -__"_1` __2n _:._1_ :..a... I... Inuit`. ..L;_"..~ _`,,. \ No one knows how or why it first came to grow in that funny way, but I'll tell you how. it, goes on growing more and mdre each year, and why, if you've got an 0l'C1`Ia_l'd in which it grows YU nd that the apple-trees get more bunches of mist- letoe every winter. ` ` `I .__L __ -_-,, I!I__ _I__--I-A..... .._A 4\p\:r' Jen.-- _; J- .n u n . . a _. -.. -..--- --v.._v- .-o ....-...u..u.n-u `Country chicks know, of course, but I don'Tt-suppose there are many to'w chicks who do. Well, the mistletoe grows in big bunches on trees. ` It is sometimes found on oak-trees, too, but not very often. ` -ur, u-no`-Q wuvuunvn -vuuvu-n-uuo -.-v .------ --_ ---_ vv.-w---y-uvu -no vunv yuwauu. ' No work remains for me to doh ere," said the'Spirit of Christmas, as she slipped out into the street again. `This family has more than enough goodwill in stock to see them through. They must. have taken great care of the roots all through the year, insted of forgetting aboutthem iintil Christmas time drew near as so many people do. ' I shall try a different I;ind'of ahome next.- One never knows where the Spirit of Christmas mayibe needed." ' ` n- ..u_- _--..._ ..-_4 _._--.. -|_- A'-.-_.I - i;.`;:_~. _.:.`..:-~-_i_- .u_-. .__u_; _l_- __a_,u,- .,_ When you. help mother decorate the house on Christmas Eve with holly-leaives and boughs, and hang up a_ bunch" of mistletoe under the chandelier, have you ever wondered where it came from before the greengrocer sol_d _it to people to hang up in their houses at Christmas? ` .I."m.g1adAI called. at this home, said the Spirit of. Christmas, as she slipped out. One never cantell where the Spirit of Christmas will be needed. -..- ...--, ....- -....-- ...... .. .......\. uu ucr ups. ` YOU 83* ? me checks--and checks-and checks--and what I really wanted from_ you was a rose-a, rose and a dream, - cried the wpman, happily, as the man took her hands in his. V Under the spell of the Spirit of Christmas a new look came into the [man's face --a icker of that youth which never really dies till it goes out with the last breath. He lifted the rose to his lips and closed his eyes to dream a moment of the "scented summer days and the wonderful moon-white nights, the tender young eyes, and the whispered vows which its perfume called `up. When he passed the rose across the table to the woman the dream went "with it and spread itself swiftly before her inner vision. When she looked up again she left a tear in the heart of the rose, but there was a smile on her lips. Vnn aavia mp l`l'N=Plze._.av-u-I ..L..-u__ -__.1 ..L....1... ....A ...1...a. 1 ......nQ. ...-_.-_u UNDER THE MISTLETOE. Ah ALL-_arEAR spm rr. Eawmwmwaaymwwmwmw 8 am her me:mory ashed the echo of 9,.'bab$"Vs lisp. Then. sheput the _garments' into the basket with aemile. One child dropped in a torn picture-book, anotherta new top; and anothexjeomething else until all had contributed t9 the basket. CULT- ___..I- _ -A__!__- l'__ __-- 4.- A. II ... II __2.I A.L'-`G_!_2A. J I_,,0_. - WISHING EVERYONE A "IiIPrrg_(_1_lhriaImaa @@33@@@WE3@@$ E E To 0113 FRIENDS EVERYWHERE L El 1bappg (Christmas to 90 ll T15` - .,....,.....; nu onnxuu IJUVVID 1411511311 l_)/`C, V mmfancy box. - , . Nei1son s Chocolates--b,ig variety of fancy boxes. Christmas Stockings from 10c to $1.00. New Nuts, Maiaga Grapes, Oranges and Candy or T every description. ' A Heartiest wishes for a Merry Christmas and Pros- perous New Year from the old rm of Grocers- Plum Puddings in small bowls, English style, in fnnrv hnv ALSO AGENT`i`;_O_l-{_-`BRUNSWICK, McLAGAN AND SONORA PHONOGRAPHS % ALLANDALE HUBBARD S HARDWARE R. Malcomson V Geo. Vickers ` H. J. Evans J-.. any _he Spirit of Christmas passed up one street and dovlvn-1 another looking for on home into which no goodwill blossoms had been.gathered,. for there, she knew,- she would be needed. A" ' - ' THE PATRQNAGE EXTENDED TO HIM DURINGQTHE PAST YEAR -HAS BEEN I`GREAT'L..`APPREClATED-AND HE PLANS j TO GIVE EVEN -`BETTER SERVICE _ `THROUGHOUT 1923. A BRIGHT AND PR-()- -S`-l;EROUS NEW YEAR 5%`-*. ` * % A PATTERSON WISHES -TO ALL HIS CUSTOMERS AND OTHER CITIZENS OF TOWN AND COUNTRY TO OUR OLD FRIENDS, LOYAL AND TRUE ;` TO OUR VALUED NEW FRIENDS ;-4 AND TO THOSE WHOSE FRIENDSHIP WE STRIVE TO DESERVE; WE HEARTILY WISH UNMEASURED HAPPINESS AT THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON AND _ALL GOOD FORTUNE THROUGHOUT THE COMING YEARS ___ ------aura-I Sole Distributor fgnl B_arrie and "District for A RIGHT MERRY CHRISTMAS , AND A Sensible Gifts --.- ..-......... V. .. uruuuuu an nuns, suns way. A man and woman and several little children were grouped around a rickety table, upon which stood a basket and many homely parcels. We must share what we have with our neighbor who is poorer even than we are, and who, besides, is a. stranger ina strange land, said the man, as he began to ll the basket. The woman went to a drawer and tool: out some little white woolly garments with the smell of lavender clinging to them, She held them lov- `halt; in Bar rnnnlu Ran.-In C..- .. ....._._..4. -__I _ 4-2-; _,,_-,_., 97;. I 7 7 HEINTZMAN & go. Pm tliliu-u --It-- ----- AND MAY YOU ALL HAVE ABUNDANT REASON FOR REJOICING THIS _JOYOUS GIFT-GIVING SEASON. 'Geo.Vickers Limited a reima the Bi: -..- vvurI`u\a nu o|\r\r\aIIv\vll At last shestopped at one of the humblest homes in the poorest street in the whole city, and entered. Surely she would be needed to work some magic in such a home! It was so small it seemed as if there would hardly beroom to garner even` _ a crop of goodwill-and goodwill, as you know, takes up very little room, though the aroma of it spreads a long, long way. A man 2!!!!` nvnnnnn n-J ----- --I `3A-A-'- A1-J-A-~A ------ ~--------` ---~ ~ ` - * *' ~` -vv.. vuv uu the"i5"' on De Adults 'ofcen ' nec BS3} gun to the this e statutg day ni caon llunici landsi that :1 be eng `This a Tree Dec. sxuusva` Com} Church` Boardll state i Board Court hardwa Torom 1886. 1 and 25 lop St} \.| , Au here 1 `life w; took 1 workw ders 9 Ale. .riemui his mc he wa: u vv.._, 5.... uu..u.u nun uu: aulcu U1 ravt-fnucr Cllglllg [O IIICH1, DEC [1810 tnem 10V- ingly in her rough hands fora moment and a mist sprang into her eyes as across Mimici condo] from ; ny, w done 1 515;; Toron %i{e"I ducte Lodg who ' the f 4755 n. 4 Dunes Ll. AJ1 Whitli l`|lll bendif Came {u b`. an`d . \\'&lS sides ther ing: Ma:-to plat`, of E Scho staff, Mac rie nuox mum drcd othe nom their over the hims The in 21 socin and There was a brisk, happy stirring of bundle-laden people along the brightly lighted streets, and the sound of children's voices made music on the frosty pine~scented air. - ` V A wonderful Christmas was in prospect, for there had been a ne goodwill crop. And when the goodwill crop is a success a splendid Christmas is assured; you know. ` HI,,f"'. rllt. n -- - - " ` Pd 11 And: ious Adom Q occu men anck as t. Ii? W L'tr K HE Spirit of Christmas glided" softly `into the City of Everyday tat dusk on Christmas Eve. _ ` _ _ M

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