E ANNOUNCING A NEW ELECTRIC FIRE / FOR THE HOME, PHONE 415 Dried cheese is splendid for casseroles and {scalloped foods. Mn`-nu Inn..- .. on...-.2] ......L.-...3.... LAL gaunuupcu LUUUB. . . _ Never leave a utensil .contzun1ng hot liquid withm reach of a child. . ...._-.. .`...v.. V. an V-n.`-. l|v1( the left-over egg yolks with cold I water and they will keep splendidly. Thursday, November 16, 1922. 20 PAGI Saturday, Nov. 18 A .g`21_\ heart. Spcllln NIH brougzht I beautiful Hopeless: on grezlt joy, :1 nc\ `(I Louis M. SEE 1| PRICES- There :1 _swc} A better Shtn ii f"l`h_is is ` Arcl NO` Come In and Hearthe Adapted `O1'ph:n kn?) (_:hit I was sin Cg: W11 Cookstown Tw_o Stores: 75 Collier St.` and. 20 Mulcuter St. 5 ' Pliones: 535 or 582 , ' SUN FIRE IA A. E. SMITH ORCHESTRA OLYMPIA Saturday, Specials CALL AT 20 MULCASTER ST. AND s1-zzrr IN OPERATION % Watch our %Windows for Slacof replace Oneal!!!-~ ruaasa SEND wrruom onuo.K11oN,_ voux auu.r:rm on "sun mas" MAKES WARM FRIENDS starting at p;m. ...%at_%th.e.,.. or the security, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after said last mentioned date the seid Executors will proceed to istribute the assets of the said*Estate' of the said Elizabeth Maria McCarthy among the parties entitled there- to, having regard-only__to claims of `which they shall then have notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or per- sons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of- the said distribution. ` ` 'n..a....J -4. .n-.._:- A ' --' --- vuaawuo . . NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to` R. S.0., 1914, Chapter 121, and Amending Acts, that all persons and others having claims against the Estate of the said Eliz- abeth Maria McCarthy, who died on or about `the 18th day of September, A.D. 1922, are required on or before the` 1st day of December, A.D. 1922, to send by post prepaid? or deliver to the Toronto General Trusts Corporation, Bay Street, Toronto, Executors of the Estate of, the said Elizabeth Maria McCarthy, their full names and addresses, a full statement of their claims, duly veried, and the nature of the security, if held And fllrtlmr tnlm nnnn Hm; .-J4-..- ....:.I IN THE E ESTATE of Elizabeth Maria McCarthy, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, married woman, de- ceased. E 0 ' ' \YI\VlIYl'\r.\ ! I I ' - N S01-T coppsm NOTICE TO cRiB1'roRs CIRCULATIOILJ 01-` AIR WATER PAN RIGHT * /HU1_\_DITY_ 3 HEAT CONTROL . . vi vuuv'r\I.Iv 0VUl' ' A very delicious `soup may be made from the fowl bones. Put them on if: a large kettle with two and a half quarts of water, two tablespoonfuls of washed rice, 9. table- spoonful of parsley, one sliced onion and .a. bit of thyme. Simmer down until reduced to one quart; strain` and set asideuntil the next day, in tlie ice chest. Remove the fat, -reheat;- ~a`dd 9. cupful and a half of_ rich milk; and thicken by the addition of` a tablespoonful. of flour blended with two tablespoonfuls of butter.` Serve very, hot. - . A uucu auuucu HUIIIUCT. . A correction re last week's report of the anniversary services here---It was the Ed- envale quartette; not the Elmvale quar- tette. that furnished music for the evening service. ' nucuuu Ju uuuuauu` ` Two new cars arrived ir_1 this section last wek, R. McKenme havmg purchased 3, C evrolet roadgter and R. Cunnmgham a Chevrolet Special. _ _ The deer hunters returned lmt week. ahd repprt a successful hunt, having secured thexr allotted number. A ...-.....,...4:.._ __ 1-,` 1 v . . . Nov. 14.--Mrs. J. M. Knapp and Mrs. D. Campbell spent Thanksgiving among re- latives` in Toronto. Mrs. Geo. Knupp is on the.sick list. Mrs. Rex"Chappell and infant daughter of Toronto are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Chappell. | Mk: NTAI-rho` Mnu:n`nuv 2.-. ..!..:4:.__' -,!Al auu nun. u. Lguuppeu. ' ` Miss Norma` McKinley is visiting with friends in Midland` Tum nnm mam an-iuml :.. oL:.. ...._.z___ I... F Q H. ROBINSON, - Prop. anyway yuul IICCUS. I Rev. W. H. and Mrs. Bartlett have the; sincere sympathy of the people of Cooks- - town in their great loss in the death of .their little daughter Ileen, aged three years and six months, which took place on Sat- urday, Nov. 11. er remains were in- terred at King on Monday. The little pall- -bearers were Mary Hopper, Beth Arnold. Helen McAfee and Victoria` Pollock. uay, nunswu wuuuug Dy 8. score 01,1-U. The ladie of Cookstown and vicinity are cordially invited to visit Fisher s millinery department. Mis_s Stalker will endeavor to satisfy your needs. i `Dm. 117 U .....i 1:..- n,,n .. 1 .- wE1.\`lblis`;:):'. and _A Cookstown High Schools} played a game-of football here on Thurs-'* day, Alliston winning by a of,1-O. Thp Ar nnnbnfnxuyn nvstl ..:..I..:A-. -.__ ` Luv mat rcpurtv `Hunt Club stated eight deer. Allin`-.. --.l I`! bycqur Lauuuay wuu xnenus all AIIIBEOD. I '--What about sewing machines? Ran- kin has them at a price that cannot be! bea`en. _ ' - 46c' David Draper had one foot badly crush- ed while working on the .r`uilroad_ track : I-nsxf numb" ' ' ' `i | CU I` last lWomen s Institute, amounted to $30. a5uu| aucl Utlllg Ill WWII mpntnerla. I ' The proceeds of Poppy Day, held by the Mr and Mm `LI 1`: A......u.___I 1-- 2- vvL_nucu a mamuw, amounted to MU 5 Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Arnold `and `family spent Sunday with friends at Alliston. '_.W}1nf aknnf nntIy:w\a- -u.-`-J-3--A-0 uul Ell U. U. UIULCS H15` '\VeeK.. Mrs. D..McMas`er of Toronto was a _vis- itor at Dr. Jos. Miller s last week. The ladies of the Presbyterian church in- tend `holding a bazaar on Nov. 25. ' Mrs. MacGregor of Wheatley is illsat the. home of her mother. Mrs. Murray. . Master Bert nnlnmnn in ukh. on L... ....L uvulc ul ucr lllpllll`. lV1X'5. Murray, Master Bert Coleman is able to be out again after -being ill with diphtheria. The nrnnnnrle nf Dmmu `nm. 1...).: 1... `LAI made from selected white wheat in`\ an up-to-date mill. Fully guaranteed. Takes first. place always. Miss Richards spent Saturday in Toronto I Mrs. Herbert Jebb is visiting in Toronto.' Miss Neilly of Steel s Corners is a pa- tient at the hospital. I Edwin Lewis has a large force of men working'on his new hotel.. Inspector Mills made his o'icia`l visit to the High School on Tuesday. Miss Ruth Ireland of Guelph was a 'vis- itor at C. G. Clute's last week_. I Mrc D lKnlIn...... ..t 7I`.._-_L_ -- uuu. r. IJIIOIIIDOOD. nepresentatnve >11 m$w&mmw%w&$$&a& g&m$&&&&$wa&&&wj IE CQPKSTQWN gV4 IV-- `D 46c Ill auc. I I I v A very enjoyableevening was spent at the Parish Hall omaMonday when the A.; Y.P.A. held their re-opening meeting afterg having discontinued their meetings through; `he summer months. The evening was in? the form of a social function and euchrei party and the members with their friends gathered to the numbe_r of about _sixty_ and spent a happy time. The winner of!" the ladies prize, a handsome vase,` was, `Miss Ruth Rowley, while the gentleman s[ prize. an ash tray, was won by Oliver' Ritchie. Mr. Burt, the. president of the A.Y.P.A.. delivered a shortatldress during the evening. ' . 'I`HOMSON%In loving memory of Ella. who departed this life Nov. 17. 1921. The leaves again have fallen, Again it brings to me Sad memories of a year ago, When Ella"passed away. And.though her place is vacant Around the family hearth, `Tis sweet to know she s happy With Him whn xrnm-An Hm om-H. u vvlulc _ VYUIAIIIEV ast week. The last report `H111 (ilk cl-afar` Vuu I. 3/. UV. 1%. ucauu ' .' With the help of the `unusually ne fallf weather which we are enjoying this year,.` ` the farmers are making good headwayvwithi ` the fall work. Many have nished their"? plowing. The roads are in first-class shape' for driving, which was proven on Satur-. day last when the crowd in the village at` night was nearly equal to summer time.i - R M '.lnnl! llnannfnh-nail ll 6-`...---... f---- I Flour Mills and ELEVAT-OR_ urguv. waa msuny equal 120 summer t1me.l ` R. M. -Black despatched a telegram from! i the G.T.R. station here on Nov. 4, at 4.l0j p.m., to J. Wright, Victoria, "B.C., which= was sent by Wesley Bell of Elmvale. and in thirty~four minutes from the time it left .Elmvale the message was received at Vic- toria, B.C. Considering that this telegram had three relays, at least. it seems almost a record at the remarkably fast time it made. a I 1 uuuu Auunuwy, `.Mrs. Vansickle and A. C. Bishop ar at; Jerseyville this week attending the funerali of their brother, Wm. Bishop. V_who died1_ on Tuesday. Nov. 14.- IXIHI. H... I....I... ..t 4.1.- .......`..._n-. n r --i uuu nus. vvuuuce-J. blllle, 8 aaugnter. Mrs. Jas. E. Beardsall 1s visit-mg her sis- ter in Toronto, who underwent an opera- tion recently; _ Y M. -. W R D..:.: 4: n..........I :- -.:-2A24- ""i7(rs`.w{;.. Reid or came: is visiting! at .the home of her. parents, Mr. and Mass` John McAuley.T L ` vunn:n`r`n nut A I` Dl..`L-.. -_-9 A I J A t ucnc tuna wccn. . ` Robert Ritchie of Toronto is visitin , friends in this vicinity. _BnI'l'l nn gllnthav Man `I0 I00`) A- II- uncuua nu uus vlcxnny. f _ Born, on (Sunday, Nov. 12. 1922, to and Mrs. Wallace-J. Clute, a daughter. Mm- 11:: R `Rani-an" in uainn 1...- -:- uuvu uula W665. i ` Robt. Peters of Toronto called on iriendsf here this week. ` D-L_..L h:;_L2, 9 an . - - - - ! me sweet: cu xsuuw sues nappy ' With Him who guards the earth, -Yes, guards the earth and watches eachl Of us; He guards her, too. v Oh! May we live that we with her In Heaven may live anew. Miss .Bertha'Jdnes visited ffiqlds in Tor- qnto this week. ` ` `DALA 13.4.-.. A VlI,,,, A II n 4 u u For light, crisp, delicious pastry, ask your grocer * for __- 24-: ;g..:n:-- &$&wmw&&&$$&&g{ : CREAM OF CHICKEN SOUP __ ._ J7`. c , . 5 FE 'E.'ss7n3:'n;3:1?..E`Ia`v'. I 3$w&%&mm$&ma%&%e IN MEMORIAM !YNF$.1P!_<`- ` ! from the Cookstown' that they had secured! ,TH:s B-A-RRIE EXAMINER -The Family. -r r "`r"" . I Some members had favored devot`-1 ing the organization funds to provin-z 'cial rather than federal purposes, re- marked the chairman. He asked for I ian expression of opinion and it was` pointed out that the North Simcoei organization had nothing to do with provincial matters. U - v I ` (Continued from page one) ! { Financial Statement H I `A. M. Brownridgeipresented a fin-! ancial statement, showing a surp1us in the general account, but a short- age in the picnic fund to which all the clubs had not yet paid their 1e_vy.i |The secretary suggested one levy] annually for all purposes. ' mid, I MOSS Ro'i: PASTRY J PATRONAG?ST?M_T , IS NOT ABOLISHEDE Women s _.12-button Cloth Spat, nicely tailored,` leather binding around heel, in Fawn, Brown and Grey . . . $1.95 pair 12-`buttonVSpat in felt cloth, twill bound, in Sand, Fawn, Grey, Brown . . $1.65 These"Sp`ats are tailored in England and made of high grade English Cloth, all i = leather bound. The style and t are perfect; in every.-color, F/gown, Dark Fawn, Brown and Grey. THE HUB BOOT SHOP YOU'LL um: THEM Next ,to Crossland s Drug Store. --_Spev<:i4:_1Vl,' $3.00 pair `Ever ready to slip on, quickly transform on s punips or ox- fords, withsuitable protectio_n from the \}vite_r s penetrating. cold. Our,Engl_i'shT-macic spats are so perfectly`shP5d that they t as snuglyfas a stitched-on boot top. Spats For Your `Convenience ' Page Eigflt ' _ !States. The buying end of co-oper-I [ative work is only dealing with pin; fmoney but as-for the U.F.O. selling fend the only trouble is that it does fnot go far enough, dec1ared`the] [member for Centre Simcoe. I The meeting /opened with The' {Maple Leaf, and before the speeches gthere were numbers by two violins `and a piano and `a male trio sang, a home-made song entitled, Glory, |, iGlory, United Farmers, we're better! 'farmers now. [ p. Ch_i1dren s Rubber, sizes 4 to 10% . . 70 Men s Rubbers, rst/qjality, sizes 6 to 11, at . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.20 Boys Rhbbers, sizes 1 to 5 . . . . . . 95c Misses Rubbers, oin every1ast,Wfor spring and half heels, sizes 11'to 2 . . . . . 85 `We havetheniiri every style, every shape, every size, but only one `quality, `the best. .Women`s Rluers, all first quality, to fit every shaped -toe and heel, -sizes 2% to_8,at...." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..95c YOU'LL NEED RUBBERS STANDARD J