sin after sister, \Jvv\.a|l uuunu Ull VVUUIICSUEY 01 1335 Week spending over 9. week vxslting her Mrs. C. Bell. -- Mr, Robinson has bought the undertak- ing and furniturer business from Mr. Dyer. . Tn!-no nnnnr of I`-......_--- L-- ...5 min mruuure ousmess n-om Mr. Dyer. Lorne Doner of Creemore has bought the building on Main street owned by the late Miss Lee, and after doing some re- ALIIDIIIICI a Mr. and Mrs. Dan McLean and Mr. and Mrs. A. T. McDonald are leaving this week by motor for Florida, where they intend to spend the winter. ' Mrs. R. Strong returned home from Owen Sound on Wednesday of last week` after snendina In-nr .. .......I. ..:..:L:__ 1.-- ucl uuuuer. mornmn. became the wife ofl Rev. G. Crookshark officiiited. They will be at home after Dec. 1st, at Drumheller, I` Alta. Serzt. William Gower Kennedy, son of Mr. ' and Mrs. Duncan Kennedygfontague; P.E.I. | Nov. i14.-1-ms. am `or New Liskeard `is visiting her mother, Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Lehman returned home last week after spending a week with her son in Kitchner. ' II _ ,,,.I II v\ :- o - >* hlaCP| HUI o E A quiet wedding took place at the Pres-J Ibyterian manse. Drumheller. Alta., Wed-"' Inesday. Nov. 8, when Miss Edith Evelyn Coulter, youngest daughter of Mr. Alexan- der Coulter. Thornton. became the wife of | ` `and Mrs. nun:-an 'K(nm-man ..I'....4...----' `D131 A \JUllI.lBt . Your correspondent" regrets_ that` Miss Mildred Henry's name was inadvertently omitted from the report of the Mission iCircIe concert. .Miss Henry recited very ] acceptably. i A Allin} uuulni:-.. L..-1_ ..I_,, . .9 is wcrn-cuu unurr Iue parental FOOT. I Mrs.` W. W. McMillan spent `Sunday jwith Mrs. Barlow. Mrs. Dickinson is visiting in Creemore. Mr. .aml Mrs. Howard Bertram, Percy and Miss Viola Brown of Dalston. and Miss- ' es Jean and Laura McLean of Edgar spent` Sunday at the,home of_ Mr. and Mrs. Coutts. ` \r_.... - -- ' " ` N | nun mun.` LVHIUICLI nenry. Mr. and Mrs. Esten Davis. Misses Leila Davis and Edith Arnold of "Ivy, and Miss IMa_vme Henry of Bradford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J.iW. Henry. Gordon gnnnnmv nf nnnfnv-\' ...-...-.L 41-- Column. vvuu .uI. illlll HITS. J.'W. Henry. J I Gordon Snencer of Beeton' spent the `weekend under the parntal roof. Mm` W W 1/r..M:u.... ....-.. o..----r ul WIIIIII5. Miss4Carter of Cookstown spent` Sunday with Miss Mildred Henry. I Mr um! Mm Wan... 'n....:.. mr:---_ 1-2: sung wnu xurs. urussiey. | Mrs, James Cunningham gave a dinner! on Tuesday evenlng to a number of friends. Mrs. John Mayes is seriously ill at time` of writing. . T 5 Mint: (`avatar at I"...J-..L--.... --- I N ` ' r _.,. .--- .._....... .\m,-uuwc mu oucu appeal. 7 1 . .. {_ ` The Women s Institute wrll meet at the L. `home of Mrs. A. W. Morris on Wednesday. ,, Nov. 22. `A good attendance is requested. M Mr. and Mrs. .103. Gordon of New. Low- , ell and Miss Clare Pearson of Stayner were `lately visitors with Mr, and Mrs. W. E. - l. Pearson.- I Mr. Donnelly was in his old place in [church again last Sunday and welcomed - . buck by many friends. ' ` W. A. Fletcher of Ottawa visited with Ilrelaiives here last week. M. .....l `Al-.. n..u_, (1 .u - - JJUlldlUc Mrs. Walter_ Milligan and Elaine are vis- iting wifh Mrs. Cmssley. Mr: Janina uunlnnkn... ......._ - J2.,.r- |cluu nun. umupueu OI UOOKSCOWD. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hutton and daughter Br.-`txy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Donald. |p___ 117 1. up... - -- - uulul, onuuuuy Illg. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Thompson were Willis Smith. Burt Jennett, Mr. zind Mrs, Wilfred Hatton of Ivy. Mr. and Mrs. EImer._Irwin of Egbert and Mrs. Campbell of Cookstown. i Mr 1)!!!` Mac Ynnl. YJ..u.-_ -__| J-~ ` r I1 lp Ii spent Ma?el. T7,, Avlll `Cl- Herman Thompson returned from the north, Saturday night. Qnndaur I7:a;fnI-9 `.441. It. ..__.I |:_- xv, mmnnca ucn: lust We6_K. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Scythes and fam- ily of Hendrie, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Beelby and Miss Hayes of Barrie. Mrs. McLean] and son Rnv and Miss Coffey of Bond Hearil and Mr. -`ml Mrs. F. Robinson spent Sun- day with_Mr. and Mrs. T. G.-Scyfhes I Mrs. S. J, Wright nf Nona.-:. .....x M:.- eels I Nov. l4.--There were large congrega- tions at the Methodist church on Sunday. The anniversary eervices preached by Rev. `E. T. Douglas of Barrie were enjoyed: and lthe services of the Cookstown choir, were also much appreciated. The offering am- ounted to $700, with more to follow, and the trustees are grateful to all concerned for the liberal response to their appeal. '1`-I'M: \XI,n~..n..`.. 'I'....c:4..:._ -__~:u ,, _ . - - W. $%%%%$%&%%m%$$$m ww&m&$$$m%%&$$ 1 m3XIjLnu -- I Aau _,S_TAYNER` THORNTON unuuvullls Wlll Se`-up 3 The mild weather is fuel. situation greatly. of- coal have come in been distributed in small ple. M. n .... -_L I pic. Mr. Durrant has moved into his house in Main street, although it is all completed yet. an. - In 7 - ...j we---ra-Viv`; JDIJI . ; The Women's Institute meeting was: held at the home of Mrs. Lou Glenn last: Thursday afternoon and was quite we}! attended. Mrs. Sleman gave a>demonstra- ltion on remnvimr H... L... c.._ r-A . _.--........u. uum. uucman gave 8 demonstra- u tion . on removing the bones `from fowl and dressingit. ERN. BOLTON ' VERNET BEARDSA OPPOSITE BR YSON S CONFECTIONERY ' OUR MOTTO: VALUE AND SERVICE E The B. B. Shoe St<;1.'e `Yes, they are going to wear strapped shoes for evening wear this autumn and winter, in patent, kid and combination of patents and colors. Our prices range from ' nun An . A-A -- Before buying hosiery, A real special value for boys going to school who ' want a light boot and will wearia rubber over it. A light kip bo0__t,` but dur- able, sizes 11 to 5,'at At: no: ? sell Hurlbut and Hewetson Shoes` for Children -1' $6.75 pair increas- features ' ing the conflict. Prepare for wet weather with apair of Mgvgk Rubbrs -- -xx .1 you -$2.59 pair Jr! on uanuwan: Uub'lIlSS. [er helping out the atly. Several carloads me lately and have! lots to the peo-' p siery, have a look at our range at popular prices. new s not ' It is one of the hardest times of the year for a real, honest- to-goodness boy to keep his shoes in order. We don t know that there is any sure cure for this but to put his feet- in a pair of our CHUMS boots. Real leather, honest workmanship - that s why . they stand up under rough treatment. , . N ..-.w-- vunvvulni IEO These are very delicious and unusual. ,Use equal parts of mashed, cooked parsnips, ;yellow turnips and potatoes. Mix all to- gether and add for a._ pint of the mixture {two and 8. half bablespoonfuls of butter, isalt and paprika to taste, two tablespoom 'fuls of chopped parsley, one tablespoonful iof onion juice, one lightly beaten egg and enough rich milk to form a molding mixd tu5e. Chill on the ice, dip first in grated cheese, then in bread and crumbs, cover with beaten egg and again roll in crumbs. Fry in deep, hot fat to a`rich brown and drain on brown paper before serving. A` combination of patent and grey suede oxford; just the shoe they are clhmoring for in the cit- ies, low heel and the new toe. We have them at A-_.._ BEARDSALL 25c IRISH CROQUETTES H `gait Page Fixe ` lit) igh hf) ! ea. be- F0: ts x't}.i ire 995 and by auaulc, uuu-uuuac, `/3 acres $000 g8l'C|0 soil . . . . . . . . . . . ........$3000 Five-roomed Cottage, stable, garage.hen- house, large orchard, five acres choice garden soil mce location; these kind are scarce . . . . . . $2500 Two Good Grocery Businesses for sale; Four Good Business Blocks for sale. If it's a [Town Property, :3 Market Garden, . a Farm, or a good business, it will pay you to see our full list. T l PARTRIDGE & GILROYI Five-roomed 'Co.tage, stable, large lot Six-l`00__Il1(!d Brick House, conveniences. stable, garage, 2% acres good garden soll, nice location a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $3700 Six-roomed "Brick House, water, lights, one acre land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2600 Six-roomed Housewater, lights, central $|300 l Six-roomed Cottage, water, lights .. N000 Six-roomed House, large hen-house .. SIZOO Mann garage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $|600 ;.Eight-roomed Brick House, water, lights, stable, hen--house. 21/, acres good garden soil . . _ _ . . . _ 7 Mn Six-roomed Cottage, furnace, electric lights, town water, cellar full `size of house, front and back veranda, nice little home, for quick sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2000 Five-roomed Brick Bungalow, convenienoes. V ...................... szsoo `V vvabvl, uugc auuuus uuu garage, nen-house, nice location $2000. Eight-roomed Brick House, all modern con-T veniences, hardwood trim, garage, full V 66 ft lot, a nice home . . . . . . . . .. $4200 Seven-roome'd Brick House, all modern con- veniences, hardwood floors, `must be sold. Bargain. . . . . . . . . . . . . $3500. Seven-roonned Stucco House, water, light, garage, nice location . . . . . . . . . . . . $Z|00 Seven-roomed Stucco House. conveniences $|800j Q;Ir_rl\t\vv|n)l Q4... 1!... V . . . . . . .--oanuvuouc-o-Io. Six-roomed Stucco House. am-ul ..,.II.... ..L..l.l.. |_..-.-.I ix-roomed Brick Hous, electric lights, wtater, lar_ge stable and garage, hen-house, mce lmmtmn comm Office: 46 Bayold St., Barrie Phones: Office 86l, Residence 864W ' P. 0. Box lllll 317 . Fels Naptha . . 3 for 23 Almond Paste .. lb 43 We deliver orders of $10.00 or over to any part of town 3njn:4;....:gn-:44A. .;n;c.:n.:nju :11 -:-- -`p-uwv VJJnalI\lI I-:'.xclusi$:;-Real Estate Agents Soap `Flakes. . 2 lbs'. 27: Infants Delight Soap as c-..Too- .1, A.RTR.?G.'5_& G"-ROY I Finest Seedless RAISINS, 2 lbs. 3:95 "i5.le'1 , frb .V.' 1' 1". ' Shelledwalnuts, Yb : Whole Walnuts, Tb. Clark s Tomato Soup llc Campbell s 14 Soda Biscuits, Tb . 17` Lemon Crisp Biscuits 17 Lemon or Orange - l\..-1 14-. OF. . 7.--- iix-roomed water, light, good cellar, stable. largelot, easy terms DOM[Nl0N s'mmas, Limited WE SELL FOR LESS Thursday, Novmner 16, 1922 . TOWN PROPERTIES PRICED TO SELL` '1:'6`3S SOAP ,`E.?._fJLTE 35 y~-v 25c nds r in mi I 500 n-house, :ubI`r:U`(l}:2'appell of Toronto visited withl .her niece, M_rs. Ernie Crawford. | ulauculluc H150 WCUK. ' ' Rev. N. Campbell preached in 'Col1ing- wood last Sunday. D W .MonYnlIu;nA an.`-.9 LL- .....-L ---I wuuu IEIBL Dull ' .P. W. ~Maca{l;md sent the weekend` in `Toronto. I .' ll..- l`\L._____-II ,t PI ! ,, . - -. I --I uuuluu luau ouuuuy. " ' -Miss MacLelland,' who has -been -home {or} 'a few days, received a. call to nurse at, Bracebridge last week. . nnv N (`!........L..II .....`......1.....1 :_ 11-11:..- Nov. 14.--Qui-te a number from here at-! tended the anniversary services, at Central] church last Sunday. V ; MacLelland.' has been -hnmn fm-5 Ke116gg s Corn Flakes .. .. 3for.29 Roinrdbats . . 6155.251: Florida Oranges,`doz. 43 Grape Fruit . . 3 for 29. Valencia Raisins, tb 25 11 . JJCIL What might have been a serious accidenti happened on Saturday. Frank Rowe was tightening a binding pole on a load of straw when *he pole broke. throwing him to the ground. He suffered a broken rib and 9., `bad shaking-up.` T g . Minn lluknl T-Tn-on-all Lon 1...... ..----I3--- -| V1'ni\`lisae`vm{i`*;llfelupP.Iefrell has been spending- few days with her aunt, Mrs. Robt. Ellis. 1:6,. 1:92 ----v-g WJLQTKQE Mithell of Allistomsgientl a few! days last week with his daughter, Mrs. J. H. Bell. ` IIrL_._,,,t,I. I . I Dundee Fruit Cake,1b.29c Valencia 21 Ayfmer Corn, 2 tins 25c .2-1 Polish . . . 2 tins 25c Nugget Polish, 2 tins 25 Nonsuch Pblish, eac-h 17c O Cedar Polish 25 Whit Satin Pastry 85 ELOUR, 24 lbs. ` `Mrs. Clarke of Toronto has returned to her home after visiting her sister, Mrs. Jno. Dobson; 7..-.-- Il!;-I_AII B All` . . . I `ll JUN; Human. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan and family bf Elm- grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bell. ` { ll..- I'\|__.L, ,1` In Nov. 14.-Mrs. fas; Sproule wns in Tor- onto on Saturday attending the funeral of her nephew, Dr. Manseld Mooney. who passed awy in the Western Hospital aftex -a long`illness. : . M. .....a M.-.. u ..... ..-.: A--_:--. A van." | (1 `X4 Mrs.\E. B. Guest has opened 2; grocery store "at Guthrie, carrying a full line of groceries and pro- visions. Flour, shorts and bran also kept in -stock. Your patronage solicited. okp s1;Afr1oN `pough iNOTlCE . F R (`mt-I UTOPIA visitor with her sister, Mrs. Wallace Brown. Mr._ Silver-steir. who keens a large fruit -and store in Hamilton. called on S. Pratt on Monday with the objecl of buying potatoes to _.ship to Hamilton. 5 Several from here attended the regular meeting on Monday night of L.O.L; No. 452, Barrie. Important business was trans- acted and several of the brethren were promoted to higher degrees.. 4 .W::r.and Mrs. Brown and family of Tor- onto werejvisitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown. V) , -71-, 1-. uuuwn. Miss -Ferguson of Tofonto was" a recent visitor with her sister, Brown Mr. Silva:-utnir mi... 1...... .. 1...... t`... Nos-. 15.-`-Miss Reta Malkin of Toronto` has spent a few days with her parents re- cently, ' ` ` Mp nip` II ... D------ ~ ~ -` " " ' -' uuun vImuug.wlHl ner aaugnter. I I A number from this vicinity attended` the funeral of.the late R. Wilson, son of` Marshall Wilson. Aurora. ' nu-uu_| xuug. ' I Frank Hughes is slowly recovering from? 'his criical illness with pneumonia. Mrs. ulroy is in Newmarket with her: idamzhter. Mrs. J.` King. ~ 1' The Methodist W.M.S. met last week at] the home of Mrs. A. King. .Fred James of Toronto,visited hisvpar- ents. Mr. and Mrs. G. James, last week. Mrs. D. McCullough has returned home : from visiting.with her daughter. A nllrnlanr `nu-an `L35 ..2..2...!L-. _LA.. 1 Vi each item each lfuuvnug Ill uvzuul. _ Mrs. Rainey and Miss Hazel Raihey of `Barrie visitedjwitli Mrs. R. J. Stewart. last week. . f ` `._`: 7;. n on Wltizivinv King of Toronto spent his holi- days here with his parents. Mr, and Mrs. A`rthur King. I wrub IJ'....l..m :n .-I-u-J-- ------~~3-- aya wu-u 1Vl.l'b'. vvaucer. ~ Rev. Mr. Totten of Toronto spent a few, days this` week at the home of W. C. W. McCullough. who does not seem to be im- proving in health. ha D... H... ...__I ll:,_ 7' I n - - usmuvca ul LUIUIIIO. I On Sunday, the 19th, Rev. Mr. Lawrence of Newmarket will preach in the Methodist Church, in the morning and Rev. R. H a Somerville of Thornton in the Presbyterian church in the evening. WSIHIDI` nf nnlulann u:.-:G-.l f.._ - I----| uuunuu III we BVEIIIDE. Miss Walker of. Coulson visited for a 1 days with Mrs. Walker `D.... M - m_u-,_ J m av ulc Lcaulcllcc ()1 Mrs. J Jfeld. Mrs. Fred Wood spent last: week with relatives in Toronto. n Q.....l...- LL- inn, 1-; tr! v I Nov. l5.--Miss Mabel Crawfofrl spent `several -Jays` with her sister, Mrs. H. Mc- . Lem-I uu. uu\ucuuC- Wll HUI" singing and pleasing `manner. and Miss Hickling of Midhurst, elocutioist, gave some splendid selections that were pleasing to the large. audience. Mrs. Hodgson was the accompanist. Presbyterian W.M.S. 'meets to-day at the residence of Mrs. J .Reid. 7 Mm wrnzl 7nnJ .....-_4. I__;- : , I '-'V . vv b\u|I:a\laJ - ii A miscellaneous shower for the bride-to-i r be, -Miss Arlie Canning. was held at the` home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilniour Reive on .,Saturday evening. Nov. 4. Norman Pra t left for the north to work with Mr. Kendall in the bush this winter. . (Too Late for Last Week) - Nov. 8.--~Dr. and Mrs. Pickard of Guelph `spent Thanksgiviiig with Mrs. Rnbt. Reive. Miss Kathleen Selman spent the holiday lwith her parents, - . _ ' ,0 . lh Ztfni, Reive spent Thanksgiving in Mark- I 8 . ` I T.he`Thaiiksgi\'ing supper_ given by the , Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church was ' a success as usual. The tables looked very pret`_v with Thanksgiving decorations on Iitheiii and there was am abundance of cold `meat and fowl, _etc. The concert. held in : the church, was of a very high order. I [Harry Barron of Barrie sang several songs in his usual good style and was greatly ap- preciated. Miss Dobson, also of Barrie, won the audience. with her singing and pleasing i ,manner. Hinklinb nf m.ii........ eavy ea_ch uuy wuu yuan` aunt, Mrs. `mos. Allan. I Fred Allan was in'Toronro on Sunday, bringing home D. Taylor from the hospital. Mrs. Robt. Boyes and Rev. W. John-4 ston gave of the convention in Toronto on Monday night. _ Born. to Mr. and Mrs. J. Gummerson, on Sunday. Nov. 12, a son. ~ A reception was held for Mr. and Hrs. Small at the home of Mrs. S. Canning on Wednesday. ` V . A nl`:Gnn'lnv\nnuu:u -L.....-._ 1'-.. `I I -I vvcu: uau.ur5 on oanumay wnn mends here. `Howard Reive and `his s1ster,\Mrs. Gor- don Fraser of Regina, Sask_., spent Sun- day with their aunt, Mrs. Thos. Allan. FTP!` urn: :n"I`n......L.. .... O..._-|-A- Nov. l.--`Mr. anfi Mps. Alex; Cowanli were visitors on Saturday with friends here. I T-Tnumn-I Palm: and LL. ..:..L.._ 1!... r1, _CUNDLl.-`.5 CHURCHILL LEFROYN THE BARRlE"EXA'MlNER `few!