Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Nov 1922, p. 10

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DIIC IIUQU 3 6 n `.`Precise1y, bothuhim and Mr. Simp-; son. ' I, ..1..-,.'_;. 4...- 1.-.: 4.1.--- .1:.:...--- ` DUI]. Its almost too bad they didn`t. nish them, said Halibut. Some- thing tells. me that Watson has giv-E en us only his side of this stor_v.i Guess I'd better get the other side? from the Bushwhacke1's. I A Smythe raised his skeleton hands. 1 My dear `Colonel, it s as muchi as your life s worth to set foot on. their property, he warned.- They swear they'll shoot you on sight, sir. `X7lnn&-'7 r`:-Jnnnl '-Tolnil-nil c they'll shoot sight, sir. What? Colonel Hallibut sprang up and strode across to `where Smvthe sat cowering`. Who told you that?"1 he shouted. I nun... -..1_.. ' M ................,..;.l. Ht! SHUULCU. _ .Wh_v why commenced 1 Smythe, then he wriggled upright`? and tongued his dry lips. -Broad-g crook told me for one, he finished. 1'_T..l`ILnL ...nn..A 4-.` amp} -Pu`.-. nnaanu.V Ul'UUl\ LUIU IHC LUl' UHC, IIC LIIIIBIICU. 1 Hallibut paced to and fr`o acrosef the wide room. The veins in his` neck were throbbing, and SmytheE could see his fingers twitching. Fin-I ally, the big man stopped directly int frrmt of his visitor. HY: -__._ L_..-._l LL._'L H `L- ....:.l ...-.:..A. : lflllll; U1. lllh Vl3ll:U1'. I If you heard that. he said quiet-; and you've come over here to warn 5 me, it's mighty good of you. Smythel I'm sorry if I can't only just abouti half believe you!--bu!t' that's your: fault. I can t help knowing _vou re a liar.-Smythe, any more than you can help being one. Still, I m in-f clined to believe that those Bush-9 whackers would put me away if they: got the chance. They've got a law. of their own. I know, and I also know; that they don't Iikeme any too 'vwell.I I don't know why; I never did them; any harm.` I wanted that timber, of ; course. and would have naid them{ well for it. I've learned. though,; that they all have.enou2l1 natural poetry in their souls to make them} sentimental fanatics as far as their`, busnland is concerned. and I d made} 1 up my Mind to let them and their tim~i ber gr to thunder. ~ Now, after what an about? ; gealenlualsal 5: lllillililigl Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- Jng, District Passenger Agt., Toronto. J. E. BILLINGSLEY, nag E_,,,,_ . the high price of 55 `cents a dozen. Fowl.` 1' ` "' i E,Il5I!I'.-lll EEIEEIEEIEEIEF { ` SATURDAY MARKET 7. "The market on Saturday offered the i town buyers vegetables of every variety I I n m abundance. Butterpand eggs were very" iplentiful. although .th"e latter- still kept i tchickens. ducks and geese, were to be had `for the Sunday dinner. Apples of every kind were everywhere. ` | prjlces : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Geese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `Snow apples . . . . . . . . . H Onions (small) . . . . . . .. Beets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `Cabbage . . . . . . . . I Carrots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !Crab apple's . . . . . . . . . . . . Celery . . . . . . . . 10c ea Turnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Marrow * Beans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Squash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o f Cooking apples . . . . . . . . . ; I Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Apples (Kennedy Reds`) gwood popla . . . . . . .. .iHa_\f (Timofhy) ..... Hay .(CIoverl . . . . . . . V. .. i 5 I I s f . I . . A .:'n0-yezar-old woman in New`Ynrk was; en` to the workhnuse for sending in false ire aiarms. '!'V,,, lV,.I2__.._2 , 1-:.____ -L-.._-_: .-.:.L EIIIVC HIHIVIIIF. , - ` y' i_ Two California {inns are charged with! jnlefrzmding the Governnxent of $1.-150,02()i ihy income tax frauds. ithey \'.e lately said, I guess I ll show! E them a thing or two. ' I-111+ nnn u7nh I- folra vnnv `Hiya in I ` LIICHI ii hlllllg U1 DVVU. But you won t take your life in] your hands by going among_ those? `murderous -men, sir? f earfully. \`l 'nrnIv 1,111 asked Smythe i nnf cotnnr 411:4-1 LCGICLIJIIQ . Well. now, I'm not saying just what I'll do. One thing` is sure, I m too much of an Englishman to be .<(:a1'e-.d out by a Bushwha('ke1'. and I do like a mix-up,oI lI confess. Be- sides, Smythe, it won t do to let them l\:1`IlI `"1-n Gl1"II'l1I` -MKV 1I7I\I`1I `)1, 2 I I I n I No. returned Hallibut I've; , given up the idea of ever securing the `timber. Come to think of it, I was 2 a hog to ever want to put my finger iin their pie. I like those wild devils} ga lot better since I ve found theyi ghave the sand to stand up for theirl Iown. If your village of Bridgetown `had some of the Bushwhacker man- ihood _vnu d have a city there some` . day, Smythe. i urzmi (`.-...ln.l 7'! L......n...'.i o.....n.,. .i.. I 1 I - v - - - - - I v - - ~ - - - - - - v - I ! I uay , vJ|u_y uuc. God forbid," breathed Smythe de- " voutly. And u.-Ln~..n Ah! nu an... 1XTn+;~nu VUUI/I `L was now ly. HQ . {.111 where did you say Watson} ? asked the `Colonel abrupt- In I'\l\1IV of vnvv vxnnv h`\(\ll\ '7 no... 157.; ""F;LTi."' sma. E 3 1].. l 5 Mr. Smythe drew from his pocket! ? a square piece "of paper and handed it! lto the Colonel. The big man placed[ `his glasses onehis nose and read the; gnote aloud. .l'l'V, `I1- IV_._Lf, ,,,,I\ 1_y. V H6 is now at my poor abodef." answered Mr. Smythe p1aintive.1y.| He is in pretty bad shape. They] I must have "beaten him unme1'cifulI.v.;' -He begged that I give you this note.` sir. RIC, f`I_.,_,A'L J,,,, , l`,,, , 1,` 1 I I 3 i i E.='e"".=' $9.93.-9n99 : t-u-u-u--u jwtcluwwt tuuunlvb Z8 $IC$ lby local applications, as they cannot} 'l'each the diseased portion ot the ea.r.I Icatarrhal Deafness requires constitu-' itlonal treatment. I-IALL'S CATARRH vMEDTCINF! in A nnngtihninnnl raw-nnau, i uonai treatment. HALLS CA'i.`A.Kl:t [MEDICINE is a, constitutional remedy. Cetarrnal Deafness is caused by an in-, ` amed` condition of the mucous lining on the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is | inamed you have a. rumbling ound or , imperfect hearing. and when it is entire- I3` closed, Deafness is the result. Unless 't e inflammation r-an hp. rpilnmsrl eunu- - nnuus uA'J.'A1uu-1 MEDICINE acts through the blood on the mucous sur- a faces of the system, thus reducing the In- I I {lamination Ind restoring normal condi- I Hone. I . I I closen, ueameu as the result. Unless I e inflammation can be reduced. your hearing may be d t d f . HALUS cgvrumn a{K$nru:rX3f. nu: uuxununuuuu can 06, P800060. 1011]` destroyed forever. HALIJS CATARRH MEDICINE acts through the blood on fhn rnnnnnu cur. Doctors Give Up Case of` Eczema v----- yu v- 7- q Unexcelled Dining Car Service A Sleeping cars on Night Train: and Parlor "Cars on principal Day Trains. [Herbert G. Robertson, Dragging Bum. Hon?!-:*A1{LMi-{:N'1*s ,_ 1-2..-J... This in o1_:e of the many striking etoriee we are pnbll|ln_ns_ol`wlnat the D. D. D. preacnption llv accomplishing among Canadian suereru. Cases from your own neighborhood will be sent on epphcatxon. ."l was laid up all wine with weep- ing eczema. I tried every doctor in teach. Both hands. arms and l to my knees were a sight. I have u several bottles of_D. D. D. and am_well of the temble dnaease. D. D. D. as certainly chea after the doctors.'.`- Peter Mer- cer. t. Burwell. Out. The ilrst drop of D. D.D. and the itch in. done. Your monev back if the met bottle does i3...}.rZz};;Jo..y'.}...ry..-:1. man j Tue 1m: crop of 1). 11.0. and me mm (1. none. Your money buck if mat bottle does not relieve you. $1.00 a bottle. Try D. D. D Soon. too. T ' `fill T_.l.1_'_. ._... 61.1.. I\2.__ _. EIDIIB, Circulars tree. Al! Drugglsto. I`. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. 0] _~'.'3`."`'x?e2'& `?:'.'=..&'~`3':":'. .?"onso. TOPS BLEEDING INSTANTLY. P EVENTS BLOOD POISONING. CURES THRUSH. FISTULA. SPRAINS AND BRUISES. The Inn}. all around Liniment for the I I l\lO-In |\\; sun---- Phon'os':- Office I63. Residence 353 BRUIBISS. `me best all around stable as well as for household use KEEP IT HANDY. . At all Dealers and Druggists. Manufactured only by DOUGLAS & C0.. NAPANEE. Ont. THE MARKETS 3,1 hI~l\h:nu - no-_..____ , of many kinds` quickly remedied with DOUGLAS |";:I`o Be Continued) " . . . . . 55c,d`ozenl, . . . . . . . . . . 28c to 30;: lb. . . . . . . . . . 30c lb.i . . . . . . . .. 28c 1b.. . . . . . . . 35c basket .'. .......... .. 45c basket {_ . . . . . .. 25c basket|` . . . . . . .. 5c to 10c each . . . . . 20c basket . . . . . . . 35c basket each. 2 bunches 25c. 5c head, . . . . 15c each. . . . . . . . . 106 pt.` - . . . . . . . 10c each| . .. 25c large basket" . . . . . . . . .. 75 bag . . . . . . $2.00 bbl. _ . . . . . . . . . $6.00 cord} . . . . . .. $14.00 ton! . . . . . . . ..$l3.00ton*| 40c lb . 3 _.________..:___...___.._...__. R. J. EDWARDS .& EDWARDS I8 Toronto St.. Toronto. | R. J. Edwards. G. R. Edwards, B.A.S.;. kg? DRS. W. AND W. R. RICHARDSON Graduates and members of Royal `Oollep ' of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. I Oicez Over Bank of Toronto, Ban-i_ Entrance on Owen St. Phones: Oice 241, Res. 314. P.0.Box 138 W. Richardson, L.D.S., D.D.S. 7? n1 n_...I..II D:..I......L..~..-. I ne n n. Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, , Conveyancers. Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Oice-l3 Owen St., in` Masonic Tempin `Building, Barrie. . -Branch otfice--Elmvn!e. `W. A. Boys, K.C.,M.P. D. C.?Murchinou I1:-n-l,\r\lIIr|.lI vv vvI1II Barrister, Solicitor for obtaiping probatgai wis, guardianship and` administration, mi | General Solicitor, Notary, Gonveyancer,` eta Oice--Hinds` Block, No. 8 Duniop St. | "Money to loan 5. Large and well assorted stock to choose from. We are now getting good shipments of imported granites at greatly reduc- ed prices. . C. W. Plaxton: III`: II. In F\I\I`F|I-I- I Associate` Coroner County of Simc_ge ,Office and Residence--Corner Toronto and | Elizabeth Sts., opp. Central Church. ` ` Telephone 167. I , uua. L.IIII.r.uI.lIlI.l:. Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie, Ont. Office and Residenc&-47 Maple Ave. ]OFfice hours:- 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., at {by appointment, ` Phone 213 `A. T. Little. M.D. W. C. Little, MB. i 3 I , U. ` Phone 61. j DR. MORTIMER LYON i122 Bloor St. West-. Toronto, will be at l 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. 3 Disease: of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat : Consultation hours--ll am. to 5 p.m. i Barrie phone 2. Toronto. North 3326. I on. FRED A. ROSS (Formerly of Drs. Ross 6: Ross, B_arri:` Late Surgeon Specialist with "the . Imperial Army. 41! years. Gene.-al Surgery and Obstetrics especially. 1 Oice-15 Owen St., Barrie. :Pl1nnn 710 D A tn-.. unw- I \JlIl4 { Phone 710. L. J. smpson, ~13. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ' Office and Residence-Collier SL, cornar al Clapperton St., Barrie. Phone 275. -uIu I-I $5 IEIIIIVEULL Graduate of McGill University, Montronl. Office and Residence--Corner Elizabeth 5 Bradford Sm. Dim-m '0` Rf ulnluc uuu ncslueuce--borne! Elizabeth Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105. 0_'ice hours--9-10 a.m., l-3 p.m., 7-8 9.: I "`-`1:Z A;;-\-NelI Supplied at"- jeomuuo HARDY, Mus. Bac., I-'.1'.c.u. Teacher of Piano, Organ, Vocal, and Musical Theory. Organist and Choinmnawl of St. Andrew s Presbyterian Church. I rnndunuf nf Tn-nut- I'1..__-_..AA I 01 am. Anorew rresbytenan Church. ! Gold medalist of Toronto Conservatory ; of Music and of the University of Toronto. I II3 Worsley St. Phone 683` ' g..j_ uvvv oII.Vl'.o)II:.l'1 ' Bandmaster. Barrie Citizens` Band 27yrly 120 Bayeld St. W -- Q MAUD E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. ! Teacher of Piano and Vocal {Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory I of Music examinations leading up to } and including the A.T.(`..M. degree. ` Stu_dio--King Block. Phone 424. MISS M. MCARTHURK FURS REMODEILED AND REPAIRED . nlcnaruauu, h.U.\J., u.u.o. ( W. Randall Richardson, L.D.S., 0.0% |-r1IvvVII, vvnuvn II \.ar\lvII DI'.I..l. ` , Chartered Accountants hone Main 5874. 59 Yonge St., Toronto `I. J. Wolch, C.A. G. D. Campbell, C.A. T. E. Lawless. C.A. V W. S.-HuIbig. Production Engineer. {manager Cost and Eiciency Department I'l1E.I_T\?l VI`, Ul` I u Oice hours-12 to 2 and 7 to 9 pap; ._.j--:--- PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. nm...... '7n'7'u I(..... n..:|.I;..- RADENHURST & Kl`-IAMMOND BIUCRISTERS. SOLICITORS, ETC. "nnAn:A "l`.......I.. D..2l.l:__ D.._:- mas, "ETuEz'"..'i' Elxsrnv Bakery and Saleshop Cor. Elizabeth andfsmall Sts. Ei0_ License DOROTHY J. SARJEANT, A.T.C.Ml' TEACHER OF PIANO Telephone 151. Barrio ' P. 0. Box W88 4!! u uruvv nuv VIVLIN IUI I IUN Special attention to younger children n\IE B\lI IIFBTIUR LIUVUUDVVL IIU VJIFVV lhl\U Klp BARRISTER, SOLIC.ITOR. MONEY T0 LOA_N , T\I,,I, DQNALD ROSS, LL.B. BARRISTER, SOBICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrio Money to loan. _._-... \._ -.---..-.- nvun AlllIrI.l V(IV);:e:r HurlburI s Shoe.-.S';< )re. Barrie. l.Jr'\uLIaL|J 1 Masonic Suits. Topco;;`.ml3:3::e:, Etc.. Etc. 2 Adelaide Street, Allandale. 37tfc W. A. LEWlS;;fM.D., C.M. V SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY --and- C. S. DICKSON, B.A., M.B. um 61 ,-`(R Pnllinp G. D.. UUIIVFIII I n II|9UUf\l1J' I Successor to Creewicke & I'\ A T\'l\YC`VY`I'T\I\ C1l'\Y Yl\I'l'I'\f\Y`| The Double Track Rout Pt:v99{9 % DUNCAN F. McCUAlG. B.A Q ....... A. u on I".-n:....3.-.1... I. Dnll LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL r`I.D` A nnnn .-.o--o. TILLLLLLFLLJLID, DULLULLUILO, 125 Offices: 707-/8 Kent Building Toronto, Ont. Dlu-nu. ('1 l`1,...rl.... DI. 0. W. REID Funeral Director and Embalmer 47 Elizabeth St.. Barrie, Phone. day or night, 218. `on. 4. A. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PHELPSTON, ONT. it-9 Il\lIl`CI__19 On 0 an.-I '7 on O .. PIANO AND VIOLIN TUITION an`.-.1 ..M....4:.... 4- .............. _1_:I_L,. DR. E. G. TURNBULL ._._ -1 ll Ann `I iv ell hllm Masor;ic Temple Building ivs g._ uuacmsou '.:;:3.'aei.;.iowN g1 `PR5. LITTLE A&fL|TTL.E ALE)ANDER CQWAN _S;1`c;es-ss or to ,J.-:r`r;;l-d . FIRE INSURANCE IIIIJ IIE I I U I-\Jl'\|` Ross Block, Barrie DR. H. T. ARNALL "3'<'J`i/Vi5"s\'(VL\`}"E"s"TI::'n \ .....c.... D..__:- n:;:_-_-` MISS E. GOSNEY TAILORESS "l`...........L_ `l'\_.___, ITV; DENTAL ll'Al.|k`l. LJ\.IlJI.\Jll.\Jl\s3, 1.13. Temple Building. Barrie Money to Loan 5} MEDICAL 20 Owen St., Barrie G. W. J. EASTMAN. PROP. Qweer t-f W MUSIC sin, U-Hg, "I-0- 56 Collier St., Barrio. \IIlll G. Gordon Pluto: v., 115! Inc. . P. O. Box 1075. 73311 I.`7I\I\ l8yrl1 51:!!! Thursdzt _\ .`J\ }-1 U't'.DERTAKERS `EB. |\l u -ado I CDC vuuuwu nuuulvwn "-a7a couuscrrou name. om. - - Phono.B2 6.8.Smi"l&0u. YOUR READING gapos npcgy. _ Consult us with vour buildmg `n. c.. MANUEL, MGR. FOR THE BEST IN BAKERS BREAD ` HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD "?VrHgs. _oc;ERs Q--2J--.1 Morgue and Chapel nu nnunrnfnhu OPEN DAY AND NIGHT J sco1"r's BOOKSTORE. MONTREAL TORONTO ' DETROIT ` and C_H_lCAGOO and a full line of 4.;-3-an -cg T Established 1369 Phone 217` Pholie 721- ooooo:i I:}oooooooooooobooooooooo "(cont-zuuga` from `Last Week) I Broadcrook passed outside, undi when his uncertain footsteps had died` in the night Smythe leaned against a pile of furs and laughed Voicelessly. ! A l:A.LI_ l..L.... L ` n n u u uzrnrl nn Aural &:---_. THE BARRIE ETXAM,lNER `Inns, ua. ;.vu.u Ialnun 4.-v-5...... . _ A little later his pricked-up ears`; caught the `sound he was expecting} He tongued his lips and rubbed his hands delightedly. The door opened and Watson pounded in. A light, cloak of snow; covered him fomel head to foot. 5 . 441171.. ......e LLn6- sax-\nv\ .I 1'uq+ wan!-9! H8340 LU .l.UUln Who was that map -I Just were his first words. V 4UI'\L..L ...... .1,..... xxr..+.~.:.. -19 +1` Were Ills IITSL wurus: . ` _ I That, my dear Wa_tson, Is the v.eryT` man we've been lookmg for, smiled` tI`>nv\ Innn1n:n1 : unlrn drnn that hv- dmyme. For heaven's sake, drop that hy- ` pocriticafmanner of yours and be yourself, growled Watson, throw-` | ing off his wraps and sinking into a chair. You siaken me, Sinythe; `absolutely sicken me. Tlfoi-can 1-nurlhusafnti `Hun "handgun 5)- 'aoso1uw1_y mcnuu um. ` I Watson readjusted the bandage a- cross his eyeand stirred in his seat with a groan.` Smythe came forward with a bottle and a glass. I um,-L, n`L._L _u_..A1: -.-...-. n .....'...J 117.. VVIDII (4 |l\I|lUl\a 5111`! BC 5 IIII NI Take that stuff away,- cried Wat- son. Look here, Smythe, we re up against a piece of work that requires, cool heads. No more whiskey for-I me. If I hadn't been half drunk the} other day, you can gamble we would} not have made a mess of things and, got half killed by that big Bush- whacker the way we did.` And to think, he groaned, that all the while you-were sitting by the fire with widow Ross eating nuts, roast- ing your shins. and talking religion. You've a good deal to answer for. Between the din of Hallibut s mill and the widow's psalm-singing, the noise down there is awful. Well. I've found out this much from the people on Totherside. Jake, the engineer, tells me that the Bushwhackers are getting bitter towards Hallibut. . The fools think he wants to drive them off their property. He tells me, also, that the Colonel intends sending his` I schooner around in the Eau for his lumber. I guess we're left all way round. a.._-.;.I... ..._A. u... 1....L4.l.. A... 4.1.... .-.....~.6- IUUHU. . Smythe set the bottle on the count- er and nodded.` ` A uxr-.. n 1... ._..:..I ..I....I.. I an olax . about it, Hallibut, Afew doses of Balsune.-and coughs and colds disappear com- pletely. Balsamea loosens the phlegm and cleans the lungs and bronchlgl. -,_L -- . auu ll Yes; Yes, ._ ....J.L Dd new addresses should be given wuuu of addres is requested. 3 CANCEL- IAT OHS--Wc nd that most of our sub iers prefer not to have their suhecrip ns interrupted in case -they fail to remit hefore expiration. While subscriptions will not be carried in mean over an extended ` priod, yet, unless we are notied to tcanoel. no uuuma the subscriber wishes the service Love of The Wild Caitalz $5,000,000 Thrift g;p_c_l_ a % Savings Acqount UUU. : he. said dryly. T mimicked the other with`: Is that all you have to say then? ' What am .I to tell. supposing he demands his! BAN IQFTORONIO W. N. Braund-.' `Drug _S_t'1_'e, Barrie B R ARCH ES-BARRIE. ALLANDALE BUY A BOTTLE TO-DAY. By Archie P. McKishnie (Copyright by Thos. Allen) '|'icI-Cnnnds and Great nmun u.w.y-a not in advance (in arrears $2.50); United , 82.50 per year in advance. Both old addresses should be given when -I----. A` mlrlu-nan in nmupsted. Thrift and the Savings Account. lead to prosperity, independence, contentment, and give assurance of plenty when earning days are past. "---- -------2.... L-".1. lsaiant-A An- ravnuyl vv --v-- 7v~V':--~- ' Your growing bank balance. en- ables. you to invest from` time to -time in good bonds or property, or other promising business; 1 _- -__ A R ' _-_....L ..---n36-a 6-`(A USIICL ysvnnaswanaa was ------ -- A Savings Account permits the putting awaypf a little at a time`as' you can spare it, and allows you to spend when necessary without go- ing into debt. A \--~-A ------ C_-.3_....- Apinnucn 4-n- Open `your Savings Account to- `day at any of `our Branches and join hands with Thrift. ` - 1 met? E ALSAMEA,A althoh powerful , , i11?-d'1-.i_`_f-- f'.m_8_}_1_8fI=_1- ALSAMBA, Iltnougn pUWI=l'Illl in action, in free. from all harm- ful drugs. Children take it willingly - became it tastes good. Relief guaranteed or motley refunded. 'money back? L _ ,_ My dear Watson, snprked 'Smythe, don t worry about It. I |have-hem! something to say. I I c~1x7..n ....l....'+ :.. :4-9 nnoa -3+ -;mmm+l nuve--uem; auulcuuug nu aa._y. | Well, what is it?_ Does it amount`: ' to anything? Don't shake your harpy` ihead off. What is it? i _ Not much, my dear Watson; not. much. Simply ' , this : Hallibut sl `schooner might burn, old Injun Noah' {might go away to the States, and gwhile the Bushwhackers and Hallibut ;engage in .a fight, somebodyelse might get possession of the timber. a Don t you see that they will be so frightened of his taking their deeds ',t'rom them by force that they will be glad to place those papers in our hands for -safe-keeping? I hope so, Smythe, I hope so, said the other man; but soniething tells me` we'll get what's coming to: us yet. I | Thanv Xvafenn vnn urn `ufhavv anrli } Watson looked at_him, then reach-` -ed `for the bottle. . I ve changed my mind, he laugh- ed. `,`I don't want to drink, but I` have to in order to forgeTt--not my sins, but the sight of your hypocrit-` lical face. 'un-_--.--_L.... 4.L...... :. l......-...n.. 4-A. | priod, unless nouueo no cauou. we emume the the service continued. Remittalices should be made by reghtered letter,, money order, or cheque uyebIe.at_ par in Barrie. 7 J. A. Meeberen, Editor. W. C. Walls. Manager. I Dear Watson, you are'w'ea1'y and `?anciful, smiled Smythe. Reli- gion would make your conscience more easy. 'It must} be a terrible -thing to have a conscience such as yours, my friend. ,.L L`__L _..-_.-. ._.,.--.J i us yen. , vuu1 D, All. .;na\.-nun .. , Smythe n1eant,that, every word` lof it. ~ a 1n._;...... 1-..1..\,J ..L L:... 4.1.}... -..,~..\.-.1. ' ICIII .Li1L't5. U V Remember there is business to talk over after supper, warned Smythe, and there is our report `to. Colonel Hallibuit to frame up, which I, as the surviving party, must reluctantly present in person. 77, ,,___L_.I _.__-. --.!LL .. ..I..-.. .......l Ivlvuwvvulnvna In...-..\....- ... r--...~.._. He reached over with a claw and gripped the bottle. ~ AH-on urn Inznm 91-1-nnon 2 nor- gnppeu um uuhuc. `-`After we have arranged a cer- tain campaign of action, he smirked, you may get as drunk as you please. Until then, my dear Watson, you must stay on the anxious seat. - ' Ayn! In-auinnr 4-kn no-anf ln1r`rnH 1111.13` Shay UH tue HHXIUUS Stub. `And leaving` the agent huddled lbefore the fireplace he passed into the other room to awaken the sleep- ing Sambo. M. -. Smythe Visits The Colonel Next morning, before daybreak, Mr. Smythe started for St. Thomas. iHe reached the settlement just as ,Colonel Hallibut, with brows puck- : cred into a scowl, came riding` slowly up the brown path through the scat- . tered timber of the broken land. The ;Colonel had faced the north winds Ifrom the lake and the veins in his face lay blue beneath his cheeks like tiny frozen water runs. As he turned to the right of the path toward his home Smythe s white horse. rounded !a distant copse. The rider was hum- I ming a_ hymn and his head was bent Ipiously on his breast. The Colonel reined up and waited for him, quite aware that Smythe s hawk-like eyes had caught sight of him fully as soon . as he had caught sight of Smythe. i Y.'I'nn-unln unnuor` uulldklif \l7}1Ii" CHAPTER xx \ l HRS ne nau caugm. Slgllb U1 olu_yu1c. Humph, mused Hallibut, what's. 5 in the wind now, I wonder? Nothing i good brings that man herethis day. Reserves: $7.000,000 "I9 Barri9 E|!!i=!s._.M`i 126 Well, Smythe, he called, it S'?_ easy to see that you couldn't hire the l` old mare this morning, otherw1s_e` you d `ha:/e walked over. Whats; up? > ' Why, bless` my soul! exclaimed` the dealer, sitting erect in his saddle! with a start, if it isn't the dear (_}ol- . onel himself. Good-morning, sn',1 he smiled, lifting his old coon-skin] ` 1 . nnv\ cap. `ILL Hallibut grinned broadly. Where s Watson? he asked. Smythe rolled his. light` eyes sor- I rowfully. He patiently awaits his reward,= sir. He has been down trying to; whack some sense into those ungodly: Bushwhackers, Colonel,.and now lies] at the point_ of death in my house.| ll'\3,I, n -,,:- .1 YY_`I1:L._L 4u..;`I-_- LL--- .... ..... ,.v.... .. ......-.. ..._, ..... -. Dick, cried Hallibut, take these horses, and see that Smythe s mare gets all the oats she can eat. Lord knows, she looks as though she could lstand a feed. 71 . ;...._'I. o...-.4.L.. L.-- Ll...` .........-nu: llIAV\.a u uggunn v... u--J vnnonnau be remedied by a touch of brandy, I have a slight cold that mightit I returned Smythe. This is the firstg time I have had the honor of beingl in your pleasant and magnificent- home, my dear Colonel. - 1'7 L_`IJ LL, -,I-_, L:_ 1...]. L..__I-_ll You look rather done up, hei said, sit up to the table and I ll have] Rachel get you up a snack. Will you: have` a drink of anything?- I Luv I I ,1. 1,1 L`_-| ___:._L1_l 51/auu (1 LCCU. He took Smythe by the ngrrowi shoulders and pushed him into the? house. ! anr_.'_ I-._1. -...;.L-.. 4.....- ..... 9! 1...! Auvnuy, --n_y uvu-5 \l He held the glagrsfvl-1.ivshost handedi him to his nose and glanced about the room furtively. ' ' "`]r1n1In,o nn+l\{~nn- Ina`-n` -Fnn unn +115 l'UUlll .Lu1blVCly. , There's nothing here` for you to} look frightened about, laughed the` Colonel. Hang it all, Smythe, can't: you ever look pleasant? Your eyes. have a cast like a nesting grebe s.i What s the matter? ` i I (`.----4.L._ .. `I:4.4.I.. ..l..:....-. ......l . . 9 Corner Sophia and Mary Street: I&nufact_urt:ra of Sash. Doors, Frames, Flooring Ceiling. Moulding, Water Trough Tanks, etc. . We carry Ilnustuck El large assortment of Rough and Dressed Lumber. B. C. Shingles and Prepared Roofing. . Wood Turning and. Ki1nVDrying a Specialty. Dressing done ............H.. V\' NHL 5 DUB lll&_1LLC1 5 Smythe gave a little shiver andu fdrank his brandy at a gulp. Thel Colonel, watching him_ speculatively, shoved` the bottle across,` the table! iwith: Help yourself when you want` u more." ` ~ I um1___.i__ n _.,...!2:_.J 1_:._ --:-:4...-. I lllU' u , ' `1`7tI:`hanks, replied his visitor,` stretching out his long blue hands! toward the glowing fire. 11- 11-1 . 1 J ,, ,1, ,1 ,3! i \ 'H2{1'i11E Ta? ;}}?p"a'.d smoked Sil- ently. At last he turned impatient-I 1_v toward Smythe. . H`I7..1'l ...L.-.4J.. %- ..`l'l ..L.nn4-`T7 L... in l'V I/U\'V(llll ClIl.Vl.;IlCu Well, what s it quired. T n1 cnvvv 1-n ` quutu. I'm sorry to be. the bearer of grievous and disappointing news to you, sir, sighed Smythe. Esau re-| fuses to sell his birthright." 1 "What the-------- commenced the? Colonel, and Smythe. started asl though he expected something strong-i er than an expletive. T vnnnn 5;)` +111) IQIIYIDQC 1211011.. _ sir, before Watson receives the final. Cl Llldll Ell] CAPICUIVC. ' I mean. sir, the lawless Bush-i whakers refuse to sell their timber;i he explained quickly. They nearlyi killed Mr. Watson the other night fowl merely venturing on their pr0pert_\*.i iln fact, a man assaulted him and Simpson, the schooltearher, so brut- i ally. that it is only a matter of days } lsunimons. I fear. ' `|\'_. (V----.A.1_.. ...`l..........l ..L 1..:_"|3...L......... IFLIIIIIIIKIIIH. 1 ml: ` M1`. Smythe glanced at hislisteneri -and fortified his pious soul againsti `the abuse he expected to hear poured! out upon the Bushwhackers by taking! another drink. To his surprise and no. small disappointment the" Coloneii smoked on without a word. 1 A ..--..1-_. ...'l....... ..:..J.. :..L.. 4.1.. .'l-..1 i blllUl\Cl| Ull VVIDIIULIL G WUlU- {LCCIILUIIJH Asnaky gleam stole into the deal-'; just?` er s little eyes and he sat huddlediwhat m; up, waiting` for the big man to say? be` something. The Colonel turned slow-! I: ly and leaned across the arm of his? Be-: chair toward his visitor. A l them` What was Watson doing. on Bush-l think I'm scared. My life would al- what-kers Place at night? And what? ways he in jeopardy if they thought was that school-teacher doing -withithat. - 1 him? And how does it come about". If you ll only be patient. sir.l that one man is able to brutally as-:,we ll get that timber for you ye ,l sault two good-sized men like those promised Smythe. , ! two, eh? he asked.ihis bushy.brows_1 meeting` in 8 SCOWL 1 the} 'l`k-n. nu... ;s:\~nv\`Iy 4`n1ln.unn- +1"-.v L:.--1..... r~......- L- u.:...1. -1: u 1 ....... IIICCIIIUS III C BCUVVIa They were simply following the` [directions laid out by yourself, sin": exnlained Smythe. inclining his head ; T-he Bushwhackers struck them from! behind with a heavy club. He was? not alone, sir- Four other men. in- cluding that` Hercules of a Big Mc- Tavish. helped him. I understand: Watson says that, does he? He does, and a man by the name; of Broadcrook, who was an eye-wit-g mess to the attempted murder, tells] `the same story, sir. 2 nnn # ennui 114- all innocent-un`\`n fnl y mu: .`_a.un.: abUL,V, D11. 3 Don t seem at all reasonable to` me that those Bushwhackers would? half do anything, even a murder, if`, they set about it, mused the Colonel. 1 You say Watson was over trying to! "get them `to come to terms about the; timber, and they clubbed him overi the head? . - 5 can _____ ....1_. 1_..u_ L:... ._.._I `l\A ._ n.-._-.. E uromptgy. Cans

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