T Full informatimi from `any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Born- ing. District Passenger Agt.. Toronto. ` i I Hundreds of surgical operations for ap-3 yeiidicitis `have been avoided by the timely employment nf .F.B.L. Cascade; Most ltroublw arise from the accumulation of, ' waste in the colon, or lower intestine, from which poisons spread. - nlnoneinn n` flan ;I|fnafinol 6-nn u-:O1\ I . $2200 damage was done by fire to E. Sharpe';~r repair shop and McEachem's garnge, Orillia. on Oct. 28. . 1\,,II!, l`,,_,,_?I L, J_,f,I_.I -, L._,. Y).___ Q _. ......3.., \,......-. I Orillia Council has. decided to buy Barn-Q field Point, a 50-acre property for park! `purposes. It was formerly used as a_Y.M. ECA. camp. J. B Tudhope was the owner \\u.Cll }I\'I;`UII \`*lI\.'`llIo l Cleansing of the intestinal tract with Tpure warm water, applied with the J.B.L. ;Casca(le, removes the cause of a large num- v ;ber of common ailments--constipation.' in-l digestion, headache, los of energy and rheumatism. _ ` 11.. I` ____ __ `IL! _,_,,I I: Ac 1` '90 YOU FEEL TIRED { i 5F?}?R&EATINc-?! L!-...l ........ F OR APPENDICITIS AVERT -OPERATIONS --lNTERNAL BAT!-13:. E The J.-B.L. Cascade is shown and is ex- 7plained at Wm. Croxsland's Drug Storc., Ask for the free booklet. The What. The` Why, The Way of Internal Bathing." or. write direct to 'I`_vrrell's Hygienic Institutmi 163 College Street. Toronto. Ont. I ' -vu.-uu-u nvv-ooIw>_rU &Inu5I|v. IIV &:uw by local applications. `as they eannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. Catarrhal Deafness requires constltu-1 tional treatment. I-l'A'[.l .'S` (`.A'I"A`R'R`Fl uuuu-rnai ueamess requires consutu-I | tional treatment. I-IALL`S CATARRH MEDICINE is a constitutional remedy. |Catarrha.l Deafness is caused by an in- - amed condition of the mucous lining of i the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a. rumbling sound or imperfect hearing. and when it is entire-t l closed, Deafness is the result. Unless` t A inammation Man ha rndnmarl vnllli The Double Traci: Route between 1% cnoseu, ueamess Is the result. unless t e inammation can be reduced. you: hearing may be destroyed forever. BALUS CATARRI-I MEDICINE acts thrnunh fhll hlnn an {Inn vnnnnna nun. uauus uA'rAxuu-1 MEDICINE acts! through the blood on the mucous sur- faces of the system. thus reducing the 111- I nammauon and restoring normal condl-I tions. V Herbert G. Robertson, Druggist. -Btrrxe. The Onlyllemedy" Says T!!i$.%D<!<=t<>r unn._ A_._L__ __ I C "The treatment of skin diseases (eczema) and diseases of the ace! in known to he gicnlt." writes Dr. . L. Randolph. However. there in one remedy that is known to be entirely dependable in this dietmeuinx and troublesome diuxue. I refer to D. D. D. Prescription." If you have never tried D. D. D. for skin dio- euee. whether a smell spot. or whether one or the dreaded forms--t_he._torment of eczema or the hard scales or poongne--et a bottle at once on our guarantee that If it doesn't relieve you your money will be refunded. $1.00 A bottle. Try D. D. D. soon. too. nous. . Clrcul fl . All DI` $9. I`. J. genee& Co.. Tggeilo. Okla`. UEDERTAKERS . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .50 to 10c each 5c and 2 bunches for 15. . . . . . . . . .. 5c to 10 each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10c nu , .1. . . .' 20c basket . 20c basket 35c basket, OUU Uacnuu. . 35c basket 20c basket 35c baskell . 15c each! 32 lb. 37c lb. 38-40c lb. _I__-.. BOYS 6. MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Conveyancers, Etc; Money to loan at lowest`:-ates of inman. 0ice-l3 Owen St., in Maqonic Temple Building, Barrie. Branch ofce-ElmvIlo. W. A. Boys, K.C.,M.P. D. C. Mutchbl ALEXANDER COWAN Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probatg ol wis, guardianship and administration, ind General Solicitor, Notary, Oonveynncer, cu. '0ice-I-Iinds Block, No. 8 Dunlop St. Anni! on lnon % C. W. Plaxton: N DRS. LITTLE &, LITTLE Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie, Ont. "Office and Residence--4A7 Maple Ave. Oice hours:- I to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., or by `appointment. Phone 213 A. Little, M.D. W.C. Little, M.B. DR. H. T. ARNALL ' Associate Coroner County of Simcoe Oice and Reeidence-Comer Tox-ont'6 and Elizabeth Sts., opp. Central Church. - Telephone 167. 3 c. s. mcxsou, B.A., M.B. i Phone 61. 56 Collier St., Barrio. aAnnI:."6u'r'." ______________________._ i PIANO AND vuouu `rumor: Special attention to younger children - BOYD SYLVESTER , Bandmaster. Barrie Citizen Band l27_vrly 120 Bayeld St. i on. FRED A. ROSS (Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barriv . . Late Surgeon Specialist with the ` Imperial Army. 4% years. Gene.-at Surgery and Obstetrics especially. 1 Oice-l5 Owen St.. Barrie. ipknnn 710 D n n_, unu- E Phone ULIII 710. L. J. smiisou, M.B. _ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and Residence--Collier St.. corner I Clappertou St., Barrie. Phone 275. ` wuuu -n \lu IUTIIVBIJI-L Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Oice and Residence-Corner Elizabeth b : Brmifnrrl Rte n......:.. D1...-U. Int icouuuo HARDY, Mus. Bac., r.1'.c..nn. Teacher of Piano, Organ, Vocal, and Musical Theory. Organist and Choirmstor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Gold medalist of Toronto Conservatory - of Music and of the University of Toronto. H3 Worsloy St. Phone 603` e 5 uwson, WELCH a EAMPBELL ` Chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874. 59 Yonge S9,. Toronto I _ 3. J. Welsh, cu. G. D. Campbell, C.A. 'l`.~ E. Lawles. C.A. W. 8. Hulbig. Production Engineev. Imago: Cost and Eicigncy Ihpsrtmenlu - MISS H. MCARTHUR FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED _ _ nan. IIIUHIIIVIEH LVUII 122 Bloor St. West, Toronto, will be II 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation hours---ll 3.111. to 5 p.m. i Barrie phone 2. Toronto, North 3326. `vulva uuu ncsmence-L'orner tsuzabeth 8 Bradford Sts., Bar-rie. Phone 105. Oice hours-9-10 a.m., 1~3 p.m._, 7-8 Em. . PIES. CAKES and PRSTRY Bakery and Saleshop Cor. Elizabeth and Small Sta. muo E. cuxrou. L.1'.c;:u. Tuchorof Piano and Vocal `Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservstory of Music examinptione leading up to I and includimp an A -r n u 4..- Auto_ License YITBI-TOIIIII, UN I. Oice hours-12 to 2.and 7 to 9 p.11}. D0 OT!-IY J. SARJEANT. A.T.C.|1. TEACHER OF PIANO Telephone 151. Barrio D I` n__ on An- MISS E. GOSNEY TAILORESS , Suits. Topcoats. Dresces. Etc.. Etc. 2 Adelaide Street, Allandale. 37tfc[ PLA(X(1:0N-& PLAXTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS,` ETC. 4181...... -mac II --.4 Dulltlinp VRADENHURSTI HAMMOND BARRISTERS, soucrrons, Ejre. "nan:-|:n rrnvnnln n|I:'t`:nb ll.--3- u. uumc examxnmone 1:.-stung to including the A.'I`.(`..M. degree. Studio-King Block. Phone 424. -:-1 ouncm i-'7.T *McCUA|G. B.A. Successor to Crswicke 4: Bell BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR, ETC. MONEY T0 LOAN Y1--- I }I-_`I_ D...._Z- ID- Large and well assorted` stock to choose from. We are now getting good shipments of imported` granites at greatly reduc- ed prices. DONALD ROSS, L L.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrio Money to loan. IJHIUIUIU I Masonic w. A. Lewns:M.o., C.M. SURGERY AND GYNFJCOLOGY ,_,,an 0.'W.- REID Funeral Director and Embalmer .47 Elizabeth St.. Barrie. Phone. day or night. 218. f1I\l\LDl.I`Jl\.D, \)\.llJA\JlL\ll\vU, [UL Oicesz 707-8 Kent Building Toronta, Ont. DI--6.... (1 (IA-(L... DI. \r yvvul Lilo Maso1;ic Temple Building W. BELL, Issuer Succe$or to J. Arnold Iii!-sin on-A-.- . _.-- DR. J. A. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PHELPSTON, ONT. inn `Inn!-a._.`I9 in 9 anti 7 on O .. Hurlbux-:`4 on. M0RTiTMTERi LYON .. Q4. nu-` In _ _ . , L , -I DR. E. TURNBULL _ _l II An. -- . 9-9-.31!1mI&00- IIIUIIE I I \I I-Uri!` Row Block, Barrie l8yrly K IJIUDB, 3` U0 U Money to loan jin- I 31? - 0\Il4l\Il I. Ul\D, E: 1. Temple Building, Barii Money to Loan 0. O 51 MEDICAL MUSIC PILVIJ U11 --and- NIIBRII B ...-.a..q-- aggvaz Ayu; AILAIK4 M` .5 Shoe Store. Barrie. VIII: G. Gordon Plaxtorn. Iron Ullltu P. 0. Box 1075. PHONE c. BROWN 3! - (`N4 ary .......... the vi LI\. they `nu. I connh; spix-`rt I: shot ( it udvis in Par! the pn tho 1-Inc t: \u 'le,- I-1 lullunlr known _w Mk N tilr-.9 'pJanni \ KIKJIIL body Cipul "Pl... .. o. w. J. EASTMAN. M209. T ` PlIono 811 '3. cs. mmua_L, Man. 111 `ll .k-adene meats Emma .MuA~x)li :4-isti m in Il:a]_ to for: Lli`Cn(~ of U1.` i.~t(*-new htrvugl opposll ....n L. luvul` Thv kl L }T\l : at ;n nuut; I {arty and Y1 Th-u might t ` prm .. no-n '.[C YOUR READING mums 20 Owen St., Barrie yuan`: bu cu l QT? Unexcelled Dining Car Servicq sleeping cars on N1ght"I`1-nine and Pu-lot `Cars on principal Day Train.` Morgue and Chapel ____ni__:3NNEc1'|oN _A FOR THE BEST .IN BAKERS BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN [BREAD SANDWICH BREAD V oven DAY AND mam Iy. Fhsult us with vour building sco1`r's aooxsromz MdNmnAL'_" '" & TORONTO 4 DETROIT 3:32` 9E!`. WWQII Supplied at- v._-.- vv -v-u nruuxruu and a can line (at lNAlrlIn u Esublishod I65 ` J. 2. SIVLLINGSLEY Depot Agent Phone 6|: Phone ilgono 82 mac. Broadcrook scratched his shorbcroppedi head perplexedly. Acuteness was not one of his characteristics. He laid Sm_vthe's eegeruessto obligehim to fear. and Broad- crook was not so funny generations removed from the Cave Dwellers that he could not understand howthis might well be. By. nature he was a bully. one of a large family] of bullia. whose -forefathers had been bullies. Accordingly he stretched his per- son about` four inches higher and expect- orated on a pair, of beaded moccasins hang- ing from the counter. - **u..1..-. :. . ...... .....: -vy ..._..u._ -__v .--__a uumr arm. oulyme eyea nlm specuumvely \ 0 "Broadcrook.' he sand sunvely, you shall have it. I wouldn't do it for anybody else." h_,-_J,,___I, . I 1 1- - . - `lug uum um: counter. -4 ' Make it two pound 0' powder im` two , . sheafs 0 lead, he demanded. .Qn\\vH\n Jun `sot. lmb.-us `I... ..}....A-_ -.._ auczua U luau, uu ueluuuuea. Smythe, who had taken the powder-can , from the shelf. put it` back in its place.` Then he leaned over` the counter, and gazed at the Bushwhacker. through` the twilight gloom. ` ` _ I i `_`I guex I've changed my mind. I won't give you an ounce of either," he said. I `And I'm going to charge you up with :thn:e ninnnnsinn \-`nu :-n ,:nn;lml Hm... ,`_._:lUUlllc ' _ I ithose moccasins. You've spoiled them. ;You caxi`t blu'ine, Broadcrook--you, nor xcug -Lulu I u Lit: uuuuu U`2\Cl.'. I- Broadcrook arose and slouched forward. He was dresaed in a heavy shirt of red wool and homespun trousers of gray. One ponderous hand held a long rie and a coat wolf-skin was slung across a mus- cular a n. Sxnythe eyed him speculatively Broadcrook. he said mmvnIv_ vnn \V'Ul`IH; yUU K1l(|\V' I. I1ll\C. ' R `.`Aye. and made me pay ten times too much for what I got here`duriu' the sum- mer. Come now, Smythe. wrap up the powder and give me the package of lead- lenf -and I'll be makin' tracks." D...`....I........1. .......... .....I _|.._._L-.| e_.__4.,.__I Th9]BAa!!i912!!i!3J1i'*! (Continued fromtLast Week) .1 CHAPTER XIX I Of The Tribe Of Btoadcrook i Mr. Smythe stood with his back to the fireplace, his long arms behind his back. with sharp elbows almost touching, andi {claw}-like hands clwped togetheir. The evenings were getting chill. Already the first snows had come. The trees `were bare and creaked in the wind, and the skies were lead-colored and cold. In the early dusk. the twtovdozen gray shacks of` Bridgetown looked grayer and lonelier than ever. Mr. Smytheglanced at the long clock near the door and then out of the smoky vwindow, his pointed nose fairly sniffing the wind and his big ears fairly pointed forward in a listening attitude. The long figure of a man, half reclining on a pe of furs at the end of the counter, stirred, and the subsmnce of a quid of black iobacco hissed into lhe hickory coals. pass- ingeperilously. close to the clasped hands of Bridgetown's general. merchant. .Mr. Smythe smiled with his `thin lips and looked murder with his little weak eyes. Then he coughed. i ll`: I7l'\II Ildk ft\' VII lllfn nIIBkIBk1FAIDu` 1 caucp ll I IIIIUHIUT lll$ III (C 00515: oks as though we'd have a big snowstorrn." suggested Sxuythe. Snow or rain. light.'in or pitch dark, who's cm-in` " retorted the other. ` `It's not a nice sort of trip you have before you,` that's all." . ' . It's me as has to take it. I gueae, and I`m not.goin' `.0 move an inch till you give-me an xxtra pound of powder and enough lead for a hundred bullets. You hvar me?" 651' I____. ,,,!,I _, II a UU UEIIUU o If you wish tonrake Bushwhackersf Plac to~nightA.'"_ he said, addressing .his tardy visitor, you'd better be starting on your \vay." - No response from the "man on.-the-,.fur.=, except `another hiw in the coals. ' Hlnnlzn no Hanna}: urn`:-I Lava n kin ` Ill'{II' I: i I have paid you all your furs are worm; you know I ban 9." Ann nut` ..\..-In ...... ...... 5.... 42.-.-` 1.-.. 9999999995oooooooooooooooooooooc 'o`oooo`o ' Love of The Wild q/ut1 `BAEKSEIQRQNTO Cf`? juwu--nu-wur 1-BR7\NCl-I ES-BARRIE. ALLANDAIE ' comer Sophia and Mary 3:003 lnnufacturera of , Sash. vlloora, Frame.- `llooring '(`.eiliuTg.> Moulding, Water.'l`rou;b- `Punks. etc. _ We carry iu_smck as large amortment ox Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingle.- Ind Prapared Roofing. . Wood Turning` ID!` Kiln During a Speciaity. Dretsing don lnnnrnn.'Il By Archie P. McKishnie (Copyright by Thou. Allen) lueul (IUCSIIUHSZ KClI I)rUHUCI'UUl\ CHsCl'I_V. Yes, I will do that." replied Su1ythe.l What I an) anxious to secure is some in-l formation of the people among whom you. live. Number of families in that lawless: section.`aud all about the bunch. One or; two I know already. `I- know your family some--that Hank fellow and the one you call Abe. Any more? What`s your first name--Joseph. ain't it? Rlnf IV\IIlI`I ;f a:n TI`: Senna Than! w an. 1. "rms nere, nouuea namoo. rapping me """" - L-~ v--` -I-:1-. brass sight of the gun. was sure right on` NOW, he -snarled. If .\`0ll Want the a line wif dat hone button on your shirt." 50* bl-`N`d and 3'00 WIN me` f0 d0 if-. I knew I'll be goin`." said Broakcrook, how much :1} 3'00 P8) `O1 that i0b Quick! hurriedl_v.. , ' I3nS\\'|' P- Wait 3 minute" advised Smythe, now, A M13 Snlhe Filised his `bin hands- .oo- ` ` Broadcrook, I'm willing to play very de- My dear Broadcroox,` he smiled. `you `cent by you providing you will answer me a I talk like a crazy man. Colonel Hallibut` lfewqumtions and answer them truthfully. is xi friendof mine; a fast friend. I advis- All sin is _c0nfamin8ti0l1 in my eyes; buffed him not to send his schooner into Lee lying." Mr. Smytheraised his long hands Creek. He laughed at me and offered to piously,--I dodetest `a liar." i {wager me three hundred dollars `that no D0 3'0 1119311 95 .V0` gimme -fhilharm could possibly come to his boat. In lP0WdI' all th' lead. P""idi"` I answer X011` a moment of indiscretion I took his wager."6 Hmm nnpetinn.:9" uxlrnd `Rrnnrlm-nnlr nnaprlv i Mr Qmn.-Hm u-nl~.km-I Me I-mm-la cnfolu +n_i KVIT. I)lV| 3IlICl1K l\. IJKIVVCLI OlII_VlllL'. A A Did you have me covered a while ago?" - asked Broadcrook sheepishly, addressing the negro. 2 This here," nodded Sambo. tapping the brass -IDIIIIAQ kl! IIIICYI` nFl'\l'I`.'t\Fl'\Iil.' lI&lll?'| (J?.CylI. ill _I Ill ` | Not much. it ain t. It's Amos. Then! I've -got three more brothers. Tom. mesn~l est skunk in the woods, Tom is. Hank heh not much better-'n Tom. And Alex, who claims as he ll do fer"me some day." KY3-.. `Au-:u\an ...._s at Cu-u ask Qn~nInn9"' W110 CHIIIHB HS llU_ll (IU ICT IUU SULHE uuy. Nice loving sort of family. eh. _Sambo? 7 eneered Smythe. How about the old man, the father?" `3I\...l9_ .1] _.:_.`_L :_ -___- __.-._ `_._L I __.`. LII!` IHIUCFZ Dad-`s all right in some ways, but I ain'-t 20! no sort" 0 me for him either." answer~ ed Broadcrook. Fact is, noneof us has much use for the others. We ain't built `hat way. Hank shot my eye out with a how an` arrer when we was kids and '~ln_vin' bear hun`, and we treed Alex and .~ut the tree down and broke both his lens nnce, Jest in fun. 0' course: but he`: had `t in for us ever since, jest for that." Am-I ..-1... Ah-I W ... A- M !r.....9 e......1.. a wild couirry. and it behooves usnll to` protect our fragile and oft too-erring bodies.` from coming into violent. contact with some.` more solid substance; hut I held no gun. ( no pistol in my hand when I told you about` yourself and relatives just now. The factgg is, I fear rearms; I hate guns. I never , lred off a gun in my life. Nevertheless. 3 I will not say thnt Iwas wholly unprepared, g should you hate shown :1 tendency to re-: pudinte my statements. I'll show you what: II moan. Snmbo" he _called softly. open '- ithe _door, please." " . Thu .-`Ann A` Okn hnnnli rnnnx nnnnnr` nnrl `S ucur utcuu, Nuux\Cu out} inc. uua nay] The door of the inner room opened, and there stood Sam. the darkey, with a cooked In-ie in his hands. ` . . i 55ll_. ,.!Ll;E_.I ____.:L-_ -__.I _I.I_ J- -......_ . I III`? `lllll, }llU{l3I7o : IIIIU III IIIB llUII\I3o My faithful servitor and aide-de-camp. Mr. B1-oadcrook." bowed Smythe. Iii.-l sun. In... n\n A.-nu-ml n uykiln m.n`) I U` IUY U5 CV87 Slnce. J95` 101' EUR`. And what d`d you do to Tom? ?Surel_v He has not e.=ca"e:i unscathed. has he?" Walk hard'v. Tom he got drowned "reek. If that fool of a Dec!u`e hadn t 0' pnce by bein V pushed 08 a log inter the Broadcrook," he said, I've been pretty! decent with you and your family, and.all- the thanks I ever gof for it was in being: dumped out of my skiff last fall by one of, your murderous tribe. It wasn't. .his'fault; that I wasn t drowned. T Broadcrook seated hims'elf on a keg: That war Hank". he nodded. Me an ,Htink hasnit spoke for nigh eight year." Q ' uvr ,I,,_9A _,-__I I17- 11-..`. : -HIIUH. LII!` lIt:.\l` Lulu: nxuun nnnna xu nun in with me it_'s going to "be right here. i `"Ih::r'si not much size to you to he callin' my draw the way you're doin'. - . murmured Broadcrook. I reckoned as: youfd a'gun--one 0" them pistol kind~-in your st when you was teilin it to me a" time ago. I reckon I w s right, too." | I I Dear friend," smirk Smythe. this is n ...:l.l nnIII\'IIIv I)I\l" {O lxnknnu-na nc u" fni 'agree to give. ~ . _ , Smythe deliberately lit a couple of candles. 1 one of which he took over "and placed in] the window. Then he came from around i the coumer and stood in his former attitude, his nose pointing forward and his ears_ cocked for an expected sound. After a: while he turned toward the trapper. I V` I * I ALI? I , , , ___A.__ Ina Lllllull um; uuu -aux. uvnnavsnu I didn`t mean to sp'ile nothin'," he. grumbled. .I m willin to take what you` agree to give. V V ' 5 Q.....+l.n Anlmmtnlv lit 4: nrmnlp nf mmdles. I lluun uuuu s \<._v\.I|\\a av. u-5.. v.._.,... 4. "Humph, you don't say! Well. Hank. usyou, call him, wants to keep out of my; way. I've got a good Christian spirit,? Brondcrook. but "a nasty (sposition at times. The next time Hank tries to mix '- .I,, 2,; I I_2_..I 1.. `any ofyour six-foot. brothers, nor your olul sinnerof a father. You're all a bad lot, `Now. you get out of my store." [ v\ . an - r ,. .,,._ ,,.-__;. _l._..._ 5.1 l"""'I .vv- I1"`, `-~- ~- --.- -~---- , Broadcrook's six-foot-t-wo went down to vevfoot-ten `at a jump, and his jaw dropped as thpugh he had been struck. 3 tit 1- I V. __ A- ..__ 2l.. ....LL..` " Ln V of Toronto egagoger for service of this lsimcoe Marble Works` uaapitul - $5,050,006 Reserves .- $7,000,000 - ---' c""' uuunru. Y0 Yes, I know him, an I'm goin to get faclteven with him. too. He let his dogs tree- 119" me on the P int last fall. They kept me * 9|'l-he19~=`- there` all night. Some day I ll show him? l'9P`"'d that Amos Broadcmok kin remember." l `$_-lgutgvgi Smythe turned quickly. uopnl His schooner` is going to N: in the buy ,very soon." he said softly, and if that: mod, and `schooner shotxld happen to burnt he sug-= ` gested, speaking as though to himself, It would make Hallibut` sure of one thing--_ lthnt the Bushwhackers had red the boat; "de'c8mp' i r._ ._ _ TZSAL L2.-. r-.. ___:1:__ ital Amos laid his rifle down, and with a, mtileer proceeded to take a long pull at the! bottle. after which he corked it and put its in his pocket. an: Mr. Smythe watched him speculatively. ' |He was quite willing that` Broadcrook lk `should haxe the bottle, under the circum- stances. \ I hufF all thein~ushwhackers._ I _do."' ";,grated Brondcroo_k. I be one of em my- : =self, but I hates `em jest the same. I hates l.x`Big McTavish. `cause he threatened to `break my back one time for mistakitf some of his traps` for mine. I hates Declute l-l"i'c:u1se he.gets the biggest bucks every` flstseason, And I hates Paisley 'cause he! `"1 hangs around that Boy McTavish so much.` 1 ~ 3'They be allars together. and they're a _ lhard pair to handle. I can tell` you, speciallv` * 15`.Pai=lev. l fol DR 1-nun 1,....... (`..i,.....I u..n:1....9H -_i- . Son nothin'. I tells you. mister, its` `old Noah hisself as I knows. 0' course he's _old-must be nigh a hundred. But he's spry yet. Often comes over to Big McTav- ish's, he does. Lives on the P'int- 'cross_ _the bay." ] Smythe drew forward a stool and sat down with his chin in his hands. He was disturbed in his meditations by.Bro_adcrook s standing up. - _ 3 Guess I'd better be trampin', said that gentleman. - l "`\XInh .. ............w* ....:.: q_.-.u.- H19... - _LJl- Llllllllill`. . . Bromlcrook chuckled and poked Mr. Smy- , ' the in the short ribs so forcefully and play- 1 fully that the storekeeper s light eyes lled gwith tears and his breath came and '-went _.in gasps. - "i` '01. lxuub ......`..l. .. _._...I._.." .- I A l Iu.-nu."--.-u n-our nun uunnnu I-uvuv. `-`But the Noah Sturgeon I mean can t be alive now. He was` an old man twenty years ago. Must be `_a son of his you know, Amos." . l D-.. .__.I_:,,9 v . u ISUIIICI Zlllll IIIIECKI [I13 U_VC3 CClllIlS\VlIlll. 1 I know I did wrong." he went on; IE ;know a Christian man should not bet. But! ;I wished Colonel Hallibut to know that I iwas greatly concerned in the welfare of_ him and his." V V . I He sighed, and glanced at Amos. ' I would not touch money won in af wager; no` sir. And to prove it to you.i_ !Amos, my friend. I will pay you over the; imoney, providing my prophecy be fullled} -which. let us hope, it may not." he added devoutly. c 5 DIInnr`nnnn`n l......L..rl .....A 5..."! 1.1.. .......l. gruul ulc uuallwlluuncla uuu llllfu tut DUNK.` `to get even with him for spoiling their: _trapping on Lee Creek." Lynn: uvno 0::-`nu kn} cant an 6:-`nun `Ln` 1... uuppuI5 uu ucc Ulccn. Amos was tipsy, but not so tipsy that he ,could not catch a hidden meaning in the "words. .He turned, on Smythe. 6|\V_, H I I I\ urp . .1 n iv ~ \ soul. .1! may ure. #5; Itch. art or Burn. _ if Soxe, Irritated. In- \ lUR Ev :-.Sm.. ed G ux ted, IxseMnixinbofte!.Sod,Iv`$.R:)f:csb:n fefor `Infantm Adui. At all Druggists. .W rite 921-ice )2,-eoclc. a`Ju5I:Ey?Rrn:d:C.,,`.\ v..<' a `(I IIIUIIICIII. Ill lIIlIlUIC|lUll 1 |UUI\ IJIE OSCI- Mr. Smythe rubbed his hands softly to.- gether and raised his eyes ceilingward. 1 Y l-nnu- T AI.-I uvvnnn " Ln um.-.1 nut Y C\Il'Cll ucv.uuu_y. ' Brnadcrook lurched, and fixed his goodi eye on Smythe's pensive face, then, after: another drink from the bottle. he picked` up his rie and made for the door. With his hand on the latch he turned. You'll be`expectin' news then?" Exactly, smiled the storekeeoer. And you`ll be on,the lookout sci-I smoke?" wrm _.-. L- _.__._._:__.n .- _-- ___-1__ H 0rillia s newT grandstand at the Agri- cultural grounds cost $4500.` W P Van:-nu A` nnnfnn `inn an`:-` An} lalltlla KCIIIICIIIHJI. - l Wait a moment," said Smythe, Fml 'going to give you two pounds of good pow- ;der ando-a couple of sheafs of `lead. If `you will come back here, say. next, Satur- iday, I'll give you more-much more. But you must do something for me, will you?"} I NIl\P if lint` (`A ;f rurnrvanrl 0`\n FIIIUAC3 . I'll not be surprised to returned Smythe. ITA `R- (`Jay-nl>:nnnIl Uuilull EIUIIIQVID UUDI QVZIIUUQ W- E. Keams of Beeton has sold out his furniture and undertaking business to (`has Watson '& Son of Cookstown, and ha taken a position in Toronto. V _yuu mum uu sulmfululg 10!` me, Will your } Name it, and I'll do it," promised the. -delighted trapper. l grnvrl-an nlonnnzl inn-Cull" 4...........l al... .l,..L.. .,.... . ... LJ\d\VI- ulunl no UVCI uvcu. I _______ _. . A ` i. Mr. Smythe raised his eyebrmvs. not` isurc whethrir to receive this remark asin compliment or otherwise. Being a keen jhusinessnmn. howeyer, he allowed it to go` Ion the credit side of his conceit account. and proved that he appreciated the other`s icunning of conception by, reaching a black gbnttle 8cl'OH:~` `the counter. `ucusulcu un.ppt1r. I Smythe glanced fearfully toward the door, and, tiptoeing across to it-. shut`Sa1nbo in the other room, then bending l1e_ whispered) something in 'Broadcrook s ear. Whatever it was it seemed to astound and not alto- gether displease the burly fellow. His red face screwed itself up in a horrible grimace _ and he guawed loudly. i (`.nnrc:n I! a:n\rnn Glyn 61`-an Lu-..l..-.l x i-A Kl1`lC.Vo 1 Do you know Colonel Hallibut? ask-! -ed Smythep He was looking out of the; ldinay window again. and his ears were; cocked. ; u\,v_,, 1 L,,,,,, 1,-,, . 9 1` - 1 . In V l/"W5 :"7r'.?."z'`L._.ue.:.:.,, f `\ Eyu If tuey Tire. ' .._Vun_`.,.` Smart Burn. uuu Ill.` guunwcu xuuuly. Course, if y gimme the three hundred, gI'H send old Noah somewheres," he wheez- .ed. A I lLI')___V_|__A,,! V! II In .I - , Broadcrook." said Smythe sternly,i ]don't mistake my meaning. `I know there ?is danger of accident to the aged and frail. and that life's ruddy current "ows but sluggiahly in the veins of old men; hut,` my dear Broadcrook, no violence~-no viol- 'ence. remember. However. when Imam. sure, without a doubt, that Noah has de- parted--ahem!--to some remote country for good. why, the money is yours. You 399 he wnn`t let the other Indians sell.me their furs. but makes them carry them fo :St. '1`hmn:xs." I n..--_n___,u_ 1, an . . . .-- .. m gasps. _ ' i Oh. but you're :1 crac-k`er," cried the` Bushwhacker, -:1 reg'lar right-dow'n smart un. No wonder widdcr Ross 0' Totherside thinks you thebest ma as ever lived."' "__ CL _, o 1 u.- i I I HI) I LIC- ' To Be Continued) see smoke. I IIICUIIIHIIBIU. l Mr. Jlaxnes McLaughlin. 91 Evanston _St1-eet, Winnipeg, `rrites: I bought a J. B. `L. Cascade for the cure. of a bad` case of lappendicltis. My doctors told me I must.` l ]have an operation at once. I-\had spent {more than $50 in doctofs bille. but the =Casca(le in a few days completely removed .e\ ery trace of soreness and pain. I eat and sleep well now and have regained my for- lmer \\'ei'ght, and am in perfect health. VIII III`? n --. -----_na-unnnI\Di I A tired, nervous feeling may be a sign iof poisons in your systexu which prevent proper digestion. Food turns into more` poison and gas. making you ngrvous and weak. Simple buckthorn bark, glycerine. *3tc., as inixed in Adlerika, expels poison and gas from BOTH upper and lower bowel.` Removes old matter you never thought was in your s_v_stem which poisoned stomach and made, you tired and nervou=. Adleriko is EXCELLENT to guard against appendi- citis, Wm. Crosland. druggist. Sold in FIv~:~.-ski in` \\' J .\h~('!.h-n .1.-y...;:_. SATURDAY MARKET` ' On Saturday the market was an un- usually large one. Poultry was very plenti- ful as were also butter and eggs. A few turkeys were seen . Eggs welre 55 cents, `same as the pr`evious Sat-urday The -prices 1-3 5Butter ..; . . . . . .. lEgg...._ . . . . . `Spring chlckens . . . . . . . V I Ducks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a Beets . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c ' Carm`s . . .`. . A. . . . . . . . . Onions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parsnhxs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turnlps .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Cabbages . . . . . . Celery . . . . . . . . Cauliower . . . . Pumpkins . . . . Hubbard squash . . . . . .. ` Seasonings . . . . . . . . . . Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Horseradish . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Lawrence apples . . . . Wealthy apples . . . . . . . . ' Snow apples . . . . . . . . .. Alexanders V . . . .. . . . . . .. Russet apples . . . . . . . . .. Crab apples . . . . . . . . . . Ribstone Pippin Apples Citrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Geese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Turkeys . . . . . . . . . . . . .. III\lLII II`: Von-cue Phonos':-- Ofce I63. Residence 353