needed. eather. ndable Jllows: rrumc u. msnop, xcepresenvauve by T &$$&&m&&&&mmww%m gamwmmwawwwimwigg FUUABI-'UVVIIo While W. A. Anderson is away withthe lIl`ntEI'R_ ghnl-no A` .Q`\n\In-nu` uni" "V3Vz:\:<;rley Fowl Suppe ...l ...... ....- L_l.J L. 41,, A THE BARRIE EXAMINER ' resolution was introduced in the Phil- |asking the United States to recognize the pndence. 1PP1ne House of Riepresentatives Saturday right of the Philippine Islands to inde- Meaford is to organize a boys town band. Here s Two Good Ones . Women s High Cuts, in Dongola Kid stock, on medium and broad toes, medium sole with lowirubber heel. Special. . . . , . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . $4.35 Women s Dongola Kid Extra ne `stock, very neat last, with ....:1:.L......' 1...! .2... ._...I ___:.u|-_ nun -A Here's a Real walking shoe ii Genuine French calf stock, med. toe, 1ow,heel, exible sole, sizes . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . ; You Would Find These Comfortable Fine Dongola Kid, nice smart last, very exible -sole, military heel, in every size andwidth $7.00 Even if you don t wear high shoes__reg_ularly, you should have one pair for emer- gency w_ear throughout-the fall and wijliter'-ifrre. You ll likely be out in the late fall weather, or in places where they arereall y necessary. Every woman should have at least one pair of high shoes % navlhlu nasal IV ALIA '}i'1i{ 1ET'iz'?1nd widths $5.50 THE HUB BOOT SHOP L Next to jCrossland vs Drug Store PHONE 415 unn us.- SPECIALS 20 pairs Women s Dongola and Patent Kid High Cut Shoes, Goodyear welt sole, all best makes; has sold regular $12.00. Sale price . . . . . . . . . $6.45 Shoes for Growing Girls who consider comfort first of all In Dongola Kid and Gun Metal stock, broad and medium toe, with at heel, some rubber heels. These two lines just arrived; every size . . . $4.50 15 pails Womerfs Gun Metal Calf Bal., medium sole`, medium and military heel, reg. $4.00. Sale price. .$2.95 Page Five VJ UU-UUQ - Emerson Ritchie had a sale` on October 30. Everything went off well. H6 is mov- ing to Toronto where he has secured em- 3 plaoyment. Miss. criel Morton spent last week-gird with Miss Edna .McLean. 7 ` } \lI......,. D_I.....l .Il1..A...-.. f)_L- 1');_______ WHOM IILIBB nuuu -NLIIIZLIUCII-lo Misses Erland Watson, Ret-a Brown, and. Muriel Nelson spent the week-end at their mspective homes. A I urn nlnnnntl in rnnn-6 bknt Dgunnnll QA....._ Nov. l.--Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coulter of Terra Cotta were visiting Mr. and Mrs. `; Brumby and Mr. and Mrs. John Muir over the week-end. URL- _l.._.__L ___.,,,,, I ,1: l\ . l\- UIIV WUVl\'UlIU. ' The church supper held on Oct. 25 was a great success in spite of rather unfavor- able weather. the proceeds being almost 3100.00. `. ' l'.`___.`-._ I"l1A.L!, `I, I I . I\ - I A meeting of ~ the Women s Institute will be held at the" home of Mrs. Morley Beath on Thursday, Nov. 9, commencing at 2 o'clock. The, members oflthe Edgar branch will provide the programme. simpile little honestly and Then see how the commun`~ vil'! be missed. to the cem~. Oct. 31.--Last we;k' tie Misses Watson and Miss McBride attended the Teachers Oonvention in Toronto. 11.. 'l1.....m.I.... ...:..L; ..c I` .... .. ll. rz._:;.L; X number of young. people from here attended the Box Social at Edgar on day night. ' T Mlna Mlnnl Mmrfnn nnnnl land I|vnp\`- ......I IIVDQJCVUIVC llUlllUDo I am pleased to report that Russell Stran- aghan is on the way to recovery. Ml` nnrl W Wnkknr anon} Qua:-Inn `LHJIIVULIUIUII III I.UIUIII/Us On Thursday night at League Mr. Knight- on gave an illustrated lecture showing some lvry fine views of diffetfent parts of Can-I auuu ID Uu but? way no rccuvcry. Mr. and Mrs; W. Webber spent Sunday -with Mrs. Webber's mother, Mrs. A. Wat- :&w$*%*%&$$%$**%*&w&*$*;;: g ` NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS :1; *$w*%%$%**%**%$*$**$*&m%3 .9?"- 1 swm l'\,A OI Thursday, November 2, 1922 With up-to- the-minute machinery, the best of materials and our workmane A ship and experience, ' why go elsewhere? Itly? ASK YOUR GROCER E93. rrswsk noun. TH!-: Hsnmf FLOUR MlLl.S, LIMITED 1 A 11-: _-: - :-p In -33:25` 18%|`! If not in stock, phone our Retail Department and it will be delivered in a few minutes time. whittles a stick and keeps his brains a-working. Drop a card or ring up the Fisher Flour Mills about your year s supply of our. No better our milled in Canada and "no better prices. V A SUCCESSFUL FARMER MJ1;.' 137 ii; Lyle : Syrup, 2-.15 tin .299 `Strawberry Jam- 4-'l'b.Ttin . ._A. . ; . .- 79 A.D.Molasses, 13 and 23 Domestic Sh6rtening-.- 310.3 .4 . . N373 `ii: 11:11:55; No. 10 Tin . . . . '$l,65 Kesp Sreet Cream-- CI :2... CIZ- SEEDLESS RAISINS DOMlNl0N srom-3s, Limited srtance. t room a com- Each eandevery item means money saveei if you b1 1yhe}e Good Winter Wheat ' Bran and Shorts THE CHAIN GROCERY STORES OF CANADA ,_` = ,,LOOKOVERTHlSLISTL , Toilet Ca.rnl5eIl s .Corh PAPER %% soups mxzs & 5Rou.24c. 14c.frm 3'pack8-e829c.. wvr - vv vwu - v-..- 2t_i1s??c aaniua. om. i 18%. And . PEL . 37%. IILIU U1-Illllillo Sympathy is extended to the bereaved friends of M. Kenny, Phelpston. whose death took place suddenly last Monday. Ann 111:" k nn nAl|Iv:nA Ln-A An Q-`Ann IIUIUU BU LUIUHDU, DULILIH . Frank and Madeline )( 3oughlin, accom- panied by the Misses McDonald of Wye- vale, motored to Midland last Sunday.-T ` I'Mnn I-Inn]: hf Annnnln man .H\n puma} nf Vs UUUB }ll%5U BUHUCIIIJ llIlJ lUlIllU_Va There wlll be no service here on Sunday evening; Sunday school at` 1-1 am. - Q (`Av I-nan `clean 41-na r\nn:`l :t\n rug nnuu. cuu Wll/ll IIIUIIUB IU UDI'UUUo Jas., Leo and Kathleen McLaughlin mo tored to Toronto, Sunday. . wrnnb our` Ilnrlalinn (`nun-In1n nnnnmn in-nu, uluvvusu uu nulunuu llalz Dummy.- Miss Hook of Allandale was -the guest of [Mia Irene Cassatt for the` week-end. IUI DPIII-I5 ID UIJU UIVJUIV U1 IIIIU unit A pleasant social time was spent at the pumpkin -pie social last Friday evening in the church. -._.._..LL_- 2- ___L'..._l-_I A- AL- L-___.,,,,I E HULIID ll 'PUBl|-IUII. Reeve and Mrs. Wilson spent the week- ] end with friends in Stroud. n `I..- 1-- -_._1 1'r_.LI--._ nu: ,-__-u,u:,, , Nd_v. '31)?!` preparing. the soil for spring is the order of the day. A niannnnlv ant\;nl 6:11:14: Van nnnn at O-Ln UVULIIUSC Duuuuy HUHUUI lib 1'1 3.111. 8. Cox has taken the position as care- taker of ,the reforestation plant. All wish Mr. and Mrs. Cox success in their new home and position. . I Astra Vnnrl Mr: 117:1;-A... u-`ant lun uvnnlr lI(`Il`7- Robert Poole, Sr., who was kicked by a horse lust`Thureday, is very ill at the time of writing. ' . ` . [3 Mrs. `Joby; Cameron has returned to Mim- ;ico Beach after spending a week at R. I Monteith s.' ' ` ' `I... _.._I II... `I7 I17 I\ ,,,, , I `ll, motor car aid at ne o_f - te Jeffs court a plea of` ich was `laid [ auuu vcl nu G. - I Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Boyce . and Mrs.; |Forrest W-allwin and son Albert spent Sun- [day with friends in Ravenna and Colli1g- i wood. _ ` II.. __._I `ll..- Y_...-_. II_l1___l__.. _.._.__ _,, IIIUIIUB III IVIIUIRIIIU UVUI Dulluuyn Miss Ruby Hubbert _has returned after spending `two weeks with friends in Hills- dale. - .I'iI,n I ,1`! II a nnuuaquutauc Ill hue wwu uuu liulllgllb. Mrs. Thos. Lee LS vxsitmg her daughter, Mrs. Davis of Newmarket. `Ill..- 7-..-.. ll-fI..:.._ _;`_,, 1-1 .1 I Oct. 31-~Congrat.11lations to Miss Eliza Tracy and William Shanacy who were quietly married on Thursday. Oct. 19. Mr: `(nu hue rnhn-nnrl in Dnu-4 Q:-In-gnu. VVUUI-In V Mr. and Mrs. James McCracken were with friends in Midland over Sunday. mac Du`-nu I-rink`-an!-0 Hon v-nnnnn nfnr uxna. uaua U1 nuwumuwv. i Miss Zenna McGuire attended the wed-i ding of 2: cousin at Clarksburg last week. LIUICLIJ ll.IllIlll'-ll UM lllllllly. \JUl. IV. I , Mrs. Kay has returned to Port Sydney i after spending two weeks with -her daugh- I ter,, Mrs.-J. A. Spence. u `M... I w u.....:.... ..t n.....:.. :. .1... ........s I Ul.7_l ,_ LV.llBo '0. 4'1. t.`lpUlIUUo ' Mrs. J. W. Hughes of Barrie is the guest of Mrs. Francis Frankcmn,'3rd. Line. Tnnhnv "Funny. :4: oil! :-\ 4|... 1) I7 `l.I.\.....: 1 H115. l`.|lIlJU-ID ICIKIIIISUUIH, Dru; 141115- Wesley Tracy is still in the R. V. Hospi- `tal. Barrie, but expects to be ableuto come !home soon. _ II , ',l, , IV , I 1 ' I 1 II` uuuav cum wcclx, A uuuemwnu. Little Eileen Sider, the two-and-"a-hal year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Sider. was badly burned on the face and handsifmm -a jar of fruit which fell and broke while the mother was doing up fruit; splashing over the little one, who happened to be} near by- Dr. Hann:\h's'lit-tle two- yeur-old son also had. the misfortun to have his foot badly scalded one day recent- ly. Both children are progressing favor- ably. 'I`k.. .-....\:l.. ..c 11... L:..L ....L-..I -_- 1.__.:;_ at the W'.i`y};e pupils of the high school are having a masquerade in the town hall tonight. Mm. 1'HnH Inn e vinina lam Aonaknu LVIUII U 5] u - Mrs. Levi Raymer has had the misfor-A tune to.fall, breaking two ribs, but at the time of writing is doing as well as can be expected. . `IL... D..:..L..-; L..- ....|.: 1.:_ L-..,, N I I A Oct. 3l-Mrs. Troyer; who has been vis- iting friends in Newmurket and Whitvale for the last few weeks, returned home on Monday. ' Inn 1...: D..........-.. L- L-J LL 7, 9 A CAIIITCIUII. Ben. Reinhart. has sold his house and lot to his brother-in-law, Will Kerr, who moved from his farm on Monday. Ben has bought I the property owned by his father. . Mrs hn.-lm. `n..lI........I :1: v...\..:.... :...4.. L-.. ' tut.` guuyrl ty uwucu U} H]! Ibllef. Mrs. Charles Bellwood is moving mto her house this week, I understand. `L , 1 IAAI- L\!I..-.. Q1_I__. . A H M I ' ` `F ucu W I 2-1b.';; .... ..2oc 5-lb.Tin.v....'..43c Tillson s Bran 19 O Cedar Polish . 25 2-in-1 Polish, tin. .l2%c Cream Tartar, 15.. -. 50 Shredded Wheat. . 12`/zc Wheatlets `. . . 4 lbs. 25 Rolled Oats . . 6 lbs. 25 CornMeal 7lbs. 25 MIDI-IURST Directors -of Midland Fair report the 1922 show as the most successful in the history of the society`. Atr all liabilities occurring from-the exliibi*ion are provideclfor. a snug amaunt will be available with which to help reduce the old liabilities of the As- sociation. au um `null-U!` 01 1118 E4X8.IIlIl18l`i--' Dear Sir :--We are very glad we have one, who thinks he is looking after our heal`h, but we feel content as to our cap- ability of looking after our own business. With regard to whether we use pasteurized" milk or not, we have lived and thrived without this new and unnecessary scheme all these years. I think it is a pointer the, Doctor must begetting from some of those companies who sell pasteurizers. ~How- ever, if it is so good for all the rest of the community it is the wonder of the public that he don t use it himself. He takes Rood care he gets his milk from a small dealer, who delivers it to himin a pail. I also believe that if milk is dirty when it is being milked and in the first stages of its - existence that pasteurizing it afterwards won't clean it. I am of the opinion that T if he would watch other things a little more i closely he. would show his talent. more. The . scavenger cart can patrol the streets at I seven `or eight o'clock in the evening. (They don t spread disease, do they?) We don't need any diet kiss" perfume if we happen to be unfortunate enough to be on the street at the time. Thanking you for space, . . - DEFENDER OF JIJSTICE AND RIGHT, ' rs.--` c-um auuuucl` nasurl. QIHIIICE next 888501]. A` new substation` has been constructed in`-Midland for the purpose of serving the Grand Trunk Pacific Elevator at Tiffin. This load is very similar to the C.P.R. ter-\ minal elevator. at Port McNicol, and the customer will use in the neighborhood of | 800 h.p.g The securing of this load assures |. the municipality of Midland a greatly in~ . creased demand in future which is bound` to affect the cost of power, and it is very grat- ifying to users of Hydro power when it is realized that such a proportion of the ter- minal elevators both at. the head" of the Lakes and at the receiving. end on Geor-I er. gian B_a_v are being served with Hydro pow- ` MILK PASTEURIZATION` To the Editor of The Examiner`:- n...... m... In. .._- -.-_.. _LJ .ber of contracts have been received at u_yau7II1."** 4 ' There is a prospect for a very large in-[ crease in load on account of summer resorti bus-'ness on` both the Severn and Wasdelll Systems. Already the town of Beaverton' serves 100 customers outside the limits of the _ Mu,nici.pality, all of which are practically in the summer resort class along the shores of Lake Simcoe. A large num- Shanty Bay in the vicinity of Barrie, `it is expected that these customers will probably be served with Hydro power by the beginning of the next season. Pos- sibly 100 contracts have been secured at Wasaga. near Collingwood, and Stayner, and if it is possible for a few more contracts to be secured there is. every assurance that Hydro service will also be available for this summer resort district next - 3 A nnur nI|3\,=l-a6unn'Iu... 1...-.. -._._-L.----A-J` which is also a summer resort district. and; ......u.,_y nvvvl uuyycl 1 ' The fowl supper held in the Orange hall} under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the; Methodist church on Wednesday, Oct. 25, was a decided success. A large number of people came from the surrounding coun- try and enjoyed an excellent supper. The- V tables were filled with goose, duck, chick- en, salads `and pastry, all of which was of; the finest quality. A programme; consisting of dialogues, drills, recitations and solos was given chiey by local talent. Addresses by Rev. Mr. Fry of Hillsdale. and Rev. Mr. Stubbs of Elmvale were enjoyed. Rev. R. E. Morton of Elmvale acted as chair-I than 'I'Imn o.uA.....uln. .1` LI... ....` . _ . _ _ - ~ A SHANY BAVTWAY c;ETi HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER 1 The last issue of the Hvdro-Electricg c Power Commission's `Bulletin had the following article concerning the `Severn |System:--4 ' Tknrn 3.. .. .............L t._ - "A," | `A I LETTERS "rd THE EDITOR u. u. xuutvuu U1 IDIIIIVISIC IICICG 88 0118.11`- man. The proceeds} of the evening am- ounted to $172.00. pcupu: uuu u gpuu ume IS l'eD0l`I9(1. The generosity of the peopleof Elmvale and vicinity has once more been mani-.. fested. Besides. the cash and clothing con- tributed by the Methodist and Presbyter- ian churches. the Elmvale branch of the Women s Institute packed and shipped` A clothing. etc.. to the value of over $500.00] to_ the relief commission at Cobal`. If ' all the villages and towns measured up to what Elmvale has contributed to the fire sufferers there would be no want for warm_ clothes and bedding. The people of this community are. noted for their generosity, in time of need. ` 5 uuuvmc mnzuu some years ago. Hallowe'en passed off quietly in the vil-I lage with a few minor pranks of the chil-, dren and here and there the visible marks of some of the older boys doings. The` novelty dance held in the hall was ext-v_ ceptionally well attended by the young! people and a good time is reported. I Tim npnnrnullrv at +1.. .M..|..',.: m.....nI- uwu ul uutm wcmw. ' I In the absence of `the pastor of thel Methodist church, the Rev. T. W. Leg-I gott of Stayner will ureach both morning` and evening here and in the afternoon at! Allenwood.` Mr. Leggott was pastor of the` Elmvale circuit some years ago. H'a"nwp'nn nsmuu-I ntf .-.n:n+lu L. I... ..:I I uuuuzln, W. D. ouurpe 0! DDEIDUITXC W111 be in charge of the bank of Toronto. W. G. Argue, who moved to the village last spring, has purchased M. Bowman : farm which adjoins the village on the` 013181: side. ' ` l I II. ._.I It... 111,, t - I .' - :;ld Mrs. Bert McFadden and little! daughter of Wiarton spent -a few days with the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McFadden. - . :AL '4'.` I_.__,.3, , I ' I sum: nut xcu. - With the hunting season here again, about twenty men from this viqinity left this week for parts north where the deer will be chased and a good time spent for two or three` weeks. ` T... I... ..L...._-- -1` ~ Al _ ,. . A -I l vuau mun. Q Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leighfon and daughter Dora, Mr. and `Mrs. Jas. Orr and daughter Annie of Creemore spent Sunday at AW. D. Cotton's. _ I II- -...I .114- I1, . II v\ II Mia I-Iewson of Penetang is visiting ati C.. E. Copeland's. ' ;, I gBorn-On Thursday, October 26th, to! Mr. and Mrs. Jmo. Todd, a daughter. 1 Mrs. T. A. Orton -and baby Fern of Oriiiia are visiting` at. H. Clements . `Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martin of Penetangi I spent last week at W. H. Drysdale s. , Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ritchie are spending: a few days with friends at Waubaushenm} Ml` M R (`arr I-Anu-marl Ln-..`.. I-LL. .......I- ww uuyu wuu Lneuuu an evva.uoau3nene.I Mrs. M. E. Carr returned home this week` after "spending a month with friends at Cookstown. ` _ nn.:|- In A A.,.L,,,,, - no .- um: vv. :1. Auuerson 18 away wnn me hufftem, w._ E. Sharpe of Shelbum win] `an `H nlinv-an nf Hus kanlr AC "I".u..-....a.. T E..`i;r.`.9*.P`.:P;*.:":.2`$,