Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Nov 1922, p. 16

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Auction; Sale Livery Outfit, and Farm Implements The =u-ndjersigned has received instructions from COOKING ONIONS lbs. fo_r 25 No extra cha'rge for delivery Dates, 2 lbs. for 25 Try our Bulk `re. ' III - II. FRED AYERST AT THE PALACE LIVERY BARN 15 ILSAYMI-'$lELD ST., BARRIE v|7ucuU"`fUIIu Ul MID ulltfla IIUIIIUH Ill lIIIl1' `dale. |$3800--Practically new house, tel-ns. .$4000-$5000--Very large selection. `$5000-$15000--The finest homes in Barrie. FOR RENT--A very ne home, lease. _ ' FOR R.ENT--Garage, also storage._ Many good buainess blocks for sale or lease. ' IF urns REAL ESTATE, see ME. i c|ark:on. House . B|ock_ ULUUU""f\ vuly IJUIIIIUFIIGUIU PHIUU, WU IU' outed. - . i $1700--Do_uble house, "a good investment. 82200---Well located, 7 rooms. $2300-8 rooms, conveniences. large lot. S2400-Very central, 3 good buy. i $2600-Brick house, strictly modern.` E 82800~'-Solid brik, $500 cash. $3000---A number to choose from. $3300---New home, the price is right. $3350-Central location, "easy terms. $3400-- rooms, garage, see this one. $3500~_- ungalowe, semi-bungalows; at this price we have fteen to choose from. $3700---`One of the finest homes in Allan-I I `.1..I.. - - --a\\.a .. $900-Comfortable homo; conveniences. $1200--Brick house, double lot, a snap. ` S1300--Modern cottage, very homey. i 3l450--7 rooms, lights, etc., $250 cash. $l500-~A very` comfortable place, well lo- nnfnrl auuuuu amvmlur, deceased. V Notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said William Alexander Griffiths, who died on orabout the 13th. day of July,_ 1922, are required, pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf, to send by post prepaid, or deliver, to` the under- signed solicitor for the executors of the said estate their names and addreues, with ftparticulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by -them, on or before the 28th. day of No- vember, 1922, after which date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, without having regard to the claims of any creditors and others who have not `filed particulars of their claims. _ I Dated at Toronto this 28th. day of October. 1922., " V D. R. LEASK, 409 Continental Life Bldg., , Bay & Richmond Streets, Toronto. M Solicitor For The Executors Of The Said Edate. . - 44-46c r.-.v...v, --.-u w.--. -- v-Ivy o-up.-.--av Theemasquerade Hdlowe en party given` by the Epworth League on Tuesday even- ing was much enjoyed by all. The prizes. given for the beat costumes were "awarded to Miss Margaret Glass and little Eleanor Mc'Millin; for the best band in parade, to Geo. Baker and Norman Broley. . {THE REAL ESTATE MAN Q1=;=ERs nnnn In "11{i1i{;n{ "M}I.g: '{1o"s;".'cz.fEan'g'"he Barrie Collegiate, spent the week-end with" ' his parents, Mr. and M23. Robt. Marling. I YILII, Mr.- in-rid Mrs. Wdiiiggion and children of King spent Sunday with Mrs. Walking- , ton s sister, Mrs. Harry Fisher. I A I - A '1 `, 3.! . ' . Iv .t\II Auinumbevrfo} `the 'C-<;6'ksown-: Hunt Club Heft on Monday-for South River. The | Club is building a steelshanty this year. puwu uu xuuuuuy. The teachers and students of the High School enjoyed a; Hallowe'en party at the school on Friday: evening. ' In: II c A in -. I! 1"y1'3k -'(3;)-;;i3.ay, Manitoulin Island. and Miss Cole of Elmgrove visited at -Robert Cole's last week. DIIUI `IIIIUKL 111550. The many friends of Dr. West of Angus regretted to hear of his death, which took place on Monday. Tho Oan;-Junta On!` nhunnfn tn` `BA 1-1:01 mar pureuu-5. , Fisher's are now showing men's over- coats of superior quality. The famous lea.- ther-lined make. NIL, ____,._, l__!,.__.I- _t I'\_. I'l1-_L J A._._.._ [XVI]. Wm. Donnelly attended" the funeral. of` his ksiqter, Mrs. Walker, in Toronto, this wee . 19-- 311-. d|_-;_H ..__I Mn---" n_n..H ...- 1.- In the matter of the estate of ~Wi!liamT Alexander -Griffiths, late of the town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, Com- mercial Traveller. deceased. Hnnn in .Iun-ml-up 1.3."... LL..4. _lI ___.I2- H 1 Ull uuuuuy. ' Mis Lorene Gould, who has spent the summer at Thornbury, is now home with` her parents. w- 1. ' 1. ' ' ' ` . IQ QR li IIl.\`IP B I\II'II\lU `YIll'\ Q l\\YQF- '_ias"iia}'y"17as2'}"'i`orL}.& iaiilfcus week with her aunt, M-ts. Robt. Marlins. Miss Alma Neilly of the Midland school staff spent over Sunday at her home here. "I nun-I M-a Imnalslnn 15' Q6 nnfhnnnn HUGH BPUIII4 UVUK DUIIUD HF HUT IIULIIV HUlUo Mr. and Mrs. Laughlan of St. Catharines .(re'visiting the -latter's sister, Mm. John a` _ WUVR For Hot Shots" and Dry' Cells" go to Dunning`s Garage. Fresh stocl_< just ar-v rived. ) 44 1'1- ..._.1 1:..- u n A......I..l ..4L-._.I...l n... 1 1 v_cu. ) -331; Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Arnold attended the funeral of the late Mrs. R. Arnold at Ivy on Sunday. I Mk: Y1-Ann rlnnlrl nyhn km: anon} fkn HIKE. sucuuu uuu UI'U|.lll|l|' in; her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Il!,, I __. I\!.__,,.-J__ `_,_-.__- I --V. ----..--, -_--. -_--. _-iv-- Lou DinwoTody,}nuree, loft thix; week for Ton-o`nto.where she will be on duty. II II\ "&s1.'iSZJ.3'3E'6:Z}aL"suSI:aEE{ at the home of hi brother, '1`. J. Dawson. IIUK ILIIIILIUI . `KID: JIIIIIKD 0 Mrs. Fildey of Toronto is `visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. Marlins. . . uuuguusr, UIIH. n. Juutuugu Mr. and Mrs`. Melville Donnelly and . Neville spent Sunday at Elmvale. ' ll" ,, I Ed} ,D 5; J_!,I,,, I" __'_!L NOTICE TO cm-:D 1:r3E l IIIU PIIUU `VIII Blllll JV. . . `PU Mrs. MacGrcgor of Wheatley wnsrvummg her mother; -Mrs. Murray. "pa Vila... A` Tnnnnfn 3: uh|:6:I-Ia` `IAI .;..";!6.- HENRY.` I5"I"'l'I`I .- - --... ..r-..- ..._-..-.- -.-. - ---- Mrs. Richard I>ua'oI'sund:idge is viait~ an `snow Anuunvhfnn "Inn (`jinn muynn HENlY "Pica? saw u. we uuu unu we euect was very pretty. A peanut hunt, in which a group of young children took part, was one of the best items on the amusement program. Little . Miss Bernice Thompson took first prize for finding the largest number of peanuts, and Miss Ena Little the second prize. r V ....,s. .11. u.uuuuuuu, mos: mmculous Lady; Mrs. Bruce Thompson, Gypsy Queen; Har- ry Hammond, Negro Tramp; Arthur Jay, Stylish Young Lady; Ernest Wardie, Ban- dit; Master Harry smart, Little Girl; and Miss Helenspearn, Haliowe en. The judges were Mrs. Wilton, Mrs. L. Vair, Miss Irene Collins and Mrs Anderson. T-l'nllnm.. .... ..l..----A!--- v- " Next Sabbath morning Communion Ser- vice will be held at eleven and in the evening Thanksgiving will be the theme Iain song and sermon. ' St. George : Ha|lowe en Party l St. George's Parish Hall was the scene of an enjoyable Hallowe'en party Tuesday night. It was in charge _of the A.Y.P.A. of the church and about forty-five young people and older folk were present, most. _ of them in masquerade. The evening was _ IIIUII U50 I ispent in Hallowe en games of various sorts which evoked a great deal of merriment, ';and the competition for costume prizes; `was a feature of the affair. First prize' ' ,fol` the best costum_ed group was won by la wedding group made up of the follow- ing; Jack Little as thebridegroom; Vic-i tor Collins, the bride; George Goring, the minister; Alfred Li`tle, groomsman; Mor- ris Trevelya'n, the bride's father; Miss Dora Knight, maid of honor; Miss Bessie Lavery, the bride's mother; Miss Ena Little and Miss Ethel Garside as the bridesmaids; : Chas. Knight, usher, and Master Eldridge Wilton as the page, who was dressed to ' represent Jackie Coogan. the. movie child actor. The members of this group played their parts well and won merited distinc- ' tion. Prizes were alsoawarded to Mrs. Wardle whose novelty costume caught the eye of the judges, and to -Ben Beer. The latter was made up cleverly to represent . a young lady, while Mrs. Wardle repres-I I ented a gay old-fashioned lady. Some of the rirwtlrrnnn :....I...:...i 11:..- uuxuuu lulu Mrs ADGGTSOD. Hallowe'en decorations of yellow and black were used to brighten the interior` of the hall and the effect DQ811113 hunt. in wlnh n av-nun A` uuvuu. :1 guy Oltl-I88I1l0ne(1 lady. Some of the costumes included Miss Luella` Sanders and Miss Laura Looker as I-Iallowe'en girls; Mrs._ E. Ritchie and Miss V. Collins` as Old Ladies pf the Present Day; Joe. Anderson, Pierrot; Miss Reta Spearn, Clown; Miss Janet Edwards, Mrs. H. Hammond,` Most Ridiculous Lady; Thomnson. Gvmu own ... n...., `ELECTRICAL ` CONTRACTOR 181 Toronto St., Barrie Estimates furnished Good work at reasonable prices Phone 698 Acluna U1 um HUIIIH. I December 3rd. will be Woman's Day in Burton Ave. church when Miss , Frances Nickaway Canada s famous Cree Indian girl, will speak in the evening. On Mon- day evening,. December 4, Miss Nickawa will give one of her 'popular entertain- "merits. \Y_._; L! 11` .1 - `nn - - nuuuuuy us nugua. ' . Some interesting radiopticon views of\.g . Japan and Africa were shown at a meeting l 3 of the Y.P,S.C.E. in the Presbyterian churchg , Monday night by the pastor, Rev. W. J. - Watt, who filled the gap caused by the absence of Rev. J. MacDougall, D.D. The l , latter was to have given the society a talk? _` on China` but was called out of town and was unable to be present. " Kill_ed at 'cochrane Erman Horan. has returned from North, Bay where he attended the funeral of his;] cousin, Fred Dwyer. a brakeman, who was } killed by a freight train at Cochrane reg: ll 1 cently; Mr. Dwyer got his foot caught in a railway frog and his tragic predica- ment was not noticed by the engineer` oil: the train in time to prevent his being runlv] over.` ' He died a few minutes after they accident. Deceased was a brother of Jack5b Dwyer, well known in Allandale. who] t braked out from here several years ago. ' `Burton Ave. Methodist Church Senior League held a most` successfulic Hallowe'en Social on Monday night, whileltl the Junior League celebrated the great S event in the usual mystical way on Wed-lo nesday night. ` C L T}... wua mm -.....u. :. 42.- a__..__-_...- nusuuy mgub. I ., The W.M.S. will meet in the basement of the church Thursday, Nov. 9, at 2_' o`clock, when they will devote their time to quilting some quilts for the fire suf- ferers of the North I . I'\........_L_._ 0.: __,2n 1, up I n vauu I a Business is brisk on the G.'I'.R. Dur- ing thetpast month the local diviaion has handled over 1200 cars of cattle from the West and large ahipments of paper from` Iroquois Falls are also going through } The wedding of one of Allandales non-1 VIIIU lvlll WUUI Mrs. W. J. `Watt re`turnedA on Monday| `from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Harry: Motclenaghan, at Belg:-ave. . nninvn own` I`. n.....:.l... Ignq-A An End . zuvvnvuuguuu, uh nelgnsvu. - I L. Spehrn and E. Burridge leave on Sat-i urday by_ C.P.R. for 'Barnet=dale for their: EIl!htl,lal outing with the Kemecong Hunt` u I!I.-_2_-__ 2- L___I_ -4 ;I, Iolnilu In a uquwa runs are uuau guru; nuruuqu i V wedding pop-; ular young ladies took plce in London,; 0nt., on Saturday, Sept. 2, when Miss Lottie May Wharram, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wharram, was united in mar- riage to Mr. Andrew Wardel! of London,' `formerly of Angus. 5 gnlhn :n6nvnaI>:nm nt`:l\I\`:t|J\t\ ..h.... At `white:-2. and Mao McDon-` aid spent a few days with `friends in Dunn- ville this week. . A It... In IIY_LL ...;...._..I ._ 13-..)--- I Mrs. Reynolds was a woman of_ sterling icliaracter, unselfish in her desire to help lthose who needed her sympathy and care. `She was a member of the Central Meth- odist church at the time of her death. 'Surviving daughters and sons are Mrs. George Dyer of Holly, Mrs. Henry Pratt fof Stroud, Mrs. L. Pratt of Barrie, Mrs. James E. Simpson of Pittsburg, Mrs. Thomas Mulholland of Toronto, and Miss Etna Rey~ unolds at home; William and Jack of Tor- onto, Herbert of Pittsburg and Albert of London. A brother, Robert Hurst of Tor- onto, also survives. i ' The funeral was held on Monday after- noon, October 30, and it took place from lher late residence to the Stroud Methodist Neilnon'$ _sst.__Chocolats il0--six daughters and four sons. This happy event was saddened a year later by _ the death of Mr. Reynolds on the 5th of I December,` 1921. Up till about eight years ago Mrs. Rey- 'nolda lived with her husband in Innisfil. iThey resided at Craigvale for a number of. ,years and Mr. Reynolds carried on a coal `busing-.3 there. When be disposed of this i they came `to Barrie to spend their de~ clining years. I 'The funeral service was held at Wood-l lawn, Sask., on Sunday, Oct. 15. The! little white casket was covered with beau-l tiful owers, tokens of sympathy from many sorrowing friends. Morris was 9. bright and affectionate boy and will be sadly -miss- . ed in the neighborhood, as well as by the' so:-rowing parents, brothers and sisters. Rev. Mr. Gardiner preached a most help- MORRIS JOHN smnaow I The death occurred in St.-Paul's Hospital, Saskatoon. of Morris John Sparrow, second ` son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sparrow of Kin- ley, Sask., aged 11 years._ He was taken, sick with spinal meningitis and taken to: the hospital where, in spite of good medical care and careful nursing he passed away on Saturday morning, October 14. -1! I` I I I I . 111 I church and thence to the Stroud Cemetery! where the remains were laid to rest. The~ services were conducted by the Rev. E. T. Douglas of Barrie assisted by Rev. Mr. Stevenson of Stroud, and the pallbearers included the following: Wilsonurst and] _Bert Pratt-of Toronto, Murray Reynolds of Barrie. Russell Webb of Stroud and Mor~ ley and Elmer Dyer of Holly. The Children's Story Hour will be resumed at the Public Library on Saturday, Nov. 4th, at 11 o'clock. _ Buckwheat . . . . . . . . . . . ,?Potatoes (new) per bag Butter, per pound . . . . Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . . Chicken, spring . . . . . . .. gnome hides * Horse hair . . . . .. Beef hides, green !ful and comforting sermon, after which do ceased was laid to rest in the Avondalo cemetery. Mp. Q..n........ ....,.. :.........-I.. 11:... win. | U113. D}M1llUW V` Harrison of Edgar. THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRiGES No. 2 Fall Wheat (new) . . . . .. 81.00-1.10 l\non nu... 11` 4E- c. w. ROBlNSON_ SIIJVLCIJ 0 Mrs. Sparrow was formerly Miss Elin- farrhann nf Vzhrnr BARRIE MARKETS |IV O'U `$.o 40. I KEWU`: $1.00-1.15 '. . . 60-70: 40-50 . . . 32-350 1!. .' $33}: $11.25 In 06. IRS mo, IBJI? won, 1 mac W WI! otners." BRIGGS ASTHMA REMEDY 81.50 per bottle. Money back if nof satisfied. For sale at Geo. Monk- ,man's Drug Store, Barrie, or by mail from H. T. Btig?. Whitby, Ont. ' l -- Asthma Sufferers Hilton W. Parks, Wsterdownh Ont., writes: I can safely bless the day you left a bottle of Asthma ` Remedy with me. I had relief from the first dose and have been im- proving ever since; can lie down at night and rest; the cough has al- ready left me; I have gained three pounds since I started the bottle, which is now nearly finished. The good news has [spread around `this i district, and already several want to try it. I feel so goodover the new life, were, I like to tell others." amransv A`l l.l|I-I DEIIEHV VCAAMPBELIJS SOUPS Any kind, 15 Heintz Cream Tomato S0`-`P9 15

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