I-Illlto Alvin Pearson presided at the Young People s Circle on Tuesday evening, when an interesting talk was given on the work of`Henri Fabre, the famous French entom- ologist. . Mn Donne ant` `Mr `Anna A` Tnrnnfn unuguau. Mr. Fears and `Mr. Jones of Torontq spent Sunday with Mr. Spencer. Dav A A Wu n` Aing-inn 117;" nu-non}! HIUIIULIS UHU UVULHU6. . Mrs. -R. D. Henry has returned home from -Barrie, where she has been staying during her illness at the home of Mrs. Dutcher.` T`l!_L__..I `lflll _ C`_.-!lA_ IV .... -._L ._.L- I.-- IJULUIIUT. - Richard Hill of Swift Current, who. has been visiting Mrs. Banting, left to visit. friends in Orillia. 11.. ..'_J II... II 7I"L _ _ . _ _ . ._ .....I II. .._.I Uily EC/ILUUI Wlll 7UU U})ClI Ull nuuqny. Miss Richards of Cookstorwn spent" the week-end with Miss Burrows. n:__ n-___ n_-..--.. L _ _ . . .... 1.. m........:... WUUl\'ClIu Wltll B111 JJullUWB- Miss Mary Spencer has gone "to Toronto for an extended visit. ` , 11.. l)_A.-._.._.. ..4.A.....1...! AL- ......I.IJ..'_ -8 101' H CKICIIUCU Vl5Hn ' - Mr. Bateman attended the weddxng of his granddaughter at Beeton last week. A man 7-uhuy on:-I RI`;-e I-Tn:-anlri nf 1101-I-En U15 gl'l1llUllULIsl.l|.Ul' 5|: IJCUIAULI 1&1: W503. Miss Irving and Miss Horseld of Barrie` spent the week-end with Miss Henry. :55 M'..nnr...l.l kn: 1'-aft}:-nnr` 4n `nor I-unrnn ill! I- U.L|l.I Axcuu. Vernon Fletcher spenhsunday` in Tor- pnto with his brother Tom. " 1::__ nzn _: c:__-._- L._L- L..- L..-_ ..:..:; UJILU WILL] LIE! UIUDUUI LULU. Miss Gill of Simcoe, who has been visit- ing M1s._I.eroy Jamieson, has left for New York. 11.- ____...I_L2-__,, L- O 0 X1. n `I'.._:_I t1 1;e'com- ent time 1Ull\. Congratulations to S. S. No. 9, Innisl, for again winning the Shield at Ivy School I Fair. _ . LU uu WKIU IIUIPVU. Ill 31!] W3 Grant Ansdell has retunied imme after a trip to Western Canada. 'I"|-no nnnbun an-nu-n (`C Alum "gluing nnn w----w- u... w ' , w_ >11 Geo. F. Thompson, Representatwe mmmmmmmm mmmmmmma UVUI ouuuuy 28' IIUK LIUHIU ALI xluuus. Rev- Dr. Whittaker attended the Ruralg I Deanery meeting at Ivy on Tuesday. Qnn T4`::J-Inn-`A K:a`-Ln:-urln annlr AF uynnll ..--_ ._..- .--..-_...-, _.--... ,__...- .......... Harry Moore` of Deseronto is home! with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred CoIe~ man. `L TI- ,,_AA ,9 `IV, A I`! ,,'II`, I , I , -LUIUUIU. ' | Geo. Mackay has returned home from; Toronto, where he underwent an operation on his eyes. o MR9 Muwfln N;vnn A` Okra Kfru-v-nu` Q1.`-nan` oucn, l.l. fllldll 1V1JLUl.|n The Presbyterian anmversary servxcesu will be held on Oct. 29. Rev. L. McLean] 0f- Bradford will preach. mean: "nlnn Q!-kn:-lnnr` nvtr` I.Y..-..l As. i .._-... .. __.. ....v. .v...... ..-. ..a. pa.-.--vu. M A number of delegates from here attend- ed the Alliston District Women s Mi$ion- ary Society convention at Beeton on Wed- nesday. M;an plhi T.-win J. I-. n . n n n L 41... .....-L FCJIIU \ll\?6IlUl'o _ The funeral of the late Mrs. T. R. Par- ker. whose death occurred in Toronto on_ Saturday, after a prolonged illness, took place on the arrival of `the morning train at the G.T.R. station, Monday, Oct. 16.! A large concourse of `relatives and old; friends were present to pay their respects.a The service at the cemetery was conducted ` -by Rev. W. H. Adams andRev. T. J. Dew, and the funeral arrangements were carried out by Herman J. Thompson. Tknrn urn] lsn onr*.':nn of fkn nlniurnk ;n IIIUHIID All Ulllll. Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grosc attended Schomberg Fair. Minn Mn? IIIIIIOI nu! mom 11..-n-num nuvn-u-I, Column. UPUIID DUI? WCUl\'UHlL WIDLIV AILIBD 1.15111]: Muss McDonald has returned to her home at Bond Head. 11-..--- Y.`I..A.-L_.. .........L`G.....I..-. 3.. TA- Oct. 16.-Mrs. Norman Campbell and Misses Mary and Margaret Graham are visiting in Toronto and Niagara Falls. ~ Alnv `Kuhn odnrlnrl fkn 141.119? ghvinnn no- 1JCl1Ul'y LILCCLIIIE bl: AV U LUCDUS . See Fisher's high-grade stock of wool: underwear (Tumbullfs and Stane|d s). I `"3711. Barret of West Gwillimbury has- sold his farm and stock to Mr. Rogers of Toronto. 7 l`!__ TnI -;I-__. I.-- __-4.._._-_l I__...; ,,-,,i uu um cyan. | Miss Myrtle Nixon of the Normal School, Toronto, spent the week-end with her mo-l ther, Mrs. Allan Nixon. ' . 1 "I"L.. I)......L..o....: .... ......: ...... _. In uAau1uxu Will pxczwu. i Misses Helen Sutherland and Hazel Ar-I, nolcl spent the week-end at Stouffville, the.` guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Barnes. 5 IlCt`.\JC5Jo Miss Edna Lewis, who has spent the past` two months with her parents, Mr. and Mm. Hartford Lewis, has returned to New York, where she will continue nursing. Thu lnoln `fnr fkn GPA ou'nv-are I-\on`rnr' I-up WIICIC DIIC Wlll UUIIIJJIUU uulelug. The bale for the fire suerers packed by the Cookst-own Women's Institute on Tues- day` contained eleven packing cases of clo}hing in splendid condition, six feather pillows, seventeen quilts and a case'of honey. The Wmnen s Institute appreciate the liberal donations to the bale. They also purpose sending another bale as soon as` preparations can be made, and again ask for contributions of clothing and bed-| ding. The Society are purchasing annel- ette- to cut into garnieiits and any wishingl to do plain sewing are requested to give their names to `the Secretary. UCIIICU Uul |J_V Llcllllall 7| . LIlUlIIP3UIIu . There wxll be .serv1ce at the church In Egbert next Sunday, Oct. 22, at 2.30 p.m. `s;n `I-innlla urn l`nn"\lnI` fn nor +110? I.`l54)KIll/ IICAI uuuuay, \JUl- a -IQ, GI; HoUU pout. All his friends are delighted to hear that Roy Allen, who has been "so long in the R. V. Hospital at Barrie, where he under- went several severeeoperations, is at last making some headway towards recovery, and that he may be expected out in a short time. TI- _. _,, ,,,__.,Z,I._I _L -AL- `f__.-_ 1) > the col- It was DPUHI. ouuuuy \'VlLll 1'11. D}JUllUCl u Rev. A. A. Wall of Alliston will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday morning and evening. `Juno -1) n I-Tun:-I1 Kan I-nhu-nut` `knrnn Oct. l7.-A gift of 325 had gone from the Methodist church here to the fund op~ ened for ihc relief of the sufferers in the _New Ontario re. ---__...__ZL-. _.___L:_... L__ L_-._ __II-.] _`CVV \IlllC|lU llICn A community meeting has been called to assemble in the Orange Hall for the purpose of making arrangements to assist -by sending clothing, produce, etc., to the same district. D rm_. 1- ..... _-I -1: .1_- 1-.- IL, In 1-: n-.. $$m$am&%&&$&mmm Examiner Tadvta. are a fine tonia! CQOKSTQWN THORNTON for electric and power wash-E . 42: of Richmond Hill is visiting! , Mrs. (Dr;) W. J. Scott... 1 ........ .0 cl... ....L...J ..L..U .-....-.4` VVJIIICU $'l\JL'lal.CIu 1 Mrs. Donovan, Mrs. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dennis and Miss Hazel motored from Toronto and spent Sunday `with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith. YIVL _,,. I, ._ , ,L ,_I L___, L`_:_ _.__--1. _,.. \l.-- ! the and evi- \\llll LVLI. llI.l\.| AVlIBa L'l\1I VllI |JlIl|(Jln There is no` school here _this week. ow- ing to bereavement m the teacher s fam- ily. ' ' At the recent sixtieth anniversary of tho Alliston Presbyterian church, $600 was ask- ed to clear off remaining indebtedness and -$695 was received. Oct. 17.--Mis; I:3unice-1-\I_cMa.ster of Bill -l rie is spending a few da_._vs with her brother, Wilfred McMaster. T\,____,, \f.__ C`L-_..-..L -___I II_. / Both in attendance and exhibits Alliston Fair this year beat all its former records. -v ---9 .-- -uvv cu... uumnuu -- -- wuwvu _ V0-t;r_ used fumi ' Ire taken in evx-cl':ange. The past week has add- ed several new lines-of Oxfords. Among the late arrivals come the perfectly plain Oxford of ne lines and beau- t i f u l workmanship. _ These prove very pop- ular for Fall wear. Will take your old stove in exchange on any of these stoves. A Large .Assortmenf of Tan Calf Oxford, _(}oodyea1- welt, veryfsmart last, heavy walking sole, with medium i .i':"ce"e.T .`.i..TT..?`Z. .'f .s" $6.50 THE HUB BO0T SHOP ION All Gun Metal Calf Oxford, choice stock, medium sole, :22: $4.00 Gun Metal Oxford, on last, Brogue Zeffect, heavy _sole, at $l heel. Extra ...... .. ' Black Gun Metal Calf Oxford, inset with black patent lea- ther` around instep, on neat s;? ci ;li`*T fTT.`TT..7`.T .`j". .'. $4.50 FOR SALE at Reasonable Prices LATE ARRIVALS USED STOVESA For the School Girl Next to Cross1and Ts Drug Store - `Phone 415 For Service Very Neat 71 -LUT_; Very New ~.. I bVuu gir1 s good `LL 30 pair Misses Shoes in don- gola and gun metial leathers, 3`,`.13.f .?r... ..1....`.`?..:"" $2.45 20 pair Children's Kid and Calf Shoes, in button and lace 3`,..'..s. .....*f?f?.7 ....?.`T. $1.45 15 pair Women's Black Gun Metal Shoes, high "lace, with ;.`i3"4 ...s.i.?.`?.5..$3.45 18 pair Women's Shoes, button and lace, some cloth tops, all very best makes, regular up ?f33 %;f?f? $1-95 25 pair Youths Shoes, smooth" and grain leather, heavy slugged soles, solid leather insole, will stand the hardest `1`i1"?;'e.f3"..`?.`T.`ii..S..i..T .'` $2.45 A TASTE THE RICHNESS OF %BRYSON S ICE CREAM TODAY SUM Page Five uuss, lHUl5C\3l.lUlI, Gllkl IIKIIUUIJIIIE U1 El I-IUllCI The use of medicines for constipation is harmful. Pure warm water, applied with . the J. B. L. Cascade, is the natural meth- od. It cleansw and puries the intestinal tract, removes the poisonous waste which accumulates there andvelirninates danger of hardening of the arteries by striking at the root of 95% of human ailments. ' The J. B. L. Cascade is shown and ex- plained at Wm.- Crosland s Drug Store. Ask for free booklet, The What. The Why, The Way of Internal Bathing," or write direct to Tyrrll's Hygienic Institute, 163 College` St.. Toronto, Ont. &.`&.VV II -----uj The quarterly services of the Free Mrrfh dis: church will he held Oct. 20 to 22 in _ mlusive. Friday and Saturday evening ser- vices at 7.45, Sunday morning at 10.45, 7.-.! . . . . . .1..- at '7 n'n`nnlr vices at l.`ii), Dunuuy nu rand evexung at 7 o'clock. ngs, 1001 {HIS ted '3 U) RCCPIIIE DIIU Bylclll WUII IUEI-lll1lIUlIo Constipation must not be permitted to exert its harmful effects (it-"is the cause of autodntoxication -- self-poisoning --ehead- aches. biliousness, lack of energy, sleepless- neas, indigestion, and hardening of arteries) in nan A` n\n1`:n:nnn `AIV nnnnf:r\nf:An :5 OVERSEAS VETERANS % MUST GUARD AGAINST % HARDENING ARTERIES Thousands of Canjadi-an overseas vet-er: nus have not given sufficient thought to their health since returning. Physicians} recognized that these brave men lived zhrough more emotions during the war than most people encounter in a lifetime. Some lived fteen year: in three. four. or five. Doctors advised veterans to li_ve e.autimxsly. V V 1171.21- L.__..l....:..... -4 A... ....t....:.-... 0.-....u..`-In '3'-l1U[l|)ll5l_V. While hardening of the arteries [formerly developed after the fortieth birthday,_the war upset this rule, for the reasons given. Veterans, must keep fit. Blood pressure is regulated by the state of the arteries, and the best means of reducing blood pressure and preventing hardening of the arteries is by keeping the system well regulated. ('nnuHnuHnn Inna} nnf kn. nnrvniffntl in Reading the advts. is tings well spent. an rvnnhu av-c-an-1: -------. . and HEAD NOISES. Sim |y':iB it in back of the can an insert 8- _-..A._.2I- Thursday, October '19, 1922. II III UUCI II in nostrils. IIARI u_uI ngvwil II MAM: IN CANADA ' L. H. B dfrgto & Co. Salesmzenta e l. n T9: izes pair ther` ast- pair ere rr no1e-s-RE1 .1EvE `DEA!-`NEAA ss ` lyrub [ 4` 3-. K-`lo A` `h A-- 1 Wm. Crossland, G. and all good For sale in Barrie by Geo. Monkman,` DON'T no mus: Use A COMING SOON: A Bringing Up Father on His Vacation at popular prices LII llll(lIlI. \JlJIy IIIEILILIIII LISATRICE JOY - CONVRAD` NAGL -- EDITH ROSBERTS - JACK Mowmi THEODORAI-A2 RO_BERTS _--g_ _JOl-_lN DAVIDSON ` , . . . love! All the gorgeous color that glows MOVCT and 1.3-1.bI`J'Cc 1 Scout fmm W A_ _ through every picture made by Cecil B. Puunount Pxcture-`Saturday A 1 Pgoduction De Millel All of th'L%--and more! N0 BETTE]; _l_ _lC1'_l_JREVER _S:lO\_b'/N _}-'l`E;RE AA}; DOUBLl:`._ THE PRICE Saturday Night I`\I LILII ll-ll` r J`.-or -Iv ---- -w--7 v -----u --n it-73...; --.3 . .`-`,5. A 'lT;vo:I:l'our Show at the_ Us-tial-i"rices: `25 and 15 cents. First Show Evenings at 7.15. . Matix1ee`Saturday at 2.30.- avy at p_air Cecil B. DeMille s EAR"5iL; CROW" *1.-`-., FRIDAY AND SATURDAY --OCTOBER% 20 AND 21 umnneus 111 name, muuuuy cvvmug. John Bear returned home from Mani: toba last week. - Y.\..-.I 7..-..- f'1-`Ann: nah! 1 "M0. tons xasc ween. Fred Lucas, Gilmour Reive, J. E. Hodg- son and Walter Allan took in the lacrosse matchbetween Mimioo and Orangeville at Orangeville last week. ' n... vrml.-... mlm la ill, Vi; nnt recovering as qmcnuy as mu Inumus wvulu vueu. ' Will Tate and family of Toronto` spent Sunday with friends here. . nesaay In Durnv. Sam. Todd is attending the meeting of the Ontario Curling Associationin Toronto thb week. " ' ' A number from here went to hear the Dmnbells in Barrie, Monday evening. '.1._ `D--- -A`IIDIInA Hanna `I-own Urungcvun: may Wcun. Dan Taylor, who is ill.ris not recovering quickly as his friends would wish. mu Tao. and fmnilv of Toronto` snenh A Incas `sitter of onto St. Grove UH {nutty UI DHDUIUGJ UI IJLII5 WUUl\o - The annual meeting of the Union Sun-I day` Schools of t.he,Methodist and Presby-i terian churches was held on Tuesday even- ing in the Presbyterian church.` Officers elected were: upt.,' Frank Beatty; Asst. Supt., F. Tebo; Secy.-'I`reas., Miss J. Allan; Supt. Missionary Dept., Miss E. McCul- lough; Supt. Cradle Roll, Miss Smith; Teachers: Bible Class, Mrs. B. T. Bateman; Asst, Miss E. _McCullough; Sr. Girls, Mrs. C. P. McLennan; Sr. Boys, S. Modeland; Jr. Girls, Mrs. F. Tebo; Jr. Boys, Mrs. A. Canning; Primary, Mrs. W. Chapin; Or- ganist, Miss A. Jack; Asst., Miss M. James. For the winter months the Sunday School will meet in the Methodist. church. start-H _._._ l\_A ll VVIIK IIIITII LA] I ing Oct. 29. Oct. 17;-Mrs. Thos. -Allan spent Wed- nesday in Barrie. 3...... "AAA In nnnmlino tho mnnnnr nf Oct. l8.--James Sloan o-f Toronto spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. Sheldon, on his way to visit his nephew, Elwood Sheldon, at Larder Lake. - \l.- .....l NI.-0 l`l\n.\.. mu-".4 nu; -8` I....L E _VlBIlICll IIIUHUB gl LUIVIII/U IILIIB WC!!!`- Mrs. Jas, Willson spent last week with [her sister in Toronto. V Ill... (1 l'\-.._- __._..L LL- ____-I_ -__I 2.. IIUI Kl Ill LUlUlll'Uo M135 0. Douse spent the week-end in Toronto. A______ ____L:_.; A- 1Ul Ul..|bUo -Anyone wishing to donate goodclothing to the re-sufferers of New Ontario will please leave parcel at G.T.R. freight sheds on Friday or Saturday of this week. "|"hn nnnllnl monfina AF fhn TYninn .qnn_I With a Brilliant Casi including LIL A 2 Q! A AZ! fjhjiu 1321 C'l'CIlIUII, ill JJUIKICI 143550 [ Mrpand Mrs. Chapin spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. T. Reid, Powassam} Mrs. Rby Jack is visiting Mrs. Frank Dale at Kitchener. I 11:-.. 11...... ll..n._..1l'_ _.2..ZL...l 1.. `l`h..-_l-._.l` l LJCIIU `ll JXlLDllUlIUI- ; Miss Dora Metcalfe, visited in Bradford his week with her grandmother, Mx`s.'Met- calfe. |1__ n__,____,,,_ __,,___,____:_,l L_,' L_,.| he Print- tee sub- oposition il by the C lllfu Mrs. Bowman, accompanied by her! `daughter, Mrs. J. Reid, left [on Saturday for] her home at Atherley. MI` nl\l\ I\: R00 `Infill uaunIcI_u7u vu auulutsl uuuwu. ` I Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson and son, who` spent the summer months here, left on Saturday for their home in Toronto. The Methodist anniversary services will be held on Sunday, Oct. 22, at 11 a.m._ and 7 pm. (I Drxklyfnrinvu W :`cs IIAlIII`nII uuu I pullln. The Presbyterian W.M.S. held its regular monthly meeting at the residence of Mrs. Toni Stevenson Tuesday afternoon. T. Sawyer spent the week-end in the city. Miss Ida Smith has returned from a visit with her `brother, Cyrus Smith, Bethesda. Mrs. Wm. -Jack and`Miss Muriel Jack _vi.sited friends in Toronto this week. II..- `I -_ `ITXII _ _ _ _ _ _ __L I_-L __._ _I_ ___2;L &%%$&&%&*%$$%$%&$&&&&&%**& :: NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS E +%%$&$+$$%$$%%&%$***%$$%%$ @Wmmhj` -FWK ; . n-. no _._'LI 1\. ` IICJ IIUIIIU cw fllllcllcyu i Mr. Hope of the`Stex-ling Bank has been i transferred to another branch. ` - ! u- ...__1 11.. In urn--- .__.I _-_. ___1_-l 7?o}3717y'7jzE1ie `M'aEI3f1-,'rs<-) 1{ - PRODUCTION `.3."_'_`C"!!.1-'- COMING; Stuart-Whyte s Prince Charming ' Also Wagenhal & Kempal's The Bat V with original cast SEE Coney Island's hosts at play and the acciclentitihat shocked society! See the A- fashion world's pleasure and romance, the underworl'd's stark realities! ubmitted ' ter and mended M ric light (1 Dalton SEE a mammoth entertainment that gi'es .a new meaning to Saturday Night! SEE Miss Joy and Mr. Mower attempt to cross a railroad trestle in an automobile. . only to be trappedmidway across by an alpguroachingr electric train, In their frantic efforts to escape they rush for the distant end of the trestle. Realizing that this is- impossible, Mower has to force Miss Joy` to clamber over the edge of the trestle with him, where `the pair hang suspended while the train rushes above them, scrapping the automobile. ALL THE CRASH and tingle of the most vivid melodrama! All the poignant heart.-tug of life s supreme adventure of gorgeous picture made SEE the -breath-stopping rescue over the side of the railroad bridge! See the ter- rible tenement re! See the sensational `bathing dance of New York s Hallow-. `e en revellers! nuuuuuuuu Aux` um uruuge R811. The W.M.S. are making a bale to send `to the fire-stricken people of the North country. All donations will be thank- fully received. 'I"lu. . A - . n n n . . ..l.. L...... .1..- ..----~ AL- 1 tuna, ID uupxuvulg muwly. Mrs. Fred Robson and little daughter Thelma` visited Mrs. Robson s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKnight, Sr., for the week- end. . in, n n -. n a nun ICVCIVCUI The young people here who gave the play entitled The Village Doctor last winter had a fowl supper at the home of W. I. Edgar one evening last week. Potato digging is the order of the day. There are many complaints of rot. Mr and Min taaun Ynnnnf DUI!` oAv\ `fan, | K ll\Ao . I Mia; Grace Switzer of Angusspent over Sunday with friends here. I m.....`...., u..,1.. :- a........ ....._._.:,._ .u._ ILAICIV au: HIGH UUulp|dllb UI IUD. `-Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jennett and son Ver- non of Thornton visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.-Denney, Jr., on Sunday. A0ct. l7.---Mr. and Mrs. Berry and tech Austin and Miss Louie Berry of Toronto motored. to Baxter and spent the week-end with friends here; A nr n 13.1! ___1_- 1.-- u_,., ,s.- .- vvu.-u ulcuua .uClL7.' W. C. Bell, who has been ailing for some time, is improving slowly. Mru `TI-1:1` Dmkann n-1:` I-bl . .-Inn...LL.... ~.'uuua_v vuuu uAcuws_ 116117. Charies Hyde is `busy cementmg the foundation for the Orange Hall. I TED urn n1u1r:nn n knln in nan.` Buy advertised ' things. . Brown & % Co. If you_ have been looking for a good our to make ne, aky bread, try Five Crowns. _ It` is a pure, hard wheat our,,made by the Cope- land Milling Company of Midland, in the most up- to-date mill in Ontario. We have a small quantity of this our on hand as a sample; at the following prices :-;-a 24 s .. .. .. $1.10 49 s .. .. .. $2.15 98 s .. .. .. $4.25" Phone No. 42 y and your orders for Flour, Feed, Groceries, Hay and Straw will have prompt attention Five Crowns " F lour THE BARRXE EXAMINER }>_z<;x<>x<>x<>x<>x>z<>x< >x<>x<&>x x<! A! Hnry Reed. made a trip to Orillia on` I _Tuesday. _ ` 1 5 --~Rankin s wash-5 iing machines. ' Mrs. Boyle lher daughter, ' Miss Langman of the school st-at?" spenti over Sunday 3* herlhome in Orillia. . Dav T19 Wl\:Onlrnr offnnrlnrl 9`-An D.-all cement est side the pre- oss and . a length 'lVI...6- LIIJD. VV LII. \JAUL3U nucuucu KJVIIUIIILICI6 ran. Miss McLella.n and Miss Burrows attend- ed the public school teachers` convention at Alliston last week.. :, _.L._l 2- _...._ _.....2_ .....I Q..- I-all Dlulfl, l LIUIIIC JUI II IVW G19: A bale valued at over 890, containing 11 quilts, pair pillows, sheets, shoes and other wearing apparel, was shipped to Nor- thern Ontario last week to the fire suffer era. The ladies in charge are very grateful to all who helped in any ay. I`.-punt Aouulnll has nah"-and Hnrnn nfhnv 55$ ; 2Zn3T`3'-u3i"3;iie Helping Hand Club held their annual meeting at the home of Misses Phemie and Agnes Lyall on Sat- -A any ; mwaamwwmmwwwmw UB0. 1'. .l.l.lUlHpUl.I, uacpxucvupnuvu T ' I 3| IIIUBDUII JIISII WCCl\o. The public school '3 open again and Sun- day school will be open on Sunday. mac `D3111-.11:-1-In AC nnnlrofhmvn ennui" {Jan Vllllllg Ill IUFUUIU RSIIU. LVlKIsl1Id X5115. Alex. Muir attended the East Simcoe Re- ligious Education Council, which met in Coldwater on Friday. ` nun A Danni-.. anzl kokiv A` norn I-:a- WUIQWUKCI UI.I Hllllyo ' Mrs. A. Beasley and baby of Barrie vis- ited at her home here this week. 111.. u-I.._ 9...... ...L.. L..- L....... 4......I.:.... IDUC ED ner 1101110 1.1611? W115 W605- Misa Helen Ross, who has been teaching `in Blairton, is home for a few days. A Ln'n qynlnnrl nf A-nvnv `On an-n\Qa:n:nn unnsy. . , ' -. The Women's Institute meets at Mrs. Robt. Hall`: on Thursday afternoon. ` ""Sa}."EeoI _6}J~I_o{ fv1sI;'x}'{'1Lst'- week with her brother, Geo. 0._ Nevills. Miss Clara Kell of Toronto spent over Sunday with her mother, Mrs. ,Jno.